marketing to geny moms

Post on 19-Sep-2014






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updated Fall 2010


How to Click with Millennial Moms social and mobile digital strategies


image: tienvijftien

the new demographics of motherhood

68% 79% all births first birthsGenY

image: Susan NYC

Millennialsborn after 1980

image: lenifuzhead

primacy digitalGenY

web first.

image: TL Davis Photography

moms connectedthe most active social networkers


Source: Retail Advertising and Marketing Association/BIGresearch Survey 2009

image: liquene

what do millennials and moms do on ? part one.

castingliferesearch, review, share.

image: bellissimac


sharingimageprivacy concerns

Source: ShesConnected Multimedia Survey 2009

image: hands trends


gamingsocialaverage player is 30-something female


in-game cause marketing raised $1M1week

4.statversationsconversations via status updates


shopping5.socialFacebook Open Graph


image: brittney bush

GenY traits relevant to marketers targeting millennial moms

image: Ed Yourdon

part two.

raise satisfaction index

make the ask GenYare avid communicators, with opinions to share.

image: Alireza Teimoury

the questions

hire interns and bloggers. pay them. promote them.

outsourcemarketing to millennial moms? hire your target demo.

image: Chapendra

surveys & polls. social by design. iPad ready.

engagement1clickGenX more apt to write reviews & commentsvs. GenY who like to "like" (microengagment)

Source: The Parenting Group & NewMediaMetrics Survey 2008


e: ^




minded causesocially consciousGenY

image alexindigo

95% 94% moms millennials


Source: Cone Cause Evolution Study 2010

image: justingaynor

of using social network platforms for social good

speaks loudest to Millennials and Moms“ “cause marketing

image: FotoRita

social good footprinta form of self-expression

image: Jason A. Samfield

identity beyond mummyhood

ambitious + educated + future-focused + mompreneurialimage: greekadman

social media for social good meets women's expectations for content reflecting their

a site that really "gets it" value-added content for

millennial moms incl. beyond mummyhood

mini case study

mobile techGenY♥

image: Evil Erin

Source: BabyCenterLLC Survey 2009

348% 2006-2009mobile moms

image: jaygrandin

is your site mobile optimized?

image: owaief89

short code texting promo

image: Phil Strahl

mini case study

24% redemption rate

best part? everybody winsimage:

prize pyramid from coupons to free stuffGenY likes to be recognized & rewarded


smartphones36% Source: BabyCenter 21stC Mom Report

Image: lankforddi

value-added branded app for busy women on-the-go

momsneed budget calculatorscould your business sponsor a white label app?

white label app ideas


time trackers

white label app ideas


generation gamerGenY

Image: Steve Kay

Source: Entertainment Software Association Survey 2010

of parents are gamers & play with their kids50%

Image: sean dreilinger

40% iPhone moms download games for their children

Image: Paul Mayne

branded game from Parents Magazine

iPad as digital pacifier

microboredom, mobility & the iGenerationimage: Holtsman

multitaskers multichannelGenY

image: foreverdigital

simultaneous media users#1

Source: Nielsen Media 3-Screen Report 2010

women 25-35 years


fast loading, easily findable, mobile optimized, & 1-click shareable

purpose built for moms with micromoments to spare

image: Pixzamillion

mobile ready.

infographicsmobile, agile, shareable

agilitymobilequick response codes

image: clevercupcakes

what to code?URLsphone #sSMSwhere to put?biz cardFB pageinvoice free QR code generator

free QR code reader app

to scan a QR code, use BlackBerry Messenger 5.0 "scan a group barcode" or try the i-nigma app for Android/iPhone

for more information on marketing to GenY momsscan this QR code to read this ePaper

about the authorSidneyeve MatrixQueen’s National Scholar, MediaQueen’s University, Canadasidneyevematrix.comtwitter:

Contents of this presentation, including images, have Creative Commons Attribution----Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Licenses. (cc) 2010/sidneyevematrix

Research prepared for:

image: Jason L. Parks

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