media ethics

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Shoriful IslamID NO: 151-24-457

Department of Journalism & Mass CommunicationDaffodil International University

Media ethics in Bangladesh

Presentation Topic:

What is Ethics?The word “ethics’’ refers to the application of moral principals in the way that we conduct our individual or group behavior.

Ethics in journalism are based on professional conduct, morality and the truth. Professionally, betraying media ethics could result in a journalism career being destroyed.

1• Respect Human


• Accept Responsibility

3 • Objectivity

Ethics in Journalism

Society of professional Journalism code of ethics has 3 main tenants.

Respect Human Rights

Respect the privacy of those dealing with tragedy & avoid providing potentially harmful information.

Journalist encourage to illustrate the diversity of human experiences and views, no matter how unpopular they may be.

Accept Responsibility

If you’ve realized you’ve made mistakes accurately presenting to the truth, accept responsibility and supply the corrections to the public via your media source.

Invite the public to ask questions clarification on the stories you’ve covered and with the media at large..

Activities of many reporters covering the Rana Plaza tragedy forces media observers to use the word “inhumanity”.

Professionally journalists are supposed to strive for collecting information. However, that does not mean being inhuman, media observers pointed out. They added that while live telecast from the site of the Savar tragedy has kept viewers updated about the rescue operation in real time. .

One of the trapped, a woman, could only respond with a plea to be rescued. “Save me first. Please brother save me first.” The reporter’s actions have brought under question the ethics of the profession. Critics have claimed that his actions cannot be let off citing professionalism; it was inhuman.

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