nano technology

Post on 04-Dec-2014






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NANO TECHNOLOGYsmall is big..

CONTENTS:IntroductionWhat is nanotechnology?ApproachesSteps to produce nanomaterialsApplicationsAdvantagesConclusion

Introduction:It’s the development and practical applications on a nanometric scaleEngineering of tiny machinesGreek prefix ”nano” means a billionth100 nanometers is the limit to observe new properties of matter

What Is NanotechnologyNanotechnology is the engineering of tiny machines—the projected ability to make things from the bottom up, using techniques and tools being developed today to place every atom and molecule in a desired place. Shortly after this envisioned molecular machinery is created, it will result in a manufacturing revolution, probably causing severe disruption. It also has serious economic, social, environmental, and military implications.

The principles of physics do not limit our ability to manipulate things atom by atom. It is not an attempt to violate any laws; it is something, in principle, that can be done; but in practice, it has not been done because we are too big.

--Richard Feynman

Approaches:In building any nanomaterials; the available approaches i.e. methods are



Top-downThe structure varies gradually from large (top) to small(small)By Feynman in 1959The problem: repairs which arise in miniature structures at bottom can’t be repaired by large ones at top


Structure varies gradually from bottom(small) to top(large)Considered the one and only “true” nanotechnologyLimits of miniaturization are resolvedHighly useful in electronics

Three primary steps to produce nanomaterials1. Ability to manipulate individual atoms2. Development of nanoscopic

machines(assemblers)3. Replicators are to be programmed

Steps to produce NANOMATERIALS

Applications of Nano technology

APPLICATIONS:Strong fibers:Basic item to produce is strong fibreLater on replications can be made of diamonds, water and even foodFamines can be then successfully eradicated

Atomic plants:Hands” for handling radioactive substances Various functions inside the inner parts of reactors


–Nano Transistors

–Nano Diodes

–OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode)

Electronics(contd.)Plasma DisplaysQuantum ComputersComputers:Moores law states that the density of the transistors on a silicon chip is raising exponentially ( doubling )for every 18 months. If this trend continues the size of the transistor would reach its saturation level ( atomic level )by 2020. Thus, in the computer industry, the ability to shrink the size of transistors on silicon microprocessors will soon reach its limits. Nanotechnology will be needed to create a new generation of computer components which makes sure that the size of the transistor will be much much less than that of the present day ones. Molecular computers could contain storage devices capable of storing trillions of bytes of information in a structure the size of a sugar cube.



–Fuel Cells

–Solar Cells


–Nano Tubes

–Aero gel

–Nano Particles

Life Sciences:

Medicine:Nan robotic fluids to attack and reconstruct cancer cellsLife expectancy could increase significantlyDelicate surgeries can be done more preciselyCosmetic surgeriesSpeculation: aging process can slowed down/reversed

Space working:

Machines with very low mass, volume and power consumption Reconfigurable, autonomous and “thinking” spacecrafts

Ultra new and ultra small constructions and probes

ADVANTAGES:Size of substances can be substantially reduced

Efficiency can be greatly improved

Production will be easy and fast

Precise substances can be produced

Strength and density factors can be improved

MaterialWith NT, we can create unique materials and

products which are:

• Stronger

• Lighter

• Durable

• Precise

Industrial• Computers can become a billion times faster

and a million times smaller• Automatic Pollution Cleanup

Medical• End of Illnesses (i.e. cancer,

heart disease)•Universal Immunity (i.e. aids, flu)• Body Sculpting (i.e. change

your appearance)

Bullet Proof Jackets:

Disadvantages :• Loss of jobs (in manufacturing, farming,


• Carbon Nanotubes could cause infection of lungs

• Atomic weapons could be more accessible and destructive


• Nanotechnology with all its challenges and opportunities will become a part of our future.

• The researchers are optimistic for the products based upon this technology.

• Nanotechnology is slowly but steadily ushering in the new industrial revolution.

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