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7th Sunday — Ordinary Time February 22 & 23, 2014

Our Parish Mission: We, the faith community of Blessed

Sacrament Parish, seek to help those whom God has placed

in our lives to experience the presence of our Lord Jesus

Christ. As Jesus' disciples, with the grace of the Holy

Spirit, we strive to become living gospels of life through

our daily loving choices to serve God, one another, our

parish and our community.

2049 Scarth Street

Regina, Saskatchewan

S4P 2H5

Phone (306) 522-7422

Fax (306) 359-1811

E-mail: blessed.sacrament@sasktel.net


Jesus & The Beloved Disciple

at The Last Supper

Sunday Liturgy

Saturdays: 5:10 p.m.

Sundays: 10:00 a.m.

Eucharistic Adoration: 1 hr. prior to Mass

Reconciliation: Until 20 min. before Mass

Weekday Liturgy

Monday to Saturday: 12:05 p.m.

Eucharistic Adoration: 11:00 a.m.

Reconciliation: 11:30-11:55 a.m.

Office Hours

Tuesday to Friday:

8:00 a.m.— 11:30 a.m.

1:30 p.m.— 4:00 p.m.

Parish Staff

Pastor: Rev. Barry J. Anwender

Business Manager: John Hoffman

Music Director: Vacant

Building/Grounds: Jerry Spooner

Janitor/Maintenance: Doug Felske

Janitor: Marlene Felske

7th Sunday — Ordinary Time February 22 & 23, 2014

Music Director Position: Betty Draper has formally notified Blessed Sacrament that she is retir ing as

music director. Interested candidates who apply for this position need to be Roman Catholic and should be an

experienced organist or soloist familiar with the Mass and its music ministry. The candidate needs to be a

person of prayer who also collaborates with strong interpersonal skills. This is a paid position and requires the

successful candidate to comply with all of the Archdiocese of Regina’s Protocols for Responsible Parish

Ministry. Please submit your resume on or before Friday, February 28, 2014 with references including

character, employment, and parish priest to: Rev. Barry J. Anwender, Pastor Blessed Sacrament Parish, 2049

Scarth Street, Regina, SK. S4P 2H5 or Email: frbarry@sasktel.net

Theme: In today's Gospel r eading, Jesus asks of his disciples and of us to " Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven. Perhaps Matthew’s Gospel challenges us to reflect on how we hear God's call. Do we hear God's words as consoling, hopeful and eminently possible? The Gospel really is good news.

Saturday, February 22: 5:10 pm

Altar Servers: Justin Cooney, Ross & Todd Pilon Lectors: Marvella Lovely, Sr. Helen

Eucharistic Ministers: Mody Escanlar, Brian Norton

Hospitality: Pearl Harvey, Jeanne Bononneville

Bell Ringers: Gordon Pilon & Family

Sunday, February 23: 10:00 am

Altar Servers: Joshua & Thomas Rovasco Alvan DeVera, Renez Dimaano Lectors Richard Alejandria, Joseph Alejandria

Eucharistic Ministers: Terry Abadiano, Melchor Andes

Hospitality: Allan Ngui, Art Vanderzalm

Bell Ringers: Rodrigo Chiu, Sonny De Paz, Aris Siapno

Weekday Mass Intentions Celebrated at 12:05 p.m.

Monday, February 24: Repose of all souls,

Requested by Thuy

Tuesday, February 25: Alexander Hazenfiel — repose of the soul,

Requested by Mavrizo Escercitato

Wednesday, February 26: Jean Kuc — repose of the soul,

Requested by Dwayne Evenson

Thursday, February 27: Mass in Thanksgiving,

Requested by Eric & Evelyn Cabigon

Friday, February 28: Jose Ongsu — repose of the soul,

Requested by Ongsu Family

Saturday, March 1: Anita Ellis — repose of the soul,

Requested by Philip & Bernice Ambrosi

Weekend Mass Intentions Celebrated at 5:10 p.m.

Saturday, March 1: Gladys, William, & Carmel Cook — repose of the souls,

Requested by Penny

STEWARDSHIP A DISCIPLE'S RESPONSE A Pastoral Letter on Stewardship—10th Anniversary Edition

(Part 2—this reflection will be updated every second week)


Jesus’ invitation to follow him is addressed to people of every time and condition. Here and now it is addressed to us—Catholic citizens of a wealthy, powerful nation facing many questions about its identity and role in the waning years of a troubled century, members of a community of faith blessed with many human and material resources yet often uncertain about how to sustain and use them.

As bishops, we wish to present a vision that suits the needs and problems of the Church in our country today and speaks to those who practice Christian stewardship in their particular circumstances. What we say here is directed to ourselves as much as to you who read these words. As bishops, we recognize our obligation to be models of stewardship in all aspects of our lives. We must be stewards in our prayer and worship, in how we fulfill our pastoral duties, in our custody of the Church’s doctrine, spiritual resources, personnel, and funds, in our lifestyle and use of time, and even in such matters as the attention we give to personal health and recreation.

As we ask you to respond to the challenge of stewardship, we pray that we also will be open to the grace to respond. We pray that the Holy Spirit, whose gracious action conforms us to Jesus Christ and to the Church, will enlighten us all and help us to renew our commitment as the Lord’s disciples and as stewards of his bountiful gifts.

I. The Call Stewardship is part of discipleship. But Christian discipleship begins with vocation, the call to follow Jesus and imitate his way of life. This pastoral letter therefore begins with vocation. Then it presents a very general overview of stewardship, considered in the context of discipleship, noting that people first of all are stewards of the personal vocations they receive from God. Discipleship and the practice of stewardship constitute a way of life that is both privileged and challenging.

II. Jesus’ Way Next, the pastoral letter focuses more closely on the idea of stewardship, relying on the teaching and life of Jesus to probe its meaning. It considers the implications for disciples of Jesus engaged in stewardship. One of these is that all are called to evangelize, to share the Good News with others. And what is the reward to which good stewards can look forward? The answer is perfect fulfillment in God’s Kingdom—a kingdom already present, real but imperfect, in this world, which Jesus’ disciples help bring to its full reality by the practice of stewardship. “As each one of has received a gift, used to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied

grace (1Peter 4:10).”

Financial Update: Feb 15– 16 Jan 1 – Dec 31

Collection Target Over (Short) Over (Short)

Feb 15– 16 Feb 15– 16 from Target from Target

Regular Sunday Collection $ 1,775.75 $ na na $ na

Thank you for your donation!

Collection Targets will be set as soon as the 2014 budget is approved by our parish finance council at the end of February.

Recycle Your Old Palms: If you have blessed palms in your home, please bring them to church, so that they

can be burnt to make ashes for the upcoming Ash Wednesday Mass. Palm recycle bins are located at each

entrance of the Church.

Ash Wednesday March 5th: Please note, there are two (2) Ash Wednesday Masses, 12:05pm & 7:00pm.

The Sask Power parking lot is available to the public for free parking on weekdays after 6:00 p.m..


Existing Required

Sunday Ministers

Existing Required

Eucharistic Minister (Bread only) 3 15 1 15

Lector/Commentator 5 10 6 10

Altar Server (Boys & Girls) 4 15 4 15

Sacristan (setup/cleanup altar) 1 10 1 10

Usher (Take up collection) 2 16 3 16

Hospitality (Greeter) 6 16 3 16

Adoration & Prayer 3 5 2 5

Collection Counter (after Mass) na na 3 12


Communion to Shut-ins 0 8

Prayer Group from your home ??? 12

Social Justice (project based) 0 5

Communications (project based) 0 2

Church Décor (seasonal projects) 0 4


FAMILY NAME___________________________________________________________________

Surname First name(s)

ADDRESS____________________________________________ POSTAL CODE_____________

TELEPHONE (H)___________________(W) ___________________ (C)_____________________


If you also have skills and talents you could occasionally share as a volunteer, please list: eg. desktop

publishing, graphic arts, photography, newsletter, teaching children, folding bulletins, phoning, sewing,

Altar linen laundry… please let us know using this form.

Training—Support—Guidance will be provided to help you feel comfortable.

Please print in the appropriate columns.

LITURGICAL & PASTORAL — VOLUNTEER MINISTRIES ALL VOLUNTEERS are required to complete the protocol process for responsible parish ministry.

Volunteer Ministry Position

Registered Parishioner Name or Children’s Names & Year of Birth

Preferred Mass or List of Talents for Projects

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