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    Arvo Pärt

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Arvo Pärt in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, 200

    Arvo Pärt !"stonian pronunciation# $ rvo p%rt&ˈɑ ˈ ' born (( )eptember (*+- is an "stonian composer of classical and sacred music.$(& )ince the late (*/0s, Pärt has orked in a minimalist style thatemploys his self1invented compositional techniue, tintinnabuli. 3is music is in part inspired by4re5orian chant. As of 20(+, Pärt had been the most performed contemporary composer in theorld for three years in a ro.$2&


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    • Further readin5

    • * "s middle re5ister as dama5ed.$+& 3is first serious study came in (*8 at the?allinn 7usic 7iddle )chool, but less than a year later he temporarily abandoned it to fulfillmilitary service, playin5 oboe and percussion in the army band. While at the ?allinnConservatory, he studied composition ith 3eino "ller . As a student, he produced music for filmand the sta5e. Durin5 the (*0s, he also completed his first vocal composition, the cantata  Meieaed  !>@ur 4arden>- for children>s choir and orchestra. 3e 5raduated in (*:+. From (*/ to (*:/,he orked as a sound producer for "stonian radio.

    Althou5h criticied by ?ikhon Bhrennikov in (*:2, for employin5 serialism in Nekrolog  !(*:0-, because of his susceptibility to forei5n influences, nine months later he on First Prie in acompetition of (,200 orks, aarded by the all1Union Society of Composers, indicatin5 theinability of the )oviet re5ime to a5ree consistently on hat as permissible.$8& 9n the (*/0s, hestudied medieval and ;enaissance music rather than to focus on his on music. About this sametime, he converted from 6utheranism to the ;ussian @rthodo

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    compositions. While studyin5 composition ith 3eino "ller  at the ?allinn Conservatory in (*/,$/& it as said of him that he Gust seemed to shake his sleeves and the notes ould fall out. $(+&

    9n this period of "stonian history, Pärt as unable to encounter many musical influences fromoutside the )oviet Hnion es transitional ?hird)ymphony !(*/(-' thereafter he immersed himself in early music, reinvesti5atin5 the roots ofWestern music. 3e studied plainson5, 4re5orian chant and the emer5ence of polyphony in the"uropean ;enaissance.

    ?he music that be5an to emer5e after this period as radically different. ?his period of necompositions included Fratres, Cantus In Memoriam Benjamin Britten and Tabula Rasa.$/& Pärtdescribes the music of this period as tintinnabuli Jlike the rin5in5 of bells. Spiegel im Spiegel  !(*/- is a ell1knon e

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    do not chan5e tempo. Another characteristic of Pärt>s later orks is that they are freuentlysettin5s for sacred tes compositions for "C7 ;ecords startin5 in (*8.

    9nvited by Walter Fink , Pärt as the (th composer featured in the annual Bomponistenporträt of the ;hein5au 7usik Festival in 200 in four concerts. Chamber music included F&r 'lina for piano, played by himself, Spiegel im Spiegel  and #salom for strin5 uartet. ?he chamber

    orchestra of the Eavarian ;adio )ymphony @rchestra  played his Trisagion, Fratres and Cantus alon5 ith orks of =.). Each. ?he Windsbach Eoys Choir  and soloists )ibylla ;ubens, 9n5ebor5Dan, 7arkus )chäfer  and Blaus 7ertens  performed Magnificat  and Collage &ber B('(C()  to5ether ith to cantatas of Each and one of  7endelssohn. ?he 3illiard "nsemble, or5anistChristopher Eoers1Eroadbent, the ;ostock 7otet Choir  and the 3illiard instrumental ensemble,conducted by 7arkus =ohannes 6an5er , performed a pro5ram of Pärt>s or5an music and orksfor voices !some a cappella-, includin5 #ari Inter*allo, $e profundis, and Miserere.

    A ne composition, F&r %ennart , ritten for the memory of the "stonian President, 6ennart7eri, as played at 7eri>s funeral service on 2 April 200:.

    9n response to the murder of the ;ussian investi5ative Gournalist Anna Politkovskaya in 7oscoon / @ctober 200:, Pärt declared that all of his orks performed in 200: and 200/ ould be inhonour of her death, issuin5 the folloin5 statement# Anna Politkovskaya staked her entiretalent, ener5y andJin the endJeven her life on savin5 people ho had become victims of theabuses prevailin5 in ;ussia.$(:&


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    Arvo Pärt and Iora Pärt in 20(2

    Pärt as honoured as the featured composer of the 200 ;?K 6ivin5 7usic Festival$(/& in Dublin,9reland. 3e as also commissioned by 6outh Contemporary 7usic )ociety $(& to compose a nechoral ork based on )t. Patrick>s Ereastplate, hich premiered in 200 in 6outh, 9reland. ?hene ork is called T"e $eers Cry. ?his is his first 9rish commission, havin5 its debut inDro5heda and Dundalk  in February 200.

    Pärt>s 200 Symp"ony No + is named 6os An5eles and as dedicated to 7ikhailBhodorkovsky. 9t as Pärt>s first symphony ritten since his Symp"ony No , ritten in (*/(. 9t premiered in 6os An5eles, California, at the Walt Disney Concert 3all on (0 =anuary 200*,$(*& and has been nominated for a 4;A77L for Eest Classical Contemporary Composition.

    @n (0 December 20((, Pärt as appointed a member of the Pontifical Council for Culture for afive1year reneable term by Pope Eenedict M9.$20&

    @n 2: =anuary 20(8, Pärt>s 'dam-s %ament  on a 4rammy for Eest Choral Performance. $2(&


    7ain article# 6ist of compositions by Arvo Pärt


    • (**: N American Academy of Arts and 6etters Department of 7usic

    • (**: N 3onorary Doctor of 7usic, Hniversity of )ydney$22&


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    • (** N 3onorary Doctor of Arts, Hniversity of ?artu

    • 200+ N 3onorary Doctor of 7usic, Hniversity of Durham$2+&

    • 200: 1 @rder of the Iational Coat of Arms (st Class$28&

    • 200 N 6Oonie )onnin5 7usic Prie

    • 200 N Austrian Cross of 3onour for )cience and Art, First Class $2&

    • 200* N Forei5n 7ember, )erbian Academy of )ciences and Arts

    • 20(0 N 3onorary Doctor of 7usic, Hniversity of )t Andres$2:&

    • 20(( N Chevalier !Bni5ht- of  6O5ion d>honneur$2/&

    • 20(( N 7embership of the Pontifical Council for Culture$2&

    • 20(+ N Archon of the "cumenical Patriarchate$2*&

    • 20(8 N ;ecipient of the Praemium 9mperiale aard, =apan$+0&

    • 20(8 N 3onorary Doctor of )acred 7usic, )t. ladimir>s @rthodo< ?heolo5ical)eminary$+(&

    International centre?he 9nternational Arvo Pärt Centre is located in the "stonian villa5e of  6aulasmaa. ?he centreincludes a research institute, an education and music centre, a museum, a publishin5 facility, andan archive of Pärt>s orks.$+2&



      Arvo Part Ansers  ?he Eachtrack )tats 20(+  Arvo Pärt, )infini 7usic ebsite

    7isiunas, ;omuald =., ;ein ?aa5epera !(*+-.  ."renniko* 'r*o #/rt0pg1#'2345*1onepage061Tik"on ."renniko* 'r*o #/rt0f1false T"e Baltic States7

    8ears of $ependence7 29+4:29;4, Hniversity of California Press, 9)EI 0120108:210 Peter uinn. Arvo Pärt, classical(musiccom, the official ebsite of EEC 7usic

    7a5aine ;adio ## )W;2 1 )W;.de. s

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      Ie Lork City Eallet pro5ram notes in  #laybill7 =anuary 200.P. 3illier,  'r*o #/rt , (**/, p. ++.

    Arvo Pärt )pecial (# 3o )acred 7usic )cooped an 9ntervie. ;etrieved 2)eptember 20(8.

    P. Eohlman, T"e Music of =uropean Nationalism> Cultural Identity and Modern )istory,

     p. /. For e

  • 8/9/2019 avasdfasdf asdf asdf


    • 3illier , Paul. !(**/-. 'r*o #/rt . @s "volvin5 Tintinnabuli )tyle. #erspecti*es of Ne< Music 8*, no. ( !Winter-# (2N20:.

    • Pärt, Arvo !author- N Cro, ;obert !translator-. 'r*o #/rt in Con*ersation !DalkeyArchive Press, 20(2-. (2 pp.

    !"ternal links

    Wikiuote has uotations related to# Arvo Pärt 

    Wikimedia Commons has media related to Arvo Pärt .

    • Arvo Pärt bio5raphy and orks on the H" ebsite !publisher-

    • Arvo Pärt disco5raphy at Classical Iet

    • Arvo Pärt disco5raphy at 7usicErain

    • Arvo Pärt Conference at Eoston Hniversity

    • Complete listin5 of Arvo Pärt>s orks 1 9nternet edition compiled by @nno van ;iGen

    • Arvo Pärt N es Arvo Pärt archive N yet another e

  • 8/9/2019 avasdfasdf asdf asdf


    • )teve ;eich about Arvo Pärt, in an intervie ith ;ichard Williams, T"e ?uardian, 2=anuary 2008

    • )pike 7a5aine 9ntervie

    • 6ancin5 Colle5e Commission >@ri5inal> Claudio ;ecords ;ecordin5 in the presence ofthe composer N ;evieQ9nformation

    • 9nternational Arvo Pärt Centre N most up1to1date info and more







    Arvo Pärt






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    • ?his pa5e as last modified on / =anuary 20(, at 2(#2+.

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