because we are powerful, melissa zollo

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Because We Are


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Because We Are Powerful, Melissa ZolloThe opinions expressed in any articles in this publication are those of the individual authors and may not necessarily by shared by the

publishers of No Limits .

Any financial or health advice given in No Limits may not be right for your particular case and you should seek your own professionopinion before acting on said advice.

Copyright © — The publisher, authors and contributors reserve full copyright of their work as featured in No Limits magazine™.

No part of this publication may be copied or otherwise reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the

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No Limits  EXTRA

is published by No Limits For Me


Because We Are Powerful

 Your Feelings are Worth a Fortune

The Healing Power of Imagination

Successful Living, Imagination and the Law of Attraction!

Braving the Storm

The World Is A Wonderful Becoming!10 Magical Steps to Fulfilling Your Prosperity Dream

Are You Handcuffed to Effects?

!IMAGINATE! IMAGE FIRST!means to be changed or

transformed from within.

IMAGINATE! - Become an ambassador for creativethinking, creativity and imagination.

IMAGINE - Wipe out the mental slums created inpeople's minds. Provide an environmentwhere imagination can flow withoutrestriction. Dream. Create a story of good news, expansion and optimism.

IMAGE FIRST!- Conceive, envision, and form amental picture or a pattern of thoughtsand images in your mind of thefulfillment of your dream. Expect toexperience financial freedom.


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Because We Are Powerful

Many people are still skeptical about the Power of Imagination and theapplication of Universal Laws. If you are one of them, the following ideasmay not be for you. But if you have experienced things that aren't easilyexplained or have a sense that it is your spiritual birthright to be happy,healthy, well balanced, confident, wealthy and capable of expressing thefullness of life -- read on.

Over thirty years ago I was searching for a way out of my pain over theloss of my father and I found myself in LA. I was introduced to aremarkable woman who shared ideas with me that lifted me out of grief and sorrow. She explained to me that my consciousness and feelings arethe keys to a creative and wonderful life. She went on to say that I didn'thave to be enslaved to fear, anger or my environment because I was aspiritual being. Within me, were powers that if awakened would free mefrom "appearances and negative conditions." I sat in her home captivatedfor hours by the ideas she expressed

"What you are conscious of exists now as your reality!" It wasn't until I took an acting class that I put two and two together. Irealized that there is a relationship between my dominant thoughts,feelings, part I play with others and my personal experience. My personalworld was simply a mirror. It was reflecting the contents of my deeper mind back to me.


Later on it dawned on me. My success and happiness depended upon myimagination, vibration (emotional moods) and proper use of all of theUniversal Laws of Life. The idea that I had untapped powers, (a treasurehouse within me) inspired my heart and soul. I had found the key thatwould allow me to rise up out of my past and help me transcend myenvironment. My desire to grow and expand my awareness and Know Myself rooted in my subjective mind. I wanted to plant new ideas becauseI knew that in time they would emerge as a new result.

Do you ever wonder why the media feeds us crisis after crisis? I tooka moment and looked up the word crisis.

Cri·sis - Pronunciation: 'kr  ī -s&s

Etymology: Middle English, from Latin, from Greek krisis, literally,decision, from krinein to decide –

1 : the turning point for better or worse

2 : the decisive moment

3 : a crucial time in which a decisive change is impending

•Did you ever notice how many sensational stories dominate the newsand as soon as one story runs its course another one pops up?

•·Did you ever consider how these stories leave you stressing andobsessing?

The Decisive Moment! 

With all the negative financial talk about bail-outs, rescues, andhigher taxes many people are sensing a meltdown. "Investors aresuffering from a downward spiraling into fear". But if you will take time tothink right, you will realize a meltdown is nothing more than an old thoughtpattern being dissolved. They are always followed by breakthroughs andnew results IF you will hold to the fulfillment of your dream. It is up to

you to decide to put thoughts of poverty fueled from fear behind you asyou advance through the storm.

The Turning Point 

Now is the time to begin working with energy in the form of ideas. Astudy of economic health is vastly more important than a study of shot-gun bank mergers, credit crisis and rising unemployment. If you want toexperience financial security in your life it is wise to surround yourself withthose things that support feeling prosperous. Most of us do just theopposite.

Your Feelings are Worth a Fortune! Until we understand the language of our feelings we will continue toascribe our emotional moods to events taking place in the world, rather than face up to the truth that world events reflect the dominant massmind consciousness.

Is There a Solution? Yes! 

The greatest secret in the whole wide world is that Infinite Intelligence iswithin you. The answer to every challenge is locked within your mind.Regardless of today's headlines and media buzz regarding banks, credit

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card debt, financial problems, and crisis, you can seize the moment, turnwithin to the treasure house of infinity, and begin to perceive your financialworld anew.

How do you lift yourself up by the bootstraps to change your currentmindset? You turn within to the workshop of your imagination andactivate your thinking! Why - because nothing is attracted to you fromwithout. People, situations and things come to you from within, evenmoney.

Ask Yourself:

1.If all things come from within the depths of consciousness and they areprojected from our beliefs and images (mental blueprints) and fueled fromour feelings, where is the "crisis" coming from?

2.What is keeping it alive? What can solve it?

All problems, challenges and obstacles simply reflect the absence of the answer .

If every physical effect has an imaginal cause then the first step torecovery is for you to stop accepting the crisis as real.

•Are you tired of chasing after money?

•Do you want money to come to you from doing work that you love?

•Do you have a desire to seize control of your finances and your future?

If you answered yes, I cannot emphasize the importance of studying howto "dream your finances into being" and get rich. It takes time and effort tobridge the spiritual view with financial needs. When you are worried andfearful about money you are distracted from your dream and incapable of living your life to the fullest.

How do you get started?•Seek Gratitude. Let go of resentful, fearful ideas and you will stopneglecting the greatest power available to you. Seek gratitude and youwill find the wisdom that solves all problems..

•Reach for the feeling of security . Focus on your attention on the goodthings in your life. Invest in feeling safe and protected and you willvibrationally attune yourself to the treasure house of abundance.

•Build a new money blueprint. Focus on a mental image that inspires

and moves you into a harmonious, balanced state of mind.

•Breathe deeply. Breath deeply until you breathe becomes calm andsteady and you feel yourself relaxed and receptive Once relaxed, you willdiscover what physical actions are right for you. The Universe alwaysresponds to your dominant thoughts. Know this and relief is on the way,and hopefully bliss.

•Expect results. Make a decision to be successful. Understanding how touse a disciplined imagination will put you on the path to the realization of 

your dreams.

•Get Off the Ways and Means Committee! The "ways and the means"money shows up in your life is not the cause of money - it is simply theavenue.

To the degree that you can rise up in awareness and identify yourself witha new financial blueprint and align with the "controlling forces of theuniverse", you will   prove the Imaginal Dynamic  in the situations andfinancial results that make up your experiences.

Key Points to Remember:

•Consciousness in action is imagination in action!

•Your thoughts, mental blueprints and feelings about money, wealth andriches control your destiny!

•You are always creating, morning, noon and night!

Because you are powerful, you must take creative imaging seriously andconsciously use your feelings. Once you discover the Power of Imagination and know how to unleash the Power Within, all things willbecome possible to you!

Never close a door on a dream - your dreams are calling you! ###

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The Healing Power of Imagination: Imaginate - Image First!Open the Gateway to the Fulfillment of Dreams

Can you claim with complete certainty that within you is apowerful healing presence? Do you speak the words “I am healed inevery way” every morning with inner conviction, remaining calm in theface of appearances and adversity, expecting new and wondrous results?Or do you mutter affirmations and then proceed to neutralize everypositive idea you spoke once you read the morning paper, listen to the TVor have coffee with a friend trapped by gossip or greed?

Tortured by Content 

One of the things that tortures most people, (no matter what they possessor how important they think they are), is the contents of their ownmind. Torturous memories, images and feelings invade their mind from thetime they start their day until they take a pill to fall asleep at night. Asteady stream of endless fears and doubts dominate their focus,conversations and actions. They do their best to avoid their fears but

avoidance will not neutralize an error pattern or habit. All Causation is Imaginal (mental)

The Imaginal Dynamic  explains how we can rise in consciousness intothe etheric world, create a mental blueprint, step into the world of thought and rebuild our beliefs and emotionalize ideas until we create aforce field of energy around us that radiates out from us and attractsback to us people, things, and situations in harmony in the physicalworld.

The Imaginal Dynamic , Power of Imagination and the creative/imagingprocess is very misunderstood by most people. I feel once understood itaddresses the underlying problem behind manifestation and points outthe truth of life that can help us solve our problems, overcomechallenges, and fulfill our dreams.

The Imaginal Dynamic  helps us realize that there is only One Power,One Life-Principle, One Imagination and we are that Oneness.  Call itthe Living Spirit, God, Divine Imagination, or Consciousness, we couldnot change, move, shift or realign ourselves without the Consciousnessof Infinite Intelligence within us.

Spirit Is indicates that the Master Architect, Originator and Source of theUniverse is ultimate, infinite, imaginative, ever-present and complete, butthe image, blueprint or plan of this Living Infinite Spirit is always unfoldingin the workshop of imagination.

Harness the Power of Imagination

“The secret of imagining is the greatest of all problems to the solution of which the mystic aspires. Supreme power, supreme wisdom, supremedelight lie in the far-off solution of this mystery”, so writes Edward D.


It is impossible for the sick person to find health, or a poor person toattract wealth, or the miserable person to find happiness, or a failure tobecome successful in the physical world no matter who he knows or whathe does until he first images himself to be healthy, wealthy, happy, andsuccessful. Results follow our mental impressions, they do notprecede them. To constantly complain and focus on lack, unhappinessand limitation while remaining sick, poor and miserable in consciousnessis to play the fool’s game. Changes will never take place from the level of consciousness of the problem and self-condemnation.

Nothing in life is condemned.

Everything is constantly being expressed and out-pictured by the creativeuse, misuse or abuse of imagination. It is important to realize that youunconsciously or unknowingly bring about the condition of limitation andlack. It is up to you to rise up to a higher level of awareness. Is it alwaysan easy and comfortable process? I’d be lying to you if I said it is easy, butI will say it is the way to throw off the chains of wrong thinking. Doubts arestubborn. There are times when the habit of upheaval seems so powerfulone feels shipwrecked on the shores of lack and limitation.

Questions to ask are:• How well am I dealing with the inevitable low tides or downs of life?

• How can I benefit and remain positive in the face of adversity

Doubts come to seduce and sabotage.

Re-training yourself to persist in the face of adversity, (when the wolf is atthe door), is essential to your success. The wolf or doubt is hungry for youto give up to another person's opinion, a past memory, opposing feeling or appearances. But you must take a leap in the dark and brave the storm.For all the gloom, imagine the rays of a new dawn and you will throw off 

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the shadows of sorrow, guilt, anger, worry and fear.

Ideas affect the lives of those born and those who are yet to be born.

In the 1800's Dr Phineas Quinby stated: "the idea is the cure". Thisconcept has been a life jacket that I have reached for many times over theyears. I now know with certainty that ideas come to rescue me, uplift me,serve me, free me, and heal me, once I accept them in both my consciousand subconscious mind.

The Universe is a creative and expanding home in which we humans cancreate new forms out of the power of our imagination whenever we have apurpose, correct blueprint, right ideas, and the confidence and convictionto proceed to graduate from the school of human affliction.

Napoleon said, "Imagination rules the world"! 

Cosmic Imagining, the ultimate power of infinite potency, is the source thatbrought forth a universe of endless forms and expressions -- creationitself. The realm of imagination is the ocean in which many world-processes swim. Disciplined, supervised, and directed imagination is your most precious and powerful inner faculty. We cannot divide, subtract, add

or multiply that which is limitless and infinite.Imagination is the life of all that is or will come to be. 

Imagination is the self-existent, originating principle of which all things aremanifested. There is nothing outside of it.

The World 

The world is a series of pictures or states of consciousness. What you areconscious of is real to you because you think and feel it is real.  Your world is your very own personal mirror, forever mirroring your images and thoughts. It is your dream or your nightmare. Life is no

respecter of the outer, physical you. It does not care if you claim that youare rich or poor, sick or healthy, a failure or a success. Life eternallyrewards you with what you image and feel to be true of yourself.

• What would you dare to imagine if you knew you could not fail?

• What would be different in your life and how would you feel if yourealized your dream?

The key to manifestation is to know that everything is first created inyour own imagination from pictures and ideas. Once your mentalblueprint is deeply felt, it is projected out into the world as experience.

Now is the time to rise up in consciousness and design new financial,personal, and health blueprints because your mental images act as theaxle around which your life revolves. Only you can rebuild belief andemotionalize ideas with high frequency feelings of joy, happiness, loveand gratitude and release the laws of consciousness, vibration, polarity,gender, relativity, rhythm and attraction into motion on your behalf.

I have been saying it for over 30 years and I will continue to say it now: Imaginate - Image First! 

We change our experiences through the design and creation of our mental blueprints and images. Once united with them in consciousness,the impossible becomes possible and in ways we do not know, doorsopen, circumstances change, and results follow.

Change Your Images. Change Your Life! 

Images or mental pictures are your prayers. Without the proper image, thelaw of attraction cannot work for you. Your inner blueprints (images)determine your behavior and the results you attract in life. They set theboundaries for what you can and cannot accept. Living your life without aproper success image is like building a house without a blueprint.

Imaginate - Image First because you become what you imagine and feelto be true. With the proper mental blueprint you will be able to approachyour life, the work that you do, and your relationships with optimism, andan attitude of positive expectations.

With a disciplined imagination you will open new doors to unlimitedpossibilities and put yourself on the road to a better, more fulfillingprofessional and personal life.

The Art of Healing is infallible and it is available to every person whochooses an imaginative, creative road rather than the road of limitation

and habit.

The greatest secret in the world is Imaging creates reality! 

Test it out and you will prove to yourself that you are an energy flowingbeing with a body. You will realize that the Living Spirit is withinhumankind.

We can be changed in one way, by the transformation of our minds,(imagination). Imagination is limitless, boundless and holds the answer toall questions once it is disciplined and awakened. ###

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Successful Living, Imagination and the Law of Attraction!

Are you aware that there is no such thing as coincidence and nothinghappens by chance? Every single event that is projected onto the screenof space and time (appears in your life) was produced by the use (or misuse) of energy and Spiritual Laws. Notice I said laws! The Law of Attraction does not act alone!

Before anything can be attracted to you it is vital to understand the time-tested Principle of Power. Imagination is your key to real power.  TheInner You lives in a world that is ruled by Imagination . Learn how to use itand all Spiritual Laws and you will begin to transform your desires intoreality. Goals are achieved when you can focus on the realization of your dream and live in the feeling of fulfillment, in complete confidence,regardless of appearances.

Are you pleased with your current reality?

Your mental habits are building your finances, health, career, andrelationships into form. The most important factor in releasing the Law of 

Attraction for financial success concerns your mental blueprints andbeliefs about yourself. You become what you believe and feel to betrue. Emotionalized belief can block out, repel or attract to us that which isconsistent with our images and beliefs.

Images of the Mind: Blueprints for Life.

The undisciplined mind finds it challenging to claim a result which isdenied by their outer senses. Most of us are creatures of habit. Many of our habits are fear-based. Doubts and fears rob us of our deepestdreams. If you want answers as to why you have or don't have what youdesire, look no further than your habits of thinking and feeling towardsyourself and others.

Once you evict the mental-cause that is producing poverty and develop amindset of success fueled from joy – only then will you achieve lastingresults. It takes repeated effort and inner conviction to build successthrough repetition.

From this moment forward refuse to entertain, think about, or talkabout failure.

Once you accept the idea that you were born to succeed because the

Infinite Within You cannot fail, is when the Law of Attraction will go intomotion and begin to attract to you everything you need to achieve your goal.

The key to successful living using the Law of Attraction is to know how totip the scales in the direction of joy and bliss! Your feelings are your  point of attraction.

In order to manifest your heart's desires it is essential to practice feedingyour mind new ideas until all fear based gibberish stops dominating your 

self-talk. And it will, if you will persist.

Housed within you is the code to succeed.

Use it and you will become a living magnet to wealth and success. ###

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Braving the Storm

Have you been feeling pressured, worried or overwhelmed byresponsibilities and financial concerns? There's an old saying: "When thegoing gets tough, the tough get going".

Here are seven suggestions that if accepted and applied will help yougain control of your focus and time, and open the door to living a more

relaxed life:1. Take a Deep Breathe! It Works! 

Rather than listen and hold court on all of the catastrophic predictionsbeing blasted out into the Universe, stop for a moment, and simply be withyourself. Deep Breathe and you will loosen the tension in your joints .Remind yourself several times a day of how good it feels to be calm. If you make time to relax and rest, you will slowly break free from routinesthat distract and upset you. Relaxing goes hand in hand with turningwithin for wisdom and guidance. Put on some music! As you deepbreathe and relax your body on a daily basis, not only will you calm down,

but you will discover inner resources that live within the depths of your being.

2. Stop Looking for a Red Pill! 

Instead of looking for a quick financial fix, find ways to release frustratingenergy. Re-connect to your self-worth not just your net worth. Now isthe time to become creatively responsive - not aggressive. Developpatience, perception and persistence as you learn to walk through a stormwith your head held high! Every time you learn something new from achallenging situation, congratulate yourself. Remember, it is helping youto grow into an empowered being.

3. Design a Fabulous Money Blueprint and Transform Your Fears! 

Feast your eyes on your inner lighthouse (mental blueprint) until itmotivates you to take action towards its realization. Tap into your courage moment by moment and your doubts will dissolve.  Encourage yourself to move out of your comfort zone and keep going nomatter how bleak the situation appears. Nothing can stop the fulfillment of your dream except an opposing belief.

4. Cultivate Play Dates. Laugh and Have Fun! 

There is a line in the play "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" that goeslike this. "You have to laugh, especially when things aren't so funny."Laughter is the best medicine. Did you know that children laugh aroundfour hundred times a day? How often do you laugh? The point is that weall need to replenish ourselves. Do you value leisure time or is it a thing of the past in your lifestyle. Recreation helps us surrender all unnecessarypressure and demands that we place on ourselves and those we love.

Fun is essential in the maintenance of health. Consider creating somefun time to express your talents and abilities in a hobby, sport or artisticendeavor.

5 . Learn to Focus on the Good that You Are Receiving. Experiencethe Moment. Start Living Now! 

Instead of multi-tasking or concentrating on problem after problem or talking about what you are losing, get in touch with the present momentand focus on everything good that you are receiving. Last year whilehaving lunch in Mexico, I had a conversation with a woman that left itsmark. She said, " You know Melissa, if you practiced a little every day,

I bet you could become a great receiver of the Universe's gifts." Thatcomment has helped me live more in the moment and now I enjoyspending time giving thanks and acknowledging small gifts - anunexpected phone call, hearing good news about a friend or familymembers recovery, looking up at the sky, smelling a rose, or receiving anunexpected invitation. Right this minute a bird arrived on my window silland he is chirping and singing his song. I have to stop and laugh. You seeit doesn't matter what it is-what matters is that you focus onreceiving. Feast your mind on what makes you feel good and give thanksthat you are growing into a receptive, empowered receiver of Life'sgenerous gifts.

6. Reach Out to Others.

Take a moment and think of someone who has been there for you. Howdid it make you feel? Do you consider yourself wealthy in friendship?Are you rich in love, truth principles, humor, good ideas and or forgiveness? Share your compassion with those who are panicking over the world economy and wondering how they are going to cope withchange. Let them know you care. I did not say sympathize with them butrather inspire them to shift into a new perspective - regardless of the

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financial storm.   You never want to go down to the level of anyone'sproblem and vibrate (identify) with it, rather seek to uplift othersthrough creative ideas, kindness and humor. It works. A month ago Ireceived the most beautiful bouquet of flowers with an unsigned note. Itbrought me joy for days! Be creative. Pick up the phone, plan a pot luckdinner, send a note, flowers, or even an e-card and thank someonefor being in your life. The more you give from your heart the more youwill receive. Try it. Reach out and let someone know that you care andyou will light up the Universe.

7. Set Your Priorities Because You Are Powerful .

Life consists of making decisions and choices. Instead of gettinghysterical or rushing with the crowd, stop, breathe, and turn within to your own wonderful imagination.  You must decide what is most importantto you. Now may be a good time to set a new course, let go of whatneeds to be released, navigate through the current up's and downs of world events with hope, or simplify your life and grow spiritually. I know it'snot easy to break or make a new habit. But it is possible to achieve it if you have a dream or a desire to expand and grow.

I want you to remind you that you were born to express riches in allaspects of your life. Isn't it time that you became aware of your birthrightto live the abundant life? Take time to invest in your most importantasset - you. Do this and in time you may discover that the Universe willmirror a wonderful gift right back at you.

If you find yourself in a rut and feeling hopeless in the midst of thefinancial melt down and you really want to lift yourself up by thebootstraps and get on the road to true prosperity, now is the time todiscover the power of your imagination and learn why you are alwaysattracting or repelling the results you seek. Use your imagination wisely

and you will become a living magnet to the wealth and success that youseek.

Housed within you is the code to succeed.

Your feelings are worth a fortune. They can link you to a world where allthings are possible once your know How to Unleash the Power Withinand Attract Money.

Never close a door on a dream - your dreams are calling you! ###

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The World Is A Wonderful Becoming

The Cat is Out of the Bag! We live in a time of great transition. It hasbeen stated that the rate of change for the Information Age is faster thanever before for we humans.

• Do you feel extraordinarily blessed or challenged by this time of transformation?

• Are you moving forward or hiding out?

• Are you over reacting or responding in positive ways to the demands of this new era?

• Are you aware that out dated ways of thinking not only aren’t helping,they are actually at the root of many of the challenges we face?

For those who are unfamiliar with the Law of Rhythm, Vibration and all of the Universal Laws of Life reacting to upheavals in old and fearful ways isinevitable.

Undisciplined minds focus on effects. 

They cry out and ask: “How can I find peace and feel safe when so manybad things like war, pollution, corporate greed, political agendas, globalwarming, market crashes, disease, political repression and man’sinhumanity to man are in full swing? ”

Many do not understand that “like causes produce like effects.” 

They suffer from forgetfulness (amnesia of the soul). They are in need of reminders that the Principle of Power  lives within them and thesubconscious mind is the seat of habit.

Suffering is the consequence of ignorance and the misuse of Cosmic Principles. 

Look around and you will see that our scientists as well as "religionists”are divided on so many issues. Einstein said: “Science withoutreligion is lame and religion without science is blind.” Each in their own way supports chaos, division, old methods of perceiving andconfusion.

The Living Spirit is omnipresent .

It lives in every person and always moves towards advancement, wellbeing and increase. There are no misfits in the universe. Spirit wantsyou to make the most of yourself.

Look within rather than return to old religious and scientific suggestionsthat put you in opposition to the very Life Force that sustains the universe.Let go of the old idea that poverty, self-sacrifice and suffering are pleasingto the Source of All That Is. As Einstein stated, “we can’t solveproblems with the same thinking that created the problem.” 

Do not forget for a moment that, that which appears without is a reflectionof thought, for the world is a stage and you and I are dreamers. We aredreaming this world into being. The outer, visible world mirrors your consciousness. Begin with yourself. Control your waking dream. Do not

concern yourself with what other people think.

 Align yourself with the tide of possibility.

Turn and face change from the standpoint of imagination and creativity(not competition). As you change fear to faith, anger to peace, guilt toconfidence your visible world will change. There is abundance for all whogo with the flow. Knowing that you want to be a good citizen of the world,take creative action in your imagination.

Imaginate -   Image First! Change your thinking and your world will change. 

You are spirit in form and a creative center. All things exist inimagination. The human imagination is one with Divine Imagining , (theultimate Principle of Power that creates and sustains the universe.)

The world is a wonderful “becoming”. 

Use your imagination wisely and give your attention to the things theworld is growing into, instead of the chaos it is out growing! As you dothis, you will inspire others to seek their courage, advance and fulfill their dreams.

As we begin to make a shift in consciousness, no government, religion or system of industry will be able to imprison human beings. Once everyone

knows the Universal Laws of Life and can creatively think they will never again accept suggestions that keep them locked in poverty, fear, war, andfailure. They will have moved into another realm of awareness. Until thatmoment arrives, take time out from your busy day to “remember themagic, revitalize your body, mind and spirit and imagine a just andpeaceful world!”

Let the Healing Journey Begin! Activate Your Imagination!  ReimageRefocus Rebuild Rethink Receive! ###

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feel like you are # 1. If you need to have a good cry, have it. Once your eyes have dried persist to let the "old you" go. Do this and you will invite(vibrate with) the fulfillment of your dream into your life.

7. Accept Responsibility. Make changes gradually and you will start feelingbetter about yourself. Just image. How many times should you do animage? Do it and do it and do it until you change your emotional point of attraction.

8. Commit to new results. Keep your partnership between your conscious

and subconscious mind strong and success will be your closestcompanion.

9. Feel like a million bucks. Feel good. The Power to Create is anchoredin the present moment. If you want to realize your dream for success startfeeling grateful about your success. Accentuate the positive and you'llbuild up your vibrational frequency.

10. Don't look back. Once you have consciously imaged a new resultdon't turn your attention back to your former concept of yourself. If you do,you will re impress yourself with what you don't want and go back to alower emotional frequency.

Success, health, happiness and wealth don't just pop in. Most visionarieswho are wealthy, successful, healthy, and happy have certain things incommon. These people have a certain mindset that include big dreams,good habits, imagination, strong positive beliefs, unshakable inner confidence and a connection to The Source of All That Is. They don't just"talk the talk, they walk the walk". Someone who uses Spiritual Principlesto attract positive outcomes simply focuses his or her conscious mind andabsorbs new ideas until he or she feels entitled to the gift of a newexperience. This type of person loves and enjoys the adventure of life.They attract money, opportunities, good people, and harmonious

situations that reflect their mindset. They are passionate about feelingtheir joy the way some people are passionate about their golf game.

People who know how to vibrate from higher emotions do not attractnegative people who cling to them like lead weights. They attract peoplewho believe in them and are in harmony with similar creative results.

Once they know how to apply the Principle of Imaging, it wouldn't matter if the money went away. Their awareness of how the Universe operates andtheir confidence would simply get them to start imaging all over again.

Knowing that the Law of Identical Harvest is always at work, they wouldsimply step up to the plate and hit a home run.

The only thing standing between you and the fulfillment of your dream isan opposing belief and feeling not bad luck or a past life. If you truly wantto bring the object of your thought into manifestation you have to make adecision to get in the habit of feeling prosperous, happy, grateful,accepted, healthy, loved and successful here and now.

Remember, there is no one to change but yourself! ###

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Are You Handcuffed to Effects?

Every day hurricanes, earthquakes, cyclones, and tornadoes arereshaping Mother Earth.

Never before have we witnessed so many lives being violently silenced.Turn on the evening news and your mind is focused in the direction of cataclysmic upheavals. Many media suggestions are rooted in an outlook

that the world is like some tornado-driven wreck on an inevitabledestructive course.

This “brink of disaster” mindset is based on ignorance, power,disharmony, discord, and destruction.

It leaves us enslaved to effects and supports the forces that fling us toand fro. The idea that the world must be saved robs you, leaving you in acontracted state of mind.

The world is not a shipwreck waiting to be rescued.

The world is  a series of mental images that have been projected onto the

screen of space and time. If we change what we are imagining the worldwill reflect different outcomes. Yet many of us remain enslaved toconcepts, perceptions and habits that were taught to us by mistakenteachers, preachers, politicians, and the news media when it comes to our views of the world and politics.

We need to understand that there is a Perfect Architects Image at workin the world and when we align with it, the vibration of life is of a gentle,peaceful, expression.

  Every provision (from Latin, foresight, from ‘providere’ to see ahead)has been provided by the Infinite Intelligence that is dreaming theworld into being. This Principle of Power  surrounds our globalcommunity on all sides. It is closer than your breath. Within this boundlesswisdom lives the Great Purpose behind all life.

We, on the other hand are like captains in training, learning to setsail on the right course.

All possibility for forward movement and a better world exists in the

substance from which man dreams. There doesn’t seem to be any limit tothe possibilities for expansion and growth. Now is the time to becomeaware that we have the power to create new causes and experience newand wonderful results. We are free to use the Principle of Power and growin whatever direction we desire.

This election season, make a difference. Exercise your power tothink! Become a powerful choice-maker! 

• Choose to understand and apply the laws that govern our universe.

• Choose to break free from the violent vibrations of the times.

• Choose to become a capable director of your greatest possession---ENERGY.

• Choose to think, grow rich and be wise.

• Choose to refuse to allow a celebrity or preacher to choose your political candidate.

• Choose to become balanced spiritually, emotionally and physically.

• Choose to protect yourself from absorbing media opinions and negative


• Choose to practice making decisions that assist you in creatively usingthe Law of Attraction.

• Choose to look for what is right, rather than dwell on images of destruction and misery.

• Choose to fall in love with idea of living peacefully and happily.

• Choose to take charge of your mental blueprints and emotionalresponses and you will begin to energize a new thought pattern that canhelp change lives and the entire world.

 As within, so without! 

To endeavor to change the world before we change our concept of ourselves is to proceed with difficulty and great effort. Why struggleagainst the very nature of things? There can never be lasting outer change until there is first a change within the consciousness of man.

Never Accept the Suggestion of Lack. 

Why allow yourself to be seduced by suggestions of lack and handcuffed

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to effects when you can begin to put the greatness that is within you intoevery moment.

Become an original thinker! Expand your consciousness. Takeaction! 

Be willing to disseminate information to the millions of people who arestruggling to figure out how to claim their spiritual inheritance and helpthem live a fuller, richer, healthier and happier life on earth. Start now bysharing this article with your friends and associates.

Remember, you are the Principle of Power if Form.

Therefore as it expands, increases, and advances, you must grow andadvance . With imagination and practice we can align ourselves with theattitude of “forward movement” and eventually arrive in the harbor of perfect harmony. ###

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Interview with Melissa Zollo, Author of Discover the Power of Imagination

Article Author: Mayra Calvani

Mayra Calvani is the National Latino Books Examiner for

Melissa Zollo is an imagist, speaker, self-motivation specialist, and author of various CD audio programs: Discover the Power of Imagination, The

 Art of Intentional Creation, and How to Unleash the Power Within and   Attract Money. In this interview, she talks about why people often locktheir minds to success and the common reasons why this happens. Shealso talks about her programs and techniques.

I'm intrigued by your website's tagline, "Unlocking Minds to CreateNew Realities". How do we unlock our minds and why do theybecome locked in the first place?

The entire Universe lives in our deeper mind but many of us are justbeginning to realize who we are and what we are capable of creating.Our lives are shaped and influenced by the quality of our thoughts andmental images yet many suffer from the impairment of the imaginativeprocess. They are imprisoned in thought patterns and unwanted habitsthat they learned or acquired. "Unlocking Minds to Create New Realities"refers to discovering the process of manifestation and the unfailing lawsthat determine our failure or success in life. The greatest treasure in life islocked within the depths of our consciousness. The Treasure House I amspeaking of exists in the realm of ideas. To free ourselves from anythingthat blocks our path to wealth, happiness, success, and health demandsthat we take charge of our thoughts and control our thinking.

In order to eradicate a negative message that was programmed into our 

minds, we must have a desire for something greater, look withinourselves and take action by re-programming ourselves until we build anew belief. Once we know how to harness the power of our imagination,we can learn how to free ourselves from limiting habits and attract thefulfillment of our dreams. Your mental images, thoughts, and feelings arecontrolling your destiny so it is vital to take complete control over mentalblueprints and emotional moods. Once we know how to bring theincredible power of  our conscious and subconscious mind under our direction and how to formulate the mental equivalent of our dreams and

goals we become master of destiny rather than a victim of circumstancesand the past.

We were unconscious or unaware of the power of the mental over thephysical. At an early age, each one of us was impressed by suggestionsfrom others. Since we did not have the tools or the awareness to protectourselves from the endless stream of negative messages, we acceptedmany ideas that hindered our growth and imprisoned our potential tocreate, laugh, enjoy, and live a full, rich, and rewarding life. But that was

then and this is now. Now we each have the power to examine the originof our beliefs and see if they play a significant part in bringing abouthealth, happiness, success, and peace of mind. We can accept or rejectsuggestions. Negative suggestions from the media, organizations,newspapers, and other people will no longer hold you captive and havepower over you unless you accept the suggestion.

What are some of the most common factors that may stop a personfrom achieving his or her goals?

Lack of self-belief, fear, the inability to activate their latent powers, andlack of awareness of the li fe-principle may stop a person from realizing

his or her goals.To believe something as true means we accept it.

Belief is the most common factor that stops a person from realizing his or her goals. Think of all the false ideas you have accepted about yourself and you will see how you built your prison and sentenced yourself tofailure, lack, and limitation.

Why do we accept ideas like:

"I'll never be financially secure. I can’t make ends meet."

"I am not smart enough and I don’t have the right connections."

"I'll always be fat and anyway I am just not good enough."

"They said there’s no cure."

"I'm not smart enough. I feel like a loser. I am sure it will fail."

"I’m too old; no one is going to want to hire me."

Many of us fortify these negative messages with our self-talk and dailyconversations and we don’t even know we're doing it. Yet we reject newmessages of approval, hope, acceptance, and love because they don’t fit

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our error patterns and negative self-image. Did you know that your abilityto attract the fulfillment of your dreams becomes possible when you havea strong belief in yourself and feel capable of achieving your dreamregardless of appearances?

One negative message/ belief can paralyze a person. Once fear is incontrol it can keep you from taking action and moving forward in any areaof your life. When we have beliefs fueled by love, courage, confidence,hope, and gratefulness we have opened the doors of life to a greater 

awareness and possibility. Courage rises above fear.It is important for all of us to think about that for a second.

How 'powerful' is the power of imagination?

Before anything can be created by anyone it must first be imaged,pictured, imagined. What you imagine you become and what you feel youattract so I would say that imagination is extremely underestimated andvery powerful. The person of imagination sees what their outer sensesdeny. Everything you see in the physical world is a projection of someone’s mental image and blueprint. All things are brought forththrough the creative use of imagination.

Who is the target audience for your program?

Every person who has a desire to fulfill their dreams, and advancespiritually, mentally, emotionally, financially, professionally, socially, andpersonally. My work is for the person who wants to learn how to retraintheir imagination, apply spiritual laws and live in tune with the living spiritand achieve their goals.

Tell us a bit about your audio program, "Power of Imagination", aswell as your various other works in ebook and CD forms.

In Discover The Power Of Imagination, I give you the tools you need tohelp you unlock the secrets of success in whatever endeavor youchoose. The fulfillment of dreams is not the right of a select few. It is your birthright, too. Once you have this program, you will discover how tomake that right a reality.

Program One: This lecture gives you an in depth understanding of thecreative process and how to "Image First", the first step to attract all thatyou desire (and less of what you don’t want).

Program Two: This lecture is filled with examples of imaging; how to

anchor an image and how imagination animates beliefs. It holds thesecret to how financial, personal, professional and emotional security canbe realized in a practical, imaginative, and non-competitive manner. I layout the process by which you will improve your financial, personal, andprofessional life.

Program Three: "Sunrise" contains timeless wisdom for directing thePower Within and feeling good fast! "Change your Mental Images andBlueprints; Change Your Life!" This program gets you to activate your 

imagination and create successful money, health, career, andrelationship blueprints and emotionalize them. You will open your owndoors to whatever you may want to be, do, or have. Build confidence.Enhance relationships, overcome bad habits. Use it every day until youunderstand that the conditions of your life reflect your habitual thinkingand that all things come from the subconscious.

Program Four: With "Aloha" you treat your body and mind to deeprelaxation. Experience the power of breath for healing and vitality. Reachfor "Aloha" when you need to retreat from the outer world and stress of the day.

Program Five: "Sweet Dreams" is perfect to use before, during, and/or after surgery. Unburden your mind as you glide peacefully into sleep.Perfect for those challenged with a health crisis.

Program Six: "Serenity and Victory Focus Anew" revitalizes andrefocuses your mind in just 15 minutes.

Program Seven: This CD provides you with the option of printing out, or viewing, the entire transcript of the Power of Imagination program onyour computer. It also includes an instructional guide.

In How to Unleash the Power Within and Attract Money , you will discover 

how to turn ideas into money, wealth, and riches and live the life youimagined for yourself and your family.

Create a consciousness of wealth

Build your foundation for financial success from the inside out

Learn the secrets of focusing your thoughts on what you want

Replace negative self-talk and change inharmonious mental habits

Learn why your feelings are worth a fortune

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Take charge of your financial beliefs

Become master of your life as you work with the most powerful force inthe universe!

Increase your income as you learn how to magnetize yourself to wealth

Learn how your mind creates everything.

Discover that you are the dreamer and dream maker of your life

In Melissa’s Secrets on the Law of Vibration, I explain this very importantlaw and how to dream your life into being. It will show you why your feelings are worth a fortune.

Daily Appetizers to Make Life a Feast  (ebooks) contain a hundrednuggets of inspirational tips to uplift and support you throughout your day.Each thought for the day breathes life into the application of UniversalPrinciples as well as gives you a taste of subjects on Spirit, the Law of Identical Harvest, prosperity, and the creating power of thoughts,feelings, and words.

What type of techniques do you use when working one to one with

a client?Every session is different. Should someone want or need personal one-on-one assistance I share whatever is needed for them to attract whatthey want in my consultations. I personally walk you through each step of the Discover the Power of Imagination process. The goal is that theyimpress their subconscious mind and get answers that enable them tolead a full, rich, happy life. Many people who are consulting with me or using my audio programs have moved forward in their lives. They haveactivated their imagination and conquered limiting beliefs. This in turnenabled them to attract the fulfillment of dreams.

Some have started a new business. Others are attracting vibrant health,newfound happiness, better relationships, and increased sales. Thenthere are those who are healing from traumatic memories, divorce, or even better, they are experiencing love!Take a second and check out their success stories. They followed aproven system based on my Power of Imagination CD program andUniversal Laws. It works. Day after day, year after year, this process willwork for you if you understand, practice, and apply it. In fact, once youlearn how to create and use this process consciously, it will keep working

for you. Did I say it was magic? No, I did not. It takes practice,persistence, and perseverance and the right tools.

I understand you're available as a guest speaker. What can a personexpect to learn from one of your seminars?

Anyone interested in contacting me for a speaking engagement canreach me through my website or through the New Voice SpeakersBureau.

Anyone who attends one of my seminars can expect to learn how todiscipline, control and direct their imagination, the force behind allcreativity and find their way to prosperity, joy and peace of mind. Theywill learn what the Law of Attraction means, how it and all of the SpiritualLaws govern the manifestation of our dreams; how to increase creativeawareness and create the life you dream of; how thoughts create results;how to wipe out poverty, failure, mental slum; how to focus andconcentrate on answers and discover new ways to problem solve. I showyou how to provide the subconscious mind with a new blueprint for success, wealth, and health and help people make positive changes intheir inner state of consciousness and emotional point of attraction and I

provides tools (audio programs) to apply everything that they learn. Thisenables an individual to move forward and emerge successfully from anycrisis.

  You also have a newsletter, the Imaginal Dynamic Newsletter . Is itfree? How may one subscribe and what type of information does itoffer readers?

The Imaginal Dynamic is free and intended for those who are in pursuit of knowledge, uplifting ideas and who want to live in the present moment.Each newsletter is designed to offer spiritual nutrition for the mind. Itoffers readers tips on how to turn their life around and how to become a

magnet to success with my 'Million Dollar' Tips. You may sign up at mywebsite and receive a free MP3 radio interview with me.

Are there any other special books or authors you would recommendto people who are inter ested in this topic?

My own book will be out soon, so stayed tuned!

Anything else you'd like to tell our readers?

May you put all of the challenges of your life into perspective and use

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them to go deeper and deeper into your true nature. May you find refugeon your spiritual journey and grow and advance beyond ignorance andsuffering. May you harness the power of imagination and alwaysremember, it takes patience, persistence, and practice to "Image First"and rebuild new beliefs until they fit into a new pattern of acceptance andlove. May you always use the power of your subconscious mind to findtrue happiness, wealth, success and fulfillment.

Dare to create the life you want. Imagination is power and your feelings

are worth a fortune. Take up the challenge. Begin now to rule your mindand you will rule your world. When love, confidence, hope, gratitude, and  joy fuel your mental images and memory, life responds. In ways youknow not of, doors that were closed will open and your self-imposedsolitary confinement will end. Then, you will find yourself the wonderfulperson you always dreamed of being.

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Melissa Zollo, Internationally Celebrated Imagist, Author,Consultant, and Inspirational Speaker, focused on thePower of Imagination, Consciousness, and the Art of Manifestation. She teaches people how to use theUniversal Laws of Success, and how to face personal andprofessional challenges by designing successful blueprintsand beliefs.

Melissa explains how to take full and systematic control of inner resources; how to "image" to increase self-confidence and a sense of worth; and how to achievesuccess and the fulfillment of personal dreams.

Melissa’s goals is to inspire you to achieve the seeminglyimpossible by learning how to activate your imagination,IMAGINATE, IMAGE FIRST and bring the incredible forceof your subconscious mind under your direction. The power to imagine a wonderful new outcome is always available to

you; a power that lives in the Eternal Now and is forever forgiving.

Her vision for you is one of brilliance and bliss – you CANbecome a Wealth Builder, a Success Builder, a HappinessBuilder!

 You can visit Melissa’s website at

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