bedford inquirer. (bedford, pa.) 1860-10-26 [p ] · 2017. 12. 17. · spsii'k i\b suhmit loom....

?X S XX33 IWQUI^.EH Is published every Friday morning, in Juliana Street, in tho brick huildinfc, opposite the "Mengel House," by DAViD OYER. TERMS: If paid in advance, $1.50; within the year, j $2.00; and l! m>l paid within the year, $2.50 will lie charged. N< paper discontinued until all ar- ienrages are paid?-except at the option ot the Editor. A failure to notsfy a discontinuance will be regarded as a new engagement. Jhlieritxmeuls not exceeding i square,(lo lines,) inserted three times for sl?every subsequent in sertion, 25 cents. Longer ones in the same pro portion. Each fraction of a square counted, as a full square. All advertisements not specially ordered for a given time will he continued until forbid. A lilieral deduction will be made to those who advertise by the year. Job Printing of all kinds executed neatly and promptly and on rcasol i;Me terms. P It 0 F E SS I 0 N A L__C AB D & o7h. cjaitwer, A'i'Tolli\l4¥ AT lilt, Bedford, Pa. WILL promptly attend to all business entrust- ed to bis care. Ofltee on Pitt Street, three doors east ol too Bedlord Hotel, lie will ..Is" attend to any surveying business that may be en- trusted to him. Nov. 4, lb 59. R. 'sir JlAßli LA Y, ATTORNEY IT LAW, BEDFORD, PA.. WILL attend promptly and faithfully to all legal business entrusted to his care. on Juliana Street, in the building lor- merly occupied by' S. M. Barclay, Esq., dee'd. March 26, 18i8. Jon MANN, - U. 11. SPANG. JAW J AHTNE RS HlP?The undersigned A luve associated themselves in the Praticc of the Law, and will promptly attend to al busi- ness ontrustcd to their care, in Bedford and ad- u ining count Ins. on Juljpnu* Street, three doors south ot.Mengel and opposite the resi- dence o I Maj. Tate. MANN & SPANG J "Hie I, ? 1851. tf. l>. S. IUUI>LE, Formerly of Bedford, Fa. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, IS, tIIiMBEKS 'T. NEW VOKh. All busiuess promptly s.ended to. Dec. 3, 18-58; J. VI . LIAIiOFEL¥IAI, Attorney at Law and Laud Surveyor, W r ILLattend with promptness to all l>usi n ess entrusted to his care. Will practice in Bedford and Fuiton Counties. E2?""olbce in Juliana Street, cue doer North of I ths "Inquirer" otfice. Dec. 24, 1858. S?' Gff. PIIYSIOIAKT AND JB&l rso 2L PEN.VA. OFFERS his services to the Public in the prac- j jico of Medicine. Will attend promptly to allca- \u25a0 tes entrusted to his care- He will also perform all operations on the teeth j in a neat and scientific manner. Teeth plugged an i inserted from a single tooth to j All Entire Set, Mounted on gol l or silver plate, on the Int. st and j most approved principles. TERMS moderate, and all operations warranted. April 8, 1859.?tf. fßfiO sr! Will attend ptire*lo*llT cftrefclly to al operations in- i fej | Tt.W*l to irrt TV ,3 filed, refcatau-d, &<?, w<i ? J f| t i. ... inl tftn inv rtej, frotn tw at-r:ilire art. *! || awdi-rata, and ail opemUooa warrant*.!. SJT Tcrs.s INV AIUABLYCASH. !! m LB. F. BLiiui RESPECTFULLY tenders his profession;! services to the citizens of Bedford and vi- cinity. Office and residence on Pitt-Street, in the building formerly occupied by Dr. J V II. llofius. Nov. G, 1857. Dr. F. C "Reamer, Physician and Surgeon. tenders his services i< the citizens of Bedford and vicinity. He may a'ways be found (unless professionally en- gaged, it his Drug and Book Store, in Juliana St. Feb. 19, 1857. rw jbk! ~wm7~ SPSiI'K I\B SUHMit LOOM. | ureat fn dace mints! (heap Prices'. fjPIIC undersigned Would respectfully call the at- 1L teution of the public to tbeir new and exten- sive assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, Com,rising all st) les and qualities, at the Very low- prices. Also, CEO ICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Including a line selection of genuine and unadulter- ated TEAS AND COFFEE. ALSO, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, BONNETS. RIBBONS, LACES, HARDWARE, DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, AND A FINE ASSORTMENT OF FANCY GOODS. ALSO, All descriptions of Leather for sale.. From our long experience, and the superior fa- cilities we enjoy for purchasing, wo can offer extra inducements, and fuel satisfied that all who favor us with a trial will receive satisfaction, both as re- gards the quality of ..ur goods and prices. Coun- try produce and Tan Bark will be t. ken in exchange tvi Goods and Leather. S. & W. SHUCK. May 18, 1860. GREAT'BARGAINS ! ! make room fur fall goods. timing tnis month A we will sen every description of Summer Cools at cost, for cath- Superior French and English I,awi:s, at halt price, and many other goads, -citable for Summer use. Call ind see. Ju'.y 13, 1800. A. B. CRAMF.K, & CO. A XEC VTO P J S WOT ICE. j ETTERS testamentary on the last will &c., of JU Chris tian Blatteuberg lute of St. Clair Town- ship. dee'd having been gi ai.Sed to the subscriber, residing in said township* nolle is therefore given ail persons indebted to sain to mill pay- ment immediate! ?, and those having claims will present them fortbwitn for settlement JACOB CKOVLE. OI.5,180. Executor. | IADSEVS IMPROVED BLOOD SEAIU HER.^S A STANDARD .MEDICINE For the speedy, radical, ami effectual enre ol ALL DISEASES arising lrom IMPU- RITY OF THE BLOOD. This medicine has wrought the most miraculous cures in desperate cases of Scrofula, Cancerous formations | Cutaneous Diseases, Erysipelas, Boils, Pimples on the face, Sore Eyes, | Stubborn Ulcers. Scald Head. ! Tetter afiectious, Rheumatic Disorders, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, jaundice, Salt Rheum, Mercurial Diseases, General Debility, Liver Complaint, Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, Foul Stomach, Female Complaints, and all Diseases having tbeir origin in an impure state of the Blood. The above is a portrait of David AlcCreary, ot : Napier township, who, on the 31st day ot August, I 1858, made affidavit More Justice Gorley that he i was treated for the ciwe of Cancer by three physi- i viaos of Bedford County, and by Dr. Newton of i the Eclectic College in Cincinnati, for a period ol ! nearly eight months, notwithstanding which, his j tip, nose, and a portion of hit left cheile uere entirely eaten au-ay! lie had given up all hop -, when he- heard of the "Blood Searcher," and was induced to try it. Four bottles cured him, and although sadly disfigured, there is no question but what this invaluable medicine saved his life. The full partic- ulars of this remarkable case may be seen in a cir- cular, which can be bad of any of the Agents. We also refer to the case of Nancy Blakney, ol E derton, Armstrong county. Pa., cured of Scro- i f'ula after being unable to get oui of bed for three j years. To the case of a lady rin An*onville, Cle.-vfield county, who was also afflicted with Scrofula in Its worst form. To the case of George M eisel, residing in Car- rolltown, Cambria county, Pa., who was so badly afflicted with Cancer that it eat his entire nose otl and his case was worse, if possible, than MeCrea ry's. The particulars of these cases?every one of which was cured by the use of the Blood Searcher ?may also l>e found in a circular to be had oi any of the A gents. E. M. LEMON, Proprietor. Laboratory for the manufacture and sale, near Penna. Railroad Depot, Hollidaysburg, Pa. For sale by 11. C- Reamer, Bedford; G. 1). Trout, Alum Bank ; John G. Sc.heil, Pleasantville ; 1.. N Fyau, West End P. Office ; Frederick Corl, Mari- etta; G. B. Amick, St. Clairsviile; Jacob Baird, Barudollors Mills; N. Koons, Willow Grove; John Bowser, Bowsers Mill, A C. Evans, Rainsburg ; B. F. Horn 8c I>ro., Scheilsburg; Hilligas 8c Mowry, Buena Vista; John Wayde, New Paris; Ritcbey \ Ramsey, Bloody Run ; Piper $ Scott, Fat'ens- ville; David Beegle, Waterstreet; Wm. J. Gal braith, Woodberrv; G. D. Kautfmaa, Flitchville; all of Bedford County. Dec. 16, 1859. MENGEE HOUSE, JULIANA STREET, BEDFORD, PI. THE subscriber, having renovated and refurnished this old established House, is now prepared to receive guests. He invites his friends and the traveling publitf to give him a call. Having new furniture, new beds, anil everything necessary to render hearty cheer to those in want of a tempora- ry home, he fi liters himself that those who sfay with him, will find themselves at the right place. He is fullyprepared to receive visitors to the >pring, and all having business with the courts or otherwise. Ample stabling and carriage house is attached to the Hotel. Boarders will be received on favorable terms. ISAAC MENGEL, JR. April 13, 1860. BEBFORD MACHINE SHOP! fTfHE subscriber would most respectfully announce JL to the farming community, and public in gene- lal, that In-still continues to manufacture at Ids shop, in Bedford, Pa., the following farming utensils of the very best material, and in the most wmk- manlike manner, viz: fuui and Six Horse Tumbling Shaft Power Machines, with large open cylinders, six staves, and spikes screwed in. and improved Straw Shakers attached. Their superior for strength and speed are not made in this or any other County in the State. Four Horse Tumbling Shaft and Strap Power Machine, with cylinder open or shut, as may be de- Mted, for convenience, ease of draft, and" perfect working, this machine has no superior any where. 1 HKEE HORSE, .MACHINES, of the same kind. Two and three Horse Tumbling Shaft Power Ma- chines, a very convenient and excellent machine for snidll farmer.;, with or without shakers, tingle and double Shovel Ploughs, Horse Rakes, Lever Cut- ting Boxes, Harrows and Wheelbarrows, made to order. All the above articles constantly on band, and sold on reasonable terms. Repairing of all kinds ol Machines, whether made here or elsewhere, done on the shortest notice. Castings for all my Machines, made at the Foun dry of Shires & Jordan, in Bedford, and will com- pare with any made in the State for strength arid durability. Blacksmithing done to order. All my work warranted to give satisfaction. From a past experience of over twenty vears in the Machine business, I fuel confident tiiat I can give entire satisfaction to all who may favor me with a call. Call and examine niy work before you purchase elsewhere, as I am determined to please all. Horses, grain of all kinds, lumber and iron, will be taken in exchange for work. PETER H.SHIRES. June 1, 1860.-6 in. Machinist. Administrator's Notice. LETTERS of administration having been grant- ed to the subscriber, residing in Napier Town- ship, upon the Estate of John Ellis, late of s iid township, deceased, he calls upon all persons in- debted io come forward and make payment im- mediately, and all having claims against the estate, are requested to make the same properly authenti fated lor settlement. HENRY TAYLOR, '-*\u25a0 IW'L Adm'r. 4 LL kinds of Groceries just received, and for XX sslo cheap, at Shoemaker's cheap store, No. 1. Anderson's Row. June 29, 1860. Si ILL CHEAT EH, only 18j per doz. for goon Macekral, at OSTEIi CAKN'S. May 4, 18G0- BLASTING I'owder, and salety fuse, for sale b r A. L. BEKIBAUGH. Juty 20, 1860. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. IT is a fact that, at some period, every mem- ber of (he human family is subject to disease or disturbance of the bodily functions; but, \u25a0with the aid of a good tonio and the exercise of plain common sense, they may bo able so to regulate the system as to secure pevmancnt health. In order to accomplish this desired object, the true course to pursue is certainly that -which will produce a natural state of things at the least hazard of vital strength and life. For this purpose, Dr. Hostetter Infi in- troduced to this country a preparation bearing his name, which is not a new medicine, but one that has been tried for years, giving satisfac- tion to all who have used it. The Bitters operate powerfully upon the stomach, bowels, and liver, restoring them to a healthy and vigorous action, and thus, by the simple pro- cess of strengthening nature, enable the sys- tem to triumph over disease. For the cure of Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Nau- sea, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, or any Bilious Complaints, arising from a morbid inaction of tho Stomach or Bowels, producing Cramps, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, &.C., these Bitters have no equal. Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, so generally con- tracted by new settlers, and caused principally by the change of water and diet, willbe speedily regulated by a brief use of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a disease which is probably more prevalent, in all its various forms, than any other, and the cause of which aiay Iways be attributed to derangements of rJm digestif® organs, can be cured wit),out vail by using HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS, as per directions on the bottle. For this disease every physician will recommend Hitters of some kind; then why not uso an article knowttto be infal- lible ? All nations have their Bvtfk-s. as a pre- ventive of disease and sirengtlienff of the sys- tem in general; and among them all there is not to be found a more healthy people than the (lermans, from whom this preparation ema- nated, based upon scientific experiments which have tended to prove tho value of this great preparation in the scale of medical science. FEVER AND AGUE.?This trying and provok- ing disease, which fixes its relentless grasp on the body of man, reducing him ton mere sha- dow in a short time, and rendering him phy- sically and mentally useless, can be driven from the body by the use of HOSTETTER'S RENOWNED BITTERS. Further, none of the above-stated diseases can be contracted, even in exposed situations, if the Bitters are used as per directions. And as they neither creato nausea nor offend the palate, and render un- necessary any change of diet or interruption of ordinary pursuits, but promote sound sleep and healthy digestion, the complaint is re- moved as speedily as is consistent with the pro- duction of a thorough and perninnent cure. For Persons in Advanced Years, who are suffering from an enfeebled constitution and infirm body, these Bitters are invalUr.ble as a restorative of strength and vigor, and need only be tried to be appreciated. And to a mother while nursing these Bitters are indis- pensable, especially where the mothers nour- ishment is inadequate to the demands of tho child, consequently her must yield, and here it is where a good tonic, such as Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, is needed to impart temporary strength and vigor to the system. Ladies should by all means try this remedy for all cases of debility, and, before so doing, should ask their physician, who, if he is acquainted with the virtue of the Bitters, will recommend their use in all cases of weakness. CAUTION. ?Wo caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counterfeits, but ask for HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED SVOMACH BITTERS, and see that each bottle b'-a the words "Dr. J. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters" blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on tho metallic cap covering tho cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the iabel. Ks- Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, Canada, South America, axvd Germany. Agents for Bedford County: B. F. Harry, II C. Reamer, Bedford ; John P. Lowrv, Hopewell; E. B. Rarnsy, Bloody Run ; John Nycum, Faiiview. Nov. 4, 1859. WASHINGTON HOT!:!.. on, IM. MRS. S. f ll.M'.lt would respectfully an. nounce to her friends in Bedford County, and to the public generally, that ste has leased fir a term of years, the large and convenint brick hotel, at the corner of Pitt anil Juliana Streets, Bed- ford, Pa., kr.own as the "WASHINGTON HO- TEL,'" and lately kept by Mrs. Cook. This house is being thoroughly refitted and re- furnished. tnd is now open for the reception of guests. Visitors to the "BEDFORD SPRINGS," and persons attending Court will find the house a pleasant and quiet temporary home. Every atten- tion will be paid to the accommodation and com- fort of guests. The table will at all tittfys bo sup- plied with the best the .markets afford i Charges will be moderate. Extensive stabling is attached to this hotel and a careful and competent hostler will be in attendance. Special attention will be paid to the accommo- dation of the farming community. March 30, 1860. f Irresistible Indue eaients to Purchase! Great Reduction ia Summer Goods \! Osier fc Cam, I prefer selling off every yard of SUMMER GOODS below cost for cash, than carrying over to an- other season, and Lave reduced their Lawns from 25 to 18 cts. " " 18 to 12 cts. . " " 12 to 10 cts. Fine ChaJlies from 25 to 18 cts. " " 18 to 12 cts. " " " 12 to 10 cts. Supr. four-fourths English Chintz 31 to 20 cts. Ready made coats and vests below cost. Sum- mer Huts, regardl -ss of profits, 100 pair of ladies kid and Morocco Buskins slippers and Ties, at and below cost, running in size from Mo. 2, to un- paralleled bargains may he expected. Gail' am*, sec. July 20,-2 m. Paper Hanging and Painting. r nHE subscriber wishes to inform the public that i he intends carrying on the Paper Hanging and Painting business, in Bedford, and vicinit). He willput out work, at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. He has a sample hook of i.ll kinds of wall p: per. which can lie seen at his office, an 1 pai-.r can be had from him at city prices. He may lie seen at tiie old [SI>IKRKR office. April 6, 1800, SAMUEL RADEBAUGII. Exfiutor'g Notice. WHEREAS letters testamentary, on the ostate of Nathan Hammond, Into of St. Clair Township Bedford County, dec'd, have been granted to the no lis,infers notice is therefore hereby given to all persons indebted to said esUte, to, ind payment immediately, and those hiving claims will make known the same, without delay, to AMF DERRIN, Ex's, residing in St. Clair Tp., JOHN MOiVEK, Ex'or, August 17, 1800. in Bedford. EXTRA good white wine vinegar, rho best pickling vinegar in use. at _ OSTEIi & CARN'S July , 1860. JUST received a large lot of pure vl-'be lead and Lindseed OH, at 11. C. Reamer's Drus. Store. April 18, 1860. bbdforb mmmm. ? s HEAR WHAT THE P2CPLE SAY. Tie unrteraiffnu I hxfiuf; Professor HUMPHREYS' SPECIFIC 110M<K0PAT:!IC REMBDIE9 In our families w.ltft t! must satis factor v results, tuiT having fntl confi- dence lu their genuineness, parity, and efficacy, cheerfully recommend them to all persons who wish to have safe, re- liable, and efficacious rem edits wt haml fcr private or do* mentic use. The Rev. WPI. Hosmer, editor of 44 The Northern Inde- f*tulrnf," Auburn, N. Y.; the Rev. R. H. Cressey, I>.D., Rector >f St. Peter's Church* Auburn, N. Y.; the Rev. B. I. Ives, Chn;>lain of the Auburn State Prison; the Rev. Spencer M. Rr-e, Rector, New-Bedford, Mass.; the Kev. Allen Steele, Nc*-Yrk Conference ; the Rev. Samuel Ni rhoK Kasi-Hettefee e, N. Y. ; the Rev. P. S. Pratt, D rset, Vt. ; the Rev. John E. Ruble, Buffalo ; A. C. Hart, Ktri., U1-a, N. V. ; the lion. Nt-nl Dow, Portland, Me ; tho H m. S ditiyler Colfax, Sooth-Bend, IntL *, the Hon. '!?;? x. Humphreys! N. V. ; Ifenry D. 0>k, Ksuf., Editor of Th Ohio State j mruai, Cnlumlius, Ohio; the Hon. U. H. Graham, Mnllne, 111.; the Hun. Thomas J. Chw, Moutl- c Kin.; the Hon. Jtwieph ttefffdUt, Otic a, V V.; Wui. Brt*l >l, IN t-, Uti , N Y. ; A S. Puml, K*|., UUCK, K. Y. ; Jame-s Piuakett, INcp, Nashville, fenn. MST OP SPECIFIC REMEDIES. N. I?Fr F*ver, Capeesti"n, and Inflammation. No. t.?For W rm K-ver, Worm Cnlic, Wetting the Bed. No. d.? car Colic, (frying, Teething, and Wakefulness of Infants. No. 4. ?For Diarrhea, Cholera Infantum, and Summer Complaints. No. s.?For Colic, Griplryrs, Dysentery, or Bloody Flux. No. ti.?For Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Vomiting. i No. 7.?For Coughs, Cokls, Influenza, and Sore Throat. No. B.?For Tooth ache, Face-ache, and Neuralgia. No. 9.?For Headache, Vertigo, Heat and Fullness of the 11ea... 10.?Dvsmr?r% PILLS?For Weak and Deranged Stomach, C.istij ii >n, and Liver Complaint. X . 11 ?For. Kkmalk IRKKUCI.A HJTIBSJ, Scanty, Painful, or Suppress.' I Periods. Ni. 12.?For Leucorrhea, Protpse Menses, and Bearing Down of Females. N<>. IS.?For Croup, Hoarse Couth, Bad Breathing. No. 14.?Salt Rhkom PIIJ.* ?Fr Eruptions, Pi h I .Irs on the Faco, is?Rheum ITIC Pima?For Pairi, I< imenewi, or Sore- ne.-a i tlie Qbeai, Back, Loins, or Limbs. V ?For Fever an* A ie, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Old M " irir- , *ed I ?K-,r Tlh-js. Hi. I BVcding. Interna! or Externa!. <>? For Sore, Wi-tfc, r Inllanied Eves and Eye&to: Fail ii ". Weak, <r Blum-1 Sight. C.?For Catarrh, of lor.g standing or recent, either with obstruction or profuse discharge. W. C.?For Whooping Cough, abating its violence and shortening its course. In all acute diseases, such as Fevers, Inflammations, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Croup, Rheumatism, and such erup* I tive diseases as Scarlet Fever, Measles, and Erysipelas, the aiivantage of giving the proper remedies promptly is ob- vious, and in all such cases the specifics act like a charm. The entire disease is often arrested at once, and in ail cases the violence of the attack is moderated, the disease short- ened, and rendered less dangerous. Coughs and Colds, which are of such frequent occurrence, and which so often lay the foundation of diseased lungs, bronchitis and consumption, may all be at once cured by the Fever and Cough Pills. all chronic diseases, such as Dyspepsia, Weak Stomach, Constipation, Liver Complaints. Piles, Female Debility, and Irregularrtrcs, old Headaches, Jv>re or Weak Eyes, Catarrh, tin It Rheum, and other old eruptions, the case has specifics whose proper application will afford a cure In almost every instance. Often tlie cure of a single chronic difficulty, such as Dyspepsia, Piles or Catarrh, Headache or Female Weak- ness, lias more than paid for the case ten times over. PRICE. Case of 20 vials complete, in morocco, and Book $5 Case of 20 vials, ami Book, plain .... 4 Case of 15 numbered boxes, and Book 2 Case of fl boxes, numbered, and B"ok 1 Single numbered boxes, w ilh dl "ectiens 25 cents. Single lettered boxes, with directions .. 50 cents. Large case of 2 oz. vials, for pi.inters and physician*.. .sls ALSO SPECIFICS. FOR Asthma or PHTHlSlC ?Oppressed, Difficult, Labored Breathing, attended will. Cotlgi aud Expectoration. Price, 50 cents per box. FOR EAR DiL\*r.f®.iM> Djufn'KSS.*? Discharges from tlie Ear, tlie result of Ccarlet fever. Measles, or .Mercurials. For Noises in the Ilea Hardness of Hearing, and Ringing In the Ears, ami K*r-ac*\ Price. 50 centa per box. FOR SCROFULA. ?Enlarged (Hands, KttTargH and Indurat- ed Tonsils, gwelliucs and Old V\ *crs, gcrofuloua Cachexy ol Children. Price, f)0 cents per box. FOR HKNKRALDXBlUTY.? Physical or Nervous Wetknws. Either tt.e reaull of ffickuess, l.xi easlve Medication, or Kx- hauating Difcharues. Pri'-e, 59 cents per box. FOR DROPSY. ?FIuid Accumulations, TumW Faelllnga, with Scnntv Becretlou. Pnt e. M cents per box. FOR Ska-Sxxhh*!.?Deathly Sickness, Vertigo, Nausea, Vomiting. Sickness fr.iu; riding rr motion. Price, 50 cento per box. FOR URIKART DisKAß firav. l. Renal Calculi, Diffi- cult, I'alr.F.)! Crin:i. n, I:>< **< -OF UI. Kidney*. Trice, 50 cenle [>cr bar. Foe Swix*L Hmnsio*.?. ?Involuntary Pwclierjtee and Cnn-eqiK' T Prostration END Irebility, &D Kctulta of Kril Habits. The moat aucceetut -ML ctfi' ient remedy known, ami may IRE relied UIX.IT as A cure. Price, with full direc- tions, $1 per box. I*e,sons who wiKintoj.lure tlnmivtve* tiro.or the profee- siont.l care, or to seek advice of Prof. Hrweßnrta, can de eo, at '.is "Sice sii2 Broadway, daily from < A.M. to BP.M, . of letter. OL'K RKMKPIKS ITY* MAU.. Look over !' ? list; make nn a case <>f what '.'. i.d yoe choose, and. 1m 1. a- the a. nnt in a . i:- rent w-te or atamn HV mail a .Mr -s ?' So. fJ B tdway. N-wfork, and tl.e me \u25a0: oii.e v. ILL B duly reUirr.ed by mail or xpreae, free of oharge. AGENTS W WILD ?Wed wire no active, -fficfent Agent f for the sale ??! K. .ntrioM in es. :y fnn r .-oninmnUj In the United ? - A'\u25a0 - If. '? HUMPHHKTS i Co. N... ,'SVJ LTHOAIIWAV, Xhw-YOA*. Sold by 11. C. KCIIMCR. May 4, 1860. fiflfti) mm. lilt: Til U\ IMS tltlilVKh! J. M. SHOEMAKER <S' CO., HAVE just received a large anil caretully select- ed Stock of F SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, wbich they are deterniined to sell CHEAIT, consisting in part of Black and Fancy Silks, Bombazines, Delaines, Shawls, Calicoes, Flannels, Ginghams, Muslins. White Goods, &c. Atso, Men's Wear of all descriptions, such as Cloths, Cassimeres, Satin- otts, Tweeds, Jeans. Cord Drillings, Clothing, &c. HOOTS, SIIOIIS, HATS and CIL'S. A very large assortment of Ladies' and Gents' | Boots and Shoes, ail prices, bizes and qualities; and Hats and Caps, to suit all. ALSO, A 1 irge assortment of Queensware, and Hardware, Single and Double Carpet chain, Fleece Cotton, Carpets, KC. ortocEniHS! This department is supplied with tlie very choic- est articles that c in be had In market, and as cbeitp as can i>e bad anywhere, consisting in part of prime Rio Coffee, Sugar, ail kinds and prices, Syrup and Molasses, Black and Green Teas, Spices. Rice, To- bacco, SI-?-. ITS; Corn Starch, Dye Stuffs, Cocoa, Starch, Cheese, Ginger, Candies, Mustard, Faints and Oils, Turpentine, Fish, ATE., &c., Thankful for past favors they hope to receive a liberal share of public patronage. To Casli Buyers and to persons of undoubted standing, who are willing to .settle once a year.? Great Bargains will be given. Call and sec. J. M. SHOEMAKER HE CO. April 13, 1860. IBITILOM'ir JAPANESE. NEW GOODS, AT JACOB REED & CO.'S, XtedlorT, L*A-, AXTE would inform our friends and customeis, \\ that we have just received from the eastern cities, a large and well selected stock of SPRLYG AXD SUMMER GOODS, which they are determined to soli at the lowest diving' prices. All kinds of summer wear, from the finest to the commonest, ladies' dress goods of eve- ry description, fancy goods, and everything usually kept in dry goods stores, (and, perhaps, something besides) groceries, queensware, #C. &e-,can now IM found at their store in every variely aud assort- ment. THEIR SHOE DEPARTMENT, is veil supplied with the best stock that can be OL) tamed. For slvle as well as durability, they cannot be surpassed in this line. 'J'F.I MS: Cheap lor cash, or approved country ] produce, or six months credit to punctual dealers. < Give us a call, and you shall be waited upon with pleasure. J une 1, 1860. FOR GOOD SHOES, GO to OSTKR 4" CARN, they have just received a second supply ol D. R. KINO 4 Co.'s eity made, LADIES, .Misses and Chitdrens' fine shoes;! with and without lleeli. July 13, 1860.-2 M. FARMERS, MECHANICS, AND ALL, LOOK TO TOUR INTERESTS, AND CALL AT OSTER clt OAIUff'S Cheap Store. WE have the pleasure to announce to our friends and customers, that we are now re- ceiving a very large and beautiful stock of New and cheap Spring and Summer Goods, comprising Medium styles, gay and plain, Dress Goods, In part Silk Foulards, poll de cberve'B, Mobair Plaids, Ristoria Cloth, Poplins, Lustres, Bril- liautes.C'hullie de Laines, Pongees, Chintz- es, Lawns, Lavellas, De Lains at 10, 12, 15, 18 and 25 cts.. Mohair, Da Bcrge at 10. 12 and 15 cts., Stella Shawls at 51.50, worth $2.00, Cali- coes, for tha million at 5 61,8, 9. 10, and i 2 cts,Piles o/'Mus- lins Ly the piece and yard at 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 12 cts. Something new in Ginghams, at 10, 12 and 14 ets., Pantaloon Stuffat 10. 12, 15 and 18 cts, Cloth, Cassimers and Tweeds, Cassinetts and Jeans all colors, Silk, Satin and Marseilles Testings, Cottouades, Linen ducks and drillings, Gent's new Styles, Shirts, Collars, Stocks, neck Ties, Hosiery, Gloves, Hdkfs ! &c., Marseilles ami Lin- en Shirt fronts, Fin-Shut fronts at 12 J cts., warranted not all linen. Rea- dy Made Clothing, elegant vests from 62$ cts., up, Coats 87£ cts., up. flats and taps, For the million, from 10 cts., up, Bonnets. Bloom- ers, and Shakers, Ribbons, Ruches and Flowers, very cheap. BOOTS and SHOES, Cheap as the cheapest. Glass, china and Queensware, FRESH SUi'PLY OF GROCERIES, " Superior Green and Black Teas, prime Rio, La- gnayra ami Ceara Coffee, nice brown Sug'r at 8. 9, and 10 cts.. White Crushed at 12$ cts., Baking Molasses at 10 ami 12$ cts.. per quart, best Golden Syrup at 18 and 20 per quart. Bakers C'-coa, Corn Starch, extracts for flavoring and spices of all kinds. We invite every person to call and see. No trou- ble to show goods. TERMS: Prompt settlement by cash, produce or note, every January. Bedford, April 27, 1860. MOFFAT'S Vegetable Life Medicines. A mild yet effectual medicine, compose I of the best material known to medical science, for the cleansing of the alimentary canal and relieving the springs and avenues of life of ale morbid obstruc- tions and impurities, must be a public blessing and a domestic aud individual protection and safeguard, in proportion as it becomes known. Such a medi- cine the families of the United States have long had in MOFFAT'S CEI,J!URATK LIFE PIIXS ANO PHOINIX BITTF.KS, and the good they have done is inestimable. They have won their high fame and firmly established character by their virtuer alone, without the aid of the usual arts ol notc-rity or j impudent experiment on the faith of the credulous. I In all general derangraents of the digestive and alimentary functions, as Well as in a vest variety of acute and chronic diseases, their effects are prompt I and complete as to excite astonishment. In rheumatism, settled paif in the organs and limb's, costireness, piles, liter complaints, jaundice, nervous and bilious attacks,, fever and ague, eruptive diseases, bad aspect of the complexion, indigestion and flatulency, cholics, affections of the ' : biadtler and kidneys, dropsy, asthma and bronchitis, rheumatic colds and sore throats , and indeed i n al- most every conceivable kind of ill health they are invaluable, and will afford certain, and most gener- ally permanent relief. They r .-quire neilber con- finement nor change of diet?they neither prostrate the strength nor give pain?and a more delightful and effectual medicine cannot be procured c ; ther for individuals or families. The proprietor has received for many vears and is continually receiving the most fervent and grate- ful testimonials of their value. Prepared and sold by Da. WM. B. MOFFAT, 335 Broadway, and also by the agents. | Feb. 17, 1860. a- BLOCK2SK W AND CONFEC TION ARY. 11 HE. undersigned has just received nnd keeps . constantly on hand the following articles : Coffee, sugar, molasses, cheese, crackers, cur- rants, prunes, raisins, figs, almonds, filberts, cocoa nuts, ground nuts, pecans. Eng. walnuts, cream ! nuts, candies in variety, oranges, lemons, tobacco and cigars, allspice and pepper, spices of all kinds, baking soda, cream of tarter, sulphur, brimstone, canister and keg powder, shot, caps and lead, grain and grass scythes, whetting tools, wash tubs and boards, indigo, extract logwood, copperas, alum and madder, oil, po'ish and Mason's blacking, sweeping, dusting stove, shoe and scrubbing, brushes, clothes, hair, tooth anu flesh brushes, hat and infant brushes, hair o : !s and perfumery, purses and port ruonaies, pocket and memorandum hooks, bonnet and round gum combs, "ridding" and fine combs, bracelets and beads, pens, pen-holders, i penknives, scissors, Knife-sharpeners, umbrellas, j suspenders, spool cotton and floss, clocks, small j looking glasses, violins, violin strings, toy watches, watch chains, curry combs, cards, horse brushes, shoe-thread, pegs and sparables, Johnson's Arabian Liniment, Kock and Little's White Oil, Merchant's celebrated Gargling Oil, for man or beast, and many other articles of a similar nature. The pat- ronage of the public is respectfully solicited. A. L. DEFIBAUGH. July i, 1859.-zz I MIP OF BEDIfOROioiiNTV. [PROPOSE to matte a directory Map of Bedford Cjunty from actual surveys, if a sufficient nttm l>er of subscribers can be raised to warrant the un- dertaking. The map will show the location of all the citizens and also their places of business such as stores, Post Offices, Hotels, Manufacturing establishments, Grist Mills, Saw Mills, Shops,&c., also the location of all the public roads, boundary lines, streams, mountains, Ac. Maps of all the towns and large villages will be put on the same sheet, also statistical tables of the County, and (if taken in time) the census of 180 '. ED WD. L. WALKER. I*. S. I can furnish any one desirous of getting a map of the United States with a cheap and late edition. July 1, 1859. ADMINISTRATOR'S JVOTICE. LETTERS of administration on the estate of Janies M. Daniel, late of West Providence Township, Bedford County, dee'd, having been i granted to the subscriber, residing in said Town- j ship, notice is therefore hereby given, to all ptr- j sons, indebted to said estate, to make payment immediately, and those having claims to present , them forthwith for settlement JOSEPH M. DANJEL, August 10, 1860. Adm'r. S ECO AO ARIVU, OF SPRING AHEP- SUMMER GOODS !?J. M. Shoemaker & 1 Co's. have Just Returned from the East, and are i now receiving a very largo and splendid stock of all i kinds of goods, which they will sell cheap. Give , them a call. Juue 22, 1860. ' Drugs and Books. H. C. REAMER, Juliana Street, Bedford, Pa., (Jf th Stand formerly occupied by JJr. F. C. Reamer, "IX7IIOLESALE and re- mUmf- ta'' dealer in Drugs, gL-jf Medicines, Chemicals, Dye UKyEuar ari Stuffs, Oils, Pifnts, "Varnishes, Tin-pen- tine, Window Glass, Glassware, sc. Jus received a large stock of American, French, an English perfumery. Also a great variety of' tfne Soaps tor Toilet use. Tooth pastes, flair Tonics Hair Dyes, that will colour various shades, from a light brown to a jet black, Tooth, Nail, Hair. Sha- ring and Clothes brushes, Combs. Pocket Knives, Pocket 800 .s, Port,nor,nai, s, Segar cases, sc., Also, have and will keep constantly on hand a supp v of Coal Oil, Burning fluid and Camphine with a great variety of the most m,dern ,md best style of coal oil and fluid lamps. Pure Wines and Brandies for medical use PI, v.. r ing Extracts and Spices of all sorts, Fine Semi* Snulls, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco Having the agency for til the principal patent medicines n use wiU keep a full , o p ply constantly OD lirlli'l. ? Also, dealer in Books, &c., consisting rf Geo. graphical, Scientific, Keligous, Poetical. Hitor ,cal' Law, Medical, School and Miscellaneous Works in connection with a great variety of plain and fancy Stationery, Cap, Note, Post, and wrapping Paper Blank Books, of every size and quality, Diaries' Blank Deeds, Mori, iges, Note are! Keceiptt. ' Oy Orders promptly filled and satisfaction guar anted, with regard botli to price and quality. Cy Physicians. Prescriptions carefully and ac enrately compounded at all hours of the day or night. Dec. 9, 1859. ~ mm FASHIONS."" I|"RS. S. E. POTTS has returned from the ITX cities, having completed her spring purchases and is now prepared to offer extra inducement a the way ol KiCh Fancy Goods. Her stock consists of some rare styles and latest novelties of the season. Silk and lace mantillas are composed of the new- est styles of the season. Crape de paris, dusters, rich silks, handsome or- digar., lawn robes. Flounced summer silks, dress goods of all kinds STULLA SHAWLS, black and colored center printed bordered stulla, brocha bordered stulla, printed chamois shawls' ehildrens capes, comprising of the largest assort- ment of shawls, straw goods, large stock of new styles of bonnets, straw and silk, English straw bonnets, braid bonnets, pamelia bonnets, fiuicv stiaws, six hundred pieces of rich ribbons at 25 els. per yard, purchased at auction and can be sold cheap, bonnet rushes, bonnet silk, m tts, kid gloves, hosiery, fans, soap and perfumery, fancy goods of all descriptions, dress trimmings, flats and hats trimmed and untrimmed. She will be still adding to her large stock every week during the summer, new desirable ahd fashionable goods. Mourning dress goods and dusters to suit. June 1, 18t>0. FOpUßl'Mil MAIIIINE SHOP. THK subscribers havirg formed a partner ship under the style of "Dock & Ashcom" for the purpose ol conducting a general FOLYDItX A .YD 9UCHIIIE business in the establishment recently erecte- by Gilliard Dock, in Hopewell, Bedford counr ty, are now prepared to execute orders tl CASTINGS AND MACHINERY of every de- scription. They will build to order steam-end gines, coal and drilt-cars, horse powers and threshing machines?also, casting of everv kind for furnaces, forges, saw, grist and rolling mills, ploughs, water-pipe, columns, house fronts, brackets, &c., Arc. They are also, now makings fine assortment of STOVES of various kinds of the latest pat terns and most approved styles, including sev- eral sizes of COOK STOVES of the best make heating stoves for churches, offices, bar-rooms' &c. A lull assortment of Stoves will be kept constantly on hand, and sold at wholesale and retail, at prices to suit the times, and qualiti warranted equal to the best eastern make- Machinery of all kinds repaired promptly.?- Patterns made to order. GILLIARD DOCK, G. W. ASHCOM. Nov. 6, 1857, loinmouw aith Insurance Company, UNIT BUILDINGS, THIRD STREET, HARRISBURG, FA- CT* .iITLRLD CAPITAL, $300,000. ' INSURE BUILDINGS AND OTHER PRO- PERTY AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE BY ALSO Against Perils oj the Sea, Inland Navigation and Transportation. Directors. Simon Cameron, Geo. M. Lauman, Wm. Dock, Eli Slifer, James Fox, Geo. Borguer, Benj. Parke' Wm. 11. Kepner, A. B. Warlord, W. F. Murray, F. K. Boas, John H. Berry hill, Win. F. Packer. Officers. SI*ON CAMERON, Pres't. BENJ. PARKE, Vice Pres't. , S. S. CARRIER, Secretary. J. W. LINGENFELTER, Ageni, Bedlord Pa. Oct. 7, 1859. JACOB REED. G. W. RCrP. JOHN J. SCHELL. HERO IiIIPP & SUIELL Bankers, and Dealers in Exchange. Bedford, Fa. DRAFTS bought and sold, Collections made, and money promptly remitted. Depositee solicited. References : Hon. Job Mann, Bedfmd, Pa. John Mower, Esq. << John Cessna, Esq. < Ross Forwaid, Somerset, Bunn Kagcel & Co., Pbila., ? J no. Watt & Co. Pittsburg, " J. W. Curley &Co., 8e.1t., Md. June 10, 1859. BOOTS and SHOES, For the million, more or less. The largest, cheapest, and best as- sortment in Town, Childrens Shoes from IS cts. up, Woman's Gaiters and Lace Boots 75 cts. up, Buskins stiil cheaper, Misses, Youth's and Boy's shoes from 62 cts up.Mens shoes from $1 00 cp rati and For sale bv OSTER & CARN. May 18, iB6O. EH! BUiIS i l BLANK Exemption Judgnieut Notes,Execut .ons Summons, Subpoenas, Constable Sales, &c. for gale at this office. CO. Against the world for a [/ure eisence of Coffee. For sale bv OSTER & CARN. Eay 18,1860. "BLANK A)EEDS, A superior article, for sale at this oitic Aprils, 18^. 1 .Everybody should use Trinders London Honey J Soap. It is the best in use tor rendering the skin fair, soft, and smooth. For sale by OSTER & CARN. May 18, 1860. FISH ! ?A large stock of Maekarel and Herr ng Just tecsived, and for sale cheap, at J. M. Shoemaker St Co's. cheap store. J uue 22, 1860.

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Page 1: Bedford inquirer. (Bedford, Pa.) 1860-10-26 [p ] · 2017. 12. 17. · SPSiI'K I\B SUHMit LOOM. | ureat fn dace mints! (heap Prices'. fjPIIC undersigned Would respectfully call the

?X SXX33 IWQUI^.EHIs published every Friday morning, in Juliana

Street, in tho brick huildinfc, oppositethe "Mengel House," by


If paid in advance, $1.50; within the year, j$2.00; and l! m>l paid within the year, $2.50 willlie charged. N< paper discontinued until all ar-

ienrages are paid?-except at the option ot theEditor. A failure to notsfy a discontinuance will

be regarded as a new engagement.Jhlieritxmeuls not exceeding i square,(lo lines,)

inserted three times for sl?every subsequent insertion, 25 cents. Longer ones in the same proportion. Each fraction of a square counted, as

a full square. All advertisements not speciallyordered for a given time will he continued untilforbid. A lilieral deduction will be made to thosewho advertise by the year.

Job Printing of all kinds executed neatly andpromptly and on rcasol i;Me terms.

P It 0 F E S S I 0 N A L__C A B D &

o7h. cjaitwer,

A'i'Tolli\l4¥ AT lilt,Bedford, Pa.

WILL promptly attend to all business entrust-

ed to bis care. Ofltee on Pitt Street, threedoors east ol too Bedlord Hotel, lie will ..Is"attend to any surveying business that may be en-

trusted to him.Nov. 4, lb 59.

R. 'sir JlAßliLAY,


WILLattend promptly and faithfully to alllegal business entrusted to his care.

on Juliana Street, in the building lor-merly occupied by' S. M. Barclay, Esq., dee'd.

March 26, 18i8.

Jon MANN, - U. 11. SPANG.

JAW J AHTNE RS HlP?The undersignedA luve associated themselves in the Praticc

of the Law, and will promptly attend to al busi-ness ontrustcd to their care, in Bedford and ad-u ining count Ins.

on Juljpnu* Street, three doorssouth ot.Mengel and opposite the resi-dence o I Maj. Tate.

MANN & SPANGJ "Hie I,? 1851. tf.

l>. S. IUUI>LE,

Formerly of Bedford, Fa.Attorney and Counsellor at Law,IS, tIIiMBEKS 'T. NEW VOKh.All busiuess promptly s.ended to.

Dec. 3, 18-58;

J. VI . LIAIiOFEL¥IAI,Attorney at Law and Laud Surveyor,W

r ILLattend with promptness to all l>usi n essentrusted to his care.

Willpractice in Bedford and Fuiton Counties.E2?""olbce in Juliana Street, cue doer North of I

ths "Inquirer" otfice.Dec. 24, 1858.



JB&l rso 2LPEN.VA.

OFFERS his services to the Public in the prac- jjico of Medicine. Will attend promptly to allca- \u25a0tes entrusted to his care-

He will also perform all operations on the teeth jin a neat and scientific manner.

Teeth plugged an i inserted from a single tooth to jAll Entire Set,

Mounted on gol l or silver plate, on the Int. st and jmost approved principles.

TERMS moderate, and all operations warranted.April 8, 1859.?tf.

fßfiOsr! Will attend ptire*lo*llT cftrefclly to al operations in- ifej | Tt.W*l to irrt TV ,3 filed, refcatau-d, &<?, w<i ? Jf| t i. ... inl tftn inv rtej, frotn tw at-r:ilire art. *!

|| awdi-rata, and ailopemUooa warrant*.!.


mLB. F. BLiiuiRESPECTFULLY tenders his profession;!

services to the citizens of Bedford and vi-cinity.

Office and residence on Pitt-Street, in thebuilding formerly occupied by Dr. J VII. llofius.

Nov. G, 1857.

Dr. F. C "Reamer,Physician and Surgeon.

tenders his services i<the citizens of Bedford and vicinity. He

may a'ways be found (unless professionally en-gaged, it his Drug and Book Store, in JulianaSt.

Feb. 19, 1857.

rw jbk! ~wm7~SPSiI'K I\B SUHMit LOOM. |ureat fn dace mints! (heap Prices'.

fjPIIC undersigned Would respectfully call the at-1L teution of the public to tbeir new and exten-

sive assortment of


Com,rising all st) les and qualities, at the Very low-prices. Also,

CEO ICE FAMILY GROCERIES,Including a line selection of genuine and unadulter-


ALSO,Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps,





All descriptions of Leather for sale..From our long experience, and the superior fa-

cilities we enjoy for purchasing, wo can offer extrainducements, and fuel satisfied that all who favorus with a trial will receive satisfaction, both as re-gards the quality of ..ur goods and prices. Coun-try produce and Tan Bark will be t. ken in exchangetvi Goods and Leather.

S. & W. SHUCK.May 18, 1860.

GREAT'BARGAINS ! !make room fur fall goods. timing tnis month

A we will sen every description of SummerCools at cost, for cath- Superior French andEnglish I,awi:s, at halt price, and many othergoads, -citable for Summer use. Call ind see.

Ju'.y 13, 1800. A. B. CRAMF.K, & CO.

A XEC VTO P JS WOT ICE.j ETTERS testamentary on the last will &c., of

JU Chris tian Blatteuberg lute ofSt. Clair Town-ship. dee'd having been gi ai.Sed to the subscriber,residing in said township* nolle is therefore given

ail persons indebted to sain to mill pay-ment immediate! ?, and those having claims willpresent them fortbwitn for settlement

JACOB CKOVLE.OI.5,180. Executor.



For the speedy, radical, ami effectual enre ol


This medicine has wrought the most miraculouscures in desperate cases ofScrofula, Cancerous formations

| Cutaneous Diseases, Erysipelas, Boils,Pimples on the face, Sore Eyes,

| Stubborn Ulcers. Scald Head.! Tetter afiectious, Rheumatic Disorders,

Dyspepsia, Costiveness,jaundice, Salt Rheum,Mercurial Diseases, General Debility,Liver Complaint, Loss of Appetite,Low Spirits, Foul Stomach,

Female Complaints, and all Diseases having tbeirorigin in an impure state of the Blood.

The above is a portrait of David AlcCreary, ot

: Napier township, who, on the 31st day ot August,

I 1858, made affidavit More Justice Gorley that hei was treated for the ciwe of Cancer by three physi-i viaos of Bedford County, and by Dr. Newton of

i the Eclectic College in Cincinnati, for a period ol

! nearly eight months, notwithstanding which, hisj tip, nose, and a portion of hit left cheile uere entirelyeaten au-ay! lie had given up all hop -, when he-heard of the "Blood Searcher," and was inducedto try it. Four bottles cured him, and althoughsadly disfigured, there is no question but what thisinvaluable medicine saved his life. The full partic-ulars of this remarkable case may be seen in a cir-cular, which can be bad of any of the Agents.

We also refer to the case of Nancy Blakney, ol

E derton, Armstrong county. Pa., cured of Scro-i f'ula after being unable to get oui of bed for three

j years.To the case of a lady rin An*onville, Cle.-vfield

county, who was also afflicted with Scrofula in Its

worst form.To the case of George M eisel, residing in Car-

rolltown, Cambria county, Pa., who was so badlyafflicted with Cancer that it eat his entire nose otland his case was worse, if possible, than MeCreary's.

The particulars of these cases?every one ofwhich was cured by the use of the Blood Searcher?may also l>e found in a circular to be had oi anyof the Agents.

E. M. LEMON, Proprietor.Laboratory for the manufacture and sale, near

Penna. Railroad Depot, Hollidaysburg, Pa.For sale by 11. C- Reamer, Bedford; G. 1). Trout,

Alum Bank ; John G. Sc.heil, Pleasantville ; 1.. NFyau, West End P. Office ; Frederick Corl, Mari-etta; G. B. Amick, St. Clairsviile; Jacob Baird,Barudollors Mills; N. Koons, Willow Grove; JohnBowser, Bowsers Mill, A C. Evans, Rainsburg ; B.F. Horn 8c I>ro., Scheilsburg; Hilligas 8c Mowry,Buena Vista; John Wayde, New Paris; Ritcbey\ Ramsey, Bloody Run ; Piper $ Scott, Fat'ens-ville; David Beegle, Waterstreet; Wm. J. Galbraith, Woodberrv; G. D. Kautfmaa, Flitchville;all of Bedford County.

Dec. 16, 1859.


BEDFORD, PI.THE subscriber, having renovated and refurnished

this old established House, is now preparedto receive guests. He invites his friends and thetraveling publitfto give him a call. Having newfurniture, new beds, anil everything necessary torender hearty cheer to those in want of a tempora-ry home, he fi liters himself that those who sfaywith him, will find themselves at the right place.

He is fullyprepared to receive visitors to the>pring, and all having business with the courts orotherwise.

Ample stabling and carriage house is attached tothe Hotel.

Boarders will be received on favorable terms.ISAAC MENGEL, JR.

April 13, 1860.


MACHINE SHOP!fTfHE subscriber would most respectfully announceJL to the farming community, and public in gene-

lal, that In-still continues to manufacture at Idsshop, in Bedford, Pa., the following farming utensilsof the very best material, and in the most wmk-manlike manner, viz:fuui and Six Horse Tumbling Shaft Power

Machines,with large open cylinders, six staves, and spikesscrewed in. and improved Straw Shakers attached.Their superior for strength and speed are not madein this or any other County in the State.

Four Horse Tumbling Shaft and Strap PowerMachine, with cylinder open or shut, as may be de-Mted, for convenience, ease of draft, and" perfectworking, this machine has no superior any where.

1 HKEE HORSE, .MACHINES, of the same kind.Two and three Horse Tumbling Shaft Power Ma-chines, a very convenient and excellent machinefor snidll farmer.;, with or without shakers, tingleand double Shovel Ploughs, Horse Rakes, Lever Cut-ting Boxes, Harrows and Wheelbarrows, made toorder.

All the above articles constantly on band, andsold on reasonable terms.

Repairing of all kinds ol Machines, whether madehere or elsewhere, done on the shortest notice.

Castings for all my Machines, made at the Foundry of Shires & Jordan, in Bedford, and will com-pare with any made in the State for strength ariddurability. Blacksmithing done to order. All mywork warranted to give satisfaction.

From a past experience of over twenty vears inthe Machine business, I fuel confident tiiat I cangive entire satisfaction to all who may favor mewith a call. Call and examine niy work before youpurchase elsewhere, as I am determined to pleaseall.

Horses, grain of all kinds, lumber and iron, willbe taken in exchange for work.

PETER H.SHIRES.June 1, 1860.-6 in. Machinist.

Administrator's Notice.

LETTERS of administration having been grant-ed to the subscriber, residing in Napier Town-

ship, upon the Estate of John Ellis, late of s iidtownship, deceased, he calls upon all persons in-debted io come forward and make payment im-mediately, and all having claims against the estate,are requested to make the same properly authentifated lor settlement.

HENRY TAYLOR,'-*\u25a0 IW'L Adm'r.

4 LL kinds of Groceries just received, and forXX sslo cheap, at Shoemaker's cheap store, No. 1.Anderson's Row.

June 29, 1860.

Si ILLCHEAT EH, only 18j per doz. for goonMacekral, at OSTEIi CAKN'S.May 4, 18G0-

BLASTING I'owder, and salety fuse, for salebr A. L. BEKIBAUGH.

Juty 20, 1860.


IT is a fact that, at some period, every mem-ber of (he human family is subject to diseaseor disturbance of the bodily functions; but,\u25a0with the aid of a good tonio and the exerciseof plain common sense, they may bo able so toregulate the system as to secure pevmancnthealth. In order to accomplish this desiredobject, the true course to pursue is certainlythat -which will produce a natural state ofthings at the least hazard ofvital strength andlife. For this purpose, Dr. Hostetter Infi in-

troduced to this country a preparation bearinghis name, which is not a new medicine, but onethat has been tried for years, giving satisfac-tion to all who have used it. The Bittersoperate powerfully upon the stomach, bowels,and liver, restoring them to a healthy andvigorous action, and thus, by the simple pro-cess of strengthening nature, enable the sys-tem to triumph over disease.

For the cure of Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Nau-sea, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, or any BiliousComplaints, arising from a morbid inactionof tho Stomach or Bowels, producing Cramps,Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, &.C., theseBitters have no equal.

Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, so generally con-tracted by new settlers, and caused principallyby the change of water and diet, willbe speedilyregulated by a brief use of this preparation.Dyspepsia, a disease which is probably moreprevalent, in all its various forms, than anyother, and the cause of which aiay Iwaysbe attributed to derangements of rJm digestif®organs, can be cured wit),out vail by usingHOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS, as perdirections on the bottle. For this disease everyphysician will recommend Hitters of some kind;then why not uso an article knowttto be infal-lible ? All nations have their Bvtfk-s. as a pre-ventive of disease and sirengtlienff of the sys-tem in general; and among them all there isnot to be found a more healthy people thanthe (lermans, from whom this preparation ema-nated, based upon scientific experiments whichhave tended to prove tho value of this greatpreparation in the scale of medical science.

FEVER AND AGUE.?This trying and provok-ing disease, which fixes its relentless grasp onthe body of man, reducing him ton mere sha-dow in a short time, and rendering him phy-sically and mentally useless, can be drivenfrom the body by the use of HOSTETTER'SRENOWNED BITTERS. Further, none of theabove-stated diseases can be contracted, evenin exposed situations, if the Bitters are usedas per directions. And as they neither creatonausea nor offend the palate, and render un-necessary any change of diet or interruptionof ordinary pursuits, but promote sound sleepand healthy digestion, the complaint is re-moved as speedily as is consistent with the pro-duction of a thorough and perninnent cure.

For Persons in Advanced Years, who aresuffering from an enfeebled constitution andinfirm body, these Bitters are invalUr.ble as arestorative of strength and vigor, and needonly be tried to be appreciated. And to a

mother while nursing these Bitters are indis-pensable, especially where the mothers nour-ishment is inadequate to the demands of thochild, consequently her must yield,and here it is where a good tonic, such asHosteller's Stomach Bitters, is needed to imparttemporary strength and vigor to the system.Ladies should by all means try this remedyfor all cases of debility, and, before so doing,should ask their physician, who, if he isacquainted with the virtue of the Bitters, willrecommend their use in all cases of weakness.

CAUTION.?Wo caution the public against usingany of the many imitations or counterfeits, but askfor HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED SVOMACH BITTERS,and see that each bottle b'-a the words "Dr. J.Hostetter's Stomach Bitters" blown on the sideof the bottle, and stamped on tho metallic capcovering tho cork, and observe that our autographsignature is on the iabel.

Ks- Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER &

SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by alldruggists, grocers, and dealers generallythroughout the United States, Canada, SouthAmerica, axvd Germany.

Agents for Bedford County: B. F. Harry, II C.Reamer, Bedford ; John P. Lowrv, Hopewell; E.B. Rarnsy, Bloody Run ; John Nycum, Faiiview.

Nov. 4, 1859.


MRS. S. f ll.M'.lt would respectfully an.nounce to her friends in Bedford County, and

to the public generally, that ste has leased fir aterm of years, the large and convenint brick hotel,at the corner of Pitt anil Juliana Streets, Bed-ford, Pa., kr.own as the "WASHINGTON HO-TEL,'" and lately kept by Mrs. Cook.

This house is being thoroughly refitted and re-furnished. tnd is now open for the reception ofguests. Visitors to the "BEDFORD SPRINGS,"and persons attending Court will find the house apleasant and quiet temporary home. Every atten-tion will be paid to the accommodation and com-fort of guests. The table will at all tittfys bo sup-plied with the best the .markets afford i Chargeswill be moderate. Extensive stabling is attachedto this hotel and a careful and competent hostlerwill be in attendance.

Special attention will be paid to the accommo-dation of the farming community.

March 30, 1860. f

Irresistible Indue eaients to Purchase!Great Reduction ia Summer Goods \!

Osier fc Cam,

Iprefer selling offevery yard of SUMMER GOODSbelow cost for cash, than carrying over to an-

other season, and Lave reduced theirLawns from 25 to 18 cts.

" " 18 to 12 cts.. " " 12 to 10 cts.

Fine ChaJlies from 25 to 18 cts." " 18 to 12 cts.

" " " 12 to 10 cts.Supr. four-fourths English Chintz 31 to 20 cts.Ready made coats and vests below cost. Sum-

mer Huts, regardl -ss of profits, 100 pair of ladieskid and Morocco Buskins slippers and Ties, at andbelow cost, running in size from Mo. 2, to un-paralleled bargains may he expected. Gail' am*,sec.

July 20,-2 m.

Paper Hanging and Painting.r nHE subscriber wishes to inform the public thati he intends carrying on the Paper Hanging andPainting business, in Bedford, and vicinit). Hewillput out work, at the shortest notice, and onthe most reasonable terms.

He has a sample hook of i.ll kinds ofwall p: per.which can lie seen at his office, an 1 pai-.r can behad from him at city prices.

He may lie seen at tiie old [SI>IKRKR office.April6, 1800,


Exfiutor'g Notice.WHEREAS letters testamentary, on the ostate

of Nathan Hammond, Into of St. Clair TownshipBedford County, dec'd, have been granted to theno lis,infers notice is therefore hereby given to allpersons indebted to said esUte, to, ind paymentimmediately, and those hiving claims will makeknown the same, without delay, to

AMF DERRIN, Ex's,residing in St. Clair Tp.,

JOHN MOiVEK, Ex'or,August 17, 1800. in Bedford.

EXTRA good white wine vinegar, rho bestpickling vinegar in use. at


OSTEIi & CARN'SJuly , 1860.

JUST received a large lot of pure vl-'be lead andLindseed OH, at 11. C. Reamer's Drus. Store.April 18, 1860.

bbdforb mmmm.


Tie unrteraiffnu I hxfiuf; Professor HUMPHREYS'SPECIFIC 110M<K0PAT:!IC REMBDIE9 In our familiesw.ltft t! must satis factor v results, tuiT having fntl confi-

dence lu their genuineness, parity, and efficacy, cheerfullyrecommend them to all persons who wish to have safe, re-liable, and efficacious rem edits wt haml fcr private or do*mentic use.

The Rev. WPI. Hosmer, editor of 44 The Northern Inde-f*tulrnf," Auburn, N. Y.; the Rev. R. H. Cressey, I>.D.,Rector >f St. Peter's Church* Auburn, N. Y.; the Rev. B. I.Ives, Chn;>lain of the Auburn State Prison; the Rev.Spencer M. Rr-e, Rector, New-Bedford, Mass.; the Kev.Allen Steele, Nc*-Yrk Conference ; the Rev. SamuelNirhoK Kasi-Hettefee e, N. Y. ; the Rev. P. S.Pratt, D rset, Vt. ; the Rev. John E. Ruble, Buffalo ; A. C.Hart, Ktri., U1-a, N. V. ; the lion. Nt-nl Dow, Portland,Me ; tho H m. S ditiyler Colfax, Sooth-Bend, IntL *, the Hon.

'!?;? x. Humphreys! N. V. ; Ifenry D. 0>k, Ksuf., Editor ofTh Ohio State j mruai, Cnlumlius, Ohio; the Hon. U. H.

Graham, Mnllne, 111.; the Hun. Thomas J. Chw, Moutl-c Kin.; the Hon. Jtwieph ttefffdUt, Otic a, V V.; Wui.Brt*l >l, IN t-, Uti , N Y. ; A S. Puml, K*|., UUCK, K. Y. ;Jame-s Piuakett, INcp, Nashville, fenn.


N. I?Fr F*ver, Capeesti"n, and Inflammation.No. t.?For W rm K-ver, Worm Cnlic, Wetting the Bed.No. d.? car Colic, (frying,Teething, and Wakefulness of

Infants.No. 4. ?For Diarrhea, Cholera Infantum, and Summer

Complaints.No. s.?For Colic, Griplryrs, Dysentery, or Bloody Flux.No. ti.?For Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Vomiting. iNo. 7.?For Coughs, Cokls, Influenza, and Sore Throat.No. B.?For Tooth ache, Face-ache, and Neuralgia.No. 9.?For Headache, Vertigo, Heat and Fullness of the

11ea...10.?Dvsmr?r% PILLS?For Weak and Deranged

Stomach, C.istij ii>n, and Liver Complaint.X . 11 ?For. Kkmalk IRKKUCI.A HJTIBSJ, Scanty, Painful, or

Suppress.' I Periods.Ni. 12.?For Leucorrhea, Protpse Menses, and Bearing

Down of Females.N<>. IS.?For Croup, Hoarse Couth, Bad Breathing.No. 14.?Salt Rhkom PIIJ.* ?Fr Eruptions,

Pi h I.Irs on the Faco,is?Rheum ITICPima?For Pairi, I< imenewi, or Sore-

ne.-a i tlie Qbeai, Back, Loins, or Limbs.V ?For Fever an* A ie, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Old

M " irir- , *ed

I?K-,r Tlh-js. Hi. I BVcding. Interna! or Externa!.<>? For Sore, Wi-tfc, r Inllanied Eves and Eye&to: Fail

ii ". Weak, <r Blum-1 Sight.

C.?For Catarrh, of lor.g standing or recent, either withobstruction or profuse discharge.

W. C.?For Whooping Cough, abating its violence andshortening its course.

In all acute diseases, such as Fevers, Inflammations,Diarrhea, Dysentery, Croup, Rheumatism, and such erup*

I tive diseases as Scarlet Fever, Measles, and Erysipelas, the

aiivantage of giving the proper remedies promptly is ob-vious, and in all such cases the specifics act like a charm.

The entire disease is often arrested at once, and in ail casesthe violence of the attack is moderated, the disease short-ened, and rendered less dangerous.

Coughs and Colds, which are of such frequent occurrence,and which so often lay the foundation of diseased lungs,

bronchitis and consumption, may all be at once cured bythe Fever and Cough Pills.

all chronic diseases, such as Dyspepsia, Weak Stomach,Constipation, Liver Complaints. Piles, Female Debility, andIrregularrtrcs, old Headaches, Jv>re or Weak Eyes, Catarrh,tin It Rheum, and other old eruptions, the case has specificswhose proper application willafford a cure In almost everyinstance. Often tlie cure of a single chronic difficulty, suchas Dyspepsia, Piles or Catarrh, Headache or Female Weak-ness, lias more than paid for the case ten times over.

PRICE.Case of 20 vials complete, in morocco, and Book $5Case of 20 vials, ami Book, plain .... 4

Case of 15 numbered boxes, and Book 2Case of fl boxes, numbered, and B"ok 1Single numbered boxes, w ilh dl "ectiens 25 cents.

Single lettered boxes, with directions . . 50 cents.

Large case of 2 oz. vials, for pi.inters and physician*.. .sls

ALSO SPECIFICS.FOR Asthma or PHTHlSlC ?Oppressed, Difficult, Labored

Breathing, attended will. Cotlgi aud Expectoration. Price,50 cents per box.

FOR EAR DiL\*r.f®.iM>Djufn'KSS.*? Discharges from tlieEar, tlie result of Ccarlet fever. Measles, or .Mercurials.For Noises in the Ilea Hardness of Hearing, and RingingIn the Ears, ami K*r-ac*\ Price. 50 centa per box.

FOR SCROFULA. ?Enlarged (Hands, KttTargH and Indurat-ed Tonsils, gwelliucs and Old V\*crs, gcrofuloua Cachexy olChildren. Price, f)0 cents per box.

FOR HKNKRALDXBlUTY.?Physical or Nervous Wetknws.Either tt.e reaull of ffickuess, l.xieaslve Medication, or Kx-hauating Difcharues. Pri'-e, 59 cents per box.

FOR DROPSY. ?FIuid Accumulations, TumW Faelllnga, with

Scnntv Becretlou. Pnt e. M cents per box.FOR Ska-Sxxhh*!.?Deathly Sickness, Vertigo, Nausea,

Vomiting. Sickness fr.iu; riding rr motion. Price, 50 centoper box.

FOR URIKART DisKAß firav. l.Renal Calculi, Diffi-

cult, I'alr.F.)! Crin:i. n, I:>< **< -OF UI. Kidney*. Trice, 50cenle [>cr bar.

Foe Swix*L Hmnsio*.?. ?Involuntary Pwclierjtee and

Cnn-eqiK' T Prostration END Irebility, &D Kctulta of KrilHabits. The moat aucceetut -ML ctfi' ient remedy known,ami may IRE relied UIX.IT as A cure. Price, with full direc-tions, $1 per box.

I*e,sons who wiKintoj.lure tlnmivtve* tiro.or the profee-siont.l care, or to seek advice of Prof. Hrweßnrta, can deeo, at '.is "Sice sii2 Broadway, daily from < A.M. to BP.M,

. of letter.OL'K RKMKPIKS ITY* MAU..

Look over !' ? list; make nn a case <>f what '.'. i.d yoechoose, and. 1m 1. a- the a. nnt in a . i:-rent w-te or atamn

HV mail a .Mr -s ?' So. fJ B tdway. N-wfork,and tl.e me \u25a0: oii.e v. ILL B duly reUirr.ed by mail or xpreae,free of oharge.

AGENTS W WILD ?Wed wire no active, -fficfent Agentf for the sale ??! K. .ntrioM in es. :y fnn r .-oninmnUj

In the United ? - A'\u25a0 - If. '? HUMPHHKTS iCo.N... ,'SVJ LTHOAIIWAV, Xhw-YOA*.

Sold by 11. C. KCIIMCR.May 4, 1860.

fiflfti) mm.lilt: Til U\ IMS tltlilVKh!


HAVE just received a large anil caretully select-ed Stock of F

SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS,wbich they are deterniined to sell CHEAIT, consistingin part of Black and Fancy Silks, Bombazines,Delaines, Shawls, Calicoes, Flannels, Ginghams,Muslins. White Goods, &c. Atso, Men's Wear ofall descriptions, such as Cloths, Cassimeres, Satin-otts, Tweeds, Jeans. Cord Drillings, Clothing, &c.

HOOTS, SIIOIIS, HATS and CIL'S.A very large assortment of Ladies' and Gents'

| Boots and Shoes, ail prices, bizes and qualities; andHats and Caps, to suit all.

ALSO, A 1 irge assortment of Queensware, andHardware, Single and Double Carpet chain, FleeceCotton, Carpets, KC.

ortocEniHS!This department is supplied with tlie very choic-

est articles that c in be had In market, and as cbeitpas can i>e bad anywhere, consisting in part of primeRio Coffee, Sugar, ail kinds and prices, Syrup andMolasses, Black and Green Teas, Spices. Rice, To-bacco, SI-?-. ITS; Corn Starch, Dye Stuffs, Cocoa,Starch, Cheese, Ginger, Candies, Mustard, Faintsand Oils, Turpentine, Fish, ATE., &c., Thankful forpast favors they hope to receive a liberal share ofpublic patronage.

To Casli Buyers and to persons of undoubtedstanding, who are willing to .settle once a year.?Great Bargains will be given. Call and sec.

J. M. SHOEMAKER HE CO.April 13, 1860.



JACOB REED & CO.'S,XtedlorT, L*A-,

AXTE would inform our friends and customeis,\ \ that we have just received from the eastern

cities, a large and well selected stock ofSPRLYG AXD SUMMER GOODS,

which they are determined to soli at the lowestdiving' prices. Allkinds of summer wear, from thefinest to the commonest, ladies' dress goods of eve-ry description, fancy goods, and everything usuallykept in dry goods stores, (and, perhaps, somethingbesides) groceries, queensware, #C. &e-,can now IMfound at their store in every variely aud assort-ment.

THEIR SHOE DEPARTMENT,is veil supplied with the best stock that can be OL)tamed. For slvle as well as durability, they cannotbe surpassed in this line.

'J'F.I MS: Cheap lor cash, or approved country ]produce, or six months credit to punctual dealers. <Give us a call, and you shall be waited upon withpleasure.

J une 1, 1860.


GO to OSTKR 4" CARN, they have just received asecond supply ol D. R. KINO 4 Co.'s eity

made, LADIES, .Misses and Chitdrens' fine shoes;!with and without lleeli.

July 13, 1860.-2 M.



OSTER clt OAIUff'SCheap Store.

WE have the pleasure to announce to ourfriends and customers, that we are now re-

ceiving a very large and beautiful stock of Newand cheap

Spring and Summer Goods,comprising Medium styles, gay and plain,

Dress Goods,In part Silk Foulards, poll de cberve'B, Mobair

Plaids, Ristoria Cloth, Poplins, Lustres, Bril-liautes.C'hullie de Laines, Pongees, Chintz-

es, Lawns, Lavellas, De Lains at 10,12, 15, 18 and 25 cts.. Mohair, Da

Bcrge at 10. 12 and 15 cts.,Stella Shawls at 51.50,

worth $2.00, Cali-coes, for tha

million at 561,8, 9.

10, and i 2cts,Piles o/'Mus-

lins Ly the piece andyard at 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and

12 cts. Something new inGinghams, at 10, 12 and 14 ets.,

Pantaloon Stuffat 10. 12, 15 and 18 cts,Cloth, Cassimers and Tweeds, Cassinetts

and Jeans all colors, Silk, Satin and MarseillesTestings, Cottouades, Linen ducks and drillings,

Gent's new Styles, Shirts, Collars, Stocks,neck Ties, Hosiery, Gloves, Hdkfs !

&c., Marseilles ami Lin-en Shirt fronts,

Fin-Shut fronts at 12 Jcts., warranted not all linen. Rea-

dy Made Clothing, elegant vests from 62$cts., up, Coats 87£ cts., up.

flats and taps,For the million, from 10 cts., up, Bonnets. Bloom-ers, and Shakers, Ribbons, Ruches and Flowers,very cheap.

BOOTS and SHOES,Cheap as the cheapest.Glass, china and Queensware,


Superior Green and Black Teas, prime Rio, La-gnayra ami Ceara Coffee, nice brown Sug'r at 8. 9,and 10 cts.. White Crushed at 12$ cts., BakingMolasses at 10 ami 12$ cts.. per quart, best GoldenSyrup at 18 and 20 per quart. Bakers C'-coa, CornStarch, extracts for flavoring and spices of allkinds.

We invite every person to call and see. No trou-ble to show goods.

TERMS: Prompt settlement by cash, produce ornote, every January.

Bedford, April 27, 1860.

MOFFAT'SVegetable Life Medicines.

Amild yet effectual medicine, compose I of thebest material known to medical science, for the

cleansing of the alimentary canal and relieving thesprings and avenues of life of ale morbid obstruc-tions and impurities, must be a public blessing anda domestic aud individual protection and safeguard,in proportion as it becomes known. Such a medi-cine the families of the United States have longhad in MOFFAT'S CEI,J!URATK LIFE PIIXS ANOPHOINIX BITTF.KS, and the good they have done isinestimable. They have won their high fame andfirmly established character by their virtuer alone,without the aid of the usual arts ol notc-rity or

j impudent experiment on the faith of the credulous. IIn all general derangraents of the digestive andalimentary functions, as Well as in a vest variety ofacute and chronic diseases, their effects are prompt

I and complete as to excite astonishment.In rheumatism, settled paif in the organs and

limb's, costireness, piles, liter complaints, jaundice,nervous and bilious attacks,, fever andague, eruptive diseases, bad aspect of the complexion,indigestion and flatulency, cholics, affections of the '

: biadtler and kidneys, dropsy, asthma and bronchitis,rheumatic colds and sore throats , and indeed i n al-most every conceivable kind of ill health they areinvaluable, and will afford certain, and most gener-ally permanent relief. They r.-quire neilber con-finement nor change of diet?they neither prostratethe strength nor give pain?and a more delightfuland effectual medicine cannot be procured c ;therfor individuals or families.

The proprietor has received for many vears andis continually receiving the most fervent and grate-ful testimonials of their value. Prepared and soldby Da. WM. B. MOFFAT, 335 Broadway, andalso by the agents.

| Feb. 17, 1860.


CONFEC TIONARY.11HE. undersigned has just received nnd keeps

.constantly on hand the following articles :

Coffee, sugar, molasses, cheese, crackers, cur-rants, prunes, raisins, figs, almonds, filberts, cocoanuts, ground nuts, pecans. Eng. walnuts, cream

! nuts, candies in variety, oranges, lemons, tobaccoand cigars, allspice and pepper, spices of all kinds,baking soda, cream of tarter, sulphur, brimstone,canister and keg powder, shot, caps and lead, grainand grass scythes, whetting tools, wash tubs andboards, indigo, extract logwood, copperas, alumand madder, oil, po'ish and Mason's blacking,sweeping, dusting stove, shoe and scrubbing,brushes, clothes, hair, tooth anu flesh brushes, hatand infant brushes, hair o : !s and perfumery, pursesand port ruonaies, pocket and memorandum hooks,bonnet and round gum combs, "ridding" and finecombs, bracelets and beads, pens, pen-holders, ipenknives, scissors, Knife-sharpeners, umbrellas, jsuspenders, spool cotton and floss, clocks, small jlooking glasses, violins, violin strings, toy watches,watch chains, curry combs, cards, horse brushes,shoe-thread, pegs and sparables, Johnson's ArabianLiniment, Kock and Little's White Oil, Merchant'scelebrated Gargling Oil, for man or beast, andmany other articles of a similar nature. The pat-ronage of the public is respectfully solicited.

A. L. DEFIBAUGH.July i, 1859.-zz

I MIP OF BEDIfOROioiiNTV.[PROPOSE to matte a directory Map of Bedford

Cjunty from actual surveys, if a sufficient nttml>er of subscribers can be raised to warrant the un-dertaking.

The map will show the location of all the citizensand also their places of business such as stores,Post Offices, Hotels, Manufacturing establishments,Grist Mills, Saw Mills, Shops,&c., also the locationof all the public roads, boundary lines, streams,mountains, Ac.

Maps of all the towns and large villages will beput on the same sheet, also statistical tables of theCounty, and (if taken in time) the census of 180 '.

ED WD. L. WALKER.I*. S. I can furnish any one desirous of getting

a map of the United States with a cheap and lateedition.

July 1, 1859.


LETTERS of administration on the estate ofJanies M. Daniel, late of West Providence

Township, Bedford County, dee'd, having been igranted to the subscriber, residing in said Town- jship, notice is therefore hereby given, to all ptr- jsons, indebted to said estate, to make paymentimmediately, and those having claims to present ,them forthwith for settlement

JOSEPH M. DANJEL,August 10, 1860. Adm'r.


Co's. have Just Returned from the East, and are inow receiving a very largo and splendid stock of all ikinds of goods, which they will sell cheap. Give ,them a call.

Juue 22, 1860. '

Drugs and Books.H. C. REAMER,

Juliana Street, Bedford, Pa.,(Jf th Stand formerly occupied by JJr. F. C. Reamer,

"IX7IIOLESALE and re- mUmf-ta'' dealer in Drugs,gL-jf Medicines, Chemicals, Dye UKyEuarari Stuffs, Oils, Pifnts, "Varnishes, Tin-pen-

tine, Window Glass, Glassware, sc. Jusreceived a large stock of American, French, anEnglish perfumery. Also a great variety of' tfneSoaps tor Toilet use. Tooth pastes, flair TonicsHair Dyes, that will colour various shades, from alightbrown to a jet black, Tooth, Nail, Hair. Sha-ring and Clothes brushes, Combs. Pocket Knives,Pocket 800 .s, Port,nor,nai, s, Segar cases, sc.,Also, have and will keep constantly on hand asupp v of Coal Oil, Burning fluid and Camphinewith a great variety of the most m,dern ,md beststyle of coal oil and fluid lamps.

Pure Wines and Brandies for medical use PI,v.. r ing Extracts and Spices ofall sorts, Fine Semi*Snulls, Chewing and Smoking TobaccoHaving the agency for til the principal patentmedicines n use wiU keep a full ,o p ply constantly

OD lirlli'l. ?

Also, dealer in Books, &c., consisting rf Geo.graphical, Scientific, Keligous, Poetical. Hitor ,cal'Law, Medical, School and Miscellaneous Works inconnection with a great variety of plain and fancyStationery, Cap, Note, Post, and wrapping PaperBlank Books, of every size and quality, Diaries'Blank Deeds, Mori, iges, Note are! Keceiptt.


Oy Orders promptly filled and satisfaction guaranted, with regard botli to price and quality.

Cy Physicians. Prescriptions carefully and acenrately compounded at all hours of the day ornight.

Dec. 9, 1859.~

mm FASHIONS.""I|"RS. S. E. POTTS has returned from theITX cities, having completed her spring purchasesand is now prepared to offer extra inducement athe way ol

KiCh Fancy Goods.Her stock consists of some rare styles and latestnovelties of the season.

Silk and lace mantillas are composed of the new-est styles of the season.

Crape de paris, dusters, rich silks, handsome or-digar., lawn robes.

Flounced summer silks, dress goods of all kindsSTULLA SHAWLS,

black and colored center printed bordered stulla,brocha bordered stulla, printed chamois shawls'ehildrens capes, comprising of the largest assort-ment of shawls, straw goods, large stock of newstyles of bonnets, straw and silk, English strawbonnets, braid bonnets, pamelia bonnets, fiuicvstiaws, six hundred pieces of rich ribbons at 25 els.per yard, purchased at auction and can be soldcheap, bonnet rushes, bonnet silk, m tts, kid gloves,hosiery, fans, soap and perfumery, fancy goods ofall descriptions, dress trimmings, flats and hatstrimmed and untrimmed. She will be still addingto her large stock every week during the summer,new desirable ahd fashionable goods. Mourningdress goods and dusters to suit.

June 1, 18t>0.

FOpUßl'Mil MAIIIINE SHOP.THK subscribers havirg formed a partner

ship under the style of "Dock & Ashcom" forthe purpose ol conducting a general

FOLYDItX A .YD 9UCHIIIEbusiness in the establishment recently erecte-by Gilliard Dock, in Hopewell, Bedford counrty, are now prepared to execute orders tlCASTINGS AND MACHINERY of every de-scription. They will build to order steam-endgines, coal and drilt-cars, horse powers andthreshing machines?also, casting of evervkind for furnaces, forges, saw, grist and rollingmills, ploughs, water-pipe, columns, housefronts, brackets, &c., Arc.

They are also, now makings fine assortmentof STOVES of various kinds of the latest patterns and most approved styles, including sev-eral sizes of COOK STOVES of the best makeheating stoves for churches, offices, bar-rooms'&c.

A lull assortment of Stoves will be keptconstantly on hand, and sold at wholesale andretail, at prices to suit the times, and qualitiwarranted equal to the best eastern make-Machinery of all kinds repaired promptly.?-Patterns made to order.


Nov. 6, 1857,

loinmouw aith Insurance Company,UNIT BUILDINGS, THIRD STREET,



ALSOAgainst Perils oj the Sea, Inland Navigation

and Transportation.Directors.

Simon Cameron, Geo. M. Lauman, Wm. Dock,Eli Slifer, James Fox, Geo. Borguer, Benj. Parke'Wm. 11. Kepner, A. B. Warlord, W. F. Murray,F. K. Boas, John H. Berry hill, Win. F. Packer.

Officers.SI*ON CAMERON, Pres't. BENJ. PARKE, Vice Pres't.

, S. S. CARRIER, Secretary.J. W. LINGENFELTER, Ageni,

Bedlord Pa.Oct. 7, 1859.


HERO IiIIPP & SUIELLBankers, and Dealers in Exchange.

Bedford, Fa.

DRAFTS bought and sold, Collections made,and money promptly remitted.

Depositee solicited.References : Hon. Job Mann, Bedfmd, Pa.

John Mower, Esq. <<

John Cessna, Esq. <

Ross Forwaid, Somerset,Bunn Kagcel & Co., Pbila., ?

J no. Watt & Co. Pittsburg, "

J. W. Curley &Co., 8e.1t., Md.June 10, 1859.

BOOTS and SHOES, For the million, moreor less. The largest, cheapest, and best as-

sortment in Town, Childrens Shoes from IS cts.up, Woman's Gaiters and Lace Boots 75 cts. up,Buskins stiil cheaper, Misses, Youth's and Boy'sshoes from 62 cts up.Mens shoes from $1 00 cprati and For sale bv

OSTER & CARN.May 18, iB6O.

EH! BUiIS i lBLANKExemption Judgnieut Notes,Execut .ons

Summons, Subpoenas, Constable Sales, &c.for gale at this office.

CO.Against the world for a [/ure eisence of Coffee.

For sale bv OSTER & CARN.Eay 18,1860.

"BLANK A)EEDS,A superior article, for sale at this oitic

Aprils, 18^.

1.Everybody should use Trinders London HoneyJ Soap. It is the best in use tor rendering the

skin fair, soft, and smooth. For sale byOSTER & CARN.

May 18, 1860.

FISH !?A large stock of Maekarel and Herr ngJust tecsived, and for sale cheap, at J. M.

Shoemaker St Co's. cheap store.J uue 22, 1860.