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FOR 2009/10

31 March 2009

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1. FOREWORD............................................................................................................................................................................................3

2. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................................................................4

3. 2008/09 CURRENT POSITION...............................................................................................................................................................4

4. 2009/10 YEAR.........................................................................................................................................................................................5

5. BALANCED SCORECARD.....................................................................................................................................................................6

ANNEX A – TABLE OF PERFORMANCE MEASURES AND SUPPORTING INDICATORS....................................................................31

ANNEX B – FINANCE..................................................................................................................................................................................36

ANNEX C – ESTATES STRATEGY............................................................................................................................................................37

ANNEX D – ORGANISATION CHART........................................................................................................................................................38

ANNEX E – POINTS OF CONTACT............................................................................................................................................................39

ANNEX F – GLOSSARY OF TERMS..........................................................................................................................................................42

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1. Foreword

Welcome to the 2009/10 business plan for HMCS Bedfordshire, Essex and Hertfordshire (BEH), which sets out its aims and plans in its third year of existence, as one of the areas within the South East Region. 2008/09 proved to be a busy and challenging year for us, being the fourth year of unified administration, which brought together the Crown, County and Magistrates’ Courts into one administrative agency, and the second year as the new HMCS Area of BEH. Much progress has been made in bringing together the three counties. They are now operating as a single unified administration within the South East Region of HMCS, which has for the last year been part of the Ministry of Justice and I am grateful to everyone, especially the staff of our organisation, for helping to achieve this.

In 2009/10 HMCS BEH must build on the foundations it established in 2007/08 and 2008/09 and at the same time contribute to the savings that are required throughout the MoJ. As an organisation we must continue to make progress and drive forward improvements in the way we deliver our services to those who use our courts. I know that being part of an enlarged Ministry of Justice will assist us in this process by providing a single focus and vision for the future to achieve a truly unified court service providing an effective, efficient and timely service to its users.

Key issues for us in 2009/10 will be:-

Supporting and progressing the HMCS Change Programme which brings together the delivery of a number of programmes that will implement modern, national IT systems and infrastructure in and across all our courts (demonstrated specifically by 6.3 of the plan through how we will improve the way we work);

Progressing, at Area level, the work and ethos of Operation Restore, a national project which seeks to improve the management and financial information on which HMCS bases its business decisions, by benchmarking resources across BEH, S.E region and nationally;

Embracing HMCS’s Performance and Efficiency Programme, ensuring improved efficiency, service delivery and value for money by centralising and streamlining our business units and processes across BEH;

Continuing to deliver, within a reduced budget, an efficient, effective, knowledgeable, personalised and readily accessible service to the people of BEH, focusing particularly this year on witnesses and our local communities;

Implementing the Lean programme throughout HMCS BEH to ensure our procedures and processes are as efficient as possible, in order to provide consistent and high quality services to users (LEAN is a methodology of making services focus on the customer needs and eliminating all unnecessary processes that do not add value to the customer);

Continuing to develop the leadership skills of our managers throughout the organisation and providing meaningful investment into our staff; Providing greater protection for vulnerable children and adults through the family courts by adherence to the national public law outline and,

in line with national developments, improve the openness of these courts; Working with our partners in the criminal justice system to ensure a more effective, transparent and responsive criminal justice system for

victims, witnesses, particularly those who are young or otherwise vulnerable and the public; Continuing to operate the principles of CJSSS, across all courts in BEH; Implementing the concept of problem solving courts through the provision of specialist domestic violence courts across our Area and

contributing to the national Community Justice initiative through our Area Community Engagement Plan; Promoting an accessible range of dispute resolution channels to help people resolve their disputes in a proportionate way specifically by

promoting in-house mediation across BEH; and

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Providing a climate across BEH within which the judiciary can better deliver justice by ensuring an effective working relationship with the judiciary.

1. Introduction

The purpose of this plan is to set out publicly the business agenda of HMCS BEH in 2009/10, and how in achieving its aims, it will improve the service it provides to its court users. In doing so, it follows a national template so that organisational key priorities are clearly set out within the context of national issues.

The main elements of this plan are organised around a balanced scorecard (BSC). The BSC allows for a structured and focused approach to business planning that considers four key elements of how we in BEH deliver our services. These elements, which are set out in greater detail in section 5, are:-

Our customers and communities;Our key performance results;The way we improve how we work; andThe way we deal with our people and their learning requirements.

This plan also sets out the estates strategy for BEH, our budget allocation and how we propose to use our funding. The Risk Register which now is separate from this plan, provides us with a clear focus of the potential challenges that may hinder us in achieving our aims for the forthcoming year. The Register provides suggested strategies to ensure that we are able to react to and overcome such challenges should they arise.

This plan has been approved by the BEH Courts Board as required under the Courts Act 2003.

The Courts Board is comprised of individuals working within the justice system and people living and working in BEH. The Board work with the Area Director to ensure that the views of local people from the diverse communities within BEH are known and understood. The Board ensures that lines of accountability to the public are strong and courts make connections with local people. They provide us with a range of views to enable us to make effective decisions in relation to our various customer groups. Throughout 2009/10 the Board will provide regular feedback on how they view our performance against this plan and suggest how we can further improve our performance and the service we provide.

2. 2008/09 Current Position

2008/09 has provided us with a firm platform to move into the third year as HMCS BEH. Performance throughout the year remained strong across all aspects of our business with targets met in most areas. Where they have not been met, trends are showing improvement. The Area operated within budget. The new Area benefited from sharing good practice across a range of disciplines and we are confident that the joint working that we have adopted will serve us well for meeting and maintaining performance targets in 2009/10.

Many improvements were made to our estate, most notably the improvements at St Albans and Harlow and the completion of the new Hatfield Remand Centre in Herts. The plans for estate improvement made during 2007/08 have progressed well and the forthcoming year will see many of these implemented. Specific details are provided in the Estates Strategy at Annex C.

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All counties within BEH have now received the new Libra IT system as part of the national roll out of a universal system for all magistrates' courts across the country. The implementation of the system went well despite some IT problems, and has provided us with an enhanced knowledge of the challenges faced by adopting a new system which we are now overcoming. We will use this knowledge and our experience to date of the new system to ensure that during 2009/10 we begin to capitalise on the efficiencies that a single IT system for magistrates' courts should deliver.

The Area made great strides in the field of customer service and worked hard towards its application for Customer Service Excellence Accreditation (formerly Charter Mark) and was successful in achieving this month. An excellent performance.

Perhaps most importantly, BEH worked together as a single unit of HMCS, focusing on providing an excellent service, sharing best practice and showing a willingness to embrace a single Area approach. This coming together, so quickly, efficiently and professionally will undoubtedly underpin and support the further strides and progress that we need to achieve as set out in this year’s plan, particularly against a backdrop of financial savings requirements.

3. 2009/10 Year

The year ahead continues to be challenging with progress in many areas required and financial savings to be delivered. The focus will be to harness the efficiency savings from improvements to IT and the incorporation of Lean in our workings, and the need to make the necessary financial savings required at local, and in turn, regional and national level. I highlight the many initiatives that are being developed for County Courts in BEH, including the centralised County Administration Centre and Area Telephone Helpdesk as well as centralisation plans within BEH Magistrates' Courts as evidence of our efforts to become more efficient.

This year, the Area is keen to embrace further community engagement and our experience to date has enabled us to reflect on what we are doing and how it is received by our customers. The proposals for 2009/10 will hopefully take this to an even higher level than has been achieved to date. I draw your attention to the section on Customers and the Community and, as always, would be delighted to receive comments and thoughts on this developing area of work. Please direct any such thoughts to me, or my senior managers, using the contact details at the end of this plan.

I know that with the continued support of the Courts Board, the effective relationship that HMCS BEH shares with the LCJBs and with the judiciary and the professional and hardworking managers and staff of our organisation, we are well positioned for a successful and rewarding year ahead despite the financial challenges.


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4. Balanced Scorecard

HMCS also uses a Balanced Scorecard approach to measuring its performance. This reflects the fact that, whilst our, Public Service Agreement (PSA) and financial targets are very important, to build for the future we also need to focus on more than just the current performance targets. We need to build our reputation with our customers and the wider community, we need to develop improved ways of working and we need to invest in our staff and their development. The summary sheet overleaf sets out the summary Balanced Scorecard indicators against which we will judge our success in the year ahead and the following table details the initiatives we are undertaking.

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1. Customersand thecommunity

4. People andLearning

2. KeyPerformanceResults

3. Improvingthe WayWe work

1. Customersand thecommunity

4. People andLearning

2. KeyPerformanceResults

3. Improvingthe WayWe work

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Balanced Scorecard

6.1 Customers and the CommunityDelivering services well to our customersThe way our customers see usThe way the community at large sees usThe way we manage our customers and community relationships

Ref What we'll do How we'll do it Measure of success

Target/Milestone Monitoring Arrangements

Lead Officer

1.1 We will consolidate our successful application for Customer Service Excellence (CSE) accreditation

The Customer Service/Customer Service Excellence Action Team (CSAT) will continue to implement best practice and consolidate the achievement of the Customer Service Excellence standard. Areas of weakness to be identified for Lean workshops so that they can be reviewed and improved.

Consistent customer related policies implemented, monitored and reviewed across the Area to raise the standards of service and support the Customer Service Excellence standard.

Maintain Customer Service Excellence standard through year.

Quarterly customers and community (C+C) report to AMB and Courts Board by CSAT

Link between CSAT Chair and Lean Area Change Agent (LACA).

CSAT Chair

1.2 We will achieve and maintain national Customer Satisfaction Targets. Targets to be met/maintained throughout 2009 and where feasible action taken to reduce the level of justifiable complaints

We will use the national User Surveys and publish an analysis report to address weaknesses identified by survey results. Areas of weakness picked up by CSAT.

Targets to be met/ maintained throughout 2009 and where flexible a reduction in the number of justifiable complaints received or where not met survey results show an improving trend when compared with 08/09 results.

Analysis report published quarterly.

CSAT quarterly

AMB – monthly using Café complaints reporting system

CSAT chair

Area Business Change and Performance Manager (ABC&PM)


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Ref What we'll do How we'll do it Measure of success

Target/Milestone Monitoring Arrangements

Lead Officer

1.3 We will meet the national target of 85% of complaints responded to within target times and where feasible, raise across the Area the % of complaints responded to within target.

We will monitor the type and volume of complaints, including those where compensation paid, identify trends and take action to address the same. Given the performance of complaints handling, in relation to magistrates' courts during 2008/09, we will specifically focus on this area, retrain where appropriate and address poor performance immediately.

Complaints responded to within 10 working days at Court Level and 10 working days at Area level.

Improving trend in relation to complaints handling by Magistrates' Courts.

90% of complaints answered within target times and where achieved increase the % of complaints responded to within target.

AMB – monthly using café complaints system

Monitor use of systems by each and every magistrates courts.


Lead Operational Managers (LOMs) and JCs


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Ref What we'll do How we'll do it Measure of success

Target/Milestone Monitoring Arrangements

Lead Officer

1.4 We will focus specifically on the needs of witnesses (including young people or otherwise vulnerable who are witnesses) throughout 2009/10 as an identified customer group and in particular work in conjunction with LCJBs in relation to:-

1. Improving the experience of witnesses using our services.

2. Investigate the reasons for non attendance of witnesses and share this info with partner agencies with a view to improving attendance.

3. Availability and location of video links (to include the potential use of remote links for taking testimony of vulnerable witnesses)

CSAT to develop a specific witness plan as part of its general customer service plan - to monitor, review and recommend action in the identified areas.

CSAT to conduct witness experience mapping (point 1).

CSAT to regularly liaise with and support the LCJB Victim and Witnesses Subgroups to take identified action (points 2).

CSAT and Witness Champions to oversee work in relation to points 3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9.

Creation and implementation of plan.

Collection of accurate and informative data relating to points 1-9 with CSAT producing recommendations and actions arising from analysis of the data.

July 2009

October 2009

Quarterly reports to AMB and Courts Board.

CSAT Chair

Witness Champions

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Ref What we'll do How we'll do it Measure of success

Target/Milestone Monitoring Arrangements

Lead Officer

4. Availability and location of special measures facilities (in addition to video links)

5. Audit of Witness Access/ Accommodation/ Facilities

6. Maximising the use of Court User groups in relation to witness issues.

7. Witness Waiting Times

8. Listing9. Specialist

Domestic Violence Courts

Positive feedback received from witnesses and recommended actions implemented.

March 2010

1.5 We will continue to support Local Criminal Justice Board (LCJB) initiatives to build confidence and evidence all confidence work

We will work with LCJB partners through active participation in inter agency action teams to support initiatives to build confidence such as participating in community engagements events

Meet or exceed CJB Confidence Targets

Participation in all LCJB community events

Quarterly reports from LCJBs to Area Director

Annual LCJB update to Courts Board.


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Ref What we'll do How we'll do it Measure of success

Target/Milestone Monitoring Arrangements

Lead Officer

1.6 We will undertake active and meaningful community engagement and evidence all community engagement work through the implementation of our comprehensive Community Engagement Plan

We will facilitate and organise a number of community engagement events throughout the year, publish a timetable for such events and make information about them widely available. We will encourage participation from community members and aim to remove the barriers to volunteering by highlighting to, and facilitating volunteers connecting with organisations who would benefit from their skills and in particular encouraging diverse magistrate recruitment particularly in relation to magistrate recruitment.Engagement to include: Attendance of

Magistrates and Legal Advisers at joint agency meetings with local communities.

Working with Magistrates' in the community project to support events such as:-

Mock Trials for local schools

Successful community engagement events held at regular interval between 1 April 2009 and 31 March 2010

Implementation of Community Engagement Plan during 2009/10.

Community Engagement Events timetable published by 1 May 2009

Quarterly C+C reports to Courts Board

SRO for Community Engagement Plan/ Board.

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Ref What we'll do How we'll do it Measure of success

Target/Milestone Monitoring Arrangements

Lead Officer

To facilitate work experience and job shadowing

Contribute to schools projects

Contribute to Inside Justice Weeks

Host court open daysWe will monitor, wherever feasible, the outcomes of our community engagement and use this information to further shape our future engagement.

Consider for each community engagement event the best way to capture the outcome/ impact. Monitoring to include:-

Surveys Face to Face Telephone Written

Experience Mapping

Qualitative data collection and analysis following each event with learning points and recommendations for improvement shared throughout the organisation.

Data collection following each event, to include:-

numbers of members of public attending

positive feedback

negative feedback and resulting actions.

1.7 We will monitor the effectiveness and outcomes of Court User Groups and disseminate good practice Area wide.

Half yearly feedback on actions arising from Court User Groups and whether they were successfully taken forward. Annual satisfaction survey of attendees at Court User Groups (CUG).

Identification and successful implementations of actions from CUG.

Survey results show CUG are meeting users needs and/or identify improvements required.

March 2010

September 2009

Lead Operational Managers and CSAT Chair

Annual report to Courts Board as part of C+C Report.

CSAT Chair

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Ref What we'll do How we'll do it Measure of success

Target/Milestone Monitoring Arrangements

Lead Officer

1.8 We will monitor decisions taken and views expressed by Justice Issues Groups and Area Judicial Forums to identify issues which may have application across the Area

To action/implement appropriate issues by sharing best practice or adopting Area protocols to improve and standardise the service we provide

Appropriate action taken to views expressed or issues raised.

Quarterly updates to AMB

AD & JCs

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6.2 Key Performance Results

Delivering the key performance outcomes Government is seeking from us and any others we have decided on Managing our financial and other (non people) resources wellIdentify and managing key risks

Ref What we'll do How we'll do it Measure of success

Target/Milestone Monitoring Arrangements

Lead Officer

2.1(i) We will aim to meet, maintain and improve our performance against the 2008 HMCS national and local KPIs. In addition we will continue to support Local Criminal Justice Board (LCJB) targets thereby working with our CJ partners to achieve and improve against the overall PSA targets. See Annex A for details of targets

We will work with the judiciary, criminal justice agencies and other stakeholders to maintain or improve performance in priority areas such as ineffective trials, timeliness, Persistent Young Offenders, PPOs enforcement, family (public law) and mediation

Targets met or exceeded by 31 March 2010. Where targets not achieved, an improving trend on 08/09 outturn by 31 March 2010.

Action Teams and Responsible Officers (ROs)to monitor performance and take appropriate action to improve, measuring performance against targets on a monthly basis and reporting the results.

Action Team SRO to provide quarterly progress reports to AMB/LCJBs.Performance reports and analyses provided to AMB monthly

Reporting to and review by Courts Board on performance quarterly.


Lead Operational Managers (LOMs) and JCs

Area BusinessChange and Performance Manager (ABC&PM)

2.1(ii) We will improve witness waiting times in the criminal courts and accurately measure the time spent waiting.(see also 1.4)

We will work with Criminal Justice Board partners to review witness warning protocols and listing protocols to reduce the number of witnesses that attend Court unnecessarily and wait longer than the target time as part of our specific witness plan.

Targets met or exceeded by 31 March 2010. Where targets not achieved, an improving trend on 08/09 outturn by 31 March 2010.

Creation of witness plan by July 2009 to complement the national witness charter.

National Witness Waiting Times survey

Reporting to Courts Board on quarterly basis as part of witness report.


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Ref What we'll do How we'll do it Measure of success

Target/Milestone Monitoring Arrangements

Lead Officer

2.1(iii) Effectively operate jury summoning to improve utilisation and reduce jury costs

Follow best practice in relation to Jury Summoning and utilisation in order to continue to improve average utilisation across the Area

A reduction in the cost per juror from 09/10 baseline and/ or a reduction in the total jury costs.

Jury utilisation to be a regular item on the Crown Court Manager's meeting agenda for discussion as to performance and improvement actions required.

Lead Crown Court Manager to analyse utilisation on a monthly basis. Reporting to Courts Board annually as part of Performance Report.

LOM – Crown Court

2.1(iv) Effectively operate CJSSS and demonstrate efficiency savings from its implementation

Continue to operate CJSSS across BEH ensuring that all courts are adhering to the agreed protocols and operating efficiently

Pilot measures to ascertain the most effective use of Case Progression Officers (CPOs).

On average, from change to disposal a simple case should be completed within 6 weeks, with an average of 2.25 hearings.

Report on CPO pilots by end August 2009. Implement agreed recommendations by September 2009.

Pilot conducted by August 2009.

LOMs to provide monthly updates to AMB and LCJBs

LOM and CPO Working Group.

Reporting to Courts Board quarterly as part of Performance Report.

LOMs & JCs

LOMs and AMB.

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Ref What we'll do How we'll do it Measure of success

Target/Milestone Monitoring Arrangements

Lead Officer

2.1(v) Review use of Libra across BEH and use Lean strategies to ensure best use is made of the system.

LOMs and LACA to apply Lean methodology to Libra processes.

Standard and best practice implemented across BEH in relation to Libra operating procedures. With analysis of the resulting improvements to customer/ staff or cost savings.

Monthly reports on Libra from LOMs and LACA and monthly performance analysis.Reporting to Courts Board twice annually.



2.2 We will provide a cost effective service that meets key performance targets by operating within our reduced budget and make efficiency savings through Lean that can be reinvested back into the business

Delegate budgets and provide monthly monitoring reports for managers to measure savings achieved.

The programme of Lean workshops and other process changes will free up staff time through reducing waste. This will reduce workload allowing savings to be made through reducing overtime worked and temporary staff employed to clear backlogs in work.

Achievement of the LEAN deployment plan.

LEAN programme to include evaluation of efficiency savings or improvements to service standards and where possible translated to monetary savings.

Implementation of deployment plan.Demonstrable efficiencies and savings are delivered.

Monthly meetings between AD and LACA.

Monthly reports to AMB and quarterly to Courts Board on LEAN progress.

Area Finance Manager (AFM)and AMB


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Ref What we'll do How we'll do it Measure of success

Target/Milestone Monitoring Arrangements

Lead Officer

2.3 We will continue to develop and implement the agreed Estates Strategy across Bedfordshire, Essex and HertfordshireSee annex C below

We will continue to implement our estate strategy which will review and improve the quality, flexibility and accessibility of our estate and we will conduct an audit of our facilities for their adequacy from a witness perspective. Where feasible, reduce the cost per square foot of accommodation – see Estates Strategy. New Build projects completed to timetable and budget

Estate strategy for 2009/10 implemented to time and budget by 31 March 2010 or appropriate amendments made to strategy to reflect changing business needs.

Pre-planned estate work for 2009/10 successfully completed to timetable and budget

Monthly reporting to AMB from relevant Operational Managers

Quarterly Estates reports to Courts Board

Area Director

Relevant Operational Managers

Estates Managers

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6.3 Improving the way we work

Identifying and prioritising opportunities for improvement and delivering those improvementsHarnessing the creative and innovative talents of our peopleEffectively harnessing partnerships and our suppliers in development opportunitiesInvolving stakeholders throughout the improvement process

Ref What we'll do How we'll do it Measure of success

Target/Milestone Monitoring Arrangements

Lead Officer

3.1(I) Successfully deliver process change – Mediation

We will maintain and endeavour to improve the administrative efficiency of dealing with civil claims including the use of the National Mediation Helpline and use of the Area Small Claims Mediation Service

Increase the proportion of defended small claims that are completed otherwise than by a hearing to achieve a 65% settlement rate.

Local mediation procedures operating with regular monitoring and review of their effectiveness

Monthly performance information to AMB

LOMs – County Court

Small claims in-house Mediator

3.1(ii) Successfully deliver process change – Public Law Outline (PLO)

Continue to operate the statutory guidance in partnership with the judiciary and partner agencies.

To increase the proportion of care and supervision orders completed within 40 weeks by 10% in the FPC (target >56%) and 10 % in the County Court (target >48%).

Meet national targets for timeliness

Monthly reviews and feedback to AMB

LOMs – County Court

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Ref What we'll do How we'll do it Measure of success

Target/Milestone Monitoring Arrangements

Lead Officer

3.1(iii) Successfully deliver process change – PROGRESS

To promote the use of PROGRESS by users specifically in relation to use by defence advocates.

Specific liaison with prosecution and defence service to increase their use of PROGRESS and maximise efficiency savings from the system

Reduction in paperwork communication. Increase in electronic communication. No ascertainable difference seen in 2008/09. Further engagement with defence advocates planned for 2009/10 to contribute to target.

Quarterly monitoring by LOM – Crown Court

LOM – Crown Court

3.1(iv) Successfully deliver process change – Service Upgrade Project (SUPS) and IT

We will support and deliver the rollout of SUPS across all county courts.

SUPS is implemented in all county courts according to national roll out.Area telephone helpdesk is implemented (see 3.4)

To meet the implementation plan.

Quarterly IT update to AMB

Monthly review by Area Implementation Manager (AIM) and LCMS.


3.1(v) Successfully deliver process change – Digital Audio Recording Transcribing and Storage (DARTS) when available.

To liaise with courts piloting DARTS – BEH is not subject to pilot status

To ascertain information/ knowledge on benefits/disbenefits of DARTS and make appropriate arrangements to prepare BEH for DARTS.

This IT project is not anticipated to impact on BEH during 09/10.

LOM – Crown Court to liaise and receive feedback from pilot courts

LOM – Crown Court

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Ref What we'll do How we'll do it Measure of success

Target/Milestone Monitoring Arrangements

Lead Officer

3.1(vi) Successfully deliver process change – Bichard 7

We will improve the speed with which Magistrates Courts and Crown Court results reach the PNC by implementing the recommendations of Bichard 7.

Magistrates Courts-80% of results automatically transfer to Bichard portalCrown Court-30% of results automatically transfer to the Bichard portal, thereby improving the speed that information is shared with partner agencies.

Provisional "go live" timetable-:Beds Mags - July 09Essex Mags - April 09Herts Mags - May09Crown Court - TBN

Quarterly reports to AMB.

LCMs - Magistrates and Crown Court

3.1(vii) Successfully deliver process change – Crown Court means testing

To liaise with courts piloting Crown Court means testing - BEH is not subject to pilot status.

To ascertain information/ knowledge on procedure and ensure staff are well informed and receive necessary training in order for successful implementation in BEH.

National rollout to be complete by end of March 2010.

LOM - Crown Court to liaise and receive feedback from pilot courts.

LCM - Crown Court

3.1(viii) Successfully develop – Special Domestic Violence Courts(See also 1.4)

Maintain the profile and use of these courts and where appropriate establish additional courts

User feedback and satisfaction levels reinforce the value of these courts

Quarterly feedback from LOMs, external stakeholders and users to AMB

LOMs & JCs Magistrates’ Courts

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Ref What we'll do How we'll do it Measure of success

Target/Milestone Monitoring Arrangements

Lead Officer

3.1(ix) Review the location and use of – Video Links(See also 1.4)

Extend the availability and use of video links both internally and to CJS partners and investigate the potential use of remote links for taking testimony of vulnerable witnesses.

Internal and external user feedback reports satisfaction with ability to access and use facilities when not in use by courts

LOMs monitor use and provide feedback to AMB

LOMs – Crown and Magistrates’ Courts & JCs

3.2 Implement Lean methodology across BEH

Publish a programme of Lean Workshops across magistrates, crown and county courts. Hold workshops and implement findings.

Train BEH Lean Facilitators.

Cost and service improvements made through more efficient and cost effective working, improvements captured through monitoring and analysis by LACA.

Lean programme published by May 2009. Workshops held at regular intervals - with results implemented and subsequently reviewed through 2009/10.Lean Facilitators trained by May 2009.

Monthly discussions and assessments made at AMB



3.3 Centralise Magistrates' Courts services and processes across BEH where centralisation will have ascertainable benefits to our customers, staff efficiency and costs.

Create a centralisation project team who will identify suitable business areas and processes that would benefit from a centralised/ streamlined approach.

Successful centralisation of processes with ascertainable and identified benefits to:-

Customers Staff Cost Efficiency

Project Team to identify suitable business areas/ processes by April 2009. Processes streamlined/ centralised throughout 2009/10.

Monthly reports to AMB.

Area Project Officer (PO).



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Ref What we'll do How we'll do it Measure of success

Target/Milestone Monitoring Arrangements

Lead Officer

3.4 Streamline the services offered by County Courts in BEH, building on the Centralisation that occurred in 2008/09.

Review the operation and effectiveness of the County Court Administration Centre and increase usage.

Implement the Area Telephone Helpdesk

Pilot for 12 months the devolution of District Judge work to admin staff.

Promote use of secure e-mail for Civil work.

Review demonstrates cost and efficiency savings.

Improvements for staff and customers in telephone communication.

Findings of pilot reported.

Increase in use of secure e-mail.

Monthly review

March 2009

March 2010

Sept 2010

Quarterly reports to AMB

Lead Officer

LOMs - County Court

3.5 We will endeavour to reduce our energy consumption in line with the need to make financial savings.

Hold Energy Saving Workshop and appoint Energy Champions tohighlight ways of using energy more efficiently and avoiding waste.

Reduction in energy consumption by 10% on 2008/9 consumption.

September 2009 Report from workshop to AMB.


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6.4 People and Learning

Planning, managing and improving our people resources to meet our business needsIdentifying, developing and sustaining the competences we needInvolving, empowering and communication with our peopleReviewing, rewarding and recognising our peopleThe way in which our people see us

Ref What we'll do How we'll do it Measure of success

Target/Milestone Monitoring Arrangements

Lead Officer

4.1(i) Staff are managed in accordance with the law and good HR practice

Human Resources (HR) Policies at National and Area Level are implemented effectively and consistently.

Emphasis is placed on those policies designed to ensure that staff attend work and perform effectively.

Managers are informed and supported to enable this.

All managers are informed about all key people management policies and processes and they know who to contact with queries.

Lead Managers ensure that these policies and processes are implemented effectively and consistently in their area of the business and that deadlines for returns of data are met.

Emphasis is placed on the effective operation of absence management, probation, and managing poor performance policies.

Managers are supported in operating policies by HR, through coaching & advice as required.

No justifiable complaints

Staff Engagement Survey results show staff satisfaction is in line with or better than national averages

Data is submitted on time

The level of unplanned absences is reduced, with reference to the MOJ sickness absence target of 7.5 days per employee per year by 2010

Human Resource Business Partners (HRBP) will provide monthly statistical data on absence and will monitor the operation of the Performance Management Scheme bi-annually.

MOJ sickness absence target of 7.5 days per employee per year is achieved by March 2010

Recruitment campaigns are completed in 8 weeks from date of authorisation to fill a vacancy.

Review and discussion at AMB on quarterly basis

Area Director Lead ManagersHuman Resources Business Partner (HRBP)

Human Resources Action Team (HRAT)

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Ref What we'll do How we'll do it Measure of success

Target/Milestone Monitoring Arrangements

Lead Officer

4.1(ii) Employee relations are maintained or, if necessary, improved, to facilitate the smooth running of the business

Management engages effectively with the TUS and works with them through regular meetings and informal liaison and discussion

Regular meetings are scheduled with the TUS and responses are provided to their queries within 3 working days of receipt

Regular meetings and agreed actions taken forward

Responses to queries are given within 3 working days of receipt

There are no avoidable employee relations problems

On-going Minutes and actions flowing from meetings with TUS

Area Director


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Ref What we'll do How we'll do it Measure of success

Target/Milestone Monitoring Arrangements

Lead Officer

4.2 Staff receive adequate training, learning and development interventions to enable them to carry out their functions effectively, and meet the changing needs of business delivery, whilst developing to their potential within a reasonable timescale and cost

Continue to develop the leadership skills of our managers.

Learning and development needs are identified by managers and staff through the Performance Management Scheme and on an ongoing basis.

Priority is given to Induction, Business Skills and Management Skills training, including Leadership.

Constructive input is made to the SE Training Committee to ensure that the Area’s needs are met.

All managers attend the national leadership course.

Regional Training meetings show positive input from the Area in establishing system for delivering timely training in all business areas to reduce complaints and improve efficiency.

There are no justifiable complaints about learning and development needs not being met, and staff receive the training they need to do their jobs well.

Managers improve and hone their skills as a result of attendance - demonstrated by working practices and review/ appraisal.

The Learning & Development Plan for BEH is in place by April 2009.

Plans are in place to embed learning from the Leadership Programme and develop leadership skills in Team Leaders & Managers who have not attended the programme

Ongoing training completed by March 2010.

The BEH Learning & Development Plan is reviewed quarterly by the HRAT.

Review/ Appraisal

Area Training Co-ordinator/ Training Manager




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Ref What we'll do How we'll do it Measure of success

Target/Milestone Monitoring Arrangements

Lead Officer

Legal Staff are provided with specialist training required under the minimum training agreement between the JSB and HMCS.

The Area has a strategy to meet these needs where they cannot be met locally or nationally.

Local legal adviser plans are prepared and implemented

JSB self assessment and monitoring and evaluation process.


4.3 All staff have objectives linked to the business plan and in line with the organisation’s performance management system

We will ensure that all staff have objectives set using the Performance Management system and are related to Business Plan Priorities

Managers will have objectives to ensure that they manage absence, performance and staff development effectively

Objectives agreed to support the business and Performance Management meetings held within national timeframes.

Mid and End-of-Year returns of indicative and actual performance markings are made within deadlines to the HRBP to collate them for the AD.

April – May appraisal meetings held for 100% staff across BEH.

100% of staff (Band A to D) will have at least 2 development objectives

Mid year reviews held in October/ November to assess likely performance mark

AMB Quarterly

Bi-annual return to HRBP.


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Ref What we'll do How we'll do it Measure of success

Target/Milestone Monitoring Arrangements

Lead Officer

4.4 Staff contributions to HMCS BEH are recognised and rewarded in an appropriate and timely fashion

Budget for Recognition & Reward is managed effectively for 2009-2010Approx 50% of the budget is allocated to staff in Bands E & F

Managers will use the national “Celebrating Success” policy and Area guidance to ensure that deserving staff are appropriately rewarded

To ensure fairness & consistency, benchmarking of small gifts takes place, & small & special bonuses require AD’s approval

All budget is allocated, with approx 50% to staff in Bands E & F

Positive feedback from Staff Engagement Survey

R&R budgets are determined & allocated by May 2009

AMB quarterly HRATAFM (budget allocation)

4.5(i) Staff receive effective and regular communication about Area, Regional & National matters which affect them and the organisation, and have an opportunity to give feedback about them

A timetable & guidance for Team Briefs is established by April 2009.

We will hold Team Briefs in accordance with our published timetable and continually update the Area staff Intranet

Team Briefs are delivered on time in accordance with timetable and co-ordinated at Area Level.

Staff know where to find information in their offices and on the Intranet.

Staff satisfaction shown through Staff Engagement Survey that timely and appropriate information received

AMB half-yearly HRAT

LCMs & JCs

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Ref What we'll do How we'll do it Measure of success

Target/Milestone Monitoring Arrangements

Lead Officer

4.5(ii) Staff satisfaction and engagement is measured and monitored and steps are taken to improve it/them.

The Staff Engagement Survey is supported by managers and staff are encouraged to take part.

Staff Engagement actions are achieved within national timescales.

Staff will be encouraged to take part in the national Staff Engagement Survey in accordance with national time scales.

Managers and staff will contribute to the action planning process arising from the Staff Engagement Survey effectively and within timescales.

Staff Engagement survey held and action plan published thereafter with time scales for actions.The response rate for BEH exceeds that for 2008.

National time scale for Staff Engagement Survey action planning from 2008 results

National time scale for 2009 survey

AMB quarterly

Annual Report to Courts Board on Staff Satisfaction Survey.


LCMs & JCs

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Ref What we'll do How we'll do it Measure of success

Target/Milestone Monitoring Arrangements

Lead Officer

4.6 Staffing numbers are sufficient to meet the current and known future needs of the business whilst remaining within budget, and staff are deployed effectively.

Structural, organisational, location and working methods changes are managed effectively for the organisation and individuals

Staffing needs for current and known future business are identified.

Factors affecting staff deployment are identified and analysed, e.g. skills, accommodation, IT, travelling time.

Plans are devised to match staff to business needs, including developing future managers and ‘experts’, and reducing the use of agency staff where appropriate.

All changes are managed in accordance with the Managing Organisational Change Framework

Staffing costs are within the Area’s allocated budget

If staff shortages arise from funding issues the work continues to be managed effectively.

Staff with the right skills are in the right place at the right time as far as possible given available resources.

Changes, and the processes used to achieve them, are reviewed to ensure that they achieve their stated objectives

Staffing budgets are agreed and plans are made to manage the work within the available staffing levels by April 2009

Timescales within the Managing Organisational Change Framework are met

Discussion and review at Core AMB at least quarterly.


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Ref What we'll do How we'll do it Measure of success

Target/Milestone Monitoring Arrangements

Lead Officer

4.7 We will proactively contribute to the national diversity objectives

Effective diversity policies, practices and procedures are operated using the BEH Equality & Diversity Action Plan

Equality Impact Assessments will be prepared whenever changes are proposed which may have an impact on staff and/or service to the public

Actions are completed in accordance within agreed timescales

Stakeholders (internal and external) are consulted and involved in the preparation of EIAs

Target dates are contained in the BEH Equality & Diversity Action Plan

Timelines will be established for each project individually

Annually report to AMB

Annually report to Courts Board.


4.8 All magistrates in the Area are provided with training required under the minimum training agreement between the JSB and HMCS in accordance with the principles of the Magistrates' National Training Initiative 2

Justices' Clerk will, in liaison with the Magistrates' Area Training Committee and Local Training Committees develop consistent working practices and protocols for the development of and implementation of a Justices' Training Plan which meets the needs of all justices in all jurisdictions

Feedback from the Monitoring and Evaluation team of the JSB

Training Plan is submitted to the JSB by end April, Annual Report is lodged with JSB by end September

Quarterly meetings of TDCs and MATC

Justices' Clerks

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Our commitment to Crime and Enforcement are:Reduce the time taken to deal with cases in the Crown Court, so that the majority of case are commenced and concluded within 16 weeks.Simplify and speed up criminal cases in the Magistrates’ courts so that the majority of simple charged cases take from a day to 6 weeks (on average) from charge to disposal. Embed the underlying principles behind community justice in all Magistrates Courts, ensuring local courts improve their awareness and take account of local issues, particularly when dealing with low level crime.

Relevant PSA Target

Supports indicator 1 PSA 24

High Level Target

% cases commenced within target



Crown CourtsImprove the percentage of defendants’ cases that commence within a specific time in the Crown Court so that:78% committed for trial commence within 16 weeks of committal78% sent for trial commence within 26 weeks of sending78% of appeals commence within 14 weeks78% of committals for sentence commence within 10 weeks

Supporting IndicatorsIneffective trial rate target 11.9% or 2008-9 outturn figure whichever is lower Cracked trial rate no target Effective trial rate no target

% juror sitting days to attendance/non attendance days (target yet to be determined)

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Supports indicator 1 PSA 24

Supports indicator 3 PSA 24

Simplify and speed up criminal cases in the magistrates’ courts

Magistrates’ CourtsAverage time simple charged case takes from charge to disposal target < 6 weeks

Supporting IndicatorsAverage number of hearings for a case 2.25Ineffective trial rate target 18.3% or 2008-9 outturn whichever is lowerEffective trial rate no targetCracked trial rate no targetVacated trial rate no target


Time taken to produce and send court results to Police95% within 3 working days100% within 6 working days

Supporting IndicatorsTime taken from receipt of properly completed Rights to Representation applications to despatch of decision :-- 90% by COP 2nd working day- 95% by COP 3rd working day- 100% by COP 6th working day

Witnesses Waiting Times

Crown Court- 60% called within 2 hours- Average waiting time 2 hours 30 minutes

Magistrates Courts- 60% called in 1 hour or less- 80% called within 2 hours

(Waiting times calculated from the time a witness is advised to attend)

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Overall Satisfaction

Based on 08-09 performance aim to increase overall satisfaction rate in WAVES survey to:-

Beds – 85%Essex – 81% (83% by 2011)Herts – 81%

Supports indicator 5 PSA24


Payment rate – (target yet to be determined)

Supporting Indicators- number of offenders annually who pay their fine as a proportion of number of offenders who

have had fine imposed in a year - % of fines by value imposed in the year that they are collected - proportion of fines annually that require enforcement action - annual change in arrears - number and value of administrative cancellations broken down by reason for cancellations

Community Penalty Breaches- 60% of all community penalty breaches to be resolved within 25 working days of the relevant

failure to comply

Supporting Indicators- Average of 35 working days from relevant unacceptable failure to comply to resolution of the

Case- 75% of community penalty breach warrants to be executed within 20 working days for adults

and 10 working days for youths- Reduce the proportion on unresolved CPB cases over 35 working days old. Local targets to be

set and managed by LCJBs.

Confiscation Orders

This is now a target owned by LCJBs and local targets have yet to be set.

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Our commitments to Civil, Family and Customer Service are:Give greater priority to Public Law cases often involving issues such as whether children should be taken into care, with a view to ensuring that the matter is resolved in less than 40 weeks or such later time as the judge or magistrate deems appropriate.Encourage more families to resolve issues themselves through providing in-court conciliation or directing parties to mediation where it is appropriate and safe to do so.Provide a simpler and quicker service in the county courts through introducing a presumption that all but the most complex small claims are dealt with by way of mediation.Put in place systems and incentives to ensure that the vast majority of civil business is initiated online.Provide a knowledgeable, personalised and readily accessible service, keeping users informed about the progress of their case.


Supports PSA4


To increase the proportion of care and supervision orders completed within 40 weeks by 10% in Family proceedings Courts by 2009/10 – target >56%

To increase the proportion of care and supervision orders completed within 40 weeks by 10% in County Courts by 2009/10 – target >48%

Supporting indicatorsTo increase the proportion of residence and contact orders made by consent in the County Courts (excluding cases involving allegations of harm)

- % of consent orders to be at a minimum level of 37%- % section 31 Children Act applications (Care and Supervision) completed, by any disposal, within 50 weeks

County Courts- Less than 30% cases over 40 weeks- Less than 10% cases over 75 weeks

Magistrates’ Courts- Less than 20% cases over 40 weeks- Less than 5% cases over 75 weeks

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- Increase the proportion of defended small claims that are completed otherwise than by a hearing to achieve 65% settlement rate

- Increase the proportion of defended small claims that are completed (from issue to final hearing) within the target time of 30 weeks to at least 70%

- Increase the amount of civil work initiated online as follows:-

- 65% of eligible possession claims to be commenced through PCOL- 75% of eligible money claims to be commenced through MCOL

Supporting indicator

- 78% of defended fast track cases to be completed within 30 weeks (allocation to final hearing)

- 78% of defended multi track cases to be completed within 50 weeks (allocation to final hearing)

- Increase the proportion of defended fast and multi-track cases that are completed otherwise than by a hearing to achieve a 65% settlement rate

Customer Service (Area Level)

- 90% of complaints to be processed within 10 working days at court and Area level - To improve against the “very satisfied” element of the HMCS Court User Survey results from the

2008-9 baseline – local targets yet to be set- To maintain “overall satisfaction” performance at or above the 2008/9 survey result level – local

targets yet to be set

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Budget Head (£000)

Other Income -1,050,000

Judicial Salaries 4,000,000

Staff Salaries 21,000,000

Estates 3,600,000

Operating Leases 60,000

PFI Suppliers 0

Court Costs 3,000,000

Other Judicial Costs 900,000

Other Staff Costs 500,000

Other Operating Costs 2,500,000

Net Total 34,510,000

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Our overall aim, in applying the Estates Strategy, is not only to continue to maintain or raise the standard of our court sites, but to improve the overall utilisation in the new Area of Beds, Essex and Herts.

Detailed below is a summary of the main projects being undertaken in the Area which includes the replacing of those courts in need of upgrading, reviewing the use of existing sites and providing improved facilities wherever need and feasibility presents.

The scheme for new court houses for Chelmsford and Colchester Magistrates’ Courts will continue with Crown Court and Coroner facilities being incorporated within the Chelmsford new build. The project is currently out to bidders with construction starting this Autumn and completion in 2012.

The move of Bedford County Court into Bedford Magistrates' Court and additional improvements to the Shire Hall should be completed by June 2009. To continue to seek opportunities to advance the case for a new Magistrates and County Court building in Bedford.

Long term, to take any opportunities to advance the case for a new Stevenage Magistrates’ Court that would include Crown Court courtrooms, as well as taking forward the case for a new court for Central and West Herts.

Review the future of Cheshunt Magistrates’ Court by September 2009.

Conduct an audit of our facilities for their adequacy from a witness perspective.

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ANNEX E – POINTS OF CONTACT Name Title Address Telephone Fax E-mailMike Littlewood Area Director Priory Place

New London RoadChelmsfordCM2 0PP

01245 287974 01245-245770 [email protected]

Vicky Whitfield Area Finance/ Resources Manager

Martyn Child Beds Estates Manager Rose Court 3rd Floor 2 Southwark Bridge LondonSE1 9HS

0207 921 2074 0870 739 4468 [email protected]

Patrick Doyle Beds & Herts Accountable Manager

Bedford Magistrates Court3 St Paul's SquareBedfordMK40 1SQ

01234 319008 01234 319100 [email protected]

Jan Foster Essex Accountable Manager

Southend Magistrates CourtThe Court House80 Victoria AvenueSouthendSS2 6EU

01702 283831 01702 283897

Paul Fellingham Herts Justices' Clerk Stevenage Magistrates CourtBayley HouseSish LaneStevenageSG1 3SS

01438 730431 01438 730413 [email protected]

Melvyn Ford Essex Estates Manager

Osprey HouseHedgerows Business ParkColchester RoadSpringfield ChelmsfordCM2 5PF

01245 313706 01245-313717 [email protected]

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Name Title Address Telephone Fax E-mailJan Foster Lead Court Manager,

Essex Magistrates Courts (South)

Osprey HouseHedgerows Business ParkColchester RoadSpringfield ChelmsfordCM2 5PF

01245 313303 01245 313399 [email protected]

Claire Fox Area Project Officer Priory PlaceNew London RoadChelmsfordCM2 0PP

01245 245767 01245-245770 [email protected]

David Gibbs Beds Justices' Clerk Luton Magistrates CourtThe Court HouseStuart StreetLuton LU1 5BL

01582 524236 01582 524200 [email protected]

Sandra Glenister Change & Performance Manager

Priory PlaceNew London RoadChelmsfordCM2 0PP

01245 245762 01245-245770 [email protected]

Alan Harris Herts Estates Manager Register Office BlockCounty HallHertfordSG13 8DF

01992 556538 [email protected]

Helen Hitchcock Lead Area HR Business Partner

Bedford Magistrates Court3 St Paul's SquareBedfordMK40 1SQ

01234 319002 01234 319100 [email protected]

Denise Hutchings Lead Court Manager, Essex County Courts

Priory PlaceNew London RoadChelmsfordCM2 0PP

01245 245773 01245-245770 [email protected]

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Name Title Address Telephone Fax E-mailMarian James Lead Court Manager,

Essex Magistrates Courts (North)

Witness Champion

Osprey HouseHedgerows Business ParkColchester RoadSpringfield ChelmsfordCM2 5PF

01245 313301 01245 313399

David McDonald Lead Court Manager, Beds Magistrates CourtsWitness Champion

Bedford Magistrates Court3 St Paul's SquareBedfordMK40 1SQ

01234 319061 01234 319100 [email protected]

Yvonne McKenna-Young

Lead Court Manager, Beds & Herts County Courts and Herts Magistrates Court

Watford County CourtCassiobury House11-19 Station RoadWatfordWD1 1EZ

01923 699450 01923 251317 [email protected]

Alison Mead Assistant Area Project Officer

Priory PlaceNew London RoadChelmsfordCM2 0PP

01245 245769 01245-245770 [email protected]

Veronica Reed Lead Court Manager, Crown Court

Priory PlaceNew London RoadChelmsfordCM2 0PP

01245 245772 01245-245770 [email protected]

Tessa Szagun Essex Justices' Clerk and Director of Legal Services

Osprey HouseHedgerows Business ParkColchester RoadSpringfield ChelmsfordCM2 5PF

01245 313504 01245-313399 Tessa.szagun@

Lynda Woodford BEH IT Manager Southend Magistrates CourtThe Court House80 Victoria AvenueSouthendSS2 6EU

01702 283882 01702 283899 [email protected]

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ABC&PM Area Business Change and Performance Manager

AD Area Director

AFM Area Finance Manager

AMB Area Management Board

BEH Bedfordshire, Essex and Hertfordshire

BSC Balanced Score Card

Café National Complaints Reporting System

CB Courts Board

CJA Criminal Justice Agency

CJS Criminal Justice System

CJSSS Criminal Justice Simple Speedy Summary

CSAT Customer Service Action Team

DARTS Digital Audio Recording Transcribing and Storage

DDA Disability Discrimination Act

HMCS Her Majesty's Courts Service

HR Human Resources

HRAT Human Resources Action Team

HRBP Human Resources Business Partner

IT Information technology

JC Justices' Clerk

JIG Justices Issues Group

JSB Judicial Studies Board

KPI Key Performance Indicator

LACA Lean Area Change Agent

LCJB Local Criminal Justice Board

Libra National Magistrates Courts IT system

LOM Lead Operational Manager

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MATC Magistrates Area Training Committee

MCOL Money Claims Online

PCOL Possession Claims Online

PFI Private Finance Initiative

PLO Public Law Outline

PROGRESS IT Case Progression tool

PSA Public Service Agreement

PYO Persistent Young Offender

RO Responsible Officer

SRO Senior Responsible Officer

SUPS Service Upgrade Project

TDCs Training and Development Committees

TUS Trade Union Side

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