big idea no. 1: the neolithic revolution - hunter-gather family bands give way to human cooperation...

Big Idea No. 1: The Neolithic Revolution - Hunter-gather family bands give way to human cooperation to exploit the benefits of large numbers… Big Idea No. 2: Clusters - Cooperation between local groups of enterprises in the same field as key to enhancing regional competitiveness… Big Idea No 3: The Internet Changes Everything

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Page 1: Big Idea No. 1: The Neolithic Revolution - Hunter-gather family bands give way to human cooperation to exploit the benefits of large numbers Big Idea

Big Idea No. 1: The Neolithic Revolution- Hunter-gather family bands give way to human cooperation to exploit the benefits of large numbers…

Big Idea No. 2: Clusters - Cooperation between local groups of enterprises in the same field as key to enhancing regional competitiveness…

Big Idea No 3: The Internet Changes Everything- The network is not just the computer, now the Network can be the University…

Page 2: Big Idea No. 1: The Neolithic Revolution - Hunter-gather family bands give way to human cooperation to exploit the benefits of large numbers Big Idea




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Page 3: Big Idea No. 1: The Neolithic Revolution - Hunter-gather family bands give way to human cooperation to exploit the benefits of large numbers Big Idea
Page 4: Big Idea No. 1: The Neolithic Revolution - Hunter-gather family bands give way to human cooperation to exploit the benefits of large numbers Big Idea

Outputs - incl:• Tuning• Stakeholders• Research• Rare Knowledge• eLearning etc…

Directory – incl:• Universities• Programmes• Staff• Students• Offices etc…

Communication - incl:• e-Mail lists• Calendar• Newsletter• File Upload/Download• Meeting Room etc…

Resources - incl:• Literature• Images• Design Projects• European Policy• Web Links etc…

Page 5: Big Idea No. 1: The Neolithic Revolution - Hunter-gather family bands give way to human cooperation to exploit the benefits of large numbers Big Idea

Workshop in Madrid27th November 2006To discuss newCOST-ESF Initiative on Landscape StudiesParticipants:• Geographers• Historians• Archaeologists• Geologists• Literature specialists• and one landscape architect

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Result of the Madrid Workshop: COST-EST proposal for an Interdisciplinary Science Initiative (in the Humanities!)“…The initiative will establish a “network of networks”integrating relevant COST Actions and ESF-funded Activities, as well as national programmes and activities, spanning several scientific domains.

The policy context is set by, inter alia, the European Landscape Convention and The Common AgriculturalPolicy. The concrete result will be a joint ESF-COST Science Policy Briefing. The initiative will be organised in four thematic and one concluding workshop. Steering group members and workshop convenors are proposed. A budget of 150,000 EUR isrequested (autumn 2007 – spring 2009).”

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In Madrid broad themes for the four workshops were identified as follows:• Landscapes: perceptions and perspectives (groups; values; cultural and social history; different perceptions in approaches describing, analysing, planning anddesigning landscapes;WS1 Prof. Stephen Daniels possibly London, in early 2008• Exploring new territories in landscape studies (e.g. underground; virtual; kitsch; minorities’ landscapes; landscapes of violence);WS2 Professor Przemyslaw Urbanczyk, Warsaw in spring 2008 • Patterns of landscape management (social relations and landscapes; “historical value” of landscapes);WS3 Prof. Mats Widgren, Stockholm in May 2008 • Imagining future perspectives for landscapes (landscape transformations in regional, European, global processes; learning cycles; monitoring and scenarios; region as a laboratory).WS4 Professor Almudena Orejas (probably at CSIC, Madrid) in June 2008.

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“The proposed Interdisciplinary Science Initiative (ISI) rests on a firm foundation of numerous ESF, COST and national activities in various domains of science and, potentially, combining core interests of a number of Standing and Domain Committees (see below). The initiative responds to opportunities and needs, both at the policy level,• European Landscape Convention (political context): better science needed for meaningful Europe-wide implementation;• Common Agricultural Policy: new regime to revise use of rural landscape;• Development of indicators for different landscape uses under demographic and economic pressure;• Valorisation of Landscape (making landscapes valuable for society; change of attitudes: researchers, politics, general public (local, visitors)…”

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“…and at the scientific level,• Emerging interest in historical research into biodiversity and Earth System approaches;• Emerging interest in cognition-based approaches to space, incl. community participation and practice-led research (incl. landscape architecture – my addition);• Strengthening interest in value studies (incl. heritage).”

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Suggested members of the Steering Committee (with ESF, COST or Other affiliation):

• Annie Antoine (FR): COST A35 (ISCH)• Tom Bloemers (NL): NWO programme*• Renate Buerger-Arndt (DE): COST E33 (FPS)• Stephen Daniels (UK): AHRC programme*• Poul Holm (DK): ESEH (environmental history)• Almudena Orejas (ES): COST A27 (ISCH)*• Richard Stiles (AT): EU (NoE)• Erik Thoen (BE): RNP / COST• Przemyslaw Urbanczyk (PL): ESF-COST Contact Group*• Mats Widgren (SE): ESF ExWo / VR programme*

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Timetable for the Development of the Initiative

• Autumn 2007 Preparatory Meeting of the Steering Committee (23rd November in Amsterdam)• First half 2008 Four Thematic Workshops • October 2008 Synthesis Workshop• Nov-Dec 2008 Final drafting meeting Joint ESF-COST Science Policy Briefing

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EIASLAEuropean Institute for Advanced Studies in Landscape


Ad hoc Project Group to sought to support COST-ESF Initiative• Brainstorming on Humanities Research Agenda for Landscape Studies (Architecture) and colleagues to take part in Workhops

This to metamorphose into the EIASLA Advisory Board?• Further members to be invited – co-opted

EIASLA then could act as the body through which a joint European PhD Programme in Landscape Architecture to be developed and validated – including PhD Workshops, research methods teaching, joint projects, lobbying etc…

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Page 14: Big Idea No. 1: The Neolithic Revolution - Hunter-gather family bands give way to human cooperation to exploit the benefits of large numbers Big Idea

European Urban Landscape Partnership• Involving Stakeholders• Responding to the European Landscape Convention• Dependant on the support of LE:NOTRE members for success• With few exceptions this support has not been forthcoming• New ‘passive’ strategy for 2007-2008• …plus plans for an INTERREG application to support this idea• …plus one other project…

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LE:NOTRE TWO - ERASMUS Mundus Action 4 Funding Bid Deadline May 31st 200723 prospective New Partner UniversitiesBid requested EU Grant of ca. €250,000 for two yearsPlanned Topics: 1. Urban Landscapes, 2. Cultural Landscapes

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From November 2007

LE:NOTRE goes Global…

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Spring Workshop 2008Brussels 13.–16. MarchHosted by Erasmus Hoogeschool

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Page 19: Big Idea No. 1: The Neolithic Revolution - Hunter-gather family bands give way to human cooperation to exploit the benefits of large numbers Big Idea

Outputs:• Tuning• Stakeholders• Research• Rare Knowledge• eLearning etc…

Directory:• Universities• Programmes• Staff• Students• Offices etc…

Communication:• e-Mail• Calendar• Newsletter• File Upload/Download• Meeting Room etc…

Resources:• Literature• Images• Design Projects• European Policy• Web Links etc…



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Page 20: Big Idea No. 1: The Neolithic Revolution - Hunter-gather family bands give way to human cooperation to exploit the benefits of large numbers Big Idea

LE:NOTRE 3?The LE:NOTRE University?

Page 21: Big Idea No. 1: The Neolithic Revolution - Hunter-gather family bands give way to human cooperation to exploit the benefits of large numbers Big Idea

LE:NOTRE 3?The LE:NOTRE University?

Page 22: Big Idea No. 1: The Neolithic Revolution - Hunter-gather family bands give way to human cooperation to exploit the benefits of large numbers Big Idea 2007… always

with you!

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