bits & pesisbits & pesis - clover ·...

1 Nellie Revelle Office Manager and Eucharistic Minister Office Hours: Monday-Thursday Email: [email protected] Vicki Hamilton Eucharistic Minister by appointment Paul Goldenbaum Council President Email: [email protected] Stan Pesis, Pastor Office Hours: Wednesday-Saturday Email: [email protected] St. Paul’s Lutheran Family 1201 North Saliman Road—Carson City, NV 89701 775.882.3020 * Fax 775.882.3533 Church Email: [email protected] Church website: Volume 26, Issue 9 November, 2010 Bits & Pesis Bits & Pesis Bits & Pesis Bits & Pesis Dear Friends, How do we know? When the events occurring around us are mostly comfortable we rarely take the time to ask or bother about such a question. When we get up in the morning to face disappointments, failures, unexpected illnesses and other such threats and we wonder what’s going to happen next to us the question seems to get a little more important. Like finding oneself on an unfamiliar road in the middle of the night and hitting a pot-hole or two one begins to won- der if maybe one missed a sign that one was supposed to turn left or right about 5 or 10 miles back down the road. We wonder if we somehow got on the wrong road. Something not only seems terribly wrong, something is terribly wrong. Life just is not supposed to be like this. For some, faith in God is often seen as some kind of policy to prevent that kind of experience from happen- ing to us. Attending worship services, attending to our prayers and performing other small religious duties be- come small insurance payments we make to keep large catastrophes from occurring. I’m not sure where we learn such behavior. I only know how often it pops up in my thoughts when something goes wrong. We wish there were something we could do to set things right, to “fix“ life. We would like to know what to do. We assume that there is something we can or should do. Perhaps doing something to “fix” life is true less often than we would like. We are hardly the first ones to wres- tle with these feelings. The book of Job is an example par excellence from a section of the Bible identified as Wisdom literature that shares with us the deep pain of loss and the disturbing experience of questioning God. The book of Job shares those with us; it does not answer them for us. I mentioned that Job is identified with the wisdom literature of the Bible. Part of our struggle might be that we confuse wisdom with knowledge. Certainly, at this time in the history of the world, it would be difficult if not impossible to identify a time when knowledge was more accessible. Continued ... But there is a real difference between knowledge and wis- dom and I am much less confident about the level of wis- dom we experience today. Wisdom anticipates time, ex- perience and reflection. However, we expect quick fixes based more on perception rather than true knowledge while at the same time we are slow to confess our re- sponsibility for the problems that we face. And, we don’t want to think hard or clearly. We love the snappy reply, the terse one liners. None of that describes or is a com- ponent of wisdom, either of earthly wisdom or that from/of God. Wisdom, unlike knowledge, is not won through some frontal attack. It is gained, if it is gained, through patience and, as I implied above, experience, sometimes painful experience, and reflection. The wisdom of God may be similar. It comes in trusting God; in trusting that our Lord Jesus has won us, and has won for us, life. Such wisdom gives us the ability to confront all the as- pects of life that we may experience and provides for us the ability to see something that we could not see on our own; seeing that the Lord abides with us. The Spirit speaks these truths to us and encourages us to remain steadfast in the Lord. Peace, YOUR newsletter contains the information that YOU provide. Please contact the church office with your items of interest. IMPORTANT NOTICE: I want to bring to your attention that at our next annual voters meeting we will be presenting the revised bylaws found at C11.01.01 to C11.01.04 for the second and final vote. These bylaws describe the duties of the Presi- dent, Vice-president, Secretary, and Treasurer. Copies of these bylaws are located on the Narthex cabinet. Please read them and be prepared to vote at the next annual meeting on December 5, 2010 -Patricia A. Thunder, Council Liaison

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Page 1: Bits & PesisBits & Pesis - Clover · disappointments, failures, unexpected illnesses and other such threats and we wonder what’s


Nellie Revelle

Office Manager and

Eucharistic Minister Office Hours: Monday-Thursday

Email: [email protected]

Vicki Hamilton Eucharistic Minister

by appointment

Paul Goldenbaum Council President

Email: [email protected]

Stan Pesis, Pastor Office Hours: Wednesday-Saturday

Email: [email protected]

St. Paul’s Lutheran Family 1201 North Saliman Road—Carson City, NV 89701

775.882.3020 * Fax 775.882.3533 Church Email: [email protected]

Church website:

Volume 26, Issue 9

November, 2010

Bits & PesisBits & PesisBits & PesisBits & Pesis

Dear Friends, How do we know? When the events occurring around us are mostly comfortable we rarely take the time to ask or bother about such a question. When we get up in the morning to face disappointments, failures, unexpected illnesses and other such threats and we wonder what’s going to happen next to us the question seems to get a little more important. Like finding oneself on an unfamiliar road in the middle of the night and hitting a pot-hole or two one begins to won-der if maybe one missed a sign that one was supposed to turn left or right about 5 or 10 miles back down the road. We wonder if we somehow got on the wrong road. Something not only seems terribly wrong, something is terribly wrong. Life just is not supposed to be like this. For some, faith in God is often seen as some kind of policy to prevent that kind of experience from happen-ing to us. Attending worship services, attending to our prayers and performing other small religious duties be-come small insurance payments we make to keep large catastrophes from occurring. I’m not sure where we learn such behavior. I only know how often it pops up in my thoughts when something goes wrong. We wish there were something we could do to set things right, to “fix“ life. We would like to know what to do. We assume that there is something we can or should do. Perhaps doing something to “fix” life is true less often than we would like. We are hardly the first ones to wres-tle with these feelings. The book of Job is an example par excellence from a section of the Bible identified as Wisdom literature that shares with us the deep pain of loss and the disturbing experience of questioning God. The book of Job shares those with us; it does not answer them for us. I mentioned that Job is identified with the wisdom literature of the Bible. Part of our struggle might be that we confuse wisdom with knowledge. Certainly, at this time in the history of the world, it would be difficult if not impossible to identify a time when knowledge was more accessible. Continued ...

But there is a real difference between knowledge and wis-dom and I am much less confident about the level of wis-dom we experience today. Wisdom anticipates time, ex-perience and reflection. However, we expect quick fixes based more on perception rather than true knowledge while at the same time we are slow to confess our re-sponsibility for the problems that we face. And, we don’t want to think hard or clearly. We love the snappy reply, the terse one liners. None of that describes or is a com-ponent of wisdom, either of earthly wisdom or that from/of God. Wisdom, unlike knowledge, is not won through some frontal attack. It is gained, if it is gained, through patience and, as I implied above, experience, sometimes painful experience, and reflection. The wisdom of God may be similar. It comes in trusting God; in trusting that our Lord Jesus has won us, and has won for us, life. Such wisdom gives us the ability to confront all the as-pects of life that we may experience and provides for us the ability to see something that we could not see on our own; seeing that the Lord abides with us. The Spirit speaks these truths to us and encourages us to remain steadfast in the Lord. Peace,

YOUR newsletter contains the information that YOU provide. Please contact the church office with your items of interest.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: I want to bring to your attention that at our next annual voters meeting we will be presenting the revised bylaws found at C11.01.01 to C11.01.04 for the second and final vote. These bylaws describe the duties of the Presi-dent, Vice-president, Secretary, and Treasurer. Copies of these bylaws are located on the Narthex cabinet. Please read them and be prepared to vote at the next annual meeting on December 5, 2010 -Patricia A. Thunder, Council Liaison

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If you are aware of someone in a hospital,

nursing home, convalescing at home, or

needing special prayers, please keep us

informed by calling the church office.


Shirley, Walter, Ella, Helene, Nicholous, Devry, Rose, Michelle,

Becka, Megan, Debbie, Tyler, Virginia, Janelle, Brian & Ann,

Willa, Ernst, Otto, Herb, Ella, Karen, Katie, Frances, Ramona,

Audrey, Cloes, Bill, Dan, Helanna, Iris, Eve, the families of Joyce

Willman, Don Kovisto’s brother-in-law, Jim Razor, Dr. Jack

Herrera, Anna Revell, Claire Olson’s son, and for all those we

name in our hearts.




All names placed on our Sunday morning ALTAR PRAYER LIST remain for a total of 4-weeks at which time we ask that you please call to renew your request(s).

ALL prayer requests will be taken by our Office Manager, Nellie Revelle, by calling 882-3020. You may leave a confidential voice mail message if you wish.

Please indicate whether your prayer request is for the ALTAR PRAYER LIST, the TELEPHONE PRAYER CHAIN

or BOTH!!! … Thanks!

The NOVEMBER edition of our newsletter was prepared for mailing by Nita Menveg, Mary Neumann, Peggy Truttman, Ellie Week, Brita Steyn, and Cheryl Kinder ...

.. and our weekly bulletins were folded by Peggy Truttman…

… and our weekly CD mailings were processed by Nita Menveg …



For details on our audio CD program or to add someone to our weekly mailing list,

please call the church office.

LEE GROUP Life Enrichment for Everyone

(aka: Lutheran Eager Eaters)

LEE Group will meet for their Thanksgiv-ing potluck luncheon on Thursday,

11/4/10. Friendship Hall is the place … 11:30 am is the time! Please use the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board to let us know what you will be bringing. Turkeys will be provided by LEE … you provide the trimmings!

HOPE TO SEE YOU AT LEE … Linda Wilson, President

LADIES’ BOOK CLUB Please mark your calendar and join us!

11/23—(7:00 pm) Any book about a presidential candidate

who lost an election

Meeting at the home of Brita Steyn

12/13 - (6:00 PM) - Christmas potluck dinner and book exchange

Meeting at the home of Sharon Melsheimer

ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN FAMILY mourns the loss of: Jim Razor (8/7/1929—10/11/2010) … Betty Razor’s husband … passed away at his

home. A celebration of life is scheduled in the near fu-ture. Our thoughts and prayers are with Betty and her family during this time of sadness.

NEED AN EXERCISE BIKE? Please contact Gloria Randle


OR WALKER? Please contact Betty Razor

Lutheran Study Bibles were presented to Fritz Steinle and William Cullen on 10/3/10. Fritz and William are participating in Pastor Stan’s Confirma-tion classes.

Request from the Homeless Advocate to the faith community: The modular that stores all the donations for the homeless children in Carson City

is in need of an upgrade of the burglar/alarm sys-tem. We need to raise the necessary funds to cover the cost of $1500. Any donations you may be able to provide will help us protect our Children in Transi-tion program.

For details, contact Betty Razor

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Pray for our St. Paul’s family members who actively serve in the armed forces:

Mark Bordwine—David Biggers Heather (Johnson) Brown - Ramsey Brown Robert Brown - Jeremy & Valerie Bruffett

Manny Ceja - Al Dennis - Itai Elmalem - Peter Elverum Rick Gonia - Tim Gridley - Nick Kauphman

Brandon Luterick - Deanna McFadden - Ike Moellendorf Kim Neiman - Sam Osterholt - Benjamin Pesis - Jono Pesis

Andrew Seebak - Chris Steyn - Cody Watson Samuel Weirton - Jamie Whitson - Matthew Young - Reed

as well as those family members who serve as Firefighters and Peace Officers:

Perry Carlson - Mark Dickens - Shawn Goetz - John Gould - Brian Hillenbrand - Tina Sherman - Andy Steyn


Sunday Worship Services: 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM

Holy Communion is celebrated: at 8:00 AM on the 2nd & 4th Sunday

at 10:30 AM on the 1st and 3rd Sunday at both services on the 5th & festival Sundays

Healing and special services are noted in the church calendar

Sunday School for ALL ages 9:00-10:20 AM (September through May)

NOTE: We are updating our current military prayer list … please contact the church office to verify t hat your service man/woman is still active. Also, if t here are names missing, please let us know . Thank you!

… IN THE NEWS … Nevada Appeal, 9-28-10: “From Vine to Wine” article pictured Mike Hautekeet pouring local grapes into a crusher and Hannelore Hanke corking the wine bottles. The finished product is Red’s Red Frontenac from Carson City’s only vineyard.

Nevada Appeal, 9-28-10: Frank Furnari was pic-tured as the recipient of AARP Nevada’s Andrus Award for Community Service … the association’s most prestigious and visible volunteer award for community service. Frank has volunteered as the AARP Tax-Aide Program coordinator managing the Carson City Senior Center site for 7 years.

Nevada Appeal, 9-28-10: Ken Beaton was pictured with fellow Kiwanian during the 17th annual Carson River clean-up. Over 150 volunteers from BLM, Ki-wanis, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, 4-H Club, Key Club, NJROTC cadets, and conservation minded volun-teers joined in the event.

St. Paul’s Friendship Hall

November 5 & 6, 2010

Friday (Noon till 7:00 pm)

Saturday (9:00 am till 3:00 pm)

Do your holiday shopping! Many craft/gift items from which to choose!

Hand made and home made! Uniquely crafted displays!


Christmas time is a great time to express yourself in music! We invite you to join us in the choir which St. Paul’s will be having for the Advent/Christmas season. The choir Will be singing for the four weeks of Advent and then for one Christmas Eve service.

We will begin rehearsals on Wednesday, November 10th, at 6:30 PM (just as usual.) I know some of you won’t be able to sing with us every week or for Christmas Eve, but we would love to have you join us for whatever time you have. Even if you have never sung in choir before, please come join us in our ministry through music.

Thank you all very much for your support. I would also like to thank the Council for making the decision to make this possible.

-Shawna Lynch, Interim Choir Director

Sierra Pacific Synod—ELCA

God’s Work. Our Hands.

St. Paul’s received the following letter from Bishop Mark Holmerud:

Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson of the Evangelical

Lutheran Church in America has announced a re-

organization plan of the churchwide organization.

Copies of Bishop Holmerud’s letter are located on

the Narthex cabinet. The full news release as

well as a video message from Bishop Hanson and

all the latest information can be read at the fol-

lowing link: ELCA Reorganization Web Page

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I f your name and birth date are not shown above, or if there are any corrections or additions, please call the church office ASAP. We appreciate your help in keeping our

family birthday list current. Thanks!

Celebrations For: NOVEMBER

Microwavable soups Individual juice boxes Non-refrigerated pudding Single serving trail mix Easy Mac Single serving beef jerky Peanut Butter/Cheese Crackers / Power Bars Cheese/Beef sticks

Non-refrigerated individual cartons of milk Granola Bars Instant Oatmeal Fruit cups Hot cocoa Veggies (plastic containers) Canned/Freeze Dried meats

DON’T FORGET THE FOOD BASKET is available in the church entry for your

donations. Cash gifts should be made payable to FOOD FOR THOUGHT

FORGIVE ME WHEN I WHINE (thanks to Chuck & Darlene Lacugna for sharing!)

Today upon a bus I saw a lovely maid with golden hair.

I envied her—she seemed so gay and oh, I wished I were so fair.

And suddenly she rose to leave, I saw her hobble down the aisle; she had one foot and wore a crutch, but as she passed, a smile.

Oh, God, forgive me when I whine; I have two feet, the world is mine.

And when I stopped to buy some sweets, the lad who served me had such charm.

He seemed to radiate good cheer, his manner was so kind and warm. I said, “It’s nice to deal with you, such courtesy I seldom find.”

He turned and said, “Oh, thank you, sir!” And then I saw that he was blind.

Oh God, forgive me when I whine; I have two eyes, the world is mine.

Then when walking down the street, I saw a child with eyes of blue. He stood and watched the others play; it seemed he knew not what to do. I stopped a moment, then I said: “Why don’t you join the others, dear?”

He looked ahead without a word, and then I knew he could not hear.

Oh God, forgive me when I whine; I have two ears, the world is mine.

With feet to take me where I’d go, with eyes to see the sunset’s glow, with ears to hear what I would know, I’m blessed indeed, the world is mine.

Oh God, forgive me when I whine

- Author Unknown -

1 Ernst Goehrig 2 Sharon Barnes 2 Dennis Sperry 4 Danny Hopkins 5 Michael Hautekeet 5 Marjorie Sieber 5 Nancy Watkins 6 B J Kirkland 6 Philip Martineau 9 Heather Johnson Brown 9 Irene McComb 9 Bruce Pfeiffer 9 Matthew Pollard 9 Mary Lou Schmalenbach 10 Jennifer Bailey 11 Lynn Speidel 12 Ron Gutzman 12 Vera Logie 12 Chris Martin 14 Brian Anderson 15 Brie Kuntz 15 June McIntyre 16 Joshua Esenarro 16 Doug Thunder 17 Jessica May 18 Dan O’Neill 18 Todd Russell 18 Linda Wilson 19 Bryan Chowanski 19 Mollie Dickens 24 David McComb 25 Kainnan Hamilton 25 Rick Hanson 25 Judy McGee 26 Teresa Enders 26 Frank Furnari 26 Harold Hanson 26 Glenn Laursen 27 Willa Ramsden 28 Stevie Buitterfield 29 Karen Hone 29 Tom Rutter


COMMUNION SERVICE Wednesday, November 24, 2010

7:00 PM St. Peter’s Episcopal Church

(corner Division and Telegraph)

Pastor Stan will deliver the sermon Father Jeff and Pastor Stan

will share the liturgy

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Enrollment in this FREE program is ongoing and is funded through Thrivent Bank. If you wish to have your offerings electronically

transferred to St. Paul’s or if you have any questions, please contact Wayne Kinder at 882-6538.

OR … for account information please call Thrivent Financial for Lutherans




Month Ending: September 30, 2010


RECEIPTS - $ 19,925 $ 163,762

EXPENSES - $ 18,284 $ 167,079

You can find our financial chart posted on the wall outside the church secretary’s office.



Vicki Hamilton’s WELCA Bible Study meets on Monday, 11/8/10, at 9:30 AM in Friendship Hall. Study materi-als are located on the Narthex cabi-net. Please feel free to join us!


MEETING will take place

Sunday, 11/21/10 * 11:45 AM


(budget approval, bylaws, and elections) will take place

Sunday, 12/5/10 * 11:45 AM



are due in the church office NO LATER THAN 11/15/10


SCHEDULING of ALL church events and meetings MUST be arranged through the church office with dates/times placed on the master calendar. It is important that the master calendar be kept current and without conflict at all times.

EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS (Vicki Hamilton and Nellie Revelle) are available for in-home communion visits on an ap-pointment basis. Please feel free to call and leave a confidential voice mail message on extension 4.

CONGREGATIONAL COUNCIL will meet in Friendship Hall on Tuesday, 11/9, at 7:00 PM. Please notify the church office if you CANNOT attend.

ST. PAUL’S STITCHERS meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at 9:00 AM at the church. Please join us!

AIM BIBLE STUDY meets in Friendship Hall at 5:30 pm on Thursday evenings … 11/4, 11/11, and 11/18.

CONFIRMATION classes meet on Wednesdays at 3:00 pm and Saturdays at 10:00 am … your choice!

ST. PAUL’S PROPOSED 2011 BUDGET (Website Version)

see attachment after the newsletter


Soup Suppers (6:00 PM) and Communion Services (7:00 PM)


The following letter was received from Food For Thought: The space allowed in a simple letter simply can’t begin to show our appreciation for

(providing the St. Paul’s facility} to make our recent rum-mage sale a success.

The money we received from the sale goes right into pur-chasing food to help feed the 700+ children on our pro-gram. We’re already full engaged in getting our next fundraiser as the need to feed the children in our commu-nity continues to grow.

With gratitude, Rebecca Rund Founder and Executive Director

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Submitted by Darlene Lacugna St. Paul’s “Roving Reporter”

November, 2010

Gloria was born on April 4, 1935, in Detroit, Michigan, the oldest of six children, but she is a “country girl” at heart. She spent her formative years on a farm on Michigan’s beautiful Upper Peninsula. Her parents, Edward and Eleanor Jun-tunen, both of Finnish descent, came from large, loving families, so Gloria was blessed with parents, grandparents, and twenty-two aunts and uncles when she was born. Gloria’s Godmother is her mother’s twin sister, Katherine, who is now 97 years old and living in California. Both of Gloria’s parents lived to be ninety years of age.

Gloria’s parents worked hard to save enough money to fulfill a dream … to own a farm. They moved to this farm when Gloria was eight years old. Gloria has fond memories of the four sisters helping their mother around the house, learn-ing to cook, bake, sew, crochet, and knit … things Gloria likes to do today. The two brothers helped out in the fields, along with Mom and Dad. Being the old-est, Gloria got to drive the tractor starting at age twelve. What a thrill that was! The farm had animals and grew apples, strawberries, potatoes, hay, and grain. Sometimes Gloria helped sell strawberries at a roadside stand.

Gloria loved everything about school: riding the school bus, her teachers, her friends, and learning. In high school Glo-ria was active on the Forensics Team, competing against other schools and winning an award for herself and her school in 1951.

In the summer before graduation, Gloria attended a music session at Suomi College in Hancock. She met Dale Randle at a barn dance. Dale was a student at Michigan Technological University in Houghton. In 1953 Gloria graduated from high school and entered St. Joseph’s Hospital School of Nursing with plans of becoming a nurse. Plans changed as Dale and Gloria were married on August 7, 1954. Gloria had to drop out because “married women” were not allowed at St. Joseph’s. (Eight years later the laws of discrimination changed and she was invited back but declined.)

In 1956 Dale graduated with a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering and was commissioned a 2nd Lt. in the Army. They traveled to Kentucky and Washington as Dale served two years and then another eight years in the Reserves. As civilians they moved to the Naval Air Warfare Station in China Lake, CA, where Dale worked for the Navy in Research and Development until 1989. The Randles lived in the Mojave Desert for thirty two years.

The Randles have three daughters and one son. Daughter Laura has four children. She lives in Santa Maria, CA; Karin lives in Carson City and has three children; Cheryl and her husband, Chris, live in Bakersfield, CA; and Gary lives in Chico, CA. Gloria and Dale have seven grandchildren and four great grandchildren.

Gloria decided to work outside the home. She took classes from the local extension of Bakersfield College and began her career in banking as a teller at the Bank of America. Then she became the manager of the banking facility on the Navy base. Later Gloria commuted 120 miles daily to be operations officer in Mojave, CA, retiring in 1990.

In 1992, Gloria and Dale moved to Carson City. Gloria has always been an active Lutheran, teaching Sunday School and Confirmation classes, even as a teenager. She served as treasurer in her California church and now for 18 years has been Financial Secretary at St. Paul’s. As Financial Secretary, Gloria keeps excellent records and makes numerous oral and written reports. She is a member of the Ladies’ Book Club and LEE and plays duplicate bridge every week. Gloria loves the gift of music she experiences at St. Paul’s and she especially enjoyed singing with other members of St. Paul’s in the mass choir in Reno this past May.

Dale and Gloria love to travel. They have vacationed at their time share in Cancun, the Bahamas, and Hawaii. They have also traveled in the USA with grandchildren, visiting the nation’s capitol and to their beloved Michigan. For their 50th wedding anniversary they took a fantastic 16-day cruise to many wonderful sights in Europe, including England, France, Italy, Greece and Spain … to name a few!

Recently the Randles decided to move to Arizona but when their home did not sell, they decided to remodel this home and stay here. They are so very happy about their decision. (Thank you, God!) The Randles are strong pillars of St. Paul’s and we are blessed as they share their time and talents to do God’s work.

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(St. Paul’s Congregational Council meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7 PM)


Paul Goldenbaum, 2010 Council President

Email: [email protected]

Without a doubt, the major business of the church council last month was our budget. As a refresher on how the budget is arrived at, there are several steps: September 15 was posted as the last day on which budget requests could be submitted. Using these requests, along with last year’s approved budget and actual expenses, and a projection of next year’s income, the Budget Committee came up with a preliminary 2011 budget. The church’s Finance Committee, which includes members of our congregation who are not on the council, then refined the proposed budget and pre-sented it to council for approval. Your council needed two meetings to discuss and then agree on the proposed budget for next year. All those who took part in devising the proposed budget for next year deserve a hearty thanks for their time, work and dedication.

This budget will be presented at an informational meeting to be held on Sunday, November 21 after the late ser-vice. A vote on the approval of this budget by the congregation will be held next month on Sunday, December 5, again after the late service. Please remember when reviewing the proposed budget that our church’s income (weekly giving, donations) continues to decline, while most of our expenses are fixed. Knowing that these times are hard, we thank all of you for your financial support of St. Paul’s.

A few more notes of interest: We have a Sunday School Superintendent again. Renee Woslum has graciously volunteered to serve in this very important role for this school year. Thank you so very much, Renee. Traci Trenoweth has told us that we now have a church Youth Group, for ages 12 to 16. There are currently six members, four of which came to us through Vacation Bible School. The group meets every other Sunday. This is great news. Thanks, Traci and your team. Lastly, Shawna Lynch will serve as our interim mixed choir director for the upcoming Advent Season. There is an announcement with more information about the mixed choir elsewhere in this month’s Newsletter. Thank you, Shawna. Our worship is always more meaningful when we can add our praise through music. Yours in Faith, Paul Goldenbaum


Biblical Humor … thanks to Pat Newcomb for sharing!

HIGHER POWER … A Sunday School teacher said to her children, “We have been learning how powerful kings and queens were in Bible times. But there is a Higher Power. Can any-body tell me what it is?” One child blurted out, “Aces!!”

ALL MEN / ALL GIRLS … When my daughter, Kelly said her bedtime prayers, she would bless every family member, every friend, and every animal (current and past). For several weeks, after we had finished the nightly prayer, Kelly would say “And all girls.” This soon became part of her nightly routine, to include this clos-ing. My curiosity got the best of me and I asked her, “Kelly, why do you always add the part about all girls?” Her response, “Because everybody always finishes their prayers by saying, “All Men!” LOT’S WIFE … The Sunday School teacher was describing how Lot’s wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt, when little Jason interrupted, “My Mommy looked back once while she was driving,” he announced tri-umphantly, “and she turned into a telephone pole!” UNTIMELY ANSWERED PRAYER … During the minister’s prayer one Sunday, there was a loud whistle from one of the back pews. Tommy’s mother was horrified. She pinched him into silence and, after church asked, “Tommy, whatever made you do such a thing?” Tommy answered soberly, “I asked God to teach me to whis-tle, and He did!”

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Renee Woslum, Superintendent

Sunday School for ages 3 through Junior High - 9:00 - 10:15 AM

(September through May)

The Sunday School is doing very well and is looking forward to the holiday season with lessons and projects galore. There are some dynamic folks that have been keeping everything moving since we lost Lori Doll and her family when they moved back east. These folks are Mary Burgeson, Shelly Stevens, Doris Howell, Vicki Hamilton and many others who volunteer to make sure our kids have a program and a fun one it is! The children have been learning in the past couple weeks about the story of Baby Moses and his life, the Plagues that came down on the people of Egypt, and they will soon be starting some special lessons on Martin Luther and his life. Sometimes the group is involved in an art project together and sometimes they play out a drama connected to the story. They are all very enthusiastic, energetic and extremely creative. Sometimes they just sit to-gether and have a snack while one of the older girls reads to the group. It is my pleasure to join them and experience some of these neat activities first hand and lend an ear or a helping hand or idea to the mix. So, next time you see one of these "Sunday School An-gels" as Nellie made out our certificates to say, thank them for the hard work they do without com-plaint.

Renee Woslum, Sunday School Superintendent

On Sunday, 10/3/10, the follow-ing Sunday School teachers and helpers were recognized for the 2010-2011 school year:

Mary Burgeson, Shelly Stevens, Vicki Hamilton, Kelsey Hamilton, Doris Howell, Kim VanDyck, and

Renee Woslum (Superintendent) Additionally, Traci Trenoweth, Ashle Overlock, and Kath-ryn Opperman have taken responsibility for the Sunday School Christmas program (12/18) his year


To George and Kainnan Hamilton for trimming the olive trees on our church property … many hours and much hard work … a job well done! To Cheryl Kinder, Nita Menveg, and Glenn Laursen for filling in so capably during Nellie’s vacation. What would we do without our wonderful volunteers? Thank you all!! To Julius Rogina and Doug Thunder for providing pul-pit supply during Stan’s vacation. Thank you for the spe-cial gifts you bring to our congregation.





Don’t forget to set your clocks BACK one hour before retiring on Saturday night!

VETERANS’ DAY - November 11, 2010

In November 1919, President Wilson pro-claimed November 11 as the first com-memoration of Armistice Day with the

following words: "To us in America, the reflections of Ar-mistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with grati-tude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations…" WE SALUTE OUR VETS … FREEDOM IS NOT FREE

Page 9: Bits & PesisBits & Pesis - Clover · disappointments, failures, unexpected illnesses and other such threats and we wonder what’s


St. Paul’s Lutheran Family (ELCA) NON-PROFIT ORG . 1201 North Saliman Road U.S. POSTAGE PAID Carson City, Nevada 89701-3240 CARSON CITY, NV PERMIT #88 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED



St. Paul’s Lutheran Family’s highest priority is to proclaim the good news of God’s love for all people through the incarnation, death, and resurrection of his Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Baptized into the family of Christ we commit ourselves to love and care for one another and to provide a safe home in which we celebrate God’s love for us. In the midst of our sorrow and pain, we also embrace laughter, fellowship, work, and love for this family of God.


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Page 10: Bits & PesisBits & Pesis - Clover · disappointments, failures, unexpected illnesses and other such threats and we wonder what’s