bootcamp landing page optimization

> Landing page tes-ng < Smart data driven marke-ng

Post on 20-Oct-2014




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The presentation discusses the impact of landing page optimization to marketing campaigns.


Page 1: BootCamp Landing Page Optimization

>  Landing  page  tes-ng  <  Smart  data  driven  marke-ng  

Page 2: BootCamp Landing Page Optimization

>  Short  but  sharp  history  

§  Datalicious  was  founded  late  2007  §  Strong  Omniture  web  analy-cs  history  §  Now  360  data  agency  with  specialist  team  §  Combina-on  of  analysts  and  developers  §  Carefully  selected  best  of  breed  partners  §  Driving  industry  best  prac-ce  (ADMA)  §  Turning  data  into  ac-onable  insights  §  Execu-ng  smart  data  driven  campaigns  

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>  Smart  data  driven  marke-ng  

August  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   3  

Media  A;ribu-on  &  Modeling  

Op-mise  channel  mix,  predict  sales  

Tes-ng  &  Op-misa-on  Remove  barriers,  drive  sales  

Boos-ng  ROI  

Targeted  Direct  Marke-ng    Increase  relevance,  reduce  churn  

“Using  data  to  widen  the  funnel”  

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>  Clients  across  all  industries  

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>  What  methods  work  best?  

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Google:  “econsultancy  tes-ng  buyers  guide”  

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Don’t  reinvent  the  wheel  

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“landing  page  op-misa-on”  

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The  holy  trinity  of  tes-ng  

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>  The  holy  trinity  of  tes-ng  1.  The  headline  – Have  a  headline!  – Headline  should  be  concrete  – Headline  should  be  first  thing  visitors  look  at  

2.  Call  to  ac-on  – Don’t  have  too  many  calls  to  ac-on  – Have  an  ac-onable  call  to  ac-on  – Have  a  big,  prominent,  visible  call  to  ac-on  

3.  Social  proof  –  Logos,  number  of  users,  tes-monials,  case  studies,  media  coverage,  recommenda-ons,  etc  

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>  Online  form  best  prac-ce  

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Maximise  data  integrity  Age  vs.  year  of  birth  Free  text  vs.  op-ons  

Use  auto-­‐complete    wherever  possible  

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The  li;le  things  count  

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>  It’s  the  small  things  that  count  

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Challenge  your  perspec-ve  

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>  ClickTale  heat  maps  

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The  phone  s-ll  rings  

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>  Use  unique  phone  numbers  

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2  out  of  3  callers  hang  up  as  they  cannot  get  their    informa-on  fast  enough.    Unique  phone  numbers  can  help  improve  call  experience.  

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>  Jet  Interac-ve  call  analy-cs  

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Sta-s-cal  significance?  

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How  many  survey  responses  do  you  need    if  you  have  10,000  customers?  

How  many  email  opens  do  you  need  to  test  2  subject  lines  if  your  subscriber  base  is  50,000?  

How  many  orders  do  you  need  to  test  6  banner  execu-ons    if  you  serve  1,000,000  banners  

Google  “nss  sample  size  calculator”  August  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   20  

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How  many  survey  responses  do  you  need    if  you  have  10,000  customers?  

369  for  each  ques-on  or  369  complete  responses  

How  many  email  opens  do  you  need  to  test  2  subject  lines  if  your  subscriber  base  is  50,000?  And  email  sends?  381  per  subject  line  or  381  x  2  =  762  email  opens  

How  many  orders  do  you  need  to  test  6  banner  execu-ons    if  you  serve  1,000,000  banners?  

383  sales  per  banner  execu-on  or  383  x  6  =  2,298  sales  

Google  “nss  sample  size  calculator”  August  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   21  

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Targe-ng  before  tes-ng  

Page 23: BootCamp Landing Page Optimization

Test   Segment   Content   Success   Difficulty   Poten-al  

Test  #1A     New  prospects  

Acquisi-on  offer  A  

Click,    order,  etc  

Low   $50k  Test  #1B   New  

prospects  Acquisi-on  offer  B  

Click,    order,  etc  

Test  #2A   Exis-ng  customers  

Up-­‐sell  offer  A  

Click,    order,  etc  

High   $100k  Test  #2B   Exis-ng  

customers  Up-­‐sell  offer  B  

Click,    order,  etc  

>  Targe-ng  and  tes-ng  matrix  

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Think  outside  the  box  

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Apple  iPhone  4  black  

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On-­‐site    segments  

Off-­‐site  segments  

>  Combining  ad  plalorms  

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>  Lead  nurturing  and  follow-­‐up  

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>  The  Datalicious  SuperTag  

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Ad    Servers  

Paid    Search  

Affiliate  Programs  

Behavioral  Targe-ng  

A/B  Tes-ng  Heat  Maps  

Live    Chat  

Web  Analy-cs  

Media  A;ribu-on    

Easily  implement  and  update  any  tag  on  any  websites  without  IT  involvement.    De-­‐duplicate  conversions  and  collect  media  a_ribu-on  data  to  boost  return  on  ad  spend.    Implement  complex  re-­‐targe-ng  strategies  across  pla`orms  to  increase  response  rates.    Enable  advanced  features  such  heat  maps,  tes-ng  and  live  chat  to  op-mise  conversions.  

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August  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   30  

Contact  us  [email protected]  

 Learn  more    

Follow  me  twi;  


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Data  >  Insights  >  Ac-on  

August  2011   ©  Datalicious  Pty  Ltd   31