building information systems & managing projects

Building Information Building Information Systems & Managing Systems & Managing Projects Projects

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Page 1: Building Information Systems & Managing Projects

Building Information Building Information Systems & Managing Systems & Managing


Building Information Building Information Systems & Managing Systems & Managing


Page 2: Building Information Systems & Managing Projects

Problem Solving and Systems Development

• Change Management

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Problem Solving and Systems Development

• Steps in developing, designing, & building an IS

• Traditional approach

• Modern approaches

End-User development






Data flow diagrams

OO Development

• IT Project Management

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Problem Solving and Systems Development

• Four steps to building an information system

1. Define and understand the problem

2. Develop alternative solutions

3. Evaluate and choose a solution

4. Implement the solution

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Problem Solving and Systems Development

Developing an Information System SolutionDeveloping an Information System Solution

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Traditional Systems Development LifecycleTraditional Systems Development Lifecycle

Systems-Building Approaches

• Oldest method for building information systems

• Phased approach with formal stages

• Waterfall approach

• Formal division of labor

• Used for building large, complex systems

• Time consuming and expensive to use

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The systems development lifecycle partitions systems development into formal stages, with each stage requiring completion before the next stage can begin.

The Traditional Systems Development LifecycleThe Traditional Systems Development Lifecycle

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Systems-Building Approaches

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The process of developing a prototype consists of four steps. Because a prototype can be developed quickly and inexpensively, systems builders can go through several iterations, repeating steps 3 and 4, to refine and enhance the prototype before arriving at the final operational one.

The Prototyping ProcessThe Prototyping Process

Systems-Building Approaches

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End-User DevelopmentEnd-User Development

Systems-Building Approaches

• End users create simple information systems with little or no assistance from technical specialists

• Use fourth-generation languages, graphics languages, and PC software tools to access data, create reports, and develop information systems

• Completed more rapidly than systems developed with conventional tools

• Organizational risks

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Systems-Building Approaches

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Purchasing Solutions: Application Software Packages Purchasing Solutions: Application Software Packages and Outsourcingand Outsourcing

• Request for Proposal (RFP)

• Application software packages

• Generalized systems for universal functions with standard processes

• Customization

• Outsourcing

• Application service providers (ASPs)

• Offshore outsourcing

Systems-Building Approaches

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Rapid Application Development for E-BusinessRapid Application Development for E-Business

• Agility and scalability

• Rapid application development (RAD)• Creating workable systems in a very short period of


• Joint application design (JAD)

• End users and information systems specialists working together on design

Systems-Building Approaches

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Systems-Building Approaches

The system has three processes: Verify availability (1.0), Enroll student (2.0), and Confirm registration (3.0). The name and content of each of the data flows appear adjacent to each arrow. There is one external entity in this system: the student. There are two data stores: the student master file and the course file.

Data Flow Diagram for Mail-in University Data Flow Diagram for Mail-in University Registration SystemRegistration System

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Object-Oriented DevelopmentObject-Oriented Development

Systems-Building Approaches

Class and InheritanceClass and InheritanceEiffelSmalltalkRubyJavaC#C++PythonVisual BasicPerl

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• Project• Planned series of related activities for achieving a specific

business objective(s)

• Project Management• Application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to

achieve targets within specified budget and time constraints

Project ManagementProject Management

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What are the Key Metrics?


Results / Performance Objectives

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What are the Key Success Factors?

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What are the tools?

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Important DecisionsImportant Decisions

Deciding which projects to implement

Selecting a project manager

Selecting a project team

Planning and designing the project

Managing and controlling project resources

Deciding if and when a project should be terminated

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Project Management SoftwareProject Management Software

Imposes a methodology

Provides logical planning structure

Enhances team communication

Flag constraint violations

Automatic report formats

Multiple levels of reports

Enables what-if scenarios

Generates various chart types

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ComputerWeekly, July 2009

Project Management SoftwareProject Management Software

There are literally dozens of good project management software applications out there, with Microsoft Project being one of the most popular mid-range project management packages, and the likes of Primavera being popular at the higher end. Free and open source project tools are also available to download or use via a web browser.

What does project management software do?At the most basic level, project management products will help your organization to manage projects from start to finish, and allow employees at different levels to have an input into the process.

Project management software has been around for a number of years now and as a result, it does far more than just manage the projects themselves.

Project applications can also carry out scheduling, cost control and budget management, resource allocation, collaboration, communication, quality management and documentation or administration.

The aim with these is to handle all aspects and complexities of larger projects and help keep costs down.

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Lean Project Management

• Identify and eliminate waste

• Deliver more value

• Amplify learning

• Make decision at the right time

• Fast delivery

• Empower the team, respect, integrity

• Build integrity in

• See the whole

• Teams and networks of commitments

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A System PortfolioA System Portfolio

Project Management