carlos a. angel, md. chest wall deformities pectus excavatum pectus carinatum poland syndrome...


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Post on 24-Dec-2015




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  • Carlos A. Angel, MD
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  • CHEST WALL DEFORMITIES Pectus excavatum Pectus carinatum Poland syndrome Sternal defects Rare lesions: Thoracic ectopia cordis Jeune asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy
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  • PECTUS EXCAVATUM Most common anterior chest wall deformity (7-38/10,000 births) Positive family history (37%-47%) 3:1 M:F ratio Spontaneous resolution is rare Progression is expected during growth spurts Tall, lanky, poor posture Cause unknown Can be acquired after correction of CDH.
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  • PRESENTATION Clinical spectrum Posterior angulation of the body of the sternum Posterior angulation of the costal cartilages that meet the sternum In severe cases posterior angulation of the most anterior portion of the osseous ribs Depression may be assymetric (carinatum/excavatum deformities) Currarino- Silvermann deformity ( protrusion of sterno-manubrial joint)
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  • PRESENTATION Many are asymptomatic Precordial pain Pain after sustained exercise Palpitation (mitral valve prolapse) Systolic ejection murmur is frequently identified Shortness of breath Decreased exercise tolerance
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  • Associated Abnormalities 704 patients Scoliosis 107 kyphosis 4 Myopathy 3 Poland syndrome 3 Marfan syndrome 2 Pierre Robin syndrome 2 Prune belly syndrome 2 Neurofibromatosis 3 Cerebral palsy 4 Tuberous sclerosis 1 CDH 1 Shamberger RC, Welch KJ,: Surgical repair of pectus excavatum. J Pediatr Surg 1998; 23:615-622
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  • PECTUS EXCAVATUM Some believe this is a purely cosmetic condition This contrasts with the clinical impression that many patients report improved breathing, stamina and exercise tolerance after repair Despite 6 decades of work, no consensus has been achieved as to what degree of cardiopulmonary impairment is present, if any, in patients with depression chest wall deformities
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  • PECTUS EXCAVATUM Work-up CT of the chest Pulmonary Function Tests Echocardiogram Type and crossmatch PRBCs
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  • PULMONARY FUNCTION Castile et. al., ( 8 pts, 1 carinatum) MeanTLC 79% of predicted No suggestion of a significant ventilation-perfusion abnormality With maximum workload oxygen extraction exceeded predicted values in symptomatic patients Increases in tidal volume with exercise were uniformly depressed No postoperative studies performed
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  • PULMONARY FUNCTION Brown Respiratory studies before and after surgery Vital Capacity- nl Maximum breathing capacity greater than 50%decreased (9/11 pts), increased 31% after repair Orzaleski and Cook 12 children with severe pectus excavatum deformities Significant decrease (p
  • PULMONARY FUNCTION Cahill 19 children and adolescents (5 carinatum, 14 excavatum) No pre-0p or pop abnormalities seen in carinatum patients Excavatum patients showed low normal VC, unchanged by operation Operation changed TLC Significant improvement after operation in in maximum voluntary ventilation and exercise tolerance Devereaux 88 pts with pectus excavatum 1-20yrs after operation (avg 8 yrs) Those with 75% had worsening function, this was in contrast with subjective reports of improvement in symptoms
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  • PULMONARY FUNCTION Wynn 12 children Decline in TLC after repair Kaguraoka 138 pts Temporary decrease in pulmonary function after surgery Haller 36 pts pectus excavatum, 10 controls Decreased FVC did not change after repair Improved exercise tolerance after repair in 66% of patients, likely the result of improved cardiac function
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  • PULMONARY FUNCTION Minimally Invasive Repair Studies: Borowitz 10 pts Normal pulmonary function pre and pop Sigalet et. al. 11 pts Subjective improvement in exercise tolerance Pulmonary function significantly reduced at 3mo. Cardiac function enhanced with increase stroke volume Limitation in exercise had a cardiovascular rather than a pulmonary cause Lawson 408 pectus excavatum patients 45 PFTs after Nuss procedure and bar removal Pre-operative values for FVC, FEV1 and forced expiratory flow were 13-20% below average Post-operative significant improvement for al parameters greatest gains by surgery were seen in patients older than 11 yrs
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  • PULMONARY FUNCTION CONCLUSIONS: In the last decade, studies of hundreds of patients with pectus excavatum have demonstrated that it is associated with an average decrease of pulmonary function of 85% of predicted values ( 80% is 2 SD below the norm). The increase in function after surgery occurs in patients with normal pulmonary parenchyma and airways
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  • CARDIAC FUNCTION Deformity of the heart Sternal imprint of the anterior R ventricle Displacement of the heart to the L side Garusi, Decreased work capacity significantly lower in sitting than in supine position Stroke volume decreased 40.3% from supine to sitting position Increased cardiac output is achieved by increased heart rate, not stroke volume Beiser et. al.- Provided further evidence that cardiac function is impaired during upright exercise
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  • Peterson 13 patients with pectus excavatum (11 symptomatic) Radionuclide angiography Marked decrease in symptoms during exercise after surgical correction during a regulated exercise protocol No changes in L ventricular EF Kowaleski et. al 42 pts Echocardiographic evaluation of cardiac function Statistically significant changes seen in RV indices (systolic, diastolic and stroke volume) after surgery All limitations in stroke volume result from R ventricular compression
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  • CARDIAC FUNCTION Echocardiographic studies: Mitral valve prolapse 18% ( Udoshi, CHKD, Norfolk) 65% ( Saint- Mezard Resolution of prolapse after repair seen in 43-44%
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  • BODY IMAGE Large percentage of patients are self-concious about their chests Even suicide attempts have been reported Not an inconsequential problem Psychometric assessments in more than 300 children- Marked improvement in psychosocial functioning after repair Severity of deformity did not correlate with the parents/patients perception of body image concerns Pectus excavatum is a deformity which worsens during a developmental period in which body image is crucial
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  • INDICATIONS Progressive symptoms Restrictive disease, decreased work production or oxygen uptake as demonstrated by PFTs Ct scan showing cardiac compression or displacement Haller index greater than 3.25 Pulmonary atelectases Mitral valve prolapse, bundle branch block Recurrent pectus excavatum after repair
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  • TIMING Can be performed in younger children with severe exercise tolerance Best deferred until after the pubertal growth spur
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  • Transverse skin incision Mobilization and retraction of pectoralis and rectus abdominis muscles Excision of deformed cartilagues leaving the perichondrium intact Fracture of the sternum (wedge osteotomy) Metal strut for stabilization
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  • COMPLICATIONS Early: Wound infection (1%) Pneumothorax (4%) Hemothorax (0.6%) Pneumonia (0.5%) Pericarditis (0.4%) Pleural effussion (0.3%) Late: Bar infection (0.5%, only 0.2% required removal) Bar displacement (1% -5.7%) Nickel allergy (3%) Recurrence Repairs performed in children