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  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    3a)*groun" 4n&ormation 5tea)her in&ormation6......................................................1%Conne)tions to Chemistr! Con)epts 5&or )orrelation to )ourse )urri)ulum6..........08ossi9le Stu"ent is)on)eptions 5to ai" tea)her in a""ressing mis)on)eptions6 1

     Anti)ipating Stu"ent ;uestions 5answers to

  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    About the Guide

    Tea)her ’s @ui"e e"itors William 3leam, #onal" )inne!, +onal" Tempest, an" Eri)a .

    Ba)o9sen )reate" the Tea)her ’s @ui"e arti)le material. E=mail:

    Susan Cooper prepare" the national s)ien)e e"u)ation )ontent, anti)ipation gui"es, an"rea"ing gui"es.

    #avi" Olne! )reate" the puDDle.E=mail: "?olne! 

    8atri)e 8ages, ChemMatters e"itor, )oor"inate" pro"u)tion an" prepare" the i)roso&t Wor"an" 8#( versions o& the Tea)her ’s @ui"e. E=mail: )hemmattersa)

     Arti)les &rom past issues o& ChemMatters )an 9e a))esse" &rom a C# that is availa9le &rom the Ameri)an Chemi)al So)iet! &or . The C# )ontains all ChemMatters issues &rom (e9ruar!%1 to April 21.

    The ChemMatters CD in)lu"es an 4n"ex that )overs all issues &rom (e9ruar! %1 to April21.

    The ChemMatters C# )an 9e pur)hase" 9! )alling %=1=220=7771.

    8ur)hase in&ormation )an 9e &oun" online at www.a)s.orgF)hemmatters


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  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    Student Questions (from the articles

    eein Cool Stain 4arm 5o" Animals Sur6i6e Temerature *,tremes

    %. Gist three wa!s )amels have a"apte" to their environment.2. Wh! are almost all large animals warm=9loo"e"'. Explain the role that shape has in "etermining whether an animal is warm= or

    )ol"=9loo"e". @ive examples.. A))or"ing to the author, how has the human spe)ies a"apte" to environmental

    )on"itions o& temperature'7. Gist one "isa"vantage an" one a"vantage o& 9eing warm=9loo"e"./. Sin)e the internal temperature o& )ol"=9loo"e" animals approximates that o& their

    surroun"ings, how "o the! avoi" &reeDing to "eath in ver! )ol" surroun"ings'0. Gist &our examples o& insulation in warm=9loo"e" animals.1. Explain the )ounter)urrent heat ex)hange pro)ess.

    . How "oes sweating help a person maintain a &airl! )onstant internal 9o"!temperature when the 9o"! gets hot'%. Gist three wa!s animals maintain their 9o"! temperature in the heat.

    4h Cold 7oesn’t *,ist

    %. What happens when an i)e )u9e is a""e" to a so&t "rin*'2. What is the rule a9out how energ! is trans&erre" 9etween two o9?e)ts that are in

    )onta)t'. 5T=( F Explain6 All parti)les o& a su9stan)e have the same *ineti) energ!.. What is the "e&inition o& temperature'

    7. -ame the three *in"s o& motion that a parti)le )an have./. #es)ri9e the results o& )ollisions 9etween &aster=moving parti)les an" slower=moving parti)les.

    0. What term is applie" to the situation in whi)h energ! has 9een trans&erre" &rom&aster parti)les to slower ones an" as a result the parti)les en" up traveling at the samespee"'

    1. Explain wh! evaporation o& a li

  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    The rac;in

  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    Ans"ers to Student Questions (from the articles

    eein Cool Stain 4arm 5o" Animals Sur6i6e Temerature *,tremes

    %. =ist three "as camels ha6e adated to their en6ironment.Camels have adapted to their environment in the following ways:a. Camels have large patches of thick, leathery skin on their knees that protect them from

    burning their legs when they kneel on the hot sand (think, OC!" when you walk acrosshot sand at the beach#,

    b. $heir normal internal body temperature is higher than ours (%& to ') o*#, so their bodytemperature has to be higher before they sweat, thus minimi+ing water loss throughevaporation, and 

    c. $hey have spongy bones in their noses that absorb ecess moisture that would normallybe lost through ehaling.

    2. 4h are almost all lare animals "arm-blooded9 - large body volume makes it difficult for eternal heat to reach the internal body organs towarm them up. n cold temperatures, a large cold/blooded animal would be very sluggishand would be prime prey for a warm/blooded carnivore.

    . *,lain the role that shae has in determinin "hether an animalis "arm- or cold-blooded. Gi6e e,amles.0ike si+e, shape affects whether an animal is warm/ or cold/blooded. - round body shape,e.g., a mouse, minimi+es the effect of outside temperature on internal body temperature,while a flat body shape, e.g., a fish, or a cylindrical shape1 e.g., a snake or worm, allowsoutside temperature to affect internal organ temperature (or vice versa# very 2uickly andefficiently.

    . Accordin to the author ho" has the human secies adated toen6ironmental conditions of temerature93eople living in cold climes typically have a more rounded, plump shape, thus better

     preserving their internal body heat1 while people living in hot, dry regions tend to be thin,allowing them to dissipate body heat more 2uickly.

    7. =ist one disad6antae and one ad6antae of bein "arm-blooded.Disadvantage: More heat energy (food# is re2uired to keep internal body temperature at itsnormal levels than for cold/blooded animals.

     -dvantage: $hey can stay active at lower eternal temperatures1 e.g., in winter, than cold/blooded animals.

    /. Since the internal temerature of cold-blooded animalsaro,imates that of their surroundins ho" do the a6oid free&in to death in 6ercold surroundins9

     -s the temperature approaches free+ing, the fluid surrounding cells free+es, but fluid insidecells does not free+e. -s the fluid free+es, water is drawn out of cells to help e2uali+e theincreased solute concentration in the remaining unfro+en fluid. -s this occurs, glucoseenters the cells. $he combined loss of water and gain of glucose increases theconcentration inside cells, resulting in a free+ing point depression inside the cells. $his

     prevents cells from free+ing, which would be deadly to the animal.0. =ist four e,amles of insulation in "arm-blooded animals.

    Modes of insulation in warm/blooded animals include:a. 4arm clothing in humansb. 4ool or other types of hair 


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    c. *luffed feathersd. *at or blubber 

    1. *,lain the countercurrent heat e,chane rocess.$he heat echange process prevents ecessive heat loss from an animal ’ s etremities. $hisis accomplished thusly: “…arteries that carry warm blood away from the heart are

     positioned directly against the veins that carry cool blood to the heart. 5o, the warmer blood

    leaving the heart through the arteries warms the cooler blood entering the heart through theveins.”

    . 5o" does s"eatin hel a erson maintain a fairl constantinternal bod temerature "hen the bod ets hot95weating moves warm water from inside the body to the surface of the skin. $here it canevaporate into the air. 6ut to do so, energy is re2uired (remember that evaporation, the

     process of changing a li2uid to a vapor by means of breaking bonds between the li2uidmolecules, is an endothermic process#. $he energy re2uired to effect the phase changecomes from the body, thus removing heat from the already too/warm body.

    %. =ist three "as that animals maintain their bod temerature in theheat.

     -nimals maintain their core body temperature in varying ways:

    a. Dogs salivate, rather than sweating (although they do have sweat glands between their paw pads#. 4hen they pant, the saliva evaporating off their tongues helps to cool them.

    b. Cats have sweat glands on the pads of their feet and on their tongues.c. Cats and kangaroos (along with other animals# lick their fur. $his provides water that

    evaporates off their fur, resulting in surface cooling.

    4h Cold 7oesn’t *,ist

    %. 4hat haens "hen an ice cube is added to a soft drin;94hen an ice cube is added to a soft drink, heat is transferred from the soft drink to the icecube and so the soft drink gets colder.

    2. 4hat is the rule about ho" ener is transferred bet"een t"oob>ects that are in contact9

     -s the article states, energy is always transferred from the ob7ect with the highertemperature to the ob7ect with the lower temperature.

    . (T- ? *,lain All articles of a substance ha6e the same ;ineticener.$he statement is false1 all particles of one substance do 8O$ have the same kinetic energy.n a given substance, the particles are all moving but at difference velocities. $herefore, the

     particles have a range of kinetic energies, since kinetic energy varies with the s2uare of thevelocity.

    . 4hat is the definition of temerature9$emperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance.

    5ince the particles have a range of kinetic energies, the best we can do is determine anaverage.

    7. )ame the three ;inds of motion a article can ha6e.The three t!pes o& motion o& a parti)le are translational, vi9rational an" rotational. “The! )anvi9rate 5wiggle a9out a &ixe" position6, translate 5move &rom one lo)ation to another6, orrotate 5spin aroun"6.”

    /. 7escribe the results of collisions bet"een faster-mo6in articlesand slo"er-mo6in articles.


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    4hen faster/moving particles collide with slower/moving particles, the latter speed up andthe former slow down. $he net effect is that energy is transferred from faster/moving

     particles to slower ones. 4e call this transferred energy “heat ”. $he transfer continues untilthe two particles are traveling at the same speed.

    0. 4hat term is alied to the situation in "hich ener has beentransferred from faster articles to slo"er ones and as a result the articles end u

    tra6elin at the same seed9$he condition in which all particles are traveling at the same speed is known as thermale2uilibrium.

    1. *,lain "h e6aoration of a li@uid from our s;in ma;es us feelcooler.9vaporation occurs when li2uid molecules leave the li2uid state to become vapor. Only thefastest molecules have enough energy to leave and become vapor. $his leaves theremaining molecules moving more slowly than your skin, so heat is transferred from yourskin to the remaining li2uid. $his results in your skin feeling cooler, since the molecules onyour skin are now traveling more slowly than they were before the li2uid evaporated.

    Sorts Sulements 5elful or 5armful9

    %. 4hat are some of the benefits claimed on sorts sulementlabels95ome of the benefits claimed on sports supplement labels are that they “… increase musclesi+e and strength, enhance stamina, and even improve focus and cognition.”

    2. 4hich three fre@uentl used sorts sulements are hihlihted inthe article9$he three fre2uently used sports supplements highlighted in the article are whey protein

     powder, creatine, and 0/arginine.. 4hat is an arument for usin "he rotein o"der9

    3ossible arguments for using whey protein powder are:

    a. During eercise the protein in muscle tissue becomes damaged, and consuming proteinright after a workout might help repair muscle tissue. 4hey protein powder is a fast andeasy way to supplement protein consumption.

    b. 4hey proteins are rich in “essential ” amino acids the body cannot make on its own.c. 4hey proteins are water/soluble, so they are easier to digest than less/soluble proteins.

    . 4hat is an arument aainst usin "he rotein o"der93ossible arguments against using whey protein powder are:a. esearch shows that people get enough protein in their diet, so people who add etra

     protein are merely adding calories and no additional muscle growth.b. $oo much protein has been linked to kidney problems.

    7. 4hat is an arument for usin creatine9 - possible argument for using creatine is that studies have shown that these supplements

    seem to give a slight benefit in sports where athletes need to produce energy in shortspurts.

    /. 4hat is an arument aainst usin creatine9 - possible argument against using creatine is that it has several possible side effects:muscle cramping, small muscle tears, dehydration, headaches, nausea, diarrhea, aniety,and depression. 0ong/term use of creatine may lead to kidney and liver problems.

    0. 4hat is an arument for usin =-arinine9


  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


     - possible argument for using 0/arginine is that since it is converted into nitric oide, acompound that dilates blood vessels, it could in theory increase blood flow and help athletesto improve athletic performance.

    1. 4hat is an arument aainst usin =-arinine93ossible arguments against using 0/arginine are:a. 5tudies have shown little or no evidence that 0/arginine boosts energy and muscle

    strength, or improves stamina or workout intensity.b. se of 0/arginine has a long list of potential side effects, including nausea, diarrhea,

    hives and lower back pain.. 4hat is some ad6ice for ho" to decide "hether or not to ta;e a

    sulement and "hich sorts sulements are useful and safe94hen deciding whether or not to take a supplement and which to take, it is recommended toconsult a physician or a registered dietitian.

    The rac;in

  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    bacterial action contains less carbon '& than methane in fossil fuel. $he same type ofanalysis for the hydrogen in methane reveals that there are two isotopes of hydrogen

     possible — hydrogen/' and hydrogen/;. 6acterial methane contains less hydrogen/; thanfossil fuel methane.

    0. 4hat is the concern about in>ectin "aste "ater from the frac;inoerations into so-called in>ection "ells9

    $he concern with in7ecting waste water from fracking into in7ection wells is that there is the possibility that the in7ected waste water can initiate earth2uakes.

    )uclear usion The )e,t *ner rontier9

    %. Gist at least three reasons that &usion is )onsi"ere" the ultimate energ!sour)e.*usion is considered the ultimate energy source because:a. t uses the same process that powers the sun,b. t ’ s environmentally friendly,c. $here’ s “little danger from radiation”,

    d. $here’ s “no long/lasting radioactive waste”,e. $here’ s “+ero chance of a runaway chain reaction,”f. f anything goes wrong with the reactor, it simply shuts down.

    2. 4hat form of ener "ill "e ultimatel use from the fusionreaction99nergy from the fusion reaction will be changed to electricity for our use.

    3. 4hat constitutes “success” in the race to achie6e fusion95uccess in a fusion reaction is “…defined as measuring more energy going out than comingin.” (n other words, more than breaking even#

    . 4hat is bindin ener96inding energy is the energy that holds a nucleus together. n the fusion reaction described,between a deuterium nucleus and a tritium nucleus, it can be calculated by measuring the

    mass difference between the sum of the masses of the individual nuclei and the mass of thefinal larger nucleus, and converting that mass into energy using 9instein ’ s e2uation 9>mC ; .

    7. 5o" man rotons and neutrons does tritium ha6e9$ritium, hydrogen/& or &!, has ' proton (this is what makes it hydrogen# and ; neutrons, fora total mass of &.

    /. 4h do scientists ha6e such a touh time ettin deuterium andtritium nuclei to et toether to undero fusion9Deuterium and tritium nuclei don’ t easily come together to fuse because they are both

     positively charged, and their electrostatic force of repulsion forces them apart.0. )ame the t"o aroaches currentl bein used to create fusion

    ener.$he two current approaches to creating fusion energy are:

    a. nertial confinement fusion and b. Magnetic confinement fusion.

    1. 7escribe the difference bet"een these t"o aroaches.nertial confinement fusion heats a compressed target pellet of deuterium and tritium, whilethe magnetic confinement fusion process uses magnetic fields to contain a plasma ofdeuterium and tritium nuclei.

    . 4hat is lasma93lasma, the fourth state of matter, is “… an ioni+ed gas consisting of positive ions and freeelectrons in proportions resulting in no overall electric charge.”


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    %. 5o" does the heat of fusion become useful ener9“$he heat from the nuclear fusion reaction will be passed to a heat echanger to makesteam, and the steam will turn turbines to produce electricity.”

    %%. 4hat is the difference bet"een the lasma in a lasma TB and thelasma of a fusion reaction9$he plasma in a plasma television is room/temperature gas that has been ioni+ed by free/

    flowing electrons from an electrical charge, while the plasma in a fusion reaction is “…superhot  — ' times the temperature inside the sun.”


  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    ChemMatters %u&&le luster for Chemists

    A paper and pencil word game called FL!"#$ %ea&'re( a 4)4 grid pop'la&ed wi&* 16 alp*a+e&

    le&&er( , wi&* d'plica&e( allowed. !ee &*e grid in p'--le 1 a( an e)ample. "*e o+ec& i( &o ma/e a(

    man word( a( po((i+le + moing +e&ween adoining cell( *ori-on&all, er&icall, ordiagonall ,wi&*in an agreed'pon &ime limi& "*ere’( '(& one r'le all le&&er( o% a gien word

    m'(& +e in di%%eren& cell(. % a gien word *a( &wo $’( in i&, o' m'(& *ae &wo di%%eren& ('are(

    ('ppl &*em. '& o' ma '(e an $ in a gien cell in more &*an one word. e’ll adap& &*e

    %orma& &o c*emical oca+'lar (e&(, in &*ree p'--le(.

    '--le :1 ;ere are 16 le&&er(.

  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    Ans"ers to the ChemMatters %u&&le

    KKL# :1

    mega cell d1 &o c2 &o +2 &o a3

    /ilo d4d3c3c4

    micro d1c1+1a1a2deci +3c2d2d3

    nano a4a3+4c4

    KKL# :2

    D#"; cell d3c2 d1d2

    #"; c2d1d2$ c1+1a1+2

    " a4c3a3#G" d4c4+4a3

    ;#H d2c2c3

      ;#" d2c2c1d1 or d2c2+2a3  B" a1a2a3


    KKL# :3


    ))) a + c d

    1 $ B D

    2 E # B

    3 A L

    4 G G @  

    ))) a + c d

    1 $ "

    2 B # ;

    3 " H D

    4 G #

    ))) a + c d

    1 ! $ 2 # L B

    3 A = <

    4 $ ;

  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    B$# >Darie and ierre, named %or *er *omeland.? (&ar&( in cell d2,d1c1+1+2L#! >E.G., emp*a(i-ed &*e (*ared pair o% elec&ron(? c2+2a2+1a1

    !ir $o+er&, o% ole’( Law %ame.? d4d3c3c2+2

    ;$ > Giel( , lin/( 'an&'m &*eor &o (pd% ('+(*ell( in ; (pec&ra d4d3c4+4A=< >!ir ;'mp*reM '(e( elec&rici& &o decompo(e (al&(?M a4a3+3c3


  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    )ational Science *ducation Standards ()S*S Correlations

    )ational Science *ducationContent Standard Addressed

     As a result o& a)tivities in gra"es =

    %2, all stu"ents shoul" "evelopun"erstan"ing

    Chillin Out


    4h Cold

    7oesn’t *,ist





    %hsical Science Standard Aa9out s)ienti&i) in

  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    )e,t-Generation Science Standards ()GSS Correlations

    Article NGSS

    Chilling Out,

    WarmingUp: HowAnimalsSurviveTemperature Etremes


    Apply scientific principles and evidence to provide an explanation about the effectsof changing the temperature or concentration of the reacting particles on the rate at

     which a reaction occurs.

    Crosscutting Concepts: 

    • Structure & Function• Scale, Proportion, & Quantity

    Science an& Engineering "ractices: 

    • onstructing explanationsNature o' Science: 

    • Science assumes the universe is a vast single system in which basic laws are

    consistent.Wh( Col&)oesn’tEist

    HS!"S*!+%!evelop and use models to illustrate that energy at the macroscopic scale can beaccounted for as a combination of energy associated with the motions of particles"ob#ects$ and energy associated with the relative positions of particles "ob#ects$.

    Crosscutting Concepts:

    • Systems & System %odels• nergy & %atter

    Science an& Engineering "ractices: 

    • onstructing explanationsNature o' Science'

    • Science assumes the universe is a vast single system in which basic laws areconsistent.

    SportsSupplements: Help'ul orHarm'ul

    HS!-S#!.%onstruct and revise an explanation based on evidence for how carbon, hydrogen,and oxygen from sugar molecules may combine with other elements to form aminoacids and(or other large carbon)based molecules.

    Crosscutting Concepts: 

    • ause & ffect• Structure & Function

    Science an& Engineering "ractices: 

    • As*ing +uestions and defining problems• Analying and interpreting data

    Nature o' Science: 

    • Science and engineering are influenced by society and society is influenced byscience and engineering.

    • %any decisions are not made using science alone, but rely on social andcultural contexts to resolve issues.


  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg



    HS!ESS*!+%valuate competing design solutions for developing, managing, and utiliing energyand mineral resources based on cost)benefit ratios.-HS!ETS#!*%valuate a solution to a complex real)world problem based on prioritied criteria andtrade)offs that account for a range of constraints, including cost, safety, reliability,

    and aesthetics as well as possible social, cultural, and environmental impacts.

    Crosscutting Concepts:

    • ause & ffect• Stability & hange

    Science an& Engineering "ractices'

    • As*ing +uestions and defining problems• Analying and interpreting data

    Nature o' Science'

    • echnological advances have influenced the progress of science and sciencehas influenced advances in technology.

    • %any decisions are not made using science alone, but rely on social andcultural contexts to resolve issues.Nuclear/usion: TheNet Energ(/rontier

    HS!"S#!2%!evelop models to illustrate the changes in the composition of the nucleus of theatom and the energy released during the processes of fission, fusion, and radioactivedecay.HS!ETS#!*%valuate a solution to a complex real)world problem based on prioritied criteria andtrade)offs that account for a range of constraints, including cost, safety, reliability,and aesthetics as well as possible social, cultural, and environmental impacts.

    Crosscutting Concept:

    • nergy & %atterScience an& Engineering "ractices'

    • As*ing +uestions and defining problems• Planning and carrying out investigations

    Nature o' Science'

    • echnological advances have influenced the progress of science and sciencehas influenced advances in technology.


  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    Common Core State Standards Connections for all articles

    1ST%3!#4%# ite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts,attending to the precise details of explanations or descriptions.

    1ST ##!#+%# ite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts,attending to important distinctions the author ma*es and to any gaps or inconsistencies in theaccount.

    In addition, the teacher could assign writing to include the following Common Core StateStan&ar&'

    WHST%3!##%3 an& WHST ##!#+%3 !raw evidence from informational texts to support analysis,reflection, and research.


  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    Anticiation Guides

    An&icipa&ion g'ide( *elp engage (&'den&( + ac&ia&ing prior /nowledge and (&im'la&ing (&'den&

    in&ere(& +e%ore reading. % cla(( &ime permi&(, di(c'(( (&'den&(’ re(pon(e( &o eac* (&a&emen&

     +e%ore reading eac* ar&icle. A( &*e read, (&'den&( (*o'ld loo/ %or eidence ('ppor&ing orre%'&ing &*eir ini&ial re(pon(e(.

    Directions for all Anticipation Guides: Before reading , in &*e %ir(& col'mn, wri&e “A” or “”

    indica&ing o'r agreemen& or di(agreemen& wi&* eac* (&a&emen&. A( o' read, compare o'ropinion( wi&* in%orma&ion %rom &*e ar&icle. n &*e (pace 'nder eac* (&a&emen&, ci&e in%orma&ion

    %rom &*e ar&icle &*a& ('ppor&( or re%'&e( o'r original idea(.


  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    Chilling Out, Warming Up: How Animals Survive TemperatureExtremes

    Directions:  Before reading , in &*e %ir(& col'mn, wri&e “A” or “,” indica&ing o'r agreemen& or

    di(agreemen& wi&* eac* (&a&emen&. A( o' read, compare o'r opinion( wi&* in%orma&ion %rom

    &*e ar&icle. n &*e (pace 'nder eac* (&a&emen&, ci&e in%orma&ion %rom &*e ar&icle &*a& ('ppor&( orre%'&e( o'r original idea(.

    Me Text Statement

    1. ird( are warm+looded animal( wi&* an aerage +od &empera&'re o% 95 °F.

    2. Bold+looded animal( &end &o +e long, (lender, or %la&.

    3. i&*in a gien (pecie(, warm+looded animal( &end &o +e larger in warmer

    clima&e( and (maller in colder clima&e(.

    4. arm+looded animal( re'ire more %ood energ &*an cold+looded animal(o% (imilar (i-e.

    5. Bold+looded animal( are %o'nd in a wider arie& o% enironmen&( &*anwarm+looded animal(.

    6. *en man cold+looded animal( *i+erna&e, &*e wa&er aro'nd &*eir cell(


    7. "rapped air i( a good in('la&or %or warm+looded animal(.

    8. arm+looded animal( liing in wa&er need le(( energ &o (&a warm &*ananimal( liing in air.

    9. #apora&ion i( an e)o&*ermic p*a(e c*ange.

    10. Ba&( and dog( *ae (wea& gland( on &*e pad( o% &*eir %ee&.

    11. ;'mming+ird( ea& 23 &ime( &*eir +od weig*& eer da.


  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    Why Col !oesn’ t Exist 

    Directions:  Before reading , in &*e %ir(& col'mn, wri&e “A” or “,” indica&ing o'r agreemen& ordi(agreemen& wi&* eac* (&a&emen&. A( o' read, compare o'r opinion( wi&* in%orma&ion %rom

    &*e ar&icle. n &*e (pace 'nder eac* (&a&emen&, ci&e in%orma&ion %rom &*e ar&icle &*a& ('ppor&( or

    re%'&e( o'r original idea(.

    Me Text Statement

    1. #nerg can +e &ran(%erred %rom a colder &o a *o&&er +od.

    2. A& a gien &empera&'re, all o% &*e par&icle( in a li'id *ae &*e (ame /ine&ic


    3. n a (ample o% ice in a (o%& drin/, &*e wa&er molec'le( in +o&* &*e ice and (o%&drin/ *ae &*e (ame /ind o% /ine&ic energ.

    4. #nerg &ran(%er i( called *ea&.

    5. A& &*ermal e'ili+ri'm, &*e n'm+er o% molec'lar colli(ion( re('l&ing in

    energ gain i( &*e (ame a( &*e n'm+er o% molec'lar colli(ion( re('l&ing in

    energ lo((.

    6. *en wa&er eapora&e( %rom o'r %inger, &*e wa&er molec'le( wi&* a lower

    aerage /ine&ic energ are le%& +e*ind, (o o'r %inger %eel( cooler.

    7. "*e in&ermolec'lar %orce( +e&ween molec'le( o% oil are le(( &*an &*ein&ermolec'lar %orce( +e&ween molec'le( o% wa&er.

    8. Bold i( an adec&ie '(ed &o de(cri+e a lac/ o% *ea&.


  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    Sports Supplements: Help"ul or Harm"ul# 

    Directions:  Before reading , in &*e %ir(& col'mn, wri&e “A” or “,” indica&ing o'r agreemen& or

    di(agreemen& wi&* eac* (&a&emen&. A( o' read, compare o'r opinion( wi&* in%orma&ion %rom

    &*e ar&icle. n &*e (pace 'nder eac* (&a&emen&, ci&e in%orma&ion %rom &*e ar&icle &*a& ('ppor&( or

    re%'&e( o'r original idea(.

    Me Text Statement

    1. !por&( ('pplemen&( are reg'la&ed + &*e Food and r'g Admini(&ra&ion.

    2. *e pro&ein come( %rom mil/.

    3. *e pro&ein( con&ain amino acid( &*a& &*e +od canno& ma/e on i&( own.


  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    The $ra%&ing 'evolution

    Directions:  Before reading , in &*e %ir(& col'mn, wri&e “A” or “,” indica&ing o'r agreemen& or

    di(agreemen& wi&* eac* (&a&emen&. A( o' read, compare o'r opinion( wi&* in%orma&ion %rom

    &*e ar&icle. n &*e (pace 'nder eac* (&a&emen&, ci&e in%orma&ion %rom &*e ar&icle &*a& ('ppor&( or

    re%'&e( o'r original idea(.

    Me Text Statement

    1. rilling %or na&'ral ga( '(ing *dra'lic %rac&'ring *a( prod'ced economic

     +ene%i&( in (eeral (&a&e(.

    2. ;dra'lic %rac&'ring >“%rac/ing”? inole( drilling *ori-on&all and er&icall

    &*ro'g* (*ale roc/ %orma&ion(.

    3. "*e wa&er '(ed in %rac/ing re&'rn( 'ncon&amina&ed &o &*e ('r%ace.

    4. Frac/ing co'ld in&rod'ce me&*ane in&o a'i%er( '(ed %or wa&er well(.

    5. !ome wa&er in &*e Appalac*ian a(in na&'rall con&ain( me&*ane.

    6. "*e #nironmen&al ro&ec&ion Agenc >#A? will relea(e a repor& on &*e

     po&en&ial impac&( o% %rac/ing in la&e 2013.

    7. & i( po((i+le &o de&ermine i% &*e me&*ane in drin/ing wa&er come( %romna&'rall occ'rring +ac&eria or %rac/ing.

    8. "*e n&erna&ional #nerg Agenc >#A? predic&( &*a& &*e ni&ed !&a&e( will

     prod'ce more oil &*an !a'di Ara+ia in le(( &*an &en ear(.


  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    (u%lear $usion: The (ext Energy $rontier# 

    Directions:  Before reading , in &*e %ir(& col'mn, wri&e “A” or “” indica&ing o'r agreemen& or

    di(agreemen& wi&* eac* (&a&emen&. A( o' read, compare o'r opinion( wi&* in%orma&ion %rom

    &*e ar&icle. n &*e (pace 'nder eac* (&a&emen&, ci&e in%orma&ion %rom &*e ar&icle &*a& ('ppor&( or

    re%'&e( o'r original idea(.

    Me Text Statement

    1. !cien&i(&( *ae crea&ed a %'(ion reac&or &*a& will prod'ce more energ &*an i( p'& in&o i&.

    2. !cien&i(&( %rom (eeral co'n&rie( are c'rren&l wor/ing on n'clear %'(ion


    3. n n'clear %'(ion, energ i( prod'ced +eca'(e ma(( i( gained w*en &*e(maller n'clei %'(e &o crea&e a larger n'cle'(.

    4. "wo o% *drogen’( &*ree na&'rall occ'rring i(o&ope( are '(ed in %'(ion


    5. "*e (&rong n'clear in&erac&ion can oercome Bo'lom+ %orce( &*a& ca'(e pro&on( &o repel eac* o&*er.

    6. G'clear %'(ion can occ'r a& room &empera&'re.

    7. ne e)perimen&al n'clear reac&or depend( on pla(ma +eing con&ained +

    (&rong magne&ic %ield(.

    8. "*e 'l&ima&e goal o% n'clear %'(ion proec&( i( &o prod'ce *ea& &*a& can +e

    '(ed &o prod'ce (&eam &o drie &'r+ine( &o prod'ce elec&rici&.


  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    Chilling Out, Warming Up: How Animals Survive TemperatureExtremes

     Directions:  A( o' read &*e ar&icle, comple&e &*e c*ar& +elow &o compare warm+looded and

    cold+looded animal( '(ing in%orma&ion and e)ample( %rom &*e ar&icle.

    %arm&"looded animals Cold&"looded animals



    'od# si(e

    'od# s)ape

    Ener# needs



    *ane of






    water loss


  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    Why Col !oesn’ t Exist 

     Directions: A( o' read &*e ar&icle, '(e o'r own word( &o de(cri+e or draw &*e molec'larmo&ion %or eac* proce(( li(&ed in &*e c*ar&.

    /rocess Description

    !i"rational 0inetic


    Translational 0inetic


    *otational 0inetic


    Ener# transfer

    T)ermal e$uili"rium


    .ntermolecular force

    of attraction


  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    Sports Supplements: Help"ul or Harm"ul# 

     Directions A( o' read, '(e &*e c*ar& +elow &o *elp o' anal-e &*e in%orma&ion regarding &*e

     +ene%i&( and ri(/( o% &*e (por&( ('pplemen&( di(c'((ed in &*e ar&icle.

    'enefits *is0s

    %)e# protein





  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    The $ra%&ing 'evolution

     Directions A( o' read &*e ar&icle, '(e o'r own word( &o comple&e &*e c*ar& +elow de(cri+ing


    *a& i( i&C

    *ere i( i& +eing doneC !&a&e(

    !*ale %orma&ion(

    * i( i& +eing doneC

    *a& are (ome +ene%i&(C

    *a& are (ome ri(/(C

    ;ow are &*e ri(/( +einga((e((edC

    *a& 'e(&ion( do o' (&ill

    *ae a+o'& %rac/ingC


  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    (u%lear $usion: The (ext Energy $rontier# 

     Directions A( o' read, '(e o'r own word( &o comple&e &*e &wo c*ar&( +elow, de(cri+ingn'clear %'(ion and comparing &*e &wo n'clear %'(ion proec&( de(cri+ed in &*e ar&icle.

    2uclear 3usion*a& i( i&C

    ;ow doe( i& prod'ce energC*ere doe( &*e energ come


    * don’& we *ae n'clear%'(ion elec&rici& genera&ion


    2ational .nition 3acilit#.nternational T)ermonuclear

    Experimental *eactor







  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    eein Cool Stain 4arm 5o" Animals Sur6i6eTemerature *,tremes

    )a%&groun *n"ormation +tea%her in"ormation

    $ore on thermoreulation

    4n or"er &or an organism to maintain its normal )ellular meta9oli) &un)tion, it must alsomaintain its normal )ore 9o"! temperature. How it "oes that "etermines into whi)h )amp it &alls N warm=9loo"e" or )ol"=9loo"e". We’ll pursue this argument later. 4n or"er to maintain itsnormal )ore 9o"! temperature, an organism must have a thermal e

  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    ( atic-processes-for-thermoregulation-2359204 !

    Warm=9loo"e" animals are sai" to 9e en"othermsJ that is, the! generate &rom withintheir own 9o"ies the heat the! nee" to maintain meta9oli) pro)esses that *eep them alive. The!are thus somewhat in"epen"ent o& the am9ient temperature in terms o& their level o& a)tivit!. 3utin or"er to maintain their )ore 9o"!temperature, en"otherms mustexpen" a large portion o& their

    energ! on "oing ?ust that. Theirs is a“high=maintenan)e” li&est!le.

    Col"=9loo"e" animals5e)totherms6, on the other han", rel!on their surroun"ings &or the heatthe! nee" to maintain meta9oli)pro)esses &or li&e. An" 9e)auseexternal temperature varies)onsi"era9l!, even throughout the"a!, the temperature o& e)tothermsalso varies as the external

    temperature N &ar more than that o&en"otherms, as the illustration to theright shows. Su)h animals’ level o&a)tivit! also varies with theirsurroun"ingsJ the! will t!pi)all! 9emore a)tive when the temperatureis higher an" sluggish when thetemperature "rops.

    3oth as a result o& utiliDing external heat rather than their own meta9oli) energ! an" 9! var!inga)tivit! level with temperature, e)totherms use &ar less energ! to survive than "o en"otherms.

     As mentione" in the arti)le, there are a"vantages an" "isa"vantages to 9eing ane)totherm or an en"otherm. The &ollowing su))in)tl! summariDes the pros an" )ons o& ea)h:

    E)totherm! P  low energ! approa)h to li&e

    O 8ros

     P  Gess &oo" re

  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


     P  High aero9i) )apa)it! P  sustain high levels o& a)tivit!

    O Cons

     P  -ee" more &oo" 5energ! expen"iture %0x that o& e)totherms6

     P  ore nee"e" &or maintenan)e, less &or growth an" repro"u)tion

     P  -ee" more water 5higher evaporative water loss6

     P  ust 9e"iana.e"uFKnimsms&F8%/F8owerpointFTemperature8A+T2.ppt6

    $ore on en6ironment E animal adatation 

    ammals an" 9ir"s 5en"otherms6 emplo! the &ollowing a"aptations an" strategies tominimiDe heat loss in )ol" environments:

    %. using small smooth mus)les 5arre)tor pili in mammals6 whi)h are atta)he" to&eather or hair sha&tsJ this non=shivering thermogenesis Lgenerating heat, inthis )ase 9! 9o"il! motionM "istorts the sur&a)e o& the s*in as the &eatherFhairsha&t is ma"e more ere)t 5)alle" goose 9umps or pimples6

    2. in)reasing 9o"! siDe to more easil! maintain )ore 9o"! temperature 5warm=9loo"e" animals in )ol" )limates ten" to 9e larger than similar spe)ies inwarmer )limates 5see 3ergmannNs +ule6

    . having the a9ilit! to store energ! as &at &or meta9olism

    . have shortene" extremities

    7. have )ounter)urrent 9loo" &low in extremities = this is where the warm arterial9loo" travelling to the lim9 passes the )ooler venous 9loo" &rom the lim9 an"heat is ex)hange" warming the venous 9loo" an" )ooling the arterial 5e.g.

     Ar)ti) Wol& or penguins6

    6. un"ergoing torpor or "orman)! N ina)tivit!, su)h as hi9ernation


    3ir"s an" mammals use these a"aptations an" strategies to maximiDe heat lossin warm environments:

    %. 9ehavioural a"aptations, li*e living in 9urrows "uring the "a! an" 9eingno)turnal, or moving into the water 5reptiles6

    2. evaporative )ooling 9! perspiration an" panting

    . storing &at reserves in one pla)e 5e.g. )amelNs hump6 to avoi" its insulatinge&&e)t

    . elongate", o&ten vas)ulariDe" extremities to )on"u)t 9o"! heat to the air 


    E)totherms a"apt to )ooler temperatures in the &ollowing wa!s:

    %. To *eep warm the! )an un"ergo voluntar! mus)ular a)tivit!, su)h as &lapping wings2. Some e)totherms )an shiver to *eep warm

    . The! )an move into the sun, 9as*ing in its warmth

    4. Exhi9it signs o& torpor or "orman)! N ina)tivit!

    To a"apt to warmer temperatures, the! )an "o the &ollowing:

    %. Change their 9o"! posture so that less o& it is expose" to the sun, while maximiDingexposure to 9reeDes


  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    2. ove into the sha"e o& a ro)* or their 9urrow or "eeper un"erwater 5&ish, amphi9ians6

    3. Change 9o"! )olor so that it a9sor9s less o& the sun’s ra"iation

    5http:FFwww.umass*%2.netFip!FsessFThermoregulationP2arti)le.p"& 6

    $ore on hibernation 6s. esti6ation

    Some en"otherms survive )ol" temperatures 9! hi9ernating, "uring whi)h time their9o"! pro)esses slow "own, allowing the organism to sleep through the )ol" temperatures untilspring returns an" temperatures re9oun". E)totherms also slow "own, although the! "on’t havean! )hoi)e, as their 9o"! an" )ellular &un)tions slow "own with the "e)rease in externaltemperature whi)h )auses a similar "e)rease in their 9o"! temperature an" a general slow="own o& 9o"il! &un)tions.

    3ut in warm temperatures these e)totherms 9oun)e 9a)* an" regain their normal a)tivit! N unless temperatures get too hot. 4n ver! hot, "r! )limates, some e)totherms will 9ur!themselves in the san" 5in "esert regions6, or in the mu" 5in other hot lo)ales6, whi)h ma! "r!an" har"en in ari" regions. Some reptiles an" amphi9ians ma! exhi9it this me)hanism o& sel&=

    preservation, *nown as estivation. Cro)o"iles an" salaman"ers, an" some &rogs an" toa"s are*nown to estivate when &oo" an" water supplies run low. er! &ew mammals estivate N amongthe ones that "o are groun"hogs an" spe)i&i) lemurs.

    $ore on camel adatations to desert life

    The arti)le mentions several a"aptations )amels have ma"e in their evolution to minimiDewater loss in or"er to )ontrol their )ore 9o"! temperatureJ however, )amel a"aptations to livingin the "esert are not limite" to minimiDing water loss. Here is a more )omplete list o& a"aptationsthat )amels exhi9it:

    •  A hump 5or two6 that stores &at Lnot waterM:

    − When meta9oliDe", &at pro"u)es water while also pro"u)ing energ! 5although mu)h o&that water is lost via exhalation6

    − Storage o& &at )entrall! 5"orsall!6, outsi"e the 9o"! )ore, minimiDes the e&&e)t o&insulation that woul" o))ur i& &at were store" throughout the 9o"!, whi)h woul" preventheat loss &rom 9o"!.

    • +e" 9loo" )ells are oval, not roun", as in almost all other mammals,

    −  Allowing the )ells to pass through arteries, veins an" )apillaries more easil! when the)amel is "eh!"rate" 5an" tu9ular stru)tures are smaller6.

    − Helping them to withstan" intense osmoti) pressure "i&&eren)es without rupturing when)amels "rin* their &ill 5up to 7 gallons o& water in minutesI6.

    • Counter)urrent 9loo" &low s!stem aroun" 9rain helps to *eep it )ool. 5Humans an" most

    other mammals "on’t have that.6

    • Sweat "oesn’t happen mu)h, until the external temperature gets to %/ o( or a9ove59e)ause o& their higher normal 9o"! temperature6, 9ut when it "oes, the sweat evaporates"ire)tl! o&& the s*in, an" "oesn’t get a9sor9e" 9! their heav! &ur )oat an" then evaporate&rom thereJ this ta*es heat "ire)tl! &rom the s*in 5an" )ools it "own6, rather than &rom the hotsurroun"ings. Camels )an lose up to 27P o& their 9o"! weight through sweating, )ompare"to  P P &or most other animals.


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    • -ostrils trap most o& the water vapor exiting the lungs an" rea9sor9 it 9e&ore it )an 9e lostvia exhaling.

    • 3! eating lo)al green vegetation, the! )an, un"er normal )on"itions, get su&&i)ient moistureto meet their water nee"s.

    • outh has a tough leather! lining, whi)h allows them to eat tough an" thorn! "esert

    vegetation.• Thi)* )oat:

    − 4nsulates them &rom intense heat ra"iate" &rom san"J the! sweat 7P more a&tershearing.

    − Transitions to lighter )olor in summer to re&le)t more o& the sun’s light an" heat.

    • Gong legs *eep their 9o"ies &arther &rom san" sur&a)e N &arther &rom san"’s ra"iate" heat.

    • Geather! pat)hes:

    − nees have thi)* pat)hes o& tissue that prevent s*in 9urns when the! *neel in hot san".

    − Sternum has a thi)*ene" pa" o& tissue )alle" the pe"estal 5onl! on #rome"ar! )amels6

    When the! assume the normal resting position o& sternal re)um9en)! 5sitting on all&ours6, the pe"estal *eeps mu)h o& the un"ersi"e o& the 9o"! up an" awa! &rom the hotsan", an" allows air &low un"er the )amel, thus helping to )ool it o&&.

    • Congregate 5hu""le6 when resting to minimiDe exposure to sun an" hot surroun"ings

    • Gong e!elashes, ear hairs, an" nostrils with &laps that )an )lose N all help to prevent san"&rom entering the 9o"! "uring san"storms. The! also have a transparent thir" e!eli" to helpthem remove san" parti)les that "o get into the e!es.

    • Wi"e pa"s on their &eet *eep them &rom sin*ing into the san".

    • i"ne!s an" intestines are well a"apte" to "esertJ urine is a thi)*, s!rup! &lui" 5not mu)hwater leaves the 9o"!6J &e)es emerge so "r! the! )an 9e use" as &uel &or )amp &ires.


    $ore on a6oidin free&in 4 nucleatin roteins

     As the arti)le mentions, some proteins in extra)ellular &lui" in living organisms serve asnu)leation sites upon whi)h li

  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    There are un"ou9te"l! man! more spe)ies o& inse)ts that utiliDe nu)leating proteins thanan! other t!pe o& e)totherms. Animals that )an survive su9=&reeDing temperatures utiliDingnu)leating proteins to prevent )ellular &reeDing are sai" to 9e &reeDe=tolerant.


    “*ree+e tolerance is "e&ine" as the )onversion o& 7P or more o& an animal’s total 9o"!water into extra)ellular i)e.” 5http:FF&l!nnthe)at.hu9pages.)omFhu9F&reeDing=strategies6 4nse)tsare the most &reeDe=tolerant animal an", as a result, the! are a9le to survive at lowertemperatures than most other animals an" )an exist in the )ol"est regions, where temperaturesma! rea)h P 0 oC.

    (reeDe toleran)e is one o& two me)hanisms &or )oping with su9=&reeDing temperatures.The se)on" is free+e avoidance. This pro)ess allows animals to preserve their 9o"il! &lui"s in ali

  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    )ontinuousl! a""ing solute until the solution is saturate" an" )an hol" no more solute, o9serve"9! having le&tover soli" solute remaining in solution. +emoving the solute 9! "e)anting o&& thehot solution !iel"s the saturate" solution. The solu9ilit! o& most soli"s usuall! "e)reases with"e)reasing temperature. So, when the solution )ools, i& it remains un"istur9e", the extra solutethat shoul" pre)ipitate out o& solution ma! remain "issolve" in the )ool solution. This is what ismeant 9! a supersaturate" solution.

    Without nu)leation sites on whi)h to 9egin pre)ipitation, the ex)ess solute mole)ules)annot easil! )ome out o& solution an" remain "issolve". This solution )on"ition is somewhatunsta9le, though, an" with some "istur9an)e, or with the a""ition o& a single )r!stal o& theoriginal solute, soli"i&i)ation 5pre)ipitation6 o& the ex)ess solute o))urs ver!

  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    Sheep . %2.2 CamelR .7=%. .%=%7.1

    Glama, alpa)a 1. %. Horse 1. %.

    #on*e! 1.2 %.1 8ig . %2.2

    Chi)*en 2. %0./ 8iglet .1 %./

    6ody temperatures may be '?C above or below these temperatures. 

    @ $he camelAs body temperature will vary with the time of day and water availability.4hen a camel is watered daily its body temperature rises from &B.?C in the morning to&%.?C at noon, if the animal has no water, the temperature range is &=.?C to ='?C.

    "$/t090e04.htm &ood and 'griculture (rgani)ation ofthe *nited +ations –  “ ' ,anual for the rimary 'nimal ealth are orker ”1 994!

    Other sele)te" animals an" their normal 9o"! temperatures in)lu"e:


    Tem. FC)ormalTem. o

    +hesus ma)a

  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    4n health! a"ults, 9o"! temperature &lu)tuates a9out .7 C 5. (6 throughoutthe "a!, with lower temperatures in the morning an" higher temperatures in the latea&ternoon an" evening, as the 9o"!Ns nee"s an" a)tivities )hange.

    -ormal human 9o"! temperature varies slightl! &rom person to person an" 9! the time o&"a!. Conse

  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


     P  %iloerectionV@oose 9umpsXVo))urs when the mus)les surroun"ing hair &olli)les)ontra)t as a response to cold external temperature. This results in the hairs stan"ingon en" whi)h woul", i& we ha" more 9o"! hair, result in trapping air 9etween the hairs asa wa! o& insulating the s*in &rom that )ol" temperature. 4n most humans 5with ver! little9o"! hair6, this rea)tion is 9oun" to 9e a &aile" attempt to sta! warm, as little insulationensues.

     P  Subcutaneous fat also provi"es a la!er o& insulation 9etween our 9o"! )ore an" theoutsi"e worl". The larger the amount o& &at the 9o"! )ontains, the greater "egree o&prote)tion it o&&ers the 9o"! )ore. 4t is 9est suite" to prote)ting the 9o"! &rom cold temperatures, where the &at insulates the 9o"!$s )ore an" prevents heat loss to thesurroun"ings.

     P  S;in an" s;eletal muscle also provi"e some insulation an" there&ore prote)tion to the9o"! )ore, although not mu)h )an 9e "one to )hange the amount o& these two materialswithin the 9o"!, unless !ou 9e)ome a 9o"! 9uil"er.

    • )on-shi6erin thermoenesis 5-ST6 is a )ellular pro)ess wherein 9rown &at )ells 53rown A"ipose Tissue, or 3AT6 )ontaining man! mito)hon"ria are a9le to in)rease meta9oli) ratesto in)rease energ! pro"u)tion. This o))urs in response to exposure to cold external

    temperatures. As a response to exposure to low temperatures 57=/o

    C or lower6, thermalre)eptors in the s*in are stimulate" an" transmit a signal to the h!pothalamus 5the 9o"!$sthermoregulation )enter6. 4n response to a signal &rom the h!pothalamus, norepinephrine isrelease" in the 3AT, whi)h initiates meta9olism o& the &at, generating energ!. This pro)ess9!passes the normal s!nthesis o& AT8 that o))urs in the meta9oli) pro)ess. Thus, energ!pro"u)e" &rom this pro)ess is "issipate" as heat, rather than pro"u)ing AT8 mole)ules,whi)h woul" store the energ! within )ells.

    The heat pro"u)e" in this pro)ess is then trans&erre" 9! the )ir)ulator! s!stemthroughout the 9o"!, raising )ore 9o"! temperature. The pro)ess is limite" 9! the amount o&9rown &at store" in the 9o"!. 8rolonge" exposure to )ol" )an "eplete this sour)e, possi9l!resulting in "eath.

     As an asi"e, 3AT an" non=shivering thermogenesis is seen as pla!ing a signi&i)ant rolein "ia9etes. Until the earl! 2s, the s)ienti&i) worl" 9elieve" that humans ha" no 3AT, unli*eman! other mammals. 3ut stu"ies sin)e have "is)overe" areas o& 3AT storage in humans,pre&erentiall! in the shoul"er an" ne)* region, an" perhaps other areas as well. One stu"!reports that people "iagnose" with "ia9etes have ver! limite" supplies o& 3AT in their 9o"ies.

    The report also suggests that 3AT ma! pla! a signi&i)ant role in normal meta9olism inhumans. The stu"! has shown that non=shivering thermogenesis )an involve mito)hon"rialun)oupling in s*eletal mus)le, as well as in 3AT. ore re)entl!, we showe" that humannonshivering thermogenesis in response to )ol" exposure is a))ompanie" 9! an" signi&i)antl!relate" to mito)hon"rial un)oupling in s*eletal mus)le 5%6. +e)ent experiments &rom our group

    )on&irm these &in"ings an" a""itionall! in"i)ate that 9oth 3AT an" s*eletal mus)le pla! a role inhuman -ST Lnonshivering thermogenesisM.X

    Stu"ies are 9eing "one to test whether exposing human su9?e)ts to )oolerenvironments might &a)ilitate -ST, there9! utiliDing &at )ells to their &ullest extent an" thusre"u)ing &at within the 9o"!, resulting in weight loss or, at least, limiting weight gain.



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    Deha6ioral thermoreulation involves an!thing we "o voluntaril! to regulate our temperature.This )oul" 9e as simple as moving to a warmer spotJ e.g., into the sunlight or a warm room, i&one is )ol", or to a )ooler spotJ e.g., into the sha"e 5or air )on"itioning6, i& one is hot. Other9ehavioral )hanges in)lu"e sitting rather than stan"ing to prote)t the legs &rom )ol"temperatures, tu)*ing our han"s into our armpits to *eep them warm, 9lowing warm air over ourhan"s to warm them, a""ing or removing )lothing la!ers, et). All animals utiliDe these

    me)hanisms 5O, not all have a))ess to air )on"itioning or a warm room or )lothing6 to helpregulate their 9o"! temperature, espe)iall! e)totherms, whi)h rel! primaril! on migration towarmerF)ooler )limes.

    • Shi6erin is a repeate" )ontra)tion an" relaxation o& s*eletal mus)les as a result o&exposure to prolonge" cold external temperature, resulting in s*in temperatures 9etween 1an" oC. -o use&ul movement is pro"u)e" 9e)ause antagonisti) mus)le pairs area)tivate" simultaneousl!, at a9out Y% tremors per minute. As a result o& this movement o&mus)les, )ellular energ! is expen"e" an" this warms the 9o"!. 4t$s 9een estimate" thatshivering )an as mu)h as "ou9le the 9asal meta9oli) rate.

    Shivering )an in)rease meta9oli) rates 9! 2Y7 times the normal 9asal rates, thus

    in)reasing energ!Fheat pro"u)tion to warm the 9o"!. 4nterestingl!, though, i& the 9o"!experien)es prolonge" exposure to )ol", shivering stops, as shivering ultimatel! re

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    • 5uddlin together 5*leptotherm!6 is another example o& 9ehavioral thermoregulation. 4t isone wa! that humans 5an" other mammals6 )an sta! warm in cold external temperatures.3eing in )lose )onta)t to others exposes less o& the 9o"!$s sur&a)e area to the )ol"temperature, there9! minimiDing heat loss. 4t )an also 9e use" in hot )limates to re"u)e theamount o& sur&a)e exposure to the sun$s ra!s, there9! helping to *eep )oolJ e.g., )amels "othis to tr! to sta! )ooler6.

    $ore on mechanisms of heattransfer to reulate bodtemerature

    There are essentiall! &ourwa!s heat )an 9e trans&erre"toF&rom our 9o"! &romFto thesurroun"ings. The! are: ra"iation,)on"u)tion, )onve)tion, an"evaporative )ooling. The "iagram9elow illustrates all &ourme)hanisms.

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    Conduction o))urs when a warm o9?e)t trans&ers heat "ire)tl! to a )ooler o9?e)t. We)an avoi" this metho" o& heat trans&er 9! avoi"ing hot o9?e)tsJ e.g., "on$t tou)h a hot 9urner ona stove, or "on$t wal* 9are&oot on hot 9ea)h san". Or we )an use it to our a"vantage 9!"eli9eratel! tou)hing )ooler o9?e)ts to trans&er heat &rom our warmer 9o"! to the o9?e)tJ e.g., we)an ?ump into a swimming pool or the o)ean to allow the )ooler water to )ome in )onta)t withour 9o"!, allowing heat &rom our 9o"! to &low into the water, thus re"u)ing our )ore 9o"!

    temperature. Or we )an sit on a warm ro)* to help us warm us, trans&erring heat "ire)tl! &romthe ro)* to our 9o"!. So, )on"u)tion )an 9e use&ul to us in either hot or cold externaltemperatures. However, )on"u)tion is usuall! not a signi&i)ant )ontri9utor to our )ore 9o"! heat=)ontrol.

    Con6ection o))urs when a &lui" trans&ers heat 9! &lowing, so that the warmer parts o&the &lui" move into the )ooler parts. We )an use a &an to 9low air over our 9o"!, allowing heat to&low into the air an" moving awa! &rom our 9o"!, there9! lowering 9o"! temperature, or merel!allow am9ient air to pass our 9o"!, whi)h woul" have the same, al9eit smaller e&&e)t. Or we )ana"" or remove )lothing toF&rom our 9o"!, to "e)rease heat loss 9! )onve)tion to the air in a )ol"environment or in)rease heat loss 9! )onve)tion in the air in a hot environment, respe)tivel!.The )lothing serves as an insulator, preventing the ex)hange o& heat 9etween our 9o"! an" the

    air. The win"=)hill in"exX re&le)ts win" spee" as a )ontri9utor to the removal o& heat &rom our9o"! in the wintertime. The &aster the win" spee" is, the greater the rate o& &low o& the air an"the greater the rate o& heat loss 9! )onve)tion &rom our 9o"! to the air. Conve)tion, li*e)on"u)tion, is not t!pi)all! a signi&i)ant )ontri9utor to 9o"il! heat=)ontrol.

    *6aoration o))urs whenever we sweat or exhale. Our 9reath )ontains mu)h moisturein the &orm o& water vapor, an" when li

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    a9ilit! to regulate 9o"! temperature. Humi"it! is the main reason we use the -ational WeatherServi)e$s Heat 4n"ex ta9le 5see 9elow6 to re&le)t real=&eelX temperatures in the summertime.

    -OAA national weather servi)e: heat in"ex

     temperature 5(6

    :0 :2 :! :# :: /0 /2 /! /# /: 100 102 10! 10# 10: 110



    !0 1 1% 1 17 11 % 0 %% %7 % %% %% %2 % %/

    !+ 1 12 1 10 1 / % % % %% %% %2 % %0

    +0 1% 1 17 11 % 7 % %1 %% %%1 %2 %% %0

    ++ 1% 1 1/ 1 0 %% %/ %%2 %%0 %2 % %0

    #0 12 1 11 % 7 % %7 %% %%/ %2 %2 %0

    #+ 12 17 1 1 % %1 %% %2% %21 %/

    0 1 1/ 7 % %7 %%2 %% %2/ %

    + 1 11 2 0 % % %%/ %2 %2

    :01 1 % %/ %% %2% %2

    :+ 17 / %2 %% %%0 %2/ %7

    /0 1/ % 1 %7 %% %22 %%

    /+ 1/ % %1 %%0 %20

    100 10 7 % %%2 %2% %2

      Caution  Extreme Caution  #anger   Extreme #anger 

    To &in" the Heat 4n"ex temperature, loo* at the Heat 4n"ex )hart a9ove. (or example, i& theair temperature is /( an" the relative humi"it! is /7P, the heat in"exVhow hot it &eelsVis %2%(.X

    " 1 from the +ational (ceanic and 'tmospheric 'dministration!

    The Heat 4n"ex Chart sha"e" Done a9ove %( 5"ar* orange or re"6 shows a level thatma! )ause in)reasingl! severe heat "isor"ers with )ontinue" exposure or ph!si)al a)tivit!. TheHeat 4n"ex re&le)ts pro9lems that arise &rom )on"itions that are a6 too humi" to allow su&&i)ientevaporation o& sweat to allow proper )ooling, or 96 so hot that su&&i)ient evaporation o& sweat)an o))ur, 9ut this pro)ess o))urs too rapi"l! an" results in severe loss o& ele)trol!tes or"eh!"ration, possi9l! resulting in heat stro*e or even "eath.

    $ore on s"eatin and e6aorati6e coolin

    eeping in min" that at temperatures a9ove )ore 9o"! temperature, three o& theme)hanisms o& heat ex)hange "es)ri9e" a9oveVra"iation, )onve)tion an" )on"u)tionVallresult in heat ain to the 9o"!Vprimaril! 9e)ause energ! &lows &rom a warmer o9?e)t to a)ooler o9?e)t. 5See Wh! Col" #oesn$t ExistX in this Tea)her$s @ui"e &or more in&ormation onheat &low.6 There&ore, the onl! remaining me)hanism le&t &or )ooling the 9o"! is evaporative)ooling. An" )ooling 9! evaporation o& water through exhalation through the mouth an" nose isinsu&&i)ient to "o the ?o9. Thus, sweating must *i)* in as soon as 5or even 9e&ore6 externaltemperatures rea)h 9o"! temperature.


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    O& )ourse, it is not the li

  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    as we go a9out our normal tas*s, )ooling our s*in an" helping to maintain our )ore 9o"!temperature..

    $ore on the amount of heat loss b s"eatin and e6aorati6e coolin

    3elow is a series o& e

  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    O& )ourse, evaporation o& sweat "oesn$t happen at % oC, 9ut at approximatel! 0 oC.3ut it is interesting to note that, while the stan"ar" heat o& vaporiDation o& water at % oC isstate" as 7 )alFg, ph!siolog! text9oo*s state the heat o& vaporiDation o& perspiration at 9o"!temperature is 71 )alFg, not 7. This is primaril! "ue to the &a)t that, at 0 oC the watermole)ules have less *ineti) energ! than the! "o at % oC, so we must a"" that extra energ! at9o"! temperature to separate the water mole)ules into vapor.

     Another &a)tor we must )onsi"er is the energ! nee"e" to "o the wor* to expan" the gasagainst )onstant pressure 58" wor*6. Although this is not a huge &a)tor, it "oes )ontri9ute alittle less than %P o& the total energ! expen"e" to vaporiDe water. 5See )al)ulations 9elow.6This amount o& energ! is )ounte" in the total amount a""e" to the s!stem to vaporiDe the water,9ut it is not "ire)tl! involve" in the phase )hange itsel&. So we shoul" su9tra)t that &rom the totalenerg! to &in" onl! the amount nee"e" to 9rea* the 9on"s hol"ing the mole)ules together in theli

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    phenomenon, although this s!stem is somewhat oversimpli&ie". -onetheless, with an air)on"itioning s!stem, a thermostat is set at a spe)i&i) temperature. This is what is *nown as theset point . 4& the am9ient temperature then gets too warm 5on a hot "a!, &or example6, thethermostat *i)*s in an" 9egins to )ool the room temperature 9a)* "own to the original set pointtemperature. The opposite is true &or the heating s!stem: when the temperature "rops 9elow theset point temperature, the thermostat starts the &urna)e so that heat is 9rought into the room to

    9ring the temperature 9a)* up to the set room temperature. -ote that the me)hanism o& )hangeonl! o))urs a&ter a stimulus has a&&e)te" the set point. So trul!, the set point is not per&e)tl!maintaine", 9ut the s!stem )onstantl! os)illates a9ove an" 9elow that set point to maintaine

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    4n the )ase o& thermoregulation, the outsi"e stimulus 5%6 is usuall! an external )hange intemperature, hot or )ol". 4t )oul" also 9e exer)ise or stress that )auses internal 9o"!temperature to in)rease. The sensors 526 are t!pi)all! nerve en"ings in the s*in that "ete)t theexternal )hange. These in turn sen" signals to the 9rain or, more spe)i&i)all!, the h!pothalamusVthe integrator 56 that interprets the external input into a)tion within the 9o"!. The )all &or

    a)tion within the 9o"! )oul" 9e initiate" 9! sweat glan"s 5to e&&e)t )ooling6 or s*eletal mus)lea)tivit! 5to e&&e)t warming6Vthe e&&e)tors 56. Sweating or shivering woul" then 9e the 9iologi)alresponse 576.

    "  !

    $ore on Dermann8s (and Allen8s rule(s 

     As author +ohrig states, larger mammals are generall! &oun" &arther north an" south o&the e

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    3oth &a)torsVlarger 9o"ies generating more heat, thus nee"ing more )ooling 5&rom)ooler temperatures6, an" smaller sur&a)e=to=volume ratios, thus 9eing less a9le to lose heat&rom the sur&a)e o& their 9o"iesVhave pro9a9l! 9een responsi9le &or larger mammals moving to)ooler )limes an" thriving there throughout evolutionar! histor!.

    3ergmannNs rule generall! hol"s &or people as well. A stu"! o& % humanpopulations "uring the earl! %7Ns showe" a strong negative )orrelation 9etween 9o"!mass an" mean annual temperature o& the region. 4n other wor"s, when the airtemperature is )onsistentl! high, people usuall! have low 9o"! mass. Similarl!, when thetemperature is low, the! have high mass.


    #r. O$-eil notes that there are ex)eptions to the rule$s appli)ation tohumansJ sin)e the a"vent o& )entral home heating an" air )on"itioning, there has9een less nee" to move to warmerF)ooler )limates 9ase" on 9o"! t!pe.

     Another s)ientist use" 3ergmann$s wor* an" went a step &urther, notingthat length o& appen"ages 5arms an" legs6 o& large mammals is also relate" totemperature. Again, #r. O$-eil notes:

    4n %100, the Ameri)an 9iologist Joel Allen went &urther than 3ergmann ino9serving that the length o& arms, legs, an" other appen"ages also has an e&&e)t on theamount o& heat lost to the surroun"ing environment. He note" that among warm=9loo"e"animals, in"ivi"uals in populations o& the same spe)ies living in warm )limates near thee

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    Smooth musclesin arterioles in thes;in

    us)les )ontra)t )ausing6asoconstriction. =essheat is )arrie" &rom the)ore to the sur&a)e o& the9o"!, maintaining )oretemperature. Extremities

    )an turn blue an" &eel )ol"an" )an even 9e "amage"5frostbite6.

    us)les relax )ausing6asodilation. $ore heat is)arrie" &rom the )ore to thesur&a)e, where it is lost 9!con6ection an" radiation(conduction is generall! low,

    ex)ept when in water6. S*in turnsred.

    S"eat lands -o sweat pro"u)e". @lan"s se)rete sweat ontosur&a)e o& s*in, where ite6aorates. Sin)e water has ahigh latent heat of e6aoration,it ta*es heat &rom the 9o"!. 5ihhumidit, an" tiht clothinmade of man-made fibresre"u)e the a9ilit! o& the sweat toevaporate an" so ma*e usun)om&orta9le in hot weather.Transiration &rom trees has a

    "ramati) )ooling e&&e)t on thesurroun"ing air temperature.

    *rector ilimuscles in s;in(attached to s;inhairs

    $uscles contract, raisings*in hairs an" train aninsulatin laer of still"arm air next to the s*in.-ot ver! e&&e)tive inhumans, ?ust )ausinggoose9umpsX.

    $uscles rela,, lowering the s*inhairs an" allowing air to )ir)ulateover the s*in, en)ouraging)onve)tion an" evaporation.

    S;eletal muscles Shi6erin: us)les)ontra)t an" relaxrepeate"l!, generatingheat 9! &ri)tion an" &rom

    meta9oli) rea)tions5respiration is onl! Pe&&i)ient: /P o& in)rease"respiration thus generatesheat6.

    -o shivering.

    Adrenal andthroid lands

    Glands secreteadrenaline an" thro,inerespe)tivel!, whi)hincreases the metabolicrate in different tissues,espe)iall! the liver, sogenerating heat.

    Glands sto secretina"renaline an" th!roxine.

    Deha6iour Curling up, hu""ling,

    &in"ing shelter, putting onmore )lothes.

    Stret)hing out, &in"ing sha"e,

    swimming, removing )lothes.

    "'2820omeostasis.pdf  !

    Conne%tions to Chemistry Con%epts +"or %orrelation to %ourse%urri%ulum


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    %. CombustionVAs the author mentions, meta9olism is re&erre" to as internal )om9ustion,sin)e 9oth pro)esses pro"u)e the same 9asi) materials, H2O an" CO2. O& )ourse, there aresigni&i)ant "i&&eren)es, as wellJ e.g., the rate at whi)h the rea)tion happens an" thetemperature nee"e" to sustain the rea)tion.

    2. %otential 6s. ;inetic enerV(oo" we eat )ontains potential energ!, whi)h is )onverte" to*ineti) energ! when it is 9ro*en "own an" use" in )ells. The &oo" )alorie 5a)tuall! %C or

    % )alories6 is a great tool to use to intro"u)e energ! )on)epts to teenagers.. *ndothermic reactionsVThe prin)ipal example o& en"othermi) rea)tions use" in this

    arti)le is evaporation, whi)h is a phase )hange onl!, not a )hemi)al )hange. -evertheless,the example o& sweating resulting in evaporative )ooling as a temperature )ontrolme)hanism is a great example o& a rea)tion o& this t!pe. 

    . *,othermic reactionsVeta9olism is given as an example o& a )hemi)al rea)tion 5orwhole series o& )hemi)al rea)tions6 that pro"u)es energ! &or use within the 9o"!.

    7. ust because it allo"s "arm "ater (from inside the

    bod to lea6e the bod resultin in a lo"er a6erae bod temerature.I (Thismisconcetion is meant to iml that e6aoration las no role in the coolinrocess. 4hile it is true that removing warm water from inside the body would probablyresult in a slightly reduced core temperature, it is the evaporation process on the skinsurface that actually does the ma7ority of energy removal from the body. $he breaking ofsecondary bonds between li2uid water molecules on the skins surface re2uires energy,which is obtained from skin cells. $hese cooler cells then take energy from internal cells,which lowers the entire bodys internal temperature.


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    2. HCold-blooded and "arm-blooded animals robabl can co-e,ist in all climates.I $his statement could be true if we added the word, EmildF before the word climates. f weavoid etremes, cold/ and warm/blooded animals can co/eist almost everywhere. 6ut atvery cold temperatures, cold/blooded animals cant get enough energy to keep up theiractivity levels, so they would slow down, even to the point of not moving at all. -t thesesame etremely cold temperatures, warm/blooded animals can still go about their normal

    activities because their body temperature comes internally from the food they eat, noteternally from their surroundings. -t etremely high temperatures, warm/blooded animalsmust be careful to not overheat, so activities must be curtailed somewhat. Cold/bloodedanimals can estivate, a process somewhat akin to hibernation, which results in their relativeinactivity until cooler temperatures return. Otherwise they would likely die from overheating.

    . HAll animals s"eat >ust li;e humans.I  -s the author states, many animals dontsweat, but they have evolved different ways of cooling to maintain consistent internal bodytemperature and retain moisture1 e.g., ehaling air that has had ecess moisture removedvia spongy bone structures, maintaining higher core body temperatures, reducing the needfor sweating, and licking their fur to increase evaporation of water from the skin.

    . HTurtles and fros Ksun8 themsel6es for the same reason "e doLit feels ood.I  While humans 5an" other warm=9loo"e" animals sun themselves 9e)ause the warmth &eels

    goo" to them, turtles and frogs need the warmth of the sun to maintain their bodytemperature so that they can continue normal activities. f their body temperature gets toolow, their activities slow down, and they could become easy prey for other animals.

    7. Hf it ets too hot and dr cold-blooded animals "ill >ust die.I  During the hot, drysummer, some cold/blooded animals undergo a process called estivation. $his is similar tohibernation in warm/blooded animals. n estivation, the animals usually bury themselvesunder the ground or sand and lower their metabolic activity, appearing dormant. 5omemollusks, reptiles and amphibians are among those known to estivate, including snails andcrocodiles.

    /. H4earin hea6ier clothin in the "inter merel ;ees the cold out.I   -ctually, theheavier clothing keeps heat in, not cold out. !eat flows from a warmer ob7ect (highertemperature# to a cooler ob7ect (one at lower temperature#. 5ee the $innesand article on

    why cold doesnt eist in this issue of Chematters.0.  HGoose bums ma;e me shi6er "hich ma;es more motion (sha;in and

    increases ;inetic ener "hich ;ees me "arm. This is >ust another e,amle of;inetic molecular motion.I $he process of forming goose bumps can result from severalstimuliGcold, or strong emotional eperiences. 4ell focus on the cold stimulus. -s a resultof cold, the muscles that surround each hair follicle contract, causing the hair to stand onend. n an animal covered with hair (as humans may once have been#, the result is thetrapping of air between all the upright hairs. $hat trapped air acts as an insulator that

     prevents heat from escaping as easily from the surface of the skin, thus keeping the animalwarm. $his process is of more limited use in humans, since we are not as hairy as we oncemight have been historically. egarding shivering, although the stimulus for shivering maybe the same as that for goose bumps, shivering is the result of skeletal muscles contracting

    and relaing repeatedly. $hese are not the same muscles as those surrounding hairfollicles.

    1. HMou can8t s"eat as easil to cool do"n "hen the humidit is hih because the aircan8t hold an more moisture.I $he first part of the statement is true1 its the reasoningthat may be faulty. $he idea of the air EholdingF water vapor is a misconception held bymany students. $here is lots of room in the air for it to have (but not EholdF# more moisture,because air is a gas, water vapor is a gas, and theres lots of empty space between gasmolecules. -lso, water vapor molecules are whi++ing around at about B miles per hour,so theres really no EholdingF them anyway. $he real situation is that at high humidity the air


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    contains almost as much water vapor as is able to escape from the li2uid into the vaporform, based on waters vapor pressure. 5ee this 4eb site for further eplanation about whyhumidity being defined as Ethe amount of moisture in the air compared to the amount ofmoisture the air can hold is not a clear statement of the situation: http:HHhyperphysics.phy/astr.gsu.eduHhbaseHhframe.html . (Click on the E4hats the problemIF tab on the first screen,which will take you down to E!ow much moisture can the air JholdI#

     Anti%ipating Stuent /uestions +answers to 0uestions stuents mightas& in %lass

    %. Hf metabolism is reall >ust internal combustion "h don8t "e burn u li;easoline does in the car enine9I $he chemical reactions that comprise metabolism alloccur at temperatures much lower than those in a real internal combustion engine. -nd thereactions are much slower also. -ll this is thanks to substances called en+ymes. 9n+ymesare biological catalysts that allow reactions to occur more easily with them than withoutthem.

    2. H4ouldn8t it be helful to cold-blooded animals if the had a laer of insulation sothat in the summertime less heat "ould flo" into their bodies and in the "intertimeless heat "ould flo" out of their bodies9I f cold/blooded animals had layers ofinsulation, they would be much less able to obtain heat from their surroundings. 5o in thesummertime, they wouldnt get enough energy eternally for them to maintain normal bodilyactivities. $he layer of insulation might help them in the wintertime, but theyve alreadymanaged to take care of the problem of lack of eternal heat when its cold outsideLbyhibernating.

    . Hsn8t osmosis the same thin as diffusion9I  -lthough there are similarities betweenthe two processes, there are also differences. 6oth are processes which move substancesthrough a fluid (usually# li2uid medium. Diffusion, though, is simply the process of movingsolute particles from an area of higher concentration to one of lower concentration by

    random molecular motion, while osmosis involves solvent transport through a semi/ permeable membrane, through which the solute cannot pass, due to its larger si+e. nosmosis, the solvent moves from an area of higher (solvent# concentration through themembrane to the area of lower solvent concentration. $he solute particles are too large to

     pass through the semi/permeable membrane, so they remain where they were. -s a resultof the solvent particles moving through the membrane, the solute concentration decreaseson the side of the membrane that receives the solvent particles. 5o the result of both

     processes is similarGthe solute concentration decreasesGbut the mechanism is somewhatdifferent. t is often said that osmosis is a special case of diffusion.

    *n1%lass A%tivities +lesson ieas, in%luing la.s 2 emonstrations

    8lease note that, "ue to the nature o& this arti)le, most o& these a)tivities are more relate" to a9iolog! )lass than a )hemistr! )lass, although there are a &ew )hemistr! items at the en" o& thislist.%. Osmosis "emonstrations:

    a. There are lots vi"eos on ouTu9e that "emonstrate an"For "is)uss osmosis.1? This 7=minute vi"eo )lip &rom the us)ogee S)hool #istri)t &irst "e&ines osmosis,

    then shows three states o& toni)it!, &ollowe" 9! a "emonstration using small )ellsX o&


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    "ial!sis tu9ing, one &ille" with water pla)e" in a sugar solution an" the se)on" &ille"with sugar water an" put in plain water to show h!pertoni)it! an" the se)on" to showh!potoni)it!. 5http:FFwww.!outu9e.)omFwat)h'v[0=;B=UU`i>&eature[pla!erem9e""e"6

    26 An" here is a 7=se)on" time=lapse vi"eo )lip o& the ol" stan"ar" osmosis "emo witha verti)al tu9e suspen"e" partwa! in water, with a pie)e o& "ial!sis tu9ing a)ting as a

    sa)*, &ille" with a sugar water solution 5)olore" 9lue6 )overing the 9ottom opening o&the tu9e. The )olore" water )lim9s up the tu9e "ue to osmoti) pressure.http:FFwww.!outu9e.)omFwat)h'v[0W`1DD+lnE

    6 Here is a 7=se)on" time=lapse )lip o& a gummi 9ear in water almost "ou9ling in siDeover a =hour perio", "ue to osmosis. 5http:FFwww.!outu9e.)omFwat)h'v[txAs@;`mgs>&eature[pla!erem9e""e"6

    6 4& !ou woul" li*e to pursue a more mathemati)al approa)h, this un"er 7=minute vi"eo)lip shows the results o& a stu"ent experiment involving the mass )hange over timeo& three potato sli)es, %. )m, 2. )m an" . )m ea)h, setting in water or one o& 7"i&&erent )on)entrations o& su)rose 5.2Y%. 9! .2 in)rements6. The tea)her plotsthe P )hanges in mass to show h!potoni)it!, h!pertoni)it!, an" interpolates to"etermine the point on the graph where the solution is isotoni).

    5http:FFwww.!outu9e.)omFwat)h'v[nwr%UoHw69. The O)to9er %2 ChemMatters Classroom @ui"e )ontains a ver! simple, repro"u)i9le

    %=page la9 experiment Osmosis in an EggX. 5An" remem9er, an egg is reall! onl! a ver!large single )ell.6 The Classroom @ui"e also provi"es notes &or the experiment.5availa9le in the ChemMatters =!ear C#6

    c. Gettu)e wilting in the re&rigerator an" then re&reshing when put in water is an example o&osmosis in plants: http:FFwww.!outu9e.)omFwat)h'v[H/-%4iBTmn) 57=se)on" time=lapse vi"eo )lip o& wilte" lettu)e )oming 9a)* to li&eX6

    2. ou )an use this vi"eo )lip &rom the 3ig 3ang Theor!X television show to intro"u)ehomeostasis to !our )lass 5or &orwar" the lin* to !our 9iolog! tea)her i& !oupre&er6:http:FFwww.!outu9e.)omFwat)h'v[re`&9TTsg>&eature[pla!erem9e""e".

    . To show the relationship 9etween volume an" sur&a)e area, !ou )an have stu"ents "o

    the t!pi)al 9iolog! la9 involving gelatinFagar )u9es with phenolphthalein an" -aOH. 5Or i&stu"ents have "one this in 9iolog! in a previous )lass, !ou )an as* them to re)all theresults. As* stu"ents to "raw an analog! 9etween the results o& this experiment an" the roleo& volume=to=sur&a)e area ratio to the siDe o& e)totherms vs. siDe o& en"otherms.a. This la9 "es)ription &rom (linn S)ienti&i) in)lu"es tea)her preparation an" "is)ussion

    in&ormation: http:FFwww.&linns)i.)omF#o)umentsF"emo8#(sF3iolog!F3(%%%.p"& .9. This simple experiment merel! as*s stu"ents to )ompare rate o& "i&&usion o& ea)h o&

    three "i&&erentl!=siDe" )u9es, a goo" stepping o&& point &or the e)to= en"otherm"is)ussion: http:FFli9rar!.thin*

  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    metho"[)+esour)e."sp#etail>+esour)e4#[/7. This simulation provi"es !ou with lots o&varia9les to investigate as !ou tr! to maintain a )onstant )ore 9o"! temperature in theperson on the trea"mill. 4& !ou "on$t have a su9s)ription, !ou )an still get a &ree trial an"ma!9e have enough time to run the simulation. There is a tea)her$s gui"e an" a stu"entexploration sheet an" answer *e! that a))ompanies the simulation.

    6. ou )an use this vi"eo )lip &rom the 3ig 3ang Theor!X television show to intro"u)e

    homeostasis to !our )lass 5or &orwar" the lin* to !our 9iolog! tea)her i& !oupre&er6:http:FFwww.!outu9e.)omFwat)h'v[re`&9TTsg>&eature[pla!erem9e""e".

    7. This site provi"es a goo" overall )overage o& homeostasis &or stu"ents that )oul" 9euse" as the 9asis o& a lesson on the topi): http:FFs9iu2%.wor"press.)omF)ategor!F9asi)=&ee"9a)*=me)hanisms=thermoregulationF.

    O, now &or the )hemistr!=relate" a)tivitiesI1. To show &reeDing point "epression that o))urs in the )ells o& some e)totherms when

    the! experien)e extremel! )ol" temperatures, !ou )an "o the ma*ing i)e )ream la9X. Another )on)ept involve" here is heat trans&er. Here are a &ew sites:a. The intro"u)tion to this experiment is somewhat simple &or high s)hool, 9ut the

    "ire)tions are spot on: http:FFwww.s)hool.)"&armsite.)omFla9sFi)e)reamla97/."o).9. This page, a &ree e9oo* "ownloa", &rom the !3oo*eD We9 site presents a more

  • 8/13/2019 Chemmatters Oct2013 Tg


    a. Super)oole" water &reeDing:1? How to ma*eX it 5two metho"s are "es)ri9e" here6:

    http:FF)hemistr!.a9out.)omFo"F)hemistr!howtogui"eFaFhow=to=super)ool=water.htm.26 i"eo )lip 5less than 2 minutes with several "i&&erent wa!s to soli"i&! the super)oole"

    water: http:FFwww.!outu9e.)omFwat)h'v[(otm0*!Gn. 5ou ma! have to wat)h a%7=se)on" a"vertisement &irst.6

    9. Supersaturate" so"ium a)etate solution soli"i&!ing:%6 How to ma*e it: http:FF)l"&a)ilit!.rutgers.e"uF)ontentF)r!stalliDation=supersaturate"=

    solution=. 5-ote the amounts o& so"ium a)etate an" water )an 9e s)ale" up or"own, as long as !ou maintain a similar ratio o& amounts.6

    26 i"eo )lip: Hot 4)eX, http:FFwww.!outu9e.)omFwat)h'v[HnSg2)l84>&eature[pla!erem9e""e".

    ). +o)* )an"! &orming )r!stals &rom supersaturate" solution o& sugar %6 How to ma*e it: http:FFwww.ehow.)omFhow/%77ma*e=supersaturate"=solution=

    sugar.html, or a less s)ienti&i) approa)h that )an 9e "one in the *it)hen:http:FFwww.9uDDle.)omFarti)lesFro)*=)an"!=re)ipe=how=to=ma*e=ro)*=)an"!.html.

    2? i"eo )lip 5less than 2 minutes6: http:FFwww.!outu9e.)omFwat)h'v[WEBl?= +A>&eature[pla!erem9e""e".

    Here$s a 0=minute )lip that gives more explanation an" lots o& options as !oupro)ee": http:FFwww.!outu9e.)omFwat)h'v[W;"`9&1huu;>&eature[pla!erem9e""e".

    %. To show the )ooling e&&e)t o& evaporation, )reate a wet=9ul9 thermometer 9! wrapping apie)e o& paper towel or )otton )loth aroun" the 9ul9 o& a thermometer using a ru99er 9an".Soa* the paper or )loth with isoprop!l 5ru99ing6 al)ohol an" o9serve the temperature overthe next several minutes. The temperature will "rop su9stantiall!. ou )an repeat theexperiment using water 5new )loth or paper6, 9ut the e&&e)t will 9e less noti)ea9le.-evertheless, it illustrates that energ! is a9sor9e" when evaporation ta*es pla)e.

    15. Here is another wa! o& ma*ing a h!grometerVa )om9ination o& a "r! 9ul9 an" a wet9ul9 thermometer in the same instrument: http:FFpals.sri.)omFtas*sF7=1FE7F"ire)ts.html.Wi*ipe"ia has a ni)e "is)ussion a9out wet 9ul9 temperatures relate" to relative humi"it! at


    Out1o"1%lass A%tivities an -ro3e%ts +stuent resear%h, %lass pro3e%ts

    %. Stu"ents )oul" )on"u)t more online resear)h on human 9o"! t!pe an" )limate.2. A general rule o& thum9 is that a )hemi)al rea)tion$s rate will "ou9le with a % oC

    temperature in)rease. Stu"ents )oul" "o online resear)h to see i& )hemi)al rea)tivit! withine)totherms in)reases in a similar mannerVan" whether su)h an in)rease in meta9oli)rea)tion rate results in a "ou9ling o& a)tivit! levelJ e.g., moving twi)e as &ast.

    . Using two i"enti)al thermometers, a stu"ent )oul" "esign an" )arr! out "emonstrations

    o& heat loss 5or gain6 9! ra"iation, evaporation, )onve)tion, an" )on"u)tion.. A stu"ent )oul" also "esign a "emonstration showing that the sur&a)e=volume ratio o& ano9?e)t a&&e)ts the rate at whi)h heat is lost 9! an! o& the a9ove=liste" pro)esses.

    7. Stu"ents )oul" resear)h reverse osmosis as a me)hanism &or puri&!ing sea water &or"rin*ing.

    'e"eren%es +non1We.1.ase in"ormation sour%es
