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WP 3 - IDENTIFYING SUSTAINABLE AND USER- FRIENDLY GOOD PRACTICES GOOD PRACTICES EVALUATION AND GOOD PRACTICES COMPENDIUM Emilio Chiodo University of Teramo I.S.L.E Erasmus Network Exploitation Seminar 23 th – 28 th April 2012, Harper Adams Unversity College, UK

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Emilio ChiodoUniversity of Teramo

I.S.L.E Erasmus Network Exploitation Seminar23th – 28th April 2012,

Harper Adams Unversity College, UK

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Contents of the Compendium

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The collected good practices

Analysed Proposed SelectionNetherland 6 4France 5 4Portugal 5 4Italy 4 4Germany 3 2Sweden 3 2UK 2 2 + 1Greece 2 1Slovakia 2 1Bulgaria 2 1Malta 1 1Hungary 1 1Estonia 1 1Czech Republic 1 1Poland 1 1Austria 1 1Norway 1 1Romania 1 0TOTAL 42 33 (+1)


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The collected good practices


Analysed Proposed Selection


Teaching 20 13 62

Institutional 15 10 66Policies 5 4 80Practical activities 12 6 50

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Areas of interest: teaching

• Integration of SD in disciplinary lessons• It concerns about sustainability should be integrated with knowledge that

any teacher gives his students in the discipline is concerned• Module about SD definition and concepts

• Specific instruction on the definition and concepts of sustainable development

• Holistic teaching in relation to sustainable development activities • It deals with lessons to acquire working methods and skills clearly related

to the professionalization of students• Promotion of a SD mindset

• activities or networks to develop a mindset and a way of cooperation compatible with sustainable development

• Framework for teaching SD - institutional and international level• It deals with structures for achieving sustainable development training

• Framework for teaching SD - study program level• It deals with initiatives to design study programs at Bc, MSc, PhD.. levels,

for achieving SD training and awarding degrees with clear link to SD

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Areas of interest: practical activities

• “non-formal” (planned activities that are not explicitly designated as formal learning, but which contain an important learning element)

• “in-formal” or experiential learning (learning about SD as a result of daily life activities) that involves HE students or is promoted by HE institutions.

• To show the ability of applying theoretical knowledge gained at the university into practice – i.e. student involvement in protected areas or urban gardens management, rural and traditional villages management, and sustainable agriculture.

• Although some of the case studies refer to practical training of students as a compulsory element of their formal education, the aims are targeted at a diverse scope of daily life activities.

• The published examples of good practices have been selected according to their compliance with the aims set and their larger scale applicability.

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Areas of interest: policies

• Good Practices that are concerned with the creation of the institutional framework for HESD at National or Regional Authorities level with the objective of facilitating and strengthening education for SD

• Building an institutional framework is very important to overcome a phase constituted by ESD experiences at the level of single institutions, to build an education system in his majority oriented to SD.

• Different approaches can be described either as:

• a compulsory approach (i.e. evaluation system of the HE institutions, conditioning accreditation or funding of these institutions)

• a non-prescriptive and enabling approach (supply services to HE institutions, to communicate and encourage widespread adoption of good practices, to assign awards and special funding to integrate SD in the education system.

• Bottom-up or a top-down approaches

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Areas of interest: institutional activities

• Good Practices that concern the management and other non teaching activities of the Higher Education institutions directed to SD; in this area we included initiatives like Sustainable Campus, Sustainable Food Procurement, SD education activities for the administrative staff, Environmental and CSR certifications.

• The cases presented after these comments are some innovative ways how certain higher education institutions are addressing the issue of sustainability.

• These cases can serve as useful tools to institutions involved in education and environmental issues to re-orient their activities to respond to the environmental and development challenges.

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• Creation of 4 groups for the evaluation, one for each area of interest (referees)

• Each group of referees based his evaluation on a 4 level scale: – A: highly relevant and interesting practice, absolutely

worthy of spreading,– B: highly relevant and interesting practice, worthy of

spreading following some improve,– C: quite relevant and interesting, still worthy of spreading

– to be inserted if possible,– D: less relevant or interesting, or a local version of an

international network without any particular added value.

The evaluation process

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The evaluation results: teachingTitle Country (Main) Category Evaluation Comments

ACRU Slovakia Promotion of SD mindset A Explains concretely (and completely) how to create synergies and a framework for teaching SD in a University network

Agroecology Basics Sweden Integration of SD in disciplinary lessons

C,B The topic is well chosen but the text could be less general

B and M Ecological Agriculture

Germany Framework for teaching SD - Study program level

B,A Description of a complete system of training directly dealing with SD

Green Pedagogy Austria Framework for teaching SD – Institutional level

A, A An original example of pedagogy

CULS Prague Czech Republic Framework for teaching SD – institutional level

B, B The topic is well chosen. After the global description of the importance of SD in the activities of the university, the text could make a focus on specific subject relative to to SD.

ELAN III Germany Module about SD definition and concepts

A,A A classic (but very good) example of good practice relative to longdistance learning and to individualized training and also to SD definition and concepts.

Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture

Bulgaria Framework for teaching SD - institutional level

B, C The topic is well chosen but the text could make a focus more precisely on examples showing how SD topics are teached by the teachers of the faculty.

GIZ Initiative Germany Framework for teaching SD – institutional and international level

B,B A good example. But may be it could be described in an other chapter of the compendium.

International module The Netherlands Integration of SD in disciplinary lessons

B, B The international approach is interesting but the topic is very specific to the environmental pillar.

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The evaluation results: teachingTitle Country (Main) Category Evalua


Management of pests, diseases and weeds

Sweden Integration of SD in disciplinary lessons

B,B The social role of the University is well described but the link with SD teaching is not very detailed

Msc in Agriculture, AE and Renewable Energy

Poland Framework for teaching SD – study program level

A, B Good example of the conception of a whole diploma based upon a holistic approach

Master Culture of Innovation and SD

Italy Framework for teaching SD –study program level

B, B May be 2 different subjects : Alma mater foundation and the description of the Master (in innovation). Both are interesting but may be it is important to choose what is the main subject of the paper.

Master Program SUD Sweden Framework for teaching SD – study program level

A, B Specific diploma on an interesting topic. But il could be more detailed.

Master Program Eenv. Prot. In Agr.

Romania Framework for teaching SD – study program level

C, B It could be more detailed

Oportunities to recover En. From Org. Materials

Portugal Holistic teaching in relation to SD activities

A, A Classic but good example of project pedagogy

Pangea Cult. And Env. Assoc.

Hungary Promotion of a SD mindset

B, A Interesting approach about students activities (but it could be more detailed).

Talveakadeemia Estonia Promotion of a SD mindset

A,A Original and interesting approach about students activities

Teaching in SD at the Norv. Univ. of Life Sc.

Norway Framework for teaching SD – institutional level

B, B The text could be more detailed

Tropical Value Chain Management

The Netherlands Holistic teaching in relation to SD activities

A,A Very interesting multidisciplinary (including Economics) and vocational aproach .

The place of the tutored project in ..//.. treatment

France Holistic teaching in relation to SD activities


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The evaluation results: institutional act.Title Country Evaluation Comments

The accreditation document in France : a tool for measuring the efficiency and the quality of studies in higher education system

France A Selected also in Policies

The Association of the Carpathian Region Universities (ACRU) is an integrated network of higher education institutions.

Slovakia C Selected also in Teaching

B and M Ecological Agriculture University of Kassel, faculty of organic agricultural sciences.

Germany B Analysed but not selected in TeachingThe main focus of the study is to impart extensive expert knowledge, which is an

essential pre-requisite of sustainable agriculture with regard to different agro-

ecological and economical conditions.Botanical Gardens, Special Places to Involve Special People Portugal BCIRPS (Interuniversity Research Centre on Sustainable Development)

Italy A

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS) Czech Republic C Selected also in TeachingOrganization for sustainable Higher Education in The Netherlands (DHO)/ AISHE tool

Netherlands A Selected also in Policies

Skills training of teaching staff in dealing with ethical sustainability dilemma’s

Netherlands B

Implementation of Institutional Sustainable Development Policy to Develop a “Sustainable campus”.


Production of Institutional Policy on Sustainable Development UK A Selected also in policiesWarsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW (WULS-SGGW) Faculty of Agriculture and Biology

Poland B Selected also in Teaching

OPERA - European Observatory on PEsticide and Risk Analysis Italy ASustainability Memorandum and Implementation process for Wageningen University and Research Centre (WUR)

Netherlands B+

Città Studi – Campus Sostenibile Italy B+Specific Universities Policies on Sustainable Development France A

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The evaluation results: policies

Title Country Evaluation


The accreditation document in France : a tool for measuring the efficiency and the quality of studies in higher education system

France B Describe the whole system of University accreditation in France. Very interesting,

but is not clear how much is the importance of SD in the criteria

SD Institution and Policies

France B Describe the whole system of policies for SD in France ; very interesting but not

strictly related to education

SD Policies in Higher Education

France A Describe the whole system of policies for integrate SD in the HE system in France

Organization for sustainable Higher Education in The Netherlands (DHO)/ AISHE tool Netherlands

A Very interesting and innovative, but it could be more detailed.

Production of Institutional Policy on Sustainable Development

United Kingdom

A Describe the activity of the HEFCE (Higher Education Funding Council for England) and the SD Strategy of Harper Adams College : may be the two parts can be

divided : the first one – that can be better detailed – in policies and

the second one in Institutional Activities

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The evaluation results: practical act.Country Good practice Grade


Bulgaria “Sunny Garden” organic farm Agricultural University – Plovdiv

A A well written case description of a very useful initiation that is possible to adopt in other countries as well. Absolutely worthy of selection.

Greece Arcturos environmental centre C A 20-year-old initiation aimed at certain aspects of nature conservation, environmental education and community cohesion. Locally important, might be selected, but I feel the next one (HWH/EKPAZ) stronger in its type.

Greece Hellenic Wildlife Hospital (EKPAZ) A A large wildlife rehabilitation center going back to almost 30 years of operation. Important targets both in terms of professional achievements (wildlife protection) and public activities (volunteering, environmental education). Not really a unique case, but its strengths make it worthy of selection.

Hungary Pangea Cultural and Environmental Association

A This example shows how an NGO with a strong university background can offer a wide range of environmental and cultural activities performed in a very challenging way involving students and teachers of courses related to environmental sciences and other people of various age groups. Its complexity is shown by the diversity of the organised courses and camps with aims from nature restoration works to teachers’ trainings, public education and scientific research. Proposed for selection, possibly after some improvement of the case description.

Malta Nature Trust (Malta) Wied Ghollieqa Nature Reserve

B A good example of complex restoration in a degraded valley system involving various activities (Waste management, reforestation, soil protection, water retention, environmental education). After providing some more details, this case can be suitable to demonstrate how to facilitate successfully the conversion of disturbed areas into natural habitats.

Portugal AlumnISA, Associação de Estudantes do Instituto Superior de Agronomia (AEISA),Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA),Creation of a sustainable village – The "Tapadastock".

A This is an excellent and well outlined example of creating a sustainable cultural event with a considerable public involvement.Although the implementation of the project has not yet been finished, its achievements should be monitored. However, the case description itself definitely needs some improvement – e.g. points of the Thematic Focus has been merely copied from the headers.

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The evaluation results: practical act.Country Good practice Grade


Portugal Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA).Opportunities to recover energy from Organic Materials (BioenergISA)

C It is an interesting initiation, with a strong networking background. However, from the case description it does not appear (for me at least) how unique, innovative or widely applicable it is.

Portugal Charity project (SolidarISA) A A very good initiation with relevant aims – both from technical (agricultural) and societal aspects – and properly organized background. Therefore I strongly propose this case to be selected for publication.

Slovak Republic

Friends of the Earth D The local group of a global environmental federation. Focuses on energy and climate issues being therefore relevant to SD, but giving little added value in terms of specificity

The Netherlands

AOC Van Hall Zonneboot Participation Dutch Solar Boat Challenge

C This project focuses on cooperation of students from different education levels in preparation for a solar boat race and during this media event. By using solar energy, it is linked to the idea of sustainability, but not so closely or in such a complex way as some the other projects. However, it is a unique case that will make the compendium more colourful in case it becomes selected.In this case the points of Thematic Focus should be elaborated somewhat more.The

NetherlandsTropical Value chain management ? This case appears to be an interesting initiation, but in my opinion it has

much more relevance in the teaching Area of Interest.

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• Final selection of the Good Practices• Complete the forms following the indications of the

referees (each author)• Complete the missing paragraphs of the Good

Practices Compendium • A process of review of the Compendium before the


How to complete the work…

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The proposed selection: teaching

Teaching in SD at the Norv. Univ. of Life Sc. Norway B, B

Green Pedagogy Austria A, A

CULS Prague Czech Republic B, B

Master Culture of Innovation and SD Italy B, B

Msc in Agriculture, AE and Renewable Energy Poland A, B

Master Program SUD Sweden A, B

Talveakadeemia Estonia A, A

ACRU Slovakia A

Opportunities to recover En. From Org. Materials Portugal A, A

The place of the tutored project in ..//.. treatment France A

Management of pests, diseases and weeds Sweden B,B

International module - Integrated Biodiversity Management Netherlands B, B

E – learning Academic Network – ELAN III – Introduction into Sustainability

Germany A, A

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The proposed selection: institutional act.

B and M Ecological Agriculture University of Kassel, faculty of organic agricultural sciences.

Germany B

Botanical Gardens, Special Places to Involve Special People Portugal B

CIRPS (Interuniversity Research Centre on Sustainable Development)

Italy A

Skills training of teaching staff in dealing with ethical sustainability dilemma’s

Netherlands B

Implementation of Institutional Sustainable Development Policy to Develop a “Sustainable campus”.


Production of Institutional Policy on Sustainable Development*


OPERA - European Observatory on PEsticide and Risk Analysis

Italy A

Sustainability Memorandum and Implementation process for Wageningen University and Research Centre (WUR)

Netherlands B+

Città Studi – Campus Sostenibile Italy B+Specific Universities Policies on Sustainable Development France A

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The proposed selection: policies

The accreditation document in France : a tool for measuring the efficiency and the quality of studies in higher education system

France B

SD Policies in Higher Education France AOrganization for sustainable Higher Education in The Netherlands (DHO)/ AISHE tool Netherlands


Production of Institutional Policy on Sustainable Development*

United Kingdom


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The proposed selection: practical act.

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Emilio Chiodo

Faculty of Agriculture

Department of Food Science

University of Teramo

Via Carlo R. Lerici, 1



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