cloud music business

Cloud Music Business

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Post on 22-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Cloud Music Business

Cloud Music Business

Page 2: Cloud Music Business

Written, Produced & Directed : Mynority © 2011

Page 3: Cloud Music Business

•  What is the Cloud Music Business?

•  What is the most important thing I need to know?

•  How do I become tomorrow’s next Music Producer/Songwriter?

•  How do you monetize your music career?

•  10 Reasons to own your own site!

•  What social networks/blogs/forums should I be on?

•  How do I make a number 1 hit records?

•  How do I market myself online?

•  How do I stay educated/informed in my niche?

Topics to Cover

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•  How important is technology for the music business?

•  What are the best ways to sell my music online?

•  How do I get a music placement?

•  How do I find an attorney & manager?

•  Techniques for Songwriters & Producers

•  Software I Need/Want!

•  Mobile + Streaming = FUTURE

•  How do I automate my music career?

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What is the Cloud Music Business?

•  Cloud music business sells streaming compositions, recordings and performances of music online.

•  Collaboration has never been easier

•  Deals are being brokered, with out ever even being in the same room

•  Education is being delivered via web videos & articles

•  Media is being funneled to our mobile phones

•  Being able to access your content via any connected device (wifi, dsl, 4g)

•  Record labels are now transforming into websites.

•  Music communities are where people can express their talents/passions

•  Being able to deliver your content in multiple forms


•  SMS Newslettter (Think micro info)

Streaming Music


Data is the New Currency

Have it your Way

Skype Studio Sessions

Online Tutoring


Mobile Apps

Music Creation



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What is the most important thing I need to know?


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How do I Become 2morrow’s Next

Music Producer/Songwriter?

"   Don't expect handouts

"   Give away your publishing

"   Be willing to ghost produce/song write

"   Adapt to Trends

"   Listen to the kids

"   Have unique concepts

"   Be very risky/edgy

"   Stay away from the typical sounds/ideas

"   Contact people daily

"   Automation

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How do you monetize your music career?

•  Selling HD & Premium formats of your


•  Selling Live Events, Webcasts, Virtual concerts, events, clubs

•  Virtual Goods (Wallpaper, Icons, Greetings etc)

•  Fan packages (Direct Connections to Privileges etc)

•  Special Products 2.0: Compilations, Audio-Video Packages, Mobile Applications etc

•  Next generation physical products (Interactive)

•  Custom-made, on demand merchandising

•  Many more goods are yet to be invented

•  Special Editions, and collectors items

•  Develop news ways to distribute your music/services (fiverr)

•  Sell your services both online and offline (vocal coach, mixer, studio musician)

•  Become a Virtual Tutor: give lessons to anyone n the world (Screen share, Skype)

•  Sell your music online (Tunecore)

•  Crowd funding & Kickstarter

•  Consider selling your music to online sample libraries

•  Content is KING, the more forms of content you can create the more means of selling

•  In a network society, interaction comes before transaction.

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•  Own your domain and site •  Do not redirect your domain to

twitter or tumblr •  You obtain control over your online

brand •  What is the future of twitter, tumblr,

rootmusic? •  You create your privacy policy &

terms and conditions •  Another platform to sell your goods

& services

•  You collect data and create a newsletter

•  Visitors to your website have a much higher sales conversion ratio than 3rd party sites.

•  You can add your own advertising and sponsors on your page

•  Building a brand is a long-term strategy

•  Data is the new currency

10 Reasons to Own Your Own Website

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a: with a lot of people

q: How do I make a number 1?

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How do I market myself online? "   We have to get FANS before

we get customers. We are now in a society where we have to help one another to prosper through: collaboration

"   Return on Engagement w/fans

"   Following, Liking is the new Branding.

"   It all about “What do I spend my time on” So when I have access to a billion movies and songs, then it becomes “What I Pay Attention 2”

"   In some countries its being discussed to include your music in your utilities

"   You have to be transparent to your audience

"   On Point Marketing (Highly Targeted Traffic to your following: Website, Social Networks, Email List)

"   Direct marketing on the mobile phone

"   POWER: What you can unleash/create at a moments notice.

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q  All content is moving to the cloud. Access to that content will largely be based on mobile devices

q  If your not Connected on a network, you will just be ignored

q Google Alerts q Google Trends q  RSS Feeds q  Blogs

How do I stay informed?

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How important is technology for the music business?

"   Leverage Technology to your benefit by relying what ever it

is your trying to get across

"   Attention is the new currency:

"   Distribute your product or convey your message

"   Content is King

"   Attention is Godzilla

"   How much attention do you command?

•  Marketing

•  Creating

•  Communicating

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Techniques for

Songwriters & Producers

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Techniques for Songwriters "   Whether a song is good or great, there will

always be revisions. These are inevitable and changing your lyrics or melodies are just part of the process. Number #1 Songs are rewritten/produced/worked multiples times.

"   Hyper Collaboration: You need a Producer, Songwriter, Recording Artist, Engineer, Musicians. Don’t do it all. Because 9/10 you can’t #FACT

"   Tools to use Rhyming Dictionary or Thesaurus (Get Creative)

"   Concepts. You must stay out of the box. Don't use the typical phrases or subjects. Being edgy/different is the number 1 thing everyone looks for. Don’t say it, describe it

"   Re-invent Words (Get WRECKLESS)

"   Study music from other countries/eras/genres/language

"   Sing or Speak in World Accents (MY FAVORITE)

"   I need to hear something melodically creative or something that carries your energy through your voice. You’ll discover more about your abilities pushing yourself.

"   Human creativity, ingenuity, experiences are more important than ever

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Techniques for Producers "   You need to have drums. Drums alone can

change everything. You need to have an amazing production sound.

"   If you don’t know how to play an instrument don’t let that be an excuse for you not having it in your production

"   Work with musicians, engineers, and other producers, songwriters, & managers,

"   Make sure you develop your sound, and this takes years (YEARS)

"   You must be able to change with genres of music, and this usually happens 5 years (small) and 10 years (big)

"   Concentrate on being out of the box. Even if

that causes you to re invent your game.

"   Concentrate on incorporating software in to your productions.

"   Watch Video Tutorials on new information so you can constantly teach yourself what is happening.

"   If you stop doing that, then you will have less skills, and be out shinned by producers that know more

"   Be easily accessible

"   Don’t keep your material on your computer. It will not do anything for you

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What are the Best Ways to Sell my Music


How Do I Know Who 2 Collaborate with?

Is this person talented and always challenging his/her creativity?

Is this person determined, hard-working, and in it for the long haul (No Backup Plan)?

Collaborate with emerging industry people.

•  Have a musical resume. As you make more music you (lol should) get better

•  Ask yourself How man people have you collaborated with?

•  People need to care about your music before they want to purchase

•  Feel like free

•  Free-mium

•  Pay With Attention

•  Band website, facebook app, tunecore. Viral Youtube, Vimeo videos. Advertising on websites that relate to your knitch. Itunes, cd baby

•  Content is Advertising (Interactive Advertising. Create a app of your music with a game, then give it away for free. Put links to your website.

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§  Share the same Mission statement §  Make sure they enjoy your music §  Check if they are Managing other

artists §  Experiences, connections,

accomplishments §  Percentage of income (10-25%) §  Make sure you can get ahold of them

with in a timely manner

§  Communication §  Understanding of the current cloud

music business §  Locate manager through online

publications a& directories §  Dedication §  It’s a relationship that needs constant


How do I find the right manager & attorney?

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Software I Need/Want!

•  DAWs: Abelton, Logic, Pro Tools, Sonar, Cubase, Nuendo, Fl Studio

•  Mastering: Waves, Bias, iZotope, Wave labs

•  Virtual Instruments: Native Instruments, Ik Multimedia Spectrasonics, Nexus,

•  Pitch Correction: Autotune, Melodyne, Vocalign

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Sell the Brand not the Music

"   More shows & concerts

"   More movies, videos, & Tv Shows

"   More branded Content

"   More users

"   More listeners in developing countries

"   The New Broadcasters: Tumblr FacebooK

"   The New Airplay: Retweets, Likes, Follow

ü  Build your audience

ü  Getting Recognition

ü  Conversion

ü  Generate Income

ü  Your income is directly related to the quality of your


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How do I get a music placement?

"   Look for opportunities everywhere. (Websites, Blogs, Email, Mobile)

"   Have your music burned, uploaded on email, Jump Drive, cd, DVD, website and ready to share

"   Pay companies

"   Be willing to give up your publishing, as leverage for you to close the deal. They (Music Companies) will work with you because you are giving them a good song (which a lot of talented people can do) but your making them a little extra money(off your publishing), so it’s a win win for them to chose you

"   Have your material uploaded as an mp3 and be prepared to forward that to any one’s email. (record labels, producers, a&r’s, blogs)

"   Showcase all your material, everywhere, anyway (Social Networks, Websites, Video, Mobile)

"   Produce multiple forms of material (Pics, Video, Audio, Clothing. Start a Following and get CREATIVE

"   Collaborate with the up & coming industry community

"   Constantly be producing new material

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Mobile + Streaming =

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q. How do I automate my music career?

a. with robots/people/email

Things you need done

1.  Time to make your music

2.  Time to market your new band

3.  Time to practise

4.  Time for shows

5.  Time for Learning

6.  Time for fans


1.  Get a team

2.  Manager will help you market

3.  Musicias/Artists/Songwriters

4.  Manager will book show

5.  Youtube makes it easy

6.  Pay someone to manage your social presence.

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This may sound like bad advice, but if you really want to make it in this

industry, you need to have no backup-plan. When you do that, then your giving

100% and it takes that to play this game. Now there's always factors of

nepotism, luckiness, and my favorite selling yourself to the devil. But at the

end of the day you need to re-invent your marketing to show the world really

who you are. We like the radio because we hear the same song 40 times a day.

Trust me if you get in peoples faces, and give them no other option then to

listen, you will makes waves. And you need to makes waves in this industry.

Some how some way

In conclusion

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