cognitive theories of learning

Cognitive Theories of Learning Emphasis upon the concept that learning is a process of discovering and understanding relationships and of organizing and finding significance in the sensory experiences around by the external situation. These theories maintain that the individual exists in an environmental field which is constantly changing.

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  • Cognitive Theories of LearningEmphasis upon the concept that learning is a process of discovering and understanding relationships and of organizing and finding significance in the sensory experiences around by the external situation.These theories maintain that the individual exists in an environmental field which is constantly changing.

  • 2 theoriesSocial cognitive theoryCognitive behavioral theory

  • Cognitive theorist Interpret learning as the organization orreorganization of the subjects perceptualsystem into meaningful patterns.There are a number of cognitive theoristsand many more are still emerging.Theforerunners,howerver are Wolfgang kohler,Kurth Lewin and Jerome Bruner whosetheories are all presented in this section

  • Kohlers Insight Theory

  • Gaining insightIs a process of exploring, analyzingand restructuring perceptions untila solution is arrived at.

  • 1. Law of ContinuityThis law states the perceptual organizationto preserve smooth continuities rather thanabrupt changes.

  • 2. Law of ClosureThis law states that incomplete figures tend to be seen as complete. For instance, the following figures will be perceived better as complete circles and squares.

  • 3. Law of proximityThis law holds that things close together are grouped together in perception.

  • 4. Law of similarityThis law refers to the perception of similar objects that tend to be related.

  • 5. Law of PragnanzThis Law came about as an overarching principle of Gestalt psychology. Developed by koffka(1993), it states that of all the possible organizations that could be perceived from a visual stimulus.

  • Focused on the psychological field or life space of an individual.

    Jerome Bruner came up with his learning theory focused on the problem of what people do with information to achieve generalized insights or understanding.

  • To him learning at its best is thinking, thinking is the process whereby one makes sense of a hodgepodge of perceived facts through a process called either conceptualization or categorization.

  • Information Processing TheoryInformation Processing Theory is a learning theoryDescribes psychological events in terms of transformations of information from input to output. These theories stress the value of perception, attention, and memory in the learning process.

  • Information Processing Models

  • Learning Theories and their Application to classroom and School Practices conditioning and reinforcement as the bases for these theories.Influenced the use if reinforcements techniques in the control of various kinds of disruptive behavior in the classroom which is reffered to as behavior modification.

  • Program learning is a system of learning in which pre established subject matter is broken down into sequential steps.

    TRANSFER OF LEARNING When learning is in one situation or one form of activity affects ones ability in other types of activity or ones performance in different situations.

  • Theories of transfer of learningHow transfer takes place has been the subject of a number of studies which have led to the formulation of several theories:

  • The major problem of the classroom teacher is knowing and applying the art of motivation. No lesson plan is considered complete unless it include motivation.