costume planning

The artist and actor will be wearing dull casual clothes. She will be wearing ripped jeans and a grey jumper to suggest the idea that she hast got much money. She is wearing this because the narrative of my music video is going to be ‘common’ people dreaming of the high life. The colour grey is very dull as shows normal life to be boring and uninteresting. In the narrative the common girl dreams of one day becoming a performer and living the high life; in this part of the music video I want the actor to wear a black dress and black heels to show confidence and boldness in contrast to the other outfit.

Upload: jennaharvey

Post on 16-Jul-2015




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Page 1: costume planning

The artist and actor will be wearing dull casual clothes. She will be wearing ripped jeans and a grey jumper to suggest the idea that she has’t got much money. She is wearing this because the narrative of my music video is going to be ‘common’ people dreaming of the high life. The colour grey is very dull as shows normal life to be boring and uninteresting.

In the narrative the common girl dreams of one day becoming a performer and living the high life; in this part of the music video I want the actor to wear a black dress and black heels to show confidence and boldness in contrast to the other outfit.