courier news vol 38 num 46

continued on page 2..... The Courier Going to Wash. D.C. A group of 7th to 9th graders from Camas Coun- ty are preparing to go to Washington D.C. during the 2015 spring break as part of the non-profit group called CloseUp. To raise money for this trip, the students are host- ing a fundraiser this Sat- urday, November 15th, at the Fairfield Legion Hall. A dinner will begin at 6 p.m. followed by a silent auction which closes at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $20 for adults, $10 for children (12 and younger), and are available at the Camas School office, from Michelle Tews, or at the door of the event. The group will tour note- worthy sites and memori- als in D.C., as well as par- ticipate in workshops and mock congress. Goals for the students are to return home inspired to play an informed and active role in our community. Teachers and chaperones will have the opportunity to attend professional development programs to enhance the educational experience and share that excitement and New/Old Restaurant In Gooding El Charro Family Mexican Restaurant resently opened up at 127 3rd Avenue East in Gooding. The owner, Victoria Trejo, is no stranger to the restaurant business or to this building. Her mother ran a res- taurant in this very building about ten years ago, and Vic- toria grew up watch- ing and learning the restaurant business. El Charro serves all your favorite Mexican dishes and a few extra items - Charro Fries, Fiesta Burger, and a Chicken Bacon Ranch Borrito. Come in sit, or call in a to-go order (934-5316). If you are a dog owner, it is only a mat- ter of time before your dog goes on an un- authorized and unucommanied excursion into the wide world. Even the best contain- ment systems fail once in a while. If your amimal is fortunate, they will either find their why back home or end up in an ani- mal shelter. Anythings Pawsable has raised nearly $37,000 of the $52k needed to build a new animal shelter in Wendell. The current facil- ity is a makeshift building without any pro- tection from the heat in the summer or the cold in the winter. The new shelter will make sure our furry companions are well taken care of until their real home is located. 100% of donated funds go to the build- ing of this facility and can be sent to the City of Wendell (PO Box 208 - Wendell, ID 83355). The City of Wendell has sev- eral other projects going on. So, make sure to write your checks to “Anythings Pawsable.” You can also donate to this project by going to /help- wendelldogs. Once it is finished, the new shelter will be operated by the City of Wendell. New Animal Shelter Needed in Wendell Volume 38 ~ Number 46 News from the Heart of Idaho Camas • Lincoln • Gooding ,2014 November 12 NEWS

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November 12, 2014 Edition


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The Courier

Going to Wash. D.C. A group of 7th to 9thgradersfromCamasCoun-ty are preparing to go toWashington D.C. duringthe 2015 spring break aspart of the non-profit group calledCloseUp. To raise money for thistrip, the students are host-ing a fundraiser this Sat-urday, November 15th, atthe Fairfield Legion Hall. A dinnerwillbeginat6p.m.followedbyasilentauctionwhich closes at 7:30 p.m.Tickets are $20 for adults,$10 for children (12 andyounger),andareavailableat the Camas School office, from Michelle Tews, or atthedooroftheevent. Thegroupwilltournote-worthy sites and memori-alsinD.C.,aswellaspar-ticipate in workshops andmock congress. Goals forthe students are to returnhome inspired to play aninformedandactiveroleinour community. Teachersand chaperones will havethe opportunity to attendprofessional developmentprograms to enhance theeducationalexperienceandshare that excitement and

New/Old RestaurantIn Gooding

El Charro Family Mexican Restaurant resentlyopenedupat1273rdAvenueEastinGooding. The owner, Victoria Trejo, is no stranger to therestaurant businessor to this building.Her mother ran a res-taurant in this verybuilding about tenyears ago, and Vic-toriagrewupwatch-ingandlearningtherestaurantbusiness.

ElCharroservesallyourfavoriteMexicandishesandafewextraitems-CharroFries,FiestaBurger,andaChickenBaconRanchBorrito. Comeinsit,orcallinato-goorder(934-5316).

Ifyouareadogowner,itisonlyamat-teroftimebeforeyourdoggoesonanun-authorized and unucommanied excursionintothewideworld.Eventhebestcontain-mentsystemsfailonceinawhile.Ifyouramimal is fortunate, they will either find theirwhybackhomeorendupinanani-malshelter.

Anythings Pawsable has raised nearly$37,000ofthe$52kneededtobuildanewanimalshelterinWendell.Thecurrentfacil-ityisamakeshiftbuildingwithoutanypro-tection fromtheheat in thesummeror thecoldinthewinter.Thenewshelterwillmakesure our furry companions are well takencareofuntiltheirrealhomeislocated. 100%ofdonatedfundsgotothebuild-ingof this facilityandcanbesent to theCityofWendell(POBox208-Wendell,ID83355).TheCityofWendellhassev-eral other projects going on. So, makesure to write your checks to “AnythingsPawsable.” You can also donate to Once it is finished, the new shelter will beoperatedbytheCityofWendell.

New Animal Shelter Needed in Wendell

Volume 38 ~ Number 46

News from the Heart of IdahoCamas • Lincoln • Gooding

,2014November 12


Page 2: Courier NEWS Vol 38 Num 46

Notices of Upcoming Events & MeetingsGooding Library OPEN Saturdays: Gooding Public Library is OPEN Saturdays 9 to noon.

Wendell Library Open til 6 p.m. Thurs.Can We Find YOU? CityofWendellwouldliketoremindedit’scitizensthatallresidencesmustbevisiblynumbered(Ordinance311).Intheeventofanemergency,thesenumbershelpEMT’sand/or the fire department find your home quickly. Please use 5 to 6 inch reflective numbers.

Volunteers Needed at Helping H&H: Helping Hearts and Hands needs help on Wednesdays &Fridays.PleasecallKimat731-1891.New Hours at Lincolin County LibrariesThe Richfield Library Hours are as follows: Tuesday: 12pm-6pm Wednesday: 12pm-6pm Thursday: 10am-6pmAnd... 2nd&4thSaturdayofthemonth:12pm-4pmThe Shoshone Library Hours are as follows: Monday:12pm-5pm Tuesday:3pm-6pm Wednesday:12pm-7pm Thursday:10am-4pm Friday:12pm-5pm Saturday:Closed

Application Deadline For NRCS Program The Idaho Natural Resources Conservation Servicehas set a November 21, 2014, application deadline forthe general Environmental Quality Incentives Programand special initiatives funded through that program. Tobe considered for fiscal year 2015 conservation program funding,agriculturaloperatorsmust submitapplicationsbeforeNovember21. “Weacceptapplications for theseprogramsonacon-tinuousbasishowever,onlytheapplicationsreceivedbyNovember 21st will be considered for funding this fiscal year,”saidRonBrooks,IdahoNRCSEQIPmanager. Initiatives funded through EQIP include organic, on-farmenergy,sagegrouse,seasonalhightunnel,andsoilhealth.ApplicationsreceivedaftertheNovember21dead-linewillbereviewedinthe2016fundingcycle. The Environmental Quality Incentives Program helpsagricultural producers complete resource conservationprojects and make conservation-related managementchangesontheirfarmsorranches.Conservationprogramparticipation is voluntary and helps private landownersandoperatorsdefraythecostsof installingconservationpractices.Visit

The Gooding Senators Football team was kicked outof this year’s 3A tournament by Shelly High School last Thursday. Goodinghadhighhopesgoingintothisgamewith9-0recordfortheseason.TheShellyRussetsscoredatouch-down in the first quarter, but that would be the only score of the first half. Midway into the third quarter, Gooding’s

Wyatt Williams ran in for the first Senator score. Shelly quickly followed with an-

other score. The forth quarter was a re-peatofthethirdwithJoshFinelyrun-ning in a touchdown and a quick reply scorebyShelly. The final score was Shelley 20, Gooding15.

The Annual Holiday Craft Show in Gooding will be held onDecember5th(10-6)andDecember6th(10-4)attheGooding High School. Proceeds will go toward the Com-munity Food Bank & Resource Center (Helping Hearts and Hands). Booth spaces are $40 for both days or $30 for oneday.ContactJudyErdman,934-9475,foradditionalinformation. Saturday, December 13, is the Gooding Chamber’sAnnual Holiday Kick-off. Main Street will be closed for thisfamilyeventwhichwillincludehorse-drawnwagonrides,achili&potatobar,face-painting,SantaClaus,andnewthisyear-ChamberBucks.Pay$3.75foraCham-berBuck,thenspenditas$5.00atparticipatingChamberMember merchants between December 12 - December19. Participating merchants include Cook’s Foodtown,King’s Discount Store, Steve’s Quick Service and Val-leyCountryStore(somelimitationsmayapply).ChamberBuckswillgoonsaleDecember5attheCraftShowandwillbeavailableforpurchasethroughDecember13.ATTENTION MERCHANTS:Acompletelistofpartici-patingmerchantswillbeprintedonthebackoftheCham-berBuck.Ifyouwishtoparticipate,contacttheChamberbeforeNovember22,orleaveamessageat358-3038.

knowledge with students who are unabletoattend. Ifyouwouldlikemoreinformationabouttheprogramandopportunitiesitprovides,,orcontact MichelleTewsorRandyJewett.

Trip toWashington D.C.

Football Season Ends for Senators2November12,2014 The Courier News ~ 888-934-1862 Serving with all Gentleness & Compassion...

Page 3: Courier NEWS Vol 38 Num 46

Complete Automotive ServiceTune-ups ~ Oil Change ~ AlignmentsGroceries: Pop ~ Beer ~ Wine ~ Snacks ~ Hot Items

601 Main StreetGooding

934-4636Locally owned and operated in Gooding for over 34 years.

Steve's Quick Service

South CentralPublic Health District

Prevent. Promote. Protect.

Fight the Flu This Fall!Wash your hands.Cover your cough.

Stay home when sick.

788-4335: 934-4477

Serving Camas, Lincoln & Gooding Counties


Premium Fuels & Lubricantsfor Farm, Business, and Residential

Jason E NeilFinancial Advisor

442 Main Street ~ Gooding

934-5001 or [email protected]


FALL into WINTERShoshone Extension Office: November 13 - 5:30 to 7 pm



Sage Grouse ConservationMonday, November 24th at 6 p.m.






thosegoals.Therewillalsobe a question and answer


death & service notices Donald E. Krahn, died near his Fairfield home on Sunday,November9,2014.ServiceswillbeheldatSt.Mark’sCatholicChurchinBoise(7960WestNorthviewStreet)onNovember14th&15th. Viewingforfriendsandfamilywilltakeplacefrom5:30to7p.m.onFriday,November14th,followedbyaVigilat7p.m. MasswillbeheldonSaturday,November15th,at11a.m.followedbyalunchatthechuchfromnoonto1:30p.m. Burial will take place at the Morris Hill Cemetery (317 N. Latah - Boise) at 2 p.m.

Emergency Need at Helping Hearts & Hands With the dropping temperatures HH&H is experiencing an increased request for coats for children, and they are completelyoutofchildrensize4girls,andnearlyoutofchildrensize14-18,boys&girls.Adultsizesmallwouldalso fit some of the larger children. They would love to receiveanyadultcoatsfordistributionaswell. Ifyouoryourchildrenofanysizehaveacoatinyourcloset that you no longer use, let HH&H find a loving home for it! It doesnot have tobenew - gentlywornwouldbegratefullyreceived!Thanks to all of you, our donors who help us with theneedsoflocalfamilies!!!!

November12,20143...but never Compromising the Truth. the Courier News ~ 888-934-1862

Page 4: Courier NEWS Vol 38 Num 46

boughtthehogsandthenhadtodecide where to put them. His loyal employees constructedsheds east of Wendell to holdthousandsofhogs. Leona kept records of births and sales of every pig. Shehelpedwithallthebusinessesbydoingthebookkeepingwithoutacalculator,climbingontothepotatoharvesterseverynighttorecordthesalesanddeliveries,and working in the office. She was the consummate assistant toherhusband,andhecouldn’thavesucceededwithouthersupport.TheywereloyalresidentsofWendellanddonatedland foracityparkeastof town. ItwasnamedMcGinnisParkafteroneof their favoritehigh school teachers.Nealpassedawayin1989. Leona was active in the community and the Chamber of CommercenamedheraDistinguishedCitizen.Sheservedontheschoolboard,helpedorganizetheelectionpollingplaces,held offices in the PTA, served as a Cub Scout Den Mother, taughtSundaySchool,andservedseveraltermsaspresidentofP.E.O.ChapterAZ. Inherspare time,shemadeelabo-ratehookedrugs,cannedhundredsofjarsofgrapejelly,andvolunteeredatthelocalPresbyterianChurch.Shecommis-sionedandhelpeddesignawallofstainedglasswindowsforLiving Waters Presbyterian Church. One of the highlights of herlifewastravelingfor12daysacrossCanadaonatrainwithherdaughterandgranddaughter. Educationwasimportanttoher,andthoughsheneverhadtheopportunitytoattendcollege,sheendowedtheAmbroseFamilyScholarshipattheUniversityofIdahotoassiststu-dentsfromtheMagicValleyarea.Shewasamemberofthefirst Parent’s Club at the University of Idaho and received recognitionfromtheFoundationBoard. Leona owned Farmhouse Restaurant near Wendell when it wasvotedinanationalpollofdriversas“BestRoadFood”intheUnitedStates.Therestaurantwasfeaturedonnationalnews reports and the media referred to Leona as “jolly.” Leona is survived by her three children, Tom (Leanne), Elaine(Ken),andGeorge(Marti),threegrandchildren,andsix great-grandchildren. She enjoyed a close relationshipwith her grandchildren Emily Nielsen (John) and AdamNielsen (Danielle)and theirchildren.Shealso is survivedby her sister Margaret Hawkins (Jesse) and a brother Em-mettMorrison(Yvonne).Shewasprecededindeathbyherhusband,herparents,aninfantdaughter,andasister,Mari-anaMink.Throughtheyears,shemaintainedcontactwithseveralnieces,nephews,in-laws,extendedfamilymembers,

o b i t u a r i e sLeona Ambrose

Leona Ambrose, age 87, died November 1, 2014. Her beau-tiful and resilient spirit leapedfrom earthly restraints to soarwithachoirofjoyfulangelsintothelightandloveofherSavior,JesusChrist. Olive Leona Morrison was bornonMay20,1927inArbela,Missouri.Shewastheoldestoffour children born to Emmett

GaleMorrisonandOliveGraceCurryMorrison.DuringtheGreatDepression,herfatherventuredtoIdaholookingforworkandthensavedenoughmoneytosendforhiswifeandtwo daughters. At age three, Leona traveled on a train with hermotherandbabysistertosouthernIdaho.AnothersisterandbrotherwerelaterborninIdaho. Leona’s childhood focused on hard work as she hand-milked cows before and after school, hitched and drovea team of horses to work long days in the hay fields, and pickedonionstosupplementthefamilyincome.Byage11,her fatherbragged thatshecouldoutworkanymale farm-hand.ThefamilymovedaroundsouthernIdahoasherfatherworkedonfarmsandthensettledinBuhl. Her family moved to Wendell in 1945 and she was a ju-nior at Wendell High School. She met a handsome young mannamedNealAmbroseandthetimidvaledictorianmar-ried the gregarious student body president in 1948. Theyhadthreechildren,Tommy,Elaine,andGeorge.AdaughterCaroldiedatbirth. Leona and Neal created several successful businesses in southernIdaho.NealcapitalizedontheopportunitytohaulfrozenTVdinners,apopularnewproductintheearly1960s,so he rented an 18-wheel truck and drove throughout theNorthwest. Later he owned Montana Express, an interstate truckingcompanywith60trucksandrefrigeratedtrailers.TosupplementtheincomewhileNealwasgonedrivingtrucks,Leona babysat neighbor kids during the day and typed re-ports for Bradshaw’s Honey Plant at night after her children wereasleep.Shealwaystooktimetoreadtoherchildren,and saved pennies to purchase a set of Childcraft Books.Now,thesesamebooksarereadtohergreat-grandchildren. Neal and Leona established Ambrose Farms and intro-ducedsprinklerpipeirrigationtoGoodingCounty,buyingbarrenacresof sagebrushandconverting them into fertilefarmland.Soontheyownedmorethan30,000acresofland,1,000headofcattle,andemployedmorethan200people.Inthelate1960s,NeallearnedthatJRSimplotwassellinghishogs–theanimalsthatgotSimplotstartedinbusiness.Neal

4November12,2014 The Courier News ~ 888-934-1862 Serving with all Gentleness & Compassion...

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o b i t u a r i e sJohnD.Russell

John D Russell of Gooding and formerlyof Council and McCall, Idaho passed awaypeacefullyafterashortillnessathishomesur-roundedbyhisfamilyonSaturday,November8,2014,justeightdaysshortofhis90thbirth-day. John was born November 16, 1924 at theCrawfordRangerStationnearCascade,IdahotoDeWittandGoldie(Parker)Russell.With-inayear thefamilymovedtoCouncil, IdahowhereDebecame the Head Ranger on the Council District of the PayetteNationalForest.John’sbrotherDonandhissisterJeanwereborninCouncil.JohnattendedschoolinCoun-cil,wasastarfootballplayer,playeddrumsina16-piece“Big Band” dance band and graduated from Council High SchoolasSeniorClassPresidentin1942. John enlisted in the Army in 1943. At his induction,the officer in charge asked for volunteers for the newly formedParatroopCorp.Outofthe1,200menthere,onlyJohn raised his hand that day. He was sent to Toccoa, Georgiatojointhefamed517thAirborneRegimentinalightmachinegunplatoonforthe1stBattalion.The517thjoined the fighting in Italy and Sicily. In the early morning ofAugust 1944, John andhis comrades jumpedbehindenemylinesintosouthernFrance.Theywerealsoapartof the fighting at the Battle of the Bulge in the Ardennes. Afterthewar,JohnwasinBoisewhenhesawayoungwomanhehadknowninCouncil,andonSeptember30,1945 he married Betty Rae Jeppson. Shortly after theirmarriage, John joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat-ter-daySaintsandwasinstrumentalintheearlyyearsof

theChurchinMcCall,Idaho.JohnandBettywerelatersealedfortimeandalleternityintheIdahoFallsTemple. JohnandBettyraisedthreechildren,Mark(1950),Amy(1952)andRex(1953)inMc-Call before he went to work for Idaho Hard-wareinTwinFallsin1956.TheRussellfam-ilyspentsummerscampingintheSawtoothandPayetteforestsandwinterssleddingandskiing all around the Mountain West. Johnworked as a sales rep for Idaho Hardware,

Basche-Sage Hardware and Davis Supply. Betty,John’slovelysweetheartof39years,passedawayin1984fromcomplicationsofsurgery.Acoupleofyearslater,JohnmetandmarriedJeanPrinceofGooding,andthusbeganJohn’ssecondgreatloveaffair.JohnandJeanenjoyedmanyyearsof travelling throughout theUnitedStates,hikingandcross-countryskiinginIdaho’sruggedmountains, and in serving other people. Together, theyserved a Genealogy mission for the LDS Church. Jean passedawayin2004fromcancer. JohncontinuedtoresideinGoodinguntilthetimeofhisdeath, tending his “forest” and always helping others. He wassoappreciativeofthemanywonderfulfriendsintheGoodingcommunitythatcametobehissecondfamily. Johnwasprecededindeathbyhisparents,hiswifeBet-ty and his wife Jean. He is survived by his brother Don-aldRussellofRedding,CA,his sister JeanRoyofAu-burn,WA;hischildren,MarkRussellofGooding,Amy(Stan)WardofDietrich,andRexRussellofTwinFalls;10grandchildrenand30great-grandchildren. Visitationforfamilyandfriendswillbeheldfrom4to7p.m, onFriday,November14, 2014, atDemarayFu-neral Service – Gooding Chapel(737 Main St. in Gooding). A fu-neral servicewillbeheldat9a.m.onSaturday,November15,2014atthe Church of Jesus Christ of Lat-ter-daySaints(1228MainSt.)withvisitationatthechurchbeginningat8 a.m.Burialwill followatSunsetMemorialParkinTwinFalls. ThefamilywishestoexpresstheirheartfeltgratitudetoIanKunz,PA-C and Dr. Reid Lofgran, his caregiv-ersatNorthCanyonMedicalCenter,and to Encompass Hospice for their wonderfulsupport.

anddozensofgoodfriends. Leona Ambrose, her infectious smile and resilient spirit, made the world a better place. Her positive attitude and un-wavering faith inGodsustainedher,andhermanyBibleswerewornwithdog-earedpagesandunderlinedpassages. The family would like to thank the gentle staff of Legacy Hospice Care of Meridian and the loving people at Spring CreekManor inBoise.They exceeded their job titles andoffered genuine love and compassion in Leona’s last days. Funeral services were held on November 11th, 2014, atthe Living Waters Presbyterian Church in Wendell, Idaho. Leona was interred at the Wendell Cemetery. Memorial donationscanbemadetotheAmbroseFamilyScholarshipEndowment, Office of Development, University of Idaho, Moscow,ID83843.

November12,20145...but never Compromising the Truth. the Courier News ~ 888-934-1862

Page 6: Courier NEWS Vol 38 Num 46

Tee Hurd

Shoshone Richfield886–2369 (218 N Rail St. W) 487–2722 130 S Main Street

Lunch: $2 (2-9) $5.50 (10-59) $4 over 60 (suggested)Breakfast: 3rd Saturday of the Month (8 to 10)

-----------------------Thursday, Nov 13 (Rich) Soup & Sand & Sweet Pot. PieFriday, Nov 14 (Sho) Chicken Chow MeinMonday, Nov 17 (Rich) Meatballs & Gravy w/PotatoesTuesday, Nov 18 (Sho) COOK’S SURPRISEWed, Nov 19 (Sho) Soup & Sand & Sweet Pot. Pie

Gooding 934-5504 (308 Senior Avenue)Lunch Suggested Donation $3.50

Breakfast: (7:30 to 10) 1st Saturday of the MonthFit & Fall Proof: Every Mon. & Wed. at 11:00 a.m.

------------------Thursday, Nov 13 Orange Chicken w/PotatoesMonday, Nov 17 Spaghetti & MeatballsTuesday, Nov 18 Fish&Pasta Salad w/Cinn RollsWednesday, Nov 19 Enchiladas w/ Veggies & Salad

Fairfield 764-2226 (129 Willow Avenue West)Lunch: 2.50 (2-9) $5 (10-59) $4 over 60 (suggested)

Breakfast: (8 to 10) 2nd Saturday of the MonthCall by 10 a.m. for take out. Also, please let the Center know if you have any special dietary needs such as allergies to food.

--------------------------Friday, Nov 14 Fried Chicken & Mashed PotatoTuesday, Nov 18 Beef Rocks & Weiner WrapsWednesday, Nov 19 French Dips & Fries

The U.S. Dept. of Agriculture prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or family status (not all prohibited bases apply to all programs). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington DC 20250-9410 or call 800-795-3272 (voice) or 202-720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity lender, provider and employer.

Senior Center MenusAll menus are subject to change without notice.

Remember lastweek Imentioned thatweweredoingcornsilageharvestandIwas

surroundedbyverytallcorn?Thesettingwassimilarto one of those movies with the unknown in the field. I think someofthosecorncreatures,asIcalledthem,landedononeofthetrucks. Saturdaylast,IneededtobeinEasternIdahotopickupaload of potatoes that I had sitting since the first week of Octo-ber.Workhaskeptmerealbusy,notallowingmetobefreedup.AsIpreparedtogogetpotatoesseveraleventsputmeinthebehindmode. First,the28foottrailerIneededhadtobeunloaded.Itwasstoring some furniture from the transactionof some friendsmoving. That was small potatoes (sorry for the pun). OncethetrailerwasemptiedIwenttogetthetruckIwasallowedtouse.Everyoneshiftedthingsaroundtogetitavailable(stillharvestingcrops). I cleaned some air filters and then washed the truck at our company’ssecondshop.Uponstartingor trying tostart thetruck,Iranintosomeoftheescapedcorncreatures.Theyhadputastallonthetruckbecauseitwouldn’tstart.Whereitwassitting,thetruckwasnotaccessibletobejumpstarted.Wehadtomovedthetruckbeforewegiveitatry-noluck.Wetriedpullstartingthetruck.Ok,wearenowrunning...notreally. The air governor which allows the truck’s compressor topumpairdecided itwanted tobe in randomworkingorder.Aircontrolsnotonly thebrakes,butgearshiftersandotherfunctionsinthetruck.Iwashookedtothetrailerandloadedattheshopreadytoheadtomyhousetogettheremainderofwhat I wanted. It was nearing dark. The dome light switchdecidedtobeinoperablewiththelightstuckon.Naturallytheboltholdingittogetherbrokeoff.Withalittleworkthelightwasoff.Ofcourse,lookingintothelightwhiletakingitoffisalittleblinding. IgottomyhouseandwasloadingwhatelseIneeded,whenInoticedthetireonthetrailerwasofftherim.Thebeadhold-ingtotherimwasreleased.WhencheckingthetrailerIdidavisual,butfailedtodoaphysicaltirecheck.Didyouevertry to get a truck, or any other tire, repaired on a Saturdaynight?Allmycontactswerenotavailable.MaybeeveryonewaswatchingaBSUgame?Maybethecorncreatureswereworking overtime trying to find some place of safe haven? I wasabletodriveabouteighteenmilestoatruckstopforalatenighttirerepair. My final event was being detained for a while at the Port ofEntryforaninspection.Allwasgood!Ibelievethecorncreaturesfoundsomeplacetohangoutinthedesert,waitinginthesagebrushfortheirnextride. Alldaysarecreatedgood.Somedaysjustbetterthanothers.This is “LEMON DAY Cup of Tee.”

Wendell 536-2730 (105 West Avenue A)Lunch is served every Monday at Noon.

--------------------------Monday, Nov 17: Spagetti w/Meat Sauce & Garlic Bread

Wood River Engine Service 30 + Years Experience 8 to 5 M-F ~ 934-4992 124 4th Avenue East

All Machine Shop Services Competitive Part Prices All Makes & Models ~ Domestic, Foreign, In Frame & Overhaul Kits Commercial

6November12,2014 The Courier News ~ 888-934-1862 Serving with all Gentleness & Compassion...

Page 7: Courier NEWS Vol 38 Num 46

University InnCome Enjoy a Night Off HBO


Nice RoomsHot Breakfast

RoomsStartingat $2900


Dine-In or Take-Out

Pizza & PastaDowntown Fairfield

764-2030– – – – – – – – – – – – –

Winter Hours:Wed,Thur&Sun-4to8p.m.Friday&Saturday-4to9p.m.

ClaireBetty ClaireMargariteBrownBet-ty,98,aresidentofGooding,passedawayThursday,Octo-ber 30, 2014 at Bennett Hills CareCenterinGooding. Claire was born on August23, 1916, in the small com-munity of Bone, Idaho, toBeulahandElvinBrown.Shewas raised and educated inSalmon,Idaho. ShemarriedDelbertRobertBettyonJune29,1935inThomas,Oklahoma.Theyre-turned to Idaho until 1940, when Delbert and Claire filed ahomesteadnorthofShoshone,Idaho.TheylivedthereuntilDelbert’sdeath. Claire was a member of the Home Improvement Club, the Red Cross, and was a 4H Leader. As her health declined, she chose to go to Bennett Hills CareCenterinGooding.Italittlelikegoinghome.Shehadworkedtherewhenshewasanurse’saideyearsago.Shelovedalloftheresidents,someofwhomhadbeenoldacquaintances of hers. Claire is survived by 3 sons, Floyd Hazen Betty, of Chubbuck, Idaho, DelRay Betty, of Jerome, Idaho, andDavid Thomas Betty, of Fairfield, Idaho; 2 daughters, ShirleyNice,andGaydenaKulhanek,bothofGooding,Idaho.Claireisalsosurvivedby113Grandchildren,GreatGrandchildren, Great-Great Grandchildren and Great-Great-GreatGrandchildren. Shewaspreceded indeathbyherhusband,parentsandsiblings. A month or two ago, Claire’s’ health took a turnfortheworse,andonThursdaymorning,October30,2014, she did not awaken. Her long life at last ended, peaceherreward. Wewillallmissher,butneverforgether.Shewasatruepioneerandlovedtheiroldworldwithallherheart,andtaughtherchildrentocherishthebeautyofitandthehopeofitlastingforever. Amemorialservicewillbeheldat2:00p.m.onSatur-day, November 15, 2014 at the Kingdom Hall of Jeho-vah’sWitness(101N.BlissSt.,inWendell).InturnmentwillfollowatElmwoodCemeteryinGooding. ArrangementsareunderthecareanddirectionofDema-rayFuneralService–

o b i t u a r y

For Al l your Insurance Needs

C o m e S e e J u l i e B u r t o n a t 3 0 9 M a i n S t r e e t / G o o d i n gOFFICE HOURS:Mon-Fri: 9 am to 5 pm

After hours by Apointment

(208) 934-8037Fax: (208) 934-8032

Child Find TheCamasCountySchoolDistrict,incooperationwithpar-entsandnon-publicschoolagencies,engages inChildFindservicesthroughouttheyear. ChildFindactivitiesarecon-ducted (1) to create public awareness of Special Educationprograms, (2) toadvise thepublicof the rightsof students,and(3)toalertthecommunityresidentstotheneedforiden-tifyingandservingchildrenwithdisabilitiesfromtheageof3throughthesemesterinwhichtheyturn21. ChildrenwhoareeligibleforChildFindservicesmayhavedifficulty walking, talking, hearing, seeing, or learning, or maydisplaybehaviorsthatappeardifferentfromotherchil-drentheirage.Ifyouknowofachildwhois3through21yearsofagewhomayhaveindividualneedsthatresultfromdisabilitiesordevelopmentaldelays,andwhoisnotenrolledin a school program, please contact Leslie Stevens, Director ofSpecialServices,at764-3108,orthroughtheSchoolOf-fice at 764-2472. If you are part of a community agency or civicgroup,orareaninterestedindividualandwouldlikemoreinformationabouteducatingchildrenwithdisabilities,pleasecalloneoftheabovenumbers.

November12,20147...but never Compromising the Truth. the Courier News ~ 888-934-1862

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Letters to the Editor

Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices

Thank You!As Iwrite thisThankYou thedaybeforeElection Day, I reflect on all of you, my

supportive,encouragingfriends. Whicheverwaythevoteshouldsway,Iamgrateful.Yourkindwordsofencourage-mentandsupportforthiscampaignhavemeantthemosttome.ThesepastfouryearsIhaveproventomyselfastrengththatIdidnotknowwaspossibleofme.Bothpersonallyandprofessionally, therehasbeen a lot todealwith. If I amelectedtoservethenexttermasaCommissioner,Iwilltakethechallenge.Winorlose,mylifewillbebetter.Andasagoodfriendtoldmelastweek,“Janet,justkeeponswim-ming.” WithWarmRegards, Janet Croner

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Fosbury Misses Bid For State House Richard Fosbury, candidate for Idaho State House of Rep-resentativesintheNovember4election,expressedhisap-preciation today for the high voter turnout in District 26,sayingthatvotersshowedupatthepollstovoicetheircon-cernsoverloweducationfundingandthehighpercentageofminimumwagejobsinIdaho.“Iheardtheseconcernsatdoorstepsthroughoutthedistrict.ManyIdahoanssupportanewvisionforIdaho’sschoolsandourstate’sfuture,”saidFosbury. Educationandcreationofbetter jobsare the issues thatmotivatedFosburytorun.Fosburyreceivedhisengineeringdegree on a scholarship. “A quality education is the path to betterwagesandahigherstandardofliving,”saidFosbury.“Idahohasthelargestshareofminimumwagejobsinthenation.Thelegislaturemusttakeahardlookatbudgetpri-oritiesin2015tofundIdahoschools.” Fosbury also wishes to thank the many volunteers andsupporters who assisted him in his campaign. “A legisla-tivecampaigntakesahugegroupofcommittedpeopleandIappreciatethetimeeveryoneputinoverthemanymonthsleadinguptoElectionDay,”saidFosbury.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Thank you all! I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyonewhovotedintheelection.Whetheryouvotedformeislessimportantthanthefactthatyouvoted.Thankyouforthat. Special thanks to the many people who supported mycampaignandthosewhovotedtore-electmetotheIdahoHouse of Representatives. IthasbeenanhonorservingyouandIamgratefulfortheopportunity to return to the Legislature to work with you andforyouindealingwiththeissuesthatarebeforeus. Thankyou,

Steve Miller

Board of the Camas County Commissioners MeetingsA Brief Synopsis of the September 2014 Minutes

A complete set of minutes are on file at the Clerk’s Office

September 2, 2014CAMAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PUBLIC HEARING Themeetingwascalledtoorderat9:15a.m.byChairmanKen-nethBackstrom.AlsopresentwereCommissionerBarbMcMurdo,CommissionerJanetCroner,ProsecutingAttorneyMattPember,andClerkKorriBlodgett. The Board reviewed the agenda. Commissioner Croner made amotiontoapprovetheagendaasposted.SecondedbyCommissionerMcMurdo.Unanimous.CommissionerBackstromopenedthepublichearingtoconsiderand

South Central Public Health District Hosting Your Health

Idaho Sign Up Events TWIN FALLS-South Central Public Health District (SCPHD) is helping individuals compare and choose healthinsuranceplansthatworkforthemandtheirfami-lies by hosting Your Health Idaho (YHI) sign up events at several SCPHD offices in the south central Idaho. During the events, free assistance from YHI certified agents,brokers,andenrollmentcounselorswillbeavail-able.Thesignupeventswilltakeplace:

· At the Twin Falls SCPHD office (1020WashingtonSt.N;ontheCSIcampus) onNovember17from2p.m.to6p.m. · At the Burley SCPHD office (2311ParkeAve.Unit4,Suite4) onDecember4from2p.m.to6p.m. · At the Jerome SCPHD office (951 East Avenue H) onDecember5from2p.m.to6p.m.

Ifyouareamongthemorethan70,000Idahoanswhopurchased a health insurance plan for 2014, YHI is avail-abletohelprenewyourpolicyfor2015.Theopenenroll-mentperiod runs fromNovember15,2014 toFebruary15, 2015. To be covered on January 1, 2015 you mustenrollbyDecember15.

For more information on YHI, visit , for more information on

SCPHD office loca-tions and services,

8November12,2014 The Courier News ~ 888-934-1862 Serving with all Gentleness & Compassion...

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Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices ~ Legal Noticesfix a final budget for the fiscal year 2015. There being no one from thepublicforcommenttheBoardclosedthepublichearingat9:25a.m. Commissioner Backstrom read the proposed budget revenueandexpensesaspostedintheamountof$2,995,281.00,forFiscalYear2015.CommissionerCronermadeamotiontoapproveFiscalYear2015budgetasposted.SecondedbyCommissionerMcMurdo.Unanimous.Arollcallvoteshowedallinfavor. Themeetingadjournedat9:40a.m.

September 8, 2014 ThemeetingwascalledtoOrderat9:05a.m.byChairmanKenBackstrom. Also present were Commissioner Janet Croner, Com-missioner Janet Croner, Prosecuting Attorney Matt Pember, andClerkKorriBlodgett. TheBoardreviewedtheAgenda.CommissionerMcMurdomadeamotiontoapprovetheAgendaaspresented.SecondedbyCommis-sionerCroner.Unanimous. CommissionerBackstrommadeamotiontogointoExecutiveses-sionperIdahoCode67-2345(1)(f) todiscusspending litigationorcontroversies.Arollcallvoteshowedallinfavor.Theboardenteredintoexecutivesession.UponamotiontheBoardcameoutofexecu-tivesessionat9:20a.m. Planning and Zoning Administrator Dwight Butlin and RanchoBuenaVistaSubdivisiondeveloperMikeJessenmetwiththeBoardto discuss a Preliminary Plat extension request. Dwight sees no is-sueswithgrantinganextension.CommissionerMcMurdomadeamotiontogranta5yearextensiontoRanchoBuenaVistaSubdivi-sion.SecondedbyCommissionerCroner.Unanimous. Assessor Lynn McGuire met with the Board to review a Property TaxExemptionApplicationfromtheFoothillsBaptistChurch.Com-missioner Croner made a motion to approve the request for exemp-tiononparcel#RPF0050034013AA.SecondedbyCommissionerMcMurdo.Unanimous. TheBoardreviewedarenewalAgreementforPathologyServiceswith Ada County. The Ada County Coroner provides postmortemexaminations, includingautopsies and inspections and related ser-vicesforourcounty.CommissionerCronermadeamotiontosignthePathologyAgreementwithAdaCountyforFY2014-2015.Sec-ondedbyCommissionerMcMurdo.Unanimous. The Board reviewed a Resolution to approve the Lease/Purchase SupplementandMasterAgreementforIBMPower7ComputerSys-tem&IBMSoftware.CommissionerMcMurdomadeamotion toapprove Resolution # 166 to allow the execution of the Lease Pur-chase Agreement with IBM. Seconded by Commissioner Croner.Unanimous. TreasurerGayleBachtellmetwiththeBoardtoreviewanAmend-ment to the Agreement for Electronic Transaction and Access forE-check transactions. Commissioner McMurdo made a motion toapprovetheE-checkonlinepaymentagreement.SecondedbyCom-missionerCroner.Unanimous. The Board reconvened at 1:00 p.m. and met with Probation Officer GalenColterandSchoolCounselorJanetColtertodiscussfundingforRedRibbonWeek.Itisanopportunitytoteachkidsthehazardsofusingandabusingdrugsandalcohol.CommissionerCronermadeamotiontoapprove$1,300.00dollarstosupportRedRibbonweek.SecondedbyCommissionerMcMurdo.Unanimous. TheBoardreviewedthebillsaspresentedontheclaimslist.Com-missionerCronermadeamotion to approve thebills aspresentedon the list. Seconded by Commissioner McMurdo. Unanimous.


Expenditure Fund Totals:JusticeFund $11,720.92 CurrentExpense $11,715.23Indigent $11,077.97 Road&Bridge $66,780.84DistrictCourt $462.83 Revaluation $0Health $500.00 Landfill $360.00NoxiousWeeds $4,556.74 Elections $0Ambulance $5,959.40 911Communications $2.37State Fund $23,253.96 Legion Memorial $374.03Snowmobile $0 City of Fairfield $1,224.07SchoolDistrict#121 $2,271.29CemeteryDistrict $15.51West Magic Fire Dist. $14.65 Camas Mosquito Dist. $12.50Camas County Library $337.51 Junior College Tuition $0WaterwaysFund $0 RangeImprovement $0Historical Society $0 August Payroll $118,233.94

September 15, 2014 Themeetingwascalled toorder at9:05a.m.byChairmanKenBackstrom.AlsopresentwereCommissionerBarbMcMurdo,Com-missioner Janet Croner, Prosecuting Attorney Matt Pember, andClerkKorriBlodgett. TheBoardreviewedtheAgenda.CommissionerMcMurdomadeamotion toapprove theAgendaasposted.SecondedbyCommis-sionerCroner.Unanimous. South Central District Health Representative Pam Jones met with the Board to share information on a Behavioral Health Board. Mental Health is a huge concern in the state and is something that needs to beaddressedandweneedtomakethepublicmoreawareofavailableresources. They are looking into building partnerships with otherentity’s such as the Dept. of Health and Welfare and/or with other districts.ShealsodiscussedFederalFundingTitle10contractwiththeDept. Noxious Weed Supervisor Terry Lee met with the Board to re-viewtheoptionsforanewvehicleforhisdepartment.CommissionerCronermadeamotiontoapprovethepurchaseofa2015F2504x4Crew Cab, with the XL Trim from Corwin Ford in the amount of $28,123., minus a trade in value for the for the 2005 Ford Dieseltruck.SecondedbyCommissionerMcMurdo.Unanimous. The Board reviewed a Business Associate Agreement betweenWittman Enterprises, LLC and the Camas County Ambulance Ser-vice. The Business agreement is executed to ensure that WittmanEnterprises, LLC will appropriately safeguard protected health information that is maintained or transmitted on behalf of CamasCountyAmbulanceService.CommissionerMcMurdomadeamo-tiontoauthorizetheChairmantosigntheagreement.SecondedbyCommissionerCroner.Unanimous. The Board reviewed outstanding invoices submitted by the am-bulancedepartment.CommissionerCronermadeamotiontoallowusing the clerks’ credit card to settle the EMP ambulance supplyoutstandinginvoices.SecondedbyCommissionerMcMurdo.Unani-mous.TheBoardalsoreviewedaninvoiceforonlineclassesfor10EMT’sintheamountof$675.00. TheBoardreviewedthelevyratesforFiscalYear2015.Commis-sionerMcMurdomadeamotiontoapprovetheleviesasset,baseduponthecalculationsprovidedbytheclerk.SecondedbyCommis-sionerCroner.Unanimous.

November12,20149...but never Compromising the Truth. the Courier News ~ 888-934-1862

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The following application(s) have been filed to appropriate the public watersoftheStateofIdaho:

37-22903 DEANMISAAC DEANNARISAAC 28098 VAUGHT RD BRUNEAU,ID83604 PointofDiversionSWNES17T01SR16ECAMASCounty SourceGROUNDWATERTributary Use:STOCKWATER01/01to12/310.06CFS TotalDiversion:0.06CFS DateFiled:10/15/2014 PlaceOfUse:STOCKWATER T01S R16E S17 NE(ALL) NENW NWNW SENW Applicationproposesappropriating0.06cfsofwaterforstockwaterusefromanexistingwelllocatedapproximately10.5mileseastand0.3 miles south of the U.S. Highway 20 and Soldier Road intersec-tion in Fairfield. Stockwater use will occur on property located ap-proximately10.0-10.9mileseastand0.0-0.5milessouthoftheU.S.Highway 20 and Soldier Road intersection in Fairfield.


SV RANCH LLC, C/O GREGORY VIK, PO BOX 1607, BELLEV-UE, WA 98009; has filed Application No. 79429 for changes to the following water rights within BLAINE, CAMAS County(s): Right No(s).37-22771,37-22790,37-7408;toseeafulldescriptionoftheserights and the proposed transfer, please see rights fromexisting farmsfor irrigationofanewpivotsystemlocated 2.5-3.0 mi. south and 6.0-6.5 mi. west of Fairfield. The ap-plicationproposestotransfer131.3acresfromthreeexistingfarmsat these listed locations:a11.1acreportion(0.22cfs) fromafarmlocated 2.0-3.0 east of Fairfield on the south side of HWY 20; a 2.5 acreportion(0.03cfs)fromafarmlocated19.25-19.5mi.eastand4.7-5.0 mi. south of Fairfield; and a 117.7 acre portion (2.35 cfs) from a farm located 3.8-4.8 mi. south and 3.1-4.6 mi. west of Fairfield. In totalthreeexistingwellswilldivertupto2.6cfsand393.8AFfortheirrigationof131.3acresunderthenewpivot.

Permitswillbesubjecttoallpriorwaterrights.Foradditionalinfor-mationconcerning theproperty location,contactSouthernRegionoffice at (208) 736-3033; or for a full description of the right(s), please visitourwebsiteatwww.idwr.idaho.govandsearchunderNewWa-terRightApplications.Protestsmaybesubmittedbasedonthecri-teriaofIdahoCode§42-203A.Anyprotestagainsttheapprovalofthis application must be filed with the Director, Dept. of Water Re-sources,SouthernRegion,650AddisonAveWSte500,TwinFallsID83301togetherwithaprotestfeeof$25.00foreachapplicationonorbeforeNovember24,2014.Theprotestantmustalsosendacopyoftheprotesttotheapplicant.

GARY SPACKMAN, Directorpublished on November 5th & 12th, 2014

Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices ~ Legal Notices Two Deer Shot and Left Near Hagerman IdahoFish andGame is looking for informationon acaseinwhichsomeoneshotandlefttwodeeronOctober29,onprivatepropertynorthofTupperGrade,betweenBillingslyCreekand1050East.Evidencecollectedatthesceneshowedthe3x4buckandthedoewerekilledaround8am.Peoplewithinformation,leadingtoacitationonthisorothercrimesareeligibleforarewardthroughCitizensAgainstPoaching (CAP)andcallers can remainanony-mous.PeoplecaneithercontactCAPat1-800-632-5999twentyfourhoursaday,orcall theFishandGameRe-gional office at 208-324-4359.

Events at CSIThe 45th annual CSI Ski Swap StudentsinCSI’sBusinessClubwilloverseethesaleofnewandusedwintergearfrom3to10p.m.Friday,Nov.21and10a.m.to10p.m.Saturday,Nov.22intheCSIRecCenter. Anyone who has skis, snowboard, boots, clothing, orotherwintergear tosell isencouragedtobringit to theCSIRecCenterbetweennoonand9p.m.Thursday,Nov.21orfrom9a.m.to2p.m.Friday,Nov.22.Studentswillcheck themerchandise in to the sale at an agreedpriceandthenoverseethesaleallweekend.TheBusinessClubwill earn a 20-percent commission on all equipment that sells. Inaddition to theusedwintergear,vendors includingClaude’sSports,IdahoWaterSports,SunValley,SoldierMountain,andMagicMountainskiresortswillbeattheshow.Therewillbehourlydrawingsfordaypasses,dis-counts,andotherprizes.

Baxter Black ThemandescribedbytheNewYorkTimesasAmeri-ca’smostsuccessfullivingpoet,BaxterBlack,returnstotheCollegeofSouthernIdaho’sFineArtsAuditoriumat7p.m.Saturday,Nov.22. Advance tickets to the performance are $20 and areavailableatthefollowinglocations:AllTwinFalls,Buhl,and Jerome branches of Farmers National Bank; TwinFalls Livestock Commission sale yard; Vickers Western Store in Twin Falls; Silver Lining Herbal Equine in Buhl; and at the CSI Evergreen Building office. For informa-tion, please call Dawn Wendland in the CSI Ag Office at 732-6401. Ticketsatthedoorthenightoftheshowwillbe$25.Theshow is sponsored by the CSI Equine Club. All proceeds from the show will benefit club activities and education.

10November12,2014 The Courier News ~ 888-934-1862 Serving with all Gentleness & Compassion...

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For Sale►Firewood for Sale: $220 a cord.Call764-2357.►Two Recliners (one leather, onecloth)andTwoCoffeetables(onelarge,onesmall).$100takesall.Call539-5292.►Firewood for Sale: Mix-spe-cies, full length logs deliveredby truck, approx 15 cord.Also,rough-sawn lumber, any size.Call208-921-6493.►For Sale: Handmade Fire start-ers for your campfire, or BBQ. $5 for16sticks.Call208-212-5010.

For Rent►For Rent: Office Space in downtown Fairfield. Three spaces available, or storage ar-eas. New clean building at 415Soldier Road. Call 764-2519 or731-0522.►For Sale or Rent: 3 bed, 2 bath newer home. Hookup for washer and dryer, Two car garage. Sale:$84,700.Rent:$650includingwa-terandsewer.Call208309-1560or916920-0545

Services►Looking for scrap metal. Call ThomasDavisat764-2484.►KIEFER SPRINKLER Blow Outs: $25 each per system. 15yearsexpirenceservingtheMag-icValley.WorkGuaranteed.Call208-280-8653.►Health Insurance questions? Agent issues? Paying to much?Serving seniors, individuals,families, and businesses. Health, Dental, Vision, Hearing and sup-plements. Set your appointmentnow. Desiree’ DeGiorgio 208-340-0544 [email protected]►I’m a mobile mechanic with over 20 years experience. I willcome to your location, and thecustomer is responsible for pur-chasingallpartspriortotheworkbeing done. I have reasonableratesandwillconsideralltradesfor labor.Diagnosis is freeoratlow cost depending on your lo-cation.Ifinterested,callouttextRobertat208-481-0893.Thanks.There is a $20 fuel charge foranything outside of Richfield.►Custom wood spliting. $35 per houronweekends.Call358-1103.►Need Yard Work Done? Call Boyd Stevens at 934-5288. Lawn mowing, weed eating, leavesraked.Weeklyrateavailable.► Hollenbeck Construction. New construction & remodels.Specializing in finish excellence with great value. Licenced & Bonded.Call481-0320.►PATCH, MEND, SEW. I Re-placeBrokenZippersofallkinds.Patch Levis, coveralls,etc.Hem Levis, pants, dresses, sheets, etc. Have “NEW” drop in Gooding, must call for information. CallKathy in Hagerman 837-6267.

•Classified Ads•

•Classified Ads•

Employment►Mechanic at Hub City Perfor-manceinWendell.969-9961.►Help Wanted at Jim Dandys Pizza in Fairfield. Call Elaine for moreinformation731-2430.

This Week’s Sudoku Puzzle AnswersPuzzle #1 Puzzle #2

AnyoneinterestedinCayennepeppers-freshordried, Habanero peppers-

fresh,Pepperoncinipeppers-fresh, Lemon Drop peppers



FREE►To Give Away: 5 healthy Ador-ableKittens.4males,1female.All are boxed trained andgoodmousers. Please call 320-1363(fairfield)

Gooding Extension OpeningGoodingCountyhasanopeningfortheExtensionOfficeSecretary.Applicationsandjobdescriptionareavailableat theGoodingCountyClerk’sOffice, 624MainStreet,Gooding, Mon-Thu 7:30-5:30 pm or on our web site Applications with resume willbeaccepteduntil12:00p.m.November17,2014.PositionwillbeginonJanuary5,2015.

Camas County School Districtistakingapplicationsforthepositionoffulltimeinstructionaide.Thisisatempo-rarypositionwhich isdependentonstudentenrollment.IfinterestedpleasecontactWendyStrickler,[email protected], by phone at 208-764-2625,or stop by the Camas County School District office at 610 Soldier Road in Fairfield, Idaho.

Live Christmas Tree SaleTheCamasConservationDistrictissellingpottedChrist-mastreesagainthisyear.Varietiesinclude: BristleconePine–3gal., $24.95 ColoradoBlueSpruce–5gal., $49.95 Hetz Columnar Juniper – 6 gal., $68.95Each comes in a foil-wrappedpotwith a bowand careinstructions. Order early. Supplies are limited. Pick upThursdayDecember4th. Order forms are available at the office outside informa-tion box, by phone request (764-3223), or email request ([email protected]).

Camas Conservation District providing“Conservation the Idaho Way!”

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Tee’s Bumper Sticker of the Week

America is an Auto na-tion which is dominated

by automation.

Place a number in each empty box in such a way that each row across, each column down, and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine. solu-tion on page 15. © Kevin Stone []