coventry adult education service - information for learners · tutor will check the register and...

Coventry Adult Education Service - Information for learners If you have any questions or concerns – please speak to your tutor.

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Page 1: Coventry Adult Education Service - Information for learners · tutor will check the register and toreport to the authorised person on site that everyone has left the building You

Coventry Adult Education Service - Information for learners

If you have any questions or concerns – please speak to your tutor.

Page 2: Coventry Adult Education Service - Information for learners · tutor will check the register and toreport to the authorised person on site that everyone has left the building You

Useful tips for learners

• checkwhatyourstartingpointiswhenyoujointhecourse

• helpyoudecidewhatyouwanttoachievefromthecourse

• giveyouregularfeedbackaboutwhat’sgoingwell,andhowtogetthemostoutofwhatyou’relearning–duringthecourseandattheend.

Your tutor will:

Welcome to your course with Coventry Adult Education Service. Here are some tips to help you with your learning

We suggest that you keep track of how you’re getting on with your course. For example, you could:

• keepafolderorfileofexamplesofyourwork,withyourownnotes

• keepadiaryorlogofwhatyou’velearned,andwhatyouneedtopractisemore

• keepphotos,videosoraudioclipsofwhatyou’vebeendoingonyourcourse

• letyourtutorknowhowwellyou’redoing,andwhatyouneedmorepracticewith–bydiscussingyourprogresswithyourtutor,orthroughnotesoremails

• talktootherlearnersandaskfortheirviewsaboutyourwork

• Getthemostoutofyourcoursebyspendingalittletimeeachweekpractisingorfindingoutmoreaboutwhatyouarelearningathome.Justafewminuteseachday,orasettimeeachweek,willhelpyoutomakeprogressmorequickly.

• Askyourtutorforsourcesofinformationtohelpyoupractiseordevelopyourknowledgeorskillsinbetweenclasses.Theycanpointyoutousefulwebsites,publicationsandothervaluablesourcesofinformation.

• Joinyourlocallibrary,freeofcharge,toborrowbooksoruseacomputertohelpyouwithyourlearning.

If you have any questions or concerns – please speak to your tutor.

Set some time aside at home:

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What we expect from youAs a learner, you are expected to:• makeacommitmenttohelpyourselftolearnandachieve

• cometoyourclassesregularlyandarriveontime

• tellyourtutororcontactuson02476975200ifyoucan’tcometoaclassorifyou’regoingtobelate

• giveusfeedbackaboutyourcourse

• behaveresponsiblyandsafely

• lookafteryourownbelongings(theseareyourresponsibility)andtakecareofequipmentandbuildings

• treatotherlearners,staffandvolunteerswithrespect,whatevertheirbackground

• betolerantoftheideasandopinionsofothersiftheyaredifferentfromyours

• keepyourmobilephoneswitchedoffduringclass

• askyourtutorforpermissionifyouwanttodistributeanypaper-basedorelectronicinformationwithotherlearners

If you have any questions or concerns – please speak to your tutor.

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Safer Learning Your rights

You have the right to a good quality service Thiswillinclude:

• asafeplacetolearn

• adviceandsupportduringyourcourse

• helptoachieveyourgoals

• tutorswithskillsandexperienceinthesubjectyouarelearning

• tutorswhowillfindoutyourownlearningneeds

• prompt,regularfeedbackonyourwork

• adviceaboutwhatyoucandoafteryourcoursehasfinished

• thechancetogiveyourviewsaboutyourcourse

• aprompt,fairresponsetoanycomplaint

You have a right to information about:• coursesandentryrequirements

• qualificationsandaccreditation

• costsandhelpwithcosts

• yourcoursedatesandtimes

• whattodoifyoucan’tattend,ifthereisanincident,orifyouwanttocomplain

If you have any questions or concerns – please speak to your tutor.

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Using the internet safely

• Besurewhoyouaredealingwithonline-peoplemaynotbewhotheysaytheyare!

• Don’topenfilesfrompeopleororganisationsyoudon’tknow.Bewareof‘phishing’scamsthatmightlookliketheyarefromyourbankorotherfinancialorganisations.

• Don’tsharepersonalinformationaboutyourselforothersonline(includinghomeaddress,phonenumber,bankandfinancialdata).

• Don’tsendapictureofsomeoneelsebyemailortextmessagewithouttheirpriorpermission.

• Beawarethatanyphotos,videosorinformationyouputontheinternetcanbeseenbyothers.

• Ifyoufindanyunpleasantorunsuitablematerialormessages,oranythingthatmakes

Tips for staying safe online

If you have any questions or concerns – please speak to your tutor.


• Pleasetreatyourusernameandpasswordlikeyourtoothbrush–don’tshareitortrytouseanyotherperson’susernameandpassword.

• Informationontheinternetmaynotbetrueoraccurate.Becareful-itcouldbeadeliberateattempttomisleadyou.

• CoventryAdultEducationServicehasguidelinesontheacceptableuseofcomputers.ThesearebasedontheCityCouncil’spolicy.Theseareveryimportantforyourownandotherpeople’ssafetyandsecurity.Itisessentialthatyoureadourguidelinesonacceptableuseofcomputersbeforeyouuseacomputeronyourcourse.Youcanaskyourtutorformoreinformation,


• Ifyouthinkyouarebeinggroomedorbulliedonlineordrawnintoanyactivitiesthatmightbeillegal(orifyouthinkthisishappeningtosomeoneyouknow),tellyourtutororamanagerinCoventryAdultEducationServiceimmediately.

• Ifyouareunhappyorconcernedaboutanything,pleasereportittoyourtutororamemberofstaffatthecentrewhereyouattendyourcourse.

• Remember,potentialemployersmaysearchforinformationaboutyouonsocialnetworkingsiteswhiletheyareconsideringtheirrecruitmentdecisions.

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Your safety

• followhealthandsafetyproceduresandactinasafeway

• followinstructionsandusetoolsandequipmentsafely

• tellamemberofstaffaboutanythingyouthinkmaybeunsafe

• reportanyaccident,incidentornearmisstoyourtutororanothermemberofstaff

• talktoamemberofstaffstraightawayifyouthinkyoumightneedhelptoleavethebuildinginanemergency,sothatapersonalemergencyplancanbeagreedatthestartofyourcourse

We ask you to:

Your tutor will explain our health and safety procedures to you in your first lesson

When you hear an alarm:• leavethebuildingwithyourtutorbythe


• donotstaytocollectpersonalitems




If you have any questions or concerns – please speak to your tutor.

First Aid

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Feeling safe

• makesurethatyouaresafeinyourclassandatthecentrewhereyoulearn

• respondtoanyconcernsyouhaveaboutsafety

• recordandfollowupaccidents,incidentsornearmisses

We will:

All staff and volunteers in Coventry Adult Education Service take your safety and welfare very seriously

We ask you to:• actinasafeway

• beawareofthehealthandsafetyofyourselfandothers

• tellamemberofstaffaboutanythingyouthinkmaybeunsafe

• followhealthandsafetyprocedures

• followinstructionsandusetoolsandequipmentsafety

• reportanyaccident,incidentornearmisstoyourtutororanothermemberofstaff

Be safe:Yoursafetyisveryimportant.Youarenotsafeifyouarebeing:

• harmedorabused

• harassed,bulliedorexploited

• groomed

• subjectedtoradicalorextremistviews

• drawnintoextremismorterrorism




If you have any questions or concerns – please speak to your tutor.

Page 8: Coventry Adult Education Service - Information for learners · tutor will check the register and toreport to the authorised person on site that everyone has left the building You

• Democracy

• The rule of law

• Individual liberty

• Mutual respect and tolerance

We believe


Coventry Adult Education Service promotes British values

Page 9: Coventry Adult Education Service - Information for learners · tutor will check the register and toreport to the authorised person on site that everyone has left the building You

• Democracy means “rule by the people”

• Our opinions count

• Everyone has the right to vote

• Laws and important decisions are made by elected representatives


What this means:

Coventry Adult Education Service promotes British values

Page 10: Coventry Adult Education Service - Information for learners · tutor will check the register and toreport to the authorised person on site that everyone has left the building You

• Our laws protect all citizens

• No one is above the law

• We are all innocent until proven guilty

The rule of law

What this means:

Coventry Adult Education Service promotes British values

Page 11: Coventry Adult Education Service - Information for learners · tutor will check the register and toreport to the authorised person on site that everyone has left the building You

• We have the freedom to say what we think

• We are free to make choices, so long as we don’t cause harm

• No one should force you to act against your will

What this means:

Coventry Adult Education Service promotes British values



Page 12: Coventry Adult Education Service - Information for learners · tutor will check the register and toreport to the authorised person on site that everyone has left the building You

• Respect is shown to all cultures and backgrounds

• No one can be discriminated against because of age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief

• We show tolerance for all religions and beliefs

What this means:

Coventry Adult Education Service promotes British values


respect and


Page 13: Coventry Adult Education Service - Information for learners · tutor will check the register and toreport to the authorised person on site that everyone has left the building You

Safer Learning Extra support

Do you need extra help on your course with maths, spelling, reading, writing or taking notes?

If you have a disability, learning difficulty, or hearing or sight impairment, do you need:

• individualhelp?

• differentteachingmaterials?

• learningaids?


Help with costs Discretionary Learner Support fund Therearelimitedfundstohelplearnersonsomecourseswhoarehavingfinancialdifficulties.YoumightbeabletoapplytotheDiscretionaryLearnerSupportfundforhelpwithcoursefees,examinationandaccreditationfees,andtravel.ThemoneyisprovidedbytheEducationandSkillsFundingAgency.Youcangetaleafletonthefundfromyourlocalcentre,oryoucanphone02476975200.

If you have any questions or concerns – please speak to your tutor.

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Safer Learning Childcare

Crèches offer:• highqualitychildcareforchildrenagedsixweeksto


• funforchildreninasafeplace

• friendly,trainedexperiencedstaff

Your child’s attendance at crècheIfalearner’schilddoesnotusetheircrècheplaceforthreeweeksinarow,theymaylosetheplacebecausethereareoftenotherlearnerswaitingforcrècheplacesfortheirchildren.Iftherearenotenoughchildrenusing

If you have any questions or concerns – please speak to your tutor.

We provide crèches for many of our daytime courses





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Safer Learning Skills for life

We provide free*courses and support across Coventry, to help you to:

• speakconfidently

• workwithnumbers

• takeandmakenotes

• fillinformsandwriteletters

• spellandusepunctuationcorrectly

• readconfidently

• presentyourcoursework

• supportyourchildren

• learnaboutlivinginBritain

• getaqualificationinEnglish,mathsorESOL.



For more information speak to your tutor or phone:






If you have any questions or concerns – please speak to your tutor.

We can help you with English, Braille, maths and English for speakers of other languages (ESOL)

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Celebrate diversityWe will provide learning that celebrates our diverse society

Coventry City Council’s Adult Education Service offers a wide range of exciting courses in venues across the city. For more information visit our website at or contact us by telephone on 024 7697 5200.

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Safer Learning Comments and Suggestions

What has worked well for you? How do you think we could improve our service?

If you have comments and suggestions, please:

• tellyourtutororthecourseorganiser

[email protected]

If you are not happy with your course, please:

• tellyourtutororthecourseorganiser

[email protected]

• phoneCoventryAdultEducationServiceon02476975200

If the problem is still not sorted out, you can use Coventry City Council’s comments, compliments and complaints procedure by doing one of the following:

• Phone:02476834333fromamobile,0800269851freefromaBTlandline

• Email:[email protected]


• Visitusat:CustomerServices,BroadgateHouse,Coventry,CV11FS

If you have any questions or concerns – please speak to your tutor.

Let us know what you think! We are keen to hear what you think about your experience as an adult learner

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Safer Learning Privacy and fair processing notices
















If you have any questions or concerns – please speak to your tutor.

How we use your personal information

You have the right to:1.Askforanyinformationthatwehold




5. ComplaintotheInformationCommissioner’sOffice



[email protected].



European Social Fund




Page 19: Coventry Adult Education Service - Information for learners · tutor will check the register and toreport to the authorised person on site that everyone has left the building You

Coventry City Council’s Adult Education Service offers a wide range of exciting courses in venues across the city. For more information visit our website at or contact us by telephone on 024 7697 5200.

Accounting and business

Art and Photography

Childcare Counselling and Personal


Crafts and Textiles

Creative Writing Dance

ESOL English Family Learning First Aid Fitness Floristry History

ICT Languages Maths Music Supporting Teaching