death mire

DEATH MIRE PHASE II SPECIAL MISSION The ollowing is a variant standard Warhammer 40,000 Battle Mission. The Badab War was fought on hundreds of worlds scattered across the Maelstrom Zone and beyond, and in a myriad of environments from the lush plains of agri-worlds to the twisted, labyrinthine cityscapes of the hives of the inner Badab Sector. One of the most infamous and hostile of these warzones was found on Gargathea in the Khymaran Drift. This strategically important world was a hellish sphere of corrosive swamps shrouded under a dense, toxic sky which would kill a human in mere moments. Battles fought here were bitter and brutal struggles for control of a handful of scavenger ruins and hidden bases, and attrition was high. For the Loyalists, the Raptors Chapter proved the masters of this harsh environment, skilfully executing a series of devastating raids deep within the death mire zones, destroying vital supply depots. This would prove pivotal to the control of the planet. FORCES The Loyalists (who are attacking) have 2,500 points o orces available to them chosen as normal or a standard mission. The Secessionists (who are deending) have 2,000 points o orces available to them chosen as normal or a standard mission, and in addition they have deensive assets (see Set-up). OBJECTIVES/VICTORY CONDITIONS Beore the game begins, the Secessionist (deending) player is assigned three objectives representing vital resources and equipment. Two o these objectives should be ‘blanks’ and one o which should be marked on its underside. These are placed by the Secessionist player so that the one that is marked remains hidden rom view. These objectives can be placed anywhere within the Secessionist’s deployment zone (see set-up). The goal o the Loyalist player is to destroy these objectives, which gains them victory points, while the Secessionist side must attempt to assure their survival. Theunmarked objectivesareworth2victory points each Themarkedobjectiveisworth3victorypoints. At the end o the game the side with the greatest number o victory points is victorious. In addition, either side may achieve victory by completely destroying the enemy in the game. Sample Deployment 'Solid Ground'

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Page 1: Death Mire

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The ollowing is a variant standard Warhammer40,000 Battle Mission.

The Badab War was fought on hundreds of worldsscattered across the Maelstrom Zone and beyond,and in a myriad of environments from the lush plainsof agri-worlds to the twisted, labyrinthine cityscapesof the hives of the inner Badab Sector. One of themost infamous and hostile of these warzones wasfound on Gargathea in the Khymaran Drift. Thisstrategically important world was a hellish sphere of corrosive swamps shrouded under a dense, toxicsky which would kill a human in mere moments.Battles fought here were bitter and brutal strugglesfor control of a handful of scavenger ruins andhidden bases, and attrition was high. For theLoyalists, the Raptors Chapter proved the masters of this harsh environment, skilfully executing a series of devastating raids deep within the death mire zones,destroying vital supply depots. This would provepivotal to the control of the planet.

FORCESThe Loyalists (who are attacking) have 2,500 pointso orces available to them chosen as normal or astandard mission.

The Secessionists (who are de ending) have 2,000points o orces available to them chosen as normal

or a standard mission, and in addition they havede ensive assets (see Set-up).

OBJECTIVES/VICTORY CONDITIONSBe ore the game begins, the Secessionist(de ending) player is assigned three objectivesrepresenting vital resources and equipment. Two othese objectives should be ‘blanks’ and one o whichshould be marked on its underside. These are placedby the Secessionist player so that the one that ismarked remains hidden rom view. These objectivescan be placed anywhere within the Secessionist’sdeployment zone (see set-up). The goal o theLoyalist player is to destroy these objectives, whichgains them victory points, while the Secessionist sidemust attempt to assure their survival.

• The unmarked objectives are worth 2 victorypoints each

• The marked objective is worth 3 victory points.

At the end o the game the side with the greatestnumber o victory points is victorious.

In addition, either side may achieve victory bycompletely destroying the enemy in the game.


'Solid Ground'

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DESTROYING OBJECTIVESEach objective should be modelled on a 40mm base,they are classed as being impassable terrain, but donot block line o sight. Each has an armour value o12 and is destroyed by any Glancing or Penetratinghit they su er. However to represent the act that it isdi icult to be certain o their complete destruction atrange, they have a 4+ invulnerable save against alldamage except that in icted by an enemy model inassault.

SET-UP/DEPLOYMENTThe game uses a 6' by 4' table which should haveterrain representing a swamp/wilderness world withareas such as clumps o trees, dense oliage,wrecks, craters (representing sink holes), low hillocksetc, with a total ootprint o roughly a quarter o thetable, dispersed evenly across the table in a mutuallyagreeable ashion.

The table is divided into quarters or deployment, andthe two sides roll o to determine which has thechoice o table quarters. The side which lost the rolltakes the diagonally opposite table quarter to theiropponent as theirs.

The Secessionist player gets three structures (whichshould be represented by buildings, ruins etc, with a

ootprint o not greater than 8" by 8" each,) whichmust be placed by them within their table quarter,

orming a roughly triangular shape, with no structurescloser than 12" apart rom each other. This createsan area o ‘solid ground’ in the space containedwithin the perimeter o the three structures.

The Secessionist player then places their objectivesanywhere within their deployment zone.

The Secessionist player then may deploy their orcesanywhere within their deployment zone but not within6" o the centre o the table.

The Loyalist player then deploys their orcesanywhere within their deployment zone but not within

6" o the centre o the table.

THE FIRST TURNThe Loyalist (attacking player) has the frst turnunless the Secessionist player can steal the initiative.

SPECIAL RULESThe ollowing special rules rom the Warhammer40,000 rule book are used or this mission: Reserves,Night Fighting and Deep Strike. A player's Reservesmay enter via any table edge in their deploymentzone. Deep Strikes are urther modifed by theChoking Skies rule below.

Hell Mire: All terrain including clear terrain outside othe area o solid ground within the Secessionistplayer’s deployment zone is counted as DangerousTerrain or vehicles. In addition all terrain eaturesplaced on the board (which are not impassable)except the three structures and any in the space osolid ground in the Secessionist deployment zoneare also classed as Dangerous to all models.

Choking Skies: The dense, toxic og which shroudsthe planet plays havoc with auspex and sensorsystems. As a result, the distance which any deepstriking unit or barrage attack scatters is doubled, (a‘hit’, however, still lands on target).

ENDING THE GAMEThis game is played or six ull game turns or untilone side has destroyed the other.

Playing as part of the Badab War Campaign: When played as part o the Badab WarCampaign (see Imperial Armour Volume 9), thismission is worth three campaign points to thevictor, and nothing in the case o a loss. Thisresult contributes to Phase II o the Badab Warcampaign.