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DeLaSalle High School The DLS Alumni Association invites Islanders to celebrate a high school reunion every five years. Class reunions offer a fun, social time with high school friends you see often and those you haven’t seen in years … Class reunions are indeed fun and successful thanks to the diligence and efforts given by reunion volunteers. Committee members should be able to devote time to planning meetings, running errands, research, and conversations with caterers and other vendors. Timely, continual, and cordial communication between all involved is essential to a marvelous event. … to reminisce about high school activities, classes, and teachers; to laugh about the antics you enjoyed. … to network with friends on a professional level, possibly opening up new opportunities. … to get trusted referrals ~for example, a doctor, car mechanic, or plumber; to hear recommendations for grad school or trade unions. … to truly connect with others in person rather than in the cyber world. … to share stories about jobs and families, travel and pastimes, to see where classmates landed in life. … to pray together ~in thanksgiving for Lasallian education, in remembrance of those who have died, in petition for future graces, in gratitude for DeLaSalle High School which continues to offer all graduates a welcoming, caring community.

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Post on 09-Feb-2021




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  • DeLaSalle High School

    The DLS Alumni Association invites Islanders to celebrate a high school reunion every five years. Class reunions offer a fun, social time with high school friends you see often and those you haven’t seen in years …

    Class reunions are indeed fun and successful thanks to the diligence and efforts given by reunion volunteers. Committee members should be able to devote time to planning meetings, running errands, research, and conversations with caterers and other vendors. Timely, continual, and cordial communication between all

    involved is essential to a marvelous event.

    … to reminisce about high school activities, classes, and teachers; to laugh about the antics you enjoyed.… to network with friends on a professional level, possibly opening up new opportunities.… to get trusted referrals ~for example, a doctor, car mechanic, or plumber; to hear recommendations for grad school or trade unions.… to truly connect with others in person rather than in the cyber world.… to share stories about jobs and families, travel and pastimes, to see where classmates landed in life.… to pray together ~in thanksgiving for Lasallian education, in remembrance of those who have died, in petition for future graces, in gratitude for DeLaSalle High School which continues to offer all graduates a welcoming, caring community.

  • Anniversary classes are encouraged to participate in community events presented by the DeLaSalle Advancement Team as a lead-in to or as the complete reunion event. Much of the planning will be done for you!

    • DeBest Beerfest, Saturday Evening, May 15, 2021 Meet up with classmates during an outdoor, tented event sampling local brews.

    • Alumni Weekend, August 5 - 9, 2021 This weekend includes the Hall of Fame induction ceremony, the Alumni & Friends Golf Tournament, the All-Class Alumni Mass, and an Alumni Social (dinner for the 50th Anniversary Class)

    • Homecoming Weekend, TBD September / October 2021 An All-Class Alumni Social in the LL Gray Gymnasium before and after the Homecoming football game. Events for Saturday soccer games are under consideration.

    Each class is welcome to celebrate an individual event with activities and at a time and place that are best for the majority of classmates. On the DLS campus, indoor spaces available for reunion gather-ings (subject to the school schedule) are the Main Gymnasium, the LL Gray Gym, the Florance Center, and for gatherings up to 75: the Schulz Lab.

    Reunion committee members would work closely with Advancement Team staff to reserve, plan, and host their event in a DLS school space. A minimal maintenance fee is assigned each event dependent upon the particular space used and the number of guests attending. The school kitchen facilities are not available for use by committee members or reunion event vendors.

    Here are a few considerations for planning conversations if your reunion planning committee chooses to host a celebration at a local venue. • How many classmates will likely be able to attend? (typically, between 30 - 50% of graduates) • What is the best price point for a ticket cost to allow for the best attendance? • What date, time, and type of event will have the greatest appeal to the most classmates?

    With this information, begin designing the reunion event. • Will it be formal or casual dress? • What food and beverages will be served and at what prices: light hors d’oeuvres or heavy appetizers, sit-down meal, a dessert bar? soft drinks, beer and wine, full bar, coffee? Determine what research is necessary to form ideas into event plans.



  • The DLS Advancement Team is eager to “guide and provide” tools, resources, and support for an excellent reunion event experience. The Advancement Team offers: Attendance at the initial planning meeting(s) A class list with mailing addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers Assistance in locating former teachers and staff The printing cost and mailing of a 5” x 7” Save-the-Date postcard The printing cost and mailing of a Reunion Event Invitation, limit two-sheets, one ounce If a more elaborate invitation is chosen, DLS will provide a set of mailing labels Reunion information and promotion via: the DLS Alumni web page and DLS social media; community email blasts; community newsletters Collection of registration payments and the paying of invoices Printing of event nametags Advice assistance throughout the planning process * For the 50th anniversary year, the printing and binding of a Class Memory Book

    The reunion planning is best done by distributing the workload among committee members. While all committee planners should contribute to the design of the reunion celebration (what, when, where, activities), it’s helpful to assign a few specific duties. Here are suggestions for lead committee roles.

    Reunion Chair / Co-Chairs• Primary liaison / communicator with the DLS Advancement Team office • Primary liaison / communicator with external vendors• Sets and manages planning meetings• Holds committee members accountable to the established planning timeline

    Communication Manager• Creates a contact list of committee members, shares this list with DLS Advancement• Coordinates publicizing of reunion news via mailings, email, phone calls, and class social media • Prepares reunion information for broadcasting via DLS media and emails• Coordinates the sending of the reunion invitation

    Each DeLaSalle graduating class graced the school hallways and classrooms with its own unique collection of personalities and talents. Those volunteering on their reunion planning committee are reminded that some committee members may be very experienced in event planning while others are just learning the process. Each volunteer brings a sincere desire to present an awesome reunion. When everyone agrees to listen to the wisdom of others and stays open to suggestions and ideas, committee members will find happiness in the planning process and joy in the event presentation.



  • Alumni WeekendThe DeLaSalle Community celebrates the remarkable milestone of the 50th anniversary of Islander graduation with a festive gathering at DLS on the Saturday of Alumni Weekend. The DLS Advancement Team will work with the class reunion planning committee members coordinating the additional details specific to this event.

    50th Anniversary Memory BooksClass volunteers are needed to distribute questionnaires, collect responses, and develop the book’s pages.


    Class Membership Manager• Coordinates the contacting of classmates to update database information (Excel spreadsheet)• Submits database changes to the DLS Advancement Team

    Treasurer• Prepares a budget of expected event expenses• Guides planning committee to setting a reunion ticket price that will cover expenses• Shares with Class Membership Manager any database updates• Manages invoices and receipts, works with DLS Advancement Team for payment and reimbursements• Post-reunion: prepares event recap of income and expenses

    Day-of-Event Specific Volunteers • Event decorating • Greeting & Welcome Table • Photographer • Event decor clean-up

    There are definitely group activities that engage attendees and those that turn folks away. The best reunions focus on offering opportunities to visit and chat with classmates. For example . . ....Having a dance band or DJ play music for an extended time can strain conversations. It may be better to have background music with a playlist of songs that were popular the year you graduated. ...For some, having an event on a boat is adventurous, for others, it‘s confining. Boat rides limit guests’ ability to come and go as they may need to and may affect how many people attend your reunion.

    Considerations for enjoyable reunions...Have classmates submit three “conversation starter” words that will be printed on their nametagsCreate an area (e.g., a side table) with photos of deceased classmates, add a candle, the BibleInvite classmates to donate door prizes from their business or hobby interestsConsider a service-orientated class projectHost a bowling tournament followed by a social partyPark Pavilions have fairly reasonable rates ~ be sure there are restrooms nearby“Throw-back” Parties ~ invite guests to dress and style hair as worn in your high school yearsAdd simple activities (such as Bean-Bag Challenges), games that don’t take guests out of the room



  • Initial Conversation and Decisions Discuss the type of event you want the reunion to be What dates, times, locations, activities will support the event choice Assign committee roles according to the talents each member brings to the planning process Determine research needed on event details and set a timeline

    Classmates form the Planning Committee

    Suggestion for a Committee Meeting Opening PrayerLoving God,As we gather together, we praise You for this day and Your purpose for it. You assure us that where two or more gather in Your name, You are here. Believing in that promise, we ask You to bless what we have prepared and multiply our efforts as only You can. Bless our discussion and guide us to create an event that will be welcoming to our classmates and increases our Islander community spirit. Amen.

    St. John Baptist de La Salle, Pray for us.Live Jesus in our hearts, Forever!

    Secure the venue reservation (location of event)

    Prepare a realistic budget, determine anticipated expenses: venue rental fees, catering fees, entertainment, decorations, supplies, extrasSet reunion ticket price

    Send “Save the Date” postcards, ask for any information needed for event activitiesMake plans for follow-up with classmates who don’t respond (phone calls, texts, social media pitch)

    Prepare Reunion Invitations Mail invitations 4 weeks before event, set RSVP deadline as 2 weeks before event Invitation responses will come to the DLS Advancement Office

    Keep good communication with vendors, service providers, and the DLS Advancement Team

    • Determine the time the committee members will arrive at the venue• Bring copies of all vendor contracts, Review event flow with vendor host• Lay out nametags and check-in lists, add room decorations, set photo area• Supplies that may be needed: cash box, blank name tags and Sharpies, pens, tape, door prize tickets, cameras, music player

    It’s best to advertise the event as pre-registration only still, be prepared for a few classmates who may attend without replying. Add those names to your list and be sure to collect payment upon admittance.

    Rotate event tasks throughout the reunion so all committee members have the opportunity to enjoy the benefits and fun resulting from great committee planning, preparing, and now attending a fantastic reunion!