doa board meeting, may 01, 2013 agenda packet

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  • 7/30/2019 DOA Board Meeting, May 01, 2013 Agenda Packet



    Government Code 54950 (The Brown Act) requires that a brief description of each item to be transacted or discussed be

    posted at least 72 hours prior to a regular meeting. The Corporation posts agendas with the City at 1 Frank H. Ogawa

    Plaza, #101. Action may not be taken on items not posted on the agenda. Copies of the agenda are available from the

    Downtown Oakland Association at 388 19th Street, Oakland, CA 94612. Meeting facilities are accessible to persons with

    disabilities. If you require special assistance to participate in the meeting, notify our office at 510 238-1122 at least 48

    hours prior to the meeting.D O W N T O W N O A K L A N D A S S O C I A T I O N

    388 19th Street Oakland, California 94612

    Phone 510.238.1122 Fax 510.452.4530 [email protected]

    Downtown Oakland Association Board of Directors Meeting

    Wednesday, May 1, 2013 1:00 P.M.

    5 Star City Center Conference Center - 500 12 th Street Suite 201


    1. Call to order-Michelle Lane, President

    2. Public comment and announcements

    3. Approval of the minutes of the March 6, 2013 meeting Action Item

    4. Financial Report Action Item

    5. Review of Organization Committee Strategic Planning meeting with

    Tomiquia Moss

    6. Selection of public relations contractor Action Item

    a. DISI recommendation

    7. Hardship Reimbursement Requests

    a. Youth Radio Action Item

    b. First Church of Christ, Scientist Action Item

    8. SOBO Updates

    a. Security

    b. Maintenance

    9. DISI Updates

    a. Newsletter

    10. Gallen.Neilly Report

    11. Other

    12. Next Meeting Date: August 7, 2013

  • 7/30/2019 DOA Board Meeting, May 01, 2013 Agenda Packet


    D O W N T O W N O A K L A N D A S S O C I A T I O N

    388 19th Street Oakland, California 94612

    Phone 510.238.1122 Fax 510.452.4530 [email protected]

    Downtown Oakland Association Board of Directors Meeting

    Minutes of Wednesday, March 6, 2013 1:00 p.m.

    City Center 5 Star Conference Center - 500 12th Street

    Present: Michelle Lane, Sara May, Martin Ward, Jesse Nelson, Karissa Obeso-Govan,

    Joe Gallardo, JC Wallace, David Weltin, Keira Williams

    Excused Absence: Michael McGuire

    Staff: Steve Snider/District Manager, Andrew Jones/District Services Coordinator, VictoriaDecker/Office Manager, Fiona Simms/Administrative Assistant

    General Counsel: Elizabeth Clark/FAB

    PR Consultants: Nancy Amaral/Gallen.Neilly & Associates

    Guests: Jason Oringer/United Service Workers West SEIU

    Discussions held and decisions made by the Board of Directors


    Call to order- Michelle Lane,


    Michelle Lane called the meeting to order at 1:04 p.m.

    Public comment and


    Jason Oringer of United Service Workers West SEIU

    joined the meeting to inform the CBD and the

    property owners and managers in the room regarding

    ongoing security contract negotiations. He noted that

    though 2/3 of the employees they represent work in

    San Francisco, many of them live in the East Bay.

    Joe reported that Two Jacks Denim has opened at

    2355 Broadway.

    Karissa noted that City Center is hosting an Irish bandin the plaza for St. Patricks Day as well as a volunteer

    fair on the 27th because April is Volunteer month.

    Michelle brought up the Oakland Running Festival.

    Andrew noted that this is the 3 rd year, and the event

    draws a large crowd to Downtown. Sara noted that

    they are looking for permanent office space. David

    suggested that they contact him.

    No action taken.


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    Approval of the minutes of the

    December 5, 2012 meeting

    The committee reviewed the minutes of the

    December 5, 2012 meeting.

    Sara move and JC

    seconded the

    motion to approve

    the minutes of the

    December 5, 2012

    meeting. Martin and

    Karissa abstained.The motion was


    Financial Report Tori reported that the district received $423,299.90 in

    our December disbursement. This amount is

    approximately $61,000 less than anticipated because

    the City of Oakland has not yet paid their assessment.

    Tori noted that the December disbursement of 2011

    was also less than anticipated, but was enough to

    fund the district through the April disbursement, and

    the shortfall should pose no problem this year.

    The DISI committee year to date actual totals$5,312.46. The SOBO committee year to date actual

    totals $97,414.04. The ORG committee year to date

    actual totals $31,257.63. The total cash remaining

    equals $345,303.46.

    Martin moved and

    Michelle seconded

    the motion to

    approve the

    financial report. The

    motion was



    Review of Organization

    Committee Retreat

    Michelle reported that the members of the

    Organization Committee met to determine and solidify

    a strategic plan outlining long and short term goals.

    Elizabeth Clark was in attendance and reviewed the

    process of formation, expansion and noted that we

    cannot manually bill properties that lie outside our

    boundaries for services. Sara has been tasked with

    creating a bullet point list of specific goals for 2013

    and 2014, with an emphasis on district identity andadministration. Jesse has been tasked with creating an

    outline for identifying long term goals. It was decided

    that a facilitator should be hired to help direct the

    board in creating a comprehensive strategic plan.

    Michelle also mentioned the Land Use committee and

    a discussion that Deborah Boyer had with Fred

    Blackwell. They discussed new staff that will be starting

    with Fred later this month. It was determined that a

    Land Use plan for working with the city should be

    written by the city with help from the CBDs. Sara also

    noted that staff will be producing a list of property

    owners with notes of their experience with eachindividual. That will be brought to the board in the

    hopes that each board member can facilitate

    outreach. Steve noted that staff has experienced a

    lack of clarity from property owners regarding what

    services we provide. Sara noted that Tori presented at

    DISI an example of a brief explanatory card that other

    districts have created.

    JC mentioned that Kelley Kahn from the

    redevelopment agency is starting with the City of

    Oakland as the Economic and Workforce

    Development Director, and could be a very good

    partner for the CBDs.

    No action taken.


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    Michelle announced that Elizabeth is transitioning out

    of her role as pro bono general counsel for the CBDs.

    She will be working closely with staff over the next few

    months to prepare them. Michelle, staff, and the

    board thanked Elizabeth for her work and support over

    the past several years.SOBO Update

    a. Big Belly Trash Compactor


    b. BART Planter Installation

    c. Median Updates

    Andrew reported that there was a mishap with the

    delivery of the Big Belly Solar advertising panels and

    they will be picked up shortly. Several old trash cans

    have been removed and Andrew noted that this is

    due to the good working relationship he has

    developed with the Public Works Agency. We are

    already receiving email alerts and statistical trash

    collection data from the Big Bellys.

    The BART planters have been installed and look good.

    The Ambassadors have reported that they are

    deterring loitering. We have had an issue with the theftof more than 20 plants. So far Trimacs has worked with

    us and replaced the plants at no charge. Several

    options to remedy this were discussed. Sara suggested

    using more mature plants that are more difficult to

    remove. Jesse asked about the watering of these

    plants. Andrew reported that Peralta Service

    Corporation drive the district in a watering truck and

    hand water each plant approximately 3 times per


    Country Garden Nursery has given us a 2 week

    window for the return of the hanging plants. We should

    have them installed by early April.

    The encroachment permit has been revised to include

    the medians and other projects. Staff is working on

    finalizing the contract. If it can be completed today,

    median work can start this weekend.

    Latham Square is now under our purview, but Andrew

    reported that he has postponed the purchase of the

    equipment since he has learned that the city is on a

    fast track to complete their renovation of the area. He

    is working with the city to coordinate his equipment

    purchase with their plans.

    Staff reported that we are hoping to host another

    Spring Unveiling in late April or early May when we

    anticipate all of our beautification projects to be

    completed. These projects include the hanging plants,

    the BART planters, median landscaping, the Big Belly

    Solar trash compactors, the utility box art wraps, and

    Latham Square improvements.

    Andrew noted that Block by Block and Peralta now

    have the same uniforms, are utilizing some new tools,

    and have gotten a good start to the year.

    No action taken.


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    Jesse requested an update on the CCTV program.

    Andrew outlined the program and reported that he is

    still in the courting process with various property

    owners. He hosted a demonstration of the system and

    software which was fairly well attended. He listed the

    various interested parties and the various concerns

    they have expressed about the program. He notedthat he has given each property owner a quote

    specific to their site and has offered to subsidize a

    portion of the installation cost to strategic interested

    parties. There was much discussion of the best way to

    reach out to these property owners and JC noted that

    the board should leverage their connections to

    encourage participation in the program. He asked

    that Andrew send him a brief description of the

    program and its benefits.

    DISI Update

    a. Newsletter

    Steve reported on the activities of the new district 3

    council member Lynette McElhaney.

    There was much discussion regarding First Friday and it

    was noted that the city has committed to funding First

    Friday through June. It was decided that the district

    will not yet take a position, but will continue to provide

    auxiliary services to limit to any negative effects on the


    Staff reported that the DISI committee has sponsored

    the East Bay Bicycle Coalitions event Bike to Work day

    in the amount of $3,000.00. We have also begun work

    with a graphic designer, Carla Radosta, on a graphic

    identity program to create a single, cohesive design

    concept which includes an updated masthead, colorpalette, font palette, and newsletter design.

    Staff also noted that Visit Oakland and the Chamber

    of Commerce have coordinated Oakland As Spirit

    Week to celebrate the opening week of the Athletics.

    No action taken.

    Gallen.Neilly & Associates


    Nancy noted that Galen Neilly worked with the broker

    focus group to create a press release listing all of the

    leases signed in the past 6 to 9 months which was

    exclusively released to Globe Street. She also noted

    that in response to a rising concern from the broker

    focus group, Nancy is working with Ted to utilize online

    crime mapping. Nancy noted that she is working withAndrew to create a media pitch about the

    Ambassador Card program, which Andrew explained.

    No action taken.

    Other Staff noted that Derrick Pickett suggested that the

    districts apply for an award with IDA which they

    present as a part of their annual conference. Nancy

    mentioned that Gallen.Neilly can nominate us for the

    award. JC noted that just a nomination is a good

    opportunity to research and network with foundations

    in New York where the conference will be held this


    Steve also mentioned that Met Life/LISC asked us to

    reapply for the community-police partnership grant

    No action taken.


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    this year. Jesse noted that the LISC office is near the


    Steve mentioned that parties from the Kapor

    Foundation and the Irvine Foundation have expressed

    interest in participating in the districts, possibly on the


    Steve noted that Ali Schwartz from the City of Oakland

    and the Lakeside Green Street Project, which is

    involved with Measure DD and Snow Park

    improvements, is applying for a grant and has asked

    the CBDs to send in a letter of support.

    Next Meeting May 1, 2013

    Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 2:32 p.m.

    Minutes taken by: Fiona Simms, Administrative Assistant


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  • 7/30/2019 DOA Board Meeting, May 01, 2013 Agenda Packet



    November 2008

    The following form shall be used by Downtown Oakland Association CBD

    assessed property owners interested in applying for a Hardship Reimbursement.

    Please fill out the form completely and review the attached policy for

    clarification of eligibility with this program.

    1. Name of Applicant Property Owner Company:

    _First Church of Christ, Scientist, Oakland______________________________________

    2. Name of Owner or Authorized Rep: Board President Angela Hunnicutt, 510-522-3732 or [email protected]

    3. Street Address of Applicant Property Owner:

    ___1701_Franklin Street________________________________________________________

    4. Parcel(s) requested to be reimbursed for Downtown Oakland CBD

    assessments this year:


    5. Amount of Assessment Paid this Year: _____$4,651.30_________________________(Please show proof of CBD payment made to County)

    6. Amount Requested to be reimbursed through the Hardship Policy: (Partial,

    full, etc.)

    $4,186.17 (90%)_____________________________________________

    7. Reason for Request: (Please use one of the rationale identified in policy)

    (3) The Organization/Executive Committee shall make its

    recommendations to the full Board of Directors based upon thefollowing criteria:

    a. Determination that the request for reimbursement relief is based upon

    genuine economic hardship and inability to afford the CBDs annual

    costs; and

    WHEREAS the Downtown Oakland Association seeks to improve the

    downtown area with the special benefits funded from the new CBD,

    however, does not seek to create hardship for disabled, senior or other

    individuals, non-profit/tax-exempt organizations or those property owners

    who currently lack the means to pay into the Downtown Oakland


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    Community Benefit District

    Reason for request for Hardship reimbursement from the Downtown Oakland


    1. The assessment amount is an increase in excess of 850% from 2008 (priorto this Special District).

    2. The current membership is less than 25 and, as a result, monthly netincome versus expenses is negative.

    3. Because the church sits on a corner lot, the linear footage calculation/cost is based on footage on both 17th Street and Franklin. We are a smallmembership working to maintain a large historic building.

    5. The building is used about six hours per week for church services onlyfour hours of which are on weekdays.

    6. In recent years in order to comply with local ordinances, we haveincurred major expenses to have the building retrofitted for earthquakesafety.

    Recommendation for documentation by the DOA Organization Committee:

    Request for Documentation by Organization Committee:

    Last 2 year tax returns: Yes No

    List of properties owned within or outside of Downtown Yes No

    Last 2 years operating statements for each parcel Yes No

    Most current 2 years of bank statements on parcel Yes No

    Organization Committee Recommendation: ________________________________


    Board Action:

    Date of Action:



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    Market Positioning & Media Strategies100 Pringle Ave, Suite 233, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 P: (925) 930-9848 F: (925) 930-9903

    Gallen.Neilly March 13 / April 13 Activity

    To: The Lake Merritt/Uptown & Downtown Oakland District AssociationsFr: Tim Gallen, Andrew Neilly, Nancy Amaral

    Here is our summary report of March/April activity undertaken by Gallen.Neilly on behalf of the Lake Merritt/Uptown & Downtown Oakland Districts.

    Projects COMPLETED

    Press Releases:

    The Oakland Internet Cat Video Festival Benefiting the East Bay SPCA distributed to the media on 3/22/13

    Lake Merritt/Uptown & Downtown Oakland Ambassadors Reward Good Samaritans & Promote Oakland Businesses pitched to the media on 3/19/13

    Leasing Healthy In Oaklands Uptown & Downtown Benefit Districts distributed to the media on 3/11/13

    Media Inquiries/Pitches:

    Gallen.Neilly spoke with Sean Kennedy of Good News Oakland re: recent happenings in the Districts including the leased square footage release.

    Sean says he is interested in doing a story on the amount of leases and new businesses coming into Oakland for Good News Oakland and KGO.Gallen.Neilly to target specific interview opportunities for Sean for a bigger story.

    Received a phone call from ABC 7 reporter Ron Lopez re: the shooting on April 23. Gallen.Neilly consulted with Ted Tarver and then returned thereporters call with information on the Ambassadors serving as witnesses only by reviewing surveillance footage from local merchants. Once the reporterfound out that the Ambassadors do not hold their own investigations, he seemed to lose interest but then we informed him of the other duties of the

    Ambassadors and Districts and the reporter then asked to be added to our newsletter & media lists.

    Coordinated & attended interviews between Louise Couvelaire (LeMonde Magazine), CBD staff, hospitality & maintenance ambassadors and shopowners in Oakland regarding the districts ambassador program on 4/16 toured the districts with CBD staff & Louise.

    o Also coordinated a photo shoot on 4/25 with the LeMonde photographer. Prepped/planned with Ted Tarver, Ambassador Nick & AndrewJones for the photo shoot via phone.

    Lake Merritt/Uptown & Downtown Oakland District Ambassadors celebrate A's Spirit Week w/ Mayor Quan distributed to the media on 4/4/13

    Arranged interviews for Deborah Boyer, Michelle Lane, and Andrew Jones with Julie at BisNow SF regarding recent activity and future activities in theDowntown and Uptown/Lake Merritt District Associations. Coverage resulted (please see below under the Recent Clips section)

    o Snapped photos in and around Oakland of Deborah Boyer, Michelle Lane, Andrew Jones, and Ambassadors in Oakland a day before the

    interviews.o Sent photos, with captions, to Julie for use with her story.

    Received a phone call from Laura McCamy at Oakland Local requesting a brief interview with Steve Snider regarding Pop-up Hood and businessdevelopment improvements within the districts. Arrangements were made 4/15 - monitoring media for coverage.

    Received a phone call from Jim Brown at the Piedmonter/Montclarion (Bay Area News Group Publication) regarding the impact the new theater has hadwithin the districts. Andrew Jones spoke to him 4/10/13 monitoring media for coverage.

    Worked with Issabella on next months First Friday Cat Festival and took a part in placing a front-page cover story in the San Francisco Bay Guardian on4/9/13 with joint team effort with the Great Wall & Issabella (please see below under the Recent Clips section).

    o Sent other recent clips to Issabella regarding the First Friday Cat Festival, per her request.

    Sent exclusive on leasing to Natalie Dolce (GlobeSt)- clip resulted on 3/17 (please see below under the Recent Clips section).

    Coordinated with Mike Mibach of KTVU for Ambassador Card pitch- Mike could not get the pitch approved in his morning planning meeting


    Gallen.Neilly provided a suggested quote to Steve Snider, on behalf of the Districts, for a request re: Jack London Improvement Districts.

    Oakland As Spirit Week Gallen.Neilly suggested possibly having Ambassadors wear As T-Shirts/Hats for that week for media photo opp.o Pitched to Visit Oakland/As on KGO Radioo Tweeted and Facebooked the tie in with the Ambassadors wearing the hats and a contest that Visit Oakland promoted for As Spirit Week.

    Broker focus mtg. held on 3/26/13 next steps include possible roundtable with the media, brokers and their senior research analysts re: stats within thedistricts

    Monitored activity feed for Uptown & Downtown Oakland on a weekly basis - Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn Oakland Groups page)

    CBD Monthly Eblast: Gathered content ideas each month for EBlasts that are distributed to the CBDs lists. (Ongoing)

    Gallen.Neilly attends all DISI and Board mtgs.

    Recent Clips

    Bay Area News Group Publications: Oakland: Internet Cat Video Festival to debut in Uptown district ran on 4/25/13

    Oakland Local: Tribune Tavern opens in Oakland (Community Voices) ran on 4/22/13

    Our Oakland Blog: First Friday Fun ran on 4/14/13

    Rockridge Patch: Thousands of Feline Fanciers to Gather at Oakland Internet Cat Video Festival ran on 4/12/13

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    Market Positioning & Media Strategies100 Pringle Ave, Suite 233, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 P: (925) 930-9848 F: (925) 930-9903

    BisNow (SF): Oakland's A for Activity ran on 4/11/13

    NBC Bay Area: Sculpture Park Rises Up in Downtown Oakland ran on 4/8/13

    Bay Area News Group: New Uptown Art Park highlights latest transformation of Oakland neighborhood ran on 4/7/13

    NREI: String of Leasing Deals Strengthens Oakland Market ran on 4/2/13

    San Francisco Business Times: Webster Street building on the block in Oakland ran on 4/5/13

    GlobeSt: HFF Marketing Sale of Plaza 360 ran on 4/4/13 BANG: 'First Friday' film will highlight Oakland event and crime responses ran on 4/4/13

    Oakland North: Oakland seniors team up with district associations to make it easier to get around ran on 4/3/13

    Upstart Business Journal: Beware of Cats: The Internet Cat Video Festival expands east and west ran on 4/3/13

    KALW: East Bay Express: Underground Dining Goes Online ran on 4/2/13

    The Register: Second International Cat Video Festival coming to Oakland CA ran on 3/30/13

    San Francisco Bay Guardian: Can't stop fashion: Style, as always, at Oakland's First Friday ran on 3/28/13

    Huffington Post: Oakland Internet Cat Video Festival Showcases The Web's Finest Felines (VIDEOS) ran on 3/28/13

    The Bold Italic: Oakland Internet Cat Video Festival ran on 3/28/13

    Oakland North: Kickstarter provides a cash boost and community support to Oakland restaurants ran on 3/27/13

    East Bay Express: Uptown Kitchen and The Sound Room/ Mixing Local Food Artisans and Jazz ran on 3/26/13

    San Francisco Bay Guardian: Internet Cat Video Festival pussyfoots its way to Oakland ran on 3/25/13

    KQED: Oakland to Host Popular Internet Cat Video Festival ran on 3/25/13

    East Bay Express: Can Popuphood Revitalize KONO? ran on 3/20/13

    The Registry: Lake Merritt/Uptown & Downtown Oakland Ambassadors Reward Good Samaritans & Promote Oakland Businesses ran on 3/19/13 SFGate: A doughnut renaissance in Oakland ran on 3/15/13

    San Francisco Business Times: Its the food: Eateries feed Oakland rise ran on 3/15/13

    BANG Publications: Review: Oakland's Duende a stylish gem ran on 3/12/13

    East Bay Express: Kingston 11 to Bring Jerk Chicken, Jamaican Pride to Uptown Oakland ran on 3/12/13

    The Registry: Jones Lang LaSalle Appoints Leader for Healthcare Project and Development Group in Northern California ran on 3/11/13

    GlobeSt: Oakland Leasing Healthy, Becomes Cool Place ran on 3/7/13

    GlobeSt: HFF Closes sale of Whole Foods at Bay Place, Oakland ran on 3/7/13

    NREI: Bond Sells Whole Foods Property in Oakland ran on 3/7/13

    The Registry: Ohio REIT Buys Oakland Whole Foods ran on 3/7/13

    SF Eater: Sons & Daughters' Price Cut; Lungomare Adds Brunch ran on 3/7/13

    East Bay Express: At Duende, Uptown's Newest Hotspot, the Food Is as Grand as the Venue ran on 3/6/13

    Oakland Local: Downtown Oakland Eats - Can we talk tea? ran on 3/4/13

    Projects UNDERWAY

    Press Releases:

    Beautification update re: back of BART planters, big belly t rash compactors etc. (awaiting further details so draft can be compiled for a Spr ing reveal.)

    Media Inquiries/Pitches:

    Gallen.Neilly to tour the Districts with National Real Estate Investor Editor Susan Piperato on 5/1/13 & to discuss story opportunities.

    Good News Oakland/KGO follow-ups to be made to Sean Kennedy re: further initiatives to bring new businesses to Oakland- possible to include/interview.

    Crime Mapping Several brokers like the crime mapping website to be used by brokers, with the media, etc. as needed.

    Reviewing national trade publication editorial calendars for opportunities to contribute positive-positioning Oakland articles or arrange interviews forscheduled features in Spring issues

    o Oakland Magazine: (July/August Issue) Best of Oakland & the East Bay Deadline May 31 (this is a nomination process, forms will be

    available online soon.)o Diablo Magazine: (July Issue) Diablo Profiles Spotlight: Best of the East Bay Deadline May 15


    International Downtown Association Awards Nomination Forms- Gallen.Neilly reached out to the IDA and will help coordinate the districts entry for theirannual awards. Sent out additional information as of 4/15. Deadline for submission is June 14.

    o IDA Feature opportunity for Oakland Gallen.Neilly has coordinated with the IDA to have the districts featured as their Downtown of theMonth. Kevin (Communications & Information Services Manager for IDA) will be in touch with us in May to discuss materials needed.

    Oakland Restaurant Survey, suggested to the districts for stats, in progress

    Winter 2013 Newsletter Contents Drafted for review & placement into template with Tori & Fiona

    District Tweet-of-the-Week-- plan in progress to strengthen social media platform on a schedule
