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Getting Software Engineering out of Isolation(Invited Paper)

Peter Gorm Larsen and Joey W. ColemanAarhus University

Department of EngineeringFinlandsgade 22, DK-8200 Aarhus N, Denmark

e-mail: {pgl,jwc}

John FitzgeraldNewcastle University

School of Computing ScienceNewcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, UK

e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract—We argue that the main challenges to be overcome indeveloping future generations of IT-enabled products and serviceslie not so much in the software engineering discipline itself as inthe collaborative relationships that software engineers have withother disciplines. We briefly review the need for more emphasison multi-disciplinary approaches and consider three classes ofdemanding system: embedded products, systems-of-systems andcyber-physical systems. In each of these areas, we argue thatthere is a need for engineering with formal semantic bases thatenable joint modelling, analysis and simulation of groups ofheterogeneous models.

Index Terms—Formal methods, multi-disciplinarity, modelling,simulation, systems-of-systems, cyber-physical systems, embed-ded systems


The discipline of “software engineering”, the origins ofwhich are traceable to the NATO conferences of the late 1960s,emerged from a perceived need for a well-founded disciplineunderpinning a technical response to a software crisis [1],[2]. Unfortunately, the success rate of software developmentprojects is still far from ideal [3], [4]. We would speculatethat the rise of software engineering as a separate disciplinehas brought a real risk that software developers are distancedfrom the other engineering disciplines involved in productdevelopment. It almost seems a truism to say that softwareengineers need to understand well the system in which theirproduct will operate, but the separation of engineering teamsand phases in development still militates against this. Thegrowth in embedded systems, and in networked integrations ofsoftware-rich systems, makes it imperative for software engi-neers to find ways of developing systems collaboratively withdisciplines that may use quite radically different modelling andanalysis techniques. This implies global system models thatencompass cyber and physical elements, enabling the analysisand trade-off of decisions across the boundaries between thesedomains.

The mono-disciplinary nature of most engineering edu-cations contributes to the challenge here. Graduates trainedas experts in one single discipline may have difficulties inunderstanding stakeholders from different disciplines and thechallenges that they face. As a result, solutions that are glob-ally optimal from a system-wide perspective are not reachedbecause modelling and analysis work tends to focus on mono-disciplinary optimisation. There is a need in our education

system to ensure that students get at least a feel for thesignificant design parameters from other disciplines.

One example of such an opportunity for collaborativeengineering is between control and software engineering.Modelling embedded systems that are intended to affect thephysical world is a significant challenge [5]. Models of thephysical world often involve differential equations that de-scribe how the world changes over time; these models arebased on continuous mathematical domains. Models of digitalcontrollers –often software-based– usually do not referencetime at all and instead treat the model of the controller interms of discrete events that trigger specific reactions from thecontroller; these models are based on discrete mathematicaldomains [6]. In order to be able to appropriately balanceconcerns from control engineering with software engineeringand taking potential faults into account a common model thatcan be analysed is needed [7]. The challenge can be furtherextended when different systems can provide added benefitsfor its users by interaction with other systems. There is a newemerging discipline for the proper engineering of such Systemof Systems (SoSs). Here the challenges cannot be solved usingsoftware engineering or system engineering principles alone.The scaling here gives new research challenges that clearlycan get inspiration from existing engineering disciplines but amultidisciplinary approach is necessary again.

In this paper we look at the need for multidisciplinarityin engineering education in Section II. In Section III, wefocus on how software engineering aspects might be combinedwith consideration of the physical world surrounding software.Section IV discuss scaling software development up to thelevel of “Systems-of-Systems”. Section V takes this furtheron to cyber-physical systems that have aspects of both em-bedded systems and systems-of-systems. Section VII providesconcluding remarks and identifies future research directionsaiming at getting software engineering out of isolation.


Most university studies are highly specialized within a sin-gle discipline –to the point of being strictly mono-disciplinaryat some universities– in order to impart a sufficient depth ofskill to the students. This approach is true of most Europeanuniversities and many North American institutions as well.

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As a contrast, there are universities, mostly in North Amer-ica though some are in Europe, that follow the liberal artstradition. These institutions require that students take coursesfrom outside of their chosen discipline. This applies mostlyto programs offered at the Bachelour’s level, as Master’s leveldegrees remain specialized even at liberal arts institutions.

At all levels of education, however, it is important thatthe students have some significant exposure to challenges andterminology from other disciplines [8]. Without this exposurethere is a substantial risk that students starting their careers willface challenges in understanding and collaborating with peersand stakeholders from different disciplinary backgrounds. Thequestion is how to best prevent this situation from happening,and how to provide the appropriate tools for students to over-come this situation when it does occur. Practical experiencesuggests the direction of a broader answer to this question.

A summer school with the aim of providing students with amulti-disciplinary angle to their studies has run since 2008 inDenmark, in collaboration with Bang & Olufsen [9]. The sum-mer school is entitled “Conceptual Design and Developmentof Innovative products”. Students with different disciplinaryand cultural backgrounds are combined in mixed groups. Eachgroup then receives assignments that require them to use theircombined skills to solve it appropriately. This requirementfor collaboration is rooted in problem-based learning princi-ples [10]. The results of delivering this summer school serieshas been so successful that the idea is being exported andexpanded with a similar summer school in China in 2012.

A similar multidisciplinary summer school for PhD studentswas delivered for the first time in Portugal in 2012, titled “In-novation and Creativity for Complex Engineering Systems”.Here the focus was more on producing multidisciplinaryresearch plans. This summer school is also project-based butmore teacher-led lecturing was included to give the students abetter understanding of specific topics, such as how to writemultidisciplinary research plans.

The challenge is to get such stand-alone events incorporatedinto the standard curriculum used in (engineering) educationssuch that all students get exposed to this kind of experienceduring their studies. We believe that a first start of this isto ensure that all (engineering) students get a joint courseon system engineering [11]. However, we believe that col-laboration across disciplines and respect for the challenges inother disciplines will only fully be achieved if the students tryto solve multi-disciplinary assignments in multi-disciplinarygroups.

In the spirit of the liberal arts traditions seen in Bachelor’seducation, we would ultimately like a similar “technical arts”tradition for specialist Master’s degrees. This is most importantfor those programs whose topic inevitably leads to cross-disciplinary collaboration. This proposal is not to introducea “general science year” into the curricula, but rather toensure that the graduates of specialist Master’s programs havesignificant exposure to the terminology and challenges of otherscientific disciplines.

The incorporation of a stand-alone multidisciplinary project

course –tacking problems that require input and skills frommany disciplines– into the regular curriculum is a first steptowards a technical arts tradition. The main challenges forimplementing these courses are mainly of practical adminis-tration since such courses typically need to be coordinatedbetween different disciplinary studies and across differentdepartments. However, if it was successfully implemented thestudents would get out of isolation of their own discipline andas a consequence be much better at solving more complicatedchallenges at the general system level when they would entertheir professional careers.


An embedded system is a computer system designed forspecific control functions within a larger system, often withreal-time computing constraints [12]. It is embedded as partof a complete device often including hardware and mechanicalparts and typically with less interface towards human users.By contrast, a general-purpose computer, such as a PersonalComputer (PC), is designed to be flexible and to meet a widerange of end-user needs. Embedded systems control manydevices in common use today.

The DESTECS project1 has taken a first step in the di-rection of crossing between different disciplines necessary inthe embedded control domain [13]. This project addressescollaborative, multidisciplinary design of embedded systemsusing methodology and tools that promote rapid constructionand evaluation of well-founded system models.

One of the main impediments to the design of embeddedreal-time control solutions is the separation of engineeringdisciplines. While control engineering typically uses toolsoperating on Continuous-Time (CT) models, software engi-neering is founded on Discrete-Event (DE) models. In orderto evaluate alternative designs and support early defect analysisor correction, it is essential that engineers collaborate acrossdisciplines in short windows of opportunity [14], [15]. Model-based approaches provide a way of encouraging collaboration,but engineers need to jointly perform design evaluation andanalysis using models expressed in different tools. These toolsshould reflect the relevant aspects of the design in a naturalway, but also allow consistent, rapid analysis and comparisonof models. Achieving this requires advances in CT modelling;formal DE modelling of controllers and architectures; faultmodelling and fault tolerance; and open tools frameworks.These various advances are the aim of the DESTECS project.

An Example: Train Carriage Braking

It is simply impossible to develop a useful controller withoutclose interaction between the disciplines of control engi-neering, software engineering, mechanical engineering andelectrical engineering. Each of these will have their own estab-lished modelling techniques and formalisms. As an example,consider the development of software for controlling the speedof railway carriages by applying the brakes. Associated with

1“Design Support and Tooling for Embedded Control Software”

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each carriage, control software takes account of environmentalconditions (e.g. current speed, temperature, friction etc.) andfixed design parameters (e.g. number and position of wheels,mass of the carriage etc.) in order to determine how best toapply the brakes on command from the driver or safety unit. Itonly makes sense to talk about the behaviour of this softwarein the context of the product of which it is a part – the railwaycarriage as a whole.

Imagine one scenario for the development of the brakingsystem. Well-established control laws for this type of brak-ing system are developed using tools based on continuoustime models (perhaps using numerical solutions to differentialequations as a simulation). These laws are passed to softwaredevelopers who discover that the laws cannot be directlyimplemented on the processors available because certain cal-culations necessary for processing the data from the sensorscannot be completed quickly enough within the processorschedule. By this stage in the development process it may betoo late to modify the carriage design, or use alternative andbetter sensors. The CPUs for the controller software will oftenhave been fixed and even purchased some time previously,so they cannot be replaced with faster processors. The onlyremaining option may be to modify the schedule running onthe processor, so that some other functionality affecting lesscritical functions, like the smoothness of the ride, for example,have to be rescheduled, compromising performance and thequality of the product. In practice, there can often be a slowiterative process in which control laws are re-engineered andre-implemented several times before a compromise is reached,reducing time to market.

Fig. 1. A 20-sim model of a train carriage braking built from bond graphsand iconic diagrams.

If the developers could model the control laws collabora-tively and at the same time as the software, some of these diffi-culties might be reduced. For example, an alternative choice ofsensor might be made, replacing the original design with onethat does pre-processing of the data, and this could be checkedout and evaluated at the modelling stage. In DESTECS, webuild such collaborative models (co-models) which representthe semantic integration of the software design, based on DEcomputation models in VDM, with the CT models of the plantand control laws in a bond graph formalism supported by the

20-sim environment (see Figure 1). For our example, such aco-model would contain:

• A CT model encompassing the wheels of the carriage,their friction and force linkages to the track, and thebraking mechanism itself.

• A DE model of the control software, including the maincontrol loop. This may also include the supervisorycontrol software which manages system functionality alevel above the loop control, including the switching ofmodes, error detection and recovery. In our experience,supervisory control accounts for 80% of the softwarecontent of an embedded product, and can be a greatersource of potential defects than the loop controller itself.The DE model can readily be expressed in VDM with itsreal-time extensions. In our example, supervisory controlmight be responsible for switching alternative controllaws into force if the temperature of the brakes exceedsa certain value, or invoke emergency braking modes ifsignalled to do so from the train driver’s cab.

• An interface (in DESTECS this is termed the contract)between the two models defining the shared designparameters that both sides need to know, the sharedvariables that are monitored or controlled and any eventsof interest. Events are logical predicates that may causethe simulation of the CT-side model of the plant to beinterrupted in order so that a response can be generatedby the controller (for example if a sensed value crossesa threshold).

The question of where to place the models of sensors and actu-ators is interesting. In many cases it is appropriate to describethem “CT-side”, but digital control might sometimes suggestplacing them DE-side. The co-model as a whole presents aninterface to a co-simulation engine that allows the CT and DEmodels to be executed together. The co-simulation engine im-plements a reconciled operational semantics of the two models,managing the synchronisation of time and state between them.The co-simulation can proceed under the control of a scriptthat implements a particular scenario in terms of the actions ofthe environment (for example in raising a braking signal), andthe invocation of fault models that may be built in to the DE orCT models. The exploration of the space of design alternativesis enabled by such co-simulation. Multiple scenario-based testscan be used to assess the performance of either alternativeplant or controller designs. In our example, this could includean assessment of alternative numbers and configurations ofsensors (modelled CT side) with a appropriate changes ofcontrol loop (DE-side). Being able to perform design spaceexploration at an early stage is the essence of successfulsystem design, and the example emphasises the extent towhich this is a multi-disciplinary activity enabled by softwareengineers work in collaboration with others, and certainly notalone. The challenges that remain in such cross-disciplinaryassignments are much more complex and important to tacklethan those that remains inside software engineering itself.

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Modern network technologies are enabling the integrationof pre-existing computing systems into “Systems-of-Systems”(SoS) that together deliver a service that the constituent sys-tems could not offer alone [16]. Examples include emergencyresponse systems formed from the coalition of informationsystems of the response services such the ambulance, hospitaland fire services. The public who expect responsive emergencyservices may demand confidence that the SoS will deliversafe, rapid and secure transfer of patient data between thesesystems. Examples on another scale might include the audio-video ecosystem in a home in which digital content is streamedfrom multiple sources to multiple users via a range of systemsprovided by different manufacturers. The customer experienc-ing the SoS expects to have a consistent experience (such asa common playlist) as they move through the ecosystem fromdevice to device. The manufacturers of the devices also need todemonstrate that they will respect the digital rights agreementsin force for the content as it is played through their devices,even though they may be delivered through another system inthe SoS.

While embedded systems are often characterised by closedloop control, SoS are more general, are distributed, andtypically have more human interaction. The distinguishingcharacteristics of SoSs are:

• Operational independence: A SoS is formed by het-erogeneous constituent systems, many of which may nothave been originally designed for participation in the SoS.They may be described using a wide range of methodsand require modification, for example, through wrappingor linking interfaces, in order to achieve integration

• Managerial independence: The constituent systems maybe managed independently and so can change function-ality or character during the life of the SoS in ways thatare not foreseen when they are originally composed.

• Distribution: Constituent systems may be distributedand decoupled, and yet a communications infrastructureshould support the protocols necessary to facilitate coor-dination between them.

• Evolutionary development: The independence of con-stituent systems means that the SoS changes over time torespond to changing goals or component characteristics.

• Emergence: SoSs exhibit behaviour that their compo-nents do not exhibit on their own.

In a rather conventional view of software engineering,software systems are constructed in a highly directed wayby teams who are usually within the same organisation, andwho (at least on paper) have a shared understanding of thegoals of the system being developed. The components canbe designed to use carefully defined interfaces that violatetheir independence by revealing data and services in order tomanage their collaboration. The operational and managerialindependence characteristics mean this is not the case. Onecategory of SoS (“directed” SoS [17]) does allow for a masterthat has the power to get owners of other constituent systems

to adapt to their wishes, but SoS that adhere to this structureare comparatively rare. In general, the characteristics listedabove pose major challenges to conventional “closed” softwareengineering methods if we wish to develop SoS that are de-pendable. Independence means that developers can have onlylimited knowledge of, and confidence in the likely behaviourof constituent systems. Distribution (in some cases also mo-bility) can compound the difficulty of gaining confidencein concurrent behaviours. The need to manage evolutionarydevelopment means that some ability to cope with change mustbe built-in. Above all the reliance on emergence means that theverification of global SoS-level behaviour must follow fromthe composition of the behaviours of individual constituents.As our emergency response and audio-video examples show,in practical terms, SoS Engineering is challenged by the largenumber and range of stakeholders (the owners and operators ofthe constituent systems as well as the users who experience theSoS as a whole). Here again, software cannot be developed inisolation and thus software engineers need to be able to thinkin a SoS setting where they cannot control all parts.

The COMPASS2 project that aims to develop systematicengineering principles that are applicable to SoS design,including the scaling-up of modelling and validation tech-niques from a formal methods to address the SoS challenges.COMPASS is defining the first formally based modellinglanguage specially designed to target the SoS area [18]. Thechallenge of constituent system independence is addressed byrecording contracts that express our limited knowledge aboutconstituents, constraining, but not completely prescribing, theirrange of behaviours. Global SoS-level properties are verified asthe composition of the properties guaranteed in the constituentsystem contracts.

Example: Interoperable Train Carriage Systems

An important objective of development work in the railsector is to increase the interoperability of railway equipmentsuch as carriages from different suppliers, so that it becomespossible to mix them in the same “set” or train, for exampleby coupling trains from different railway systems at nationalborders, to form larger trains.

A train made up from a heterogeneous collection of com-ponent carriages is a form of a SoS, and Figure 2 gives apartial representation of this. The constituent systems are theinformation and computing systems in each carriage. Theseconstituents were not necessarily designed with the intentionof being in a mixed set, and they will generally be runningsoftware that is managed and upgraded by suppliers whoare independent of each other. They are networked in thetrain and geographically distributed, and the software in eachmanufacturer’s carriage can change with time. In spite ofall this, we expect them to deliver a consistent emergentexperience to the passengers on board. The developers oftrain systems are unlikely to subjugate their own corporate

2This is an acronym for “Comprehensive Modelling for Advanced Systemsof Systems”.

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goals to those of the SoS, so this is not a “directed” SoS. Wewould not risk simply plugging carriages together, so somelevel of explicit cooperation is needed, even at the level ofensuring data transfer, so this is not a “virtual” SoS either [16].Rather, depending on the degree of explicit cooperation, it isan “acknowledged” or a “collaborative” SoS.

Control bus


Carriage 1

Carriage 2Doors


Fig. 2. Diagram of a system of train carriages.

A model of this SoS contains contractual descriptionsfor each of the services offered at the boundaries of eachcarriage and other constituent systems. Such contracts involveassumptions and guarantees. For example, the contract on adoor locking service of a constituent system might record aguarantee to lock the doors within 3 seconds of receivinga specified signal; the assumption might be that the signalcomes with a valid carriage identifier. Contracts also record theconstraints on interaction behaviours, recording for examplethat a “Lock the doors” command is acknowledged once thedoors have been locked, or a special response denoting failureif the locks did not work. Furthermore, the door lockingservices of all carriages must communicate with the controlbus on each carriage, and each carriage’s control bus mustcooperate with the busses on connected carriages and with thecontrol system in the engine.

In COMPASS, we work on formalisms for contracts thatsupport the description of both functional and interactionbehaviours. Verifying a global property, such as the fact thatall of the train’s doors will be locked, or failure acknowledgedwithin a specified time, should follow from the contracts of-fered by the constituents. For such a SoS we require not merelythat data should be syntactically compatible between units, butthat there should be a semantic mapping, so that “Lock thedoors!” is interpreted in similar ways in all carriages of thetrain. In SoS engineering, as in embedded systems, softwareengineers have to deal with heterogeneity of systems andmodels, and cannot confine their analysis to mono-disciplinary

approaches. This again provides a need to think outside theisolated software engineering discipline.


Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are integrations of multiplecomputing and physical processes, with the potential to designand adapt both computing and physical elements to improveefficiency and resilience of the system as a whole [19], [20].This encompasses the conventional control systems whichtypically are represented in a static setup. However CPS canalso be seen in increasingly dynamic settings. Examples ofmobile cyber-physical systems include applications to trackand analyse Carbon Dioxide emissions [21], detect trafficaccidents and provide situational awareness services to firstresponders [22], measure traffic [23], and monitor cardiacpatients [24].

The engineering challenges associated with developingdependable CPS combine those of embedded systems andsystems-of-systems. The ultimate goal here is to be ableto analyse trade-offs of design alternatives that cross theboundaries between cyber and physical elements, as with em-bedded systems, but also between multiple cyber and multiplephysical elements. As with SoS, the integrator has only limitedknowledge and confidence about the constituent computingand physical elements, so these can only be modelled incontractual terms. In a CPS setting, we need to considera range of interfaces between physical and cyber elements,including force or other physical phenomena, and not merelydata. Indeed, the field of rigorous engineering methods fordependable CPS is still in its infancy [25].

Example: Controlling the Train!In our multi-carriage train example, the SoS formed by

distributed control of the diverse carriage braking systemsforms a CPS. Developers requiring to verify that brakingcommands will result in the train speed reducing within aspecified distance or time need to consider the multiple cybercontrol elements in the constituent carriages, and their differentcapabilities, as well as the effects of braking on the trainphysics. In this latter aspect, the physical elements have aninfluence on one another through the braking force of thetrain. Aside from verifying safety-related properties, having aCPS multi-model based on a number of networked co-models,allows us to analyse properties such as energy consumptionin different operating scenarios. The kinds of design trade-off that might be considered are variations in the brakingcommand parameters sent to different carriages to take accountof their physical differences as well as the differences in theircontrol characteristics. Aside from the multiple co-modellinginvolved, there is a significant amount of research to be done invisualisation of scenario outcomes, and the associated supportfor design space exploration, in such a complex system.


The ideas presented here build for example on advancesin embedded systems design and fault modelling. In the em-bedded sector, BODERC [26] developed a method to predict

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performance of real-time control systems, albeit with little toolsupport for trade-off studies or co-simulation. Modelica [27] isan object-oriented, equation-based multi-domain language forsimulating controlled physical systems, and provides sourcelibraries of physical components similar to the approach takenin the DESTECS project. Approaches to co-simulation ofdiscrete-event and continuous-time models have been definedby Nicolescu et al. [28]. Ptolemy II [29] offers both discrete-event and continuous-time simulation within a single tool,though lacking the object-orientation offered by VDM andthe component libraries offered by 20-sim. Work on timesynchronisation between DE and CT models is described inhybrid systems literature, for instance, Cassandras et al. [30].The DESTECS approach is distinctive in including a rich butabstract DE-side modelling language, and in managing co-simulation of heterogeneous models in their “native” tools.

Collaborative modelling is essential in both SoS and CPSengineering. Several approaches to collaborative modelling aredescribed by Renger et al. [31]: problem structuring methodsfocus on the decision-making process including simulationfor scenario exploration; group model building takes extendsthe conceptual model to simulation models to explore differ-ent options; enterprise analysis focuses on models that arebuilt collaboratively. Our work is focussed on collaborativeconstruction of models that are then used to explore designoptions.


Software engineering is a maturing discipline with soundscientific foundations, a range of methodologies, increasinglyrobust tools, and a wealth of experience. However, in thispaper, we have argued that the complex products, solutionsand services developed in the future, and the levels of depend-ability that they demand, require a more multidisciplinary andcollaborative approach. This has consequences for softwareengineering technology, for formal methods themselves, andfor training and education, all of which need to cross anincreasingly broad range of disciplines and modelling types.

Our experience in the DESTECS and COMPASS projectshas been a first small step in this direction. There remainopportunities for significant advances in modelling technol-ogy, including the areas of semantics, tool support, designspace exploration, methodology and model management. Theneed to package relevant research results as industry-readymethods and (open) tools is paramount. We hope that theideas presented in this paper will cause more researchers tocarry out their research in software engineering in a largercontext in order to have a more significant impact on theactual development of software-based systems in industry.Hopefully there will be fruitful collaborations for this kindof multidisciplinary research.


Both the DESTECS and the COMPASS projects have beensupported by the European Commission under the 7th Frame-work programme. We would like to thank our collaborators

from the DESTECS and COMPASS projects for their workto make the joint visions become reality. Finally we wouldlike to thank Nick Battle, Carl Gamble and Claus BallegaardNielsen for providing valuable input on drafts of this paper.


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