election letter 2011

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  • 8/6/2019 Election Letter 2011


    To our Local #322 Brothers & Sisters:

    Written & Sent by Rank-and-File Nominees for Spring 2011 Election of NCSRCC Local #322

    phone: John Swanson:651.455.0690. & Pete Weber:651.303.1060. | email: John:[email protected] & Pete:[email protected] | http://unitedtogether322.blogspot.com/

    This is an open letter to the membership concerning the upcoming nominations and elections of Local#322. This letter was sent to you by ordinary, rank-and-file, tool-carrying brothers and sisters of yoursfrom #322. Understand that this letter was composed by real working carpenters. We are notemployees of the Regional Council [NCSRCC]. Nor are we delegates, E-board members, or Jim Moore-appointed delegates or E-board members. Therefore, let it be known that we have written this letterand make its conjectures on our own accord.

    As active members of Local #322 we decided to compose and distribute this letter because this year selection is pitted to be the most important one Minnesota Union Carpenters have faced yet. Thisnomination and election cycle has become crucial to our maintaining an independent, members-firstand member-run organization. Amongst the hub-bub of the recent past, we have been reminded of the ways in which certain individuals have politically and monetarily benefitted from their Union-derived positions. This is unfortunate as Union-granted positions are ones that should belong to thosethat are lobbying in the best interest of their Local. Especially in light of these recent events, Local #322 s agenda needs to be clear in saying that its sole purpose is to supports and benefits itsMembers. In our Local, no one is invited to be involved that does serve to uphold and strengthenMember-rights. Our Local exists to support and serve the members, there is no other function.

    Rank-and-file members of Local #322 must re-establish themselves as the governing body of our

    Local s agenda and future . Our Local, #322, must be managed in whatever way best suits its rank-and-file members . During this nomination and election cycle we must re-assert to the RegionalCouncil, our E.S.T. Jim Moore, and all others with a skewed view of the Local s focus, that every carpenter in our Local is the most important part of our organization.

    Let it be known that: Our Local exists for the members.Our Local will be not be run by the Regional Council or its influence.Our Local is governed by the Members.Our Local s governing bodies will not answer to anyone but the members.Our Local will be re-assumed by its Members this Spring.

    Attached to this message is a list of members that are running for E-board and delegate positions thisSpring. Each and every one of these members is a rank-and-file, tool-carrying carpenter. In light of therecent stronghold the Regional Council and Jim Moore have taken on our Local, these members havestepped forward to more appropriately represent you and I.

    June 8 th , 2011

    Your #322 Brothers & Sisters.
