fr-one grand brochure web


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Page 2: FR-One Grand brochure web

wall panels in gilda velvet from collection Genova, ottoman top in gawain, base in geraint & top cushion in gorlois all from collection Genii, bottom cushion collection Golf

she whispered by my side:

“Grand” is like a dream

Grand Equipage, Grand Hotel

immersed in the beautiful thought as

the vagabond blur disappeared

the scene was set in front of me…

like by magic

Are we in Paris?

my eyes started to feel the comfortable calm elegance,

the charm echoing

murmuring sophistications

transported by the vision

I could not help remembering

Paul Verlaine’s familiar dream

"I often have this dream, strange and penetrating

of an unknown woman, and whom I love, and who loves

me, and who’s never, each time, not quite the same nor

quite another, and loves me and understand me…"

fabric featured gaspeite from our

Grandioso collection

No 0711034 0038/16

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sofa in gloria from our Genova collection

sofa & rectangular cushion in gloria, right cushion & curtains in gilda velvet from collection Genova, cushion in gwendoline printed dim out from collection Gossian

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curtain in gaheris, left chair & chaise longue head rest in galahad, chaise longue in geraint, cushion gaheris all from Genii collection, girsu sheer from Ghazal collection

close up of design galahad from collection Genii

Page 5: FR-One Grand brochure web

sofa & cushion in velvet damask gosh from Genova collection, galahad cushions from Genii collection.

sofa, curtains, cushions in velvet damask gosh from Genova collection, geometric patterned cushions galahad from Genii collection.

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chair in gilda velvet from collection Genova, back cover ghibli and gazillion cushion both from Grandioso collection.

curtains in gaspeite trimmed with ghibli, cushions in gaspeite & gazillion from Grandioso collection, bedcover & chair in velvet damask gilda from Genova collection

Postcard from Monsieur Jaune

Dear, you should see my new room, as dawn fills the sky, I gorge amongst the deepest sumptuous fabrics for the richest nights

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Aten dim out curtains

headboard in geraint, cushions grail & gaheris from Genii collection

Postcard from Monsieur Jaunethe morning bliss calls the light, welcoming me in a brand new easy day

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half-moon sofa in Golf collection, gwendoline cushions & ginevra printed dim out pouf all from Gossian collection, girsu sheers from Ghazal collection.

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pouf in Golf & cushion in gwendoline printed dim out from Gossian collection

curtain & pouf ginevra, cushion in gwendoline all printed dim out from Gossian collection, galahad geometric cushion from Genii collection and girsu sheers from Ghazal collection

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gilgamesh & gudea sheers from Ghazal collection

multi-purpose drapery & upholstery Golf collection

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curtain in gwendoline printed dim out from Gossian collection, gudea sheers from Ghazal collection, pouf & right chair in Golf

chaise longue in gatsby, back drop curtain & pillow in gwendoline printed dim out from Gossian collection

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chaise longue in Golf collection, gilgamesh sheers from Ghazal collection

room high curtains from Genial collection

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FR-One is your assurance and insurance that your fabrics are inherently safe and permanently FR.

They will not contribute to the spread of flames and will meet your fire safety standard wherever

you are. However, FR-One fabrics are also doing a lot more...

FR-One is Green conscious

all FR-One fabrics are fully tested and certified under the green Öko-tex standard 100 label.

This means that FR-One fabrics are environmentally safe and are not harmful to human health,

contain no prohibited substances, or chemicals known to be harmful to humans. FR-One fabrics

meet current environmental standards during all production process and are recyclable.

pursuing the quest for sustainability, certain* FR-One fabrics are now produced by eco-friendly

mills that have been awarded with the highest Oeko-tex standard; Oeko-tex 1000.

*please refer to the individual collection for more information. discover the world of FR-One.

l i n k e d i n

FR-One Fire Retardant Fabrics

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FR-One Fire Retardant Fabrics

p i n t e r e s t

FR-One Fire Retardant Fabrics

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i n s t a g r a m


0038/16No 0711034