get that blog moving!


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Page 1: Get That Blog Moving!

Carrie Morgan, author, chat moderator

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Page 2: Get That Blog Moving!

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

Successful #blogging is hard. What kind of commitment is required to be successful? #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

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Page 3: Get That Blog Moving!

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

A #BLOGGING MUST: Targeting the right audience and creating content they are interested in - their interests, not yours. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

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Page 4: Get That Blog Moving!

Tressa Robbins@tressalynne

Any commitment is required, really, as long as it's with somewhat regularity so followers know what/when to expect. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

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Page 5: Get That Blog Moving!

Christine Wolfl@christinewolfl

Like everything, there has to be a STRATEGY. What are your goals? Who are you targeting? #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

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Page 6: Get That Blog Moving!

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

Editorial calendars are essential for blogging teams, content teams, but individual bloggers rarely seem to use them. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

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Page 7: Get That Blog Moving!

Peter Himler@PeterHimler

Having blogged about #PR for ten years now, I've tried to keep it fresh by not following the PR echo chamber. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

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Page 8: Get That Blog Moving!

Chris Bell@riskycontent

Since I'm from the content marketing/digital side, I want to establish clear performance metrics and avoid vanity numbers. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

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Page 9: Get That Blog Moving!

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

How can we help our clients understand and uphold a blog commitment? #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

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Page 10: Get That Blog Moving!

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

It takes 100+ posts to start building momentum. Do your clients understand this? #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

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Page 11: Get That Blog Moving!

Chris Bell@riskycontent

Education clients as to what the numbers mean - especially engagement. Steer them towards education sources. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

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Chris Bell@riskycontent

Using an inbound solution and GA, measure article views and downloads. If bounce rate increases and engagement decreases... #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

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Page 13: Get That Blog Moving!

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

Assuming great content will grow audience without marketing to support growth is a big mistake. What is your visibility plan? #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

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Lisa LaMagna@LisaLamagna

Our new visibility plan is visual: All Visual Marketing -- no social media posts without compelling visuals. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

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Page 15: Get That Blog Moving!

Gerard F. Corbett@gerardcorbett

Promote your blogs on all channels that fit. Right?#PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 16: Get That Blog Moving!

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

90% of blogs fail. What factors contribute to a blog that ISN’T successful? #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

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Page 17: Get That Blog Moving!

Tressa Robbins@tressalynne

Boring content or repetitive content will definitely be a #blogging FAIL. #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 18: Get That Blog Moving!

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

Lack of consistency is a blog killer. Enthusiasm wanes, but we must keep writing. #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 19: Get That Blog Moving!

Chris Bell@riskycontent

Lack of perception of l strategic value from senior managment, and therefore budget and resources. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

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Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

Put thought into your posts – be unique, don’t parrot what everyone else says. Quality is everything. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

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Lorrie Walker PR@PRLorrie

Failure to have good plan going forward; not having an ed. cal.; taking on too much too fast, getting frustrated as result. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

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Page 22: Get That Blog Moving!

Peter Himler@PeterHimler

Poor or dispassionate writing, not being current or insightful, and irregular posting tend to sink blogs #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

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Page 23: Get That Blog Moving!

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

What is the best way to rescue an under-performing blog?#PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 24: Get That Blog Moving!

James Rubec@JamesRRubec

Write more content, write better content and share it with people who give a damn! #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 25: Get That Blog Moving!

Chris Bell@riskycontent

Review Web stafs/GA and Social stats, devise new content calendar out to 3 months, increase quality output, and write! #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

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Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

Google Analytics can tell you SO MUCH about blog failure - what works? What is shared? WHat drives clicks? #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 27: Get That Blog Moving!

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

Learn basic SEO tactics - #Yoast is my personal favorite. #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 28: Get That Blog Moving!

James Rubec@JamesRRubec

People fear controversy but that's where readers run. If your client is an expert so should they. #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 29: Get That Blog Moving!

Chris Bell@riskycontent

All orgs have a brand or mission statement. Start with that, and then with buyer/constituent personas. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

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Page 30: Get That Blog Moving!

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

If consistency is key to blogging, how can we create a habit of writing posts?#PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 31: Get That Blog Moving!

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

Write a blog post at the same day/time every week, if possible - or dedicate one day to writing a month’s worth of posts. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

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Set up structures that make it easy as possible - to stay focused, to research, to contact who you need to contact, etc. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 33: Get That Blog Moving!

Chris Bell@riskycontent

Many good articles and tools out there about setting up content calendars. But make it part of your structure. Plan. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 34: Get That Blog Moving!

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

Something that isn't a priority just doesn't happen - we're all too busy. It gets continually bumped! #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

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Cision Canada@Cision_Canada

Setup conversations with ppl who inspire you at regular intervals. Schedule time to read your Google alerts#PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

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Gerard F. Corbett@gerardcorbett

Write down the topic when the spirit moves you and save it for later when the time is ripe and right.#PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 37: Get That Blog Moving!

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

How can we integrate repurposing into our blogging habits and systems? #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 38: Get That Blog Moving!

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

Blogging requires a SYSTEM, and repurposing can create more with less. But you have to remember to do it! #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 39: Get That Blog Moving!

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

If we only focus on creating new content, the cost per piece of content is much higher. #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 40: Get That Blog Moving!

Chris Bell@riskycontent

Look back at blog posts and ebooks from 6 months, 1 year and 18 months ago, and review and revision. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 41: Get That Blog Moving!

Gerard F. Corbett@gerardcorbett

Institutionalize it into your thinking.#PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 42: Get That Blog Moving!

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

Google Analytics will show you a small quantity of posts drive most traffic and engagement. Repurpose THOSE first. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 43: Get That Blog Moving!

Chris Bell@riskycontent

It's long term investment important. It has to take priority. Find a way to measure results to justify it. #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Best of #PRprochat

Page 44: Get That Blog Moving!

a Twitter chat for PR pros

Carrie Morgan, author, chat moderator
