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1 Southwood Valley Elementary HEROES Helping Educate Responsible, Outstanding, & Engaged Students Campus Improvement Plan 2015-2016

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Southwood Valley Elementary


Helping Educate Responsible, Outstanding, & Engaged Students

Campus Improvement Plan 2015-2016


Table of Contents

Campus Improvement Planning Committee Members 3 Executive Summary 4 Goal 1 5 Objectives Activity Statements Evaluation Goal 2 7 Objectives Activity Statements Evaluation Goal 3 8 Objectives Activity Statements Evaluation Goal 4 9 Objectives Activity Statements Evaluation Goal 5 10 Objectives Activity Statements Evaluation Campus Professional Development Plan 12 10 Components of a Title 1 Program 14 Campus Discipline Date 2014-2015 15


Campus Improvement Planning Committee 2015-2016

Name Position

Kristiana Hamilton Principal Heather Sherman Assistant Principal Dee Mendoza Teacher, Head Start Christina Langhennig Teacher, Kindergarten Audrey Rangel Teacher, 1st Grade Chelsia Conn Teacher, 2nd Grade Laurie Kopetsky Teacher 3rd Grade Annabelle Nelson Teacher 4th Grade Stacey English Co-Chair, Math Specialist Jen Colkin Co-Chair, Reading Specialist Christina Gloria Dual Language Intervention Alice Keys CAMP Betty Clark Special Education Lyndell May Member At-Large, Counselor Angela LaBove Paraprofessional Geralyn Nolan Parent Brittney James (Walmart) Community Representative Marla Ramirez District Representative


Executive Summary

Southwood Valley Elementary is a HeadStart, K-4th grade campus averaging an estimated 680 plus widely, diverse student population which is comprised of several student groups including special needs, gifted, low socio-economic, migrant and second language learners. The campus is designated a Title 1 campus which is based on the high percentage of low socio-economic students who are in attendance. Southwood Valley’s mission is to provide a nurturing and safe learning environment for the continuous development of all students. Our highly qualified professionals and paraprofessionals are committed to creating such learning environments that provide educational opportunities in which all students achieve academic success. We will continue fostering the social emotional learning of our students by embracing the values of honesty, effective decision making, appreciating differences, relationships, and tenacity while incorporating the structures of Conscious Discipline and CHAMPS. Ongoing reflection, monitoring, adjusting, evaluating and celebrating will be practiced on a regular basis in order to ensure our mission and sustain our commitments. In conjunction with College Station district initiative to improve student performance on state mandated assessments, Southwood Valley is very proud of the TEA Recognitions we received during the 2014-2015 school year by meeting all standards and receiving distinctions in all eligible areas (Academic Achievement in ELAR, Top 25 Percent Student Progress, Top 25 Percent Closing Performance Gap, and Postsecondary Readiness). We will continue our efforts to improve student performance and close the gap between our subgroup populations. Our campus team will continue to focus on improving the performance of all students for the 2015-2016 school year, specifically in the areas of writing and math including the performance of our special education students. We support and expect all staff to incorporate creative, customized, rigorous and relevant practices based on the unique student needs and current educational research to promote student success and to prepare our students to be life-long learners. This year we will focus on becoming HEROES as we Help Educate Responsible, Outstanding and Engaged Students. It is our aim to continue to with goals set by CSISD “…Success…each life…each day…each hour.”


Goal 1 All students will successfully complete rigorous and relevant coursework that will prepare them for their future.

Objective(s) 1. Ensure that all students have access to rigorous and engaging curriculum and technology that promote learning to be a productive and responsible citizen in a global marketplace. 2. Support the needs of diverse learners as they engage in rigorous coursework. 3. Provide access to the general curriculum for students with disabilities through the use of inclusive practices across grade levels and campuses.


Person(s) Resp



A. Continue the alignment of curriculum to the State TEKS, readiness and supporting standards in the core subject areas (with an emphasis on science instruction being hands-on). B. Provide staff development for teachers that focuses on best instructional practices (such as the Workshop Model, literacy & math stations, and differentiated instruction models) with an emphasis on student learning, effective teaching and creative thinking. C. Provide staff development on STEM and how to incorporate STEM in classroom instruction. Example Topics: Science Apps, career goals D. Math teachers will participate in a book study, Math Exchanges, to develop understandings about the impact/dynamic of small group math instruction. This will begin during August staff development. E. Coaching will be designed to support instruction and teaching strategies in the classroom while providing feedback to observed teachers and growth opportunities for teachers observing. F. Grades K-2nd will implement a take home reader program to foster reading at home. 3rd-4th grade teachers will implement a weekly minute reading goal for each student to foster reading fluency. G. The campus will explore a summer incentive for students in the areas for reading and math. Example: Scholastic summer Reading Challenge H. All teachers will commit to a campus wide focus on the writing process utilizing Reader and Writer’s Workshop methods; integration and assessment of grammar in student writing vs stand-alone worksheets; provide writing opportunities in other content areas such as math, science and social studies; collect writing samples for each student (1st, 3rd, & 5th six weeks); collect a grammar sample in science,

Admin, Specialists, Teachers Admin, Specialists, Teachers Admin, Specialists-Math, Science Admin, Math Specialists Admin, Campus Coaches, Specialists Reading Specialists, Teachers Admin, Specialists-Math, Reading, Teachers

Admin, Specialists-Reading/Literacy/Math/Science, Librarian, Teachers

Campus Budget Title 1 District Funds Campus Budget Title 1 District Funds Campus Budget Title 1 District Funds Campus Budget Title 1 District Funds Campus Budget Title 1 District Funds Campus Budget Title 1 District Funds Campus Budget Title 1 District Funds Campus Budget Title 1 District Funds

Aug-May Aug-May Aug-May Aug-May Aug-May Aug-May June-Aug Aug-July


social studies or math (2nd, 4th, & 6th six weeks); post student writing in the hallways to highlight writing; use STAAR paper to write narrative and/or expository type writing (2nd, 3rd & 4th); Writing camps with the Librarian for 3rd and 4th. I. Support campus staff in the SIT & RTI processes which will include:

Exploration of Tier 2 interventions in the classroom

Conduct SIT/RTI meetings on a regular monthly rotation to document Tier 1 & 2 interventions, progress monitor student subgroup populations and provide student support

Focus on student data and progress monitoring to target next steps of intervention

Professional development on ERTI implementation process and exploration of Tier 2 interventions (available resource list in ERTI).

J. Grade level teachers will plan, share and discuss best practices weekly in order to design effective instruction in LA, math, science and social studies. Reading, math and enrichment specialists will support grade level planning. Both vertical and horizontal alignments.

Admin, Counselor, Specialists, Teachers, SPED Specialists, SPED, Teachers, Bilingual Specialist, District Bilingual Coaches

Campus Budget Title 1 District Funds Special

Programs Campus Budget ESL

Aug-June Aug-June

Evaluation Community-Based Accountability items (below) at the following link:

- Percentage of students reading at or above grade level at the end of 1st grade - Percentage of 2nd grade students scoring average or above on the end of year Texas Early Math Inventory (TEMI) - Percentage of students passing 3rd grade reading STAAR - Achievement and passing rates on state and local assessments

STAAR Accountability Measures (below) at the following link: STAAR Student Achievement Data (below) at the following link:

-Percentage of students passing 3rd

& 4th

grade reading STAAR -Percentage of students passing 3

rd & 4

th grade math STAAR

-Percentage of students passing 4th

grade writing STAAR

ITBS – GT evaluation assessment scores


, 3rd

& 4th

Grade Math Progress Monitoring Charts:

-Progress charts focusing on bundle assessments & CBM data

SIT Progress Monitoring Notes & Data:

-Number of SPED referrals that qualify for services -Percentage of students meeting assigned services by specialists outlined by the SIT team.


Goal 2 Through increasing opportunities for choice, students will be able to customize learning opportunities to meet their unique needs and develop creative thinking.


1. Provide opportunities for students to become fluent in and adapt to a variety of technologies.

2. Use of assessments (Running Records, CBM Math, and Classroom Assessments) will drive instruction to allow for differentiation to meet student needs.

3. Students who have been identified as GT, but who are underachieving, will have focused attention on academics/differentiation in the classroom

4. Effectively monitor the progress of the ESL student.

5. Effectively monitor the progress of identified at-risk students.

Activities Person(s) Resp Resources Timeline

A. Provide staff development for teachers that focuses on best instructional & learning practices including but not limited to: station work, small group instruction, the Workshop Approach, balanced literacy, differentiated instruction models and creative thinking.

B. Instruction in math, reading, and writing will be designed with the following expectations: (1) The workshop model of instruction will be utilized. The workshop model will allow opportunities for the following: mini lesson, time to work with concepts, and provide share time to conclude the lesson. (2) Station work, conferencing, reteaching, and opportunities for GT students to explore higher level concepts will be integrated during instruction.

C. Effective instructional strategies based on the ELPS will be implemented focusing on student performance in listening, speaking, reading and writing activities.

D. Identified and monitored ESL students will be reviewed by the ESL and classroom teacher during scheduled SIT meeting to chart progress and identify interventions. This conference will focus on assessment data that will include: TPRI results, writing/grammar samples identified each six weeks, and running records conducted by the classroom teacher and by the ESL teacher (for a total of two samples to review).

E. Place importance on the use of instructional technology by providing all teachers with technology training (professional development in August and throughout the year).

F. Continue the practice of Coding through Computer ancillary time.

Admin, Literacy Specialists, Teachers

Admin, Specialists -Reading -Literacy -Bilingual -Math Teachers

Admin, Specialists -ESL -Bilingual Teachers

Admin, Specialist -ESL -Bilingual -Reading -Literacy Teachers

District, Admin, Technology Leader GT Specialist Computer Teacher

District Funds Campus Budget -Title 1 ER/Staff Days

District Funds Campus Budget -Title 1 ER/Staff Days

District Funds Campus Budget -Title 1 ER/Staff Days

District Funds Campus Budget -Title 1 ER/Staff Days

District Funds Campus Budget District Funds Campus Budget





Aug-June Oct-May

Evaluation - Walkthrough data to note the implementation of the workshop model for ELA and Math instruction - Sign in sheets at all technology training opportunities - Campus walkthrough data to record integration of technology and instructional practices learned from professional development


Goal 3 Provide a safe and supportive environment for all, with an emphasis on positive, strong, healthy relationships.


1. Ensure that all Greens Prairie employees meet the social/emotional needs of our students.

2. Ensure that the school environment is safe and conducive to learning.

3. Nurture relationships among staff to promote personal and professional growth.

4. Provide professional, customer-oriented interactions with parents, students, visitors, and staff.

Activities Person(s) Resp Resources Timeline

A. Implement school wide behavior expectations through the use of Conscious Discipline and Safe & Civil School Curriculum (CHAMPS): hallways, cafeteria, restrooms, recess, voice levels, morning announcements so that expectations are applied consistently for every student. This will also include drills procedures. B. Conscious Discipline strategies will be utilized to establish connections with students, staff, and families. Every classroom will incorporate the following: Morning Greetings: Hallways and classroom; celebration opportunities; Friends & Family Board posted in classroom; incorporating breathing strategies: Star, Pretzel, Balloon, & Drain; Creating a Safe Place; assigning job assignments, and continue to incorporate Conscious Discipline as a focus for school climate and CHAMPs as our structure for discipline. C. Develop and/or implement positive proactive intervention strategies that address offenses such as bullying. D. Continue the implementation of Happy Visits, Eagle Awards, Attendance and Honor Roll recognitions. E. Staff development will be provided on the relationship between student behavior and staff understanding of social, cultural and developmental differences

F. Campus administrators will review discipline data and develop a plan to appropriately address campus discipline issues based on campus needs. G. Southwood Valley will review, practice, and comply with its Emergency Operations Plan. H. Southwood Valley faculty will follow campus handbook to ensure the safety of students and staff to include: check in/out process, volunteer

Admin, SELT, Counselor, PTO Admin, SELT, Campus Staff Admin, Counselor Admin, Counselor, Teachers, PTO Admin, Counselor Admin Admin Admin, District Safety Team, Campus

Campus Budget -District -Title 1 Campus Budget -District -Title 1 Campus Budget -District -Title 1 -PTO Campus Budget PTO Campus Budget Campus Budget District Funds Campus Budget Campus Budget

Aug-June Aug-June Sept-May Aug-May Aug-June Aug-June Aug-June Aug-June


approval, lock/prop inside doors, lock outside doors, wearing staff nametags, identification for visitors & university students, following all emergency procedures, the use of security cameras, etc. I. Faculty will have opportunities for professional growth, develop collegiality and nurture a school family through campus activities and develop leadership capacity among the campus.

Reception Campus-wide

Campus Budget Title 1


Evaluation - Effectiveness of safety and security measures - Discipline and referral data - Evidence of Conscious Discipline and CHAMPS implementation across the campus (Foundation Team (SELT) Observations, Classroom walkthrough data, guidance lessons)


Goal 4 Empower families and the community to be full partners in students’ educational success.

Objective(s) 1. Provide opportunities for families to support their children in the learning process. 2. Communicate effectively with families and the community regarding school activities and volunteer opportunities.

Activities Person(s) Resp Resources Timeline

A. The school website, School Messenger and campus social media outlets will be used to actively communicate with parents/guardians and community members. B. Campus Improvement Committee will be representative of district demographics. C. Campus events with PTO support will be planned to promote positive school/family relationships throughout the year. D. In the first three weeks of school, a positive contact will be made with each parent. Example: phone call, postcard, e-mail etc. This is in addition to Parent Orientation & Meet the Teacher. E. 100% of Southwood Valley students will receive a positive note/postcard in the mail from their teacher by the end of the first semester. F. 100% of Southwood Valley parents/guardians will meet with classroom teacher for a parent conference in the month of October. The administration will work with teachers/parents to meet this goal. G. Each classroom teacher will strive to effectively communicate with parents in a variety of ways to inform parents of what is happening in the classroom, grade level and school. Examples: monthly grade level newsletter, text messages to parents, updated teacher/grade level website. H. Professional development will include how staff can promote a positive partnership and improve communication to parents/guardians and community.

Admin, District, Classroom Teachers, Tech Specialist, PTO Admin Admin, Leadership Team Counselor, Teachers District, Admin and Teachers Bilingual Specialist ESL Specialist Classroom Teacher Admin

Campus Budget Campus Budget Campus Budget Title1 PTO Campus Budget Title 1 District Funds Campus Budget Title 1 Campus Budget Campus Budget

Aug-June Aug, Sep-June Aug-June Aug-June October September Aug-June Aug-June

Evaluation - Number of volunteers during school hours (Hall Pass data and/or classroom data) - Usage statistics (Twitter, School & PTO Facebook, HAC) - Family engagement and involvement in family events (percentage of students) - Classroom teacher data regarding positive contact, postcards and parent conferences - Parent survey to collect feedback regarding communication.


Goal 5 Demonstrate accountability to our community by providing a quality education based on local standards, while meeting state and federal targets.

Objective(s) 1. Employ multiple measures of accountability, ensure measured progress over time and provide public access to the results. 2. Comply with all state and federal requirements.

Activities Person(s) Resp Resources Timeline

A. Southwood Valley Elementary will continue to develop and refine a meaningful accountability system that measures what this community believes is important outlined by CSISD’s Community-Based Accountability System. Community-Based Accountability System will address

● Fine arts

● Wellness and PE

● Community and parent involvement

● 21st century workforce development

● Second language acquisition

● Digital learning environment

● Dropout prevention strategies

● Gifted and talented programs

● Reporting and policy requirements

● Highly Qualified staff

● Scope & sequence

● Choice in learning

● Literacy and mathematics

● College ready

● Financial resources

B. Southwood Valley will evaluate student achievement in the following programs: ESL, LEP, Gifted and Talented, Special Education and students in at risk situations. C. Services will be provided for at-risk students to increase academic achievement and reduce the dropout rate for these students in the future.

D. The human resources office, in collaboration with the campus principal, will work together to insure that all teachers meet highly qualified status as defined in NCLB.

District, Admin, Campus-wide District, Admin District, Admin, Campus-Wide District, Admi

District Funds Campus Budget

District Funds Campus Budget District Funds Campus Budget District Funds Campus Budget

Aug-June Aug- June Aug-June Aug-June

Evaluation - Community-Based assessment - State and federal accountability system results

- State and local assessment results - Graduation rates


CSISD Professional Development Plan


All members of the staff who work with students in any instructional environment must attend district and campus training activities. This includes administrators, teachers, professional support staff and instructional paraprofessionals. College Station ISD has scheduled 10 in-service days during the school year for all instructional staff members.

Specific days are designated as District days and the remaining days have been reserved for campus professional development initiatives, campus planning, teacher workdays, and one elementary parent conference day. These days are noted on the district calendar.

New Teacher Induction For GP Teachers

● College Station ISD conducts a three day New Teacher Induction (NTI) professional development each August prior to district-wide days. NTI is for all teachers new to the district and in-district teachers who have completed their first year of teaching. Campus overview of procedures, positive school culture and review of campus goals are part of a campus orientation during NTI. Coaches are located on each campus for continuous support of new staff. In addition, mentors are assigned to staff that are in their first year of teaching.

Curriculum & Instruction

Staff development opportunities will include best instructional practices such as the Workshop Model, conferring with students during Workshop, literacy & math stations, balanced literacy and differentiated instruction models with an emphasis on student learning, effective teaching and creative thinking.

STEM concepts will be incorporated into classroom instruction.

Campus specialists will support instructional planning and design during grade level planning times.

Schoolwide Procedures/Routines & Classroom Management

Effective student behavior procedures, routines and expectations will be implemented throughout the year: Conscious Discipline and Safe & Civil School Curriculum (CHAMPS).

Professional development will address Conscious Discipline language.

Emergency drills will be thoroughly discussed during August staff development.

The relationship between student behavior and staff understanding of social, cultural and developmental differences will be embedded throughout professional development.


Ideas and suggestions on effective communication tools/procedures in order to foster a strong parent/school partnership will be explored.


Technology professional development will be available throughout the year at the district and campus level. During the year, after school opportunities (6 per year) will be available after school.

Gifted and Talented ● CSISD requires all teachers to acquire 30 hours of Level 1 Gifted and Talented training. Initial teacher

training for 1st through 12th grade staff must be completed before the beginning of the second year of employment. Kindergarten teachers must complete this training during the first semester of employment.

● The District also requires that teachers attend 6 hours of update training annually. ● All administrators and counselors must have an initial 6 hours of GT training which includes Nature

and Needs and Identification/Assessment. This training must be completed by the end of the first semester of the first year of employment in the district.


ESL ● All ESL teachers must have training in Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC)

procedures, Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment system (TELPAS) and English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS).

● Effective instructional strategies based on the ELPS will be implement focusing on student performance in listening, speaking, reading and writing activities.

Special Education ● State Law requires that every instructional staff member receives Special Education training

annually. District in-service meets this requirement. Staff certified in Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI) must recertify every two years. All teachers must receive training on the Texas Behavior Support Initiative (TBSI).

● Professional development will include RTI processes: exploration of Tier 2 interventions; ERTI implementation process; SIT campus process


10 COMPONENTS OF Southwood Valley Elementary- TITLE I PROGRAM

Component Data/Resources CIP Goal #1: Comprehensive Needs Assessment A comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school that

is based on information on the performance of children in

relation to the state content and student performance


• State/district/campus assessment data

• 6-Week grades

• Attendance rates

• Discipline data

• Failure/retention list

1, 2, 3, 5

#2: School-wide Reform Strategies Provide opportunities for all children to meet the state’s

proficient and advanced levels of student performance,

strengthen the core academic program in the school, and

include strategies to address the needs of all children in the

school, particularly the needs of low-achieving children and

those at risk of not meeting the state student academic

achievement standards.

• Monthly staff development

• Bi-weekly academic planning/team lesson


• Monthly Conference/intervention plans

• Coordination of ESL and Dual Lang.


• CSISD instructional walk-through process

• Conscious Discipline and Safe & Civil Schools

1, 2, 3, 5

#3: Highly Qualified Requirements • Certifications/qualifications of all staff



#4: High Quality Professional Development High-quality, ongoing professional development for teachers,

principals, and paraprofessionals and, if appropriate, pupil

services personnel, parents, and other staff to enable all

children in the school to meet the state’s student academic

achievement standards.

• Campus staff development

• District staff development

1, 3

#5: Strategies to Attract HQ Teachers to High Needs


• Area job fairs

• Staff referrals

• Student teacher placement


#6: Parental Involvement Strategies Strategies to increase parental involvement in accordance

with Section 1118, such as family literacy services.

• Title I School-Parent Compact

• School website

• Volunteer program(VIPS)

• School events (Game Night, Movie Night,

Family Night)

• Use of School Messenger


#7: Transition From Early Childhood Programs Plans for assisting preschool children in the transition from early

childhood programs

• Head Start to K transition



#8: Including Teachers in Assessment Decisions Measures to include teachers in the decisions regarding the

use of academic assessments in order to provide information

on, and to improve, the performance of individual students

and the overall instructional program.

• Weekly academic planning/team lesson


• SIT Conference/intervention plans

1, 2, 3

#9: Effective, Timely Additional Assistance Activities to ensure that students who experience difficulty

mastering the proficient or advanced levels of academic

achievement standards shall be provided with effective,

timely additional assistance.

• Weekly academic planning/team lesson


• Conference/intervention plans

• Student Intervention Team (SIT)

• Pull-out programs

1, 2, 3

#10: Coordination of State/Federal/Local

Funds Coordination and integration occurs between federal, state,

and local programs

• Integrated funding and programs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5