herramientas proyecto

qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm Herramientas de Colaboración Digital Ma. José Jurado In what way it would affect the implementation of loyalty cards as a form of loyalty in the customer network of Broadnet S.A.? Herramientas de Colaboración Digital Project María José Jurado Mantilla Página 0 de 40

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Herramientas de Colaboración Digital Ma. José Jurado

In what way it would affect the implementation of loyalty cards as a form of loyalty in the customer network of Broadnet S.A.?

Herramientas de Colaboración Digital


María José Jurado Mantilla

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IndexExecutive Summary............................................................................................................................2


Chapter 1............................................................................................................................................5


Chapter 2............................................................................................................................................8

2.1 Interview with the General Manager of Broadnet S.A.............................................................8

2.1.1 SWOT Analysis.......................................................................................................................9

2.2 Surveys results........................................................................................................................10

Chart N°1......................................................................................................................................11

Chart N°2......................................................................................................................................12

Chart N°3......................................................................................................................................13

Chart N°4......................................................................................................................................14

Chapter 3..........................................................................................................................................15

Table N°1: Broadnet S.A. comparative analysis............................................................................15

Table N°2: Investment for the loyalty system implementatios....................................................16



APPENDIX 1......................................................................................................................................20

APENDICE 1......................................................................................................................................21

APENDICE 1.1...................................................................................................................................22

APPENDIX 2......................................................................................................................................25

APÉNDICE 2......................................................................................................................................27

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Executive Summary

roadnet S.A. has a hug customers networks with an accelerated motion,

so it is important to create a system that makes sure the loyalty of the

customers. BInitially it was realized an interview with the General Manager of the business, Mrs.

Alexandra Herrera, in order to know the general situation of the company and her

opinion based in the proposal given.

Then it was analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of

loyalty cards and the effect within the enterprise.

Additionally it was realized a market research in order to determine the acceptance

level that consumers would have about the loyalty system that is the loyalty cards y

it to determine the benefits they will obtain is attractive for the existing demand. It

also was realized a cost-benefit analysis for determining if the investment that is

going to be realized can be recovered in a short-term period could be attractive for

the managers. The economist Viviana Vera provided the financial information, the

ones used to realize the projections.

The results indicate that the project is positive because it generates earning to the

company in a short term and with a moderated investment.

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Broadnet S.A. is the first independent network service in Ecuador dedicated in the

development and marketing of digital products and transaction processing. It works

since 2005 and are recognized as pioneers and leaders in the marketing of mobile

payment services. It operates in two offices in the main cities of the country that

are Guayaquil and Quito. Guayaquil is the main office where are managed the

operative, technological, marketing and management areas. It target are all the

different categories of business within Ecuador.

Now a day, it has a network of 8000 places located around the Ecuador. Ponle+

(the brand showed to the public of Broadnet S.A.) is the biggest base of

multiproduct in the product line of Electronic services, Prepaid mobile payment

services and Benefits in Ecuador.

The huge demand of mobile services has raised the number of competitors in the

market, and in order to help Broadnet S.A. to stay in the head, it is proposed to

stablish a loyalty system that allows customers obtain an added value each time

they buy in any of the network members that work with Broadnet S.A., that’s why

the next question is made In what way would affect the implementation of

loyalty cards as a form of loyalty in the customer network of Broadnet S.A.?

This system allows offering a differentiated and attractive service for customers

that help to make them return to the Ponle+ sell points, being sure that they will

obtain more benefits with each consume. Based on the information obtained from

SUPERTEL (Superintendencia de telecomunicaciones) it was registered that the

98.96% from the active mobile lines and the 86.40% the use prepaid technology.

That shows that Broadnet S.A. has a wide market to offer the new service.

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This monograph will be done by using the main analysis’s that would help to make

a decision. First will be realized an interview with the general manager of the

enterprise, who can provide the general and specific information and development

within the business. The questions and answers gave are attached in the Appendix

1. Then will be done a survey to the general public, who are the consumers, about

the utilization of the service and the necessity of a loyalty system. The questions

used in the survey are attached in the Appendix 2.

It will be used the SWOT analysis that shows the strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities and threats of using this system in the enterprise and specifically the

system of loyalty cards and the customers’ preferred added value.

This work consist about 3 chapters. The first one explain the concepts of the

methods that will be used, the second one shows the application of the methods

used and the analysis done with them before making any decision; and in the last

chapter will be shown the benefits of the proposed methods. Finally with this

monograph, provide to Broadnet S.A. management a tool that would help to

achieve their customers network and consumers loyalty.

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Chapter 1

1.1 Theoretical Framework

The development of this work involves the conceptual parameters that are detailed below:

Loyalty: Term used, basically, by the business directed to the client, where satisfaction is a main responsibility. Even though, this kind of business put all their effort in selling their goods and services ignoring customers’ necessities. (Traduced from Wikipedia Spanish, 2011). Loyalty management allows the business to identify the most frequent customers and raise the incomes from them, through long-term added value.

Loyalty objectives:o Each customer, within a segment, to consume the maximum with the

brand (known as share of wallet)o Each customer to buy the products of the brand during the maximum

time of life valueo Each customer to recommend the product to the maximum quantity

of new possible customers (Marketing relacional y CRM de David Gea, Mario Romero y David Sánchez 2008)

Loyalty cards: Loyalty cards are a system of the loyalty business model. Typically have a barcode or magstripe that can be easily scanned, and some are even chip cards (Wikipedia, 2011) and it also helps to know the frequency customers uses the products

Cost-Benefit analysis: “is a relatively simple and widely used technique for deciding whether to make a change. As its name suggests, to use the technique simply add up the value of the benefits of a course of action, and subtract the costs associated with it” (Mind Tools, 2011).

With these parameters, the objective of this system is to achieve that the Broadnet S.A. customers network as the final consumers, prefer to purchase in the stores of Ponle+ network.

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It is necessary to consider that the loyalty cards will be and image of the enterprise for the consumer segment, so it must have a design and name that captures the attention of all the customers possible, although it need to offer the most quantity of benefits for both network and consumers.

By the other hand, loyalty cards look for create a sense of belonging into the company and to create the possibility for them to be members of it.

In order to start from a real base, it will be used the SWOT analysis, which “consider both internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) and external factors (opportunities and threats) that are relevant” (Paul Hoang, 2009) in order to get a clear idea of the necessity of using a loyalty system in the business for long-term maintaining of the wide customers red and how beneficial can be using the loyalty cards

With this we can assess the current and future situation of a product, brand, company, proposal or decision” (Paul Hoang, 2009) so with this consider the possible future.

I will gather information based on questionnaires, the most common method of primary research, which is base on a series of questions that are in this case used to know how efficient would be the launch of the system, and if it is approved.

Because there will be done surveys, in order to know the number of persons that should be surveyed, it will be used the theory of the Gauss curve that help us to obtain an adequate quantity to the necessities of the investigation. The following formula is used:


N= z ∙ p ∙ qe2

z=¿Representing the margin of acceptance that will have the loyalty cards in the market, in this process as taking 90% to apply the formula based on the Gauss z tables represent us on 1.64.

p=¿That is the success probability, which is the 50% because it is and estimated number of people that are going to use the loyalty cards

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q=¿That is the fail probability, which is the other 50% that is the rest of people that won’t use the loyalty cards.

e=¿The error margin estimated, within the population which is the percentage that won’t be considered, that is the resting 10% of the total market that will be used.

The result of this formula shows us that the number of people that will be surveyed should be 41 people in order to know proximally how it will affect this loyalty system implementation.

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Chapter 2

2.1 Methodology

2.1.1 Interview with the General Manager of Broadnet S.A.After knowing more about Broadnet, it’s market, customers, products and services if offers actually, I did an interview to the General Manager, Alexandra Herrera, in order to know about the acceptance of implementing a loyalty system that allows offer all customers and consumers an added value in the purchase of prepaid services purchase for the three mobile phones services Claro, Movistar and Alegro and with it the loyalty to it brand Ponle+ and growths to it sell activities.

About the knowledge of the system of loyalty programs, Mrs. Herrera showed a completely conviction about the results this programs do in the election of the consumers that decide to return once and again to the stores that offer the system. However, she emphasized and pointed that what is important is the development and execution when there were no competitors the same offer to customers, because it would stop being attractive to the consumer.

About the implementation of this plan in Broadnet S.A., the answer was yes, because the manager found different advantages of applying the system in the business after mentioning that the prepaid recharge is a massive consume in the Ecuadorian market so, to offer a loyalty system that rewards the customers’ purchases of PONLE+ products in its network, making the positioning of the brand, the increase of the frequent costumers and with that, raise the sales base.

According to the criteria of the Broadnet representative agent the suitable system will be a loyalty card with the purpose to accumulate points for each purchase of prepaid recharges that customers would do in the PONLE+ network, the ones that can be changed for more recharge and prizes and, additionally, a previous agreement with the affiliated firms, customers will obtain as discounts and offers with the purchase of the products owned by the firms of the network, in which were mentioned Pharmacies as Pharmacy’s, Cruz Azul, service stations as Primax, Mobil, Terpel; stores as Comandato; and others.

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Finally, she highlighted the ease of distributing the card through the same facility affiliated with a major in print media outlets for more advertising in media such as radio and newspapers.

2.1.2 SWOT Analysis

In order to take a decision of using loyalty cards, we should analyze different factors based on the SWOT of loyalty cards’ use.

S: Is a very common system, easily to handle with it by the enterprise and the customers, does not have a high cost and help to make decisions because it helps to know about the behavior of customers with the business.

W: People do not often use the loyalty cards and or do not, sometimes the discounts are done anyway but because of the people which do not use the cards, the expense of the discounts are not always covered. Other case is that people feel their privacy is disturbed so they do not trust in the program.

O: Help not to decrease the customers’ base of the businesses. Customers can form part of a publicity method by commenting others about the business they are loyal at and customers also spend more in the products the brand offer.

T: Competition can easily realize the strategy used, so they would apply it also. People sometimes manipulate them obtaining the maximum of benefits at the lower of frequency.

So based on the benefits and limitations of the loyalty cards’ system will be easier to show the effects they would show when used by BROADNET S.A.:


Help to know the behavior of the customers can help to make decisions where implementing new methods or paying more attention of the movement of customers.

The lack of image BROADNET S.A. projects to the general public can increase during the use of the program.

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People after recognizing the benefits BROADNET S.A. provides can tell others about the brand and convince them to buy the services that it offers.


Not very trustable for people byhe service offered and the provider because not everybody knows about the brand name BROADNET S.A. or PONLE+

At the moment when the competitors notice the new activity, they will be tempted to use it too, so the publicity that customers would do, would be ineffective.

2.2 Surveys results

In order to have the correct idea of the necessities of the market about the usage of loyalty cards, it was used a survey as a tool to gather information, which in attached in the Appendix 2

Based on the results obtained in the application of the “Gauss curve theory”, there were done surveys to 41 (forty one) different people from the different social classes.

This tool is formed by nine closed questions in order to obtain specific information of the actual situation. Below will be shown the results:

The first question was: Do you have a cell phone?

In the first question, the whole population answered “Yes” that they have cell

phones with a permanent use.

The second question was referring about the kind of technology the surveyed

people use with their mobile phones system. The 4% answered they use a pay-as-

you-go service, the 10% use contract plan and the 86%use the prepaid service.

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The third question referred to the place where users realize their recharges,

obtaining the 44% as purchasers in pharmacies, the 29% purchase in gas stations,

10% in cybers, 5% at stores and shops and the 2% at supermarkets, as showed in

the next chart:

Chart N°1

a) Sto


b) Superm


c) Pharm


d) Gas


e) Cyb


f) Elec

tric p



g) Others



5% 2%



10%5% 5%

Where do you purchase mobile phones recharges??

The fourth question focused in the knowledge people have about the brand “PONLE+”, obtaining a result of 24% that have heard about the brand and the 76% do not know anything about it, so it would be a weakness in which it would be important to work, the image of the brand to be known.

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Chart N°2



Do you know or have heard about the brand PONLE+?

The fifth question was about discovering if clients like the idea or for them would be attractive to receive more benefits by purchasing recharges for their cell phones, and it showed a 98% that said they do would like to and a 2% that are not interested in those benefits.

Sixth question tried to determine the preferences of the consumers over which benefits they would like to obtain, and it showed a 46% that preferred receiving more minutes in recharges for consuming, the 22% preferred change points for prizes, the 15% choose lotteries, the 12% thinks is more attractive the obtaining of discounts in their purchases and the resting 5% did not have a defined preference.

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Chart N°3

a) Prize ex-change

b) Dis-counts

c) Lotteries d) Big recharge amount

e) Others









Which kind of benefits do you prefer?



ce p




Question seven tries to determine the knowledge of people about the loyalty cards. The 61% answered yes, they know about them, and 39% do not know.

Question eight looks for know the possible number of consumers that would keep their loyalty cards in their wallets or bags in order to accumulate points obtained after their purchases that will be used for obtain benefit previously mentioned. The 83% answered yes and the 17% thinks it is not attractive.

Last question tries to know if consumers prefer to realize their purchases where they can do their discounts. 76% answered yes and 24% answered no.

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Chart N°4



Do you prefer to purchase always in the same places that offer the service

in order to obtain these benefits?


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Chapter 3

3.1 Analysis based in the results of the implementation as a loyalty method in Broadnet S.A. customers network

It’s necessary to make an analysis comparing the company’s actual situation and a projection of the results that would be obtained with the implementation of the proposed loyalty system.

Next, in the table the main data is given:

Table N°1: Broadnet S.A. comparative analysis1


Before implementing “Loyalty Cards” During 3 months

Possible customers 8.000 Points of sale; with 4.500 Customers, with sales of $1.111 each one.

Incomes $5’000.000,00 (Monthly)

Profits 8%

Acquisition costs $4’600.000,00 (Monthly)

After implementing “Loyalty Cards” During 3 months

Possible customers 8.400 Points of sale, with 4.800 Customers, with sales of $1.500 each one.

Incomes $7’200.000,00

Profits 10%

1 Source: Broadnet S.A. Financial department

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Acquisition costs $6’480.000,00

As we can see in Table N°1, Broadnet S.A. actually stay a network around the 8000 points of sale, with proximately 45000 customers each one and with an average of sales of $1.111. This tells us that at the end of each month the incomes are $5.000.000, 00, with 8% of raw profits equally to $400.00, 00. Costs are directly linked to the incomes with an equivalence of 90%.

With the propose done, it’s project to accomplish a minimum growth in the number of points of sale and customers equal to 5%, but it pretend increase substantially the sales average of each point, reaching to $1.500, 00, that represents an increase in the incomes to 44%, so it must reach to $7’200.000,00 monthly.

A foreseen raw profits percentage from 8% to 10%

Table N°2 shows a summary of the costs that must be done by Broadnet S.A. in order to obtain the performance of the proposal

Table N°2: Investment for the loyalty system implementations2


DETALLE DE ITEM VALORHardware $ 6,400.00Desarrollo de Sistema de control $ 4,000.00Capacitación a fuerza de Ventas $ 800.00Material para emisión de tarjetas $ 1,800.00Publicidad en medios e impresa $ 9,000.00TOTAL INVERSIÓN $ 22,000.00


Broadnet S.A. have a strong base in Ecuador, supported by a solid foreign base, represented by its subsidiary Denarii, so the costs of the investments are really

2 Source: Broadnet S.A. Projects Department

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cheap in comparison to the implementation realized with the other enterprise with the same target.

The biggest segment is the investment in publicity to make know the brand in a massive way with the methodology that will be used and the benefits of the loyalty system.

In the other hand, another important segment is the acquisition, just once, of the necessary hardware for the running of the system.

The investment that will be realized with this loyalty system represents a 3% of the monthly profit margin, is justified with the increase of inputs.

It is estimated that in six months the objectives proposed will be accomplished in the projections done in Table N°1.

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At the end of this investigation referent to the project for the implementation of loyalty cards as a loyalty method in the in Broadnet S.A. customers network, after having analyzed the results obtained in both the interview with the General Manager of the firm and the surveys realized to the consumers and customers we can conclude the following statements:

The implementation of this project, will have a big positive incidence in the company, because it is evident that will the loyalty of Broadnet S.A. customers network will be better.

Final consumer will direct their purchase preferences to the points of sale that show the brand of the firm.

The number of existing customers will increase in a short-term period, because having more benefits will make more attractive the offer of the firm’s service.

The enterprise has a strong base that will allow the implementation immediately.

The benefits for the enterprise will be tangible in economic and financial aspects, because it is a manageable investment, and also an increase in the profit margin and in the incomes in a short-term.

It would be important that the heads in the firm achieve agreements with the largest quantity possible number of strategic partners in the way the benefits could be better than the estimated.

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Supertel (2010, December) Statistics about the usage of mobile services and technology in the Ecuador


Paul Hoang (2009), Business and management, IBID Press






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1.1 Model of the interview for the Broadnet S.A. General Manager

Which objectives would Broadnet expects to reach by the implementation of a loyalty system?

From the different loyalty systems, which one would Broadnet consider implement in order to reach the success of the strategy?

And in order to achieve the preference of the consumers and Broadnet establishments, would you consider the implementation of this system for Broadnet?

According to your experience and knowledge about the Ecuadorian market, what was the opinion you have about the loyalty systems?

Considering the wide number of purchasers of mobile phones electronic recharges, which are the plans Broadnet, has to increase its sales in the following years?

Which do you consider are the strengths of your business and in competitive advantages in the mobile phone electronic recharges?

Which would be your diffusion, support and media plans?

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1.1 Modelo de entrevista para la Gerente General de Broadnet S.A.

¿Qué objetivos esperaría Broadnet alcanzar para implementar un

sistema de fidelización?

¿De los diversos sistemas de fidelización, cuál consideraría Broadnet

implementar para lograr el éxito en la estrategia?

¿Y en ese mismo sentido, para lograr la preferencia de los consumidores

a los establecimientos de su empresa, consideraría usted la

implementación de este sistema para Broadnet?

¿De acuerdo a su experiencia y conocimiento del mercado ecuatoriano,

qué opinión tiene usted acerca de los sistemas de fidelización?

¿Considerando el amplio mercado de compradores de recargas

electrónicas, cuáles son los planes de Broadnet para hacer crecer sus

ventas en los próximos años?

¿Cuáles considera usted que son las fortalezas de su empresa y sus

ventajas competitivas en el mercado de recargas electrónicas?

¿Cuál sería el plan de difusión, soporte y medios?

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1.1.1 Entrevista para el gerente de Broadnet S.A.

¿Cuáles considera usted que son las fortalezas de su empresa y sus ventajas competitivas en el mercado de recargas electrónicas?

Broadnet S.A. ha sido una empresa pionera en la venta de recargas electrónicas desde los inicios en el año 2005 convirtiéndose en una de sus fortalezas más importantes el conocimiento del mercado y todo el aprendizaje obtenido desde ese entonces para la comercialización de las recargas electrónicas. El grupo humano que trabaja en esta empresa y su cobertura nacional, es otro pilar fundamental para que Broadnet se haya mantenido con crecimientos importantes año a año captando nuevos clientes. Su infraestructura tecnológica y capital de inversión y de trabajo ha permitido que Broadnet se posicione en el mercado ofreciendo una variedad de medios de comercialización de acuerdo a las necesidades de cada cliente, por otro lado, el poder ofrecer productos y servicios adicionales a las recargas, las promociones propias a su red de clientes y consumidores y finalmente el lanzamiento de su marca PONLE MÁS con publicidad impresa y en radios, constituyen hasta hoy una de sus principales ventajas competitivas en el mercado.

¿Considerando el amplio mercado de compradores de recargas electrónicas, cuáles son los planes de Broadnet para hacer crecer sus ventas en los próximos años?

Efectivamente, Broadnet identifica como una oportunidad para captar nuevos clientes y poder incrementar notablemente su facturación anual, el incorporar nuevos productos y servicios como el pago de servicios básicos (agua, luz y teléfono) a su portafolio. Adicionalmente, reforzar el posicionamiento de su marca PONLE MÁS para que sea identificada en el mercado como la red de productos y servicios electrónicos más grande del país y así lograr la preferencia de los consumidores a nuestros establecimientos afiliados.

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¿De acuerdo a su experiencia y conocimiento del mercado ecuatoriano, qué opinión tiene usted acerca de los sistemas de fidelización?

Los sistemas de fidelización bien implementados, y siempre y cuando sean únicos en su categoría, constituyen una fuerte herramienta de marketing y ventas que le permite a la empresa indudablemente crecer en sus ventas y además, desarrollar una rica base de clientes consumidores y que al tiempo de conocer las necesidades de ellos, les otorga valor agregado a los clientes-consumidores premiando la lealtad en sus compras a través de premios, descuentos, sorteos, etc. E incentivando a repetir la compra de los productos en un mismo establecimiento.

¿Y en ese mismo sentido, para lograr la preferencia de los consumidores a los establecimientos de su empresa, consideraría usted la implementación de este sistema para Broadnet?

Por supuesto que sí, la implementación de un sistema de fidelización para Broadnet sería de enorme beneficio para la empresa, más aún, en los actuales momentos, ninguno de nuestros competidores directos lo ofrece.

Por otro lado, la recarga de minutos para celular en el segmento PREPAGO, es un producto de consumo masivo, lo que nos favorece y permite garantizar un alto éxito en el enganche de los consumidores al sistema, tomando en cuenta que el universo al que se apunta alcanza más de 10 millones de líneas de prepago y no menos de 8 millones de abonados y se comercializa a través de diferentes categorías de clientes que van desde grandes cadenas nacionales como Pharmacy´s, TIA, Comandato, Primax, etc hasta pequeñas tiendas, como farmacias, abarrotes, papelerías, cybers, líderes de barrio en todo el país.

¿De los diversos sistemas de fidelización, cuál consideraría Broadnet implementar para lograr el éxito en la estrategia?

AL contar con la ventaja de que Broadnet tiene a través de su red de más de 8.000 establecimientos afiliados llegada a todo el target de consumidores de minutos prepago celular, el sistema idóneo a implementarse sería una tarjeta de lealtad con acumulación de puntos por cada compra de recargas de minutos

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para redimir más minutos y premios en combinación con los descuentos y ofertas directas ofrecidas por las compras de los productos que ofrecen cada uno de los establecimientos afiliados a la red.

¿Qué objetivos esperaría Broadnet alcanzar para implementar el sistema de fidelización de puntos?

Broadnet tendría como objetivos principales el reforzar el posicionamiento de su MARCA PONLE MAS como la mejor y más grande red de servicios que ofrece no solo la comercialización de los productos y servicios sino que además premia esta elección de compra y recompra de los mismos incrementando la confianza que ellos depositan en la MARCA y establecimiento escogido para efectuar su transacción y como segundo objetivo, el incremento de las ventas a través del incremento de la frecuencia de las compras de sus actuales clientes y también atrayendo nuevos clientes a sus locales que perciban un mejor servicio en la compra de los productos a través de todos los valores agregados que ofrezca la tarjeta de fidelización.

¿Cuál sería el plan de difusión, soporte y medios?

Siendo el medio, una tarjeta plástica magnética con descarga electrónica que incluya un folleto con las equivalencias para la redención de minutos y premios por los puntos acumulados, la cual sería distribuida a través de la misma red de establecimientos afiliados a Ponle Más, tendría como soporte adicional material POP alusivo a la tarjeta, difusión complementaria en medios como radio y prensa que promocione el sistema y uso de la tarjeta en nuestra Red.

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Ma. José Jurado Herramientas de Colaboración Digital



1) Do you have cell phone?

a) Yes

b) No

If your answer was “Yes”, go to the next question

2) Do you have which technology?

a) Pay-as-you-go

b) Contract Plan

c) Prepaid service

If you answer was “Contract Plan” or “Prepaid service”, go to the next


3) Where do you purchase mobile phones recharges?

a) Stores

b) Supermarkets

c) Pharmacies

d) Gas stations

e) Cybers

f) Electric products stores

g) Others

4) Do you know or have heard about the brand PONLE+?

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Herramientas de Colaboración Digital Ma. José Jurado

a) Yes

b) No

5) Would you prefer that for the purchase of mobile phones recharges,

you receiving added benefits?

a) Yes

b) No

6) Which kind of benefit would you prefer?

a) Prize exchange

b) Discounts

c) Lotteries

d) Bigger recharge amount

e) Others

7) Have you heard about loyalty cards and the benefits them provide?

a) Yes

b) No

8) Would you use in your wallet or bag a loyalty card for you to obtain

points and collect them for change them for prizes or discounts in

your purchases, purchasing recharges?

a) Yes

b) No

9) Do you prefer to purchase always in the same places that offer the

service in order to obtain these benefits?

a) Yes

b) No

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Ma. José Jurado Herramientas de Colaboración Digital



1) ¿Tiene usted celular?

a) Sí

b) No

Si su respuesta es “Sí”, pase a la siguiente pregunta

2) Tiene usted:

a) Plan abierto

b) Plan controlado

c) Prepago

Si su respuesta fue “Plan privado” o “Prepago” pasar a la siguiente


3) ¿Dónde compra minutos para su celular?

a) Tiendas de barrio

b) Supermercados

c) Farmacias

d) Gasolineras

e) Cybers

f) Almacenes de electrodomésticos

g) Otros

4) ¿Conoce usted o ha escuchado la marca PONLE MÁS?

a) Sí

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Herramientas de Colaboración Digital Ma. José Jurado

b) No

5) ¿Le gustaría que por la compra de sus minutos para celular usted

reciba beneficios adicionales?

a) Sí

b) No

6) ¿Qué tipos de beneficios prefiere?

a) Canjeo de premios

b) Descuentos

c) Sorteos

d) Más minutos

e) Otros

7) ¿Ha escuchado sobre las tarjetas de fidelización de beneficios?

a) Sí

b) No

8) Usaría en su billetera o cartera una tarjeta de fidelización para sus

compras de minutos que acumulen puntos para canjes y ofrezca

descuentos por sus compras?

a) SÍ

b) No

9) ¿A cambio de estos beneficios ud preferiría comprar siempre en los

lugares que lo ofrecen?

a) Sí

b) No

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