hexagon 43

an-0282-64 Copy .-£ o f -':... 3 c ~ ~ /ftjL MIMOBAMDUM fOa: Director o f Central lnt.lllg.nee .  1 . I II a _oraJKlua t dated 2 9 Septaabel" 1964, t b e Direotor 01 t b e _.tional Recoua.l . .an08 01fice adv1. .4 t he Daputl' Dinetor f o r aci.nee an d TecbllolOU that h e CO\1ld Do t .aree i l l t be course of action .hleb tlut .&sene, b ad t ak 1 0 t he J'ULCBUJI Pro.-I''' b y eng_.iag 11l epacecratt &a d nCOYeI7 ..Idole oOllpet1tiOll8 at thi. t1... T he D/lIBO ateted that b e telt thls actloa •• preaature aDd coatrary t o a n agree.atalle.ed1, ".ebed Oil 11 .Aupat, wbicb a.reeaeat stipulated tbat a a1aa1e contractor would be _l.cted c . . .,.t1t1.... 11 t o cOlld.uct a .,8t. . . de.tID study a ad that, .oreover, tile J)/lOtO 1Iou14 approve t he work state. .o t a .fore baad. Tale »/lUIO n t on t o requ. t t h a t farther .fforte b e .... Aded I pending discu l o n o f tlut . . tter 1 n . . .etiac of t be MB O Executlve eo..itte. (BYB-22318-64) 2 . The.DI1DO ' . .z.p......d op1alO11 rec.:rd.11ltJ I'ULCJWII i a a INI'prl.. t o the _/SM" and. certainly n o t I n coac.rt w1 t b t b e IlADJ discuaa10aa aDd . . aorand. which bad. gone before. 3. OIl 2 .sul,. 1964. Dr. W . ..alon baadcarried a _or.r&d_ t o t h e Director, IQ.O wbich .tipulated tb.e actioDII 10. .lUob t b e AaeQCl would eDcap during Pba_ 1 o f t h J1JJ...CMDI Prograa aad. t he correapoD41q COIIt eatiaat. f o r eaeh eftort. In thls -.orandUli tile Agenc1 identified the vaJ"1oua .ftorte 1 8 whieb i t would engap ""riDg Pba.. I I n re8pGD.IM t o tile r e e ....DdatiODa of t h e LaDd PaDel called. b y t h e DCI OI l Jf> Juae. D r .. Wbeeloa t •• _orand. . o f :2 .July stated that t b e weicht budpt aDd dJnaaie balance proble. . would b e .tudied i n a funded proposal f o r space craft an d recovery vehicle .,8t. . . wlth follow-up des1gn aDd development efforts b7 those coapaul.. awarded t h e contracts. Handie via YEMAH Control System NRO APPROVED FOR RELEASE 17 September 2011

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3 c ~ ~ / f t jL

MIMOBAMDUM fOa: Director of Central ln t . l l lg .nee

1 . III a _oraJKlua t dated 29 Septaabel" 1964, tbeDireotor 01 tbe _.t ional Recoua.l..an08 01fice adv1. .4 theDaputl' Dine to r for aci.nee and TecbllolOU that he CO\1ldDot .aree ill tbe course of act ion . h l eb t lut .&sene, badtak• • 10 the J'ULCBUJI Pro.-I ' ' ' by eng_.iag 11l epacecratt&ad nCOYeI7 . .Idole oOllpet1tiOll8 a t t h i . t 1 . . . The D/lIBO

ateted tha t be t e l t th ls actloa • • • preaature aDd coatraryto an ag r ee . a t a l l e . ed1 , " .ebed Oil 11 .Aupat, wbicba.reeaeat st ipulated tba t a a1aa1e contractor would be_ l . c t ed c. .. , . t1t1....11 to cOlld.uct a . , 8 t... de.tID studyaad tha t , .oreover, t i le J)/lOtO 1Iou14 approve the workstate..ota . f o r e baad. Tale »/lUIO • •nt on to requ.••ttha t fa r ther . f for te be

. . . .Aded


pending discu• • lonof t lut . .t t e r 1n. . .

etiac of tbe MBO Executlve eo . . i t t e .(BYB-22318-64) •

2. The.DI1DO'. .z.p......d op1alO11 rec.:rd.11ltJ I'ULCJWIIia a INI'prl. . to the _/SM" and. certainly not In coac.rtw1 tb tbe IlADJ discuaa10aa aDd . .aorand. which bad. gonebefore.

3 . OIl 2 .sul,. 1964. Dr. W. . .alon baadcarried a_o r . r &d _ to the Director , IQ.O wbich . t ipula ted tb.eactioDII 10. . lUob tbe AaeQCl would eDcap during Pba_ 1of the J1JJ...CMDI Prograa aad. the correapoD41q COIIt ea t i aa t .

fo r eaeh ef tor t . In th ls - .orandUli t i le Agenc1 ident if iedthe vaJ"1oua . f to r te 18 whieb it would engap ""r iDg Pba . . IIn re8pGD.IM  to ti le ree....DdatiODa of the LaDd PaDel called.by the DCI OIl Jf> Juae. Dr .. Wbeeloa t• •_orand. . of :2 .Julysta ted tha t tbe weicht budp t aDd dJnaaie balance proble..would be . tudied in a funded proposal fo r space craf t andrecovery vehicle . , 8 t... wlth follow-up des1gn aDd developmenteffor ts b7 those coapaul.. awarded th e contracts.

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•• 011 13 -suat Dr. Wbea10a and. Mr. lIaxe, . . t withDr. Jlcl1.11a.a to discu. . tAe ata tua of Pha. . 1 e f fo r t . ofI'ULC&VII. In that ...t lag, Dr. JIc1Il11an re la ted wbat bef e l t . . . . tu agreeaellt Wltll t.be .DCl cOlICeraine I'ULCllUIl.lie allONf1 t l lat be would t r , to re i te ra te t l le WlderatucUng. a Dr .. hb t a l a180 . . . . I t . Dr. McJll l lu atated tha t beeonte-.plaWd IVLCIPJII Pkaae I . f f o r t s . . rea l ly a perlod.of .,..t. . . . .1 p study. III addl t ioD to . tudy effortarecardtac t_ c...ra dea lp aacI faat fil. traaaport, theAseDC, would 81ao cona1d.er  tbe houalac to r th e payloadBUeb .. ' ....pacecraft .

I . Acld1tlO1lallYt Dr. 11cJ111laa eua ;p . t " that , wherever. , . . 101 . , W.... exla t l.. llardwlU"ft or bantware \lncler develop"D t . .. weat oe to _ a t that weh words coul ' alsoapplJ' to t i le NCOf t I ' J . .blele , and he Iftatect tbat tbe_. '1oaa! J leeoaaaJ ._e Prop-a. • • • r ipe for • DeW recoveryvehlcle , aU poaalb17 two. Be rec- . . .aded that . e scrut in izet.JIe . .08-17 . . .laicl . requlreMBte . . . .11 to tile polDt of _p l l t t e e . laM . . . . .. , . . . , witli • _11 l'8OaYel'7 veJUele •.. t u r t _ r Ne. . . .acled tha t . . _ l e e ' • 81..1e eoatractor todo tbe . , e t e . _at,. 8t\ldJ aad t Ju t t l l ia contractor. and

poaatb11 a 0.,.'1'01', be "....po. .l ..l. fo, pJ"04ac1111f tbe.a t i re ftILCBUII 811ft.. lac1841. pttll1& • recove17 whlel .co. t racto , .. a at . .

f . Dr. Wbeel. . retorted that be t l loueht lt • • •deairaltle 04 . . . .ga r y to obtain . pa ra te 1 /, . t u d i••aDd ..l eo t t ile ......17 t Ia tep-at loaf aacS CheckoUt cont ractor aDd 81. . . Ida t . . . . ,........laeerlac fUllCtlouwillIe t_ p r op tU I got UJIA'lenraJ'.

1. OIl 14 . lu.pl.t ti le DCI l_a tbe lo1l01l1ql8tltnur.t1ou re .ardt.. coatraotual proceftrea 18 IVLCJtm. .

(1) TIle" .ull be JlO cOllldtaeatl' cOIltractual01' lap11ed, tllat we are to proceed . - . t the a\ltllor1zed••

D worll OR tb e f i l a haadl1111 Mc luu l i _ aD4 tbeo _ r a , whin laclu•• elf ." . lo , . . . ta l aook-u.pa  bul1t11l - . f f l c l• • t 4e ta l l to . . . . . ., or to dleproYe a l l. .-atl0D8 or doubt. eoacerai• • f ••81_11it, • •d,w1ta reepeet to tbe apaceoratt and re-eatry 'NlUcl.,ooaceptual .at..,. aDd . f ' l e i e a t deta i l ed eql.-.rlqto pre_a t aCC1U"ate deteralnatloa8 a . to " e l p t oftbe to ta l .....b1J aad coapatabl11t, w1tb th e launcher.

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(2) You wll l . .plo l eqlD8er8 all<l contrac torsto tbe Iu l l• • t poaa1ble extent , reserv iq a . "in-bouseaet1vl t l• • f f reapoaalbl11tiea for supervision aDdp:ldlUlC8 o f the e&gilleer. aud ooatrac tore . I w1shIOU to ayold aa fa r .. posaible unnea....r i l , . buildingaD 11l-1lowle oapab!ll t1 . N8 t r l o t l q tbe el tpauion of1CMU' a ta l f , I f allY 1 . requl:reG, to llUell 80d l t l on • •. . . . a e a e ~ to adequatel , avpenlae tbe work of tJae...i._r. aDd tbe CODtractore.

This ....raaau. . p ac i f i c a l l , augceated aoapet1t ! .e contractfe r tbe • •lp of the apacecraft. The Director inGieatedt l la t tbe laa tne t loDa . . .re eatlre11C01l81ateat wltll the1tDC.lentancllDC reached a t t . b e e 1 l t l f t Co.a1t tee . .at lagoa 11 .Aq\uJt ..

• • On 18 .pat the DCI recOII1IeJUted i l l • lleaoraadwato r tbe ..cord OIl tbe Jb;eoutl". Ct . . l t t e••et iDa of 18 Aupa t

tJlat tIM ...1111011 " . . . aade to proceed la accordance wI tb b isMaOl"aadua 01 14 Avpet .

•• OIl 27 . . . . .at in a IIeaoraadua for ti le Becord by tbePDCI I " ep rd1q tlte h e w t l.. Coaai t teo ... t 1 q of 26 .&.upst,Geaeral Carter lDdJ.cate4 tba t lecretal ' J Yaaoe had reciatered

ta1a apree_at tha t tlle I'DLCJIUII Proar- . . . . a l l .a.reed and"W l f ti i n a " aa4 lie tllouIllt t l la t t id. . . . a great stepfonaM_

10. OIl 21 Aupat. t i le DOCI acivise<1 the DD/IIM' tlla tti le DCI . . . . approved tbe fol lowins . . a l t i ena l 8'11_11. .8

f o ~ ...ra11 .qu1. . .t1011 aDd direotloD o f th e J1JLCRUII Prop"aa.! 'be . . . . . . . . . 1s a CIA. p.rograa Wider JJaO • •cta. eo.a.Dd,coat. . .l , _ , . " 18108 aM ellrection 01 tbe ent t re IVLCI.UII Ph. . . Ip rGp 'M I I s ...1 . - d to the DD/.ad'. Adellt Ioaal ly , be 1aatructedth e D»IIW t e leeep the DO fu l l , aod coapletal , . intoned. of1t a propoe:. . aII4 to pro'vide lafoJ"tUtloD copi. . of oontractualwork at.telaenta to tbe JtaO_

11. OR 31 A _ a t Dr .. - - ' 108 prep......d a aeaoran4Ua onti le coad.ct of t i le I'ULC&UIt Prop-aa . . .4 tbe te . . . . ot referellce..lttela tile DD/1MsT would eaplOJ 1D the lUUla. . . .a t of Phase I.TIlt. . . . .ran4ua . . . . appl"Oftd tty General Carter, and notationwaa _ d e tha t the DCl bel read aDd ora l ly approved i t . IIItIM t e ras of rafereace of t h l . aeaoraDdwa 1 twas apeelf ied

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tha t there would be a coapetl t iv8 select ion of a spacecraftdesign study contractor aa well as ODe for the recoveryvehicle.

12. On 1 September the DCI directed a . ..orandUDl toSecretary Vance, which included . s a t t a c ~ e n t s not only thelHaorandwa prepareel by Dr. Wheelon speclfylnc the t e ras ofreference and basic maaaceaent plan fo r Project FULCRUM,but also the direct ive to Dr. Wheelon frOll General Carterwbich placed rvLCRUI under the direct ion of the DD/$kTand specif ied tha t the D . D / ~ should provide the KBO

inforaat lon copies of 'Work statementa.

13. On 8 lepteaber Dr. Wheelon advlsed tbe D/NRO

by aeeorandua that the Agency planned to r e l e . . . thefunded dealgD coapetltloD contracts for the re-entryvehicle. Dr. Wheelon reque. ted tha t the reaul ts of othera/Y deslSD s tudi . s conducted by the Air Force or KIObe aade available to the Agency

1 . . On 11 Septeaber the OD/IIIT forwarded to theD/HRO infoNat lon copi . . of the spacecraft and recoveryvehicle work ata te. .nts .

16. On IT Sept .aber the D/JIBO, aceedina to

Dr .. Wh• •1oa's request, directed the Director, Proaram. Atto proVide Dr. Wbeelon with informatlon derived trOll theB/V d••igD etud!• ••

16. 111 response to a querJ 11"918 D/lOW on 21 lept• •bar• • to the atatus of the FULCRUM Project . the J ) P / 8 ~ rep l ied

OD IS Septeeber apprai81-. the D/JfI.O as to tbe york e f fo r t spre_Dt l , . underway 11l J'VLCavll and aasuriDI' h l . tbat . adet ln l t i s . a work . t a t...nta . .ere prepared the,. would beforwarded to the NBO a . bad beeD dODe w1tb the R/V andspaeecraft contracts .


Deputy Director tor

Sclence aDd Technology

Dist r ibut ion:Copy 1 - DCI

2 - DDCI3 - DD/S&T

4 & 5 - DD/S&T/Reg6 - SPS/DDS&T -4 - SECRET

DD/S&T/SPS:JNMcMahon:amp (30 Sept 64)


RELEASE 17 September 2011