ieee systems council regional activities & chapters committee member services:...

IEEE Systems Council Regional Activities & Chapters Committee Member Services: Transnational/Chapters/Fellows Regional Activities & Chapters Committee Status Briefing for IEEE Systems Council AdCom Prof. (Winston) Wai-Chi Fang VP- Member Service Chairman of the Regional Activities Committee Date: April 11, 2008 Location: Montreal, Canada

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IEEE Systems Council Regional Activities & Chapters


Member Services: Transnational/Chapters/Fellows

Regional Activities & Chapters Committee Status Briefing

for IEEE Systems Council AdCom

Prof. (Winston) Wai-Chi Fang

VP- Member ServiceChairman of the Regional Activities Committee

Date: April 11, 2008Location: Montreal, Canada

IEEE Systems Council’s Regional Activities & Chapters Committee

Welcome to the IEEE Systems Council's Regional Activities and Chapters Committee

(Winston) Wai-Chi Fang, Ph.D., IEEE FellowVP- Member Service

&Chairman, Regional Activities & Chapters Committee

IEEE Systems Council’s Regional Activities & Chapters

Committee Chairman Introduction

(Winston) Wai-Chi Fang, Ph.D., IEEE Fellow方偉騏 博士 , 美國電機電子工程學院 院士

Transnational Liaison, IEEE Systems Council Chairman, Regional Activities & Chapter

Committee of IEEE Systems Council VP-Memebr Service, IEEE Systems Council Governor, Board of Governors of IEEE

Circuits and Systems Society Senior Engineer/Manager, NASA Jet

Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA

TSMC Distinguished Chair Professor, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

An Introduction to…

IEEE Systems Council

The logo of IEEE Systems Councilwas approved by the IEEE Systems Council AdCom on May 13, 2006.

The IEEE Technical Activity Board has approved a Systems Council to build systems application focused synergy among 15 IEEE Societies who have formed this Council. These societies include: • Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC) • Instrumentation and Measurement (IMS) • Microwave Theory and Techniques (MTT) • Aerospace & Electronic Systems (AES) • Product Safety Engineering (PSES) • Computational Intelligence (CIS) • Robotics and Automation (RAS)• Engineering Management (EMS) • Oceanic Engineering (OES) • Circuits and Systems (CAS) • Power Electronics (PES) • Communications (COMSOC) • Control Systems (CSS) • Computer (CS) • Reliability (RS) IEEE Systems Council Website:

IEEE Systems CouncilGoverning Documents :

IEEE Systems Council Constitution - FINAL (RCR)

5/18/05 (


Table of Contents

ARTICLE I NAME AND PURPOSE Section 1 Name Section 2 Purpose ARTICLE II FIELD OF INTEREST Section 1 Field of Interest ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP OF COUNCIL Section 1 Council and Member Societies Section 2 New Member Societies Section 3 Removal of Member Societies Section 4 Officers of Council Administrative

Committee (AdCom) Section 5 Voting Members of Council AdCom Section 6 IEEE Membership Requirement Section 7 Member Representative Appointment and

Voting Privileges Section 8 Terms of Member Society Representatives Section 9 Vacancies of Member Society

Representatives Section 10 Non-Voting Ex-Officio Members of Council


OFFICERS Section 1 Election of Officers Section 2 Method of Election Section 3 Filling of Council Office Vacancies

Table of Contents (conti.)

ARTICLE V POWERS, PRIVILEGES, AND DUTIES Section 1 Duties of Officers and Members Section 2 Appointment of Secretary, Editors, Committee

Chairpersons Section 3 Duties of Council President Section 4 Establishment of Standing Committees Section 5 Expenditures and Debts ARTICLE VI FINANCIAL SUPPORT & EXPENDITURES Section 1 Regular Income Section 2 Additional Revenues Section 3 Prohibited Expenditures ARTICLE VII MEETINGS Section 1 Meetings Section 2 Annual Meeting Section 3 Quorum and ex-officio members Section 4 Alternate Representatives Section 5 Business Conducted by Telecommunication Section 6 Lack of Quorum ARTICLE VIII PUBLICATIONS Section 1 Publication Policies Section 2 Publication of Council Periodicals ARTICLE IX CONFERENCES AND TECHNICAL MEETINGS Section 1 Meetings Policies ARTICLE X RECALL Section 1 Recall of Member Society Representatives Section 2 Recall of Voting Procedures ARTICLE XI AMENDMENTS Section 1 Adoption and Amendment of Constitution Section 2 Precedence of IEEE Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies Section 3 Effective Date of Constitution

Chapter Support Programby Mark Montrose, Division IV Director Elect

IEEE PSES Representative

RAA (Responsibility/Accountability/Authority) is under VP – Member Services

Provides financial support to Chapters to help with expenses related to hosting meetings, speakers or local events/activities.

This support program is not related to the Distinguished Lecturer financial support program. A chapter can use one or the other mode of financial support from the Council.

The maximum amount of support will be $600/year per chapter. Multiple requests may be made as long as the calendar year amount does not exceed $600.

Chapter support is not limited to only Systems Council Chapters but may be used in conjunction with joint chapters. For this situation, pro-rated use of funds must be shared.

The Chapter requesting funding will make a written request to the VP of Technical Operations who will then approve or disapprove. If approved the request goes to the Council Treasurer for disbursement from IEEE HQ.

Sufficient details on use of the money must be made in the formal request.

IEEE Systems Council’s Chapter Information

Chapter Information   Why should Society members form a Chapter?Chapters are ideal vehicles for informative technical meetings and for networking at the local level. Chapters can receive funding from both the parent technical Society and the parent Section.

  Who can form an IEEE Chapter?To form a Chapter, you must be an active member of the IEEE holding the grade of Member, Senior Member or Fellow. You must also be a member of the Section, and the Society. If it is a joint Chapter, membership in only one of the Sections is required.

  How do I form a Chapter?By completing a Society Chapter petition which must be signed by at least 12 qualified members and approved by the Section Chair. IEEE Staff is available to assist you in any step of the process of Chapter Development. Please visit the IEEE Society Chapter home page or direct any questions to: April Nakamura, IEEE Society Chapter Coordinator, phone: +1 732 562 3846, fax: +1 732 981 1769, e-mail: [email protected].

  What is the difference between a Region, a Section and a Chapter?The membership of the IEEE is divided geographically into three administrative Units. The first division is that of Regions of which there are 10 worldwide. They are: Regions 1-6 which consist of the IEEE membership in the United States; Region 7 is Canadian members; Region 8 is Europe, Africa and the Middle East; Region 9 is Latin America and the Caribbean; and Region 10 is Asia, Australia and the Pacific Rim countries. The second division is Sections. There are about 300 Sections, which are subunits of Regions, divided geographically to facilitate administration and local activities. The third division is Chapters. Chapters are technical subunits of one or more Sections. There are 37 different Technical Societies which are represented by the Chapters in each Section.

  Who is eligible to hold office in a Chapter?To be eligible to hold office in an IEEE Section you must be an active member of the IEEE. You must hold the grade of Member, Senior Member, or Fellow, or Life Member, Life Senior, or Life Fellow. You must also be a member of the Section. Society Chapter Officers must be members of the Society (if it is a joint Society Chapter, membership in only one of the Societies is required).

  What reporting requirements must Chapters follow?Chapters are required to annually report meeting activity, financial activity and current officers to the parent Section. These reports must be submitted at the end of each year. Additional reporting may be required from the Society. For more information, see the IEEE Chapter Reporting Requirements web page.

  Are there funds available for my Chapter?Yes, funds are provided to eligible units through the annual Section rebate. $180 per Chapter which meets the reporting requirements explained above. Additional funding may be available from your Society. For more information on Society funding, please review the Society Chapter Funding Guide.

In addition to IEEE funding, the System Council provides the following financial support to its Chapters:

$600 in "start-up" funds for NEW chapters. (PLEASE NOTE: If a chapter is joint, it is expected that the other societies contribute equal shares.)

$600 per year for ACTIVE chapters which submit report (& request) to the Council (to assist a Chapter planning a "special event" (e.g., int'l workshop, industry-oriented exhibition, short course, etc.)

For further information, please contact your Systems Council’s Regional Activities & Chapters Committee Chairman (Dr. Wai-Chi FANG, 2006-2009).

IEEE Regional World Map

Chapters - Worldwide  The IEEE has sectioned the world

into 10 regions as shown on the map below. Each region encompasses the following geographical areas:

Region 1 USA – NortheastRegion 2 USA – EastRegion 3 USA – SoutheastRegion 4 USA - North CentralRegion 5 USA - South CentralRegion 6 USA – WestRegion 7 CanadaRegion 8 Europe, Middle East, AfricaRegion 9 Latin AmericaRegion 10 Asia, Australia and the


IEEE Systems Council’s Regional Activities & Chapters


Chair: Wai-Chi FANG Region 1 - Chairman Region 2- Chairman Region 3- Chairman Region 4- Chairman Region 5- Chairman Region 6- Chairman Region 7- Chairman Region 8- Chairman Region 9- Chairman Region 10- Chairman

Region 1- Chapter #1 ChairRegion 1- Chapter #2 Chair

…. …. Region 6- Chapter #1 Chair

Region 6- Chapter #2 Chair

Region 7- Chapter #1 ChairRegion 7- Chapter #2 Chair

Region 8- Chapter #1 ChairRegion 8- Chapter #2 Chair

Region 9- Chapter #1 ChairRegion 9- Chapter #2 Chair

Region 10- Chapter #1 ChairRegion 10- Chapter #2 Chair

Regional Activities & Chapters Committee Members

Taipei Section Chapter Chair (confirmed) Prof. Lan-Da VAN, National Chiao-Tung UniversityEmail: [email protected]://

South Taiwan Section Chapter Chair (confirmed) Prof. Hsiang-Cheh Huang,

National University of Kaohsiung (NUK)Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C.

IEEE Systems Council’s Chapters in Region 10 Asia, Australia and the Pacific

Region 10-China Chairman: (confirmed)Zhenhui Tan, Past President of Beijing

Jiaotong University, China

Beijing Section Chapter Chair: (confirmed)Yao Zhao, Beijing Jiaotong University, China

Shanghai Chapter Chair: (invited and to be confirmed)


IEEE Systems Council’s Chapters in Region 10 Asia, Australia and the Pacific

IEEE Systems Council’s Chapters in Region 10 Asia, Australia and the Pacific

Singapore Section Chapter Chair (confirmed)

TEO Siow Hiang, Head of Ops Analysis & Simulation,DSTAEmail: [email protected]: TDB http://

IEEE Systems Council’s Chapters in Region 10 Asia, Australia and the


Korea Section Chapter Chair (confirmed) Chair: LEE Jae-Chon, Professor and Head, Dept. of Systems Engineering, Ajou UniversityEmail: [email protected]: LEE Young-Hoon, Senior ResearcherKorea Railroad Research Institute

Email: [email protected]: TDB http://

IEEE Systems Council’s Chapters in Region 10 Asia, Australia and the


UK Section Chapter Chair (confirmed)

Chair: Dr. Daniel Howard Email: [email protected]: Prof. Mohammad K. IbrahimChair of Information & Systems EngineeringDe Montford University (Leicester)Email: [email protected]: TDB http://

Distinguished Lecturer Program- Work with VP Technical Operations

RAA (Responsibility/Accountability/Authority) is under VP – Technical Operations

Provides an opportunity for recognized experts to speak about Systems Engineering to interested parties, namely Council Chapters and interested affiliates.

Chosen for a 2-year term by the BOD. The hosting chapter is responsible for selecting a

speaker, dates and to provide [supplemental] funding. Maximum of 3 talks/year, funded at $750/talk (R1-R7) or

$1K (R8-R10). For Non-North American speakers, the amount is reversed.

Talks may coincide with a business trip. Under this situation the employer subsidizes travel expenses. If combined with personal holiday, pro-rated expenses are paid.

Under no condition can marketing or promotion of oneself occur while a distinguished lecturer.

IEEE Systems Council Chapter-of-the Year Award

The purpose of this award is to recognize the Systems Council Chapter with the best yearly activities. The award is based on best yearly activities in the categories of Chapter-sponsored technical activities, increase in membership and participation in Council-level sponsored conferences/meetings.

The first award is to be granted in year 2008.

Technical Co-Sponsorship for Non-IEEE Conferences/Workshops


2008 International Conference on Security Technology (SecTech 2008) will be held on December 13 ~ 15, 2008, Hainan Island, China.

Security Technology HomeCall for PapersSpecial SessionPaper SubmissionDates & DeadlinesInvited SpeakersProceedingsCommitteeRegistrationAccommodationTravelContactsSponsors

Technical Co-Sponsorship for Non-IEEE

Conferences/Workshops (2)

IIH-MSP-2008The Fourth International Conference onIntelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal ProcessingAugust 15 - 17, 2008   Harbin, China

New Technical Committee- Work with VP- Technical Operations

TC on Security Technology TC on Large Scale Networking and

Multimedia Systems TC on Green Environment and Global

Water Resources

IEEE Fellows

- Work with Nomination and Award Committee Chair

- Work with Fellow Nomination Committee Chair