iip report

Project Report On Identifying the market scope of E-Learning products in Trivandrum Submitted by: S.Ganesh Roll-no-M4-17 UNDER THE ESTEEMED GUIDANCE OF Prof KVS Krishnamohan SIVA SIVANI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT

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Page 1: IIP Report

Project Report


Identifying the market scope of E-Learning products in Trivandrum

Submitted by:




Prof KVS Krishnamohan




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COMPANY is an original and bonafide work done by me during the academic year 2009-2011. This is being submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of the POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF MANAGEMENT from SIVA SIVANI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT. The matter embodied in this report has not been submitted for the award of any other degree or diploma.


Place: Hyderabad Date:

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I would like to thank Mr…………, General Manager (HELIX) for sparing his

valuable time for guiding me on the project. I would also like to sincerely thank

my project guide Ms…….., Sr.Exec. (HELIX) for giving me an opportunity to

work on this project. Their constant support and guidance has been invaluable in

shaping up this project. I would like to thank them for the constant encouragement

from time to time which helped me in delivering my best.

I am highly grateful to my college mentor Mr. KRISHNA MOHAN (Professor

Marketing) for giving timely support & guidance on my project.

I would also like to thank the entire Marketing Team for helping & advising me

whenever the need arose. My sincere gratitude goes to the employees/teachers of

schools of Trivandrum for their support; without their responses the project would

not have been possible.


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o Introduction

o Objective of the Study

o Significance of the Study


o Literature Review


o Industry Profile

o Company Profile


o Introduction of Research Methodology

o Research Design

o Tools and Methods of Data Collection

o Limitations


o Data Analysis and Interpretations


o Findings and Conclusion


o Recommendations

o Bibliography

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Last few years, the impact of technology is influencing in all sectors from industries to

elementary education. There has been a spectacular development in the use of E-learning in the

past few years, and consequently, computer-mediated communication has attracted more


E-learning, which employs electronic media as part of delivery system and encompasses diverse

learning strategies and technologies including computer based learning, web based learning,

virtual classrooms, and digital collaborations. Its cost effectiveness, flexibility of learning

anytime anywhere, uniform delivery to all users reducing chances of misinterpretations,

promotion of team learning & discussion, and easy access to global community, has given it a

competitive edge over the traditional method of learning. The distinctive features of E-learning

are making it more popular around the globe.

Elearning is a catch-all term that covers a wide range of instructional material that can be

delivered on a CD-ROM or DVD, over a local area network (LAN), or on the Internet. It

includes Computer-Based Training (CBT), Web-Based Training (WBT), and Electronic

Performance Support Systems (EPSS), distance or online learning and online tutorials. The

major advantage to students is its easy access. There are some typical elements and a standard

approach to developing or authoring eLearning material.

E-learning or electronic learning in India is gaining prominence slowly, but indeed steadily. This

is due to the fact that more than half the population of India today is below 25 years of age and

the number of Internet users is growing continuously. The tremendous growth of the economy in

the recent past has also helped in the growth of online education in India. E-learning in India is

especially popular with the young professionals who have joined the work force quite early but

still would like to continue their education that may help them move up their career ladder

quickly and safely. They find online education in India very convenient, as the nature of the

course work does not require them to attend regular classes. Moreover reputed institutes like

Indian Institute of Management, Indian Institute of Technology, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade

are today offering e-learning courses.

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Thus e-learning in India makes it possible for the learners to pursue their education from reputed

institutes without much hassle.

E-Learning provides easy access

E-Learning provides the student or learner with information that can be accessed in a setting free

from time and place constraints. The student can go through the lessons at his or her own pace.

In many cases--especially in a CBT delivered on a CD-ROM--the material is media-rich

information, including such multimedia forms as audio and video.

The progress and achievement of the student can be assessed in eLearning, with custom feedback

and evaluation available in an interactive environment.

Typical elements:

A typical element of eLearning material comes from good instructional design and is similar to what is used in training and educational classes:

Introduction or overview Information presentation Practice items with customized, instructive feedback Assessment Evaluation feedback

1.2 Objective of the Study

The Study aims to find the growing opportunities for E-learning solutions in Trivandrum


1. To find the existence E learning in schools in Trivandrum.

2. To find out the interest of schools in Helix technology solutions in Trivandrum.

3. Opportunity and challenges for digital solutions in Trivandrum.

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1.3 Significance of the Study

This Study helps to identify the other major market players in the E-learning Industry.

The Study also helps to know about the Management perceptions regarding the E-

learning Solutions.

This Study helps to know about the entire E-learning Industry in India.

The Study limelight the important factors for selecting the E-learning solutions by the


Brings out the importance of E-learning solutions in schools.

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2.1 Definition of E-LearningE-learning is the acquisition and use of knowledge distributed and facilitated primarily by

electronic means. This form of learning currently depends on networks and computers, but

will likely evolve into systems consisting of a variety of channels (e.g., wireless, satellite),

and technologies (e.g., cellular phones, personal digital assistants) as they are developed

and adopted.

E-learning can take the form of courses as well as modules and smaller learning objects. E-

learning may incorporate synchronous or asynchronous access and may be distributed

geographically with varied limits of time.

2.2 Evolution of E-LearningE-Learning models are the most preferable mode of education in all parts of the globe. The

foot prints of E-learning models are traced, it shows that the influence of E-learning

models was used for first correspondence programs in the U.S. at Pennsylvania State

University in 1892. They started this service to provide the education access to rural areas.

In later years, the correspondence model is changed into a better education program by

using the technology.

In 1920’s and 1950s, they started to broadcast the course lessons through radio medium.

Due to the advancement of computer and networking technologies are providing a diverse

means to support learning in a more personalized, flexible, portable and on-demand

manner. These radical and sweeping changes in learning needs and technology have

catapulted a revolutionary transition in modern learning tools in the backdrop of the

internet, commonly referred to as E-learning.

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The evolutions of E-learning are categorized into four phases. They are

1. Instructor Led Training (Faculty)

2. Computer Based Training (Multimedia, E-book, CD)

3. Web Based Training (E-Learning)

4. Wireless Based Training(M-learning, Satellite learning)

These enhanced training solutions provide greater cost savings, higher quality of learning

experience and are the educational standards are being revolutionize and changing to adopt

e-learning as the basis for many educations levels.

2.3 Uses of E-learningE-Learning is used in everywhere and across all types of areas. Businesses – private or

public sectors, non-profit organizations, NGO’s (Non-governmental organizations) and

Educational institutions. E-learning is deployed with the objective of enhancing the

students knowledge and cost saving. E-learning also helps to explore the subject with

fruitful description and flowery demonstration.

Businesses used e-learning for introduction or orientation learning of the organizations and

their products and services in addition to remedial training, to provide certifications, to

promote products and services, to support organizational initiatives and to keep up to date

with the latest software’s. Educational institutions used it for broadening the academic

scope. E-learning can provide much more references and learning scopes than the ones

provided in the usual text books.

2.4 Implementation Barriers in E-learningSeveral barriers to the implementation of e-learning had previously been identified in the

literature. The examples are:

1.Increased time commitment (workload) for academic staff.

2.Development time

3.Delivery time.

4.Lack of strategic planning and visions.

5.Lack of training in technological developments.

6.Lack of support for pedagogical aspects of developments.

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•Lecturers’ lack of time. Mainly it is related to preparing the e-course and adjusting

existing courses into e-course format.

•Learning materials and time management. In case of ordinary learning situation, the

planning and time management is being done for the student by curriculum administration

department. But in case of e-learning course, the student himself /herself has to take active

role in it and that necessitates much more self- discipline and becomes one of the major

issues why students drop e-courses.

•Loss of “teacher’s aura” and possibility of discussion. Some special subjects (e.g.

social science, Moral etc.) require a lot of discussion and quick feedback and that makes

the notion of turning these courses into full-fledged e-courses highly questionable. Blended

learning offers solution: lectures in virtual environment, seminars, and practical

assignments in class room – in face-to-face environment.

•Technology. The technology issues followed two main themes: hardware problems with

the school’s network server and Internet bandwidth issues.

•Lack of face-to-face communication. Some younger students expressed regret that they

were not able to sit in math class with their peers.

•Comparison to regular courses. Some students felt that their on-line course work was

more difficult than the work their peers in normal regular school were doing. Others said

that they felt their Cyber School courses took more time than that of their peers in regular

courses. One had also remarked that there was a drop in his math score in the on-line

school compared to what he had obtained in a regular course the previous year.

2.5 Four dimensions in E-learning:In the E-learning design process of any subject is very important. This design process done

on the basis of four dimensions. They are

1. Student – Student Interaction

2. Student – Teacher Interaction

3. Student – Resource Interaction

4. Student – Computer Interaction

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Student – Student Interaction: Ability for the students to communicate and interact with

one other is an important factor of E-learning design

Student – Teacher Interaction: Mixed mode or blend of both contents and traditional way

of face to face teaching can be used as supplement.

Student – Resource Interaction: Students may obtain curriculum content through

traditional means, but conduct learning activities and other quizzes through E-learning.

Student – Computer Interaction: Most of the distance education is mainly designed

under this dimension only, but in the school education this mode can’t be used.

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3.1 Industry Profile

India is fast emerging as an E-learning hub, because of its ability to provide a large pool of a highly educated workforce. There are a number of other potential factors for IT outsourcing in India, such as cost-efficiency, quality, technical support and a growing economy. In that context education is costly and moving ahead for higher education is even costlier, so major portion of masses remain uneducated and lot many learners have to quit their education half way. With fast growth of Internet, technology and multimedia the world has come closer and provided us with numerous benefits over the older technologies and learning techniques, maintaining learner's interest and providing extensible, rich learning experiences with integration of physically objects.

Indian E-learning industry employs about 11,000 people and total revenue is estimated at $316 million

Domestic E-learning industry is about 10% of the total industry size and stands at around $30 million

Indian E-learning industry had been experiencing a healthy CAGR of approximately 30% over last 5 years. Except the current fiscal year, the industry is to grow at similar or better pace for coming few years.

Over time, professionals of the e-learning industry and their clients saw the need for cost-effective solutions. Thus, the developed solutions are cost-effective, as compared to other developed nations and also assure the same level of quality. A number of companies in India possess quality certifications such as ISO and SEI-CMM and meet international standards.

Table 1.1 –Organization strength of companies

In India, there are over 30 organizations with 100+ employees, who are trying to give better solutions with the best knowledge.

E-learning market focuses on e-learning assets, e-learning objects, flexible e-learning content creation and platform integration services. E-learning has defined no technological boundary or

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platform for learning practices so this ultimately provides best knowledge management solutions for spreading knowledge. With technology arbitrating knowledge and learning, education industry is has seen a steep growth. Classroom learning stands for formal learning for it has stated objectives and gives fixed results. Some kinds of e-learning also give formal education and learning experiences online. Online learning is boosting up because of its flexibility. This enables a learner to learn according to his pace and can browse through the topic until he understands it fully.

Table 1.2 – Comparison between E-Learning and Software Related Services

The organizations that have achieved certain scale are going for more and more direct presence in geographies which are making them big E-learning producers. The growth rate of these organizations at CAGR of 30 – 40% or more. E-learning business is growing at 80-100%, now the corporate sectors is eyeing on Indian E-learning business.

In the transformation happened in education sector many players came into market which is

giving the cut-throat competition for other well established players. The major market players are

1. Educomp Smart Class

Educomp Smart Class is a digital initiative pioneered and invented by Educomp and has already

been adopted by over 2500 progressive schools in India. Smart Class is transforming the way

teachers teach and students learn in schools. It’s a new age technology movement that is fast

becoming an imperative for schools. Soon it will touch every class and every progressive school

in India.

The core of Educomp Smart Class is a vast repository of digital instruction materials exactly

mapped to meet with the specific objectives laid out by different learning standards and

curriculum of schools across the country. The modules are embedded in a template that allows

the teachers to teach a chosen lesson in class. Frame by frame, with engaging and instructionally

sound animated set of visuals while retaining complete control on the pace of delivery.

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2. Everonn

ICT:  Instructional and Communication Technology--- This is in collaboration with various state

Governments. It has worked with 16 state governments and has a base of around 5700 schools as

at December 2009.

ViTels:  Virtual and Technology enabled Learning Solutions—this uses VSAT to deliver

lectures by well trained faculties from a remote location to various schools and colleges. This

segment includes Learning academy in colleges, Kompass (retail centers), Classontheweb.com

(online learning portal), and education infrastructure consulting initiatives of Everonn.

ISchools:  Everonn converts the normal class room into a technology enabled virtual classroom

equipped with interactive whiteboards, LCD projectors, computers and remote connectivity

through VSAT.   Trained school teachers use this infrastructure and content to teach students. 

Here Everonn caters only to CBSE Schools and has currently around 734 schools in its fold.

Everonn Education Resources Solutions Ltd (EDURES): Everonn supplies educational

materials, tools and IT products to various schools and colleges.

Everonn toppers Tutorials Pvt. Ltd (Toppers): In this package, the company provides

training for clearing entrance exams for IIT-JEE, and AIEEE. The two subsidiaries EDURES &

Toppers are likely to provide around 30-40% to the consolidated revenues to the total revenue of



NIIT, Asia’s No. 1 IT trainer and leading Global Talent Development Corporation, offers

learning and knowledge solutions to over 5 million students across 40 countries. Rated among

India’s Business Super brands 2008, NIIT’s Individual Learning Business offerings include

industry-endorsed programs for students seeking careers in IT - GNIIT, Integrated ANIIT for

Engineers (IAE), and Advanced Technology Programs for IT professionals. NIIT offers turnkey

IT integration program for schools. NIIT has provided computer-based learning to over 9,500

government and private schools. NIIT constantly endeavors to enhance teacher-student

interactivity, to facilitate a conducive environment of learning and growth in school education.

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NIIT eGURU solutions:

eGuru is the ‘Interactive Classroom’ solution based on Intel technologies and architecture; NIIT

eGuru ‘IT Wizard’ curriculum is based on Microsoft’s Windows Vista and Office 2007 suite.

Interactive Classrooms – Designed as per the recommendations of National Curriculum

Framework-2005, NIIT eGuru Interactive Classrooms is an integrated teaching and learning

solution aimed at the teachers. At the core of NIIT eGuru Interactive Classrooms is the

embedded Teaching Learning Material, that enhances teaching and learning through elements of

interactivity, automation, customization, web links library, and Teaching Learning Plan. The

solution provides tools through which the teachers and the management will be able to track the

performance of an individual child and assess the areas where the child is weak.

Math Lab - NIIT eGURU ‘Math Lab’ enables school students to learn and explore mathematical

concepts and verify mathematical facts and theorems using technology tools. Based on the three

fundamentals of Imagination, Investigation and Interaction, NIIT eGURU Math Lab offers

Multiple Teaching and Learning Aids entailing Technology Applications, Videos, Measuring

Instruments, and Tables and Charts among others.

IT Wizard - This unique new IT program from NIIT enables Schools to keep abreast of

technology. It equips the students with core computer knowledge and IT skills, which is an

essential part of the Child’s development & intellectual growth for the 21st Century.

4. Edurite

Edurite's core business is in providing curriculum based digital content solutions for teachers,

students, parents & administrators. Edurite is an established player in the K-12 (Kindergarten to

12th) domain.

Edurite offers

Technology aided solutions for classrooms

Technology aided Tutorial services for students

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Modern Teaching methodology to teach English

Digital Content Value-adds for aligned products

Self-study packs for students in CDROM’s/Online

Edurite in collaboration with Manipal started, Manipal K-12 Education Programme

5. Hicommand

Hicommand specializes in delivering high-quality e-learning solutions to corporate organizations

and educational institutions worldwide and helps them with robust, reliable and cost-effective IT

solutions to their learning needs.

Hicommand offers products developed with years of pedagogical insight and instructional

excellence. In the K12 education domain, Hicommand has created a unique solution called

PRODIGY™ after extensive research with students, teachers and others involved in the domain.

PRODIGY™ offers a powerful learning experience for K12 learners and is currently being used

by students and educators across 200 classrooms in India.

ESWOTS is an award-nominated product with learning objectives in multilingual game-based

pedagogy model for children from Class 1 onwards.

6. Samvit

Samvit Education Services is a joint venture between Murugappa Group and IIT -Madras Rural

Technology and Business incubator. Samvit is being incorporated as a subsidiary of Laserwords

Private Limited, which is a part of the diversified conglomerate Murugappa Group.

Products offered by Samvit are

1. School (K-12) – For the Students from Class 1 to Class 12

2. Higher Education – This is for Higher Secondary School students

These products give a greater insight to every individual student to enrich their knowledge with

help of Interactive Media.

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3.2 Company Profile

Helix is a fast-growing e-Learning company which creates innovative and student friendly

computer based learning products. At Helix, they used to understand the requirements of the

students so that we can create learning products that the students would love to use. The core

focus of Helix is to make the total learning experience interesting, practical and intuitive.

LearnNext is the first product in a series of offerings from Helix.

Helix believes that learning is a continuous journey of exploration and discovery. At times it can

be exciting and fun, while at other times it may seem tiring and difficult. The aim of Helix is to

be a guiding spirit and mentor for the student in this adventure of learning and discovery.

Headquartered in Hyderabad, Helix has been established by IIT alumni who have a track record

of having built successful e-commerce businesses. Helix has a workforce of 300 committed

employees and is promoted by a strong management team with varied experience across multiple


Core Values of Helix

At Helix, values are more than words. The values are our guiding principles – they are the way to

go about our work. They are the essence of our success. The values are:

• Passion for innovation

• Commitment to quality

• Inspiring leadership

• Performance and Excellence

3.2.1 Company Overview

Helix is a technology-based education company involved in developing diverse educational

products that aid the educational process. The essence of Helix lies in its technology, talent and

domain expertise.

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World class technology, sophisticated learning management tools and effective content

management systems are used to develop our e-Learning products. We make extensive use of

technology to provide the best possible learning experience.


Helix most prized possession is the talented human capital. Experience, expertise and enthusiasm

are the key elements of their staff. They have the best in class teams of academicians, subject

matter experts, instructional designers, software programmers, content editors, content writers

and graphic artists who can transform ideas into innovative products.

Domain Expertise

The reason behind the success is their emphasis on understanding and analyzing the real needs of

the learner. Be it the keen grasp of student mindset, learning habits, instructional design

philosophy or wide knowledge base, Helix has the highest quality of domain expertise.

3.2.2 Organization Structure

Helix completely relies on employees – their talent, their ideas, their energies and their

commitment – to lead Helix on the road to success.

Helix is a family of 300 highly skilled, self-motivated and committed team members. They have

the best in class teams of academicians, subject matter experts, instructional designers, software

programmers, content editors, content writers and graphic artists who can transform ideas into

innovative products.

Helix attracts and develops the best talent in a happy, challenging and rewarding environment. It

ensures that working environment promotes well being, treats people with respect, engages

employees and offers attractive incentives and opportunities. It also provides excellent vertical

growth opportunities, equipping employees with the skills and experience they need to compete

and perform successfully.

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The Organization Structure of Helix is a flat organization, where the transparency is very high

from one level to other.

The Company works on this to maintain same structure by reducing the communication gap and

not increasing the hierarchy for better understanding.

3.2.3 Products Profile

Helix is focused on making the total learning experience interesting, practical and intuitive for

everybody. We have developed multiple products, as given below, that caters to all stake holders

in education. These products are developed by technologists as well as educationalists with

multiple years of experience in education field.

There are 3 products, which targets different segments with different features. They are

I. LearnNext (LN):

LearnNext is a computer based learning system to study the CBSE syllabus from home. With

LearnNext, a student is assured of the latest CBSE course material.

LearnNext has focused on making it easier for students to understand complex topics, problems

and theorems with the aid of animations and easy to understand voice-overs. Forget about

spending time trying to figure out those confusing explanations in your textbooks. LearnNext

interactive solutions will help students to learn fast and learn better.

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LearnNext offers:

Interactive and easy to use course content with audio-visuals to understand complicated


CBSE Class VI to X Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) & Mathematics syllabus.

Convenience and the ability to learn at any place and any time - without Internet.

Solved NCERT Exercises contain videos of Mathematics & Science exercises in NCERT

textbooks solved by a teacher.

Over 250 lessons explained with audio-visual course content, solved examples &


Lesson wise revision tests at the end of every lesson with key and explanation.

An 'Ask the Teacher' feature for personalized doubt clarification

Lessons Tests, Chapter Tests & Model Tests per subject to prepare you better for the


II. TeachNext (TN)

TeachNext is the most innovative and simplest product that is easy to setup, use and maintain. It

comes with complete content in a box and is operated with a remote.

Benefits of TeachNext are

TeachNext is as simple as using a Television with a stop, start and forward button. No

long training or practice required.

All modules are as per the NCERT syllabus. TeachNext has the entire Syllabus

(Chapters, Lessons, Experiments, Exercises, Test) in a complete audio-visual format.

Lower preparation time required by teachers, as there is no need to go through content

and take out only the relevant parts.

Unique lesson plan system which aids the teacher in Preparation for the subject.

No complicated hardware systems, just one simple solution in a box.

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III. SchoolNext (SN)

SchoolNext is a complete eLearning solution for the schools to manage, deliver and track subject

knowledge in an interactive and fun-filled manner. In this solution it gives advantage to Students,

Teachers, Management and Parents.

Benefits for Students

Highly interactive, easy to comprehend course content with audio visuals

Promotes critical thinking, and helps avoid learning by rote

Examples and experiments make the lesson come alive

Aids in understanding complicated concepts

Helps in being better prepared for exams

Lesson wise revision tests at the end of each lesson

Solved examples and experiments that helps in exam preparation

Benefits for Teachers

Easy to use and provides ready aid to teach complicated concepts with illustrated real life


Crisp lessons to give the teacher complete control & flexibility

Engages the student's attention and makes the class fun, interesting and interactive

Perfect complement to conventional teaching

Tailor Made lesson plans as per NCERT guidelines

Benefits for Management

Creates a positive perception of the school among parents/society

Fosters greater student-teacher involvement for better learning and results

Motivates students through the appropriate use of interactive courseware

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3.2.4 Market Share & Positioning

Helix Technology solutions being a new company, it started its operation in month of August

2009.It was in this sector for past 3 years but it was in only busy in R&D and content

formulation. It came up with LearnNext variant which is a student based solution.

The full marketing and sales of its three variant stared in month of September 2009 only. In last

7 months of operations it has more than 1000 schools signed or in process of signing of

agreement. The market share of Helix is 2 % in just 8 months as sales process started around


3.2.5 Strategies Used

School Contact Programme: It’s being done in the schools, Demo CD’s are provided to Students

mainly related to LearnNext.

Diwali Greeting Cards: It was sent to all the CBSE Schools across the country with the

brochures, got very good responses from the Schools.

Exhibitions: Participated in various exhibitions like Word Didac’09, EIndia’09 etc where the

sales team demonstrated our classroom solution and got very good response.

Seminars: Time to time Helix conducts seminars in different cities where all the Principals are

invited and the Demo is presented in front of them.

Gifts: New Year gifts like Planner has been given to the Principals

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Advertisement: Details of the products being posted at different educational websites.

Others: The Banners/Posters/Pamphlets are other sources of positioning our Product.

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4.1 Introduction to Research Methodology

In this chapter we are going to focus on research objectives, and methodological framework. In

addition, research design and data analysis methods are also supposed to be conducted to

analyze the given objectives.

Type of Research: Exploratory Research

Method of Research: Data Collection Method and Observation

Sampling Method: Random Sampling

Sample Size: 50

4.2 Research ObjectivesIn this study the aim is to analyze growing opportunities in E-learning solutions, examine the

impact of some variables which are the key drivers for the selecting E-learning solutions in


Research Hypothesis

H1: There is no significance difference in School Infrastructure for installing E-learning


H2: There will be significance difference in School Fees for selecting an E-learning solution for

the school.

4.3 Research DesignAn empirical study was conducted to analyze the opportunities for e-learning solutions. Two

hypotheses were developed to achieve the research objectives. To collect the data, a data form

was distributed in different schools of Chennai.

4.3.1 Tools and Method of Data CollectionThe Tool used for doing this project was the MS-Excel, which used to identify the Descriptive

statistics analysis for the given source.

The Data collection Method used in project are

Primary Data: The data for this project is collected from the primary resource. The Data

forms were filled by the respondents are as per the survey.

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Secondary Data: This Secondary data is solely collected from company’s website and

others sources.

4.4 Limitations of the Study

Due to board exams which were happening in March, collecting information

from the authorities was a big task.

Due to some confidential data that was asked in the data form, respondents

are not cooperative.

Due to time constraint and insufficiency in data, I have selected only 50

samples from the collected data for Data analysis.

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1) Schools that are having E-Learning Packages in schools

Frequency Percent Valid PercentCumulative

PercentValid yes 13 26.0 26.0 26.0

no 37 74.0 74.0 100.0Total 50 100.0 100.0



E-Learning Solutions

yes no

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