intracranial dural altay sencer arteriovenous fistulas: talat

57 Turkish Neurosurgery 2006, Vol: 16, No: 2, 57-64 Altay SENCER Talat KIRIfi Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine, Istanbul University, ‹stanbul, Turkey Received : 09.11.2005 Accepted : 02.01.2006 Correspondence Address Altay SENCER ‹stanbul Üniversitesi T›p Fakültesi Nöroflirürji Bölümü Sehremini 34390, Istanbul, TURKEY Phone : +90 0212 63116 18 Fax : +90 0212 534 02 52 E-mail : [email protected] Intracranial Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas: A Brief Review on Classification and General Features ABSTRACT Intracranial dural arteriovenous malformations are unique and rare pathological entities. They may present with a wide spectrum of clinical pictures and the natural disease course is also variable. The main determinant in prognosis and indication for and response to treatment is the venous architecture of the fistula. In this paper, two widely accepted classifications of dural arteriovenous fistulas, namely, a classification according to venous drainage and another one according to anatomic location will be discussed with relevant clinical and therapeutic implications. KEY WORDS: Dural arteriovenous fistula, classification, endovascular treatment, surgery Review Article INTRODUCTION Dural arteriovenous fistulas are abnormal arteriovenous connections within the dura and are usually located within the walls of a dural sinus or an adjacent cortical vein (3). In a sense, they may represent an arteriovenous malformation with the nidus inside the dura mater. The terminology concerning this malformation has been somewhat controversial. Many authors have preferred the term 'dural arteriovenous malformation' (DAVM) because it suggests a congenital etiology and also covers the frequently complex angioarchitecture involving many arterial feeders. Others have used 'dural arteriovenous fistula' (DAVF) implying an acquired nature for which there is cumulating evidence that will be discussed later in this text (5). In this paper, the term DAVF will be used. DAVF comprise 10-15% of all intracranial arteriovenous malformations. There is a female preponderance with symptoms usually developing during middle to late adulthood (11). The initiating events which lead to development of a DAVF are not clear, but there are many papers reporting association with trauma, infection, recent surgery and dural sinus thrombosis (6,9,14,20). On the other hand, in many patients with this disorder, none of the stated causative factors can be probed from patient history (14). The causative factors listed above are quite common but DAVFs are rare lesions. Lasjaunias and Berenstein have suggested 'an underlying dural weakness' facilitating dural shunts in some individuals, when other people faced with the same insults do not develop DAVF (3).

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Turkish Neurosurgery 2006, Vol: 16, No: 2, 57-64


Talat KIRIfi

Department of Neurosurgery,School of Medicine, Istanbul University,‹stanbul, Turkey

Received : 09.11.2005

Accepted : 02.01.2006

Correspondence Address Altay SENCER‹stanbul Üniversitesi T›p FakültesiNöroflirürji BölümüSehremini 34390, Istanbul, TURKEYPhone : +90 0212 63116 18Fax : +90 0212 534 02 52E-mail : [email protected]

Intracranial DuralArteriovenous Fistulas: A Brief Review onClassification and GeneralFeatures

ABSTRACTIntracranial dural arteriovenous malformations are unique and rarepathological entities. They may present with a wide spectrum of clinicalpictures and the natural disease course is also variable. The main determinantin prognosis and indication for and response to treatment is the venousarchitecture of the fistula. In this paper, two widely accepted classifications ofdural arteriovenous fistulas, namely, a classification according to venousdrainage and another one according to anatomic location will be discussed withrelevant clinical and therapeutic implications.KEY WORDS: Dural arteriovenous fistula, classification, endovasculartreatment, surgery

Review Article

INTRODUCTIONDural arteriovenous fistulas are abnormal arteriovenous connections

within the dura and are usually located within the walls of a dural sinusor an adjacent cortical vein (3). In a sense, they may represent anarteriovenous malformation with the nidus inside the dura mater. Theterminology concerning this malformation has been somewhatcontroversial. Many authors have preferred the term 'duralarteriovenous malformation' (DAVM) because it suggests a congenitaletiology and also covers the frequently complex angioarchitectureinvolving many arterial feeders. Others have used 'dural arteriovenousfistula' (DAVF) implying an acquired nature for which there iscumulating evidence that will be discussed later in this text (5). In thispaper, the term DAVF will be used.

DAVF comprise 10-15% of all intracranial arteriovenousmalformations. There is a female preponderance with symptomsusually developing during middle to late adulthood (11). The initiatingevents which lead to development of a DAVF are not clear, but there aremany papers reporting association with trauma, infection, recentsurgery and dural sinus thrombosis (6,9,14,20). On the other hand, inmany patients with this disorder, none of the stated causative factorscan be probed from patient history (14). The causative factors listedabove are quite common but DAVFs are rare lesions. Lasjaunias andBerenstein have suggested 'an underlying dural weakness' facilitatingdural shunts in some individuals, when other people faced with thesame insults do not develop DAVF (3).

There are several theories attempting to explainthe underlying mechanism leading to developmentof a DAVF. Propagation of existing microarteriovenous fistulas in the dura and formation ofnew ones under the impact of anangiogenetic/fibroblastic factor are among thesuggested pathways. Also, venous hypertension thatdevelops upstream a venous occlusion may accountfor the opening or enhancement of arteriovenousshunts (3).

Natural disease course in DAVFs is also variablewith some cases regressing spontaneously, as insome angiographically documented cases of carotidcavernous fistulas. Other DAVFs may progress intoaggressive lesions leading to severe clinical pictureswith recruitment of arterial supply from additionalvessels and hypertrophy of existing ones (19).

As the angioarchitecture of DVAFs weredocumented more precisely and many cases werefollowed up over time, it was clearly stated by manyauthors that DAVFs were 'venous' lesions, meaningthat natural history, symptomatology as well asprognosis of the disease were dependant on venousfeatures (5,8).

There have been many attempts to classifyDAVFs, and presently two main classificationschemes have gained acceptance: A classificationaccording to venous drainage pattern which hasmany important implications for prognosis andanother one classifying DVAFs according to locationthat is more practical and used more frequently indaily practice. Both classification systems will beacknowledged in this paper.

Symptoms and signs of DAVFs are reportedlyheadache, pulsatile tinnitus and/or bruit while somecases with an aggressive clinical course may presentwith signs of raised intracranial pressure due tointracranial hemorrhage or infarction (2,17). After athorough neurological evaluation, these patientsusually undergo a neuroradiological examination,which is a head CT or MRI with or withoutangiographical sequences. Venous thrombosis,parenchymal changes or the presence of enlargedvascular structures near cortical brain surfaces maysuggest the diagnosis of DAVF; however themainstay of diagnosis is catheter angiography.DAVFs can be supplied by any and all meningealbranches of external and internal carotid andvertebral arteries and rarely by cortical vessels.Various angiographical findings will be discussed in


Turkish Neurosurgery 2006, Vol: 16, No: 2, 57-64 Sencer: Intracranial Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas

the following sections of the text. DAVFs can vary from very simple to extremely

complex vascular lesions and the natural history ofdifferent subtypes of this disease can therefore bevery divergent. Therapeutic approaches are alsomanifold; conservative follow up, carotid-jugularcompression, arterial or venous embolization,surgery and combinations. A complete and correctunderstanding of arterial supply, nidusarchitecture/location and venous drainage patternof a DAVF is very important in therapeutic decision-making (11)

Classification according to venous drainagepattern

As stated earlier in this text, venous drainagepattern of DAVFs is very important. As the higharteriovenous shunting in DVAFs continues, there isprogressive pathology on the venous side. A highflow vascular malformation draining intointracranial veins and dural sinuses, especially in thepresence of additional disturbing factors such asvenous occlusion and reflux into cortical veins,results in intracranial venous hypertension which isa crucial factor predisposing to an aggressive diseasecourse. The following classification schemeoriginally forwarded by Djinjian and Merland (latermodified by Cognard) is established on venousdrainage (Table I) (10,13).

Table I: Classification of DAVF according tovenous drainage

TYPE VENOUS DRAINAGEType I Drainage into a dural sinus, with

normal antegrade flowType II Drainage into a dural sinus, with reflux

intoII a: (other) sinusesII b: cortical veinsII a+b: sinuses + cortical veins

Type III Drainage into cortical veinsType IV Drainage into cortical veins with cortical

ectasiaType V Drainage into spinal perimedullary


Type I DAVFType I DAVFs are clinically benign lesions. They

drain antegradely into a dural sinus with normalflow and architecture (Figure 1 A-F). Intracranial

venous flow is also undisturbed. The symptoms maybe tinnitus, retroauricular pain and ocular signs andare usually due to increased flow in the sinus. Sincetype I DAVFs are clinically and angiographicallybenign lesions, decision to treat must be madeindividually and therapy must be risk-free. Theintention of treatment may be control of thefunctional symptoms when they are disturbing forthe patient. Conservative follow-up, carotid jugularcompression to decrease flow and inducethrombosis of the fistula or transarterialembolization of the arterial feeders with the samepurpose are the options for treatment (11).


Turkish Neurosurgery 2006, Vol: 16, No: 2, 57-64 Sencer: Intracranial Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas

Type II DAVFType II DAVFs also drain into sinuses like type I,

but reflux into other sinuses and/or cortical veinscomplicate the disease (Figure 2 A-F). The reason forreflux may be a stenosis or occlusion in the venoussystem downstream the venous drainage of thefistula or extremely high flow in the shunt exceedingthe drainage ability of the local veins. Theintracranial circulation is affected in varying degreesdepending on the severity of the reflux and thesymptoms are therefore due to raised intracranialpressure. Headache, decreased visual acuity anddiplopia may ensue.

Figure 1 A-F: In type I DAVF, the fistula drains into thedural sinus with normal antegrade flow as depicted in thegraphics (A-B). In a middle aged female patient withright-sided pulsatile tinnitus, there is a DAVF supplied byright occipital artery, draining into the right sigmoid sinus(C-D). The antegrade flow in the sinus is undisturbed asshown in the selective injection during transarterialembolization (E). Postembolization angiogram shows noresidual fistula flow and the symptom has disappeared(F).




Figure 2 A-F: In type II DAVF, there is reflux into the otherdural sinuses or cortical veins due to occlusiondownstream of the fistula site as shown in the picture(A-B). In a 47-year-old female admitted with headache,DSA has shown a multicentric DAVF (located in both thesuperior sagittal and both transverse-sigmoid sinusjunctions). Angiographically there was retrograde flow inboth dural sinuses and cortical veins, compatible with typeII a+b fistula (C-F). (the red arrow in d depicts retrogradeflow in the cortical vein)





Turkish Neurosurgery 2006, Vol: 16, No: 2, 57-64 Sencer: Intracranial Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas

In type II a DAVF, treatment must be performedespecially if there are signs of raised intracranialpressure. The goal of therapy is flow reduction anddowngrading of the fistula. Transarterialembolization is the treatment of choice. It is mostfrequently performed by selective catheterization ofarterial feeders of the fistula and embolization withparticle or liquid agents. In type II b and a+b DAVFs,reflux into cortical veins is more likely to cause anincrease in intracranial pressure. In this type of fistulathere is a 10% risk of raised ICP and 29% risk ofneurological sequel. Consequently, treatment must beperformed and result in a definite cure of the lesion.The lesion may be cured by endovascular occlusion ofthe defective segment of the dural sinus responsiblefor the arteriovenous shunts, or surgery may beperformed after transarterial devascularization of thefistula (5,11)

Type III and IV DAVFThese types of DAVF are located more frequently

in the anterior cranial fossa and the tentorium. Thepresence of varicosities on the draining cortical veinsincreases the risk of bleeding and neurologicaldeficit from 40 to 65% and from 76 to 96%,respectively. Location of these DAVFs and highpercentage of bleeding and neurological deficit callsfor prompt and definitive treatment. (Figure 3 A-Band Figure 4 A-B). The patient in Figure 8 with atentorial DAVF is a typical example of Type III andIV DAVF. There is direct drainage into the pial veins(with varicosities). The usually complexangiographical features of these lesions usuallycomplicate both endovascular and surgicaltreatment. Combination of transarterialembolization and surgery or transarterial andtransvenous embolization may be performed.Complete cure of the fistula should be aimed sinceinadequate or incomplete treatment may cause(re)bleeding (3, 5, 11).

Type V DAVFThese DAVFs drain into spinal veins. The

underlying physiopathological mechanisms of thedisease may generally be attributed to spinal venoushypertension. Clinical symptoms are due to theresultant myelopathy (Figure 5 A-G). This type offistula has the same risk of neurological deficit andhaemorrhage as in types III and IV DAVFs and mustbe treated in the same fashion (7,21). In a patient withprogressive myelopathy, type V DAVF must beincluded in the differential diagnosis, enlargementand edema of the involved segment of the spinalcord and congested perimedullary vessels in cross-sectional imaging should be considered suggestivewhile catheter angiography must be performed fordefinitive diagnosis.

Classification according to locationWhen classified according to location, transverse-

sigmoid sinus DAVFs make up the majority ofDAVFs. Cavernous sinus DAVFs (10-16%), tentorialDAVFs (8-12%), superior sagittal sinus DAVFs (8%)and anterior cranial fossa DAVFs (5%) and rarelocations (torcula, foramen magnum, deep venousfistula) are other types of DAVFs (11).

Transverse - sigmoid sinus DAVFDAVF located in the transverse-sigmoid system

make up the majority of DAVFs. There are usuallymultiple arterial feeders originating from externalcarotid artery branches or dural branches of theinternal carotid artery (ICA), vertebral artery (VA)and posterior cerebral artery (PCA) (Figure 6 A-F).Venous drainage may be in as in any type discussedin the above classification of DAVFs. DAVFs locatedin the foramen magnum are considered a specificsubtype of this group; however, they are much rarerthan their counterparts located in the transverse-

Figure 3 A-B: Type III DAVF drains directly into thecortical veins as depicted in the graphics.

Figure 4 A-B: In type IV DAVF there are varicosities in thecortical veins draining the fistula.




Turkish Neurosurgery 2006, Vol: 16, No: 2, 57-64 Sencer: Intracranial Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas

sigmoid area. Brain MR studies must be carefullyexamined for parenchymal edema suggestingvenous hypertension, hydrocephalus, orintracerebral or subarachnoid hemorrhage. Choiceof treatment depends on the type of venousdrainage (16).

Cavernous sinus DAVFCavernous sinus DAVFs are usually encountered

in females and association with pregnancy,sphenoiditis and trauma have been reported. The

symptoms depend on the type of venous drainageand are usually ocular (proptosis, chemosis,diplopia). Loss of visual acuity is also common andvariable in degree. According to the classification byBarrow and colleagues, cavernous sinus fistula type Aare direct and high flow arteriovenous fistula usuallysecondary to trauma, whereas type B, C, D are duralAVFs supplied by meningeal branches of ECA andICA (Figure 7 A-D) (4,18). Venous drainage may be'anterior', involving the ophthalmic veins where thesymptoms are usually ocular, or it may be 'posterior'via the petrosal veins, where the risk of hemorrhageand neurological deficit is higher. The more frequentocular sign and symptoms are generally reversible ifnot longstanding. Suggested methods of treatmentare compression, transarterial embolization,transvenous embolization and surgery.

Tentorium cerebelli DAVFDAVF located at the tentorium cerebelli are

usually type III and IV fistulas and therefore almostalways present with haemorrhage, neurologicaldeficit, seizure or myelopathy. Treatment mustdefinitely be performed and result in total cure. Themain feeders are meningohypophyseal andinferolateral trunks of ICA. There isperimesencephalic venous drainage with venousectasia. The arterial feeders from ICA may not be

Figure 6 A-E: 50-year-old man was admitted with signs ofraised intracranial pressure: Figures (A-C) show occlusionof both sigmoid and disturbed flow in the right transversesinuses. There is prominent cortical reflux together with aDAVF located in both transverse-sigmoid areas.Transarterial embolization failed to cure the fistula andtransvenous approach was unsuccessful. The fistuloussinuses were embolized during surgery with excellentangiographical (D-E) and clinical cure. At one-year follow-up, the patient was in good clinical condition; control DSAcould not be performed since the patient refused anyfurther invasive test.

Figure 5 A-B: 55-year-old male presented with ataxia anddisability in walking. Cervical MR revealed edema in thebrain stem as well as enlarged perimedullary vessels(A-B). DSA with the presumptive diagnosis of spinalvascular malformation revealed a type V DAVF, suppliedby the occipital artery and meningeal branches of thevertebral artery and draining into spinal perimedullaryveins (C-E). After transarterial embolization there was noresidual fistula and the symptoms resolved (F-G). (the redarrow shows fistula location and the blue arrow points toperimedullary venous drainage).(D)









Turkish Neurosurgery 2006, Vol: 16, No: 2, 57-64 Sencer: Intracranial Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas

embolized safely. Therefore, endovascular treatmenthas limited use in this type of malformation. In theauthors' opinion, the best treatment is surgical clippingof the draining vein and resection of the involved durasegment (12). In very complicated cases, radiosurgerycombined with serial embolizations have beensuggested as useful (Figure 8 A-G).

Figure 7 A: Barrow classification of carotid cavernousfistula. In type A, there is laceration in the wall of ICA dueto trauma or aneurysmal rupture. Type B, C and D fistulasare dural type.

Figure 7 B-D: In a middle-aged female withexophthalmus, DSA has shown a type D fistula withsupply from both ECA (B) and ICA (C). Venous drainageis both anterior into ophthalmic veins and posterior intothe occipital cortical veins. ECA injection afterembolization of the ECA feeders (D). (the red arrow:ophthalmic vein, blue arrow: cortical veins)




Figure 8 A-G: In this patient with tentorial DAVF, the fistulasite is marked by the perimesencephalic venous pouch (redarrow). After transarterial embolization of the ECA feeders,a venous approach has been attempted but the drainingvein has ruptured with SAH (blue arrow). After surgicalclipping of the draining vein, there is complete obliterationof the DAVF(G).





Superior sagittal sinus DAVFThis type of DAVF usually presents with

intracranial bleeding or dementia (12). Since thelesion is located in the midline, there are bilateralfeeders from dural branches of ICA and ECA. Thefistula site is frequently in the middle or posteriorthird of the superior sagittal sinus Endovascular

treatment via the arterial route is usually successfulin this fistula

Anterior cranial fossa DAVFThis type of fistula is usually a type III or IV

DAVF. They are supplied by ethmoidal arteries anddrain into the frontal cortical or olfactory vein. Thefrequency of venous dilatation is predisposes tointracranial bleeding. The aim of treatment is totalcure and, surgical clipping of the draining vein cansafely succeed (1,15).

CONCLUSIONThe scope of this review does not allow an

extensive discussion of the DAVFs. DAVFs areintriguing lesions that may present with a varyingclinical course. Natural disease course of DAVFslocated in the anterior cranial fossa, superior sagittalsinus and tentorium cerebelli may be aggressivewith a high risk of intracranial haemorrhage. Nomatter what the natural disease course may be, thefollowing issues are crucial for optimal clinicalmanagement of DAVFs: The key feature in bothdiagnostic and therapeutic decision-making is thevenous drainage pattern of the lesion. Indication fortreatment as well as choice of therapeutic alternativemust be individualized for each patient as theexisting classification schemes are not perfect andsubject to change over time. The risks and benefits oftherapy must be treatment carefully in each patientand considered together with the possible naturalcourse or present complications of the disease asdictated by the venous features previouslyemphasized in this text.

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