ish from 201602 - not updated.xlsx

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Post on 07-Aug-2018




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  • 8/20/2019 Ish from 201602 - not updated.xlsx


    Efective February 28, 2013: ou need to commit a minimum of 4 days, maximum of 5 days inclu ou need to commit a minimum of 3 hours (6 lessons), maximum of#or weekend tutors, minimum of $ days% minimum of 3 hours (6 less

    &emember that you may still o"en lessons outside your "ermanent s *nly a maximum of + consecuti e lessons is allowed if you-re goin

    /aximum 0 of lessons (weekdays) 1 2 f tutor will o"en /aximum 0 of lessons (weekends) 1 $4 f tutor will o"en

    ermanent ncenti e &ule (starting /7 $! $)

    8*9:9he lesson fee 1 tutor-s rate x lessons taught9he salary is the final "ay after com"aring a tutor-s lesson fee to

    9he 5 will be added to the lesson fee and not the guarantee "a 9he 4! will be deducted from the salary.

    //:; 79: : *# ?

  • 8/20/2019 Ish from 201602 - not updated.xlsx


    5 days including a weekend or both weekends.maximum of 5 hours ( ! lessons) "er dayhours (6 lessons) and maximum of 5 hours ( ! lessons) "er day

    "ermanent schedule 'ust as long as you follow the followingf you-re going to o"en ! lessons in a day

    tor will o"en from $ / 55 /tor will o"en from 7/ 55 /

    her guarantee "ay. nor the salary.

    ern to tmdCunhoo".com n how to email your concern.

    / 9 to @8=oo" hili""ines, need to "ro ide their "ermanent schedules.nent schedule.

    centi e for each lesson taughtenti e, no "enalty

    4! "enalty for each lesson cancelled

    tmd Cunhoo".comail your reGuest.your reGuest.

  • 8/20/2019 Ish from 201602 - not updated.xlsx


    >uarantee ay

    / *&9789

    e.g. 5! x 3!! lessons 1 5,!!!

    e.g. our "ermanent schedule is ! lessons "er day, 5 days a week. >uare.g. our "ermanent schedule is ! lessons "er day, 5 days a week. >uar

    Iased on the exam"le abo e, what is the salaryJ

    >uarantee "ay means the following rate will be "aid for each lesson inclu


    (per lesson)




    lease remember that the guarantee "ay is different from the lesson

    Aesson #ee 1 tutor-s rate x no. of lessons

    >uarantee ay 1 $5 for each lesson in the "ermanent s>uarantee ay 1 5 for each lesson in the "ermanent s $

    ?alary 1 Bhich is higherJ (lesson fee or guarantee "ay)

    (for each unopenelesson !"#h"n

    per$anen# sche ule)

    (for so$e Ph"l"pp"nehol" a%s #ha# fall on

    #he per$anen#sche ule)

    On so$e Ph"l"pp"ne He loc e on #he #u#

  • 8/20/2019 Ish from 201602 - not updated.xlsx


    lease remember that there-s a ermanent ncenti e &ule (starting /ay $! $)

    lease remember d

    y, 5 days a week. >uarantee "ay 1 5,5!! ( st /onth)y, 5 days a week. >uarantee "ay 1 3,3!! ($nd /onth)

    for each lesson included in the "ermanent schedule


    ,- ,- .-

    /- /- ,0

    ,- ,- .-

    from the lesson fee. Your salary is based on which is higher between the two.

    hedule ( rorated K st /onth ) hedule ( $nd /onth )

    . ST , ND

    l" a%s& !e o no# ha'e classes an #he a%s !"llr*s s"#e+

  • 8/20/2019 Ish from 201602 - not updated.xlsx


    remember deductions from guarantee "ay.

  • 8/20/2019 Ish from 201602 - not updated.xlsx


    Guarantee Pay For eiture

    If TMD canno# con#ac# a #u#or efore a lesson& #he 1uaran#ee pa% !"ll e forfe"#e

    A #u#or !ho fa"ls #o cl"c #he S#an % u##on af#er #he 1"'e

    A #u#or !ho fa"ls #o cl"c #he Rea % u##on , $"nu#es af#e

    Standby/Ready Button rac!er

    Th"s #ool !"ll $on"#or #u#ors !ho ha "#uall% fa"l #o cl"c #hese u##ons on #"$e an Th"s !"ll also ser'e as a as"s for perfor$ance e'alua#"on+ As a penal#%& a #u#or !

    "ana#o $et%od/"ana#o $et%od &nter'ediate (etai) *%ec! +"$(*/"$&(

    A #u#or !ho !"ll "ncur / coun#s or "ns#ances "n #hese e#a"l chec s !"ll forfe"# #he"

    Th"s !"ll also ser'e as an "$por#an# as"s for perfor$ance e'alua#"on an con#ra

    Tu#or !"ll also nee #o 1o #hrou1h counsel"n1 for e'er% "ns#ance of $"scon uc#+

    All #u#ors are #hen re4u"re #o co$pl% #o #hese chan1es % con6r$"n1 #he"r a1reeIf a #u#or fa"ls #o respon #o #he up a#es "n a #"$el% $anner& he3she !"ll e arre

    If a #u#or 4u"#s "n #he $" le of a par#"cular 1uaran#ee pa% $on#h& h"s3her full 1u

    .+ 1 -*-S &ncident

    • S#an % 8u##on 9 Tu#ors are re4u"re #o cl"c #h"s u##on .0 'inute# be ore

    • Rea % 8u##on 9 Tu#ors are re4u"re #o cl"c #h"s u##on !"#h"n 'inute# be

    ,+ 3 "it# in t%e Standby/Ready Button rac!er

    • An onl"ne #ool !"ll e use #o #rac #u#ors !ho !ere con#ac#e % TMD s#a5

    /+ 3 "it# in t%e "ana#o $et%od/"ana#o $et%od &nter'ediate/-o

    • All #u#ors are e:pec#e #o en#er lesson e#a"ls "$$e "a#el% af#er #he en of e

    ;+ 2 io)ation# o 4-"55P P"& &PP&-ES, &-*6 5- &-E E-G &S" 4• Tu#or M"scon uc#3TMD Proce ure NonIPPI

    + el" era#e ac#s of '"olence or hos#"l"#% #o!ar s s#u en#s or s#a5 c+ s"1n"6can# le'els of "nsu or "na#"on

    + "shones#% #hrou1h fals"6ca#"on of ocu$en#s or o#her for$s of $"srepresen#

    -+ Fai)ure to Re# ond to *o' any # Po)icy/Procedure E'ai) 4 da• The co$pan% re1ularl% sen s cr"#"cal e$a"l up a#es #o #u#ors re1ar "n1 chan

    @+ -e9 Graduate utor uit# ;it%in Guarantee Pay Period• Ne! 1ra ua#e #u#ors are pr"'"le1e #o rece"'e #hree $on#hs of 1uaran#ee pa%

  • 8/20/2019 Ish from 201602 - not updated.xlsx


    for #ha# $on#h+

    n #"$e !"ll e con#ac#e % TMD us"n1 all of #he #u#or2s l"s#e con#ac# nu$ ers+ If

    r #he lesson #"$e !"ll e con#ac#e % TMD us"n1 all of #he #u#or2s l"s#e con#ac# n

    are fre4uen#l% con#ac#e % TMD s#a5 for co$pl"ance+ho !"ll "ncur / coun#s or "ns#ances "n #h"s $on"#or"n1 shee# !"ll forfe"# #he"r 1uara


    1uaran#ee pa% for #he $on#h+

    # rene!al reco$$en a#"ons+ As a penal#%& a #u#or !ho !"ll "ncur , coun#s or "ns#a

    $en# #hou1h an onl"ne for$& an #he% are 1"'en an a$ple #"$e #o o so+fro$ open"n1 fur#her lessons an h"s3her 1uaran#ee pa% for #he $on#h shall e f

    ran#ee pa% for #ha# $on#h shall e forfe"#e +

    t%eir r#t o ened )e##on an are 1"'en .0 $"nu#es #o o so+

    re eac% re#erved )e##on +

    e #o #he"r fa"lure #o cl"c #he S#an % an 3or Rea % u##on on #"$e+

    e##on Re ort (etai) *%ec!#

    ch lesson+ In a "#"on #o #h"s& #he rules "n en#er"n1 #he Hanaso Me#ho De#a"ls $

    5R&7 SER &*ES 7GREE$E-

    roper& unaccep#a le& an unprofess"onal eha'"our+ Th"s #ool eeps a recor of a #NES& INC+ ON>INE ENG>ISH TUTORIA> SER?ICES


    e#es "n pol"c"es an proce ures+

    (prora#e & 6rs#& an secon ) upon 1ra ua#"on+

  • 8/20/2019 Ish from 201602 - not updated.xlsx


    #u#or "s una le #o respon af#er / calls& he3she !"ll #hen e #a11e as NCNS+

    u$ ers+ If #he #u#or "s una le #o respon & he3she !"ll #hen e #a11e as NCNS+

    #ee pa% for #he $on#h+

    nces "n #h"s $on"#or"n1 shee# !"ll forfe"# #he"r 1uaran#ee pa% for #he $on#h+

    orfe"#e +

    s# e s#r"c#l% follo!e +

    u#or2s $an"fes#a#"on of 1ross $"scon uc# such as=

  • 8/20/2019 Ish from 201602 - not updated.xlsx


    Per'anent Sc%edu)e S%eet

    ?*L@:M7, /:A N7 788, /7?7

  • 8/20/2019 Ish from 201602 - not updated.xlsx


    .,=00 PM < < < < < <

    .,=/0 PM < < < < < <.=00 PM < < < < < <.=/0 PM < < < < < <,=00 PM < < < < < <,=/0 PM < < < < < </=00 PM < < < < < </=/0 PM < < < < < <;=00 PM < < < < < <;=/0 PM < < < < < <-=00 PM < < < < < <-=/0 PM < < < < < <@=00 PM < 5PE- 5PE- 5PE- 5PE- 5PE-@=/0 PM < 5PE- 5PE- 5PE- 5PE- 5PE-B=00 PM < 5PE- 5PE- 5PE- 5PE- 5PE-B=/0 PM < 5PE- 5PE- 5PE- 5PE- 5PE-

    =00 PM < 5PE- 5PE- 5PE- 5PE- 5PE-=/0 PM < 5PE- 5PE- 5PE- 5PE- 5PE-=00 PM < 5PE- 5PE- 5PE- 5PE- 5PE-=/0 PM < 5PE- 5PE- 5PE- 5PE- 5PE-

    .0=00 PM < 5PE- 5PE- 5PE- 5PE- 5PE-

    .0=/0 PM < 5PE- 5PE- 5PE- 5PE- 5PE-

    ..=00 PM < < < < < <

    ..=/0 PM < < < < < <A$oun# 0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0Guaran#ee 0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0

    ?our Auarantee ay i P"P , 00600$5Olesson based on t

    !or "n1 a%s ("n a !ee ) - 7 erage no. of days O m!or "n1 a%s ("n a $on#h) ,, $days in a week 1 2.5da'era1e lessons per !or "n1 a%s .0 3days in a week 1 3d

    4days in a week 1 +.55days in a week 1 $$d6days in a week 1 $6d

  • 8/20/2019 Ish from 201602 - not updated.xlsx


    ur per$anen# sche ule+


    he per$anen# sche ule shee#+#ee pa% (e+1+ .0a$ < ..=--a$)& #hen %ou !"ll ha'e no per$anen# sche ule anon*# e appl"ca le an%$ore+e co$pan% no!s #he nu$ er of lessons %ou can co$$"#+




    Auarantee ay ti'e #)ot#@ !"ll ha'e 1uaran#ee pa%+

  • 8/20/2019 Ish from 201602 - not updated.xlsx




    he a erage number of days O monthonth chartys in a monthys in a monthays in a month

    ys in a monthys in a month

  • 8/20/2019 Ish from 201602 - not updated.xlsx


    no 1uaran#ee pa%+

  • 8/20/2019 Ish from 201602 - not updated.xlsx


  • 8/20/2019 Ish from 201602 - not updated.xlsx


    Per'anent Sc%edu)e S%eet

    ?*L@:M7, /:A N7 788, /7?7

  • 8/20/2019 Ish from 201602 - not updated.xlsx


    .0=/0 AM < < < < < < <

    ..=00 AM < < < < < < <

    ..=/0 AM < < < < < < <.,=00 PM < < < < < < <.,=/0 PM < < < < < < <

    .=00 PM < < < < < < <

    .=/0 PM < < < < < < <,=00 PM < < < < < < <,=/0 PM < < < < < < </=00 PM < < < < < < </=/0 PM < < < < < < <;=00 PM < < < < < < <;=/0 PM < < < < < < <-=00 PM < < < < < < <-=/0 PM < < < < < < <@=00 PM < 5PE- 5PE- 5PE- 5PE- 5PE- <

    @=/0 PM < 5PE- 5PE- 5PE- 5PE- 5PE-

  • 8/20/2019 Ish from 201602 - not updated.xlsx


    anen# sche ule+

    anen# sche ule shee#+

    (e+1+ .0a$ < ..=--a$)& #hen %ou !"ll ha'e no per$anen# sche ule an no 1uaappl"ca le an%$ore+an% no!s #he nu$ er of lessons %ou can co$$"#+

    ntee ay ti'e #)ot#@ !"ll ha'e 1uaran#ee pa%+

  • 8/20/2019 Ish from 201602 - not updated.xlsx


    number of days O month



  • 8/20/2019 Ish from 201602 - not updated.xlsx


    an#ee pa%+

  • 8/20/2019 Ish from 201602 - not updated.xlsx
