july 24 st. josaphat, warren, michigan2016 page 1 · 7/24/2016  · july 24, st. josaphat, warren,...

July 24, 2016 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 1 26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE WARREN, MI 48091 Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 Fax: 586-755-1399 www.stjoschurchosbm.com Email: [email protected] Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 www.stjosaphatbanquets.com Email: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 Email: [email protected] Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday Friday 10:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. (Office is closed for lunch 12:00 1:00 p.m.) IC Schools: 586-574-2480 www.icschools.org / www.icschools.net SUMMER SCHEDULE OF DIVINE LITURGIES Sunday: (Ukrainian) 9:00 a.m.; (English) 11:00 a.m. Saturday: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.; (English) 4:00 p.m. Weekdays: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m. Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: (Ukr.) 9:00 and (Eng.) 7:00 p.m. Confessions - During Liturgies Saturday 4:00pm, Sunday 8:30, 10:00 & 12:00 and all Holy Days To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion and Funerals - call the Office first. For Weddings make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead. VOL. 53 / NO. 30 TENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST TONE 1 JULY 24, 2016 Свята Літургія Служба Божа або Свята Літургія (із грецької мови - спільна молитва) - це жертва Нового Завіту, в якій Ісус Христос під видами хліба і вина безкровним способом приносить себе в жертву небесному Отцеві так, як колись кривавим способом жертвував себе на хресті на горі Голгофі. Ісус Христос встановив безкровну жертву свого Тіла і Крові під час Тайної Вечері. Йдучи на Службу Божу, кожен християнин повинен розуміти, що там, в Церкві, на престолі його чекає Господь і Спаситель, що він, входячи до Храму, ніби приступає на Голгофі до Господа, розп'ятого на хресті. Свята Літургія дає велику користь всім, котрі побожно беруть участь у ній, а особливо тим, за кого вона відправляється. Ласка Божа безконечна, а скільки одержить її людина через святу Літургію - залежить від її побожності. Святу Літургію уклав вперше в традиційній формі апостол Яків, яка відправляється тільки раз у році на день св. Якова; потім її вдосконалив св. Василій Великий і вона відправляється 10 раз у році: в навечір'я Різдва Христового, в навечір'я Богоявлення Господнього, у свято Василія Великого – у Старий Новий Рік, в п'ять неділь Великого Посту та у Великий Четвер і Страсну Суботу страсного тижня перед Пасхою; згодом її встановив св. Іван Золотоустий і вона відправляється щоденно та щонеділі протягом 355 днів року. Свята Літургія складається з трьох частин: Проскомидії, Літургії оглашенних та Cardinal Parolin: I saw Christian culture, dialogue and brotherly solidarity in Ukraine The visit of the Vatican’s Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin was concluded with a meeting with the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations held on June 20 in metropolitan chambers of St Sophia. The Vatican guest shared his impressions of the visit to Ukraine, and members AUCCRO remembered how they met with Pope John Paul II 15 years ago. In a speech to AUCCRO members, Cardinal Parolin noted the importance of this organization for Ukrainian religious life. The archbishop pointed out that in the times of the baptism of Kyiv there was the unity and communion between Rome and Constantinople. “That event is a kind of archetype, which is not just recalled in memory, but from which we draw inspiration to understand: if this was our past, why it cannot be our future, in the restored fidelity to the commandments of Christ “that all may be one”?" The cardinal recalled that in the last century Ukrainian people became martyrs who endured the madness of Nazism and Communism, famine and turmoil of the Chernobyl disaster. “The Ukrainian people still suffer from bombing, destruction of villages and infrastructure, and primarily from the return of hatred and mistrust that are destabilizing the society, which makes all efforts to gain the opportunity to equally enjoy the various gifts that the Creator has bestowed upon them,” the Vatican’s Secretary of State noted. “At this time of outstanding difficulties, (prod. na stor. 3) (Cont. on pg. 3)

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26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE • WARREN, MI 48091 Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 • Fax: 586-755-1399 www.stjoschurchosbm.com • Email: [email protected]

Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 • www.stjosaphatbanquets.com

Email: [email protected]

Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 • Email: [email protected]

Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM • Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. (Office is closed for lunch 12:00 –1:00 p.m.)

IC Schools: 586-574-2480 • www.icschools.org / www.icschools.net

SUMMER SCHEDULE OF DIVINE LITURGIES Sunday: (Ukrainian) 9:00 a.m.; (English) 11:00 a.m.

Saturday: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.; (English) 4:00 p.m. Weekdays: (Ukrainian) 8:30 a.m.

Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: (Ukr.) 9:00 and (Eng.) 7:00 p.m. Confessions - During Liturgies

Saturday 4:00pm, Sunday 8:30, 10:00 & 12:00 and all Holy Days

To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion and Funerals - call the Office first.

For Weddings make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead.


Свята Літургія

Служба Божа або Свята Літургія (із грецької мови -

спільна молитва) - це жертва Нового Завіту, в якій Ісус

Христос під видами хліба і вина безкровним способом

приносить себе в жертву небесному Отцеві так, як

колись кривавим способом жертвував себе на хресті на

горі Голгофі. Ісус Христос встановив безкровну жертву

свого Тіла і Крові під час Тайної Вечері.

Йдучи на Службу Божу, кожен християнин повинен

розуміти, що там, в Церкві, на престолі його чекає

Господь і Спаситель, що він, входячи до Храму,

ніби приступає на Голгофі до Господа, розп'ятого на

хресті. Свята Літургія дає велику користь всім, котрі

побожно беруть участь у ній, а особливо тим, за кого

вона відправляється. Ласка Божа безконечна, а скільки

одержить її людина через святу Літургію - залежить від

її побожності.

Святу Літургію уклав вперше в традиційній формі

апостол Яків, яка відправляється тільки раз у році на

день св. Якова; потім її вдосконалив св. Василій

Великий і вона відправляється 10 раз у році: в навечір'я

Різдва Христового, в навечір'я Богоявлення

Господнього, у свято Василія Великого – у Старий

Новий Рік, в п'ять неділь Великого Посту та у Великий

Четвер і Страсну Суботу страсного тижня перед

Пасхою; згодом її встановив св. Іван Золотоустий і вона

відправляється щоденно та щонеділі протягом 355 днів


Свята Літургія складається з трьох частин:

Проскомидії, Літургії оглашенних та

Cardinal Parolin: I saw Christian culture, dialogue

and brotherly solidarity in Ukraine

The visit of the Vatican’s Secretary of State Cardinal

Pietro Parolin was concluded with a meeting with the

All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious

Organizations held on June 20 in metropolitan chambers of

St Sophia. The Vatican guest shared his impressions of the

visit to Ukraine, and members AUCCRO remembered how

they met with Pope John Paul II 15 years ago.

In a speech to AUCCRO members, Cardinal Parolin

noted the importance of this organization for Ukrainian

religious life. The archbishop pointed out that in the times

of the baptism of Kyiv there was the unity and communion

between Rome and Constantinople. “That event is a kind of

archetype, which is not just recalled in memory, but from

which we draw inspiration to understand: if this was our

past, why it cannot be our future, in the restored fidelity to

the commandments of Christ “that all may be one”?"

The cardinal recalled that in the last century Ukrainian

people became martyrs who endured the madness of

Nazism and Communism, famine and turmoil of the

Chernobyl disaster.

“The Ukrainian people still suffer from bombing,

destruction of villages and infrastructure, and primarily

from the return of hatred and mistrust that are destabilizing

the society, which makes all efforts to gain the opportunity

to equally enjoy the various gifts that the Creator has

bestowed upon them,” the Vatican’s Secretary of State


“At this time of outstanding difficulties, (prod. na stor. 3) (Cont. on pg. 3)

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Sunday, July 24, 2016 (Sts. Borys & Hlib) (Prayer Book pg. 220, 390)

1 Cor. 4: 9-16; Mt. 17: 14-23 (Molytovnyk. st. 214, 378)

9:00 For The Parish

11:00 #805 Special Intention — Lydia

Monday, July 25, 2016 (Dorm. of Anna)

Gal. 4: 22-31; Lk. 8: 16-21

8:30 #1083 Happy & Blessed Birthday Brian & Irene Maciborski

Happy Anniversary Brian & Christina, Marie & Paul

#1181 Happy & Blessed 91st Birthday Nina Kowik — Son & Daughter Prayer Families: O. Kossak / O. Lobas

Tuesday, July 26, 2016 (Sts. Hermolaus & Parasceve)

2 Cor. 2:14 - 3:3; Mt. 23: 23-28

8:30 #561 + Wolodymyr Kowal — A. Kowal

#1176 + Nataliya Plazo 40th day w/panakhyda — Family Prayer Families: E. Kostiuk / N. Litynskyj

Wednesday, July 27, 2016 (St. Panteleimon)

2 Tim. 2: 1-10; Jn. 15:17 - 16:2

8:30 #958 + Michalina Maslowsky — M. Kowalyshyn

#1192 + Olga Halushka - 40th day w/panakhyda — Family Prayer Families: S. Kostiuk / A. Litynskyj

Thursday, July 28, 2016 (St. Prochor)

2 Cor. 4: 1-6; Mt. 24: 13-28

8:30 #1021 + William Malcolm — L. & G. Murskyj

#1235 + Hryhory Jurkiw — Daughters

Ukrainian Village

11:00 # No Liturgy Prayer Families: A. Kostyniuk / T. Lisowsky

Friday, July 29, 2016 (St. Callinicus)

2 Cor. 4: 13-18; Mt. 24: 27-33, 42-51

8:30 #573 ++ Vladzia, Ivan, Antoniy & Myhalina — Family

#819 + Mykola Kowalysko — Family Prayer Families: A. Kowal / P. Lisnyy

Saturday, July 30, 2016 (Sts. Silas & Silvanus)

1 Cor. 1: 3-9; Mt. 19: 3-12

8:30 #820 + Maria Kowalysko — Family

#1223 + Hryhory & Kateryna — Family

4:00p.m. #537 + Michael A. Kostiuk (1 yr) — E. Kostiuk Prayer Families: I. Kowalysko / I. Lisikewycz

Sunday, July 31, 2016 (St. Eudocimus) (Prayer Book pg. 221, 391)

1 Cor. 9: 2-12; Mt. 18: 23-35 (Molytovnyk. st. 215, 379)

9:00 For The Parish

11:00 #988 ++ All Deceased Pokotello Family Members

— D. Hendrick

Altar Cleaning

Helen Hryshko and Linda Zajac

+ May She Rest in Peace +

Kellie Halushka passed away on July 10, 2016 at the age of 20 and was buried from St. Josaphat on July 16, 2016.

Please Remember Her In Your Prayers

Fr. Bernard, Fr. Christopher, Bishop Richard, Terry Babenko, Steven Batkoski, Emily Berezowsky, Thomas Binkley, Dan Budnick, Janice Budnick, Sviatoslav Cherniawskyy, Amanda Cliffton, Dennis Connel, John DeHate, Chris t ine

Lash-Farion, Mychajlo Fedorenko, Thomas Gula, Vasyl Halayda, Alfred Hetkowski, Dorothy Kail, Suzanne Kotas, Jaroslawa Kovch, Irene Krasicky, Allyson Logan, Virginia Michaluk, Brian Miller, Sophia Nigrans, Jesse Obriecht, Tamara Olszewski, Lily Ondusky, John Paluch, Marty Peters, Douglas Podgorski, Christopher Portalski, Riley Portalski, Walter Roback, Stephanie Salata, Pearl Sawchuk, Dick Schultz, Roman Seniuk, Michael Servoss, Joshua Sherman, Nicole Sherman, Angela Shrubowich, Peggy Slowinski, Rosemary Smith, Olha Soroka, Michael Tereck Jr., Teri Turak, David Tyro. **Also, please pray for all our elderly that are ill, in nursing homes

and home bound.** Pray For All The Men & Women in Military Service - In Active Duty

- From our parish & families -

Vlady Calice, Michael Crill, John Darga, Michael Poff, Eugene Poterfield, Christopher V.., Jordan Wenson, Nicholas Zablonski, Stanislav Zibrivskyy. (Please inform the office of any updates)

Just a Reminder

Our church renovations started on Monday July 11th. Thanks to the O.L.P.H. Sodality’s hard work, they were able to raise $44,000 for this renovation via rummage sales and fundraisers.

The floor will be the done first followed by the installation of new kneeler pads and seat cushions. The renovation will take approximately 1 ½ to 2 weeks. Therefore, half of the church will be under construction each week.

Prokimen — Mylist/ Tvo], Hospody, xaj bude nad namy,

bo my nadi]lys/ na Tebe.

Prokimenon — Let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us, as we

have hoped in You.

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July 24, 2016 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 3

aggravated by the load of institutional, financial and moral

crisis, which inflicts great suffering – we, the religious

community, are called to the unprecedented responsibility,”

the Cardinal said. He assured that common service of all

those who believe in God to those in need will help

everyone feel brothers again.

“This is our day, brothers; the time for which we are

responsible. For neither politics nor wealth, nor mutual

disputes can make us true disciples of the Creator. We will

become true through the spirit of service and trust to us,

which comes from the fact that we have no other purpose

than serving the common good,” the Vatican’s Secretary

of State noted, speaking to AUCCRO members. “For a

believer, nothing can justify hatred, slander, rejection of

one’s brother. It is even less possible to justify using the

name of God. This is blasphemy: refer to God as the One

who produces division and death.”

The Vatican’s guest also said that the striving of

Ukrainian youth for justice, fighting corruption, abuse of

power and lack of opportunities can be based on Christian

culture, which is rooted in the Ukrainian land. “This culture

continues to inspire when we first become its witnesses.

Our debate and our opposition in the name of the past

forgotten by everyone except for our stubborn resentment

do not help us to be the followers of that truth which makes

us free. Your young people are seeking for integrity,

consistency, respect and want to see it first in us and

through us. If we can give it to them – they will be saved

and will save Ukraine,” the Cardinal said.

At the end of his speech, he said that the entire Catholic

Church, which raised funds to help Ukraine, wanted to

take actual steps towards peace in Ukraine and solidarity

with the victims of war in eastern Ukraine.

St. Josaphat Church,

Immaculate Conception Church and Immaculate Conception School

is having their

Annual Sunflower Festival

August 6th & 7th, 2016 on the grounds of St. Josaphat Church

We are looking for volunteers (to work before, during

and after the festival). Please call the church office at

586-755-1740 for more information.

We will be making Varenyky / Varenyky:

Tues. July 26th at 9:00am…. (peeling potatoes, onions) Wed. July 27th at 9:00am….. (making varenyky)

We will be making Holubtsi / Holubci:

Wed. Aug. 3rd at 9:00am Thurs. Aug. 4th at 9:00am

Літургії вірних. Проскомидія - це частина Служби

Божої, яку священик відправляє в захристії або за

престолом. Вона представляє народження Ісуса Христа

у Вифлеємі у вертепі, положення Його в ясла Дівою

Марією, появу зорі над вертепом, прибуття пастушків і

царів та поклін Божому дитяткові, повивання Ісуса в

пеленки і зустріч Ісуса в храмі з праведним Симеоном.

Під час Проскомидії священик приготовляє хліб і вино,

до якого доливає декілька крапель води. На просфорі

(прісному хлібі до святого Причастя) є напис: ІС ХС

NIKA, що означає: Ісус Христос – переміг (смертю

смерть подолав).

Druha ;astyna Службy Божo\ nazyva=t/s]

Liturhi=[ ohla'ennyx (Liturhi] Slova), ]ka =


U per'yx vikax xrysty]nstva na nij mohly

buty prysutnimy ohla'enni abo katexumeny, qo

hotuvalys/ do sv]toho xreqenn]. Ale pisl] sliv

dy]kona "ohla'enni, vyjdit/", vony zmu'eni buly

vyjty z xramu. Liturhi] ohla'ennyx predstavla= wytt]

Isusa Xrysta vid malo\ dytyny aw do toho ;asu, koly

Vin hotu=t/s] na smert/. U cim ;asi wytt] Xrysta

podila=t/s] nataki ;otytry etapy: ukryte wytt] Isusa

v Nazareti do 30 rokiv, xreqenn] Joho Ivanom,

Xrestytelem u Jordani, vyxid Isusa Xrysta nad

riko[ Jordan u pystun[, de postom i molytvo[ Vin

hotuvavs] do nav;ann] l[dej i propoviduvann] Nym

Bowoho Slova prot]hom tr/ox rokiv.

Liturhi] ohla'ennyx po;yna=t/s] tym, qo

sv]qenyk, od]hnenyj u cerkovni ryzy, vidkryva=

Cars/ki dveri na znak, qo Spasytel/ vidkryv nam

nebesne Carstvo. Pid ;as ci=\ ;astyny Liturhi\

spiva[t/s] antyfony (vir'i, vyjn]ti z psalmiv),

qo symvolizu[t/ wytt] Isusa Xrysta v Nazareti.

Potim spiva=t/s] pisl] "+dynorodnyj Synu", qo

ozna;a= xreqenn] Isusa v rici Jordani. Spiv "Alylu]"

iz staro=vrejs/ko\ movy ozna;a= - "Xvalit/ Hospoda".

U;ytel/s/ka prac] Xrysta predstavl]=t/s] malym

vxodom, ;ytann]m Apostola i +vanheli], a takow

propovidd[ sv]qenyka.

Liturgy Received For The Repose of the Soul

+ In Memory of Kellie Halushka

Maria Brunec

"To accept the responsibility of being a child of God

is to accept the best that life has to offer you." Stella Terrill Mann

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Family Wishes

Steve Buksa Nick Prychitko John & Terry Turak Erika Pawlyk

Rosemary Dyell Olga Seniw Walter Dobush Pauline Krupa

Ihor & Linda Zajac Joyce Moyniham Maria Brunec Family Pearl Sawchuk

Sonia Hulyk Mr. & Mrs. Holowaty Bernice Tereck Michael Chupa

Colette Chupa Mary & Angela Goshko Joseph Tyro Bob & Joan Federow

Mike & Peggy Derkacz Kathleen Turak Rita Brady Ron & Millie Stachowski

Joe & Suzy LaDouceur Jerry & Stefania Szawronsky Phil & Ivy Katsaros Pat Lomaka

Mark & Melanie Nestorowich Bo & Sylvia Karpinsky

Masses at St. Josaphat Church

Jim & Mary Katsaros Bohdan Melnyk O.L.P.H. Sodality Jim Czapla

Ivan & Sharon Preweda Andrew & Lily Litynskyj Polgar Family Dave & Karen Holowchak

Luba Nestorowich Alexandra Florchuk Jeanette Onachuk John & Connie Dorosz

Mary Olesnavich Walter Dobush Irene Krasicky Myroslaw & Irene Pryjma

John & Helen Rubacha Mike & Pauline Pokorsk Bohdanna Kruczak Gloria Duzey

Frank & Dorothy Podolski

St. Josaphat Building Fund

Bob & MaryLou Sudomir Olga Wojtyshyn

Daria Drobny U.N.W.L.A. Br. 58

St. Jude Children's Hospital

Janet Kushner Donna Kushner

Immaculate Conception Restoration Fund

Roma Remeniuk

Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Lydia Nestorowich

+ In Memory of Olga Halushka +

U hlybokomu smutku dilymos] sumno[ vistko[, qo 16 ;ervn], 2016, na 38 roci wytt] відійшла vid nas doroha mama, druwyna, do;ka i sestra Наталя Плазьо. My xочемо pod]kuvaty kownomu z Vas, xto buv poru; nas v taku t]wku xvylynu i rozdilyv z namy

c[ vawku vtratu.

Vисловl[=mo особливу подяку paroxu церкви sв. Йосафата о. Маріо Дацишину за проведену панахиду i похорон нашої Наталі. D]ku=mo хору Церкви Непорочного Зачаття (m. Hemtremyk)

який супроводжуваly своїм чудовим співом панахиду та похорон. Osoblyva pod]ka Крису Бугай за його професійнiсть в організації похорону, а також p.p. Вальтеру Козару i Василю Перцю за особливу допомогу в час, коли ми цього дуже потребували. Ми вдячні усім Вам за Ваші молитви, добрі побажання, неоцінymу моральну підтримку та матеріальну допомогу. Нехай Hospod/ Бог оберігає Вас та Ваші сім'ї.

With deep sorrow, we are sharing sad news that on June, 16, 2016, at 38 years of age, a dear mother, wife, daughter and sister Nataliya Plazo has passed away. We want to thank each one of you who has shared this difficult loss with us and being there for us in these difficult times. We want to express special gratitude to Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM, pastor of St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Church for the panakhyda and funeral services for our Natalya. We want to thank the choir of Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church (in Hamtramck) for accompanying the services with their beautiful voices. Sincere thank you to Chris Buhay for his professional organization of the funeral and to Walter Kozar and Vasyl Perets for their special help at our time of need. We are also grateful to all of you for your prayers, condolences, and invaluable moral support and material help. May God protect and bless you and your families.

Family of Nataliya Plazo

+ In Memory of Nataliya Plazo +

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Mnoha] Lita!

Calender of Events

Aug 6th & 7th… Sunflower Festival Aug. 14th……… Selfreliance Credit Union Picnic - Dibrova Sept 5th ………. Labor Day Oct. 2nd …….… First Sunday - Fall Liturgy Schedule Oct. 2nd ….…… First class - 2017 Solemn Holy Communion

Solemn Holy Communion Class

Pre registration is beginning for children that are making their Solemn Holy Communion

in May of 2017.

Classes will begin: Sunday, October 02, 2016

1966 Class Reunion

will be held on Saturday, October 1, 2016. For more

information, please contact fellow classmate Stephanie

(Malaniuk) Bologna at 313-610-8529 or 313-366-4859

or by email [email protected]

Condominium For Sale

2 bedroom, 2 bath detached condominium in beautiful Palmer Woods Estates (12 Mile & Ryan). 1400 sq. ft., 2 car attached garage, full basement.

Low Association dues. $184,900 For info, call 239-398-0890

Summer Dress Code

With Summer days upon us, the tendency to cool and casual attire is understandable but, attire at Sunday Divine Liturgy should always reflect our dignity as Christian people. Courtesy to the Lord and our fellow worshipers that adult attire, particularly should reflect good taste and modesty. We the clergy and staff would like to wish everyone a peaceful, restful happy and safe summer. Remember there is no vacation from God.

Have a Happy and Safe Summer!

Z pryxodom teplyx litnyx dniv, bawann] od]hnutys] lehko i zru;no = zrozumilym. Prote na'e vbrann] v nedil/nu Sv]tu Liturhi[ povynno zavwdy vidobrawaty na'u Xrysty]ns/ku hidnist/.

Na'a cerkva ma= uxolodwen], tow v ;asi lita prosymo vd]hatys] vidpovidno.

Bawa=mo Pry=mnoho i Bezpe;noho Lita!

Best Wishes, Health, Happiness and God's Blessings.

Happy Birthday

Names printed are for birthdays for this week — from Sunday thru Saturday

Anna Rudnycky, Nina Kowik, John Dorosz,

Norman Urban, Kenneth Serbenski, Irene Maciborski,

Eugene Wolonick, Jenny Pateryn, Judith Sopkowicz,

Marko Fedorak, Ksenia Kozak-Pereklita,

Ann Rudnitsky, Gina Celuch, Erin Chupa, Chad Paul,

Brian Maciborski, Stephanie Prior, Maria Lawrin,

Nichalas Peper, Tadey Nevistyuk

Attention: Please arrive in time for liturgical services. It is stated that it is proper to arrive 5 minutes before the Liturgy begins.

Do Vaqo\ Uvahy: Pro'u laskavo ne spizn]tys] do cerkvy, osoblyvo na

Sluwbu Bowu. Vkazano buty prynajmi p']t/ xvylyn

pered vidpravo[.

If you would like…….

to receive your bulletin electronically, please give us your email. Also, if there is something you would like added or have changed in the bulletin — we are open to all suggestions. Please do so by contacting the church office.

When making a donation and you are not using your contribution envelopes, offering envelopes are available in the back of the church. There are different kinds, so please take the appropriate one so your contribution can be accredited as you wish. Please do not use them for candle donations.

Now that summer is here, our Banquet Center will be

holding weddings, showers and other private functions so

please , do not go thru or enter the hall while a function is

going on. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.

Do Uvahy

Koly vyxodymo z cerkvy, prosyt/s] ne jty do

cerkovno\ ploqi ;erez cerkovno\ zali.

Page 6: July 24 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan2016 Page 1 · 7/24/2016  · July 24, St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan2016 Page 3 aggravated by the load of institutional, financial and moral

July 24, 2016 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 6

St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Church 26400 Ryan Road, Warren, Michigan 48091

(1/4 mile south of 11 Mile/I-696) 586-755-1740

Live Entertainment

Vendors Children’s

Rides Raffle

Saturday, August 6, 2016 12:00 noon……Opening

1:00p.m - 5:00p.m…….The New Generation Band

2:00p.m………"Echoes of Ukraine" Children's Dance Group

5:00p.m………"Echoes of Ukraine" Adult Dance Group

6:00p.m - 10:00p.m.…...The Coachmen

7:00p.m……….Ukrainian Children's Choir

from Immaculate Conception Church

Vocal Group "Ukraina" from Ukraine


Sunday, August 7, 2016 12:00 noon - 4:00p.m .… The "Misty Blues" Band

1:00p.m……….Vocal Group "Ukraina" from Ukraine

2:00p.m………"Echoes of Ukraine" Children's Dance Group

4:00p.m………"Echoes of Ukraine" Adult Dance Group

5:00p.m……… Raffle Drawing

5:30p.m……… Ukrainian Music provided by

Taras Tryshnivskyy accompanied by Tanya Bedrus

6:00p.m……… Closing

You’re invited to the

Ukrainian Sunflower Festival


Ukrainian Food

& American Food

Page 7: July 24 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan2016 Page 1 · 7/24/2016  · July 24, St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan2016 Page 3 aggravated by the load of institutional, financial and moral

July 24, 2016 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 7

St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Church 26400 Ryan Road, Warren, Michigan 48091

(1/4 mile south of 11 Mile/I-696) 586-755-1740


tradycijnyj ukra\ns/kyj i amerykans/kyj xar;


Zapro'u=mo Vas na

Ukra\ns/kyj Son]'nykovyj

Festyval/ subota, 6-ho serpn], 2016 12:00p.p………Vidkrytt]

1:00p.p do 5:00p.p………..The New Generation Band

2:00p.p……….."Echoes of Ukraine" Children's Dance Group

5:00ve;.……...."Echoes of Ukraine" Adult Dance Group

6:00ve;. do 10:00ve;….....The Coachmen

7:00ve;.…….....Dyt];yj cerkovnyj xor

pry cerkvi Neporo;noho Za;att]

Hurt "Ukraina" z Ukra\ny


nedil], 7-ho serpn], 2016 12:00p.p. do 4:00p.p……….The "Misty Blues" Band

1:30p.p………. Hurt "Ukraina" z Ukra\ny

2:00p.p……..…"Echoes of Ukraine" Children's Dance Group

4:00p.p……..…"Echoes of Ukraine" Adult Dance Group


5:30ve;.…….... Ukrains/ka Muzyka

Taras Tryqnivs/kyj i Tan] Bedrus


dyt];i hry
