kentucky gazette (lexington, ky. : 1789). (lexington, ky)...

fels that France Ihall .enjoy the same privileges as th.4 molt savored Nation ; and that a definiiMve anfwef fllall befgiv- - ) ( en, within 60 days, to these prdpofitions ; and threatens her With an arrily of 60, Wtqpo men, is Hie refufc"3i The Pbrtuguefe have alked advice of .England ; and in tie interim, are making the best poflible nreDarations for defence The First Consul has atfo demanded leave the Pope to march till army through his terri- tory, again! Naples. There is nothing new relative to. the Expedition. We do not find an article" reflecting Envoys- .- NOTICE. tikes from A NEGRO MAN, Si Tt 7110 was apprehended as"a runaway, tbout ten I VV miles from Uhillieothe on ICilhkauik, ncd is t .now in mv pifTeflion. a Hay Hoife, about fifteen 1 years o'.fiuKeemnd a half hands high, no brand j ML hoth hind ftt wYite, long ma!" 'ail p'o 1 ikible he belong to fotne person rear Ohio. j vs he owner inn have by applying to the fubferi- - P-.'- living in FayeUe, on theliejd oi Boons xreek, I XpsyW charges impended, and proihg the pro 11 of eur and 'tis the him jierty. 14tli,Octobei'iB-- o. J James Parish. 2vf ro REM'l, THE PLACE hlliiltEON I SOW LHE, m T ihe crollmg 01 rrwin aagie creek, mrecn mils f on Grorgdtovn, on the toadUo Gin einnati. 1 here i a S"u ioS uuuie, miy iet long, f- - good ltone ti'e places, a good log good kitchen, with a number of use- - Yulcabbins; about thirty sit aciesot cleared lard, ten of which is meadow, two grass lots jftirmg the Jioufe. The advantageous fitnation of the place for h public house i: range for flock, is generaih known, l'oflefiion can be had immediate!) tie tenns may be known by applying to Mr efq. George- town or to the fubferiber in Frankfort. tf. John Hunter. K B. A'iv person renting immcdintel, can be iurmSied with a quantity of winter vegetables. ' INFORMATION, THaT I HlVI COMMENCED TANNING, i TIN Springfield, N aldington County, l ore-.clii- n. Leather us inv kind l'o and will buy Mines, or tan on thefliarei I will tan Hides that wc:gb above JSlb green or 251b. ilrv as loal Leather, lor one third, is I receive them tins vai,orthe fiiil month Jn next. Joseph Jeffs. Oftoler Ith, 1S30. is clar:e county, to wit. September Court of Quarter SeJfionS, 1030 Thomas Hinde, complainant, VS Robert ' Clough, defendant. ' IN CHANCERY. THE defendant not luving entered appearance herein according to law, and the rules of this ennrr, and it appearing to the h tisfaftionof thecourt.tbat he is uot an inhabitant oi this commonwealth On the motion 01 the con. plainant by Ins counsel, it is ordered that unless the said defendant (hall appear here, on the second day of our next February term, and annver the bill, the same will v taken pro cinfajjo : That a copy of this orrbr bt frtl with inferred in the Kentucky Gi-Kt'- fur two months fucieflivel ; one polled iip out he font door of court houlc an Winchester, and th it one other be publifiied at the Joorof the ilone meeting ho ic,onfiowa ri'sc eek, 4jme Sunday immediately ftcrdiveiilifvice. (ACo?j.) lejie MflTW, D. C C'C-Q- . s. , 'IpAKEN up byfcthe fubfenber living Ji near warwicl: terryim Woodlord L.ounty,anay ware, about fou teen hamtj high, supposed to be sour years 'd, has fume fiddle sp its, branded on the near flioulder and buttock S, apprailed to 61. High Cunningham. July 22d i8do. 3w TAKEN up by the fubferiber living conntv, on the water filing r fion,'i!o the little mountain, a roanhorfe, three years old branded on the near mould a a natural trotter; appiaifed to 61. John Jones. June lith, iSoo. t 8 AKi-- up by the f ibfcnber living -- - on the waters of Iiulton, about two mites 'from Hall's tavern, one brown mare, about sour feet high, three years old, no brand to be seen appraif-cdt- o 3I. 12s. "William Elliot. Bourbon county, June 7th, 1800. 7 4 xi MANN's LICK. A Larjre Qiantity ot CLrN, DRY, SALT for SALE, John Speed. HHAKEN up by the fubferiber, living J-- in Oreen county, and on the iouth e ot (jreen river, and on Little Darren ver.1- - one ftrawberrv roan- - Horse. five 'years old last Spring, about 13 and a half "hjnds high, black mane and tail, natural pacer, one white spot on the hind part of the lest soot, no brand perceivable, to ten pounds, May i , 1 800. Mary M Candles. TAKEN up by the fubferiber living at swamp. a bav horle.abiiitfevenvears old" this spring, thi'teen hands three inches high, on the ncir Ihnulder thus C with a fmallftir r hrs sorehead and lorn : white foots on the right side his nose, and a Iare white spot on his nghKhlp, P?pt to 91. Thomas M'Clure. IirWoln county, May &, iSa?, A I,ist of Letters in the Post Office in Danville, ivhicb, is not taken out in three month; ivillbe sent tb th'e Gene- ral Post Office as dead letters: A Thomas Allen; Francis Afbiiry. B Henry Blunt, Gallatirt cty. John Benedict, William Beekly, Herman Bow- man. C Jofepn Comes, Mason cty. Charles Campbell, Garrard cty. James Collins, Madifbn cty. Robert Commerons, in Kentucky, 'Thomas Chrlfty. D Patrick Dougherty, Thomas T. Davis, efq. 2. John Doke. E James England, 'Garrard cty. Love Evins, Madison cty. Andrew En- - lilll, Greene cty. Jonathan l'ergulon, Logan cty. omas Freeman. G Willis Green, James Gaston Pulaf-- ki cty. John W'HoU, Daniel Hoover, Nicholas Hawkins, Madison cty. David Haufsman. I Letitia Jones, John Johnston, Mad-difo- n ctyi. , , M John Martinj Logan court-hotif- e, Alexander M'Kendery, Kentucky, Ro- bert M 'Carney, John M'Afee, Catrine M 'Dowel, John Martin, Little Barren, 'William M'Henry, near the mouth of nnxman, juua luansneiu, capt, JLanici Mauper. N John Nailor. 0 Nicholas Onllot. P Peter Pettejohn, Pulafki cty. John Patterson. R James Reed, John Reed, Dudly Roundtree fen. Barren cty. Joseph Rich-ardfo- n, fen. Greene cty. S Benedict Swope, Richard Singleton, George Smith, Jacob Swope, 2. James Smith, Green River, Adam Shepherdj Gibron Shoemaker. Samuel Taylor, John Templin, Jeremiah Tryon, Barren cty. W William Willis, Christopher Wea- ver, William Window, William Wiley, Garrard ctv. lames Whitehoufe. John Walker, Greentown, Andrew Wallace Maddifon cty. Philip White. Danville, Ortober 14th, 1800. i ALEXANDER PARKER HASjuil received from Philadelphia, at his store on Main ftrcet, oppolite the court-hous- e, a veiy general aflortment of Goods, Queens, rDry China and Ware, Glass Wares. Which he will sell at the mod reduced prices for CASH. Lexington SeptSTibcr 15th, l83i. N. B. In the above aflortment there are the best French Indjgd, Loaf Sugar, Coffee and Tcas.BouItJng CloUis afloited, Corded Dimities and Scarlet Cardinals, Wool Cards, and Cut Nails aflorted. LAND FOR SALE. T7T7ILL be exposed topubhc sale, for VV cafli, at the door of the court poufc in Lexington, on the thirtieth day of this present Oclober, by virtue of a de- cree of the diftrift court, held in Lexing- ton, in a suit of Chancery, wherein Tho- mas Mendenhall, and others were com- plainants, and Abraham Fowler, and Mefirs. Hoffman and Harrison of New-Vor- k were defendants, pronounced at the September term last past, two tracts of LAND, one containing one hundred and fifteen thousand six: hundred and fifty-si- x icres and the other containing one hun- dred and eight thousand, three hundred and forty-so- ur acres, excepting put of the said tracts one undivided (hare of thirty thousand acres, which said tracts of land lie in Montgomery and Madison counties, below and in the main forks of the Kentucky river, and were entered in the name of Thomas Franklin and Co. June the 4th 1784 the sale to begin at 120 clock. Cuthbert Banks, fobn Bop-p-s- &? George Clarke, October 4th, 1800. FLEMING COUNTY, lei. J" Septcmbei Term, jebttAUisin, complainant n o 3 800. GetrrcLevh, 7'fe?h Addir,'thn CilrttSfGe. Birnilj JlfcSirJ Hurt, John Craig, Xi'tert Johnston, SimM Kenturldnd John Donnrlfon, g'ttrdtin for "John Flem- ing, Wilhim Fleming, an I rhomas Fltnung, infant hurt aJohn Fleming Deceijed, detendants. IN CHNCERY. THE defendant Simon Kenton not entered his appearance herein agreeably to Iw, ind the rules of this Court ; and it appearjngfo the satisfaction of the Court that he is not an ihnablt ant of this Commonwealth on the motion oX'trie coinptainantbyhiscounlel, it is ordered th3t thevje fendant Simon as alorefiid, appear here on thefecSSjd day of our December Term nev.-- , and aufwer the comptamant'sbill, or the same will ie taken as con tefl'd; and that a copy is this order be forthwith in ferred in the KeutuekvGizette, lor fw months sin cellively, aud publilhed at the door of the Methodist mectinghoufe in the Town of FIcniingfbnrg, some funrfav immediately aster divine Icrviee, and arfothe.r polled at the front door of the Court houfc m Flem- ing county. (A Copy -- eitc, 1USTP RECEIVED. nd for sale at this Office, the follovHvgt , BOOK'S &? PAMPHLETS, t Wmtb villi be sold at the prices thereto 'annexed, viz BOUND books: Piliticah Junius RedivivtiSj Barlow's Letters, , Annual Register for 1 796", 1'olitics lor the People, 3 vol. , 1 he Preiident's Melfage to Gongrefs, rela- - tivc to France and Great Britain, S Lyon's Magjzine, The Philanthropic or ihe National Char- - T afler ofthe Engllfll and French by Juni- - s Junior, J Jockey Club,' Political ClaflTcs, vol. The Farmer's Letters The Democrat; Defence of Unary, Common Selife, MtraU White's Sermons", ' " List of Chrilt, 2 ol Calviriifm Improved; Prlte's Sermons, Harvey's Meditations,' Watt's Miscellany, Death a Villon, illifon's bacramefital Meditati6fi Afpafio Vindicated, Dodrige'sjlife and Progress, JenU's Submiffion, Durham's Unfearchable Aiches Webster's Sermons, Divine Breathings, Bunyan's Visions, Jint way's Token, Flavel's Token for ATotirneif, Baptist Confeffios of Faith, Arts &? Sciences, i?c . Blainvilles Travels, 3 vol. Fenn's Arithmetic, Fenn's Euclid, Goldsmith's Annimated Nature, 4 voli i'ratticalbarmef, a vol. Defcnption of Tenneflee, Frazer's Afiiltant, Dramatic Dialogues', PAMPHLET Political. The American Crisis Kights of Man fur illMankind. allatin'iSpetcli dntne foreign lntereearfe? Path to ltiches, Cato's Examination f Jay's Treaty, Bore r0 Gnaw fa! the Democrats, t view 01 tne Sanies and tonfequencesof uiepreunc .varwitb France, A Pill for Pjrcupinej The Scare Crow, Porcupine's political Censor, Political Charafler ofthe French and Erl- - glilh by Junius Junior, The Budget ofthe Peoolc. Addrels to Congrcfs on Jay's Treatyj SermoiistoMiiiifter'sofJute,bthe'autlior7 of Sermons to Aile's, ? Decline and tall of the Britilh System of 1 Tinance, C Manu.loi the Theo Philanthropiils, Monarchv no Cre.itil.e of God's Making, Mim-ircl"- ; A paiody on Pope Fa'fs addreiled to tne people of Great Bri- tain and Ii eland, Political Dictionary, Law ot Nature, Mad find Acorns, Ogdei's Tour thro Upjier and Mower Canadai Debates in the pcnnlylvahla Legislature, ? relpecrin,; the Hank. C .j u mures on tne Atinreis ot uenrge ington,notilving his reliiiiiuUhment the Oliice of" President, liiipoucr ueteOeU imothy hletoby, Knaves AiTociation( iMirai'eau's Lonliderations Order Cmcinatus, Thomas Walker others Conlpiracv. Belfast KevieW, andCe- - llevolution, Refolntions Welch Cobleis, i'oem, Camillus'sdefente ofthe Britilh treaty) conduct United States, France examined byaPennfyl-- vaman, hA Duncombe, warn ) : ofC 1 ne by I Tic ? f Acre ofthe of ' Ti nl of and An account of the leoration 01 tne r reliCU ofthe 1 ne i.ioiei a The of the to J waids S letter of H. 1 " i KemarKi on the conduct of George wafli- - T ington, as Prelident of tne United V States, djy Sermon, Ns v.year's Gist to Democrats, Proceedings ot tne United Indimen I he trial us Thomas Muir, The Commonwealth of Reason, Letter to the Friends of the People, Foxes letter to the Eleftors of Wattminfter, Umverfal Alylum, 1 V Moral. yc -- Ok Apodolic Union ofthe Church, Uiv me Kighteoufnefse-thibite- d m the Salva- - 5 tion and Damnation of Sinners. 5 Aee of Ueafon, 111 and 3d nart. Wakefield's Exam utionoi' Paine's Age of Ilcalnn, Th Truth ofthe Bible by John Fowler, Wakefield's Letter on the spirit of Chf litia nity, A llevealed knmtledge ofthe Exhortation to a Keligtous Education o children bv the BantiftChuiches. An account oi the London Miffionary So ciety, Family Exercises, Modes of Presbyterian Church YorllIip dicated, A Catechilm for Youth. 'i I Fast Via 'I (tuilel's SevdnSernlons jermons to the Rich and Studious The Pofie, Annan ort Universal Salvation Confligritiona Poem, Mteftinj; huiory of the dVeadfu! dittrefs 6f 7. Frederick Manheim's Family and otters ? MiScelldneOHS4 ItertlarlcaWe deliverance of GeoVge Lni;, Thomas Dougherty c. C. ia)iw Adie, on Court jMaitiaJ s 2 c. 5& 5- - i 53 75 5a 37 75 75f 92 67 75 63 3 25 32 32 25 25 2J 75 75 3 25 33 l 38 13 23 n 25 S 7 2J 5 53 7 25 50 7 7 7 7J 34 43 38 7 33 75 33 J3 12 , 53 38 38 75 25 75 12 25 7 25 ii 75 'V 25 25 25 25 id 12 n The I.nnrlrn Vnc a'bulary, , , Dibden's Mufei'ir. or a choice cbUctiiotiof? Sorgs Toasts ai.d Sentihicrijs, 5 Intei pretatior bi Driafin, St George Tutkel sail the Abolition bi"fla i veryj J Produtliohs of the Ofpce of the Kentufr ky Gazette'. Winchefler's Dialogues, . -- Slavery ihconfiftent with Jiiftice and Good' 7 A flioitand Easy Method with the Deills, A Letter from George N1icholas,fpliis Friend, Correspondence between George Nicholas', ? and ft. G Harper, ( 5 Voyages and AUventurts ofthe French? Emigrants, C ilemarkable Occurrences in" the life ofco'I. ? James Smith, . 5 The Perfetuted Wanderer Wjlfon's Gramnlar , The bohftitution of KentuckyJ neyileil Laws of Kentucky; Primer. INDIGOj LOGWOOD; tjf RICE, Jnft artived from New-Orlean- i, anl for sale; at the StohE of John A: Sfitzj O&ober Sth. 'BOOT & William 1L s Y& SHOE V.,1 so 25 2jf 13 - r . m ' -- ' , , BEGS leave to inform his" cufiomfs the public in general, that he carries the Boot and ShoevHakIng dusiness, at his Brick-Hous- e on Short street, near the Presbyterian Meeting- - V House, and nearly opposite the Markets House, Lexington; where he will sell his wofk lower than ever any has beeri sold in the state, for Cafli, Hides; Talloiv Whilkey, Salt or Sugar. B. He would Willi to take two or three from to years of age, and good character, as apprentices the above busirlcfs: MACBEAN Es? FOY'ER; ARE opening at their store (formerly1 by Mn Robt. A Handsome Assortment of DRY GOODS,, GROCERIES, H VV AKii & BOOKS Amongst which are Ihe following Looker On; Thdmfons Seaforis, Burket on the new teltament. Young Man's com- - paTiionj , Cyrus's traveI,En- - glifli French. Flowers History, Knox's Efiays, Roffeau on Foli- - ticka, United States, Ga zetteer, Ladies Library uvenlle Friend, Blairs Lectures, GodVins Enquirer, Moral and Sa-re- d Pcems, Gleaner, Foundling, Hervey's works, Modei of Letters, Watson's answer to Pain's age! df Reafori, . SHOPi Y .rst ROSSj oi y -- $.' JL N. boys, 14 16 of j Bate) 5 of Realities of Hate' ters Chandrou 3 ons, Ames's -- - Smith's- - 7 A, RobertSlendcrslet- - oratu kll. -- do. tiodv.-in'- s Pblitical juftic. Valhington's will, Domestic medicine, Junius s Letters, Laws Ui StafSi Laws, of Krintuckyt Scott's Lefibns, WebaersSeleaiont Bibles, Murray's Readei4, French and Englilli IDldlionarys, Stubens Manliet exerciTei Spelling Books, Primers, Pocket bboks Writing papei1) X A ffew elegant Prints of Gen. Carricatufes fundty oi. thet Prints, together .w'ith.a large rlian-ti- tv of the most ceiebrated PATENT MEDICtNES ; which thev on. the lowest terms for CASH, GINSENG TOBACCO or COUNTRY LlkEN- -i loWeft price made at a wdrd, and nd abatement. Those indebted to rherri are reqheftcit to up immediately as ilo indulgences Can be given. T AitEN up by the fubrenber irl Jeflli rt , county, on tne Hickmiri nei'the sine fo'rel horse his offhind' font white, 1 fmilf rf stir inliis forehearl, weive or , thirteen years oldi about fourteen hands high tanprailed' ionl. Ji'ly ioth, i&od. Daniel Shelto'i. THE SUBSCRIBER, Jiofrries the rVkrc tHutbi has bhkts pANdlNG SCHOdLi m rar. vinrrin njivcnu's nnn pofi'e the bifWcc dotirt Clerks frfKre, and sc, 42 ; on iu L and will sell the pay mine rnid, line, from his Pttention to bnfinefs he will ms et Oi. bation of thepubfic and fcrolqrs ivfll b'c receTverl on t'hefolfrittihd terms, at 4 ioUtS p'eV quTteT the1! ne half in advice, the remaW&fr at ftch-- N 0f"!r,tr rie w; M'ew.'e keepvenlns- - School for th young sfin!cv ,en. Chi V Lbrumer ' u

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fels that France Ihall .enjoy the sameprivileges as th.4 molt savored Nation ;

and that a definiiMve anfwef fllall befgiv- -



en, within 60 days, to these prdpofitions ;

and threatens her With an arrily of 60,Wtqpo men, is Hie refufc"3i The Pbrtuguefe

have alked advice of .England ; and intie interim, are making the best poflible

nreDarations for defence The FirstConsul has atfo demanded leave thePope to march till army through his terri-

tory, again! Naples.There is nothing new relative to. the

Expedition.We do not find an article" reflecting

Envoys- .-

NOTICE.tikes from A NEGRO MAN,

Si Tt 7110 was apprehended as"a runaway, tbout tenI VV miles from Uhillieothe on ICilhkauik, ncd is

t .now in mv pifTeflion. a Hay Hoife, about fifteen1 years o'.fiuKeemnd a half hands high, no brand j

ML hoth hind ftt wYite, long ma!" 'ail p'o1 ikible he belong to fotne person rear Ohio.j vshe owner inn have by applying to the fubferi- -

P-.'- living in FayeUe, on theliejd oi Boons xreek,I XpsyW charges impended, and proihg the pro




and 'tisthe



14tli,Octobei'iB-- o.


James Parish.2vf


m T ihe crollmg 01 rrwin aagie creek, mrecnmils f on Grorgdtovn, on the toadUo Gin

einnati. 1 here i a S"u ioS uuuie, miyiet long, f- - good ltone ti'e places, a good log

good kitchen, with a number of use- -

Yulcabbins; about thirty sit aciesot cleared lard,ten of which is meadow, two grass lots jftirmg theJioufe. The advantageous fitnation of the place forh public house i: range for flock, is generaih known,l'oflefiion can be had immediate!) tie tenns may

be known by applying to Mr efq. George-

town or to the fubferiber in John Hunter.

K B. A'iv person renting immcdintel, can be

iurmSied with a quantity of winter vegetables.


TANNING,i TIN Springfield, N aldington County,

l ore-.clii- n. Leather us inv kind l'oand will buy

Mines, ortan on thefliarei I will tan Hides that wc:gb above

JSlb green or 251b. ilrv as loal Leather, lor one

third, is I receive them tins vai,orthe fiiil monthJn next.

Joseph Jeffs.Oftoler Ith, 1S30. is

clar:e county, to wit.September Court of Quarter SeJfionS, 1030

Thomas Hinde, complainant,VS


Clough, defendant.' IN CHANCERY.

THE defendant not luving enteredappearance herein according to law, and

the rules of this ennrr, and it appearing to the htisfaftionof thecourt.tbat he is uot an inhabitant oithis commonwealth On the motion 01 the con.

plainant by Ins counsel, it is ordered that unless thesaid defendant (hall appear here, on the second day

of our next February term, and annver thebill, the same will v taken pro cinfajjo :

That a copy of this orrbr bt frtl with inferred inthe Kentucky Gi-Kt'- fur two months fucieflivel ;

one polled iip out he font door of court houlcan Winchester, and th it one other be publifiied at theJoorof the ilone meeting ho ic,onfiowa ri'sc eek,4jme Sunday immediately ftcrdiveiilifvice.

(ACo?j.) lejie

MflTW, D. C C'C-Q- . s.,

'IpAKEN up byfcthe fubfenber livingJi near warwicl: terryim Woodlord L.ounty,anay

ware, about fou teen hamtj high, supposed to besour years 'd, has fume fiddle sp its, branded on thenear flioulder and buttock S, apprailed to 61.

High Cunningham.July 22d i8do. 3w

TAKEN up by the fubferiber livingconntv, on the water filing


fion,'i!o the little mountain, a roanhorfe, threeyears old branded on the near mould a a naturaltrotter; appiaifed to 61.

John Jones.June lith, iSoo. t

8 AKi-- up by the f ibfcnber living-- - on the waters of Iiulton, about two

mites 'from Hall's tavern, one brownmare, about sour feet high, three yearsold, no brand to be seen appraif-cdt- o

3I. 12s."William Elliot.

Bourbon county, June 7th, 1800. 7



A Larjre Qiantity otCLrN, DRY,

SALTfor SALE,John Speed.

HHAKEN up by the fubferiber, livingJ-- in Oreen county, and on the iouth

e ot (jreen river, and on Little Darrenver.1- - one ftrawberrv roan- - Horse. five

'years old last Spring, about 13 and a half"hjnds high, black mane and tail, naturalpacer, one white spot on the hind partof the lest soot, no brand perceivable,

to ten pounds, May i , 1 800.Mary M Candles.

TAKEN up by the fubferiber living atswamp. a bav horle.abiiitfevenvears

old" this spring, thi'teen hands three inches high,on the ncir Ihnulder thus C with a fmallftir

r hrs sorehead and lorn : white foots on the right sidehis nose, and a Iare white spot on his nghKhlp,

P?pt to 91.

Thomas M'Clure.IirWoln county, May &, iSa?,

A I,ist of Letters in the Post Office inDanville, ivhicb, is not taken out inthree month; ivillbe sent tb th'e Gene-

ral Post Office as dead letters:A Thomas Allen; Francis Afbiiry.B Henry Blunt, Gallatirt cty. John

Benedict, William Beekly, Herman Bow-man.

C Jofepn Comes, Mason cty. CharlesCampbell, Garrard cty. James Collins,Madifbn cty. Robert Commerons, inKentucky, 'Thomas Chrlfty.

D Patrick Dougherty, Thomas T.Davis, efq. 2. John Doke.

E James England, 'Garrard cty.Love Evins, Madison cty. Andrew En- -

lilll, Greene cty.Jonathan l'ergulon, Logan cty.

omas Freeman.G Willis Green, James Gaston Pulaf--

ki cty.John W'HoU, Daniel Hoover,

Nicholas Hawkins, Madison cty. DavidHaufsman.

I Letitia Jones, John Johnston, Mad-difo- n

ctyi. , ,

M John Martinj Logan court-hotif- e,

Alexander M'Kendery, Kentucky, Ro-

bert M 'Carney, John M'Afee, CatrineM 'Dowel, John Martin, Little Barren,

'William M'Henry, near the mouth ofnnxman, juua luansneiu, capt, JLaniciMauper.

N John Nailor.0 Nicholas Onllot.P Peter Pettejohn, Pulafki cty. John

Patterson.R James Reed, John Reed, Dudly

Roundtree fen. Barren cty. Joseph Rich-ardfo- n,

fen. Greene cty.S Benedict Swope, Richard Singleton,

George Smith, Jacob Swope, 2. JamesSmith, Green River, Adam ShepherdjGibron Shoemaker.

Samuel Taylor, John Templin,Jeremiah Tryon, Barren cty.

W William Willis, Christopher Wea-

ver, William Window, William Wiley,Garrard ctv. lames Whitehoufe. JohnWalker, Greentown, Andrew WallaceMaddifon cty. Philip White.Danville, Ortober 14th, 1800. i

ALEXANDER PARKERHASjuil received from Philadelphia,

at his store on Mainftrcet, oppolite the court-hous- e, a veiygeneral aflortment of

Goods, Queens,rDry China and

Ware, Glass Wares.Which he will sell at the mod reducedprices for CASH.

Lexington SeptSTibcr 15th, l83i.

N. B. In the above aflortment thereare the best French Indjgd, Loaf Sugar,Coffee and Tcas.BouItJng CloUis afloited,Corded Dimities and Scarlet Cardinals,Wool Cards, and Cut Nails aflorted.

LAND FOR SALE.T7T7ILL be exposed topubhc sale, forV V cafli, at the door of the court

poufc in Lexington, on the thirtieth dayof this present Oclober, by virtue of a de-

cree of the diftrift court, held in Lexing-ton, in a suit of Chancery, wherein Tho-

mas Mendenhall, and others were com-

plainants, and Abraham Fowler, andMefirs. Hoffman and Harrison of New-Vor- k

were defendants, pronounced at theSeptember term last past, two tracts ofLAND, one containing one hundred andfifteen thousand six: hundred and fifty-si- x

icres and the other containing one hun-

dred and eight thousand, three hundredand forty-so- ur acres, excepting put ofthe said tracts one undivided (hare ofthirty thousand acres, which said tractsof land lie in Montgomery and Madisoncounties, below and in the main forks ofthe Kentucky river, and were entered inthe name of Thomas Franklin and Co.June the 4th 1784 the sale to begin at120 clock.

Cuthbert Banks,fobn Bop-p-s- &?

George Clarke,October 4th, 1800.

FLEMING COUNTY, lei.J" Septcmbei Term,jebttAUisin, complainant



GetrrcLevh, 7'fe?h Addir,'thn CilrttSfGe. BirniljJlfcSirJ Hurt, John Craig, Xi'tert Johnston, SimMKenturldnd John Donnrlfon, g'ttrdtin for "John Flem-

ing, Wilhim Fleming, an I rhomas Fltnung, infanthurt aJohn Fleming Deceijed, detendants.


THE defendant Simon Kenton notentered his appearance herein agreeably to

Iw, ind the rules of this Court ; and it appearjngfothe satisfaction of the Court that he is not an ihnabltant of this Commonwealth on the motion oX'triecoinptainantbyhiscounlel, it is ordered th3t thevjefendant Simon as alorefiid, appear here on thefecSSjdday of our December Term nev.-- , and aufwer thecomptamant'sbill, or the same will ie taken as contefl'd; and that a copy is this order be forthwith inferred in the KeutuekvGizette, lor fw months sincellively, aud publilhed at the door of the Methodistmectinghoufe in the Town of FIcniingfbnrg, somefunrfav immediately aster divine Icrviee, and arfothe.rpolled at the front door ofthe Court houfc m Flem-ing county.

(A Copy -- eitc,

1USTP RECEIVED.nd for sale at this Office, the follovHvgt

, BOOK'S &? PAMPHLETS,t Wmtb villi be sold at the prices thereto

'annexed, viz

BOUND books:Piliticah

Junius RedivivtiSjBarlow's Letters, ,Annual Register for 1 796",1'olitics lor the People, 3 vol. ,1 he Preiident's Melfage to Gongrefs, rela- -

tivc to France and Great Britain, SLyon's Magjzine,The Philanthropic or ihe National Char- - T

afler ofthe Engllfll and French by Juni- - s

Junior, JJockey Club,'Political ClaflTcs, vol.The Farmer's LettersThe Democrat;Defence of Unary,Common Selife,

MtraUWhite's Sermons", ' "

List of Chrilt, 2 olCalviriifm Improved;Prlte's Sermons,Harvey's Meditations,'Watt's Miscellany,Death a Villon,

illifon's bacramefital Meditati6fiAfpafio Vindicated,Dodrige'sjlife and Progress,JenU's Submiffion,Durham's Unfearchable AichesWebster's Sermons,Divine Breathings,Bunyan's Visions,Jint way's Token,Flavel's Token for ATotirneif,Baptist Confeffios of Faith,

Arts &? Sciences, i?c .Blainvilles Travels, 3 vol.Fenn's Arithmetic,Fenn's Euclid,Goldsmith's Annimated Nature, 4 volii'ratticalbarmef, a vol.Defcnption of Tenneflee,Frazer's Afiiltant,Dramatic Dialogues',


Political.The American CrisisKights of Man fur illMankind.

allatin'iSpetcli dntne foreign lntereearfe?

Path to ltiches,Cato's Examination fJay's Treaty,Bore r0 Gnaw fa! the Democrats,t view 01 tne Sanies and tonfequencesof

uiepreunc .varwitb France,A Pill for PjrcupinejThe Scare Crow,Porcupine's political Censor,Political Charafler ofthe French and Erl- -

glilh by Junius Junior,The Budget ofthe Peoolc.Addrels to Congrcfs on Jay's TreatyjSermoiistoMiiiifter'sofJute,bthe'autlior7

of Sermons to Aile's, ?Decline and tall of the Britilh System of 1

Tinance, C

Manu.loi the Theo Philanthropiils,Monarchv no Cre.itil.e of God's Making,Mim-ircl"- ; A paiody on PopeFa'fs addreiled to tne people of Great Bri-

tain and Ii eland,Political Dictionary,Law ot Nature,Mad find Acorns,Ogdei's Tour thro Upjier and Mower CanadaiDebates in the pcnnlylvahla Legislature, ?

relpecrin,; the Hank. C

.j u mures on tne Atinreis ot uenrgeington,notilving his reliiiiiuUhmentthe Oliice of" President,

liiipoucr ueteOeU imothyhletoby,

Knaves AiTociation(iMirai'eau's Lonliderations Order

Cmcinatus,Thomas Walker others

Conlpiracv.Belfast KevieW, andCe- -

llevolution,Refolntions Welch Cobleis,

i'oem,Camillus'sdefente ofthe Britilh treaty)

conduct United States,France examined byaPennfyl--

vaman,hA Duncombe,

warn ): ofC

1 ne by I Tic ?fAcre

ofthe of '

Ti nl of and

An account of theleoration 01 tne r reliCU

ofthe1 ne i.ioiei a

The of the to JwaidsS

letter of H.



KemarKi on the conduct of George wafli- - Tington, as Prelident of tne United VStates,

djy Sermon,Ns v.year's Gist to Democrats,Proceedings ot tne United IndimenI he trial us Thomas Muir,The Commonwealth of Reason,Letter to the Friends of the People,Foxes letter to the Eleftors of Wattminfter,Umverfal Alylum, 1

VMoral. yc --Ok

Apodolic Union ofthe Church,Uiv me Kighteoufnefse-thibite- d m the Salva- - 5

tion and Damnation of Sinners. 5Aee of Ueafon, 111 and 3d nart.Wakefield's Exam utionoi' Paine's Age of

Ilcalnn,Th Truth ofthe Bible by John Fowler,Wakefield's Letter on the spirit of Chf litia

nity,A llevealed knmtledge oftheExhortation to a Keligtous Education o

children bv the BantiftChuiches.An account oi the London Miffionary So

ciety,Family Exercises,Modes of Presbyterian Church YorllIip

dicated,A Catechilm for Youth.





(tuilel's SevdnSernlonsjermons to the Rich and StudiousThe Pofie,Annan ort Universal SalvationConfligritiona Poem,Mteftinj; huiory of the dVeadfu! dittrefs 6f 7.

Frederick Manheim's Family and otters ?


ItertlarlcaWe deliverance of GeoVge Lni;,Thomas Dougherty c. C. ia)iw Adie, on Court jMaitiaJ




5- -















































The I.nnrlrn Vnc a'bulary, , ,Dibden's Mufei'ir. or a choice cbUctiiotiof?

Sorgs Toasts ai.d Sentihicrijs, 5Intei pretatior bi Driafin,St George Tutkel sail the Abolition bi"fla i

veryj J

Produtliohs of the Ofpce of the Kentufr

ky Gazette'.Winchefler's Dialogues, . --

Slavery ihconfiftent with Jiiftice and Good' 7

A flioitand Easy Method with the Deills,A Letter from George N1icholas,fpliis Friend,Correspondence between George Nicholas', ?

and ft. G Harper,( 5

Voyages and AUventurts ofthe French?Emigrants, C

ilemarkable Occurrences in" the life ofco'I. ?James Smith, . 5

The Perfetuted WandererWjlfon's Gramnlar ,

The bohftitution of KentuckyJneyileil Laws of Kentucky;Primer.


Jnft artived from New-Orlean- i, anlfor sale;

at the StohE of

John A: SfitzjO&ober Sth.










- r . m

'-- ' , ,

BEGS leave to inform his" cufiomfsthe public in general, that he

carries the Boot and ShoevHakIngdusiness, at his Brick-Hous- e on Shortstreet, near the Presbyterian Meeting- - VHouse, and nearly opposite the MarketsHouse, Lexington; where he will sell hiswofk lower than ever any has beeri soldin the state, for Cafli, Hides; TalloivWhilkey, Salt or Sugar.

B. He would Willi to take two orthree from to years of age,and good character, as apprenticesthe above busirlcfs:


ARE opening at their store (formerly1by Mn Robt.

A Handsome Assortment ofDRY GOODS,, GROCERIES, H

VV AKii & BOOKSAmongst which are Ihe following

Looker On;Thdmfons Seaforis,Burket on the new

teltament.Young Man's com- -

paTiionj ,Cyrus's traveI,En- -

glifli French.Flowers History,Knox's Efiays,Roffeau on Foli- -

ticka,United States, Ga

zetteer,Ladies Libraryuvenlle Friend,

Blairs Lectures,GodVins Enquirer,Moral and Sa-re- d

Pcems,Gleaner,Foundling,Hervey's works,Modei of Letters,Watson's answer to

Pain's age! dfReafori,




.rst ROSSj



-- $.' JL

N.boys, 14 16

of j




Realities of Hate'

tersChandrou 3

ons,Ames's -- -Smith's- -



RobertSlendcrslet- -


kll.-- do.

tiodv.-in'- s Pbliticaljuftic.

Valhington's will,Domestic medicine,Junius s Letters,Laws Ui StafSiLaws, of KrintuckytScott's Lefibns,WebaersSeleaiontBibles,Murray's Readei4,French and Englilli

IDldlionarys,Stubens Manliet

exerciTeiSpelling Books,Primers,Pocket bboksWriting papei1)


A ffew elegant Prints of Gen.Carricatufes fundty oi.

thet Prints, together .w'ith.a large rlian-ti- tv

of the most ceiebrated PATENTMEDICtNES ; which thev on.the lowest terms for CASH, GINSENGTOBACCO or COUNTRY LlkEN--iloWeft price made at a wdrd, and ndabatement.

Those indebted to rherri are reqheftcitto up immediately as ilo indulgencesCan be given.

T AitEN up by the fubrenber irl Jeflli rt, county, on tne Hickmiri nei'thesine fo'rel horse his offhind' font white, 1 fmilf rf

stir inliis forehearl, weive or , thirteen years oldiabout fourteen hands high tanprailed' ionl.

Ji'ly ioth, i&od.Daniel Shelto'i.

THE SUBSCRIBER,Jiofrries the rVkrc tHutbi has bhkts

pANdlNG SCHOdLim rar. vinrrin njivcnu's nnn

pofi'e the bifWcc dotirt Clerks frfKre, and sc,







will sell



mine rnid,line,

from his Pttention to bnfinefs he will mset Oi.bation of thepubfic and fcrolqrs ivfll b'c receTverlon t'hefolfrittihd terms, at 4 ioUtS p'eV quTteT the1!

ne half in advice, the remaW&fr at ftch--N0f"!r,tr rie w; M'ew.'e keepvenlns- -School for th young sfin!cv ,en.

Chi V Lbrumer

' u