kingdom bacteria

What are the characteristics of organisms in Kingdom Did you know…. There are more bacteria living inside your mouth than there are people living on earth. Attribution: Image from paid subscription Explore Quick Review

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What are the characteristics of organisms in


Did you know….

There are more bacteria living inside your mouth than there are people living on earth.


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Quick Review


In the the three-domain system of classification, all known organisms belong to one of three domains:

Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya.

Where do bacteria live?

Look at the pictures below and click on the picture(s) if you think bacteria can survive there.

Ocean - Salty Water


Human Skin


Bacteria are remarkably adaptable, they live almost everywhere.

A shovelful of soil contains billions of bacteria!

Bacteria are used to make many different types of food, including sausages, pickles, some dairy products, and breads.

Quick Review

Organisms are classified into six kingdoms based on identifiable characteristics.

The six kingdoms areArchaebacteria, Eubacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and


An organism has characteristics that are unique to the particular kingdom to which it belongs.

Lactic acid bacteria ferment the lactose in milk to preserve the flavor of food such as buttermilk, sour cream and yogurt.

Other bacteria are used to make cheese. In Swiss cheese, bacteria grow in the cheese as it forms and releases gases. As the cheese hardens the pockets of gas remains giving the cheese its characteristic holes.

When bacteria ferments cucumbers and cabbage you get pickles and sauerkraut. The lactic acid produced by the bacteria flavors and perserves these foods.


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Kingdom Eubacteria is located in Domain Bacteria

Bacteria are single-celled, prokaryotic organisms that occur alone or in chains or groups belonging to Kingdom Eubacteria. They are smaller than plant or animal cells. They are sometimes referred to as the "true bacteria."

Bacteria are the most diverse and abundant group of organisms on Earth. They live in almost all environments. They are found in the ocean, the soil, and the intestines of animals. They are even found in rocks deep below Earth's surface. Any surface that has not been sterilized is likely to be covered with bacteria. The total number of bacteria in the world is amazing. It's estimated to be five million trillion trillion. You have more bacteria in and on your body than you have body cells!

Structure of Bacterial Cells

Bacteria normally have three basic shapes:

Bacteria Shapes

1. Coccus (pl.Cocci) Spherical

2. Bacillus (pl.Bacilli) Rod Shaped

3. Spirilum (pl.Spirilla) Spiral Shaped

Structure of Bacterial Cells

A typical bacterial cell is surrounded by a rigid cell wall that protects the cell and is covered by a sticky, protective coating called a capsule. They do not containa membrane-bound nucleus. The cell's genetic material, DNA is free-floating and located in the cytoplasm. Many bacteria have a smaller circular piece of DNA callled a plasmid. Bacteria can move around using flagellaor cilia. Some bacteria have shorter and thicker outgrowth called pili.

Characteristics of Bacteria

All Bacteria:

are unicellular. are prokaryotic. lack a nucleus. lack membrane-bound organelles. aerobe and anaerobe metabolic abilities

single circular chromosome - plasmid

reproduction by binary fission or conjugation

can be autotrophic or heterotrophic

Reproduction in Bacteria

Under ideal conditions, bacteria can reproduce as often as once every 20 minutes. Fortunately, growing conditions are rarely ideal otherwise, their would soon be no room on earth left for any other organisms. Some bacteria reproduce asexually through a process calledbinary fission. While some bacteria reproduce sexually through a process called conjugation.


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Role of Bacteria

Most bacteria that cause disease are in the eubacteria kingdom. The eubacteria contain all of the bacteria that cause disease as well as the bacteria that are beneficial. it affects living thing things in many ways. and plays a key role in digestion, decomposition of organic materials and food. Bacteria have an important role to play in breaking down materials in the environment.

Not all bacteria are good. Some bacteria can cause food poisoning or infection. Some are harmful and break down material we'd rather keep, like this image of necrotizing fascitis (flesh eating bacteria).

"Good" Bacteria

These are just a few examples of the bacteria that play a beneficial—and often essential—role in the lives of living


"Bad" Bacteria

Not all bacteria are beneficial. Some can cause illness, disease, and even death. These are just a sample of bacteria that harm other living organisms.

Bacteria Disease Symptoms Images

Borrelia burgdorferi

Lyme disease

"bulls-eye" rash,

headaches, fatigue,

and chills


food poisoning

abdominal cramping, diarrhea, vomiting, and fever

Streptococcus strep throat

swollen and

painful throat, pus on tonsils, fever, and headache

Producer Eubacteria

Eubacteria can also be grouped based on how they obtain their food. There are producers and consumers eubacteria. The Cyanobacteria is a producer that makes its own food.

The image to the left is cyanobacteria that contains chlorophyll and blue pigment. This combination of cyanobacteria is called blue-green bacteria. Some cyanobacteria are yellow, black or red.

Consumer Eubacteria

Consumer eubacteria are placed in two categories based on the results of the Gram's stain. Bacteria that stains purple are gram-positive and can be treated with antibiotics. In contrast, bacteria that stain pink are gram-negative and difficult to treat with antibiotics.

Gram-positive Gram-negative


Cyanobateria Image from Creative Commons


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What are the characteristics of organisms in Kingdom Bacteria?

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