l, - jaypee powergrid

ji / !: I Ill. Liquidity Risk Liquidity risk is defined as the risk that company will not be able to settle or meet its obligation on time or at a reasonable price. The Company's objective is to maintain optimum levels of liquidity at all times to meet its cash and collateral requirements. Management monitors the company's net liquidity position on the basis of expected cash flows regularly. The table below provides details regarding the remaining contractual maturities of financial liabilities at the reporting date based on contractual undiscounted payments: As at March 31,2018 Within 1 year 1-3 years More than 3 years Total ---- - Carrying amount ·-- As at March 31, 2017 Within 1 year 1-3 years More than 3 years Total Carrying amount Borrowings Trade payables 616,316,000 1,966,232 1,232,632,000 - 1,796,914,880 - 3,645,862,880 1,966,232 3,63!),503,843 1,9_66,232 Borrowings Trade payables 597,566,000 1,516,363 1,201,382,000 - 2,444,477,920 - 4,243,425,920 1,516,363 4,229,926,731 1,516,363 ¥ L, 2 g) Other financial liabilities 3,330,799 - - ·- 3,330,799 3,509,067 Other financial liabilities 3,509,067 - - 3,509,067 3,509,067

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Ill. Liquidity Risk Liquidity risk is defined as the risk that company will not be able to settle or meet its obligation on time or at a reasonable price. The Company's objective is to maintain optimum levels of liquidity at all times to meet its cash and collateral requirements. Management monitors the company's net liquidity position on the basis of expected cash flows regularly.

The table below provides details regarding the remaining contractual maturities of financial liabilities at the reporting date based on contractual undiscounted payments:

As at March 31,2018

Within 1 year 1-3 years

More than 3 years Total

---- -Carrying amount


As at March 31, 2017

Within 1 year 1-3 years

More than 3 years Total

Carrying amount

Borrowings Trade payables

616,316,000 1,966,232 1,232,632,000 -1,796,914,880 -3,645,862,880 1,966,232 3,63!),503,843 1,9_66,232

Borrowings Trade payables

597,566,000 1,516,363 1,201,382,000 -2,444,477,920 -4,243,425,920 1,516,363 4,229,926,731 1,516,363

~y ¥


2 g)

Other financial liabilities



3,330,799 3,509,067

Other financial liabilities

3,509,067 --

3,509,067 3,509,067


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JA YPEE POWERGRID LIMITED Notes to Financial Statements as at March 31,2018 Note No. 2.26 Capital Management (A) Risk Management The Company manages its capital to ensure that the company will be able to continue as going concern while maximising the return to stakeholders through the optimization of the debt and equity balance.

The Company's management reviews the capital structure of the Company on a semi-annual basis and considers the cost of capital and the risks associated with each class of capital. The Company monitors capital on the basis of following gearing ratio, which is net debt divided by total capital plus debt.

Geraring ratio The gearing ratio at end of the reporting period was as follows.

Partciulars As at March 31, As at March 31,

2018 2017

Debt* 3,635,503,843 4,305,797,614 Cash and bank balances (including cash and bank

309,472,694 29,923,576 balances in a disposal aroup held for sale) Net debt 3,326,031,149 4,275,874,038 Total Equity 3,985,987,091 3,620,802,303 Net Debts and Total eauitv 7,312,018,240 7,896,676,341 Net debt to equity ratio 45.49% 54.15%

*Debt is defined as long-term and short-term borrowings including current maturities and books overdraft

Total equity (as shown in balance sheet) includes issued capital and all other equity reserves.

Note 2.28 : Fair Value Measurement Categories of financial instruments -

Financial assets As at March 31, As at March 31,

2018 2017 Measured at amortised cost (i) Trade receivables 394,834,265 404,350,393 (ii) Cash and Bank balance 309,472,694 29,923,576 (iii) Loans 187,410 187,410

704,494,368 434,461 ,379

Financial liabilities As at March 31, As at March 31,

2018 2017 Measured at amortised cost (i) Borrowings 3,635,503,843 4,305,797,614 (ii) Other financial liabilities _·::~, 3,330,799 3,509,067 (iii) Trade and other payables · 1,966,232 1,516,363 Total. 3,640,800,873 4,310,823,044

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JAYPEE POWERGRID LIMITED Notes to Financial Statements as at March 31, 2017 Note 2.28 : Fair Value Measurement (i) Fair Value Hierarchy This section explains the judgements and estimates made in determining the fair values of the financial instruments that are (A) recognised and measured at fair value and (B) measured at amortised cost and for which fair values are disclosed in financial statements. To provide an indication about the reliability of inputs used in determining fair values, the group has classified its financial instruments into three levels prescribed under the accounting standards.

The following table provides the fair value measurement hierarchy of Company's asset and liabilities, grouped into Level1 to Level 3 as described below:-

Level1: Quoted (unadjusted) market prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. Level 2: Valuation techniques for which the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement is directly or indirectly observable. Level 3: Valuation techniques for which the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement is unobservable

Fair value measurements


Financial Liabilities

Financial Liabilities

a) Borrowings

Fair value as at

As at March 31, 2018


As at March 31, 2017


Fair value hierarchy


Valuation technique (s) and

key input(s)

Discounted estimated cash flow through the expected life of the borrowings

The fair values of current debtors, cash & bank balances, loan to related party, security deposit to goverment deparment, current creditors and current borrowings and other financial liability are assumed to approximate their carrying amounts due to the short­term maturities of these assets and liabilities.


i) Financial assets -Current Trade receivables Cash and cash equivalents Loans

ii) Financial liabilities -Current Trade pavables Borrowin (ii) Other financial liabilities

Carrying value As at March 31, I As at March 31,

2018 2017

394,834,265 404,350,393 309,472,694 29,923,576

187,410 187,410

1,966,232 1,516,363 3,635,503,843 4,305,797,614


3,330,799 3,509,067

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(ii) Valuation techniques used to determine Fair value The Company maintains policies and procedures to value financial assets or financial liabilities using the best and most relevant data available. The fair values of the financial assets and liabilities are included at the amount that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.

The following method and assumptions are used to estimate fair values: The Carrying amounts of trade receivables, trade payables, short term borrowing, other fianancial assets/ Liabilities, cash and cash equivalents. are considered to be their fair value, due to their short term nature.

Long-term fixed-rate and variable-rate receivables I borrowings are evaluated by the Company based on parameters such as interest rates, specific country risk factors, credit risk and other risk characteristics. For borrowing fair value is determined by using the discounted cash flow (DCF) method using discount rate that reflects the issuer's borrowings rate. Risk of non-performance for the company is considered to be insignificant in valuation.

For and on behalf of the Board for Ravi Rajan & Co. Chartered Accountants

cltration No. 009073N


ani Bhardwaj ner

Membership No. 503875

Place : Gurugram

Date : 27/04/2018

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L Suren Jain Director (DIN:00011 026)

~~~ Anita Rikhy General Manager & Company Secretary


o~,l/ Director (DIN:00211541)

.. ~ Jt. President & CFO

Page 5: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

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Chartered Accountants


To The Members of Jaypee Powergrid Limited

Report on the lnd AS Financial Statements


We have audited the accompanying lnd As financial statements of Jaypee Powergrid Limited ("the Company"), which comprise the Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2019, the Statement of Profit and Loss (including Other Comprehensive Income), the Statement of Changes in Equity and the Statement of Cash flows for the year ended on that date, and a summary of the significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.

In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the aforesaid lnd As financial statements give the information required by the Companies Act, 2013 ("the Act") in the manner so required and give a true and fair view in conformity with the Indian Accounting Standards prescribed under section 133 of the Act read with the Companies {Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015, as amended, ("lnd AS") and other accounting principles generally accepted in India, of the state of affairs of the Company as at March 31, 2019, the profit and total comprehensive income, changes in equity and its cash flows for the year ended on that date.

Basis for Opinion

We conducted our audit of the lnd As financial statements in accordance with the Standards on Auditing specified under section 143{10) of the Act {SAs). Our responsibilities under those Standards are further describ~d in the Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the lnd As Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of the Company in accordance with the Code of Ethics issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India {ICAI) together with the independence requirements that are relevant to our audit of the lnd As financial statements under the provisions of the Act and the Rules made thereunder, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements and the ICAI's Code of Ethics. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion on the lnd As financial statements.

Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements

The Company's Board of Directors is responsible for the matters stated in section 134(5) of the Act with respect to the preparation of these lnd As financial statements that give a true and fair view of the financial position, financial performance, total comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows of the Company in accordance with the lnd AS and other accounting principles generally accepted in India. This responsibility also includes maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Act for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting frauds and other irregularities; selection and application of appropriate accounting policies; making judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; and design, implementation and maintenance of adequate internal financial controls, that were operating effectively for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the accounting records, relevant to the preparation and presentation of the lnd As financial statements that give a true and fair view and are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

In preparing the lnd As financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the Company's ability to continue as a going concern, di·sclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless management either intends to liquidate the Company or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.

The Board of Directors are responsible for overseeing the Company's financial reporting process:

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\\~~::;~~#~ 505A, 5th Floor, D- 4, Rectangle- 1, District Center, Saket, New Delhi- 110 017 /)[]NER £.

Tel.: +91 11 2956 1232, 2956 2609,4054 8660-62, Fax: Extn. 102 ~.p '{0'\ Email: raviraian®sraviarouo.com. [email protected], Web.: www.ravirajan.co.in, www.sravigrou. :.f:f. . C

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Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the lnd As financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with SAs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these lnd As financial statements.

As part of an audit in accordance with SAs, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also:

• Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the lnd As financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.

• Obtain an understanding of internal financial controls relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances. Under section 143(3)(i) of the Act, we are also responsible for expressing our opinion on whether the Company has adequate internal financial controls system in place and.the operating effectiveness of such controls.

• Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by management.

• Conclude on the appropriateness of management's use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Company's ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material ~ncertainty exists; we are required to draw attention in our auditor's report to the related disclosures in the lnd As financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor's report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going concern.

• Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the lnd As financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the lnd As financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.

Materiality is the magnitude of misstatements in the lnd As financial statements that, individually or in aggregate, makes it probable that the economic decisions of a reasonably knowledgeable user of the financial statements may be influenced. We consider quantitative materiality and qualitative factors in (i) planning the scope of our audit work and in evaluating the results of our work; and (ii) to evaluate the effect of any identified misstatements in the financial statements.

We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.

We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical requirements regarding independence, and to mmmunicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.


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From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that were of most significance in the audit of the lnd As financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditor's report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be communicated in our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.

Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements

1. As required by the Companies (Auditor's Report) Order, 2016 ("the Order") issued by the Central Government in terms of Section 143(11) of the Act, we give in "Annexure A" a statement on the matters specified in paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Order.

2. As required by Section 143(3) of the Act, we report that:

a) We have sought and obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purposes of our audit.

b) In our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the Company so far as it appears from our examination of those books

c) The Balance Sheet, the Statement of Profit and Loss, the Cash Flow Statement and Statement of Changes in Equity dealt with by this Report are in agreement with the books of account.

d) In our opinion, the aforesaid lnd AS financial statements comply with the Indian Accounting Standards prescribed under section 133 of the Act.

e) On the basis of the written representations received from the directors as on 31st March, 2019 taken on record by the Board of Directors, none of the directors is disqualified as on 31st March, 2019 from being appointed as a director in terms of Section 164(2) of the Act.

f) With respect to the adequacy of the internal financial controls over financial reporting of the Company and the operating effectiveness of such controls, refer to our separate Report in "Annexure B".

g) With respect to the other matters to be included in the Auditor's Report in accordance with Rule 11 of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014, in our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us:

i. The company has disclosed the impact of pending litigations on its financial position in its financial statements, refer note 2.22 in the financial statements.

ii. The Company did not have any long-term contracts including derivative contracts for which there were any material foreseeable losses.

iii. There were no amounts which were required to be transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund by the Company.

Place: Gurugram Date: 24/04/2019



For Ravi Rajan& Co. Chartered Accountants

Fi-:_~~~ation No- 009073N

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~l~:;• /. • I\) ~~ q '::-t \ N 'N Do!,';i Sl\~ani Bhardwaj) ~· \ / 1.? 11 Partner

~:i::~~:~2~~'!;~ M. No- 503875

Page 8: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

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ANNEXURE A referred to in paragraph 1 under 'Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements' section of our report of even date to the members of JAYPEE POWERGRID LIMITED on the accounts of the Company for the year ended 31'1

March 2019.

On the basis of such checks as we considered appropriate and according to the information and explanation given to us during the course of our audit, we report that:

I. (a) The Company is maintaining proper records showing full particulars, including quantitative details and situation of fixed assets. (b) A substantial portion of the Fixed Assets have been physically verified by the management during the year and to the

best of our knowledge and information given to us, no material discrepancies have been noticed on such physical verification.

(c) According to the information and explanation given to us and on the basis of our examination of records of the company the title deeds of immovable properties are held in the name of the company.

ii. The company is a service company primarily rendering electricity transmission services. Accordingly, it does not hold any physical inventories. The paragraph 3 (ii) of the order is not applicable to the company.

iii. The Company has not granted any loans, secured or unsecured to companies, firms or other parties covered in the register maintained under section 189 of the Companies Act, 2013.

iv. In Our opinion and according to information and explanation given to us and on the basis of examination of records of the company, the company has not made any loans and investments which are covered under section 185 and 186 of the act.

v. The company has not accepted the deposits as per the directives issued by the Reserve Bank of India and the provisions of sections 73 to 76 or any other relevant provisions of the Companies Act and rules framed there under.

vi. According to the information and explanations given to us, cost records as prescribed by the Central Government under section 148(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 are being made and maintained.

vii. (a) As per the examination of records of the company and according to the information and explanations given to us the Company is generally regular in depositing undisputed statutory dues applicable to it like, Provident Fund, Employees' State Insurance, Income-tax, Goods and Services Tax, Customs Duty, Cess and other material statutory dues applicable to it with the appropriate authorities, and there were no arrears of such dues at the end of the year which have remained outstanding for a period of more than six months from the date they became payable.

(b) As per records produced before us and according to the information and explanations given to us there are no dues of Income-tax, Goods and Services Tax, Customs duty, or Cess which have not been deposited on account of any dispute except for the following:

Name of Statute Forum where dispute is pending I (Nature of dues) AY Commissionarate IT AT Departmental Appeal I

2009-10 0 0 64,780]

2010-11 0 0 o· 2011-12 0 4,52,04,520 o· 2012-13 25,41,271 0 0

Income Tax 2013-14 0 0 0

~~"~: 2014-15 0 0 0

'\ 2015-16 0 0 0 '.\

! :,:l 2016-17 37550 0 0 :. il" 2017-18 27030 0 0 ·:,If


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viii. Based on our audit procedures and on the basis of information and explanations given by the management, we are of the opinion that the Company has not defaulted in repayment of dues to any financial institution, bank or debenture holder.

ix. The Company did not raise any money by way of initial public offer or further public offer (including debenture instruments) and term loan during the year. Accordingly Paragraph 3 (ix) of the order not applicable.

x. According to the information and explanations given to us, no material fraud on or by the Company has been noticed or reported during the year.

xi. According to information and explanations given to us and based on our examination of the records of the company, the company has paid I provided for managerial remuneration in accordance with the requisite approvals mandated by the provisions of section 197 read with schedule V to the Act.

xii. In Our opinion and according to information and explanation given to us, the Company is not a nidhi company. Accordingly paragraph 3 (xii) of the order is not applicable.

xiii. According to the information and explanation given to us and based on our examination of the records of the company, Transaction with related party are in compliance with section 177 and 188 of the Act, where .applicable and details of such transactions have been disclosed in the financial statements as required by the applicable Accounting Standards.

xiv. According to the information and explanation given to us, based on our examination of the records of the company, the company has not made any preferential allotment or private placement of shares or fully or partly convertible debentures during the year

xv, According to the information and explanation given to us, based on our examination of the records of the company, the company has not entered into non cash transactions with Directors or persons concerned with him. Accordingly paragraph 3 (xv) of the order is not applicable to the company.

xvi. The Company is not required to be registered under section 45 -lA of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.

Place: Gurugram

Date: 24/04/2019


For Ravi Rajan& Co. Chartered Accountants


Page 10: L, - Jaypee Powergrid


ANNEXURE "B" referred to in paragraph 2(f) under "Report on other legal and regulatory requirements" section of our report of even date to the members of Jaypee Powergrid Limited on the Internal Financial Controls referred under clause (i) of sub-section 3 of section 143 of the Companies Act 2013 ("the Act") for the year ended 31st March, 2019.

We have audited the internal financial controls over financial reporting of Jaypee Powergrid Limited("the Company") as

of March 31, 2019 in conjunction with our audit of the financial statements of the Company for the year ended on that


Management's Responsibility The Company's management is responsible for establishing and maintaining internal financial controls based on "the internal control over financial reporting criteria established by the Company considering the essential components of internal control stated in the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls Over Financial Reporting issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India". These responsibilities include the design, implementation and maintenance of adequate internal financial controls that were operating effectively for ensuring the orderly and efficient conduct of its business, including adherence to company's policies, the safeguarding of its assets, the prevention and detection of frauds and errors, the accuracy and completeness of the accounting records, and the timely preparation of reliable financial information, as required under the Companies Act,2013.

Auditors' Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company's internal financial controls over financial reporting based on

our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls Over

Financial Reporting (the "Guidance Note") and the Standards on Auditing, issued by ICAI and deemed to be prescribed

under section 143(10) of the Companies Act, 2013, to the extent applicable to an audit of internal financial controls, both

applicable to an audit of Internal Financial Controls and, both issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

Those Standards and the Guidance Note require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the

audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether adequate internal financial controls over financial reporting was

established and maintained and if such controls operated effectively in all material respects.

Our audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the adequacy of the internal financial controls

system over financial reporting and their operating effectiveness. Our audit of internal financial controls over financial

reporting included obtaining an understanding of internal financial controls over financial reporting, assessing the risk

that a material weakness exists, and testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control

based on the assessed risk. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the

risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion

on the Company's internal financial controls system over financial reporting.

Meaning of Internal Financial Controls over Financial Reporting A company's internal financial control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance

regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in

accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A company's internal financial control over financial reporting

includes those policies and procedures that

(1) Pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and

dispositions of the assets of the company;

(2) Provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial

statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the

company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and

(3) Provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition

/1--5~-·-·:~~~~-. of the company's assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements. \ ·(··tJ ....... ,,, • --- .. , c.,- \\

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Page 11: L, - Jaypee Powergrid


Inherent Limitations of Internal Financial Controls over Financial Reporting

Because of the inherent limitations of internal financial controls over financial reporting, including the possibility of

collusion or improper management override of controls, material misstatements due to error or fraud may occur and not

be detected. Also, projections of any evaluation of the internal financial controls over financial reporting to future periods

are subject to the risk that the internal financial control over financial reporting may become inadequate because of

changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.


In our opinion, the Company has, in all material respects, an adequate internal financial controls system over financial

reporting and such internal financial controls over financial reporting were operating effectively as at March 31, 2019,

based on "the internal control over financial reporting criteria established by the Company considering the essential

components of internal control stated in the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls Over Financial

Reporting issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India".

Place: Gurugram


z.q I

For Ravi Rajan& Co. Chartered Accountants

Fir~.Bf~!~J-~;t~n~o - 009073N

/<;;·0:!\':~. ~'


: M. No- 503875 . ; '1·--~~-: \--_:::~~>/

Page 12: L, - Jaypee Powergrid



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JA House. 63, Basant Lok, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi- 110057 Statement of Assets and Liabilities as at 31st March 2019

(Amount in Rs.)

Sl. Particulars

Note As at 31/03/2019 As at 31/03/2018 No. No. (Audited) (Audited)

Assets (1) Non Current assets

(a) Property,. Plant and Equipment 2.1 6,338,997,838 6,866,936,545 (b) Financial Assets

Loans Receivable 2.2 187,410 187,410 (c)Other non-current tax assets 2.3 836,268,299 710,038,244

Total non current assets 7,175,453,548 7,577,162,199 (2) Current Assets

(a) Financial Assets (i) Trade Receivables 2.4 501,569,969 394,834,265 (ii) Cash and Cash equivalents 2.5 248,623,942 309,472,694 (iii) Other Financial assets 2.2 277,367,434 157,537,775

(b) Current Tax assets (Net) 2.14 - -(c) Other Current Assets 2.6 30,588,271 26,480,290

Total current assets 1 ,058,149,616 888,325,023 Total Assets 6,233,603,163 8,465,487,222

EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity 2.7 3,000,000,000 3,000,000,000 Other Equity 2.8 1,055,691,494 985,987,091

Total Equity 4,055,691 ,494 3,985,987,091

(1) Non Current Liabilities (a} Financial Liabilities

(I) Borrowings 2.9 2,395,756,378 3,019,187,843 (ii) Trade Payables - -(iii) Other Financial Liabilities - -

(b) Provisions 2.10 1,319,087 1,103,871 (c) Deferred Tax Liabilities 2.11 414,649,538 414,649,538 (d) Other Non Current Liabilities - -

Total non current liabilities 2,811,725,003 3,434,941,252 (2) Current Liabilities

(a) Financial Liabilities 2.12 (i) Trade and other Payables - Micro & small enterprises. - -- Others than Micro & small enterprises. 2,590,096 1,966,232 (ii) Other Financial Liabilities 634,526,021 619,646,799

(b) Other Current Liabilities 2.13 1,194,518 744,559 (c}'Short Term Provisions 2.10 719,036,515 419,092,454 {d) Current Tax Liabilities (Net) 2.14 8,839,518 3,108,837

Total current liabilities 1 ,366,186,667 1,044,558,880

Total Equity and Liabilities 8,233,603,163 8,465,487,222

Accounting Policies and Notes to the Accounts 1 & 2 For and on behalf of the Board for Ravi Rajan & Co. ~rtered Acrountants (Registration No. 009073N)

~ j~ 'I It ··o.P.G~ ~hlvanl Bhardwaj Suren Jain

Partner .--:=-. Director Director Membership No. 503075 l\ R Jan Address: B·B/13. Vasanl Vihar, New Addreso: KK-97, Kavi

~ <f ()'·~~ N>n"'r.& ~ t ~ ~ ~;:a, 9 N •Delhi '* ~~ ~ -@ Anita Rlkhy

Place : Gurugram ~ {!i General Manager & Jt. President & CFC Date : 24/04/2019 ~Acco'U~ Company Secrelaty .. Addres~ S-3/6·62. nam

--=- Address: C9/9170~ Vasaot Kunj. New Puri, ChancJer Nagar

Delhi • 110070. Ghaziabad • 201011.


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Page 13: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

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/ I

CIN: U40101DL2006PLC154627

JA House, 63, Basant Lok, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi - 110057

Statement of Profit and Loss for the period ended 31st March 2019


I I Revenue from operations

II Other Income

Ill I Total Income (1+11) IV I Expenses:

Employee benefits expense

Finance costs

Note I As on No. 31st March 2019

2.151 2.16




1 ,592,184,257


1 ,648,513, 786





Depreciation and amortization Expense I 2.10

Transmission, Administration and Other exQ. 2.19

Total expenses (IV) 1 ,005,325,500

v ProfiU(Ioss) before exceptional items and tax 643,188,286

VI Exceptional Items

VII ProfiU(Ioss) before tax (V-VI) 643,188,286

VIII Tax expense:

1 (1) Current tax 139,234,354

Less :- MAT Credit Entitlement 126,230,055 13,004,299 Excess Provision for earlier year written back

(2) Deferred tax 23,311,463

Recoverable 23,311,463



Profit (Loss) for the period from continuing operation (VII-VIII)

X Other Comprehensive Income


Actuarial Gain/Loss (Net of Tax) 1 2.20 102,566

630,286,553 XI 1 Total Comprehensive Income for the period (IX+X)

XII I Earnings per Equity Share

(1) Basic

(2) Diluted


2.10 No. of shares used in computing earnings per share (1) Basic I (2) Diluted l

300,000,000 300,000,000

Accounting Policies and Notes to the Accounts 1 & 2 for Ravi Rajan & Co.

red Accountants (Registration No. 009073N)

Membership No. 503875 -~.:-.=.:.;::.

Lo Suren Jain

Director Address: B-8/13, Vasant Vihar, New

Delhi -110057.

lft"''"Z'?f:,) ·1 ,·'·! I New [).oJl,i I ·.: )l '\~·-·I ·-~·''·] 0~

\~~~;::.:.:.--.;-,:·;.:·;;/!} Q -~

~"- ~­mtaRikhy~

Place : Gurugram ~~:;-;-~;·;;;::...-General Manager & Company Secretary

Date : 24/04/2019 Address: (9/9170, Vasant Kunj,

New Delhi - 110070.


(Amount in Rs.)

As on 31st March 2018




1 ,687,357,883








8,677,601 63,002,463








300,000,000 300,000,000

~~ Director Address: KK-97, Kavi

Nagar, Ghaziab~d -201001. . i

~ R.K. Porwal

Jt. President & CFO Address: 5-3/B-62, Ram

Puri, Chander Nagar

Ghaziabad - 201011.

Page 14: L, - Jaypee Powergrid


Y'e snntru -xnm:= vrn ~~~~~'W?'ircmm:r'Omwxatoc!N'iiNii~XP·!I!Xl999e5'£lli11 P'! 9~~

Cash Flow Statement for the period ended 31st March 2019

Sl. I Particulars

A. I Cash flow from operating activities

Net Profit from Profit and Loss Statement

Add: 1) Income tax expense recongnised in P&L

2) Depreciation

3) Interest I Finance Cost

4) Interest Income

5) Provisions

6) Excess provision reversal for earlier year

Operating Profit before working capital changes

(lncrease)/Decrease in Current Assets


Trade Receivables

Other non-current financial assets

Other Current Assets

lncrease/(Decrease) in Current Liabilities

Short Term Borrowings

Other Current Liabilities

Short Term Provisions

Income Tax Provision (MAT)

Advance Tax and TDS Paid

Tax paid for FY 2017-18

Net cash inflow from operating activities ----'A'

B. I Cash flow from Investing activities

Investment in Fixed Assets

Capital Work in Progress

Incidental Expenditure During.Construction

(lncrease)/Decrease in Loan and Advances and Others

Trade Payables




527,984,207 380,452,139













(Amount in Rs.)






(19,357 ,827)



1,593,917' 125








. 1 ,628,173,564

Net cash used in investing activities----------'S'

C. I Cash flow from Financing activities


1 & 21

(45,500)! - 1


Increase in Share Capital

lncrease/(Decrease) in Term Loans

Interest Income


Finance Cost

Dividend Paid Net cash in financing activities-----------'C'

Net increase/(Decrease) in cash or cash equivalent (A+B+C)

Cash & cash equivalent at the commencement of the year (Op. balance)

Cash & cash equivalent at the end of the year (closing balance)

Accounting Policies and Notes to the Accounts l1 & 2

As per our report of even date attached to the Balance Sheet.

h Board d on behalf oft e . No 009073N) For an t (Registration · C~ed Accountan s

~/1 l_o






Shivani Bhardwaj

1\ :~-' '::;. 503875 ~" ~ ~ombo<Sh'P 0· ~~0

. «.ft~ewne'hy~ll

Suren Jain

Director Address: B-8/13, Vasant Vihar,

New Delhi -110057.

Place : Gurugram Date : 24/04/2019

~ /@({j~ 0 . .__ ·S' •'· r:#__.,r,,, ~~~-·

2q lt

(\.~~ ~nita Rikhy~

General Manager &

Company Secretary Address: C9/9170, Vasant Kunj,

New Delhi - 110070.






~ Director Address: KK-97, Kavi

Nagar, Ghaziabad -


~ R.K. Porwal Jt. President & CFO Address: S-3/B-62, Ram

Puri, Chander Nagar

Ghaziabad - 201011.

Page 15: L, - Jaypee Powergrid














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Page 16: L, - Jaypee Powergrid


JAYPEE POWERGRID LIMITED Notes to Financial Statements

1. Corporate and General Information

2. Significant Accounting Policies

Jaypee Powergrid Limited is a joint venture between Jaiprakash Power Ventures Limited (earlier known as Jaiprakash Hydro Power limited) and Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (POWERGRID). The joint venture has been set up pursuant to a Shareholders' Agreement dated 22nd February, 2007, Deed of Adherence dated 24th December, 2007 and Supplementary Shareholders Agreement dated 25th March, 2010. The Company was incorporated for commissioning of 400kV Quad Bundle Conductor Double circuit transmission line from the pothead yard of Karcham Wangtoo HEP at Wangtoo to Abdullapur measuring 219.8 Km. and LILO of existing Baspa Jhakri double circuit line with powerhouse bus of Karcham Wangtoo HEP at Wangtoo measuring about 4 Kms.

The Company has been granted licence for 25 years by Central Electricity Regulatory Commision (CERC) for transmission of electricity issued on 1st October,2007.

The registered office of the Company is situated at "JA House" 63, Basant Lok, Vasant Vihar,New Delhi 110057.

The financial statements of the company for the year ended March 31, 2019 were approved for issue by the Board of Directors on 241

h April,2019.

2.1 ;Basis of Preparation

i) Compliance with lnd AS

The Company has adopted accounting policies that comply with Indian Accounting standards (lnd AS) notified by Ministry of Corporate Affairs vide notification dated 16 February 2015 under section 133 of the Companies Act 2013, as required by the relevant applicability provisions prescribed in the same notification. Accounting policies have been applied consistently to all periods presented in these financial statements. The financial statements referred hereinafter have been prepared in accordance with the requirements and instructions of Schedule Ill to the Companies Act 2013, amended from time to time applicable to companies to whom lnd AS applies.

ii) Historical Cost convention

The financial statements have been prepared on accrual basis and under the historical cost convention except following which have been measured at fair value:

• Certain financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value, • Defined benefit plans - plan assets measured at fair value

iii) Functional and presentation currency

The financial statements are presented in Indian Rupees (Rupees or Rs.), which is the Company's functional and presentation currency and all amounts are shown as actuals

·;thereof, except as stated otherwise.

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iv) Use of estimates

The preparation of financial statements require estimates and assumptions to be made that affect the reported amount of asset and liabilities on the date of the financial statements and the reported amount of the revenue and the expenses during the reporting period. Difference between the actual results and estimates are recognized in the period in which the results are known I materialized.

2.2.Property, Plant and Equipment

The Company has elected to use a previous GAAP cost (cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses (if any)) of an item of property, plant and equipment at, or before, the date of transition to lnd ASs as deemed cost at the date of transition in accordance with accounting policy option available in lnd AS 101. PPE are stated at cost, net of accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses, if any.

The initial cost of PPE comprise its purchase price, including import duties, net of modvat/cenvat, less accumulated depreciation and include any directly attributable costs of bringing an asset to working condition and location for its intended use, including borrowing costs relating to the qualified asset over the period up to the date the assets are put to use is included in cost of relevant assets.

All other expenditure related to existing assets including day-to-day repair and maintenance expenditure and cost of replacing parts, are charged to the statement of profit and loss in the period during which such expenditure is incurred.

The carrying amount of a property, plant and equipment is de-recognised when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or on disposal.

Machine spares that can be used only in connection with an item of fixed asset and their use is expected for more than one year are capitalized.

The property, plant and equipment acquired under finance leases, if any, is depreciated . over the asset's useful life or over the shorter of the asset's useful life and the lease term if there is no reasonable certainty that the Company will obtain ownership at the end of the lease term.

Transmission system assets are considered "Ready for intended use" for the purpose of capitalization, after test charging/successful commissioning of the system/assets and on completion of stabilization period.

Depreciation on the assets purchased during the year is provided on pro-rata basis from the date of purchase of the assets.

Afforestation charges are capitalized and are treated as part of the Transmission Line and included in Property, Plant and Equipment as Tangible assets.

After initial recognition, Property, Plant and Equipment is carried at cost less accumulated depreciation I amortisation and accumulated impairment losses, if any.

Depreciation on property plant and equipment is provided on straight line method based on estimated useful life of the following assets in accordance with MCA Notification No. S.0.902 (E) dt. 26/03/2014:

i) Motor vehicles ii) Office equipments iii) Furniture & Fixtures iv) EDP Machinery & Equipment


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as prescribed in schedule II to the Companies Act, 2013. Depreciation on the assets purchased during the year is provided on pro-rata basis from the date of purchase of the assets.

Depreciation/amortisation on the assets related to transmission line and elements thereof,is provided on straight line method following the rates and methodology notified by the CERC for the purpose of recovery of tariff.

Estimated useful lives of the assets are as follow:-

Class of Assets Useful life

Building 30

Tools and Plant Equipment 15

Furniture & Fixtures 10

Motor Vehicles 8

Office Equipment 5

EDP Machinery & Equipment 3

Borrowing costs specifically relating to the acquisition or construction of a qualifying asset that necessarily takes a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use are capitalized as part of the cost of the asset. All other borrowing costs are charged to profit & loss account in the period in which it is incurred except loan processing fees which is recognized as per Effective Interest Rate method.


The carrying amount of fixed asset as at the date of the transition has been reduced by the amount of processing cost capitalised (net of cumulative depreciation impact) as per Issue No.4 of ITFG Clarification Bulletin 5 dated 17th April2017.

The amount of adjustments to fixed assets has been recognised in the retained earnings as at the date of the transition. This treatment reflects the correct economic reality and result in faithful representation of the effects of these transactions on transition in accordance with the requirements of lnd AS. Since the adjustment to fixed assets is only consequential and arising because of applying the transition requirements of lnd AS 101, it would not be construed as an adjustment to the deemed cost of property, plant and equipment.

Freehold land is not depreciated.

2.3 Impairment of assets

The Company assesses at each Balance Sheet date whether there is any indication that an asset may be impaired. If any such indication exists, the Company estimates the recoverable amount of the asset. If such recoverable amount of the asset is less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount is reduced to its recoverable amount. Reduction is treated as an impairment loss and is recognized in the Profit and Loss Account.

2.4 Rate Regulated Activity

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·A regulatory asset is recognised when it is probable that the future economic benefits associated with it will flow to the entity as a result of the actual or expected actions of

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Page 19: L, - Jaypee Powergrid


the regulator under the applicable regulatory framework and the amount can be measured reliably.

A regulatory liability is recognised:

(i) when an entity has a present obligation as a result of a past event;

(ii) it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation; and

(iii) a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation

On initial recognition and at the end of each subsequent reporting period, the Company measures a regulatory asset or regulatory liability at the best estimate of the amount expected to be recovered or refunded or adjusted as future cash flows under the regulatory framework. A regulatory asset/liability is not discounted to its present value.

An entity reviews the estimates of the amount expected to be recovered, refunded or adjusted at least at the end of each reporting period to reflect the current best estimate. If expectation differs from previous estimates, the changes are accounted for as a change in an accounting estimate in accordance with relevant requirements of the applicable Accounting Standard.

If it is no longer probable that the future economic benefits associated with a regulatory asset will flow to the entity or conditions required for recognising a regulatory liability is no longer valid, the regulatory asset/regulatory liability, respectively are de-recognised and any resulting loss/gain is recognised in the statement of profit and loss.

2.5 Inventories

Inventories are valued at the lower of cost or net realizable value. Cost of Inventories comprises of cost of purchase, cost of conversion and other costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition. Cost is determined on the following basis:-

• Raw material, construction materials, stores &spares, packing materials, operating stores and supplies is determined on weighted average basis.

• Material-in-transit is valued at cost. • Finished goods and work in progress - cost includes cost of direct materials and

labour and a systematic allocation of fixed and variable production overheads that are incurred in converting materials into finished goods.

2.6 Employee benefits

The undiscounted amount of short-term employee benefits i.e. wages and salaries,bonus, incentive, annual leave and sick leave etc. expected to be paid in exchange for the service rendered by employees are recognized as an expense except in so far as employment costs may be included within the cost of an asset during the period when the employee renders the services.

Retirement benefit in the form of provident fund and pension contribution is a defined contribution scheme and is recognizf:ld as an expense except in so far as employment costs may be included within the cost of an asset.

Gratuity and leave encashment is a defined benefit obligation. The liability is provided for on the basis of actuarial valuation made at the end of each financic;~l year. The actuarial valuation is done as per Projected Unit Credit method.

Re measurements, comprising of act1,1arial gains and losses, the effect of the asset ceiling, excluding amounts included in net interest on the net defined benefit liability

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and the return on plan assets (excluding amounts included in net interest on the net defined benefit liability), are recognised immediately in the balance sheet with a corresponding debit or credit to profit or loss through OCI in the period in which they occur. Re measurements are not reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods.

2.7 Financial instruments

A financial instrument is any contract that gives rise to a financial asset of one entity and a financial liability or equity instrument of another entity.

Financial asset is any asset that is

>- Cash; ~ an equity instrument of another entity; >- a contractual right:

(i) to receive cash or another financial asset from another entity; or

(ii) to exchange financial assets or financial liabilities with another entity under conditions that are potentially favorable to the entity; or

~ a contract that will or may be settled in the entity's own equity instruments and is:

(i) a non-derivative for which the entity is or may be obliged to receive a variable number of the entity's own equity instruments; or

(ii) a derivative that will or may be settled other than by the exchange of a fixed amount of cash or another financial asset for a fixed number of the entity's own equity instruments.

Financial assets includes Security deposits ,trade receivable, loan to body corporate, loan to employees and other eligible current and non-current assets.

Financial Liability is any liabilities that is

-~ a contractual obligation:

(i) to deliver cash or another financial asset to another entity; or

(ii) to exchange financial assets or financial liabilities with another entity under conditions that are potentially unfavorable to the entity; or

~ a contract that will or may be settled in the entity's own equity instruments and is:

(i) a non-derivative for which the entity is or may be obliged to deliver a variable number of the entity's own equity instruments; or

(ii) a derivative that will or may be settled other than by the exchange of a fixed amount of cash or another financial asset for a fixed number of the entity's own equity instruments. For this purpose, rights, options or warrants to -acquire a fixed .riumber of the entity's own equity instruments for a fixed amount of any currency are equity instruments if the entity offers the rights, options or warrants pro rata to all of its existing owners of the same class of its own non-derivative equity instruments.

Financial liabilities includes Loans, trade payable and eligible current and non­current liabilities.

~~ -


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i. Transitional Provisions in opening balance sheet as per lnd AS 101

The Company designates a previously recognised financial asset/financial liability as a financial asset/ financial liability measured at fair value on the basis of the facts and circumstances that exist at the date of transition to lnd AS.

The Company has assessed whether a financial asset meets the conditions w.r.t classification criteria on the basis of the facts and circumstances that exist at the date of transition to lnd AS, practically feasible.

ii. Classification:-

The Company classifies financial assets as subsequently measured at amortised cost, fair value through other comprehensive income or fair value through profit or loss on the basis of both:

• the entity's business model for managing the financial assets and • the contractual cash flow characteristics of the financial asset.

A financial asset is measured at amortised cost if both of the following conditions are met:the financial asset is held within a business model whose objective is to hold financial assets in order to collect contractual cash flows and

• the contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding.

A financial asset is measured at fair value through other comprehensive income if both of the following conditions are met:

• the financial asset is held within a business model whose objective is achieved by both collecting contractual cash flows and selling financial assets and

• the contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding.

A financial asset is measured at fair value through profit or loss unless it is measured at amortised cost or at fair value through other comprehensive income.

All financial liabilities are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method or fair value through profit or loss.

iii. Initial recognition and measurement:-

The company recognizes financial assets and financial liabilities when it becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument. All financial assets and liabilities are recognized at fair value at initial recognition, plus or minus, any trpnsaction cost that are directly attributable to the acquisition or issue of financial assets and financial liabilities that are not at fair value throi.:i'gh profit or loss.




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iv. Financial assets subsequent measurement:-

The Company measures Financial instruments at fair value at each Balance Sheet date.

Financial assets as subsequent measured at amortised cost, fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI) or fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL) as the case may be.

Financial liabilities as subsequent measured at amortised cost or fair value through profit or loss.

v. Effective interest method :-

The effective interest method is a method of calculating the amortised cost of a debt instrument and allocating interest income over the relevant period. The effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash­receipts (including all fees and points paid or received that form integral part of the effective interest rate, transaction costs and other premiums or discounts) through the expected life of the debt instrument, or, where appropriate, a shorter period, to the net carrying amount on initial recognition.

Income is recognised on an effective interest basis for debt instruments other than those financial a classified as at FVTPL. Interest income is recognised in profit or loss and is included in the "Other income" line item. -

vi. Trade Receivables:-

Trade receivables are the contractual right to receive cash or other financial assets and recognized initially at fair value. Subsequently measured at amortised cost (Initial fair value less expected credit loss). Expected credit loss is the difference between all contractual cash flows that are due to the company and all that the company expects to receive (i.e. all cash shortfall), discounted at the effective interest rate.

vii. Cash and cash Equivalents:-

Cash and cash equivalent in the balance sheet comprise cash at banks and on hand and short-term deposits with an original maturity of three months or less, which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.

viii. Impairment of Financial Assets:-

The Company recognizes loss allowances using the expected credit loss (ECL) model for the financial assets which are not fair valued through profit or loss. Loss allowance for trade receivables with no significant financing component is measured at an amount equal to lifetime ECL. For all other financial assets, expected credit losses are measured at an amount equal to the 12-month ECL, unless there has been a significant increase in credit risk from initial recognition in which case those are measured at lifetime ECL. The amount of expected credit losses (or reversal) that is required to adjust the loss allowarr~ at the reporting date to the amount that is required to be recognised is recognized as an impairment gain or loss in profit or loss. ---

ix. Financialliabilities:-

Financial liabilities are recognized initially at fair value less any directly attributable transaction costs. These are subsequently carried at amortized cost using the effective interest method or fair value through profit or loss. For

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Page 23: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

trade and other payables maturing within one year from the balance sheet date, the carrying amounts approximate fair value due to the short maturity of these instruments

x. Trade payables :-

Trade payables represent liabilities for goods and services provided to the Company prior to the end of financial year and which are unpaid. Trade payables are presented as current liabilities unless payment is not due within 12 months after the reporting period or not paid/payable within operating cycle. They are recognised initially at their fair value and subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method.

xi. Borrowings:-

Borrowings are initially recognised at fair value, net of transaction costs incurred. Borrowings are subsequently measured at amortised cost. Any difference between the proceeds (net of transaction costs) and the redemption amount is recognised in profit or loss over the period of the borrowings using the effective interest method. Fees paid on the establishment of loan facilities are recognised as transaction costs of the loan.

Borrowings are classified as current liabilities unless the Company has an unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for at least 12 months after the reporting period. Where there is a breach of a material provision of a long-

/ term loan arrangement on or before the end of the reporting period with the effect that the liability becomes payable on demand on the reporting date, the company does not classify the liability as current, if the lender agreed, after the reporting period and before the approval of the financial statements for issue, not to demand payment as a consequence of the breach.

xii. Equity Instruments:-

An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of company after deducting all of its liabilities. Equity instruments are recognised at the proceeds received, net of direct issue costs.

xiii. Derecognition of financial instrument:-

The Company derecognizes a financial asset when the contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset expire or it transfers the financial asset and the transfer qualifies for de recognition under lnd AS 109, A financial liability (or a part of a financial liability) is derecognized from the company's balance sheet when the obligation specified in the contract is discharged or cancelled or expires.

xiv. Offsetting of financial instruments:-

Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset and the net amount is reported in the balance sheet if there is a currently enforceable legal right to offset the recognised amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net f*lsis, to realise the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneqU'sly

2.8 Fair value measurement

The Company measures financial instruments at fair value at each balance sheet date. Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability irian orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. The .fair value measurement is based on the presumption that the transaction to sell

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the asset or transfer the liability takes place either:

• In the principal market for the asset or liability, or • In the absence of a principal market, in the most advantageous market for the asset

or liability.

The principal or the most advantageous market must be accessible by the Company. The fair value of an asset or a liability is measured using the assumptions that market participants would use when pricing the asset or liability, assuming that market participants act in their economic best interest.

A fair value measurement of a non-financial asset takes into account a market participant's ability to generate economic benefits by using the asset in its highest and best use or by selling it to another market participant that would use the asset in its highest and best use.

The Company uses valuation techniques that are appropriate in the circumstances and for which sufficient data are available to measure fair value, maximising the use of relevant observable inputs and minimising the use of unobservable inputs.

For the purpose of fair value disclosures, the Company has determined classes of assets &liabilities on the basis of the nature, characteristics and the risks of the asset or liability and the level of the fair value hierarchy as explained above.

2.9 Income Tax

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Income Tax expense comprises of current tax and deferred tax charge or credit. Provision for current tax is made with reference to taxable income computed for the financial year for which the financial statements are prepared by applying the tax rates as applicable.

Current Tax-Current Income tax relating to items recognized outside the profit and loss is recognized outside the profit and loss (either in other comprehensive income or in other component of equity)

MAT~ Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) paid in a year is charged to the Statement of Profit and Loss as current tax. The company recognizes MAT credit available as an asset only to the extent there is convincing evidence that the company will pay normal income tax during the specified period, i.e., the period for which MAT Credit is allowed to be carried forward. In the year in which the Company recognizes MAT Credit as an asset in accordance with the Guidance Note on Accounting for Credit Available in respect of Minimum Alternate Tax under the Income Tax Act, 1961, the said asset is created by way of credit to the statement of Profit and Loss and shown as "MAT Credit Entitlement." The Company reviews the "MAT Credit Entitlement" asset at each reporting date and writes down the asset to the extent the company does not have convincing evidence that it will pay normal tax during the sufficient period.

Deferred Tax:- Deferred tax is provided using the balance sheet approach on temporary differences at the reporting date between the ta~:bases of assets and ·liabilities and their carrying amounts for financial reporting purpose at reporting date i.e. timing difference between taxabie income and accounting income. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are measured using tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date and are expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences are expected to be recovered or settled. The effect of changes iri fax rates on deferred income tax assets and liabilities is recognized as income or expense in the period

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that includes the enactment or the substantive enactment date. A deferred income tax asset is recognized to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary differences and tax losses can be utilized.

The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed as at each balance sheet date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will not be available against which deferred tax asset to be utilized. Unrecognised deferred tax assets are re-assessed at each reporting date and are recognised to the extent that it has become probable that future taxable profits will allow the deferred tax asset to be recovered.

Deferred tax assets are recognized for the unused tax credit to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against which the losses will be utilized. Significant management judgement is required to determine the amount of deferred tax assets that can be recognised, based upon the likely timing and the level of future taxable profits.

2.10 Revenue Recognition and Other Income


Revenue is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable, taking into account the contractually defined terms of payment net of returns and allowances, trade discounts and volume rebates, excluding taxes or duties collected on behalf of the government

The company has implemented "Indian Accounting Standard (lnd AS) 115, Revenue from Contracts with Customers.

The company uses right to invoice practical expedient for revenue recognition. ltrecognizes revenue in the amount at which it has a right to invoice as the amount corresponds directly with the value to the customer of the company's performance to date.

· The company has concluded that promise of availability of transmission line for transmission of electricity represents a single series of obligation that will be satisfy overtime.

Since, this practical expedient allows company to recognize revenue on the basis of invoicing price (assigned to the services delivered) revenue is recognized by the measure of progress (Percentage of availability of transmission line).

Revenue is recognized to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefit will flow to the Group, revenue can be reliably measured and the costs incurred or to be incurred in respect of the transaction can be measured reliably.

Transmission income is accounted for based on tariff order notified by the CERC. Difference, if any, is adjusted based on issuance of final notification of tariff order by CERC.

Surcharge/Rebate received/Paid from/to beneficiaries is accounted on receipt/payment basis and confirmation from Power Grid Corporation ofT~dia Ltd.

·Interest Income is recognized using the effective interest rate (EIR). EIR is the rate that · exactly discounts the estimated future cash flows over the expected life of financial

instrument, to the gross carrying amount of the financial assets or to the amortised cost of the financial liability.

~ lt ~


Page 26: L, - Jaypee Powergrid


The Transmission system incentive I disincentive is accounted for based on certification of availability by the respective Regional Power Committees and in accordance with the CERC tariff regulations.

2.11 Dividends

Annual dividend distribution to the shareholders is recognised as a liability in the period in which the dividends are approved by the shareholders. Any interim dividend paid is recognised on approval by Board of Directors. Dividend payable and corresponding tax on dividend distribution is recognised directly in equity

2.12 Provisions and Contingencies

i. A contingent liability is a possible obligation that arises from past events whose existence will be confirmed by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events beyond the control of the Company or a present obligation that is not recognized because it is not probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation. A contingent liability also arises in extremely rare cases where there is a liability that cannot be recognized because it cannot be measured reliably. The Company does not recognize a contingent liability but discloses its existence in the financial statements.

ii. Contingent liabilities, if material, are disclosed by way of notes unless the possibility of an outflow of resources embodying the economic benefit is remote and contingent assets, if any, is disclosed in the notes to financial statements.

iii. A provision is recognized, when company has a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of past events and it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation, in respect of which a reliable estimate can be made for the amount of obligation. The expense relating to the provision is presented in the profit and loss net of any reimbursement

2.13 Earnings per Share

Basic Earnings per share is computed by dividing the net profit after tax by the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the period. For the purpose of calculating Diluted earnings per share, the net profit for the period attributable to equity shareholders and the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period are adjusted for the effects of all dilutive potential equity shares.

2.14 Operating Cycle:

Based on the nature of products I activities of the Company and the normal time between acquisition of assets and their realisation in cash or cash equivalents, the Company has determined its operating cycle as 12 months for the purpose of classification of its assets and liabilities as curr~t and non-current.





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Page 28: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

JAYPEE POWERGRID LIMITED Notes to the Financial Statements

(Amount in Rs.}

2.2 Other Financial Assets 31/03/2019 31/03/2018 I Non Current Assets

Loan Receivable· Security Deposit i) Loans Receivable Considered good • Secured ii) Loans Receivable Considered good - unsecured 187,410 187,410 iii) Loans Receivable which have significant increase in Credit Risk

iv) Loans Receivable Credit impaired 187,410 187,410

II Current

Debt Service Reserve Account 272,715,290 133,079,747

Interest accrued on Fixed Deposit with Banks 4,652,144 24,458,028 277,367,434 157,537,775

2.3 Other Non-Current Tax Assets Mat Credit Entitlement 836,268,299 710,038,244

836,268,299 710,038,244

2.4 Current Assets ·Financial Assets Trade Receivables · Transmission Tariff Receivable

i) Trade Receivable considered good- Secured 501,569,969 394,834,265 ii) Trade .Receivable considered good- Unsecured iii) Trade Receivable which have significant increase in

Credit Risk iv) Trade Receivable- Credit impaired

Total 501 ,569,969 394,834,265

2.5 Cash and Cash equivalents: / 1. Balance with Schedule Banks:

i) In Current Account 10,192,257 8,303,919 ii) Trust & Retention Account (TRA)*/CL TO 235,587,969 301,090,254

2. Cheque, draft on hand 2,120,862 3. Cash in hand 722,854 78,521

Total 248,623,942 309,472,694

2.6 Other Current Assets Staff/Other lmprest & Advance 13,260 Prepaid Expenses 513,740 484,511 Advances to Vendors 4,466,191 10,000 Tax deducted by DIC on Transmission Tariff 7,954,268 8,324,779 Tax Refundable 17,227,414 17,226,727 Inventories - General 426,658 421,013

30,588,271 26,480,290


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NOTE 2.7 (Amount in Rs.)

AS AT 31/03/2019 AS AT 31/03/2018



300,000,000 Equity Shares of Rs.1 0 each 3,000,000,000 3,000,000,000

(Previous Year 300,000,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each)

lssued1 Subscribed and Paid UQ

300,000,000 (Previous year 300,000,000) Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- 3,000,000,000 3,000,000,000

Total 3,000,000,000 3,000,000,000

1) The reconciliation of the number and amount of equity share capital as at 31st March, 2019 and 31st March.2018 is set out below·

Sl. Particulars As at March 31, 2019 As at March 31, 2018 I

No. No. of Shares Amount No. of Amount Shares

1 No. of Shares at the beginning of the year 300,000,000 3,000,000,000 300,000,000 3,000,000,000

2 Add: Share allotted during the year - - - -

3 No. of Shares at the end of the year

--- -- --- 300,000,000 3,000,000,000 300,000,000 3,000,000,000

_.,_,_ -· -· ,_.,, -· ·-·--·- . ·-·-·· •;::, .. ·-·- ...... -.- -·. . -s. As at March 31,2019 As at March 31, 2018

No. Name of Share Holder No. of No. of Shares % % Ch .. ,...,. ..

Jaiprakash Power Ventures 1 Limited 222,000,000 74* 222,000,000 74*

Power Grid Corporation of India 2 Limited 78,000,000 26 78,000,000 26

Total 300,000,000 100 300,000,000 100 - ----- - --

*Out of above 600 equity shares are held by Jaiprakash Power Ventures Limited in beneficial interest.

Further Notes:-The Company has only one class of Equity Shares having par value of Rs. 10/- per equity share. The holders of the equity shares are entitled to receive dividend as declared from time to time as are entitled to voting rights proportionate to their share holding at the meeting of share holders.


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2.8 Other Equity

General Reserve

Retained Earning

Other Comprehensive Income

2.9 Borrowings




786,986 1 ,055,691,494

(Amount in Rs.) 31/03/2018



684,420 985,987,091

The Financial assistance sanctioned and disbursed by Banks of Rupee Term Loans of Rs. 700 crores together with payment of all interest at the agreed rates, additional interest in case of default, liquidated damages, reimbursement of all costs, charges and expenses and any other amount due and payable to the Lenders, Facility agent, Security Trustee (lOBI Trusteeship Services Ltd.) etc. under the loan documents/Financing documents are secured/to be secured by ~ypothecation of the Company's movable assets (present and future), intangible assets including but not limited to the goodwill, undertaking and uncalled capital, revenues and receivables from Project or otherwise, assignment/charge/security interest of the Company's rights under each of the Project Documents, assignment and/or charge of all licenses, permits, approvals, construction and operating period insurance policies in respect of or in connection with the project, operating cash flows and also including without limitation, the rights, title and interest in the undertakings of the Company, stocks of raw materials, semi-finished and finished goods, consumable stores and all monies, securities, contractor guarantees, performance bonds and any letter of credit provided by any person in favour of the Lenders/Security Trustee etc. ranking pari-passu among all participating Banks. and further secured by way of pledge of 30% of issued and paid up share capital of the Company. As the paid up capital on 31/03/2019 and 31/03/2018 was Rs. 300 crore divided into 30 crores equity shares of Rs. 10 each, 9 crores equity shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid up held by Jaiprakash Power Ventures Limited (earlier known as Jaiprakash Hydro-Power Limited) have been pledged in favour of Security Trustee.

Name of the Bank As at 31/03/2019 As at 31/03/2018 TERMS OF REPAYMENT

Repayment in 44 quarterly instalments after a State Bank of India 1 ,032,527,178 1,261,961,259 moratorium of 12 months from COD. Repayment has

commenced from March,2013.

Repayment in 46 equal quarterly instalments after a

Punjab National Bank 607,553,530 781,009,449 moratorium of 6 months from scheduled COD i.e. 31/12/2011 or project COD which ever is earlier.

1 Repayment has commenced from June,2012.

Repayment in 46 equal quarterly instalments after a

Central Bank of India 453,355,041 585,749,900 moratorium of 6 months from scheduled COD i.e. 31/12/2011 or project COD which ever is earlier. Repayment has commenced from June,2012.

Repayment in 46 equal quarterly instalments after a

The J&K Bank Ltd. 302,320,629 390,467,235 moratorium of 6 months from scheduled COD i.e. 31/12/2011 or project COD which ever is earlier. Repayment has commenced from June,2012.

2,395, 756,378 3,019,187,843

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2.10 Provisions i) Non-current 31/03/2019 31/03/2018

a) Provision for Employees benefits Provision for Gratuity 732,696 590,029

Provision for Leave Encashment 586,391 513,842 1,319,087 1,103,871

ii) Current a) Provision for Employees benefits

Provision for Gratuity 55,690 Provision for Leave Encashment 54,825 47,654

b) Provision for Expenses 864,000 982,800 c) Provision for Transmission Tariff 718,062,000 418,062,000

719,036,515 419,092,454

2.11 Deferred Tax Liabilities Opening Balance 872,918,671 938,836,242

Current Year Liabilities 23,311.463 (65,917,571) Total for the year 896,230,134 872,918,671

Less:- Deferred Tax Recoverable from Beneficiaries 481,580,596 458,269,133 Total 414,649,538 414,649,538

Note :- The tariff norms for the block period 2014-19 notified by the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) provide for grossing up of the return on equity based on effective tax rate for the financial year based on the actual tax paid during the year on the transmission income. Accordingly, deferred tax provided during the period ended 31st March, 2019 on the transmission income is accounted as 'Deferred Assets against Deferred Tax Liability' which shall be reversed in future years (including tax holiday period) when the related deferred tax liability forms a part of current tax. This is in line with IND-AS 114 and guidance note on rate regulated activities issued by !CAl.

2.12 Current Liabilities Financial Liabilities (i) Trade and other Payables (a) Total outstanding dues of micro & small


(b) Total outstanding dues of creditors other. 2,590,096 1,966,232

than micro & small enterprises Total 2,590,096 1,966,232

Note•:-(a) The principal amount and interest due thereon remaining unpaid to any supplier- MSME. -Principal Amount -Interest Amount

(b) The amount of interest paid by the buyer in terms of Section16 of .the Micro Small and Medium Enterprise Development Act, 2006 (MSMED Act) along with the amounts of payment made to the suppliers beyond the appointed day during each accounting year. (c) The amount of interest due and payable for the period of delay

in making payment (which have been paid but beyond the appointed date during period) but without adding the interest specified under the MSMED Act.

(d) The amount of interest accr~ed and remaining unpaid.

(e) The amount of further interest remaining due and payable even in the succeeding period, until such date when the interest dues above are actually paid to the small enterprise for the purpose of disallowance as a deductible expenditure under section 23 of the MSMEDAct. (ii) Other Financial Liabilities Current Maturity- Term Loan

State Bank of India 231,250,000 225,000,000

Punjab National Bank 173,916,000 173,916,000

Central Bank of India 130,440,000 130,440,000

The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Lid. 86,960,000 86,960,000

Expenses Payable 7,315,731 979,452

Retention Money 770,053 764,999

Due to Staff 3,874,237 1,586,348 Total 634,526,021 619,646,799

2.13 Other Current Liabilities

Statutory Dues 1,194,518 744,559 Total 1,194,518 744,559

'•· 2.14 Current Tax Assetl{Liabilitvl -Net

Provision for Income Tax (139,234,354) (132,545,204)

TDS/Advance/Self Assessment TaxfY 2017-18 129,436,367

TDS/Advance TaxfY 2018-19 130.394,836 Total (8,839,518) (3,108,837)

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Revenue From Operations 31/03/2019 31/03/2018 Transmission Tariff 1,905,443,097 1,902,245,329 Less:- Rebate on Collection 13,258,840 13,674,133 Less:- Tariff Adjustment 300,000,000 238,062,000

Total 1 ,592,184,257 1 ,650,509,196 Notes:-

a) Transmission Tariff revenue has been booked according to Final Tariff Order dt. 07/05/2015 issued by CERC for the block period 2009-14 approving project cost of Rs. 939.68 Crore as against actual cost of Rs. 1007 Crore. In response to the Company's review petition challenging the approval of project cost at reduced level, CERC had passed a review order dt. 24/02/2017 and had accepted most of the Company's contentions subject to submission of required information at the time of truing up. Accordingly, the Company has now filed a truing up petition for the block period 2009-14 along with the petition for the tariff determination for the block period 2014-19 in September'2017.

b) An adjustment of Rs. 30.00 Crore, being the difference of interest claim as per Tariff Petition for the year 2018-19 pertaining to tariff block period 2014-19 and interest actually being received as per final tariff order received dt. 07/05/2015 for the FY 2013-14 (on which the current billing is made) has been made in the books to bring it in line with the actual tariff receivable in the current year.

c) Transmission tariff (including incentive) of Rs. 469,835,284/- for the last quarter has been recognized provisionally based on site verification, as the Certificate of Availability of transmission system by NRPC is pending for Certification and will be adjusted, if necessary in the current year.

Other Income Interest Received on Bank Deposits 28,436,597 19,357,827 Surcharge on Transmission Charges 19,112,704 10,597,209 Recovery from Forest Department 8,778,086 6,887,829 Miscellaneous Income 2,142 5,822

Total 56,329,529 36,848,687 Employee benefits Salary wages allowances & Benefits 34,252,478 22,970,821 Contribution to provident and other funds 745,906 1,059,145 Staff welfare expenses 440,532 360,366

Total 35,438,916 24,390,332 Finance Cost Financing Charges 6,423,356 5,962,071 Term Loan Interest 37 4,028, 783 456,663,518 Interest on Working Capital Account - 4,021,788

Total 380,452,139 466,647,377

Transmission, Administration and Other expenses Advertisement & Publicity - 252,202 Auditor's Remuneration

- For Statutory Audit 590,000 590,000 -For Tax Audit 118,000 118,000 - For Certifications/Others 117,009 76,495

Bank Charges 102,147 21,792 Books and Periodicals 9,326 17,488 Communication Expenses 177,227 177,631 Cost Audit Fee/Others 72,564 72,600 Concurrent Audit fee 47,200 Corporate Social Responsibility 12,836,696 12,350,000 Directors' Sitting Fee 826,000 1,156,800 Insurance Charges 5,828,795 5,742,226 Internal Audit Fee 236,000 236,000 legal and Professional Expenses 836,510 867,960 Transmission License Fee 2,023,405 Less:- Recoverable from beneficiaries (1 ,997 ,530) 25,875

Miscellaneous Expenses 8,260,926 6,535,877 Printing & Stationery Expenses 112,714 78,347 Reactors Maintenance Cost 5,327,936 4,812,794 Rent, Rates & Taxes 7,897,769 537,773 Secretarial Audit Fee 60,000 60,000 Service Tax Paid - 75;554 Sub-Station Maintenance Cost 13,236,638 11,927,440 System Operation Charges Paid 251,807 ' . Less:- Recoverable from beneficiaries (251 ,807) Travelling & Conveyance Expenses 1,705,439 1,643,122 Tariff Determination Fee 2,017,505 less:- Recoverable from beneficiaries (1,997,530) 19,975

Vehicle Running & Maintenance Expenses 3,005,494 2,196,344 Total 61,450,240 49,546,444


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a) All employees are entitled to Provident Fund benefits. Amount charged to Statement of Profit and Loss for the year is Rs. 7,45,906/- (Previous Year Rs. 10,59,145/-)

b) In accordance with applicable Indian Laws, the Company provides for gratuity, a defined benefit retirement plan (Gratuity Plan). The Gratuity Plan provides a lump sum payment to vested employees, at retirement or termination of employment, an amount based on the respective employees' last drawn salary and the years of employment with the Company. The Company provides the gratuity benefit through annual contribution to a fund managed by the insurer (SBI Life Insurance Co. Limited). Under this plan, the settlement obligation remains with the Company, although the Employee Gratuity Trust administers the plan and determines the contribution premium required to be paid by the Company.

c) Leave Encashment- Defined Benefit Plan The Company has a scheme of encashment of accumulated leaves. The scheme is unfunded and is recognized on the basis of actuarial valuation on annual basis. The summarized position of defined benefits recognised in the Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet are as under

d) Principal Actuarial assumptions Principal actuarial assumption used to determine the present value of the benefit obligation are as follows:

NSI. Particulars o.

I Discount rate (p.a.) II Salary escalation rate (p.a.)

111 Estimate of amount contribution in the immediate next year Notes

Refer note Year ended Year ended below 31/03/2019 31/03/2018

1 7.66% 7.73% 2






1 The discount rate is based on the prevailing market yields of the Indian Government securities as at the balance sheet date for the estimated term of obligation.

2 The estimates of future salary increase consider takes into a account the inflation, seniority, promotion and other relevant factors.

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Sl. 2018-19 2017-18

No. Particulars Gratuity Leave Gratuity Leave

(Funded) Encashment (Funded) Encashment I Change in benefit obligations:

1 Present value of the obligation at the 981,636 561,496 1,231,828 647,060

beginning of the year 2 Current Service Cost 162,101 129,529 124,252 84,550

3 Interest Cost 75,880 43,404 92,387 48,530

4 Actuarial Gain/Loss on obligation (12,970' 193,213) (341 ,440 _(67,711)

5 Benefits paid - - (125,391 (150,933\ 6 l"'resem va1ue or me oougauon at tne

1,206,647 641,216 981,636 561,496 end the year II Change in Plan Assets during the Period ended March 31,2019

1 Fair value of the Plan Assets at the 391,607 19,263

beginning of the year. - _,

2 Actual Return on Plan Assets. 26,654 - (2,265 -3 Contribution by Employer. - - 500,000 -

4 Actual Benefit Paid. - - (125,391 -5 Fair value of the Plan Assets at the end

of the year. 418,261 - 391,607 -Ill Net Liability/(Surplus)(l-11)

1 Present value of defined benefit 1,206,647 641,216 981,636 561,496 .oblioation _,,·, 'i:.· .

2 Fair value of Plan Assets 418,261 - 391,607 -Net Liability/(Surplus) (1-11) 788,386 641,216 590;029 561,496


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Page 34: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

IV Expenses Recognised in the Statement of Profit and Loss a) Current Service Cost 162,101 129,529 124,252 84,550 b) Net interest cost 45,609 43,404 90,942 48,530

Total 207,710 172,933 215,194 133,080 Expenses recongnised in Other Comprehensive Income Actuarial Gain/Loss March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018 Net actuarial gain/(loss) recognized in the period Leave Encashment 93,213 67,711 Gratuity 9,353 337,730

Net gain/(loss) for the period 102,566 405,441 Less Deferred Tax Asset/Liability 29,580 116,929 Add Deferred Assets 29,580 116,929

Net Charge/(Credit) 102,566 405,441 Demographic assumptions:

1 Retirement age 60 Years 60 Years 2 Mortality rate (% of IALM06-08) 100% 100% 3 Average Outstanding service of

19.29 19.29 Employees up to retirement

4 No. of Employees 26 26

Note: The information on composition of the plan assets held by the funds managed by the insurer is not provided since the same is not available.

NOTE 2.21 Financial Instrument Measured at Amortised Cost The fair value of the Company's borrowings is determined by using effective interest as per IND-AS 1 09 using rate that reflect the Company's borrowing rate as at the end of the reporting period.

NOTE 2.22

Contingent Liabilities. and Commitments (to the extent not provided for)

Contingent Liabilities - Claims against the Company not acknowledged as debt

- Land Compensation Cases

-Income Tax Matters

ASAT ASAT 31/03/2019 31/03/2018

1,557,760 1,557,760

15,000,000 15,092,000

The value for matters under appeal Rs. 71,91,051/- Based on the decision of the Appellate authorities and the interpretation of relevant tax provisions, the Company has been legally advised that the additions made in the assessment are likely to be deleted or substantially reduced. As at 31.03.2019 there is no outstanding tax demand against the Company.

Note 2.23 Corporate Social Responsibility

a) Gross Amount Required to be spent by the Company Rs. 1,25,00,000/- Appox. b) Amount spent during the year Rs. 1 ,28,36,696/-.



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I. Holding Company

1. Jaiprakash Power Ventures Limited (JPVL)

II. Fellow Subsidiary Companies

1. Jaypee Meghalaya Power Limited (subsidiary of JPVL) 2. Jaypee Arunachal Power Limited (JV subsidiary of JPVL) 3. Prayagraj Power Generation Company Limited (subsidiary of JPVL) 4. Bina Power Supply Limited (subsidiary of JPVL) 5. Sangam Power Generation Company Limited (subsidiary of JPVL)

Note: (*SBICAP-Trustee for lenders of PPGCL on 18th December, 2017 enforced the pledge of shares and transferred all shares (261,91,89,200 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each and 27,00,00,000 Preference Shares of Rs.10/- each) held by the Company in PPGCL. Consequent upon invocation of entire pledged shares of JPVL in PPGCL held by SBICAP Trustee on behalf of· banks/financial institutions, in favour of SBICAP Trustee Company Limited on 18th December, 2017, PPGCL ceased to be subsidiary of JPVL.)

III. Entity to whom the Company is an Associate Company:

Jaiprakash Associates Limited (JAL) (w.e.f. 18.02.2017, it became Associate in ·place of Holding Company)

IV. Subsidiaries of the Entity (JAL) to whom the Company is an Associate Company:

1. Jaypee Infratech Limited (JIL) (subsidiary of JAL)

2. Bhilai Jaypee Cement Limited (JV subsidiary of JAL)

3. Himalyan Expressway Limited (subsidiary of JAL)

4. Gujarat Jaypee Cement & Infrastructure Limited (JV subsidiary of JAL)

5. Jaypee Ganga Infrastructure Corporation Limited (subsidiary of JAL)

6. Jaypee Agra Vikas Limited (subsidiary of JAL)

7. Jaypee Fertilizers & Industries Limited (subsidiary of JAL)

8. Jaypee Cement Corporation Limited (subsidiary of JAL) ~ ... ·.,o ...;, ~

9. Himalyaputra Aviation Limited (subsidiary of JAL)

10. Jaypee Assam Cement Limited (subsidiary of JAL)

11. Jaypee Infrastructure Development Limited (new name of Jaypee Cement CriCket (India) Limited) (subsidiary of JAL)


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Jaypee Healthcare Limited (subsidiary of JIL)

Jaypee Cement Hockey (India) Limited (subsidiary of JAL)

Jaiprakash Agri Initiatives Company Limited (subsidiary of JCCL)



Page 36: L, - Jaypee Powergrid


15. Yamuna Expressway Tolling Limited (new name of Yamuna Expressway Tolling Private Limited w.e.f. 05.04.2017, which again is the new name of Jaypee Mining Ventures Private Limited w.e.f. 24.03.2017) (subsidiary of JAL w.e.f. 25.03.2017 & wholly owned subsidiary of JAL w.e.f. 20.04.2017)

16. Jaypee Uttar Bharat Vikas Private Limited (JUBVPL) (JV Associate Co. till 25.07.17. It became wholly owned subsidiary of JFIL [hence of JAL also] w.e.f. 26.07.17)

17. Kanpur Fertilizers & Cement Limited (JV Associate Co. till 25.07.17. It became subsidiary of JUBVPL [hence of JFIL & JAL also] w.e.f. 26.07.17)

V. Other Associate Companies:

A. Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (JV Partner)

KMP based Associate Cos.











Jaiprakash Kashmir Energy Limited (KMP based Associate Co.) (controlled by Shri Manoj Gaur & his relatives)

Ceekay Estates Private Limited (KMP based Associate Co.) (controlled by relative of Shri Manoj Gaur)

Jaiprakash Exports Private Limited (KMP based Associate Co.) (controlled by relatives of Shri Manoj Gaur)

8humi Estate Developers Private Limited (KMP based Associate Co) (controlled by relatives of Shri Manoj Gaur)

Jaypee Jan Sewa Sansthan ('Not For Profit' Private Limited Company) (KMP based Associate Co.) (controlled by relatives of Shri Manoj Gaur)

Think Different Enterprises Private Limited (KMP based Associate Co.) (contolled by relative of Shri Manoj Gaur)

JC World Hospitality Private Limited (KMP based Associate Co.) (controlled by relatives of Shri Manoj Gaur)

JC Wealth & Investments Private Limited (KMP based Associate Co.) (controlled by relatives of Shri Manoj Gaur)

First Light Estates Private Limited (KMP based Associate Co.) (controlled by relatives of Shri Manoj Gaur)

CK World Hospitality Private Limited (KMP based Associate Co.) (controlled by relatives of Shri Manoj Gaur) -'

11.- Akasva Associates Private Limited (KMP based Associate Co.) (controlled by Shri Suren Jain and his relative)

12. Akasva Infrastructure Private Limited (KMP based Associate Co.) (controlled by relatives of Shri Suren Jain)

.J{;<~~,-}~,~·~:t;3_. Renaissance Lifestyle Private Limited (KMP based Associate Co.) (controlled 1/· <·C :·::·,-,\. by relative of Shri Suren Jain)

!["- /,.~,.:/~ ... ·;, :·.~~::\pandhar: Buildcoi?- Private L~mited (KMP based Associate Co.) (contrql.·:, \ ·•·. . ---: -:'./) by relative of Shn Suren Jam) . Q L .. J.1'

. ,. ~ ~~.

. \!:;-. *


Page 37: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

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15. Viaan Technologies (P) Limited (KMP based Associate Co.) (controlled by relative of Shri Suren Jain)

16. Lucky Strike Financers Private Limited (KMP based Associate Co.) (controlled by Ms. Sunita Joshi and her relative)

17. Samvridhi Advisors LLP (KMP based partnership firm)

(Controlled by Shri R.N. Bhardwaj and his relatives)

18. Sandhar Hospitality (KMP based partnership firm) (controlled by Ms. Sunita Joshi and her relativle)

19. Kram lnfracon Private Limited (KIPL) (subsidiary of Bhumi Estate Developers Private Limited) (KMP based Associate Co.) (Bhumi Estate holds 67% in Kram Infracon.)

Key Management Personnel








Shri I.S. Jha, Chairman( till 21.01.20 19)

Shri Ravi P.Singh , Chairman (w.e.f. 22.01.20 19)

Shri G.P. Singh, Vice Chairman

Shri Suren Jain, Director

Shri G.P. Gaur, Director

Shri Vinod Sharma, Director

Shri R.K. Singh, Director

8. Smt. Neha Goyal, Director

9. Shri N.K. Jain, Director Project (till 30.07.2018)

10. Shri A.S.Kushwaha (w.e.f. 14.08.2018)














Shri T.C. Sarmah, Director

Shri D.P. Goyal, Director

Shri S.D.M. Nagpal (till 25.03.2018)

Shri N.N. Misra (till 25.03.2018)

Shri Manoj Gaur (KMP of JPVL)

Shri Sunil Kumar Sharma (KMP of JPVL)

Dr. Jagannath Gupta (KMP of JPVL)

Shri R.N. Bhardwaj (KMP of JPVL)

Shri B.B. Tandon (KMP of JPVL)

Shri A.K. Goswami (KMP of JPVL)

Shri S.S. Gupta (KMP of JPVL)

Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Shri Ravindra Mohan Chadha (KMP of JPVL)

Shri K. N. Bhandari (KMP of JPVL)

24. Shri S.L. Mohan (KMP of JPVL)

~o .....--~


Page 38: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Transaction with related parties · -- -

JILIT Key s. Nature of Information

No. Transaction JAL JPVL PGCIL POSOCO Gaur & Nagi

Techology Management

Ltd. Personnel

Transactions during the period:

Revenue from - - 1,902,245,329 - - - -1 operations (-) (-) (1,902,245,329) (-) (-} (-) (-)

Surcharge on - - 19112704 - - - -2 Transmission Tariff (-) (-) (1 0,597,209) (-) (-} (-) (-)


3 System operation - - - 251807 - (-) charges (-) (-) (-) (232,987) (-) (-)

Dividend - 344,100,000 1,20,900,000 - - - -4 (JPVL/PGCIL) (-) (188,700,000) (66 ,300 ,000) (-) (-) (-) (-)

Operation and - - 13,236,638 - - -5

Maintenance (-) (-) (11 ,927,440) (-) (-} (-) (-)

6 Managerial - - - - - - 9,748,191 Remuneration (-) (-) (-) (-) (-} (-)



7,080,000 - - - - - -7 Rent Payment (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-)

Reimbursement - - - - - - 99,194 8 of expenses by

the Company (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) -300,000

Sitting Fee paid - - - - - - 700,000 9 to Directors (-) (-) (-) (-) (-} (-) (1 ,020,000)

-Advertisement - - - - - -

10 Expenses (-) (-) (-) (-) (252,202) (-) (-)

Web Site - - - - - -11

Charges (-) (-) (-) (-) (-} (2,830) (-)

Balances outstanding as at the year end

7,080,000 - - - - - -12 Rent Payment

(-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-)

- - 501,569,969 - - - -13 Trade receivable

(-) (-) (394,834 ,265) (-) (-) (-) (-)

Managerial - - - - - - 2,267,142 14 Remuneration (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (360,000)

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Page 39: L, - Jaypee Powergrid


Notes to Financial Statements as at March 31, 2019


The Company's principal financial liabilities comprise borrowings, trade and other payables. The main purpose of these financial liabilities is to manage finances for the Company's operations. The Company principal financial asset includes loan , trade and other receivables, and cash and short-term deposits that arise directly from its operations.

The Company's activities are exposed to market risk, credit risk and liquidity risk.

I. Market risk Market risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market prices. Marketprices comprise three types of risk: currency rate risk, interest rate risk and other price risks, such as equity price risk and commodity price risk. Financial instruments affected by market risk include loans and borrowings, deposits, investments, and derivative financial instruments.

(a) Interest rate risk Interest rate risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market interest rates. In order to optimize the Company's position with regard to interest income and interest expenses and to manage the interest rate risk, treasury performs a comprehensive corporate interest rate risk management by balancing the proportion of the fixed rate and floating rate financial instruments in its total portfolio .

(i) The exposure of Company borrowings to interest rate changes at the end of reporting period are as follows:

Particulars As at As at March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018

Variable rate borrowings 3,018,322,378 3,635,503,843 Fixed rate borrowings - -TQtali)_O_I'I'Owings __ 3,018,322,378_ 3,635,503,843

(ii) As at the end of reporting period, the company had the following variable rate borrowings and interest rate swap contracts outstanding:

As at March 31, 2019 As at March 31, 2018

Particulars Weighted Weighted average Balance average Balance

interest rate interest rate

Cash Credit Limit 0.00% - 0.00% -Borrowings 10.69% 3,018,322,378 10.80% 3,635,503,843 % of total loans 100% 100% Net exposure to cash flow

3,018,322,378 3,635,503,843 interest rate risk

(iii) Sensitivity As per CERC Regulations, interest on loan during construction forms part of project cost for the purpose of tariff and after the day of commercial operation, interest on loan is recoverable through tariff calculated on the normative average loan of the year by applying the weighted average rate of interest of the actual loan portfolio. Accordingly, the company's interest rate risk is not considered significant; hence sensitivity analysis for the risk

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Page 40: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

(b) Foreign currency risk Foreign currency risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of an exposure will fluctuate because of changes in foreign exchange rates. The Company does not operates internationally and as the Company has not obtained any foreign currency loans and also doesn't have any foreign currency trade payables and foreign receivables outstanding therefore, the company is not exposed to any foreign exchange risk.

(c) Price Risk The company exposure to equity securities price risk arises from the investments held by company and classified in the balance sheet at fair value through profit and loss. The company does not have any investments at the current year end and previous year which are held for trading. Therefore no sensitivity is provided.

II. Credit risk


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Credit risk refers to the risk that a counterparty will default on its contractual obligations resulting in financial loss to the Company. Power and credit risk is largely mitigated through point of connection (POC) under which transmission charges are pooled and distributed among licensees in proportion to their transmission charges. Involvement of Central Transmission Utility (CTU) i.e. Power Grid Corporation of India Limited if} billing, collection and distribution of transmission charges among licensees further reduce the risk. Additionally, stringent regulations related to non-payment of transmission charges have led to significant improvement collection efficiency.

The average credit period on provision of services is 60 days.

For payment of any Invoice, as raised by the CTU a rebate of 2% shall be allowed on the invoice amount if such payment is made in full within one business day of the receipt of the Invoice. For payment of any Invoice subsequently, but within Due Date, a rebate of 1% shall be allowed on the payment made in full.

Any amount due from one party to the other, and remaining unpaid 30 days after due date , shall bear delayed payment surcharge @ 1.25% per month on the unpaid amount. Such delayed payment surcharge shall be calculated on simple rate basis and shall accrue from 30th day after due date of invoice until the amount due is actually received by the payee.

Trade receivables may be analysed as follows:

Age of receivables As at March As at March

31,2019 31,2018

Within the credit period 327,060,866 281,733,233

1-30 days jl_ast due 21,950,771 14,531,801 31-60 days past due 28,194,774 5,128,314 61-90 days past due 16,067,246 10,213,515

M()re than90 days past due 108,356,312 83,227,403

Ex~ected Ageing

credit loss Within the credit period -1-30 days past due -31-60 days past due -61-90 days past due -More than 90 days past due -

L ~~~ l


Page 41: L, - Jaypee Powergrid


Ill. Liquidity Risk Liquidity risk is defined as the risk that company will not be able to settle or meet its obligation on time or at a reasonable price. The Company's objective is to maintain optimum levels of liquidity at all times to meet its cash and collateral requirements. Management monitors the company's net liquidity position on the basis of expected cash flows regularly.

The table below provides details regarding the remaining contractual maturities of financial liabilities at the reporting date based on contractual undiscounted payments:

As at March 31, 2019 Borrowings Trade payables Other financial

liabilities Within 1 year 622,563,040 2,590,096 11,960,021

1-3 years 1 ,948,939,120 - -More than 3 years 454,335,199 - -

Total 3,025,837,359 2,590,096 11,960,021 Carrying amount 3,018,322,378 2,590,096 11,960,021

As at March 31,2018 Borrowings Trade payables Other financial

liabilities Within 1 year 616,316,000 1,966,232 3,330,799

1-3 years 1,232,632,000 - -

More than 3 years 1,796,914,880 - -Total 3,645,862,880 1,966,232 3,330,799

Carrying amount 3,635,503,843 1,966,232 3,509,067

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Page 42: L, - Jaypee Powergrid


JAYPEE POWERGRID LIMITED Notes to Financial Statements as at March 31 1 2019 Note No. 2.26 Capital Management (A) Risk Management The Company manages its capital to ensure that the company will be able to continue as going concern while maximising the return to stakeholders through the optimization of the debt and equity balance.

The Company's management reviews the capital structure of the Company on a semi-annual basis and considers the cost of capital and the risks associated with each class of capital. The Company monitors capital on the basis of following gearing ratio, which is net debt divided by total capital plus debt.

Geraring ratio The gearing ratio at end of the reporting period was as follows.

Partciulars As at March 311 As at March 311

2019 2018

Debt* 3,018,322,378 3,635,503,843 Cash and bank balances (including cash and bank

248,623,942 309,472,694 balances in a disoosal arouo held for sale) Net debt 2,769,698,436 3,326,031,149 Total Equity 4,055,691,494 3,985,987,091 Net Debts and Total equitv 6,825,389,930 7,312,018,240 Net debt to equity ratio 40.58% 45.49%

*Debt is defined as long-term and short-term borrowings including current maturities and books overdraft

Total equity (as shown in balance sheet) includes issued capital and all other equity reserves.

Note 2.27 : Fair Value Measurement

Categories of financial instruments

Financial assets As at March 31 I As at March 31 1

2019 2018 Measured at amortised cost (i) Trade receivables 501 ,569,969 394,834,265 (ii) Cash and Bank balance 248,623,942 309,472,694 (iii) Loans 187,410 187,410

75013811321 704,494,368

Financial liabilities As at March 31, As at March 31,

2019 2018 Measured at amortised cost (i) Borrowings 3,018,322,378 3,635,503,843 (ii) Other financial liabilities 11,960,021 3,330,799 ltiii) Trade and other payables 2,590,096 1,966,232

Total 3103218721494 3,64018001873

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Page 43: L, - Jaypee Powergrid


JA YPEE POWERGRID LIMITED Notes to Financial Statements as at March 31, 2019 Note 2.28 : Fair Value Measurement (i) Fair Value Hierarchy This section explains the judgements and estimates made in determining the fair values of the financial instruments that are (A) recognised and measured at fair value and (B) measured at amortised cost and for which fair values are disclosed in financial statements. To provide an indication about the reliability of inputs used in determining fair values, the group has classified its financial instruments into three levels prescribed under the accounting standards.

The following table provides the fair value measurement hierarchy of Company's asset and liabilities, grouped into Level1 to Level 3 as described below :-

Level1: Quoted (unadjusted) market prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. Level 2: Valuation techniques for which the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement is directly or indirectly observable. Level 3: Valuation techniques for which the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement is unobservable

Fair value measurements


Financial Liabilities

Financial Liabilities

a) Borrowings

Fair value as at

As at March 31, As at March 31, 2019 2018

2,395,756,378 3,635,503,843

Fair value Valuation

hierarchy technique (s)

and key input(s)

Discounted estimated cash

Level2 flow through the expected life of the borrowings


The fair values of current debtors, cash & bank balances, loan to related party, security deposit to goverment deparment, current creditors and current borrowings and other financial liability are assumed to approximate their carrying amounts due to the short­term maturities of these assets and liabilities.

Carrying value I Particulars As at March 31, As at March 31, I

2019 2018 1

i) Financial assets ·Current I

Trade receivables 501 ,569,969 394,834,265 Cash and cash equivalents 248,623,942 309,472,694 Loans 187,410 187,410

ii) Financial liabilities • Current Trade payables 2,590,096 1,966,232 Borrowing 2,395,756,378 3,635,503,843

(ii) Ot~~financialliabilities____ ___ ~.960_,021 3,330,799

l ~Ut ~


Page 44: L, - Jaypee Powergrid


(ii) Valuation techniques used to determine Fair value The Company maintains policies and procedures to value financial assets or financial liabilities using the best and most relevant data available. The fair values of the financial assets and liabilities are included at the amount that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.

The following method and assumptions are used to estimate fair values: The Carrying amounts of trade receivables, trade payables, short term borrowing, other fianancial assets/ Liabilities, cash and cash equivalents. are considered to be their fair value, due to their short term nature.

Long-term fixed-rate and variable-rate receivables I borrowings are evaluated by the Company based on parameters such as interest rates, specific country risk factors, credit risk and other risk characteristics. For borrowing fair value is determined by using the discounted cash flow (DCF) method using discount rate that reflects the issuer's borrowings rate. Risk of non-performance for the company is considered to be insignificant in valuation.

For and on behalf of the Board for Ravi Rajan & Co. Chartered Accountants Reaidration No. 009073N

hivani Bhardwaj

Partner Membership No. 503875

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~J Suren Jain

Director Address: B-8/13, Vasant


lli~~ Anita Rikhy General Manager & Company Secretary Address: C9/9170,

Vasant Kunj,

New Delhi - 110070.


o~V Director Address: KK-97,

Kavi Nagar,



R:~~l Jt. President & CFO Address: S-3/B-62,

Ram Puri, Chander

Nagar Ghaziabad -


IJJ .l..Ll


Page 45: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

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AND VOLumE -.R · lf(-DM P~<Aer ~A,~ "\'


Jaypee Powergrid Limited Through its Authorised Representative Registered Office 'JA House', 63, Basant Lok, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi - 110057 ... Petitioner

VERSUS U.P.Power Corporation Limited Import Export & Payment Circle 14th Floor, Shakti Bhawan Extn. Building 14, Ashok Marg

Lucknow-226001. & Ors


.... Respondents


Page 46: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Sr. No.












(Pages \ to )



Petition 0


Board Resolution (Authority Letter)

Memo of Parties


Copy of the final order dated 07.05.2015 passed

by this Hon'ble Commission in Petition No.



Copy of the order dated 24.02.2017 passed by this

Hon'ble Commission in Review Petition No.

17/RP/2015 in Petition No. 37 ITT! 2011


Copy of the order dated 22.05.2019 passed by this

Hon 'ble Commission in Petition No. 217 /TT/20 17


Audited Balance Sheet for FY 2014-15

Audited Balance Sheet for FY 2015-16

Audited Balance Sheet for FY 2016-17

Audited Balance Sheet for FY 2017-18

Audited Balance Sheet for FY 2018-19


\ ~..o("L


Page Nos.

1-j. ~-1(

_\ i- -I~

w 21·~25

2-b- ~\ I




l-2-,gS i


<6 '--lSo

\ s,-J2~

Page 47: L, - Jaypee Powergrid


(Pages ~2_s to Y ll )


Tariff Forms for Truing up of Transmission Tariff

for the Tariff Block 2014-19 for Assets-1 and

Asset-11 (combined)


Tariff Forms for the Transmission Tariff for Tariff

Block 2019-24 for Asset-I and Asset-II


12. Form -1

13. V akalatnama

14. . Proof of Service

DATE: _li_!October 2019 PLACE: NEW DELHI


~2$"- ~ £3

30.~~-~ {):r



1 \·6-~Jl.

Page 48: L, - Jaypee Powergrid


Name of the Transmission Licensee : Jaypee Powergrid Ltd.

Name of Region : Northern

Name of the Project: LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-

JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham

Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad

Transmission line

Name of the Transmission Element : 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

INDEX PART-Ill Checklist of Forms and other information/ documents for tariff filing for Transmission System

Form No. Tariff Filing Formats (Transmission) Tick

FORM-1 Summary Sheet Yes

FORM- 2 Details of Transmission Lines and Substations Yes

FORM- 3 Normative Parameters considered for tariff computations Yes


FORM-4 Abstract of admitted parameters for the existing

Yes transmission assets/elements under project

. FORM- 4A Statement of Capital cost Yes ..

FORM- 4 B Statement of Capital Works in Progress Yes

FORM-4C Abstract of Capital Cost Estimates and Schedule of

Yes Commissioning for the New Projects

Form- 5 Element wise Break-up of Project Cost for Transmission Yes

Svstem Form- SA Break-up of Construction/Supply/Sevice packages Yes

FORM- 58 Details Of Elementwise Cost of the Project Yes

FORM-6 Financial Package upto COD Yes

FORM-7 Statement of Additional Capitalisation after COD Yes

FORM-7A Financing of Additional Capitalization Yes

FORM-7B Statement of Additional Capitalisation during fag end' of the

Not Applicable Project

FORM- 8 Calculation of Return on Equity Yes

FORM- 8A Details of Foreign Equity Not Applicable

FORM· 8B Details of additional RoE Not Applicable

FORM 9 Details of Allocation of corporate loans to various Not Applicable

FORM- 9A Details of Project Specific Loans Yes

ANNEXURE-1 TO FORM Details of Project Specific Loans (Original) Yes


Annexure-2 to Form-9A State Bank of India, NEW DELHI. Yes

FORM- 9B Details of Foreiqn loans Not Applicable

FORM- 9C Calculation of Weighted Average Rate of Interest on Actual

Yes Loans

FORM-9D Loans in Foreign Currency Not Applicable

FORM- 9E Calculation of Interest on Normative Loan Yes

FORM-10 Calculation of Depreciation Rate Yes

FORM- 10A Statement of Depreciation Yes

FORM- 108 Statement of De-capitalisation Not Applicable

FORM-11 Calculation of Interest on Working Capital Yes

FORM-12 Details of time over run Yes

FORM-12A Incidental Expenditure during Construction Yes

FORM-12B Draw Down Schedule for Calculation of IDC & Financing Yes

FORM-13 Breakup of Initial Spares Yes

FORM-14 Other Income as on COD Yes

FORM-15 Actual Cash Expenditure Yes

Other Information/ Documents

Sl. No. Information/Document Certificate of Incorporation, Certificate for

1 Commencment of Business, Memorandum of Association, & Articles of Association (New Project(s) setup by a


company makinq tariff application for first time to CERC) Regionwise and Corporate audited Balance Sheet and

2 Profit & Loss Accounts with all the Schedules &

YES annexures for the new Transmission System & for the relevant years.

3 Copies of relevant loan Agreements ALREADY SUBMITTED

4 Copies of the approval of Competent Authority for the ALREADY SUBMITTED Capital Cost and Financial packaqe

5 Copies of the Equity participation agreements and

ALREADY SUBMITTED necessary approval for the foreign eqcity

6 Copies of the BPTA/TSA with the beneficiaries. if any ALREADY SUBMITTED

7 Detailed note giving reasons of time and cost over run. if

NOT APPLICABLE applicable.

8 Any othe1 reievant in for mahan, (Pieese specify) NOT APPLICABLE Note.1 Electronic copy of tl1e petition i.rn 1".'Grds Torrnai) and dea•;ea .:ah .11-:;t·on.o:s per ~hese form<11S (in excell format) and any other rnfornlat;on submrlled shal I also be fun11sl1ed '"the fO>'m of CDIFioooy drsc · 4 "E

PETITIONER .~~J:' ,... . _~,

Page 49: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner :

Name of Region:

Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

S.No. Particulars

1 2 1.1 Depreciation

~ 1.2 Interest on Loan tv 1.3 Return on Equitv 0\ 1.4 Interest on Workinq Capital

1.5 0 & M Expenses

Total (Annual Fixed Cost)

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd.



LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Summary Sheet

(Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

Form Existing 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 No. 2013-14

3 4 5 6 7 8 lOA 5 088.02 5 264.37 5 313.21 5 313.34 5 313.37 5 313.37 9E 7,307.58 6 930.75 6,157.31 5 407.94 4 800.24 4 052.27 8 5,780.81 5 869.48 5,952.56 5 952.71 5 952.74 5,968.47 11 438.65 435.52 421.41 404.84 391.55 375.42 11 392.10 356.86 368.64 380.79 393.53 406.60

19,007.16 18,856.98 18,213.12 17,459.62 16,851.44 16,116.13


Page 50: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region:

Name of the Project : Name of the Transmission Element :

Transmission lines

S.No. Name of line Type of lineAC/HVDC

1 Karcham- AC Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad

Transmission line

2 Karcham- AC Abdullapur LILO

of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-

JHAKRI Transmission line

Substations S.NO. Name of Sub Type of

station Substation Connventional

(Greenfield/Bro wnfield)/GIS/H VDC/terminai/H

VDC Back to

1 Abdullapur Conventional

400/220 KV Karcharn Wantoo

2 Karcham Gen Switchyard (JPVL) Extn S/S (Switchable Line

o,,~, ""


~ 0 -..r 0

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern


LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Details of Transmission Lines and Substations

S/C or No. of Sub- VoltageLevel KV Line length D/C Conductors CtKm

D/C 4 400 439.6

D/C 3 400 8

Voltage No. of No. of Bays Date of Level KV transformers Commercial

/Reactors/SVC Operation etc 765 KV 400KV 220 KV 132 KV &

(with capacity) LOWER

400 2 1ST APRIL - - - -


400 2 1ST APRIL

- - - -2012

Line length Date of Commercial Covered in the present Km Opertaion Petition if NO, Petition

No 219.8 1ST APRIL 2012 Yes

4 1ST JUNE, 2011 Yes

Covered in the present Petition if NO, Petition No

Yes/No If No, Petition No

Yes -

Yes -

-6Uc Q I" ; Ld -)

\~ )-$ -( '?> ""< 17.~-C)~


Page 51: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner :

Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

laypee Powergrid Ltd.



LILO of 400 lev DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line 400 lev LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Normative Parameters considered for tariff computations

Particulars Unit Existing 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2013-14

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Base Rate of Return on Equity % 15.50 15.50 15.50 15.50 15.50 15.50 Tax Rate % 20.961 20.961 21.342 21.342 21.342 21.549 Effective Rate % 19.61 19.610 19.7055 19.71 19.71 19.758 Tarqet Availability % 98 98 98 98 98 98 Normative O&M per km (Double Circuit with Rs. Lakh 1.174 1.062 1.097 1.133

1.171 1.210 four conducter) Normative O&M per bay Rs. Lakh 65.46 60.30 62.30 64.37 66.51 68.71 Normative O&M per km (Double Circuit with Rs. Lakh 0.783 0.707 0.731 0.755

0.780 0.806 Trile conducter) Spares for WC as% of O&M % 15 15 15 15 15 15 Recievables in Months for WC Months 2 2 2 2 2 2 SBI Base Rate as on 01.04.2014 plus 350 % 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 basis point

Page 52: L, - Jaypee Powergrid


Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region : Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern


LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Abstract of admitted parameters for the existing transmission assets/elements under project

(Amount in Rs Lakh) Asset-1 Asset-2

Name of the Assets DOCO Petition Number Total Gross Tariff order date Block as on

l.;apJtal l.;apJtal 31.03.2014

Particulars Expenditure Expenditure admitted as admitted as

on 31.03.2014 on 31.03.2014 Apportioned approved Cost/Revised cost estimates, if any (with eference and date of approval) Freehold Land - 63.27 63.27 Leasehold Land - - -

Building & Other Civil Works - 506.81 506.81 Transmission Line 2,477.64 94,333.84 96,811.48 Sub-Station Equipments 1,337.94 1,337.94 PLCC 126.13 126.13 Total 2,477.64 96,367.99 98I845,63 Notional Loan 1734.348 67457.593 69,191.94 Notional Equity 743.29 28 910.40 29,653.69 Total 2,477.64 96,367.99 98,845.63

Debt-Equity Ratio Debt 70 70 70 Equity 30 30 30 Total 100 100 100

Cumulative amount of Depreciation 344.06 9843.7 10187.76 Cumulative Repayment of Loan 10013.82 Initial S_Qares* 676.174 1 * Initial spares claimed for existing whose cut off date falls in current tariff period Details of remaining assets of the project yet to be commissioned needs to be included in Form -SB



Page 53: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

s. Particulars No.

A a) Opening Gross Block Amount as per books *

b) Amount of capital liabilities in A( a) above

c) Amount of (i) IDC {ii) FC (iii) FERV & (iv) i) Hedging cost included in A( a) above ii)

iii) iV)

(d) Amount of IEDC (excluding IDC, FC, FERV & Hedging cost) included in A( a) above

B (a)Addition in Gross Block amount during the period (b) Amount of Capital Liabilities in B(a) above

c) Amount of (i} IDC (ii) FC (iii) FERV & (iv) i) Hedging cost included in B(a) above · 7)

7if 1--'-iv)

(d) Amount of IEDC (excluding IDC, FC, FERV & Hedging cost) included in B(a) above

C (a) Closing Gross block amount as per books

(b) Amount of Capital Liabilities in C(a) above

c) Amount of (i) IDC (ii) FC (iii) FERV & (iv) i) Hedging cost included in C(a) above ii)

iii) 1--'-iv)

(d) Amount of IEDC (excluding IDC, FC, FERV & Hedging cost) included in C{a) above

D Net Cash outflow (Closing Gross Block -Capital liabilities)

Cash outflow during the period

Capital Cost for the purpose of Tariff Calculation

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern


LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham­Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Statement of Capital cost

(Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

Existing 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

i 2013-14 99,955.69 99,957.54 100,702.08 100,702.08 100,702.08 100,702.08 1

2,373.82 1,111.90 11.91 11.91 6.75 6.75 I

' !


16,370.05 16,370.05 16,370.05 16,370.05 16,370.05 16,370.05.

i I

- - - - - -I

1.85 744.54 ! - - - -


1.85 - - - - -

' I

I I - - - - -I

- - - - - -


99,957.54 100,702.08 100,702.08 100,702.08 100,702.08 100,702.08 I

1,111.90 11.91 7.88 6.75 6.75 6.751 j

I 16,370.05 16,370.05 16,370.05 16,370.05 16,370.05 16,370.05:



- - - - - - I I


98,845.64 100,690.17 100,694.20 100,695.33 100,695.33 100,695.33

1,263.17 1,844.53 4.03 1.13 - -98,845.64 100,690.17 100,694.20 100,695.33 100,695.33 100,695.33

Note : Capttal Cost mentioned in S.No A( a) mentioned above does not include cost of Rs 398.35 Lakh interalia including Company formation expenses of Rs 183.85 Lakh, Consultancy fee & Service Tax for Reactors of Rs 214.50 Lakh, which was disallowed by Hon'ble CERC from the completed cost of Project of Rs 101100.43 Lakh claimed in petition no 217m/2017



Page 54: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

s. Particulars No.

A a) Opening CWIP Amount as per books

b) Amount of capital liabilities in a above

c) Amount of (i) IDC (ii) FC (iii) FERV & (iv) i) Hedging cost included in A( a) above ii)

iii) ~

B a) Addition/Adjustment in CWIP Amount during the period {b) Amount of capital liabilities in B(a) above

c) Amount of (i) IDC {ii) FC (iii) FERV & (iv) i) Hedging cost included in B(a) above ii)

iii) IV)

C a) Capitalization(fransfer to Fixed asset of CWIP Amount {b) Amount of capital liabilities in C(a) above

c) Amount of (i) IDC (ii) FC (iii) FERV & (iv) i) ·Hedging cost included in C(a) above ii)

iii) ~

D a) Closing CWIP Amount as per books

(b) Amount of capital liabilities in D(a) above

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern


LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham­Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Statement of Capital Works in Progress

{Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

Existing 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 I 2013-14 I

399.97 506.80 - - - - I


134.58 10.24 - - - - I I I


- - - - - -



106.83 57.58 - - - - !

10.24 - - - - !

- I I

- - - - - -

564.38 - - - --

- - - - - -

- - - - - -





I I I 506.80

- - - - - I


10.24 - - - - -

c) Amount of (i) IDC (ii) FC (iii) fERV & (iv) i) Hedging cost included in D(a) above iif·

iii) - - - - - -----'--




Page 55: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

laypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern


LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-lHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Abstract of Capital Cost Estimates and Schedule of Commissioning for the New Projects

New projects Capital Cost Estimates

Board Of Directors I Agency approving the Capital cost estimates: Existing Project Date of approval of the Capital cost Estimate

lrRevised) Present Dav Cost Comoleted Cost

As on Scheduled COD of the

Price level of approved estimates As of End of __ Qtr. of transmission system I

the year __ transmission element I CnmmJJnir<'ltinn Svc;tpm

Foreign Exchange rate considered for the Capital cost estimates

Capital Cost excluding IDC, IEDC & FC

Foreign Component, if any (In MillionUS $ or the relevant Currency)

Domestic Component (Rs. Lakh) 84,332.03 84,332.03

Capital cost excluding IDC, FC, FERV & 84,332.03 84,332.03 Hedging Cost (Rs. Cr)

IDC, IEDC, FC, FERV & Hedging Cost Foreign Component, if any (In Million US $ or

the relevant Currencv)

Domestic Comoonent (Rs. Lakh) 16,370.05 16 370.05

Total IDC, FC, FERV & Hedging Cost (Rs 16,370.05 16,370.05 Lakh)

Rate of taxes & duties considered

Capital cost Including IDC, IEDC, FC, FERV & Hedging Cost

Foreign Component, if any (In MillionUS$ or equivalent currency)

Domestic Component (Rs. Lakh) 100,702.08 100,702.08

Capital cost Including IDC, IEDC & FC 100,702.08 100,702.08 (Rs.Lakhl

Schedule of Commisioning

CODofLILO 1st June 2011 (Actual)

COD of main Transmission Line 1st April 2012 (Actual) Note:- Completed Cost mentioned above does not include cost of Rs 398.35 Lakh interalia includ1ng Company formation expenses of Rs 183.85 Lakh, Consultancy fee & Service Tax for Reactors of Rs 214.50 Lakh, which was disallowed by Hon'ble CERC from the completed cost of Project of Rs 101100.43 Lakh claimed in petition no 217/TTI2017


Page 56: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

SI.No. Particulars


1 2 A TRANSMISSION LINE 1 Preliminary works 1.1 Desiqn .& Enqineerinq 1.2 Preliminary investigation, Right of

way, forest clearance, PTCC, general civil works etc.

1.3 Total Preliminarv works 2 Transmission Lines material 2.1 Towers Steel 2.2 Conductor 2.3 Earth Wire 2.4 Insulators 2.5 Hardware Fittinos 2.6 Conductor & Earth wire accessories 2.7 Soares 2.8 Erection, Stringing & Civil works

includina foundation 2.8 Reactor (Compensating Equipment

I (Reactor SVCs etc) Total Transmission Lines material

3 Taxes and Duties 3.1 Custom Dutv 3.2 Other Taxes & Duties

Total Taxes & Duties Total -Transmission lines

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern


PART-III Form- 5

LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line ·

400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Element wise Break-up of Proiect Cost for Transmission System (Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

As per Original Estimates Actual Capital Expenditure as Rea so

on COD Liabilities I Variation nsfor Admitted Provisions (6=3-4-5) variati Cost

Quantity Rate Estimated Amount

Quantity Rate Actual Amount on

3 4 5 6 7 8

2293 26 -2319 2293.00

3389 13153 40 -9804 13564.00

3389 15446 66 -12123 15857.00

17063 20126 485 -3548 20465.68 19464 14999 35 4430 14998.07

218 4 0 214 4.00 4716 3094 40 1582 3123.63 4842 65 0 4777 65.00 1135 23 0 1112 23.00

0 0 0 0 0.00 -·Qu 19770 21203 809 -2242 22950.56 J.J

1854 1648 0 206 1484.29 •\..1.1 \o-

69062 61162 1369 6531 63114.23 . "( 1>-p ()~

* 5200 0.00 0.00 5200 0.00 ~=-5200 0.00 0.00 5200 0.00~ 77651 76608 1435 -392 78971.23 < _.,., . '


;:l *" {~~"'

Page 57: L, - Jaypee Powergrid


(Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

As per Original Estimates Actual Capital Expenditure as Rea so on COD Liabilities I Variation nsfor Admitted SI.No. Particulars

Provisions . (6=3-4-5j_ variati Cost B. SUBSTATIONS 4 Preliminarv works & land 4.1 Desian & Enaineerina 4.2 Land 4.3 Site preparation

Total Preliminary works & land . .,., 5 Civil Works 5.1 Control Room & Office Building

includina HVAC 5.2 Townshio & Colonv Cost 5.3 Roads and Drainaae 5.4 Foundation for structures


5.5 Misc. civil works ed by

Total Civil Works Hon'BI

6 Substation Eauioments e

6.1 Switchgear (CT,PT, Circuit Breaker, 1,065 - - 1,217 - Co miss 1169 Isolator Reactor etc.)

(15,200) ion 6.2 Transformers vide 6.3 Compensating Equipment (Reactor, Order

SVCs etc) dated 6.4 Control Relav & Protection Panel 07.05. 6.5 PLCC 2015 6.6 HVDC oackaae and -6.7 Bus Bars/ conductors/Insulators trued 1'\E.RG~ 6.8 Outdoor liahtina

~a 6.9 Emeraencv D.G. Set up Q. I'"'

vide ~UJ -6.10 Groundina Svstem u.l ~ 6.11 Structure for switchvard

Order o.- 'I dated -1jy, ()~

Total Sub Station Eauioment 1065 1,217 - (15,200) 1169.00 f'* 7 Soares 22.05. -8 Taxes and Duties 2019 8.1 Custom Dutv 8.2 Other Taxes & Duties . 8.3 Total Taxes & Duties -Total (Sub-station) 1,065.00 1217.00 - (15,200.00) 1169.00~ .

0 ~-- . .

(~(~~jt ~ ~J ~- ;,_

Page 58: L, - Jaypee Powergrid


(Amount in Rs.Lakhs}

As per Original Estimates Actual Capital Expenditure as Reaso on COD Liabilities I Variation nsfor Admitted SI.No. Particulars

Provisions (6=3-4-5) variati Cost c Communication Svstem 9.1 Preliminary Works 9.2 Communication System equipment's

9.3 Taxes and Duties Total (Communication Svstem)

10 Construction and pre-commissioning expenses

10.1 Site supervision & site admn.etc. 7 538 0 0 3 679 113 3 746 4192 10.2 Tools and Plants 10.3 Construction Insurance

Total Construction and pre 7,538 3,679 113 3,746 4192 commissioning exoenses

11 Overheads 11.1 Establishment 11.2 Audit & Accounts 11.3 Continaencv 2 266

Total Overheads 2 266 0 0 0 0 12 Cost Plant & Machinerv 88 520 81504 1548 (11846) 84332 13 Capital Cost including Cost Plant

& Machinerv 13.1 Interest Durinq Construction (!DC) 9 585 0 0 15 474 72 (5 961) 15538 13.2 Financinq Charaes (FC) 0 0 0 832 4 (836) 832 13.3 Foreign Exchange Rate Variation

fFERV) 13.4 Hedging Cost

Total of IDC, FC, FERV & Hedging 9,585 16,306 76 (6,797) 16370 Cost

13.0 Capital cost including IDC, FC, 98,105 97,810 1,624 (18,643) 100702 FERV & Hedging Cost

Note:- Completed Cost mentroned above does not rnclude cost of Rs 398.35 Lakh rnteralra rncludrng Company formatron expenses of Rs 183.85 Lakh, Consultancy fee & Servrce Tax for Reactors of Rs 214.50 Lakh, which was disallowed by Hon'ble CERC from the completed cost of Project of Rs 101100.43 Lakh claimed in petition no 217/TI/2017


Page 59: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region: Name of the Project : Name of the Transmission Element :

S.No Name/No of Construction /Supply/Service package

1 Tower package Al for supply- L&T Ltd

2 Tower package Al for Erection - L& T Ltd

3 Tower package A2 for supply - L& T Ltd

t; ~:

4 Tower package A2 for Erection · L& T Ltd

5 Tower package A3 for supply- ATSL

6 Tower package A3 for Erection - ATSL

7 Insulators package Supply - Aditya Birla Insulators

8 Conductor package Supply - Sterlite Technologies Ltd.

9 Conductor package Supply- Apar Ind. Ltd

10 Sub Station at Abdullapur - Powergrid Corpn of India Ltd

11 Reactors package - Jaiprakash Associates


Jaypee Powergrid Ltd., Northern Region. LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullaour 400 KV, D.C .. Ouad Transmission line 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Break-up of Construction/Supply/Sevice packages

Scope of works Whether No. of Date of Date of Date of Value of Firm or awarded bfds Award Start of Completion Award with

through ICB I Received Work of work (Rs I Lakh) Esclation DCB/Departmen in Prices

tally/Deposit work etc.

JPL/KWTL/Al/LOA-I dated 22.2.2008 - SUPPLY DCB 6 22.2.2008 22.2.2008 1.4.2012 56.44 With CONTRACT( This interalia includes Earth Wire, Prices Hardware Fittings and Accessories for Conductor

IR. l=~rrh w;.,, Esclation

JPL/KWTL/ A1/LOA-II dated 22.2.2008 - DCB 6 22.2.2008 22.2.2008 1.4.2012 58.26 -do-E , CONTRACT JPL/KWTL/A2/LOA-1 dated 22.2.2008 -SUPPLY DCB 6 22.2.2008 22.2.2008 1.4.2012 55.91 -do-CONTRACT ( This interalia includesEarth Wire, Hardware Fittings and Accessories for Conductor & Earth Wire)

JPL/KWTL/ A2/LOA-II dated 22.2.2008 - DCB 6 22.2.2008 22.2.2008 1.4.2012 51.52 -do-ERECTION CONTRACT

JPL/KWTL/A3/LOA-I dated 22.2.2008 - SUPPLY DCB 7 22.2.2008 22.2.2008 1.4.2012 30.56 -do-CONTRACT ( This interalia includesEarth Wire, Hardware Fittings and Accessories for Conductor & Earth Wire) JPL/KWTL/ A3/LOA-II dated 22.2.2008 DCB 7 22.2.2008 22.2.2008 1.4.2012 23.67 ·do-ERECTION CONTRACT

JPL/KWTL/insulator/04 dated 02.07.2008 - DCB 4 02.07.2008 02.07.2008 1.4.2012 24.92 -do-SUPPLY CONTRACT

JPL/KWTL/ Cond. /06 dated 14.08.2008-SUPPLY DCB 4 14.08.2008 14.08.2008 1.4.2012 84.32 -do-CONTRACT

JPL/KWTL/ Cond. /05 dated 14.8.2008- SUPPLY DCB 4 14.08.2008 14.08.2008 1.4.2012 80.87 ·do-CONTRACT Contract dated lOth March, 2008 - SUPPLY Deposit work 1 10.03.2008 10.03.2008 1.4.2012 10.74 -do-CUM ERECTION CONTRACT

Contract dated 25. 01.2010 - SUPPLY CUM Departmentally 1 25.01.2010 25.01.2010 1.4.2012 16.66 -do-I ERECTION CONTRA IT


--'~~ !*~..~..~~ ~ (') ·- ,..,.,J * ~~ ~JJ

Actual Taxes Expenditure and

Till the Duties completion or and

upto COD IEDC whichever is (Rs./

earlier Lakh) rRs./Lakh\




97.52 .-< .-<

0 38.17


.!: '0 QJ '0 :J u

21.53 .s








(Amount In Rs Crores)

IDC,FC,FE Sub-Total RV& (Rs./

HEDGING Lakh) COST (Rs./ Lakh)




97.52 co Lrl

E 38.17 (5 LL

(;; 0.

.:2 21.53






623.78 -/,:·,1~. '-- i~ G,<;:>,

/(J I:!; '" I ;: PET!-' ER I::.':

-rp, (:; 1'*0

Page 60: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern


LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham­Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Details Of Elementwise Cost of the Project

S.NO. Name of line Apportioned Revised cost Completed Covered in the Present I approved Cost estimates, if Cost Petition,


(Rs./ Lakh) (Rs./ Lakh) (Rs./ Lakh) Yes/No If No, Petition . No.

Cost of ULO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV,

1 D.C., Quad Transmission Line as on 97,040.00 96,593.00 99,533.23 Yes 01.04.2012 for Tariff Block 2009-14 period in Northern Region

Substations - --------


S.NO. ·Name of Substation Apportioned Revised cost Completed Covered in the Present !

approved Cost estimates, if Cost Petition, applicable

(Rs./ Lakh) (Rs./ Lakh) (Rs./ Lakh) Yes/No If No, Petition No.

1 400/220kV Sub-station at Abdulla pur 1,065.00 1,217.00 1,169.00 Yes

Note:- Completed Cost mentioned above does not include cost of Rs 398.35 Lakh interalia including Company formation expenses of Rs 183.85 Lakh, Consultancy fee & Service Tax for Reactors of Rs 214.50 Lakh, which was disallowed by Hon'ble CERC from the completed cost of Project of Rs 101100.43 Lakh claimed in petition no 217/TT/2017




Page 61: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner :

Name of Region:

Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

Project Cost as on COD (Rs./ Lakhs) Date of Commercial Operation of the LILO Date of Commercial Operation of the Transmission element



Total Loan

Equitv-ForPion [)ompo;tir rot;,l Fo11itli [)pht · Fn11itli 1;,tio

ITotal rn<:t

I Add can for Year-1 I Add can for Year-2 I Add r;m for YPilr-3 I Arlrl riln for YPilr-4 I Arlrl r;,n for YP;,r-S

TotaiC,.nit"l rn<:t with "rid r"n.

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd.,

Northern Region


LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA~JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line 97,810.00



Financial Package upto COD

Financial Package as Financial Package as on COD

Currency and Amount Currency and Amount

2 3 4 5 Rs 20 000.00 Rs 19 430.00 Rs 1S,OOO.OO Rs 14,S72.00 Rs 10 000.00 Rs 9 71S.OO Rs 6 000.00 Rs Rs 7 000.00 Rs Rs 12 000.00 Rs Rs Rs 24 284.00

70,000.00 68 001.00

Ro; - Ro; -R~ 30.000.00 Rs JG.200.00 R<: ':In nnn nn Ro; 29.200.00 R<: 70·'m·oo R<: 70:30:00 Rs tnn nnn nn R<: Q7_7ot.nn

(Amount in Rs Lakhs)

As Admitted on COD

Currency and Amount

6 7 Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs

67 248.11

Rs -Rs 2!\_!\20.62 Rs 7R R7n ~') Ro; 70:30:00 R<; Qfi.OfiR.73

1.611.41 1.165.50_ 1.R44.53

4.03 1.13

100.695.33 Note:- Completed Cost ment1oned above does not mclude cost of Rs 398.3S Lakh mteraila mcludmg Company formation expenses of Rs 183.85 Lakh, Consultancy fee & Service Tax for Reactors of Rs 214.50 Lakh, which was disallowed by Hon'ble CERC from the completed cost of Project of Rs 101100.43 La~h claimed in petition no 217/TT/2017


Page 62: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner: Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

Work/Equipment added after COD S.No. up to Cut off Date/Beyond Cut off

Date 1 2

(Crop/Tree Compensation, payment of liabilities towards Supply I Erection I

1 Inspection I work release of pending payment of interest etc.)

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern



LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transm-ission line 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Statement of Additional Capitalisation after COD

(Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

Amount Capitalised} Proposed to be Ca~ italised . ! Regulations under I Ad "tt d C t

2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 Total Justification h" h I . d I mJ e os w JC ca1me


3 4 5 6 7

Release of pending 1,844.53 4.03 1.13 - - 1,849.69 liabilities I pending Regulation 14 (1) Regulation 14 (1)

work execution I

Page 63: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region : Name of the Project:

Name of the Transmission Element :

Financial Year (Startinq from COD) 1

Amount capitalised in Work/Equipment

Financinq Details Loanl Loan2 Loan3 Loan4 LoanS

Loan 6 Total

E_quity Internal Resources Others


Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern


LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham­Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Financing of Additional Capitalization

(Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

Pro· ected I Actual Admitted Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 YearS Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 YearS

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


No Separate financing for additional capitalisation

Page 64: L, - Jaypee Powergrid


Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region : Name of the Project: .

Name of the Tansmission Element :

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern


LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA­JHAKRl Transmission line and Karcham­Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Statement of Additional Capitalisation during fag end* of the Project

Sr. Year Work/Equipment Amount Justification Impact on No. added five years capitalised for life

before the useful /Proposed to capitalisation extension life be proposed

capitalized /D.- I -.t,l.'

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 Not Applicable 4 5

J~ J

Page 65: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

S.No. Particulars

1 2 Ll Equity as on COD I Admitted Equity

1.2 f\Jotional Equity for Add Cap

1.3 Total Equity

1.4 Return on Equity Total

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern


LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham­Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Calculation of Return on Equity

(Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

Existing 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2013-14

3 4 5 6 7 8 29,304.04 29,653.69 30,207.05 30,208.26 30,208.60 30,208.60

174.83 276.68 0.60 0.17 - -

29,478.87 29,930.37 30,207.66 30,208.43 30,208.60 30,208.60

5,780.81 5,869.48 5,952.56 5,952.71 ~,952.74 5,968.47

Page 66: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

"1ihN Wooottt'· ill .., Wlo ":Si'U1"'YM fi i" !MM!"~;o;·r7"f'Df'i<l!WZ ... W~~~;;r~· fln' .. ffl¥?1' 11H)jlp :Z'!r=rc~btaQ!BlJISN:!iM' C Plirf~..:'"~



Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region :

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern


Name of the Project :

LILD of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Name of the Transmission Element : 400 kv ULO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line · Exchange Rate on date/s of infusion:

Del;!&ls of Foretqn_E..!J.!!.in , (Details only in respect of Equity infusion if any applicable to the project under petition)

(Amount in Lakh

Sl. Financial Year Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 and so on 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Amount Exchange Amount

Amount Exchange Amount

Amount Exchange Amount

Date (Foreign Date (Foreign Date (Foreign Currency)

Rate (Rs.) Currency)

Rate (Rs.) Currency)

Rate (Rs.)


A.1 At the date of infusion2 2 3 4

B Currency21

1 2 3


A.1 At the date of infusion2 2 3 4

B Currencv41 & so on 1 At the date of infusion2 2 3

1Name of the currency to be mentioned P..Q. US $, DM, etc. etc. · 2In case of equity infusion more than once durinq the year, Exchanqe rate ut the date of each infusion to be given.




Page 67: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

laypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern



LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line. and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Details of additional RoE

Completion Time as per Actual Completion time Qualifying I [ Project/

Investment approval time

Scheduled Actual schedule( as Elemen Start COD Start COD per

Months Months regulation) Date (Date) Date (Date) (in months)


2 Not Applicable



Page 68: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

m !FJ%ltti!M' :i:229'7Y!ilf 11 ~:&: h ';!f!• ·Kx!S?'"w·,NQ ~~~-*-~~~~~- QOOW =:p="=mn··e/MIQ;."1\'flUilfNKft'?Wi":?'ffMW!"fQt)"!X:W;.W;)!j"p'!(??!P;;O?Il;~


Name of _the Petitioner :

Name of Ragimt:

Name of the Project :

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd.



_ LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and i<archam-Abdullapur 400 KV, - D.C., Quad Transmission line

Name of the Transmission Element : 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Details of Allocation of corporate loans to various transmission elements

(Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

Particulars Packagel I Package2 · I Package3 I Package4

1 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 Source of Loan Currency2 ~~~ of Loan sanctioned S RS. Amount of Gross Loan drawn upto 31.03.2014 L COD Interest Tvoe6 Fixed Interest R~ if applicable Base Rate if Floatinq Interest7 % ~~ ifFioa~Dterest8 --Are there anv ~s/Fioor9

Not Applicable. 1f.M>ove is'_yes,spe<~s/floor Moratorium_ Perlod10 Moratorium cffeqive from -- ' Repayment Perioclll .. Repayment effective from ~payment Freguencv12 R~avment !nstalment13 14 Base Exchanqe Rate16 Are foreiqn currencv loan hedqed? If above is ves specifv details17

Distribution of loan packages to various transmission elements

Name of Proiects

Transmission El'errient 1 Not Applicable

Western ReQion




Page 69: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name· of the Petitioner : Name of Region: Name ofthe Proje!ct :: ' ···

~~:, r· l" o;.,,: ~.··: '. ,•;'f ··:·•',•'\'\ ~.··'. ~· ,;· •I"{ •• ;,•'•

Name of the Transmission Element :

Jaypee Powergrid ltd. Northern



_:·.;_ :ULO of 400 ,. ~-;' _,;?C BASPA~NAPTHA~JHAKRI

Transmission linE!. and. Karcham~Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmissio•1 line · 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Details of Project Specific Loans

(Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

Particulars Packaael Packaae2 Packaae3 Package4 1 2 ·.· 3' 4 5


Currenc~ INR INR INR INR Amount of Loan sanctioned 25000 20000 ... 15000 10000 Amourit of Gross Loan drawn upto

24284.00 19130.00 14572.00 9715.00 31.03.2014 Interest Type ,• Floatina - Floatina Floatina Floatinq Fixed Interest Rate[ if a[;![;!licable - - . - -Base Ra~: if Floating Interest(%) 10.00% 10.75% 10.75% 10.50% Margin[ Lf Floatina Interest Yes Yes Yes Yes % . _·.' 2.00% : 2:.50% . 2.25% 2.00%


'""'--'--- ----' . A!:tlhere an~ CaQsLFloor - No - No No No If above_ is yes[SRecify ca_P-sLfloor NA . . NA NA NA ---- 1--------- --..:...-:-------~

11Q@_torium P@riod 1 ~ar. 6 months 6 months 6 months

-Moratqrium effective from COD COD COD COD Repayment Period 44 Installments 46 Installments

Repayment effective from 12 months after 6 Months after COD

COD J Repayment Frequency Quarterlv Ouarterlv Ouarterlv Quarterly I Repayment Instalment See Note 2 .434.79 ' 326.10 217.40 J Base Exchange Rate N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Are foreiqn cui-rencv loq_n h~dgeg? ____ N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Note: 1. Loan of ICICI Bank, Indian Overseas Bank, United Bank of India has been refinanced by the State Bank Of India. The details of the original financing are given in the Annexure-1 to Form-7.

2. Repayment schedule of sB,L;$ <;~r~exed as Annexure-2 to Form 7


, I~····' q


Page 70: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

. ·. , ... ···' · · Name of the Petitioner: Name of Region:

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd • Northern · · • :. -. ·:' ·· :' ''··· :·:


· Name .of the Project : ULO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and ,.,,:--·'·-~:-.<; ~·;··'!!';•:: ·•r"' :· .. ·. · .' · . ': ., '·""·'·:,.,, ;. :· ·. ~{an:ham-Abdu!iapur 430 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Name -of the Transmission Element : 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line . . . . . . ... ' .•

' Details of Project Specific Loans (Original)

(Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

t= Particulars Packagel Package2 Packa_g_e3 Packag_e4 PackageS Package6

1 2 3 .. 4 5 6 7 j

Source of Loan ICICI1 PNB CB OF 1081 J&K BANK UBI1

f---- _ INDIA Currency INR INR . INR INR INR INR I Amount of Loan sanctioned 6000 20000 · 15000 12000 10000 7000

[Amount of Gross Loan drawn uptol 4987.57 1 194~ refinancina bv the reso_ective lender

0.00 14572.00 9976.10

Interest Type _ 1 Floating 1 Floating 1 Floating 1 Floating I Floating I Floating Fixed Interest Rate; if aoolicable - - - -!3aseRatet.lf FIQating Interest(%) 8.}5% 10.75% 10.75% 9.50% 10.00% 9.45% Margin, if Floating Interest Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ~ . 4.00% 2.50% . 2.25% 1.50% 2.00% 2.05%

_tb_ere any Caps/Floor _No No _ -~ - 1\Jo No No No I If above is ves soecifv caos/floor NA NA NA. NA NA · NA ~oratorium Period - 6 months 6 months· · 6 months 6 months . 6 months 6 months Moratorium effective from COD COO COD COD COD COD _________ " ____________ ----------- - ------~epayment'Period -t ·.46 Installments ~~e9..L!:!:}enl_~ective f.!:SJm _______ ____ • :.6 Months aft~r, COD. Repayment Frequenty · . _Quarterly Quarterly · .Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly

··Repayment Instalment : I 130~ 1--_434.78 326.09 260.87 217.39 15~ Base Exchange Rate NA NA · NA · NA NA NA Are foreiqn currencv loan hedqed? NA NA NA NA NA NA

Note: 1. Loan of ICICI Bank, Indian Overseas Bank, United Bank of India has been refinanced by the State Bank Of India. The details of the same are given in the Form 7 separately

• "', ... -· •·

'·· ··""


1", i .:

: .~ • .'; ~. t' :1

Page 71: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Annexure-2 to Form-9A

~ ~ \" -. .,

:1"\~ >: _1,

.... ·,

' ~

-·--------· --~ State Bank of India, NEW DELHI.

___ Term Loan A/c:No. 320~2_86oo6~ -~-._!~an Amo~nt Rs. 250,00,00,0~0/:- ,:._

· Instal 1· .. · .. Installment CummqlatiVe ... · -~ ment Due Date. . . . . . . A t. A . t P "d Balance Outstandmg moun moun a1 . · .

J- 1 3I/03/itn3··~-:-~,-; : '43;Jso;ooo ----~~,?~o,ooo 2,4s6~2io~ou.o

•'.-" · ... ,·

2 30/06/2013 . ·. 43,750,000 87,500,000 2,412,500,000 3 30/09/2013 43,750,000 131,250,000 2,368,750,000 4 31/12/2013.. 43,750,000 175,000,000 2;325,000,000 5 31/03/2014 43,750,000 218,750,000 2,281,250,000 6 30/06/2014 43,750,000 262,500,000 2,2~7,500,000 7 30/09/2014 43,750,000 306,250(000 2,193,750,000 8 31/12/2014• 43,750,000 350,000,000 2,150,000,000 9 31/03/2015 50,000,000 400,000,000 2,100,000,000 10 30/06/2015 . 50,000,000 450,000,000 2,050,000,000 11 30/09/2015 . 50,000,000 500,000,000 2,000,000,000 12 31/12/2015 50,000,000 550,000,000 .1,950,000,000 13 31/03/2016 50,000,000 600,000,000 1,900,000,000 14 30/06/2016 50,000,000 650,000,000 1,850,000~000

/ 15 30/09/2016 50,000,000 700,000,0.00 1,800,00Q,OOO 16 31/12/2016 50,000,000 750.,000,000 1,750,000,000 17 31/03/2017 50,000,000 800,000,000 1,700,000,000 18 30/06/2017 50,000,000 850,000,000 1,650,000,000 19 30/09/2017 50,000,000 900,000,000 1,600,000,0QO 20 31/12/2017 50,000,000 950,000,000 1,550,000,000 21 31/03/2018 56,250,000 1,006,.250,000 1,493,750,000 22 30/06/2018 56,250,000 1,0"62,500.,000 1,437,500,000 23 30/09/2018 56,250,000 1,118,750,000 (381,250,000 24 31/12/2018 56,250,000 1,175,000,000 . 1,325,000;000 25 31./03/2019 . . ·56,2so,ooo 1,231,25o,ooo 1,268,75o;ooo 26 30/06/2019 56,250,000 1,287,500,000 1,212,500,000 27 30/09/2019 56,250,000 1,343,750,000 1,156,250,000 28 31/12/2019 . 56,250,000 1,400,000,000 1,100,000,000 29 31/03/2020 62,500,000 1,462,500,000 1,037,500,000 30 30/06/2020 62,500,000 1,525,000,000 975,000,000 31 30/09/2020 62,500,000 1,587,500,000 912,500,000 32 31/12/2020 62,500_.000 1,650,000,000 850,000,000 33 31/03/2021 62,500,000 1,712,500,000 787,500,000 34 30/06/2021 62,500,000 1,775,000,000 725,000,000 35 30/09/2021 62,500,000 1,837,500,000 662,500,000 36 31/12/2021 62,500,000 1,900,000,000 600,000,000 37 31/03/2022 62,500,000 1,962,500,000 537,500,000 38 30/06/2022 62,500,000 2,025,000,000 475,000,000 39 30/09/2022 62,500,000 2,087,500,000 412,500,000 40 31/12/2022 ,. .. 62,500,000 2,150,000,000 350,000,000 41 31/03/2023. ' ! ·. 87,500,000 2,237,500,000 262,500,000 42 30/06/2023 . . 87,500,000 2,325,000,000 175,000,000 43 30/09/2023 87,500,000 2,412,500,000 87,500,000 44 31/12/2023 87,500,000 2,500,000,000



Page 72: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : Name of the Region :

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern


Name of the Project :

LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Name of the Transmission Element : 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line Exchange Rate at COD : Exchange Rate as on 31.03.2009 :

Details of Foreign loans (Details only in respect of loans applicable to the project under petition)

51. Financial Year (Starting from COD) Year 1 Year 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Amount Exchange Amount

Amount Exchange Amount , Date (Foreign Date (Foreign Date

Currency) Rate (Rs.)

Currency) Rate (Rs.)


A.1 At the date of Drawl2 2 Scheduled rePavment date of Princical 3 Scheduled oavment date of interest 4 At the end of Financial vear

B In case of Hedqinq3 1 At the date of hed_gj11_q 2 Period of hed_ging_ 3 Cost of hedaina


A.! At the date of Drawl2 2 Scheduled repayment date of principal 3 Scheduled_lliDiment date of interest 4 At the end of Financial vear NOT APPliCABLE

·B In case of Hedaina3 1 At the date of hedaina 2 Period of hedqinq 3 Cost of hedqinq

Currencv31 & so on A.1 At the date of Drawl2

2 Scheduled repayment date of principal 3 Scheduled payment date of interest 4 At the end of Financial vear

B In case of Hedaina3 1 At the date of hedaina 2 Period of hedqlnq 3 Cost of he(jqinq

'Name of the currenc:Y to be mentioned e.q. US $, DM, etc. etc. 2In<ase of more than one drawl durinq the year, Exchanqe rate at the date of each drawl to be qiven. 3Furnish details of hedqina, in j:ase of more than one hedqinq durinq the year or part hedqinq, details of each hedqina are to be qiven. 'Tax-(such as withholdinq tax) details as applicable includinq chanqe in rates, date from which chanqe effective etc. must be clearly indicated.

. f. .. ••.

d~ 9

\J-\IIIUUIIL lllldL!:J

Year 3 and so on 11 12 13

Amount Exchange Amount

(Foreign Currency)

Rate (Rs.)


Page 73: L, - Jaypee Powergrid


Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

Jaypee Pow Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern Northern


LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Calculation of Weighted Average Rate of Interest on Actual loans

(Amount in Rs.Lakhsl

Particulars Existing 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2013-14

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Loan-1 -

PNB Gross loan - Ooeninq 20 000.00 20 000.00 20 000.00 20 000.00 20 000.00 20 000.00 Cumulative repayments of Loans upto

1,739.16 3,478.32 5,217.48 6,956.64 8,695.80 10,434.96 orevious vear Net loan - Opening 18 260.84 16 521.68 14 782.52 13 043.36 11 304.20 9 565.04 Add: Drawal(s) durinq the Year - - - - - -less: Repayment (s) of loans during the vear

1,739.16 1,739.16 1,739.16 1,739.16 1,739.16 1,739.16

Net loan - Closing 16 521.68 14 782.52 13 043.36 11 304.20 9 565.04 7 825.88 Averaoe Net Loan 17 391.26 15 652.10 13 912.94 12 173.78 10 434.62 8 695.46


Rate of Interest on Loan on annual basis 12.37% 12.17% 11.81% 11.52% 11.65% 11.15%:

Interest on loan 2 151.30 1 904.55 1 643.35 1402.58 1 215.45 969.95 Loan repayment effective from (date to be 1st July 2012 j ,./I

Loan-2 CENTRAL BANK OF INDIA Gross loan - Opening · 15 000.00 15 000.00 15 000.00 15 000.00 15 000.00' 15 000.00 Cumulative repayments of Loans upto 1,304.40 2,608.80 3,913.20 5,217.60 6,522.00 7,826.40 I orevious vear Net loan - Ooenino 13 695.60 12 391.20 11 086.80 9 782.40 8 478.00 7 173.60 Add: Drawal(s) during the Year - - - - - -Less: Repayment(s) of Loans during the 1,304.40 1,304.40 1,304.40 1,304.40 1,304.40 1,304.40 lvear Net loan - Closinq 12 391.20 11086.80 9 782.40 8 478.00 7 173.60 5 869.20 Average Net Loan 13 043.40 11 739.00 10 434.60 9 130.20 7 825.80 6 521.40

Rate of Interest on Loan on annual basis 11.71% 12.17% 11.76% 11.50% 11.54% 11.01%

Interest on loan 1 527.38 1 428.41 1 226.68 1 050.29 902.89. 717.79 Loan repayment effective from (date to be 1st July 2012 indicated) Loan-3 The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd. Gross loan - Opening . 10 000.00 10 000.00 10 000.00 10 000.00 10 000.00 10 000.00 Cumulative repayments of. Loans upto orevious vear

869.ti0 1,739.20 2,608.80 3,478.40 4,348.00 5,217.60

Net loan - Ooeninq 9 130.40 8 260.80 7 391.20 6 521.60 5 652.00 4 782.40 Add: Drawal(s) during the Year - - - - - -Less: Repayment (s) of Loans during the

869.60 869.60 869.60 869.60 869.60 869.60 vear Net loan - Closing 8 260.80 7 391.20 6 521.60 5 652.00 4 782.40 3 912.80 Average Net Loan 8 695.60 7 826.00 6 956.40 6 086.80 5 217.20 4 347.60

Rate of Interest on Loan on annual basis 11.54% 12.17% 11.76% 11.50% 11.54% 1Ul3%

Interest on loan 1 003.47 952.27 817.79 700.19 601.93 479.63 Loan repayment effective from (date to be 1st July 2012 indicated)


Page 74: L, - Jaypee Powergrid


1 Loan-4 SBI Gross loan - Ooeninq Cumulative repayments of Loans upto nrevio~ar Net loan - Opening Add: Drawal(s) durinq the Year Less: Repayment (s) of Loans during the vear Net loan - Closing Averaoe Net Loan

Rate of Interest on Loan on annual basis

Interest on loan Loan repayment effective from (date to be I indicated) TOTAL Gross loan - Opening Cumulative repayments of Loans upto orevious vear Net loan - Ooeninq Add: Drawal(s) during the Year Less: Repayment {s) of Loans during the vear Net loan - Closino Average Net Loan Interest on loan Weighted Average Rate of interest on Loan

. '


Existing 2014-15 2013-14

2 3

25 000.00 25 000.00

437.50 2,187.50

24 562.50 22 812.50 - -

1,750.00 1,812.50

22 812.50 21 000.00 23 687.50 21 906.25

11.93% 12.14%

2 825.94 2 658.37

70 000.00 70 000.00

4,350.66 10,013.82

65 649.34 59 986.18 - -

5,663.16 5,725.66

59 986.18 54 260.52 62 817.76 57 123.35

7 508.09 6 943.60

11.9522% 12.16%


2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

4 5 6 7

25 000.00 25 000.00 25 000.00 25 000.00

4,000.00 6,000.00 8,000.00 10,062.50

21 000.00 19 000.00 17 000.00 14 937.50 - - - -

2,000.00 2,000.00 2,062.50 2,250.00

19 000.00 17 000.00 14 937.50 12 687.50 20 000.00 18 000.00 15 968.75 13 812.50

11.72% 11.46% 11.37% 11.18%

2 343.48 2 062.58 1 814.96 1 544.48

31st March 2013

70 000.00 70 000.00 70 000.00 70 000.00

15,739.48 21,652.64 27,565.80 33,541.46

54 260.52 48 347.36 42 434.20 36 458.54 - - - -

5,913.16 5,913.16 5,975.66 6,163.16

48 347.36 42 434.20 36 458.54 30 295.38 51 303.94 45 390.78 39 446.37 33 376.96

6 031.30 5 215:64 4 535.23 3 711.85

11.76% 11.49% 11.50% 11.12%


Page 75: L, - Jaypee Powergrid


Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

Jaypee Pc Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern Northern


LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Loans in Foreign Currency

Particulars Existing 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2013-14

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Foreian Loan-1 CUSD in Lakh) ExchanCie Rate Gross loan - Openinq Cumulative repayments of Loans upto


previous year Net loan - Opening Add: Drawal(s) during_ the Year Less: Repayment (s) of Loans during the year Not Applicable Net loan- Closing Average Net Loan

Rate of Interest on Loan on annual basis Interest on loan Loan repayment effective from (date to be indicated) Foreian Loan-1 (USD in Lakh) ExchanCie Rate Gross loan - Opening Cumulative repayments of Loans upto I previous year Net !oan - Openinq · Add: Drawal(s) durinq the Year Less: Repayment (s) of Loans during the year Not Applicable Net loan- Closing Averaqe Net Loan

Rate of Interest on Loan on annual basis Interest on loan Loan repayment effective from (date to be indicated)

Foreian Loan-3 CUSD in Lakh) Exchanae Rate Not Applicable

'- ~


Page 76: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner :

Name of Region : Name of the Project:

Name of the Transmission Element :

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd.




LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Calculation of Interest on Normative Loan

(Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

SI.No. Particulars Existing 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2013_-14

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Gross Normative loan - Opening 68,377.09 69,191.95 70,483.12 70,485.94 70,486.73 70,486.73

2 Cumulative repayment of Normative Loan upto

5,099.74 10,187.76 15,452.13 20,765.34 26,078.68 31,392.06 previous year

3 Net Normative loan - Openinq 63 277.35 59,004.19 55 030.99 49 720.60 44 408.05 39,094.68

4 Increase/Decrease due to ACE I de-catalisation

815.85 1,291.17 2.82 0.79 - -during the Year

5 Repayments of Normative Loan during the year 5,088.02 5,264.37 5,313.21 5,313.34 5,313.37 5,313.37

6 Net Normative loan - Closing_ 59 005.18 55 030.99 49 720.60 44 408.05 39 094.68 33 781.30 7 Averaqe Normative Loan 61 141.27 57 017.59 52 375.79 47,064.32 41 751.36 36 437.99

8 Weighted average Rate of Interest on actual

11.95% 12.16% 11.76% 11.4905% 11.50% 11.12% Loans

9 Interest on Normative loan 7,307.58 6,930.75 6,157.31 5,407.94 41800.24 4,052.27


Page 77: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : Jaypee Powergrid Ltd.

Name of Region : Northern Name of the Project: LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line Name of the Transmission 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line Element:

Calculation of Depreciation Rate

Depreciation rate Gross Block Depreciation Gross Block Depreciation i Gross Block Depreciation Gross Block Depreciation 51. as perCERC Name of the Assets as on Amount for as on Amount for as on Amount for as on Amount for No. depreciation 01/04/2014 FY 14-15 01/04/2015 FY 15 -16 I 01/04/2016 FY 16-17 01/04/2017 FY 17 -18

schedule 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Land 0.00% 63.27 - 63.27 - 63.27 - 63.27 -2 Transmission Line 5.28% 96 773.24 5 109.63 98 549.95 5 203.44 98 553.98 5 203.65 98 555.11 5 203.71 3 Sub-station 5.28% 1 386.42 73.20 1 386.42 73.20 1 386.42 73.20 1 386.42 73.20 4 Bilding & other Civil

I works 5.28% 496.57 26.22 564.39 29.80 564.39 29.80 564.39 29.80

5 PLCC 5.28% 126.13 6.66 126.13 5.66 126.13 6.66 126.13 6.66 TOIAL 98 845.63 5 215.71 100 690.16 5 313.10 100 694.19 5 313.31 100 695.32 5 313.37

'Weighted Average Rate

1of Depreciation(%) 5.2766% 5.2767% 5.2767% 5.2767%


_{_Amount in Rs. Lakhs)

Gross Block \ Depreciation as on Amount for

01/04/2018 FY 18-19

12 13 63.27 -

98 555.11 5 203.71 1 386.42 73.20

564.39 29.80

126.13 6.66 100 695.32 5,313.37



{~- :

Page 78: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

[st.No.l Financial Year I I 1 I 2

1 Openinq Capital Cost 2 Closinq Caoital Cost 3 Average Capital Cost 4 Freehold land 5 Rate of depreciation 6 Depreciable value 7 Balance sueful life at the beginning of the

lneriod 8 Remaininq depreciable value 9 Depreciation (for the period)

10 Deru-eciation (annualised) 11 Cumulative depreciation at the end of the

oeriod 12 Less: Cumulative depreciation adjustment

on account of de-capitalisation

13 Net Cumulative depreciation at the end of J the oeriod

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern



LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA~JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham­Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Statement of Depreciation (Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 --l 3 4 5 6 7 •· 8· ··I

97 680.13 98 845.63 100 690.17 100 694.20 100 695.33 1oo 6.95:33 I 98 845.63 100 690.17 100 694.20 100 695.33 100 695.33 100 695.33 J

98,262.88 99 767.90 100,692.19 100,694.77 100 695.33 100,695.33 63.27 63.27 63.27 63.27 63.27 63.27

5.1813% 5.2766% 5.2767% 5.2767% 5.2767% 5.2767%i 98 199.61 99 767.90 100 692.19 100 694.77 100 695.33 100 695.33

34 33 32 31 30 29

88 657.87 89 580.14 85 240.05 79 929.43 74 616.65 69 303.27 5 088.02 5 264.37 5,313.21 5 313.34 5,313.37 5,313.37 5,088.02 5 264.37 5,313.21 5,313.34 5J313.37 5 313.37 10,187.76 15,452.13 20,765.34 26,078.68 31,392.06 36,705.43

- - - - - -

i 10,187.76 15,452.13 20,765.34 26,078.68 31,392.06 36<~5.43 L

Page 79: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

51. Work/ No. Equipment

Year of proposed to be

Decapitalisation Decapitalised

1 2 3 ____L_ _l_ ____]______

~ . 5 r-r t------=--J.

. ·'

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern



LILO of 400 kv_ DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapu~· 400 K"V1

D.C., Quad Tran:Splission line

400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Statement of De-capitalisation (Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

Year of Original Book J Debt Equity Cumulative Cumulative Justification l capitalisation Value I ratio at the Depreciation Repayment of

of asset/ of the asset time of corresponding to Loan equipment being capitalisation decapitalisation corresponding to

being decapitalised decapitalisation I decapitalised I

I 4 5 6 7 8

~ .ii .

No Work 1 Equipment Decapitalised I I I


Page 80: L, - Jaypee Powergrid


· Name of the petitioner :

·Name of Region: Name ofthe Projec.t·:

"'1 '" ' ' T ~ : ' •' • :. ~ ' ••• ' n, .... , 4 ~ ~ '· 4 •

Nintie of the Transmission ·Eiement :

'Si~No. r· Particulars

1 2 1 0 & ~ expenses 2 0 & M expenses for 1 month

---3 Maintenance Spares

4 Recievables -5 Total Working Capital

6 Rate of Interest 7' Interest on Working Capital


Jaypet: Powergrid Ud.

Nonhefn '·


LILO of 400 kV DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line . and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Trarisrr;lssion lil'l<!

400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Calculation of Interest on Working Capital

(Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

Existing 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2013-14

3 4 5 6 7 --

392.10 356.86 368.64 380.79 393.53 406.60 32.68 29.74 30.72 31.73 32.79 33.88

-58.82 53.53 55.30 57.12 59.03 60.99 I

3,167.86 3,142.83 3,035.52 2,909.94 2,808.57 2,686.02

3,259.35 3,226.10 3,-121.54 2,998.79 2,900.40 2,780.90 13.46% 13.50% 13.50% 13.50% 13.50% 13.50%

438.65 435.52 421.41 404.84 391.55 375.42




Page 81: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region: Name of the Project : :/

Name of the Transmission Element :

Sl. Original No. Schedule (As

Description of per Planning)

Activity I Works /Service

Start Completion Date Date

1 2 3 4 1 2

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern


LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham­Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

400 kv LILO.and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Details of time over run

Actual Time Agency Reasons Other Schedule (As OverRun responsible and for delay Activity per Actual) whether such affected

time over run (Mention was beyond the Sr No control of the of activity

Start Completion Months Transmission affected) Date Date Licensee

5 6 7 8 9 10

3 Transmission Line already commissioned on 01.04.2012. Details for Time over run already submitted and already addmitted by the 4 5 6 7

Hon'ble Commission in its Order dated 07.05.2015 passed in Petition No. 37/TI/2011.

1 Delay on account of each reason in case of time overrun should be quantified and substantiated with necessary documents and supporting workings.

Page 82: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner :

Name of Region :

Name of the Project:

Name Date of Commercial Operation :

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd.



LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA­JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham­Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Incidental Expenditure during Construction

(Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

SI.No. Parameters Year-1 I Year-2 I Year-3 l Year-4 l Year-S I

1 2 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I

A Exoenses: 1 Employees' Remuneration & Benefits 2 Finance Costs 3 Water Charqes 4 Communication Expense 5 Power Charqes 6 Other Office and Administrative Exoenses 7 Others (Please Soecifv Details) LILO and Transmission Line already commissioned on 8 Other pre-Ooeratinq Expenses 01.06.2011 and 01.04.2012 respective1y.

············· B Total Expenses

Less: Income from sale of tenders Less: Income from quest house Less: Income recovered from Contractors Less: Interest on Deposits .........

Note: IEDC should be duly reconciled with the corresponding figures of Auditor's Certificate.


Jsq ~-

Page 83: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region:

Name of the Project : Name of the Transmission Element :

51 No. Particulars

1 loans 1.1 Foreign Loans

1.1.1 Foreiqn loan 1 Draw down Amount !DC


Foreiqn Exchanqe Rate Variation Hedging Cost

1.1.2 Foreiqn Loan 2 Draw down Amount !DC Foreign Exchange Rate Variation Hedging Cost

1.1 Total Foreign Loans Draw down Amount IDC Foreign Exchange Rate Variation Hedging Cost

1.2 Indian Loans 1.2.1 Indian Loan -1

Draw down Amount !DC

· Financing charges 1.2.2 Indian Loan -2

Draw down Amount !DC Financinq charqes

1.2 Total Indian Loans Draw down Amount !DC Financing charges

2 Equity

2.1 Foreign equity drawn

2.2 Indian equity drawn

Total equity deployed

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern


LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Draw Down Scheduie for Calculation of IDC & Financing Charges 1-\IIIUUIIL Ill I"'.:::O.Ldl\11:::0

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter n (COD) Quantum in Exchange Amount in Quantum in Exchange Amount in Quantum in Exchange Amount in

Foreign Rate on Indian Foreign Rate on Indian Foreign Rate on Indian currency draw down Rupee currency draw down Rupee currency draw down Rupee

date (Rs. Lakh) date (Rs. Lakh) date (Rs. Lakh)

ULO and Transmission Line already commissioned on 01.06.2011 and 01.04.2012 respectively. Details already submitted.


/~~~ . '.----· ··, <) \

'\ (~-~- ·\,__ --

\_/;/'··--:;;· ·-­~--



Page 84: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern


LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Name of the Transmission Element : 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Breakup of Initial Spares

Particulars Plant & IDC IE DC Year wise additional Total Initial spares Machinery Capital expenditure up Cost claimed

Cost to cut off date (excluding IDC

and IEDC) Upto

Year-1 Year-2 Year-3 Amount o/o, DOCO

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Transmission Line Transmission Substation I (Green Field/Brown Field) LILO and Transmission Line already commissioned on 01.06.2011 and 01.04.2012 respectively. PLCC Details of spares already submitted and already addmitted by the Hon'ble Commission in its Series Compensation devices HVDC Station

Order dated 07.05.2015 passed in Petition No. 37{fT/2011.

Gas Insulated Substation Communication Svstem




Page 85: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner :

Name of Region :

Name of the Project:

Name of the Transmission Element :

SI.No. Particulars

1 2 1 Interest on Loans and advances 2 Income from sale of scrcm_ 3 Misc. receipts {Please SQec_jfy_ Details) ... ... . .. _{_add)

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd.



LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Other Income as on COD

(Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

Existing 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 20_1.3_-14

3 4 5 6 7 8

TLILO and Transmission Line already commissioned on 01.06.2011 and 01.04.2012 respectively. Details already submitted .

.. .

"t, .. ~



Page 86: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern


LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Name of the Transmission Element : 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

ActuaiCash Exoenditure (Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

Quarter -1 Quarter -2 Quarter -3 Quarter -n (COD)


Payment to contractors/suppliers

LILO and Transmission Line already commissioned on 01.06.2011 and 01.04.2012 respectively. Details already submitted.

% of fund deployment


Page 87: L, - Jaypee Powergrid



Form No.







. FORM- 4 B


Form· 5

Form- 5A

FORM· 58








TARIFF FILING FORMS (TRANSMISSION) (\-W t\)' t'f-'·J%-Pb Name of the Transmission Licensee: IJaypee Powergrid Ltd.

Name of Region : .,Northern

Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :



JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham

Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad

Transmission line

400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad

Transmission line

Checklist of Forms and other information/ documents for tariff filing for Transmission System

Tariff Filing Formats (Transmission) I Tick Summary OF Tariff I Yes

Summary of Asset Level Cost

Details of Transmission Lines and Substations and Communication System covered in the project scope and O&M for instant asset

J Normative Parameters considered for tariff computations

Abstract of existing transmission assets/elements under project, Determin;::~tion of Effective COO and Weighted Average Life for single AFC for the project as whole

Statement of Capital cost

Statement of Capital Works in Progress

Abstract of Capital Cost Estimates and Schedule of Commissioning for the New Projects /Elements

Element wise Break-up of ProjecVAsseUEiemenl Cost for Trarismission System or Communication System

Break-up of Construction/Supply/Sevice packages

Details of all the assets covered in the project

Actual Cash Expenditure and Financ1al Package upto COD

Statement of Additional Capitalisation after COD

Financing of Additional Capitalization

Statement of Additional Capitalisation claimed during five year before the end of the useful life of the Prorect

Calculation of Return on Equity

Details of Foreign Equity

Details of Allocation of corporate loans to various transmission elements














Not Applicable


Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

FORM- 9A I Details of Project Specific Loans Yes

ANNEXURE-1.TO FORM-jDetails of Project Specific Loans (Ortginal) 9A

Annexure-2 to Form-9A 1State Bank ollndia. NEW DELHI











FORM- 14



Details of For~n loans Calculation of Weighted Average Rate of Interest on Actual Loans

Loans in Fore1qn Currency Calculation of Interest on Normative Loan

Calculation of Depreciation Rate on Original Project Cost

Statement of Depreciat1on

Statement of De-capitalisation

Calculation of Interest on Working Capital

Details of time over run

Incidental Expenditure during Construction

Draw Down Schedule for Calculation of IDC & Financing

Detail of initial Spares

Non-Tariff Income

Summary of issue invloved in the petition

Summary of Capital Cost & Annual Fixed Cost iAFC) claimed for ALL the assets covered in the present petition

Other Information/ Documents

51. No.


Information/Document Certificate of incorporation, Certificate for Commencment of Busu1ess Memorandum of Assoc1ation. & Articles of Association {New Project(s) setup by a company making tariff application for f~rst lime to CERQ_ Regionwise and Corporate audited Balance Sheet and Profit &

Loss Accounts with all the Schedules & annexures for the new Transmission System & for the relevant years.

Copies of relevant loan Agreements

Copies of the approval of Competent Authority for the Capital Cost and Financ1al package. Copies of the Equity participation agreements and necessary approval for the fore1qr) .§!_qwtv Copies of the BPTA/TSA with lhe beneficiaries, if any

Detailed note giv1ng reasons of 11me and cost over run. 1f applicable Any other relevant information (Please speCify)



Not Applicable Yes

Not Applicable Yes



Not Applicable

















Note·1 Electronic copy of the petition (111 wo1ds rcrmatj nnd clf:I.:JikJ (:31• ui?.IIQ11<15 pc~ thr~se formals (m excel I form<!!) and any other mfoz m;:~tion submitted shall nl~o be furmsheJ in Lhe forrn of C01F!opr;y d.~•: -PETIT~tj@ ,j'l ERG---

1 '(n~")::'\ ;UJ 0 l ~~J- C. . . ";:::;

36~ '<7- \. r.::::.

f>...l-_;'-·--···<,.,'y * ()'>

Page 88: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner :

Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element:

S.No. Particulars

1 2 1.1 Depreciation

(J( 1.2 Interest on Loan 1.3 Return on Equity ~

(.) 1.4 Interest on WorkinCJ Capital 1.5 0 & M Expenses

Total (Annual Fixed Cost)

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd.



LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham­Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Summarv OF Tariff

(Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

Form 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 No. 3 4 5 6 7 8

lOA 5I313.55 5 313.73 5 313.73 5 313.73 5 313.73 9E 3 463.02 2 872.75 2 282.23 1 691.92 1 101.24 8 5,968.67 5 968.87 5 968.87 5,968.87 5 968.87 11 251.38 242.55 233.73 224.94 216.16 11 358.40 370.89 383.91 397.45 411.30

15,355.01 14,768.79 14,182.47 13,596.91 13,011.29

Page 89: L, - Jaypee Powergrid




Summary of Asset Level Cost

Name of the Petitioner :

Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

A) Summarv of Caoital Cost Means of Finance of the Asset Particulars (i) Apportioned Approved


as per lA As per RCE

Land (Freehold Land) - 63.27 Land (Leasehold) - -

· Buildinq & Civil Works - 564.39 Transmission Line 94,469.02 99,008.70 Sub-station 3,637.98 1,337.94 PLCC - 126.13 Total Caoital Cost as oer Books 98,107.00 101,100.43 Less: Liability_ Add: Discharqes of Liability Total Capital Cost as per Books 98,107.00 101,100.43 Equity 29432.10 31100.43 Debt 68674.90 70000.00

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd.

Northern LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

(Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

ii) Summary of Actual I Projected Capital Cost

As eFI 699/ 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 As on 01-04-2019 (actual (actual (actual (actual (actual 31.03.2024

/Projected) I Projected) I Projected) I Projected) /Projected)

63.27 63.27 63.27 63.27 63.27 63.27 63.27 - - - - - - -

564.39 564.39 564.39 564.39 564.39 564.39 564.39 98,610.35 98,610.35 98,610.35 98,610.35 98,610.35 98,610.35 98,610.35

U37.94 1,337.94 1,337.94 1)37.94 1,337.94 1,337.94 1,337.94 126.13 126.13 126.13 126.13 126.13 126.13 126.13

100J02.08 100J02.08 100 702.08 100J02.08 100J02.08 100,702.08 100J02.08 6.75 6.75

6.75 100,695.33 100J02.08 100,702.08 100,702.08 100,702.08 100,702.08 100J02.08

30208.60 30210.62 30210.62 30210.62 30210.62 30210.62 30210.62 70486.73 70491.45 70491.45 70491.45 70491.45 70491.45 70491.45

Page 90: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner :

Name of Region: Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern

Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element : LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line 400 kv ULO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

D t 'I IT ~ iJI:iQ ransm15;S1Qn L' mgs ~n d 5 b t t' U :5: a IQOS iJO dC Qmo:n~m!;a 1gn X . t' 5 st em !:;Qve,rg d. th on 'Ct ~urlmi:: gog:~ an d O&M f . t t grms an assg 1. Transmission lines

S.No. Name of line Type of 5/C or D/C No. of Sub- Voltagelevel KV Line Bays Line line length Date of lineAC/HVDC Conductors Reactor Km Commercial

(including Opertaion Switchabl e Reactor)

1 Karcham-Abdullapur AC D/C 4 400 219.8 1ST APRIL 2012 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

2 Karcham-Abdullapur AC D/C 3 400 4 1ST JUNE, 2011 LILO of 400 kv DC




O&M expenses for the Transmission Lines covered in the instant petition 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24

Normative rate of O&M as per Regulations (Rupees 1n Lakh) -DC with 4 conducters 1.322 1.368 1.416 1.466 1.517

Normative rate. of O&M as per Regulations (Rupees 1n Lakh) -DC with 3 conducters 0.881 0.912 0.944 0.977 1.011

Length 1n KM -DC w1th 4 conducters 219.8 219.8 219.8 219.8 219.8

Length 1n KM -DC w1th 3 conducters 4 4 4 4 4

O&M claimed (Rupees in Lakh) 294.0996 304.3344 315.0128 326.1348 337.4806


Covered in the present Petition

Yes/No If No, Petition No



Page 91: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

2. Substations

S.NO. Name of Sub Type of VoltageLev No. of No. of Bays MVA Capacity station Substation el KV transforme

Connventlonal rs (Greenfield/Bra /Reactors/ 765 KV 400KV 220 KV 132 KV & 765 KV 400KV 220 KV 132 KV &. wnfield)/GIS/H SVCetc LOWER LOWER VDC/termlnai/H (with

VDCBackto capacity)

1 Abdullapur Conventional 400 2 No

2 Karcham 400/220 KV 400 2 No Karcham Wantoo Gen Switchyard (JPVL) Extn 5/5 (Switchable Line



O&M expenses for the Substations covered in the instant petition 2019,20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23

Normative rate of O&M as per Regulations {Rupees in Lakh) 32.15 33.28 34.45 35.66

No. of units

O&M claimed {Rupees in Lakh) 64.3 66.56 68.9 71.32

Note 1. Number of bays I sinclusive of line bays, ICT bays, reactors bays etc. Each ICT bays, line bays, reactor bay shall be considered separatly for purpose of 0 & M expenses.

2. The MVA Capacity shall exclude the capacity of reactor, FSE, Stat Com

3. Comunicrttion Systems I. I S.NO. Name of Type of Comunication System -

communication Comunication system under System ULDC/SCADA/WAMS/Fiber Optic

Communication system 1 RTU/ PABX/PMU etc

1 I J l


O&M expenses for the Comunication System covered in the instant petition

O&M expenses as per Regulations

Actual O&M (Rupees in Lakh)

Ongmal Project Cost I Assets related to the communication system

I No. ofRTU No. of PMU Date of Capital Cost upto

Commerci Cutoff date (original al Project Cost)


I J J I j I

2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23

The 0 & M expenses as per regulations shall be worked on estimated project cost. The actual O&M expenses to be provided at the time of true up.

Date of Covered in the present Commercial petition Operation

Yes/No If No, Petition No

1ST APRIL 2012 Yes

1ST APRIL 2012 Yes





I Covered in the present petition

Yes/No I If No, Petition No



Page 92: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Summary of O&M Expenses claim

I S.No Particulars 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24

A) Normative O&M

1 Transmission Line 294.10 '304.33 315.01 326.13 337.48

2 Sub Station 64.30 66.56 68.90 71.32 73.82

3 Communication system

Total Normative O&M 358.40 370.89 383.91 397.45 411.30

B) O&M claimed under Regulation 35(3)(C)

1 Secunty Expenses

2 Actual Capital spares consumed

Total. O&M 358.40 370.89 383.91 397.45 411.30

Note The security expenses and Capital spares are to be submitted on estimated basis for the purpose of O&M Expenses. In case of additional security deployed, the petitioner shall indicate the same. The actual security and Capital Spares expenses to be prov1ded at the time of true up.


Page 93: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner :

Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd.



LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Normative Parameters considered for tariff computations

(Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

Particulars Unit Existing 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2018-19

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Base Rate of Return on Equity % 15.50 15.50 15.50 15.50 15.50 15.50 Base Rate of Return on Equity on Additional %

15.50 15.50 15.50 15.50 15.50 15.50 Capitalization after Cut-off date Tax Rate % 21.549 21.549 21.549 21.549 21.549 21.549 Effective Tax Rate % 21.549 21.549 21.549 21.549 21.549 21.549 Tarqet Availability % 98 98 98 98 98 98 Normative O&M per km Rs. Lakh 1.210 1.322 1.368 1.416 1.466 1.517 Normative O&M per bay Rs. Lakh 65.46 32.15 33.28 34.45 35.66 36.91 Normative O&M per MVA Rs. Lakh 0.358 0.371 0.384 0.398 0.411 Spares for WC as % of O&M % 15 15 15 15 15 15 Recievables in Months for WC Months 2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Bank Rate as on first da'l of financial _year % 13.50 12.55 12.55 12.55 12.55 12.55 Lapsed life as on 01.04.2019 and beginning of No of Years

7 8 9 10 11 everv vear (in comoleted vears) -

·~ .,~ -"-<' - PETITIONER ~\~~ ... l::o m

\,~; ~ ~,. A ceo~~

Page 94: L, - Jaypee Powergrid


Name of the Petitioner : Name of Reqion : Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element:

Javoee Powerqrid Ltd. Northern


LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Abstract of existing transmission assets/elements under project. Determination of Effective COD and Weighted Average Life for single AFC for the project as whole.

!Amount in Rs Lakh A) Details of all the Asset!! covered under the sC:o(;!e of the Project

Assets No & Asset Name Description Actual COD COD Effective Weighted Lapsed useful Balance useful considered COD for Average Life of the Life of the Project

in Tariff the project useful life project as on as on 01.04.2019 as of the 01-04-2019 (Refer E)

whole project (Refer E) (Refer C) (Refer D)

Karcllam-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line 01.04.2012 01.04.2012 01.04.2012 35 7 28

Karcham-Abdullapur LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI 01.06.2011 01.06.2011 01.06.2011 35 8 27 Transmission line

Page 95: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

B) Details as on 01-04-2019 for determi!lation of Single Tariff for the Prgjects !;;ommil!l!ione~ grior to 01.04.2019

Particulars as on 31-03-2019 after true up of 2014-19 period. Karcham-Abdullapur 400 Karcham-Abdullapur and soon Total as on KV, D.C., Quad LILO of 400 kv DC 01.04.2019

Transmission line BASPA-NAPTHA- for the project as JHAKRI Transmission whole


a b c d e f g=(b+c+d+e+f)

Capital Cost as on 31.03.2019 98224.44 2477.64 100702.08

Cumulative Depreciation as on 31-03-2019 Combined Tariff of Asset I and Asset II claimed & 36705.43

Debt Equity Ratio as on 31.03.2019 allowed w •. e.f 01.04.2012 70:30

Gross Equity for Normative ROE as on 31.03.2019 30210.624

Gross Loan as on 31.03.2019 70491.456

Cumulative Re-payment of Loan as on 31.03.2019 39392.12

C) Comgutation of Effective !;;OD for detgrmining l;~gsed usef!!llifg Qf the grQject as wi:!Qie.

Assets No Karcham-Abdullapur 400 Karcham-Abdullapur and soon Total as on KV, D.C., Quad LILO of 400 kv DC 01.04.2019

Transmission line BASPA-NAPTHA- for the project as 1WII ... DT

a b c d e f g=(b+c+d+e+f)

·' 1) Actual COD of the Asset. 01.04.2012 01.06.2011

-""" 2) COD considered for tariff purpose (i) 01.04.2012 01.06.2011

-w 3) No. of days between the COD of the asset considered for tariff and 304 10..) the COD of the Project (ii)&(iii)

4) True up Capital Cost as on 31-03-2019 (in Lakh) 98224.44 2477.64 100702.08

5) Weight of the Cost of an asset (in%) (iv) 98% 2%

6) Weighted days = (3x5) 0 7.480

7) Effective COD = (i.e. COD of the Project -Total Weighted days) 01.04.2012 09.04.2012

Note: i) COD of the Asset considered for tariff: This normally refers the actual COD of the project. In case commission had admitted clubbing of the assets if any in previous tariff period, then the COD considered for such clubbed asses for tariff purpose has to be considered here (eg. Notional COD) ii) No. of days from the COD of the Project: It refers the distance between the COD considered for tariff for the individual Asset a net the COD of the Project. This has been computed by (COD of the project- COD of the individual asset) iii) COD of the Project = The COD of the last asset of the Project. iv) Weight of the Cost Of an asset = It refers the proportion (i.e. weight) of individual asset's cost on comparing the Total capital cost of the project. It has to be computed by (Trued up cost of concerned asset as on 31.03.2019 /Total of true up cost of all the assets) x100


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~~~ · . rrm rl"'n of

Page 96: L, - Jaypee Powergrid


0) Weiqhted Averaqe useful Life of the Pro 'ect as whole Particulars Capital Cost as on 01-04-2019 after true up of 2014-19 Combined Cost Useful life I Weighted Cost

Extended Life

Asset 1 Asset 2 Asset 3 Asset4 and soon

a b c d e f q=(b+c+d+e+fl h i=(q) X (h) Freehold Land 63.27 63.27 0 0 Leasehold Land - - 25 0 Buildinq & other Civil Works 564.39 564.39 25 14109.75 Transmission Line 98 610.35 98 610.35 35 3451362.148 Sub-Station Equipment 1,337.94 1,337.94 25 33448.5 PLCC 126.13 126.13 15 1891.95 and so on - 0

Total 100 702.08 100 702.08 3 500 812.35 Weiqhted Averaqe life = Total Weiqhted Cost/Total Combine Cost (Rounded off to qet comolete vearl 35 Years

E) Lapsed weiqhted averaqe useful life of the proiect & Balance weiqhted averaqe Useful life This refers to the No. of comoleted vears from the Effective COD till the last dav of the revious tariff eriod (i.e. 31.03.2019) il Effective COD 0104.2012 ii) Last dav of the orevious tariff control oeriod 3/31/2019 iii) No. of Comoleted vears laosed as on 01.04.2019 Jii-(i) 7 iv) Remaininq useful life (in vear)-(WAL-Iapsed vear) 28

Note: 1) The petitioner has to maintain the identity of the individual assets. In consolidation petitions, the petitioner has to maintain and provide the details of individual assets, like description, actual COD, effective COD, cut-off date, admitted capital cost,O&M Expenses etc. The petitioner has to make all claims of additional capital expenditure or de-capitalization for the project, along with Auditor certificate by clearly mentioning the individual assets to which the claim has been made. Accordingly the relevant tariff forms should show the individual asset wise breakup. 2) This form is required to be submitted when the project is commissioned prior to 01.04.2019 (i.e. the last element of the project commissioned prior to 01.04.2019. 3) The No. of completed year can be arrived by the excel function viz. YEARFRAC(31-03-2019,Effective COD) and ignore the fraction if any from the result.

Note : Capital Cost mentioned above does not include cost of Rs 398.35 Lakh interalia including Company formation expenses of Rs 183.85 Lakh, Consultancy fee & Service Tax for Reactors of Rs 214.50. Lakh, which was disallowed by Hon'ble CERC from the completed cost of Project of Rs 101100.43 Lakh claimed in petition no 217/TT /2017

Page 97: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner: Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element:

A Capital Cost

5. Particulars No.

1 a) Opening Gross Block Amount as per books

b) Amount of capital liabilities in A( a) above

c) Amount of (i) IOC (ii) FC (iii) FERV & (iv) i) Hedging cost included in A(a) above ii)



(d) Amount of IEDC (excluding IOC, FC, FERV & Hedging cost) included in A( a) above

2 (a)Addition in Gross Block amount during the period

(b) Amount of Capital Liabilities in B(a) above

c) Amount of (i) IOC (ii) FC (iii) FERV & (iv) i) Hedging cost included in B(a) above ii)

iii) iv)

(d) Amount of IEDC (excluding IDC, FC, FERV·& Hedging cost) included in B(a) above

3 (a) Closing Gross block amount as per books

(b) Amount of Capital Liabilities in C(a) above

c) Amount of (i) IDC (ii) FC (iii) FERV & (iv) i) Hedging cost included in C(a) above ii)

iii) iv)

(d) Amount of IEDC (excluding IDC, FC, FERV & Hedging cost) included in C(a) above

B Flow of liability for the Assets

5. Particulars No.

1 Opening balance of liability 2 Add: Liability from ACE

3 Discharge of liability by payment and claimed as ACE 4 Reversal/cancelation ( to be entered) 5 Closing Balance of Admitted liability

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern LILO of 400 kv DC BA5PA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Statement of Caoital cost

2019-20 2020-21 2021·22

Accrual Un- Cash Basis Accrual Un· Cash Basis Accrual Un- Cash Basis Basis discharged Basis discharged Basis discharged

Liability Liability __ Liability

100,702.08 100,702.08 100,702.08 1oo,7o2:o8 100,702.08 100,702.08

6.75 6.75 0

16,306.45 16,306.45 16,306.45 16,306.45


100,702.08 100,702.08 100,702.08 100,702.08 100,702.08

6.75 6.75 0

16,306.45 16,306.45 16,306.45 16,306.45

As on 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 COD/01-04-


6.75 6.75




Accrual Un· Cash Basis Accrual Basis discharged Basis


100,702.08 100,702.08








. (Amount In Rs.Lakhs


Un- Cash Basis discharged









Note: Cap1tal Cost mentioned above does not include cost of Rs 398.35 Lakh interalia including Company formation expenses of Rs 183.85 Lakh, Consultancy fee & Service Tax for Reactors of Rs 214.50 Lakh, which was disallowed by Hon'ble CERC from the completed cost of Project of Rs 101100.43 ~akh claimed in petition no 217fTT/2017

1 Relevant date/s means date of COD of transmission elementrs or Communication system and financial year start date and end date 2. In c<~se of new asset it should flow from Form 5 and in case of existing asset it should flow frotn admitted liability as on 31.03 .. 2019. 3. It refers to the llab1bty included in the addition into gross block as on last day of the concerned year as mentioned in Form 7 of the concerned year 4. It refers the actual payment of capitatliabilrty which was admitted by Commission as on 31.03.2019 and/orthe liability included in the COD cost and /or the liability included in the ACE of previous years. (eg. If any payment is made during 2021-22towards the undischarged liability) 5. It refers the liability included in the Gross Block but reversed or cancelled due to any reason. (eg. The liability no more payable due to non-fulfilment of any condition of the contractor, book adjustment etc.) 6. It refers the clos1ng balance of capital liability (i.e. as on 31st march of the concerned year and it will be the opening balance as on 01st April of the next year. 7. The balances mentioned in flow of liability in Table 8 above and the liability as on televant dale as mentioned in Table A above should match. 8 If any of the project asset does not required to be consolidated due to any reason. the reason has to be explained and the opening position of those assets has to be shown in the format mentioned Table 8 above.

Page 98: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner: Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

s. Particulars No.

A a) Opening CWIP Amount as per books

b) Amount of capital liabilities in a above

c) Amount of (i) !DC (ii) FC (iii) FERV & (iv) i) Hedging cost included in A(a) above fTi)

~ iv)

B a) Addition/Adjustment in CWIP Amount during the period (b) Amount of capital liabilities in B(a) above

c) Amount of (i) !DC (ii) FC (iii) FERV & (iv) i) Hedging cost included in B(a) above 't

~ iv)

c a) Capitalization/Transfer to Fixed asset of CWIPAmount (b) Amount of capital liabilities in C(a) above

c) Amount of (i) IDC (ii) FC (iii) FERV & (iv) i) Hedging cost included in C(a) above fl ~

~ iv)

D a) Closing CWIP Amount as per books

(b) Amount of capital liabilities in D(a) above

c) Amount of (i) !DC (ii) FC (iii) FERV & (iv) i) Hedging cost included in D(a) above i0

~ iv)

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Statement of Caoital Works In Progress

2019-20 2020-21 2021-22

Accrual Basis Un- Cash Basis Accrual Basis Un- Cash Basis Accrual Basis Un-discharged discharged discharged

Liability Liability Liability




Note: Relevant date/s means date of COD of transmission elementls and financial year start date and end date


Cash Basis Accrual Basis Un· Cash Basis Accrual Basis discharged




PART-lll FORM-48

Amount In Rs.L.akhs

Cash Basis discharged


Page 99: L, - Jaypee Powergrid


Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element:

laypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern


LILO . of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Abstract of Capital Cost Estimates and Schedule of Commissioning for the New Projects /Elements

New projects Capital Cost Estimates

Board Of Directors 1 Agency approving the Capital cost estimates: Existing Project

Date of approval of the Capital cost Estimate Revised)

Present Dav Cost Completed Cost As on Scheduled COD of the

Price level of approved estimates As of End of __ Qtr. of transmission system I

the year __ transmission element I Cnmm11nir~tinn <;v<h>m

Foreign Exchange rate considered for the Capital cost NA NA estimates

Capital Cost excluding IDC, IEDC & FC

Foreign Component, if any (In Million US $ or the NA NA relevant Currency)

Domestic Component (Rs. Lakh) 84 395.63 I 84,395.63

capital cost excluding IDC, FC, FERV & Hedging 84,395.63 84,395.63 Cost (Rs. Cr) ·

IDC, IEDC, FC, FERV & Hedging Cost

Foreign Component, if any (In Million US $ or the NA NA relevant Currencv)

Domestic Comoonent (Rs. Lakh) 16 306.45 16.306.45

Total IDC, FC, FERV & Hedging Cost (Rs Lakh) 16,306.45 16,306.45

Rate of taxes & duties considered

Capital cost Including IDC, IEDC, FC, FERV & Hedging Cost

Foreign Component, if any (In Million US$ or NA NA equivalent currency)

Domestic Component (Rs. Lakh) 100,702.08 100 702.08

Capital cost Including IDC, IEDC & FC (Rs. ILakh)

100,702.08. 100,702.08

Schedule of Commisioning

C()DofLILO 1st June 2011 (Actual)

COD of inain Transmission Line 1st Aoril 2012 (Actual) COD of transmission system 1 /transmission element

11/Communication Svstem 1 COD of transmission system 1/ transmission element

1:1! rnmm1 nic~tinn Sv<;tpm 7 COD of last transmission system ---/transmission

I element-- I Communication Sv<;tem ---COD of last transmission system /transmission

IPIPmPnt I rnmmunir~tinn Sv<;tem

'.3 +6



Page 100: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

SI.No. Particulars

1 2

A TRANSMISSION LINE 1 Preliminarv works 1.1 Desian & Enaineerina !.2 Preliminary investigation, Right of

way, Forest clearance, PTCC, general civil works etc.

1.3 Total Preliminarv works 2 Transmission Lines material 2.1 Towers tee I 2.2 Conductor 2.3 Earth Wire 2.4 Insulators 2.5 Hardware Fittinas 2.6 Conductor & Earth wire accessories 2.7 Soares 2.8 Erection, Stringing & Civil works

includino Foundation Reactor (Compensating Equipment (Reactor. SVCs e cl

2.90 Total Transmission Lines material

3 Taxes and Duties 3.1 Custom Dutv

·3.2 Other Taxes & Duties 3.3 Total Taxes & Duties 3.4 Total -Transmission lines B. SUBSTATIONS 4 Prefiminarv works & land 4.1 Desian & Enaineerina 4.2 Land 4.3 Site preparation

4.4 Total Preliminary works & land

5 Civil Works 5.1 Control Room & Office Building

inrhu'lina HVAC 5.2 Townshio & Colonv 5.3 Roads and Drainaoe 5.4 Foundation For structures 5.5 Misc. civil works 5.6 Total Civil Works 6 Substation Eauioments 6.1 Switchgear (CT,PT, Circuit Breaker,

lo:;olntnr. Renrtor etc:. l 6.2 Transformers 6.3 Compensating Equipment (Reactor,

c;vco:;pt l 6.4 Control Relav & Protection Panel 6.5 PLCC 6.6 HVDC oackaoe 6.7 Bus Bars/ conductors/Insulators 6.8 Outdoor liahtina 6.9 Emeraencv D.G. Set 6.10 Groundina Svstem 6.11 Structure For switchvard 6.12 Total Sub Station Eauioment 7 Soares

Jaypee Powergrld Ltd. Northern ULO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA·JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

400 kv ULO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transtnlsslon line


Element wise Break-uo of protect/Asset/Element Cost for Transrnlsslon'svstem or communication SYStem

The portion Capital Projected/actual cost included In col. Variation

As per Original Estimates As per Revised Cost estimates (if any) Actual capital Expenditure as on 5 which Is not cost of Deferred

betweenactual coo work to be eligible for

capitalised after Cost andiA/RCE transmission tariff cost as on COD (eg. Grant, other COD but before

Estimated Actual business etc. cut-off date Quantity Rate

Amount Quantity Rate

Amoun Quantity Rate Actual Amount

3 4 5 6 7 (8-(5-6+7)-(3 or 41

2. 93.00 2.2 .00 2.293.00

3,389.00 13.748.50 13,336.85 411.80 10,359.65

3.389.00 16.041.50 15.629.8S 411.80 12.652.65

17.063.00 20.465.68 20 126.00 339~68 3.402.68 19.466.00 14.998.07 14.999.00 (0.931 (4.467.93)

218.00 4.0 4.00 (214.001 4.716.00 3.123.63 3.094.00 29.63 (1.592.,7) 4.842.00 65.00 65.00 14.777. Ol 1.135.00 23.00 23.00 (1.112. 01

19,770.00 22,951.56 21,203.00 1,748.56 3,181.56

1,854.00 1,697.57 1,648.00 50.67 (155.33)

69,064.00 63,328.51 61,162.00 2,167.61 (S,734.39)

5 200.00 15.200.001 5 200.00 (5.2011001

77 653.00 79 370.01 76.791.8S 2.579.41 1.718.26

1,065.00 1,168.52 1,217.00 (48.48) 103.52

1.065.00 1.168.52 1.217.00 (48.48) 103.52

Un-Reasons Discharge

for Liabilities Variation Included

Admitted Cost


9 10 11

26.00 2.293 00

40.00 13,564.65

66.00 15.857.65

485.00 20.465.68 35.00 14.998.07

4.00 40.00 3.123.63

65.00 23.00

809.00 22,951.56


1,369.00 63,114.01

1.435.00 78.971.66


Reasons already expllaned and

admitted In Petition no



PART-III Fonn- 5

Amount In Rs,Crore

Capital Work In Progress as per

Books of Account as on COD


-,,n tt ~

.0- :::"-'f£.,_ ?>"y~

l' * () -

-~~~ ~ qr 0

~( ~:t ~~' $ ~~r1-l<,{,""dd#.


Page 101: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Amount In Rs.Crore

The portion capital Projected/actual Un-

Actual Capital Expenditure as on cost Included In col.

cost of Deferred Variation

Reasons Discharge capital Work In

As per Original Estimates As per Revised Cost estimates (If any) COD

5 which Is not work to be betweenactual for Liabilities

Progress as per SI.No. Particulars eligible for

capitalised after Cost andiA/RCE Variation Included Admitted Cost Books of Account

transmission tariff cost as on COD as on coo Ceo. Grant. other COD but before lnCol.5

8 Taxes and Duties 8.1 Custom Dutv 8.2 Other Taxes & Du ies 8.3 Total Taxes & Duties 8.4 Total (Sub-station) 1 065.00 1.168.52 1.217.00 148.481 103.52 1168.52 c Communication Svstem 9.1 Preliminarv Works 9.2 Communication System equipment's

.3 Taxes and Duties 9.4 Total (Communication Svsteml 10 Cost of Plant & Machinery 78,718.00 80,538.53 78,008.85 2,530.93 1,821.78 1,435.00 80,140.18

(3.4+8.4+9.4) 11 Construction and pre-

commlssloninQ exoenses ..

11.1 Site suoervision & site admn.etc. 7.538.00 4.191.85 3 679.00 512.85 (3.346.151 113.00 4.191.85 1.91 11.2 Tools and Plants 11.3 Construction Insurance 11.4 Total Construction and pre 7,538.00 4,191.85 3,679.00 512.85 (3,346.15) 113.00 4,191.85

commissionina exoenses 12 Overheads 12.1 Establishmen 12.2 Audit & Accounts 12.3 Continaencv 2.266.00 (2.266.001 12.4 Other Overheads 12.5 Total Overheads 2.266.00 - 12.266.001 13 IDC FC. FERV & Hedalna Cost 13.1 Interest Durino Construction !DC\ 9.585.00 IS 538.05 15.474.46 63.59 5.953.05 72 00 15 538.05 13.2 Financino Charaes (FC) 832.00 832.00 832.00 4.00 832.00 13.3 Foreign Exchange Rate Variation

(FERVl 13.4 Hedging Cost 13.5 Total of IDC1 FC, FERV & Hedging 9,585.00 16,370.05 16,306.46 63.59 6,785.05 76.00 16,370.05 <,


14.0 Capital cost including IDC, FC, 98,107.00 101,100.43 97,994.31 3,107.37 2,994.68 1,624.00 100,702.08 FERV & Hedging Cost

Page 102: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

B Summarv of Caoltal Cost as on COD

Plant & Machine ry Cost Inltl Gross block lncludin al Gross Deduc meant for Undlscharg capital Cost g Initial Spar IEDC IDC

Loan Block as tlon tariff as on ed on cash basis

Particulars e capita II capitalise per books frotn COD/ liability for tariff as spare FERV but caplt sed d of Account Gross 01.04.2019 Included on COD f as

excludin al as on COD Block3 (after InS on 01·04·2019 !i ised deductions )


1 2 3 4 ' 6-(1 +3+4+5) 7 8+(6-7) 9 10=(8-9)

Land (Freehold Land) 63.27 0 0 63.27 63.27 6327

' ! Land (leasehold)

/Building & Civil Works 564.39 0 0 564.39 564.39 56439

Transmission Line 63,114.28 19422.06 16074.01 98,610.35 98,610.35 '" 98.60360

Sub-Station 1,066.59 271.35 1,337.94 1,337.94 1,33794

PLCC 101.44 24.69 126.13 126.13 12613

Total Capital Cost as per Books of 64,909.97 19,422.06 16,370.05 100,702.08 100,702.08 6.75 100,695.33


Less: Un·discharged liabilities 6.75 6.75 6.75

Total Capital Cost Claimed for tariff 64,903.22 19,42206 16,370.05 100.695.33 100,695.33 l00,695JJ

~o<~~~i~~;j IEDC on the base of (Plant & 55%

Means of Finance

Debt 45432.25 13595.44 11459.04 70466.73 70486.73 0.00 70466.73

Equity 19470.97 5826.62 4911.02 30208.60 30208.60 0.00 30208.60

Note Capital Cost mentioned above does not include cost of Rs 398.35 Lakh interalia including Company formation eKpenses of Rs 183.85 Lakh. Consultancy fee & Service TaK for Reactors of Rs 214.50 Lakh. which was disallowed by Hon'ble CERC from the completed cost of Pro;ect of Rs 101100.43 Lakh claimed in petition no 2171TT/2017

~ ;Q,n0\ !JJ I\ 1 L! -·- j

.":"L,~·· ~~:. J~! ·~!>-. -'>,"//

(Petitioner) I' ""'- 0 / "

Amount In Rs.Crore

Page 103: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region:

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd., Northern Region.

Name of the Project : Name of the Transmission Element :

LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C .. Quad Transmission line 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Break-up of Construction /Supply/Sevice packages

S.No Name/No of Construction Scope of works Whether No. of Date of Date of Date of Value of Firm or /Supply/Service package awarded bids Award Start of Completion Award with

through ICB I Received Work of work (Rs I Lakh) Esclation DCB/Departmen in Prices

tally/Deposit work etc.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Tower package Al for supply - L& T JPL/KWfL/Al/LOA-I dated 22.2.2008 - SUPPLY DCB 6 22.2.2008 22.2.2008 1.4.2012 56.44 With

Ltd CONTRACT( This interalia includes Earth Wire, Prices Hardware Fittings and Accessories for Conductor Esclation & Earth Wire)

2 Tower package Al for Erection - JPL/KWfL/Al/LOA-II dated 22.2.2008 - DCB 6 22.2.2008 22.2.2008 1.4.2012 58.26 -do-L&T Ltd ERECTION CONTRACT

3 Tower package A2 for supply - L&T JPL/KWfL/A2/LOA-1 dated 22.2.2008 -SUPPLY DCB 6 22.2.2008 22.2.2008 1.4.2012 55.91 -do-Ltd CONTRACT ( This interalia includesEarth

Wire, Hardware Fittings and Accessories for Conductor & Earth Wire)

4 Tower package A2 for Erection - JPL/KWTL/A2/LOA-II dated 22.2.2008 - DCB 6 22.2.2008 22.2.2008 1.4.2012 51.52 -do-L&T Ltd ERECTION CONTRACT

5 Tower package A3 for supply - ATSL JPL/KWfL/A3/LOA-I dated 22.2.2008 - SUPPLY DCB 7 22.2.2008 22.2.2008 1.4.2012 30.56 -do-CONTRACT ( This interalia includesEarth Wire, Hardware Fittings and Accessories for Conductor & Earth Wire)

6 Tower package A3 for Erection - JPL/KWTL/A3/L0A-II dated 22.2.2008 - DCB 7 22.2.2008 22.2.2008 1.4.2012 23.67 -do-ATSL ERECTION CONTRACT

7 Insulators package Supply - Aditya JPL/KWTL/insulator/04 dated 02.07.2008 - DCB 4 02.07.2008 02.07.2008 1.4.2012 24.92 -do-Birla Insulqtors SUPPLY CONTRACT

8 Conductor package Supply - JPL/KWTL/ Cond. /06 dated 14.08.2008-SUPPLY DCB 4 14.08.2008 14.08.2008 1.4.2012 84.32 -do-Sterlite Technologies Ltd. CONTRACT

9 Conductor package Supply - Apar JPL/KWTL/ Corid. /05 dated 14.8.2008- SUPPLY DCB 4 14.08.2008 14.08.2008 1.4.2012 80.87 -do-Ind.Ltd CONTRAct

10 Sub Station at Abdullapur - Contract dated lOth March, 2008 - SUPPLY Deposit work 1 10.03.2008 10.03.2008 1.4.2012 10.74 -do-Powergrid Corpn of India Ltd CUM ERECTION CONTRA<;:"f ..

11 Reactors package - Jqiprakash Contract dated 25. 01.2010 - SUPPLY CUM Departmentally 1 25.01.2010 25.01.2010 1.4.2012 16.66 -do-Associates .-:.: ERECTION CONTRACT

Total 493.87 -

Actual Taxes Expenditure and

Till the Duties completion or and

upto COD IEDC whichever is (Rs./

earlier Lakh) (R~JI ilkh)

11 12 81.25



97.52 ..... ..... 0

38.17 u .5 '0 Q) '0

::::> u

21.53 .s








(Amount in Rs Crores)

IDC,FC,FE Sub-Total RV& (Rs./

HEDGING Lakh) COST (Rs./ Lakh)

13 14 81.25



97.52 co lJ')

§ 38.17 0 u.. a; Cl. Ul <t








Page 104: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

S.NO. Name of line

Cost of LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 10/,

1 D.C., Quad Transmission Line as on 01.04.2012 for Tariff Block 2009-14 period in Northern Region

Cost of LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV,

2 D.C., Quad Transmission Line as on 01.04.2012 for Tariff Block 2009-14 period in Northern Region

3 400/220kV Sub-station at Abdullapur


Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern


LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Details of all the assets covered in the oroject

COD Delay (in No. of in Apportioned Revised cost Completed Covered in the Present days) approved Cost estimates, if Cost Petition, If No, Petition

applicable (approved No. cost)

(Rs./ Lakh) (Rs./ Lakh) (Rs./ Lakh) Yes 1 No

01.06.2011 - 1,601.00 2,477.64 2,477.64 yes

01.04.2012 - 95,441.00 97,159.36 96,760.86 yes

01.04.2012 - 1,065.00 1,464.00 1,464.00 yes

Note : Capital Cost raentioned above does not include cost of Rs 398.35 Lakh interalia including Company formation expenses of Rs 183.85 Lakh, Consultancy fee & Service Tax for Reactors of Rs 214:5·Q Lakh, which was disallowed by Hon'ble CERC from the completed cost of Project of Rs 101100.43 Lakh claimed in petition no 217/TT/2017



Page 105: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner :

Name of Region:

Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

Proiect Cost as on COD (Rs./ Lakhsl Date of Commercial Operation of the LILO Date of Commercial Operation of the Transmission element

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd.,

Northern Region LILO of 400 lev DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham­Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

400 lev LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line 97,994.31




Actual Cash Expenditure and Financial Package uoto COD


Bl Financial Packaoe Particulars


Total Loan

Equitv-Foreian Domestic Total Enuitv Debt.: Eauitv Ratio rnt•l C'n<t

lrlrl r-"n fnr Ye;\r, •nn r•n fm y.,,.,_ J

lrlrl ran Jnr Year.l lrlrl r•n fnr YP•r-4 \rlrl rM fnr Year-S lrlrl r•n fnr y.,,.,_

I Tnt" I r,.n;t,.r rnct ..,;th ,.,.,,., r"n~

Quarter -I (investment

Quarter -II Quarter -III Quarter -n (SCOD)

Financial Package as Financial Package as on "nnrnuP.t rnn

Currency and Amount Currency and Amount

2 3 4 5 Rs 20 00.00 Rs 19 430.00 Rs 15,000.00 Rs 14,572.00 Rs 10 000.00 Rs 9 715.00 Rs 6.000.00 Rs Rs 7 000.00 Rs Rs 12 000.00 Rs Rs Rs 24 264.00

70 000.00 6B OOl.Qll

Rs Rs Rs 30.000 00 Rs 2'1200.00 Rs 30 QOO.OO Rs 29 200.00 Rs 70:30:00 Rs 70:30:00 Ro '""~nnn.nn Oc 07.2.lt~

(Ruoees in Lakhl

Quarter --- Quarter -n (Actual COD)

As Admitted on COD

Currency and Amount

6 7 Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs

67 248.11

Rs Rs 28 820.62 Rs 28 820.62 Rs 70:30:00 ~ a.: n.:R.7-.

~~· .41 ..lli5.SO_ R44. _4.0]~



Note : Capital Cost mentioned above does not include cost of Rs 398.35 Lakh intera\ia including Company formation expenses of Rs 183.85 Lakh, Consultancy fee & Service Tax for Reactors of Rs 214.50 Lakh, which was disallowed by Hon'ble CERC from the completed cost of Project of Rs 101100.43 Lakh claimed in petition no 217/TT/2017


Page 106: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

KiPXf"S'' nnu!!'iiii !WO.•·•~q-")'.-'!)Qt._y;,•o,,~·•.t,,!loil2~.66jf&~• W ~- •r-qu .. ,e-a- :=!"''f"'"f"·t&V·•

Name of the Petitioner :

Name of Region:

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd.



Name of the Project : LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV,

D.C., Quad Transmission line

Name of the Transmission Element : 400 kv LILO and 400 KV. D.C .. Quad Transmission line

Statement of Additional Capitalisation after COD

(Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

&ACE for the Year: (Actuai/PrQiected~ Less: Deductions dr. thuear towards Add:

Admitted Addition into

Grants Asset Other Less: Discharge of ACE on cash Cost in final

Gross Block as Received pertaining to Deduction (if Undischarged

earlier basis for tariff1

Particulars per .books of (if any) other any) . l1ab1hty

admitted tariff purpose (Rs Lakh)

Account business mcluded 1n

liability during the year (If an'Q_ (2-4-5)

1 2 3 4 5 8-(2-3-4-5-9 6 7


Land (Freehold Land) - - - -I

Land (Leasehold) - -BuildillQ & Civil Works - - -Transmission Line - - 6.75 6.75 6.75 Sub-Station - - -

PLCC - -Total - 6.75 6.75 6.75

B) Requlation wise ACE claim on cash basis

Regulatio n No.

Particulars 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24

Reg. 24 ACE within the Original scope and upto the cut-off date

24 (1)(a) Un-discharged liabilities recognized to be payable at a future date · 6.75 0 0 0 0

24 (1)(b) Works deferred for: execution 0 0 0 0 0

24 (1)(c) Procurement of initial capital spares 0 0 0 0 0

24 (1) (d) Liabilities to meet award of arbitration etc. 0 0 0 0 0

24 (1) (e) Change in law on:ompliance of any existing law 0 0 0 0 0

24(1) (f) Force Majeure events 0 0 0 0 0

T~tal under Regulation 24

Reg. 25 ACE within the Original scope and after the cut-off date

25 (1) (a) Liabilities to meet award of arbitration etc. 0 0 0 0 0

25(1) (b) Change in law or compliance of any existing law 0 0 0 0 01

25 (1)(d) Liability for works executed prior to the cut-off date 0 0 0 0 0'

25(1) (e) Force Majeure events 0 0 0 0 0

25 (1)(1) Liability for works admitted by the Commission after the cut-off date 0 0 0 0 0

Total under Regulation 25

Reg. 26 ACE beyod the original scope:

26(1) (a) Liabilities to meet award of arbitration etc. 0 0 0 0 0

26 (1)(b) Change in law or compliance of any existing law 0 0 0 0 0

26(1) (c) Force Majeure events 0 0 0 0 0

26 (1) (d) Need for higher security and safety of the plant. . 0 0 0 0 0

Total under Regulation 26

Reg. 27 ACE within the Original scope and upto the cut-off date

24(4) R&M for extension of life beyond the originally recognized useful life (with the consent of Long 0 0 0 0 0 Term Customers\

T a tal ACE claimed for tariff 6.75 0 0 0 0

Total Admitted ACE during Final tariff1. 6.75 0 0 0 0

3 &>3

Page 107: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner: Name of Region : Name of the Project:

Name of the Transmission Element :

Financial Year {Starting from COD) 1

Amount capitalised in Work/Equipment

Financinq Details Loanl Loan2 Loan3 Loan4 LoanS

Loan 6 Total

Eguity Internal Resources Others


Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern


LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham­Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Financing of Additional Capitalization

(Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

Pro·ected/Actual Admitted Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 YearS Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 YearS

2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11

No Separate financing for additional capitalisation

! .-l '!.l.J '

~ ~~00~:-:-o)\ ~uJ i ~.

PETITIONER \~ ~>-;~·--:.-!:!>~' ~/

Page 108: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region : Name of the Project:

Name of the Tansmission Element :

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern


LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA­JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham­Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Statement of Additional Capitalisation claimed during five year before the end of the useful life of the Project

Sr. Year Work/Equipment Amount Justification Impact on No. added five years capitalised for life

before the useful I Proposed to capitalisation extension life be proposed

capitalized . (Rs Lakh)

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 Not Applicable 4 5



Page 109: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

' mrsmt z !£ Y5 OOC • :p,Mm , Z2'&l-~~X'6Cf'>OO<x'r::o£i~"WX? a p;&(iQ«XXIIQ!:?-}12~-,--,,,.,,~.G:«.i~('"P~~

Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern


LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham­Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Calculation of Return on Equity

(Amount in Rs.Lakhs

As on 01-04- 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2019 I as on

S.No. Particulars COD whichever is

later 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

No. of Davs in the vear 366 365 365 365 366 No. of days for which tariff claimed

1 Opening Normative equity 30208.599 30208.599 30210.624 30210.624 30210.624 30210.624

2 Less: Adjustment in Equity 0 0

3 Adjustment during the year 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Net Opening Equity (Normal) 30208.599 30208.599 30210.624 30210.624 30210.624 30210.624

5 Add: Increase in Equity due to addition during the year/period 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 Less: Decrease due to de-capitalisation during the Year/period 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 Add: Increase due to discharges during the year/period 0 2.025 0 0 0 0

8 Closing Normative Equity 30208.599 30210.624 30210.624 30210.624 30210.624 30210.624

9 Average Normative Equity 30208.599 30209.6115 30210.624 30210.624 30210.624 30210.624

10 Rate of Return on Equity ( Sase Rate ) 15.50% 15.50% 15.50% 15.50% 15.50% 15.50%

11 Reduced rate of 1% decided by commission under Regulation 30 (2) (if any)

12 Effective tax rate f MAT rate for the respective years 21.55% 21.55% 21.55% 21.55% 21.55% 21.55%

13 Rate of Return on fquity (Pre Tax) 19.76% 19.76% 19.76% 19.76% 19.76% 19.76%

14 Return on Equity on project cost till Cutoff date (Pre Tax) 5968.47 5968.67 5968.87 5968.87 5968.87 5968.87

Existing 2013- 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 l 2018-19 S.No. Particulars _14

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -l 8

1.1 Equity as on COD/Admitted equity

29653.689 29653.689 30207.048 30208.257 30208.596 30208.596

1.2 Notional fquity for Add Cap 553.359 1.209 0.339 0


1.3 Total Equity 29653.689 30207.048 30208.257 30208.596 30208.596 30208.596

1.4 Return on Eauitv 5869.35 5952.57 5952.72 5952.75 5968.6144 Total

As on 01-04- 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2019/ as on

S.No. Particulars COD whichever is

later 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Gross Opening fquity[pertaining to Proviso to Regulation 30(2)] 30,208.60 30,208.60 30,210.62 30,210.62 30,210.62 30,210.62

2 Less: Adjustment in Equity

3 Adjustment during the year

4 Net Opening Equity[pertaining to Proviso to Regulation 30(2)] 30,208.60 30,208.60 30,210.62 30,210.62 30,210.62 30,210.62

5 Add: Increase in Equity due to addition during the year/period - - - - - -6 Less: Decr€ase due to de-capitalisation during the Year/period - - - - - -7 Less: Decrease due to reversal during the Year/period - - - - - -8 . Add: Increase due to discharges during the year/period - 2.03 - - - -9 Closing Normative Equity 30,208.60 30,210.62 30,210.62. 30,210.62 30,210.62 30,210.62

10 Average Normative Equity 30,208.60 30,209.61 30,210.62 30,210.62 30,210.62 30,210.62

11 Rate of Return on Equity ( Sase ·Rate ) 15.50% 15.50% 15.50% 15.50% 15.50% 15.50%

12 Reduced rate of 1% decided by commission under Regulation 30 (2) (if any)

13 Effective tax rate 1 MAT rate for the respective years 20.96% 21.55% 21.55%. 21.55% 21.55% 21.55%

14 Rate of Return on Equity (Pre Tax) 19.61% 19.76% 19.76% 19.76% 19.76% 19.76%

15 Return on Equity on project cost till Cutoff date (Pre Tax) 5924.08 5968.67 5968.871 5968.87 5968.87 5968.87


Page 110: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region :

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern


Name of the Project :

LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Name of the Transmission Element : 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line Exchange Rate on date/s of infusion:

Details of Foreign Equity (Details only in respect of Equity infusion if any applicable to the project under petition)

(Amount in Lakh)

Sl. Financial Year Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 and so on 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Amount Exchange Amount

Amount Exchange Amount

Amount Exchange Amount

Date (Foreign Date (Foreign Date (Foreign Currency) Rate {Rs.)

Currency) Rate (Rs.) Currency) Rate (Rs.)


A.1 At the date of infusion2 2 3 4

B Currency21

1 2 3

Currency31 ' NOT APPUCABLE A.1 At the date of infusion2

2 3 4

B Currency41 & so on 1 At the date of infusion2 2 3

1Name of the. currency to be mentioned e.g. US $, DM, etc. etc. 2In case of equity infusion more than once during the year, Exchange rate at the date of each infusion to be given.




Page 111: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner:

Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd.



LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Details of Allocation of corporate loans to various transmission elements

(Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

Particulars Packagel I Package2 I Package3 I Package4 1 2 I 3 l 4 I 5

Source of Loan Curreney2 Amount of Loan sanctioned S RS. Amount of Gross Loan drawn upto 31.03.2014/COD Interest Tvoe6 Fixed Interest Rate if aoolicable Base Rate if Floatinq Interest7 % Marqin · if Floatinq InterestS Are there anv Caos/Fioor9

Not Applicable If above is ves specify caps/floor Moratorium PeriodlO Moratorium effective from Repayment Period 11

Repayment effective from Repayment Frequencv12 Reoavment Instalment13 14 Base Exchanqe Rate16 Are foreiqn currency loan hedqed? If above is ves soecifv details17

Distribution of loan packages to various transmission elements

Name of Proiects

Transmission Element 1 Not Applicable

Western Reaion


Page 112: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region: Name of the Project :

laypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern


LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Name of the Transmission Element : 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Details of Project Specific Loans

(Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

Particulars Packaael Packa_g_e2 Packa_ge3 Package4 1 2 3 4 5


Currency INR INR INR INR Amount of Loan sanctioned 25000 20000 15000 10000 Amount of Gross Loan drawn upto 24284.00 19430.00 14572.00 9715.00 31.03.2014 Interest Type Floatinq Floatinq Floatinq Floatinq Fixed Interest Rate if applicable - - - -Base Rate, if Floatinq Interest (%) 10.00% 10.75% 10.75% 10.50% Marqin if Floatinq Interest Yes Yes Yes Yes % 2.00% 2.50% 2.25% 2.00% Are there anv"Caps/Fioor No No No No If above is ves specifv ca_Q_slfloor NA NA NA NA Moratorium Period 1 year 6 months 6 months 6 months

Moratorium effective from COD COD COD COD Repayment Period 44 Installments 46 Installments

Repayment effective from 12 months after 6 Months after COD

COD Repavment Frequency Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Repayment Instalment See Note 2 434.79 326.10 217.40 Base Exchanqe Rate N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Are foreiqn currency loan hedaed? See Note 2 434.792609 326.0969565 217.4013043 If Above is yes, specify details "· N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.


Note: .• ~ .. " f~'fr,



1. Loan of ICICI Bank, indian Overseas Bank, United Bank of India has been refinanced by the State Bank Of India. The details ofthe original financing are given in the Annexure-1 to Form-7.

2. Repayment schedule ofSBI is annexed as Annexure-2 to Form 7



Page 113: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : Name of the Region :

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern


Name of the Project :

LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Name of the Transmission Element : 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line Exchange Rate at COD : Exchange Rate as on 31.03.2009 :

Details of Foreign loans (Details only in respect of loans applicable to the project under petition)


51. Financial Year_(Starting from COD) Year 1 Year2 Year 3 and so on 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Amount Exchange Amount

Amount Exchange Amount

Amount Exchange Amount Date (Foreign Date (Foreign Date (Foreign

Currency) Rate (Rs.)

Currency) Rate (Rs.)

Currency) Rate (Rs.)


A.l At the date of Drawl2 2 Scheduled repayment date of orincioal 3 Scheduled payment date of interest 4 At the end of Financial year

B In case of HeQginq3 1 At the date of hedging 2 Period of hedqinq 3 Cost of hedqinq


A.l At the date of Drawl2 2 Scheduled reoavment date of princ]Q_al 3 Scheduled oayment date of interest 4 At the end of Financial vear NOT APPUCABLE

·B In case of Hedqinq3 1 At the date of hedqinq 2 Period of heQgii}CJ 3 Cost of hedoino

Currencv31 & so on A.l At the date of Drawl2

2 Scheduled repayment date of principal 3 Scheduled pay_ment date of interest 4 At the end of Financial vear

B In case of Hedoino3 1 At the date of hedqinq 2 Period of hedqinq 3 Cost of hedoino

'Name of the currency to be mentioned e.q. US $, DM, etc. etc. 2In case of more than one drawl durinq the year, Exchanqe rate at the date of each drawl to be qiven. 3Furnish details of hedqinq, in case of more than one hedqinq durinq the year or part hedqinq, details of each hedqinq are to be qiven. "Tax (such as withholding tax) details as applicable includinq chanqe in rates, date from which chanqe effective etc. must be clearly indicated.



:?q 0

Page 114: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern


LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Details of Project Specific Loans (Original)

(Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

Particulars Package1 Package2 Package3 Package4 PackageS Package6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Source of Loan ICICI1 PNB CBOF 1081 J&KBANK UBI1

INDIA Currencv INR INR INR INR INR INR Amount of Loan sanctioned 6000 20000 15000 12000 10000 7000 Amount of Gross Loan drawn upto

4987.57 19430.00 14572.00 9976.10 9715.00 5820.00 refinancina bv the resoective lender Interest Type Floating Floating Floating Floating Floating Floating Fixed Interest Rate if applicable - - - - - -

Base Rate if Floatinq Interest (%) 8.75% 10.75% 10.75% 9.50% 10.00% 9.45% Marain if Floatina Interest Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes % 4.00% 2.50% 2.25% 1.50% 2.00% 2.05% Are there anv CaPs/Floor No No No No No No If above is ves specify caps/floor NA NA NA NA NA NA Moratorium Period 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months Moratorium effective from COD COD COD COD COD COD Repayment Period 46 Installments

Repayment effective from 6 Months after COD

Repayment FrequenCy Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly

Repayment Instalment 130.43 434.78 326.09 260.87 217.39 152.17 Base Exchanae Rate NA NA NA NA NA NA Are foreian currencv loan hedaed? NA NA NA NA NA NA If Above is ves. soecifv details NA NA NA NA NA NA Note: 1. Loan of ICICI Bank, Indian Overseas Bank, United Bank of India has been refinanced by.the State Bank Of India. The details of the same are given in the Form 7 separately

·;& ~ ..

3q I



Page 115: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Annexure-2 to Form-9A

State Bank of India, NEW DELHI. Term Loan A/c No. 32092860063 Loan Amount Rs. 250,00,00,000/-

Instal Installment Cummulative ment Due Date

Amount Amount Paid Balance Outstanding Nn.

1 31/03/2013 43,750,000 43,750,000 2,456,250,000 2 30/06/2013 43,750,000 87,500,000 2,412,500,000 3 30/09/2013 43,750,000 131,250,000 2,368,750,000 4 31/12/2013 43,750,000 175,000,000 2,325,000,000 5 31/03/2014 43,750,000 218,750,000 2,281,250,000 6 30/06/2014 43,750,000 262,500,000 2,237,500,000 7 30/09/2014 43,750,000 306,250,000 2,193,750,000 8 31/12/2014 43,750,000 350,000,000 2,150,000,000 9 31/03/2015 50,000,000 400,000,000 2,100,000,000 10 30/06/2015 50,000,000 450,000,000 2,050,000,000 11 30/09/2015 50,000,000 500,000,000 2,000,000,000 12 31/12/2015 50,000,000 550,000,000 1,950,000,000 13 31/03/2016 50,000,000 600,000,000 1,900,000,000 14 30/06/2016 50,000,000 650,000,000 1,85o,ooo;ooo 15 30/09/2016 50,000,000 700,000,000 1,800,000,000 16 31/12/2016 50,000,000 750,000,000 1,750,000,000 17 31/03/2017 50,000,000 800,000,000 1,700,000,000 18 30/06/2017 50,000,000 850,000,000 1,650,000,000 19 30/09/2017 50,000,000 900,000,000 1,600,000,000 20 31/12/2017 50,000,000 950,000,000 1,550,000,000 21 31/03/2018 56,250,000 1,006,250,000 1,493,750,000 22 30/06/2018 56,250,000 1,062,500,000 1,437,500,000 23 30/09/2018 56,250,000 1,118,750,000 1,381,250,000 24 31/12/2018 56,250,000 1,175,000,000 1,325,000,000 25 31/03/2019 56,250,000 1,231,250,000 1,268,750,000 26 30/06/2019 56,250,000 1,287,500,000 1,212,500,000 27 30/09/2019 56,250,000 1,343,750,000 1,156,250,000 28 31/12/2019 56,250,000 1,400,000,000 1,100,000,000 29 31/03/2020 62,500,000 1,462,500,000 1,037,500,000 30 30/06/2020 62,500,000 1,525,000,000 975,000,000 31 30/09/2020 62,500,000 1,587,500,000 912,500,000 32 31/12/2020 62,500,000 1,650,000,000 850,000,000 33 31/03/2021 62,500,000 1,712,500,000 787,500,000 34 30/06/2021 62,500,000 1,775,000,000 725,000,000 35 30/09/2021 62,500,000 1,837,500,000 662,500,000 36 31/12/2021 62,500,000 1,900,000,000 600,000,000 37 31/03/2022 62,500,000 1, 962,500,000 537,500,000 38 30/06/2022 62,500,000 2,025,000,000 475,000,000 39 30/09/2022 62,500,000 2,087,500,000 412,500,000 40 31/12/2022 62,500,000 2,150,000,000 350,000,000 41 31/03/2023 87,500,000 2,237,500,000 262,500,000 42 30/06/2023 87,500,000 2,325,000,000 175,000,000 43 30/09/2023 87,500,000 2,412,500,000 87,500,000 44 31/12/2023 87,500,000 2 500,000,000 -

2,500 000,000 ~

Jr 2

Page 116: L, - Jaypee Powergrid


Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

Jaypee Pow Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern Northern


LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Calculation of Weighted Average Rate of Interest on Actual Loans

(Amount in Rs.Lakhsl

Particulars Existing 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2018-19

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Loan-1 PNB Gross loan - Opening 20 000.00 20 000.00 20 000.00 20 000.00 20 000.00 20 000.00 Cumulative repayments of Loans upto

10,434.96 12,174.12 13,913.28 15,652.44 17,391.60 19,130.76 orevious vear Net loan - Ooeninq 9 565.04 7 825.88 6 086.72 4 347.56 2 608.40 869.24 Add: Drawal(s) during the Year - - - - - -Less: Repayment (s) of Loans during the ,vear

1,739.16 1,739.16 1,739.16 1,739.16 1,739.16 869.24

Net loan - Closinq 7 825.88 6 086.72 4 347.56 2 608.40 869.24 -Average Net Loan 8 695.46 6 956.30 5 217.14 3 477.98 1 738.82 434.62 i

Rate of Interest on Loan on annual basis 11.15% 11.15% 11.15% 11.15% 11.15% 11.15%

Interest on loan 969.54 775.63 581.71 387.79 193.88 48.46 Loan repayment effective from (date to be 1st July 2012

Loan-2 CENTRAL BANK OF INDIA Gross loan - Opening 15 000.00 15 000.00 15 000.00 15 000.00 15 000.00 15 000.00 Cumulative repayments of Loans upto

7,826.40 9,130.80 10,435.20 11,739.60 13,044.00 14,348.40 I orevious vear Net loan - Opening 7 173.60 5 869.20 4 564.80 3 260.40 1 956.00 651.60 Add: Drawal(s) durinq the Year - - - - - -

Less: Repayment (s) of Loans during the vear

1,304.40 1,304.40 1,304.40 1,304.40 1,304.40 651.60

Net loan - Closing 5 869.20 4 564.80 3 260.40 1956.00 651.60 -Average Net Loan 6 521.40 5 217.00 3 912.60 2 608.20 1 303.80 325.80

Rate of Interest on Loan on annual basis 11.01% 11.01% 11.01% 11.01% 11.01% 11.01%

Interest on loan 718.01 574.39 430.78 287.16 143.55 35.87 Loan repayment effective from {date to be 1st July 2012

Loan-3 The Jammu &. Kashmir Bank Ltd. Gross loan - Opening 10 000.00 10 000.00 10 000.00 10 000.00 10 000.00 10 000.00 Cumulati.v.e rewJyl):lents of Loans upto I orevious vear ... .:

5,217.60 6,087.20 6,956.80 7,826.40 8,696.00 9,565.60

Net loan - Openilii 4 782.40 3 912.80 3 043.20 2 173.60 1 304.00 434.40 Add: 9rawl!l(s! ~rinq the Year - - - - - -~~=:~: R~~(s) of Loans during the 869.60 869.60 869.60 869.60 869.60 434.4{)

Net loan - <::losing 3 912.80 3 043.20 2 173.60 1 304.00 434.40 -Average Net Loan 4 347.60 3 478.00 2 608.40 1 738.80 869.20 217.20

Rate of Interest on Loan on annual basis 11.03% 11.03% 11.03% 11.03% 11.03% 11.03%

Interest on loan 479.54 383.62 287.71 191.79 95.87 23.96 Loan repayment effective from (date to be 1st July 2012 indicated)


Page 117: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Particulars Existing 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2018-19

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Loan-4 SBI Gross loan - Ooenina 25 000.00 25 000.00 25 000.00 25 000.00 25 000.00 25 000.00 Cumulative repayments of Loans upto

10,000.00 12,000.00 14,312.50 16,812.50 19,312.50 22,062.50 I nrPvious vear Net loan - Opening 15 000.00 13 000.00 10 687.50 8 187.50 5 687.50 2 937.50 Add: Drawal(s) durinq the Year - - - - - -Less: Repayment (s) of Loans during the

2,000.00 2,312.50 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,750.00 2,937.50 lvPilr Netloan - Closing 13 000.00 10 687.50 8 187.50 5 687.50 2 937.50 -Averaae Net Loan 14 000.00 11 843.75 9 437.50 6 937.50 4 312.50 1468.75

Rate of Interest on Loan on annual basis 11.18% 11.18% 11.18% 11.18% 11.18% 11.18%

Interest on loan 1 565.20 1 324.13 1 055.11 775.61 482.14 164.21 Loan repayment effective from (date to be 31st March 2013 indicated) TOTAL Gross loan - Opening 70 000.00 70 000.00 70 000.00 70 000.00 70 000.00 70 000.00 Cumulative repayments of Loans upto

33,478.96 39,392.12 45,617.78 52,030.94 58/444.10 65,107.26 I orevious vear Net loan - Ooeninq 36 521.04 30 607.88 24 382.22 17 969.06 11 555.90 4 892.74 Add: Drawal(s) during the Year - - - - - -Less: Repayment (s) of Loans during the 5,913.16 6,225.66 6,413.16 6,413.16 6,663.16 4,892.74

lvear Net loan - Closinq 30 607.88 24 382.22 17 969.06 11 555.90 4 892.74 -Average Net Loan 33 564.46 27 495.05 21175.64 14 762.48 8 224.32 2 446.37 Interest on loan 3 732.29 3 057.77 2 355.31 1 642.36 915.44 272.49 Weighted Average Rate of interest on loan

11.12% 11.12% 11.12% 11.13% 11.13% 11.14%

Rate of interest as applicable on 01.04.2019 has been considered for entire tariff period.


:~~ ~~., ··~[ .:; .· .~::-~-~



Page 118: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

----------------------------·,.eoo•&a:,.·"'~"'"""""...,.._..,"""""'""'"""""""""fr~;;;,:'9229W;ttilfMM.'flJ<,~J--::y'0'?'"'?9'£ O'I!!Si'""iP flil"'llf""P¥!" Vw"«K'••!«2•=t<««•Ytnf!Jti!I!!WWXt«.t;?Xf.ZW..W·~·l.'5§!t

Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

Jaypee Pc Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern Northern


LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Loans in Foreign Currency

Particulars Existing 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2013-14

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Foreian Loan-1 fUSD in Lakhl ExchanQe Rate Gross loan - Openinq Cumulative repayments of Loans upto

I previous year Net loan - Opening Add: Drawal(s) during the Year Less: Repayment (s) of Loans during the lvear Not Applicable Net loan - Closinq Averaqe Net Loan

Rate of Interest on Loan on annual basis Interest on loan Loan repayment effective from {date to be indicated) Foreian Loan-1 (USD in Lakh) Exchance Rate Gross loan - Opening Cumulative repayments of Loans upto previous year Net loan - Opening Add: Drawal(s) during the Year Less: Repayment (s) of Loans during the year Not Applicable Net loan- Closing Average Net Loan

Rate of Interest on Loan on annual basis Interest on loan Loan repayment effective from (date to be indicated)

Foreiqn Loan-3 (USD in Lakh l Exchanqe Rate Not Applicable ' .. \


Page 119: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner :

Name of Region :

Name of the Proj~ct:

Name of the Transmission Element :

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd.



LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Calculation of Interest on Normative Loan

(Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

SI.No. Particulars Existing 2019-20 2020~21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2018-19

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 No. of Days in the year 366 365 365 365 366 No. of days for which tariff claimed

1 Gross Normative loan - Opening 70,486.73 70,486.73 70,491.46 70,491.46 70,491.46 70,491.46

2 Cumulative repayment of Normative Loan upto

31,382.48 36,693.46 42,006.83 47,320.56 52,634.29 57,948.02 previous year

3 Net Normative loan - Ooenina 39 104.25 33 793.27 28 484.62 23 170.89 17 857.17 12 543.44 4 Addition in Normative Loan toward the ACE 4.73

5 Adjustment of Noramative Gross Loan pertaining -to the decaoitalised assets.

6 Normative repayment of Normative Loan during 5,310.98 5,313.37 5,313.73 5,313.73 5,313.73 5)13.73 the vear

7 Adjustnment of Cum. Repayment p~;:~ining to - - - - - -the decapitalised asset.

8 Net Normative loan - Closinq 33 793.27 28 484.62 23 170.89 17 857.17 12 543.44 7 229.71 9 Averaqe Normative Loan 36 448.76 31 138.95 25 827.76 20 514.03 15 200.30 9 886.57

10 Weighted average Rate of Interest on actual

11.08% 11.12% 11.12% 11.13% 11.13% 11.14% Loans

11 Interest on Normative loan 4,038.52 3 463.02 2.872.75 2 282.23 1691.92 1.101.24

Page 120: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : laypee Powergrid Ltd.

Name of Region : Northern Name of the Project: LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-lHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line Name o.f the Transmission 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line Element:

Calculation of Depreciation Rate on Original Project Cost

Depreciation rate Gross Block Depreciation Gross Block Depreciation Gross Block Depreciation Gross Block Depreciation 51. as per CERC Name of the Assets as on Amount for as on Amount for as on Amount for as on Amount for No. depreciation 01/04/2019 FY 19-20 01/04/2020 FY 20-21 01/04/2021 FY 21-22 01/04/2022 FY 22-23

schedule 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Land 0.00% 63.27 - 63.27 - 63 27 - 63.27 -2 Buildino & Civil Works 5.28% 564.39 29.80 564.39 29.80 564.39 29.80 564.39 29.80 3 Transmission Line 5.28% 98 603.60 5 206.27 98 610.35 5 206.63 98 610.35 5 206.63 98 610.35 5 206.63 4 Sub-station 5.28% 1,337.94 70.64 1,337.94 70.64 1 337.94 70.64 1 337.94 70.64 5 PLCC 5.28% 126.13 6.66 126.13 6.66 126.13 6.66 126.13 6.66

TOTAL 100 695.33 5 313.37 100 702.08 5 313.73 100 702.08 5 313.73 100 702.08 5 313.73 Weighted Average Rate

1or Depreciation(%) 5.2767% 5.2767% 5.2767% 5.28%


(Amount in Rs. Lakhs)

Gross Block Depreciation as on Amount for

01/04/2023 FY 23-24

12 13 63.27 -

564.39 29.80 98 610.35 5 206.63

1,337.94 70.64 126.13 6.66

100 702.08 5 313.73


Page 121: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region: Name of the Project:

Name of the Transmission Element :

SI.No. Financial Year

1 2 No. of Days in the year No. of davs for which tariff claimed

1.1 Weighted Average useful Life of the Asset/Project.

1.2 Lapsed weighted average useful life of the asset/project (in Completed no. of Year).

1.3 Balance weighted average useful life of the asset/project (in Completed no. of Years)

Caoital Base

1.4 Opening Capital Cost 1.5 Additional Capital Expenditure during the


1.6 De-Caoitalisation durino the vear 1.7 Closing Capital Cost 1.8 Average Capital Cost 1.9 Freehold land included in 1.8

1.10 Asset having NIL Salvage value included in 1.8

1.11 Asset having 10% Salvage value included in 1.8

1.12 Deoreciable value (1.10 +90% of 1.11) Depreciation for the period and Cumulative deoreciation

1.13 weiohted averaoe Rate of deoreciation 1.14 Deoreciable for the oeriod 1.15 Deoreciation (annualised) 1.16 Cumulative depreciation at the begning of

the oeriod 1.17 less: Cumulative depreciation adjustment

on account of de-capitalisation

1.18 Cumulative depreciation at the end of the oeriod

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern


LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham­Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Statement of Depreciation (Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

As on 01-04- 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2019/ COD

3 4 5 6 7 8 366 365 365 365 366 366 365 365 365 366

25 25 25 25 25

100 695.33 100 695.33 100,702.08 100.702.08 100,702.08 100.702.08 - 6.75 - - - -

- - - - - -100,695.33 100,702.08 100,702.08 100.702.08 100,702.08 100 702.08

100 695.33 100,698.71 100,702.08 100,702.08 100,702.08 100 702.08 63.27 63.27 63.27 63.27 63.27 63.27

- - - - - -

100,632.06 1{)0,635.44 100,638.81 100,638.81 100,638.81 100,638.81

90,568.85 90,571.89 90,574.93 90 574.93 90,574.93 90 574.93

5.27% 5.28% 5.28% 5.28% 5.28% 5.28% 100,632.06 100,635.44 100,638.81 100,638.81 100,638.81 100 638.81

5,310.97 5,313.55 5,313.73 5,313.73 5 313.73 5 313.73 41,508.95 46,822.50 52,136.23 57,449.96 62,763.69 68,077.42


41,508.95 46,822.50 52,136.23 57,449.96 62,763.69 68,077.42



Page 122: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

w ..D ...0

Name of the Petitioner: Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

Sl. Category Date of No. Decapitalisation

1 2 3

0-~ J_ ~ ~ ~


Details of the Asset Decapitali



Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern


LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-lHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Statement of De-caPitalisation (Amount in Rs Lakhs)

Date I Year Original Debt Equity Cumulative Cumulative Details of Petition in of Capital Cost ratio Depreciation Repayment which the tariff of the

capitalisation admitted for considered on corresponding to of Loan asset being of asset/equip tariff for the for tariff on decapitalised corresponding to decapitalised

ment being asset being the Capital asset up to decapitalised was approved by decapitalised decapitalised cost at (5) the date of asset up to Commission (Specify

decapitalisation the date of All the Pet. No. & decapitalisation Order date, Project

name, Asset No for all the periods starting

from its COD till date)

5 6 7 8 9 10

No Work I Equipment Decapitalised

Page 123: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner :

Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

SI.No. Particulars

1 2 No. of Days in the year No. of days for which tariff claimed

1 0 8r. M expenses 2 0 & M expenses for 1 month

3 Maintenance Spares 15% of O&M Expenses

4 Recievables equivalent to 45 days of AFC 5 Total Working Capital

6 Bank rate as on 01.04.2019 or as on 01st April of the COD year, whichever is later.

7 Interest on Working Capital

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd.



LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Calculation of Interest on Working Capital

(Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

Existing 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2018-19

3 4 5 6 7 366 365 365 365 366

406.60 358.40 370.89 383.91 397.45 411.30 33.88 29.87 30.91 31.99 33.12 34.28'

60.99 53.76 55.63 57.59 59.62 61.70

2,687.41 1,919.38 1,846.10 1,772.81 1,699.61 1,626.41

2,782.28 2,003.00 1,932.64 1,862.39 1,792.35 1,722.38

13.50% 12.55% 12.55% 12.55% 12.55% 12.55%

375.61 251.38 242.55 233.73 224.94 216.16



Page 124: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

....c 0

Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element :

Sl. Original No. Schedule (As

Description of per Planning)

Activity I Works /Service

Start Completion Date Date

1 2 3 4 1 2

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern


LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham­Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Details of time over run

Actual Time Agency Reasons Other Schedule (As OverRun responsible and for delay Activity per Actual) whether such affected

time over run (Mention was beyond the Sr No control of the of activity

Start Completion Months Transmission affected) Date Date Licensee

5 6 7 8 9 10

3 Transmission Line already commissioned on 01.04.2012. Details for Time over run already submitted and already addmitted by the 4 5 6 7

Hon'ble Commission in its Order dated 07.05.2015 passed in Petition No. 37/TT/2011.

1 Delay on account of each reason in case of time overrun should be quantified and substantiated with necessary documents and supporting workings.

Page 125: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner :

Name of Region :

Name of the Project:

Name Date of Commercial Operation :

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd.



LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA­JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham­Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Incidental Expenditure during Construction

SI.No. Parameters 1 2

A Exoenses: 1 Emolovees' Remuneration & Benefits 2 Finance Costs 3 Water Charaes 4 Communication Exoense 5 Power Charaes 6 Other Office and Administrative Exoenses 7 Others (Please Soecifv Details) 8 . Other ore-Ooeratina Exoenses

............. B Total Exoenses

Less: Income from sale of tenders Less: Income from ouest house Less: Income recovered from Contractors Less: Interest on Deoosits .........

(Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

Year-1 I Year-2 I Year-3 I Year-4 I Year-S 3 I 4 I 5 T 6 I 7

LILO and Transmission Line already commissioned on


01.06.2011 and 01.04.2012 respectively .

~· .. •


Page 126: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : Name of Region:

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Name of the Project : Name of the Transmission Element: 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Interest durina Construction• Domestic Loan

Interest Interest Interest Date of Loan

Rate of No of

Interest upto Sl No. Name of the Lender & Loan Loan Type Type Frequency due dates infusion

Principal Interest COD Interest

COD Amount days

1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10=9-6 11(7*B*10)

1 Loan 1 2 Loan 2 3 Loan 3

Adjustments Capitalised

if any IDC upto


12 13=11-12

4 Loan 4 LILO and Transmission Line already commissioned on 01.06.2011 and 01.04.2012 respectively. Details already submitted. 5 Loan 5 6 Loan 6

Total I

Capital Finance Charges <during Construction: DoMestic Loan

..C: Sl No. Name of Finance Charges Basis of Payment Date Finance Charges paid I

payable Capitalised FC Liabilities

"""' Oo/

LILO and Transmission Line already commissioned on 01.06.2011 and 01.04.2012 respectively. Details already submitted.


Interest on Undischarg

cash basis eiDC


14 15=13-14

FC on Cash Basis

Year 1 discharge



Year2 discharge


Page 127: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner : Name of Reqion: Name of the Project :

Name of the Transmission Element : Claimed I Admitted COD

lavoee Powerqrid Ltd. Northern


ULO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmiss.ion line

400 kv LILO and 400 KV. D.C .. Quad Transmission line Cut-off Date of the Asset:

Detail of initial Soares

A. Determination of Excess initial spare and its adjustment from Capital cost

Particulars Initial Spare Capitalised as per Ceiling Entitled Excess Adjustment of Excess Initial Plant& Books of Account up to Cut-off limit as Initial of Spare from Capital cost of

Machinery Date mention Spare as· capital is Plant and Machinery Cost edin per ed

(excluding IDC As on As As As Total as Regulati Regulati Initial COD ACE for ACE for ACE for and IEDC) COD ACE ACE ACE on Cut ons 23 ons Spare Yl Y2 Y3 Up to

drY1 drY2 dr Y3 Off to be DOCO reduced Date

1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 =(7-9 11 12 13 14 Transmission Line 1.00% Substation Green Field

ULO and Transmission line 4.00% Substation (Brown Field}_ already commissioned on 6.00% Series Compensation devices 01.06.2011 and 01.04.2012

~nrl HVDC <t~tion respectively. Details of spares 4.00%

GIS/S !Green Field) already submitted and already

5.00% addmitted by the Hon'ble

GIS /S(Brown Fieldl Commission in its Order dated 7.00% Communication svstem 07.05.2015 passed in Petition

3.50% No. 37{TT/2011. Static Synchronous 6.00%

initial spare as per Books ofAccount

Un-Discharae liabilities included above Total Caoitalized initial soare


D. Llt:U::rlllllldUUII Ul r"'ldlll. Clll"'d\,;lllllt:rY IUr- '-'=IIIIIU Ul IIIILidl ::tiJdlt::

Particulars Less: Amount included in Col. B Plant & Machinery plant and towards Plant& Capitalised as ACE up to cut machinery

Machinery off date cost as on

Gross Block of Land Cost IEDC IEDC initial Cost Year-! Year-2 Year-3 cut-off Cost of spares as on COD Date for

Assets as on COD civil for initiak the work spares purpose of

s purpose initial spare

a b c d e' f Q h i i 11 12 13 14 Transmission Line 1.00% Substation (Green Field)

ULO and Transmission Une 4.00%

Substation (Brown Field) already commissioned on 6.00% Series Compensation devices 01.06.2011 and 01.04.2012

4.00% I and HVD_C<t~tinn respectively. Details of spares already submitted and already

GIS/S (Green Field) addmitted by the Hon'ble 5.00% GIS /S (Brown Field) Commission In its Order dated 7.00% Communication svstem 07.05.201'5 passed In Petition 3.50% No. 37{IT{2011. Static Synchronous 6.00%




Page 128: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

% ; Yff:f'' D?X!'9P'YM1!!s"'..-• .... · .. M'"MI!l""r:;ti4'"~~4W ~~ , lJi"

Name of the Petitioner :

Name of Region :

Name of the Project:

Name of the Transmission Element :

SI.No. Particulars

1 2 1 2 3

... ,add

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd.



LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Non-Tariff Income

(Amount in-Rs.Lakhs)

2019-20 I 2020-21 I 2021-22 I 2022-23 I 2023-24

4 5 6 7 8

TLILO and Transmission Line already commissioned on 01.06.2011 and 01.D4.2012 respectively. Details already submitted .


Page 129: L, - Jaypee Powergrid


Name of the Petitioner: Name of Region:

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. Northern

Name of the Project: ULO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Name of the Transmission Element: 400 kv ULO and 400 KV, o.c., Quad Transmission line

Summarv of issue invloved in the oetition Amount In Rs.Lakhs

1. Name of the Peti ioner Jaypee Powergrid Ltd. 2. Petition cateoorv Transmission Tariff 3. Tariff Period 2019-2024 4. Name of the Project ULO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV,

D.C .. Quad · · ' line s. Investment Annroval date 18.02.2008 6. SCOD of the Proiect 01.09.2011 7. Actual COD ofthe nroiect Asset1 01.06.2011 and Assets u 01.04.2012 8. Whether entire scooe is covered in the oresent Yes 9. No. of Assets covered in instant oetition TWo 10. No. of Assets havina time over run One 11. Estimated Pro"ect COst as per lA 98107 12. Is there anv REC? if so. orovide the date 25.05.2017 13. Revised Estimated Pro"ect Cost (if anv: 101100.00 14. Completion cost for all the assets covered in the 100702.08 Jnstant~ 15. No. of Assets covered in instant petition and having

Two cost overrun.

16. Prayer in brief Trueup of Tariff for the period 01.04.2014 to 31.03.2019 and approval of tariff for the period 01.04.2019 to 31.03.2024

17. Key details and any specific issue involved Cost of Project approved vider Order dated 07.05.2015 in petition no 37/lT/2011 and Truedup vide Order dated 22.05.2019 in petition no 217 TT 2017

18. Resoondents Name of Respondents U. P. Power Corporation Limited Himachal Baspa Power Company Import Export & Payment Circle Limited

1 14th Floor, Shakti Bhawan Extn. 14 Sholtu Colony, P.O. Tapri- 172104 Building 14, Ashok Marg District Kinnaur (Himachal Pradesh).

Lucknow- 226001.

AD Hydro Power Limited BSES Yamuna Power Limited Bhilwara Towers, A-12 2nd Floor, B Block, Shakti Kiran

2 Sector-1, Naida - 201301 15 Building (Near Karkadooma Court) Uttar Pradesh New Delhi - 110092.

Haryana Power Purchase Centre BSES Rajdhani Power Limited

3 ~hakti Bhawan, Energy Exchange

16 2nd Floor, B-Biock, Qehind Nehru Place

. Room No.446, Top Floor, Sector-06 Bus Terminal Nehru Place Punchkula - 134109 New Delhi - 110019.

Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd. Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited

4 Thermal Sheds, T 1-A, Thermal design

17 NDLP House, Hudson Lane

Near 22 No. Phatak Kingsway camp Patiala - 147 001. New Delhi - 110009.

Himachal Sorang Power Pvt. Limited New Delhi Municipal Corporation

5 901 B, 9th Floor, Time Tower, M.G.

18 NDMC, Palika Kendra, 5ansad Marg

Road New Delhi - 110001. Gurgaon - 122009

Adani Power Limited Electricity Wing of Engineering 3rd Floor, Achalaraj ,Opp Mayor Department

6 Bunglow 19 Union Territory of Chandigarh Law Garden Electricity OP Circle Chandigarh -

Ahemdabad - 380006 160011 Rajasthan Discoms Power PTC (Budhil), PTC India Limited

7 Procurement Centre

20 2nd Floor, NBCC Tower

Shed No.5/4, Vidyut Bhawan 15, Bhikaji cama Place Janpath, Jyoti Nagar New Delhi - 110066.

Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited PTC(Everest), PTC India Limited

8 Vidyut Bhawan

21 2nd Floor, NBCC Tower

Jan path, Jyoti Nagar 15 Bhikaji cama Place Jaipur- 302 005. New Delhi -110066.

Ajmer Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited uttrakhand Power Corporation Limited

9 Vidyut Bhawan, Panchsheel Nagar

22 Urja Bhawan, Kanwali Road

Makarwali Road Near Balli Wali Chowk Ajmer- 305 004. Dehradun - 248001

jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited Himachal Pradesh State Electricity New Power House Board

10 Industrial Area 23 Vidyut Bhawan Jodhpur- 342 003. Kumar House Complex Building-ll

Shimla - 171 004.

La nco An para Power Limited Power Grid Corporation of India

Plot No.397, Udyog Vihar Phase-3 Limited 11 Gurgaon - 122 016.

24 HVDC Dadri &HVDC Rihand "Saudamini" Plot No-2, Sector-29

La nco Green Power Pvt. Limited North Central Railway, Allahabad

Plot No.397, Udyog Vihar Phase-ni DRM Office, Nawab Yusuf Road 12 Gurgaon - 12Z016. 25 Subedarganj

Allahabad - 211 001.

Power Development Department Govt. of J&K, Sri nagar

13 SLDC Building, 1st Floor 26 Gladani Power House

Narwal, Jammu. - 180017

'-1 a{

Page 130: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

Name of the Petitioner:

Name of Region:

Jaypee Powergrid Ltd.


Name of the Project : LILO of 400 kv DC BASPA-NAPTHA-JHAKRI Transmission line and Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line

Name of the Transmission Element : 400 kv LILO and 400 KV, D.C., Ouad Transmission line COD of the Project (if entire scope of proiect is completed)

Summary of Capital Cost & Annual Fixed Cost (AFC) claimed for ALL the assets covered in the present petition

Al Summarv of Caoital Cost as on COD and Additional Caoital Exoenditure claimed for all the assets covered in the instant oetition S.No. Assets No COD Cut-off date i) Apportioned Approved i) Summary of Actual I Projected Capital Cost


As per As per RCE As on COD 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 Investment

;mnrnv"l 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Assets 1 1,601.00 2,477.64 2,477.64 - - - - -_11

2 Assets 2 01.04.20 30.04.2015 96,506.00 98,62.2.79 95,515.41 - - - - -17


Total Caoital Cost Claimed - 98 107.00 101100.43 97,993.05 - - - - -

B) Summary of Annual Fixed Cost (AFC claimed for all the assets covered in the instant oetition S.No. Assets No

Assets Name and Its Location 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Assets 1 15,355.01 14,768.79 14.182..47 2. Assets 2 3

Total AFC for all the Assets 15 355.01 14,768.79 14182.47

Capital Cost as on 31-03-

2024 11 2,477.64




11 13 596.91

13 596.91


(Amount in Rs.Lakhs)

Capital Cost as on Cut-off date

12 2,477.64


100 702.28


12 13,011.29

13 011.29


Page 131: L, - Jaypee Powergrid

' .! . • ,


I /


Particulars / l-----------------.:.....:~:..::..:::.:..::..:._:_ _ _ _ _ _ ___________ -1 1. Name of the Petitioner/Applicant JAYPEE POWERGRID LIMITED 2. Address of the Petitioner/Applicant JA House, 63, Basant Lok, Vasant Vihar, New

3. Subject Matter

4. Petition No., if any

5. Details of generation assets

(a) generating station/units

(b) Capacity in MW

(c) Date of commercial operation

(d) Period for which fee paid

(~) Amount of fee paid

(f) Surcharge, if any

6. Details of transmission assets

(a) Transmission line and sub-s tations

(b) Date of commercial operation

(c) Period for which fee paid

(d) Amount of fee paid (g) Surcharge, if any

7. Fee paid for Adoption of tariff for

(a) Generation asset

(b) Transmission asset

8. Application fee for licence

(a) Trading licence (b) Transmission licence

(c) Period for which paid (d) Amount of fee pa.id

9. Fees paid for Miscellaneol,Js Application

10. Fees paid for Interlocutory Application

11. fee paid for Regulatory Compliance petition

12. Fee paid for Review Application

13. Licence fee for inter-State Trading (a) Category (b) Period

(c) Amount of fee paid (d) Surcharge, if anv

14. Licence fee for inter-State Transmission (a) Upected/Actual transmission -chilrge

(b) Period (c) Amount offee calculated as a percen,tage of

transmission charge.

(d) 'Surcharge, if any

15. Annual Registration Charge for Power

Exchange (a) Period (b) Amount of turnover (c) Fee paid (d} Surcharge, if any

16. Details of fee remitted

(a) UTR No.

(b) Date of remittance

'(c) Amount remitted

Delhi- 110057.

Payment of filing fee for Determination of Transmission

tariff for FY 2019-20



Karcham-Abdullapur 400 KV, D.C., Quad Transmission line.

Asset I 01/06/2011 & Assets II 01/04/2012

01/04/2019 to 31/03/202.0

Rs. 19,97,530/-Rs. 79,901/-

FY 2019-20

Transmission Asset









SBINRSZ01907Z900087164 29/07/2019

Rs. 20,77,431/-

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Jaypee Powergrid Limited

Versus U.P. Power Corporation Limited & Ors.


... Petitioner

. . . Respondent KNOW ALL to whom these presents shall come that I, A.S. Kushwaha, Director of Petitioner above ·named, do hereby appoint Sh. Rohitt Kumar Yadav, Ankit Sibbal, Prashant Neal, Abhinav Mishra, Advocates

ARCHER JURISTS LLP Address: C-10/4 Vasant Vihar, New Delhi- 110057 Contact No.: (+91) 9818133353, (+91) 9810950777 E-Mail Id.: [email protected]

(herein after called the advocate/s) to be my/our Advocate in the above noted case authorized him:­To act, appear and plead in the above-noted case in this Court or in any other Court in which the same may be tried or heard and also in the appellate Court including High Court subject to payment of fees separately for each Court by me/ us. To sign, file verify and present pleadings, appeals cross objections or petitions for execution review, revision, withdrawal, compromise or other petitions or affidavits or other documents as may be deemed necessary or proper for the prosecution of the said case in all its stages. To file and take back documents to admit and/or deny the documents of opposite party. To withdraw or compromise the said case or submit to arbitration any differences or disputes that may arise touching or in any manner relating to the said case. To take execution proceedings. The deposit, draw and receive money, cheques, cash and grant receipts thereof and to do all other acts and things which may be necessary to be done for the progress and in the course of the prosecution of the said case. To appoint and instruct any other Legal Practitioner, authorizing him to exercise the power and authority hereby conferred upon the Advocate whenever he may think it to do so and to sign the Power of Attorney on our behalf. And 1/We the undersigned do hereby agree to ratify and confirm all acts done by the Advocate or his substitute in the matter as my/our own acts, as if done by me/us to all intents and purposes. And I /We undertake that I I we or my /our duly authorized agent would appear in the Court on all hearings

~nd will inform the Advocates for appearance when the case is called.

And I /we undersigned do hereby agree not to hold the advocate or his substitute responsible for the ~ / esult of the said case. The adjournment costs whenever ordered by the Court shall be of the Advocate . \ 0 <1, which he shall receive and retain himself. D J And I /we the undersigned do hereby agree that in the event of the whole or part of the fee agreed by

1 _. cJ.a, me/us to be paid to the Advocate remaining unpaid he shall be entitled to withdraw from the prosecution u 'tF of the said case until. the same is paid up. The fee settled is only for the above case and above Court. ~ 1/We hereby agree that once the fee is paid. I /we will not be entitled for the refund of the same in any

:0 II'?>~ ~I 0 tasewhatsoever. If the case lasts for more than three years, the advocate shall be entitled for additional fee equivalent to half of the agreed fee for every addition three years or part thereof.


~WITNESS WHEREOF 1/We do hereunto set my /our hand to these presents the contents of which ~ e been understood by me/us on this 121h dax of October 2019. ~~ $ t

'),\~<;I -::§"';=~~"1?0--~I Accepted subject to the terms of fees. · ,, u C.

~ \~- ;;

I ''I ADVOCATE \(~~ 6~

... ~~f\9 ~ \jq 0 I identify the signature of the client


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IN THE MATTER OF: Jaypee Powergrid Limited Through its Authorised Representative Registered Office 'JA House', 63, Basant Lok, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi - 110057 ..• Petitioner

VERSUS U.P.Power Corporation Limited Import Export & Payment Circle 14th Floor, Shakti Bhawan Extn. Building 14, Ashok Marg

Lucknow-22600 1. Respondents & Ors


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