leveraging big data to deliver personalized customer ... · as companies continue to sell more...

Digital Marketing & Media Trends Leveraging Big Data to Deliver Personalized Customer Experiences Uncovering Enterprise Marketers’ Techniques and Best Practices for Driving Relevant, Engaging, and Personalized Customer Experience A Questex Company

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Digital Marketing & Media Trends

Leveraging Big Data to Deliver Personalized Customer Experiences

Uncovering Enterprise Marketers’ Techniques and Best Practices for

Driving Relevant, Engaging, and Personalized Customer Experience

A Questex Company

IntroductionEnterpr ise marketers have faced chal lenges with

col lect ing, managing, and apply ing a deluge of data

for wel l over two decades. Companies have been

bui ld ing mass ive Customer Relat ionship Management

databases; loading up data warehouses f i l led with

transact ional , demographic, and behavioral data;

forging re lat ionships with a growing array of third-

party data providers; and archiv ing reports on past

campaign performance.

These sources of data have been bui l t up, analyzed,

and f ine-tuned to help companies accompl ish

two pr imary goals : gain a better understanding

of customers’ needs, preferences, and behaviors

to del iver engaging exper iences, and support

the constant churn of the sa les funnel through

increas ingly-targeted market ing and advert is ing.

L e v e r a g i n g B i g D a t a t o D e l i v e r P e r s o n a l i z e d C u s t o m e r E x p e r i e n c e s

With over two decades of analyt ics expert ise, the

concept of Big Data—datasets so large in volume

and var ied in source or format that they require

highly-scalable infrastructure and robust analyt ica l

tools to process—is not new to marketers as a

means to achieve those goals .

Nevertheless, the explos ion of measurable digita l

channels—web, emai l , socia l , v ideo, and mobi le—

is adding a great deal of complexity, but a lso

exponent ia l opportunity for marketers to del iver

re levant, engaging, and personal ized customer

experiences that help retain customers and grow


As companies cont inue to se l l more products and

serv ices onl ine—and s imultaneously shift their

market ing and ad dol lars across a more diverse mix

of channels—they are encounter ing new formats,

sources, and scales of data:

• Comprehensive c l ick-tracking for dr iv ing real-

t ime content opt imizat ion

• Preference management for customer

communicat ions

• Geolocat ion data for local ized messaging,

market ing, and advert is ing

• Transact ional data for feeding personal ized

recommendat ions and promotions

• Socia l conversat ions gleaned for greater

customer ins ight and better serv ice

“Big Data” is Not New to Marketers

In many enterpr ises, competencies rooted in

tradit ional database market ing are s i loed from

digita l market ing operat ions, creat ing gaps

and l ike ly del iver ing a dis jo inted exper ience to

customers. How can these marketers re-organize,

re-focus, and re- invest to effect ive ly leverage their

ex ist ing data investments a long with newer big

data appl icat ions to del iver a re levant, engaging,

and personal ized customer exper ience (CX) that

adds value to ex ist ing re lat ionships, helps attract

and acquire new customers, and ult imately dr ive

sa les growth?

Project ObjectivesInfoTrends is launching a t imely, in-depth study

ent i t led Leveraging Big Data to Deliver

Personalized Customer Experiences that wi l l

explore key business dr ivers , object ives, and results

of marketers that pursue customer exper ience

personal izat ion by us ing big data. This study wi l l

use a combinat ion of quant i tat ive and qual i tat ive

research to:

• Def ine the overal l current state of customer

exper ience personal izat ion across different

stages of the customer l i fecyc le; the

advantages, drawbacks, and pers istent

chal lenges that marketers current ly face;

and future plans and predict ions for how the

pract ice wi l l evolve.

• Shed l ight on the organizat ional structures,

sk i l l sets , technologies, serv ices, and best

pract ices that leading enterpr ises use to

harness big data to power engaging, effect ive,

personal ized customer exper iences.

• S ize and forecast marketers’ level of investment

in customer exper ience personal izat ion over f ive

years from two perspect ives: overal l spending

dedicated to achiev ing customer exper ience

personal izat ion and investment by channel .

• Br ing c lar i ty to a complex landscape of

technologies and serv ices used to power

customer exper ience personal izat ion by

segmenting and mapping key players, as wel l as

highl ight ing the interre lat ionships that many of

them have.

• Identify key opportunities that technology and

services firms have to help enterprise marketers

achieve their customer exper ience personal izat ion

goals .

Defining the Customer Experience Personalization Landscape

For I l lustrat ive Purposes Only Market landscape wi l l inc lude companies with capabi l i t ies to d irect ly support customer exper ience personal izat ion

More specif ica l ly, th is study wi l l answer important

quest ions that enterpr ise marketers have about

us ing big data to del iver personal ized customer

exper iences, inc luding:

• How much do I have to invest and what wi l l

be my ROI i f I pursue customer exper ience

personal izat ion?

• Do I real ly need to hire new talent to succeed,

or can I ut i l ize my exist ing staff?

• What technology and serv ice providers do I need

to work with to help me reach my goals?

• What are the operat ional and organizat ional

paths to become a leader in this area?

• How do secur i ty and pr ivacy factor into the

pract ice of customer exper ience personal izat ion?

This study wi l l a lso answer important quest ions

that technology and services f irms have about how

they can play a role in helping companies meet

their objectives when personal iz ing their customer

exper ience:

• What are the biggest chal lenges that marketers

face when try ing to leverage big data to support

personal ized customer exper iences?

• What technologies and serv ices are enterpr ise

marketers current ly us ing to support the

management and execut ion of personal ized

customer exper iences?

• How much are enterpr ise marketers spending to

meet their customer exper ience personal izat ion

object ives?

• Where do gaps ex ist within the technology and

serv ices landscape and how can they be f i l led?

• What are the requirements around data secur i ty

and pr ivacy to provide peace-of-mind to

marketers and their audiences?

Research Methodology

Identifying Leaders and Uncovering Best

Practices of Enterprise Marketers

A key component of the study is a structured web

survey of 200 B2C marketers from the U.S. in a

customer experience role . These survey results

wi l l ident i fy character ist ics of market leaders,

part ic ipants, and laggards as i t re lates to leveraging

big data to del iver personal ized customer

exper iences. They wi l l a lso uncover best pract ices

re lated to overcoming big data chal lenges re lated to

personal izat ion, providing a road map for to become

effect ive, leading pract i t ioners.

In-Depth Interviews with Marketing


In-depth qual i tat ive interv iews with 15-20 marketers

in a customer experience role wi l l be used to

gain deeper ins ight into specif ic pract ices re lated

to managing and exploit ing big data to achieve

personal ized customer exper iences. Vert ica l market

scope inc ludes (but is not l imited to) reta i l , f inancia l

serv ices, insurance, and travel /hospita l i ty.

In-Depth Briefings with Technology and

Services Firms

In-depth br ief ings with 15-20 technology &

services f irms that support customer experience

personalization to better understand the role that

software platforms and serv ices play in del iver ing

engaging, effect ive, personal ized exper iences to

customers and prospects.

Secondary Research Over the past few years, InfoTrends has conducted

extens ive research with enterpr ises, marketers,

consumers, technology vendors, and serv ice providers

about the role of big data, personal izat ion, and

cross-channel market ing. Relevant research reports to

this study inc lude:

• Understanding Vertical Markets: Enterprise

Communication Requirements (2012)

• Mobile Technology: Making Print Interactive


• The Future of EBPP in North America (2010)

• Capturing the Cross-Media Direct Marketing

Opportunity (2009)

InfoTrends wi l l use these sources, as wel l as evaluate

and use the vast array of secondary research

avai lable on big data, customer exper ience, and

personalization to provide a well-balanced and accurate

description of current trends and future opportunit ies

relat ive to this study.

Market Sizing and Forecasting

InfoTrends wi l l use ins ight garnered from this study’s

quant i tat ive, qual i tat ive, and secondary research

act iv i t ies to develop a market size and five-year

forecast of marketers’ level of investment to achieve

customer exper ience personal izat ion from two

perspect ives:

• Overal l level of investment broken down

by internal capabi l i t ies ( t ra in ing, ta lent,

development) , external serv ices (profess ional ,

data, market ing) , and technology.

• Level of investment broken down by channel ,

inc luding web, emai l , search, d isplay, socia l ,

v ideo, mobi le, and pr int .

Our market s ize and forecast research wi l l provide

marketers with guidance about the direct ion

of investment that other marketers are making

to achieve and support customer exper ience

personal izat ion by a number of re levant metr ics .

In addit ion, i t wi l l provide technology and serv ices

f i rms with ins ight into where growth opportunit ies

ex ist for providing solut ions that help marketers

meet their object ives.

Who Should Subscribe?• Enterpr ise marketers that need guidance and

ins ight on big data and customer exper ience

personal izat ion

• Technology and serv ices f i rms that current ly

provide solut ions that support customer

exper ience personal izat ion

• Technology and serv ices f i rms interested in

providing solut ions to help solve marketers’

chal lenges with del iver ing personal ized

customer exper iences through the use of

b ig data

Analysis and Project DeliverablesExtensive analys is of the survey results , interv iews,

br ief ings, and secondary research wi l l be used to

develop and provide comprehensive ins ight on this

market trend:

• An Execut ive Summary that addresses key

issues, f indings, and overal l recommendat ions

• A detai led written report with text , charts , and

graphs address ing the object ives of

the study

• A PowerPoint presentat ion for internal

communicat ion of the research results

• Extens ive data books des igned for addit ional

analys is of key survey quest ions by specif ic


• Market s iz ing and forecasts on marketers’

resource investments and spend across channels

Project TimelineInfoTrends intends to start th is project on

May 1, 2013, with plans to complete the report by

September 30, 2013. Throughout the course of the

project , InfoTrends wi l l i ssues regular updates on i ts


Terms and ConditionsLiability for Advice

Although reasonable efforts wi l l be made by

InfoTrends to ensure the completeness and accuracy

of the information contained in written and oral

reports in connect ion with the proposed study, no

l iabi l i ty can be accepted by InfoTrends for the results

of any act ions taken by the c l ient in connect ion with

such information, opinions, or advice.


InfoTrends reta ins a l l copyr ights. The reproduct ion of

any mater ia ls i s prohibited without written consent

from InfoTrends.


InfoTrends wi l l use i ts best efforts to ensure that

any conf ident ia l information obtained about the

c l ient and i ts bus iness dur ing the course of the

proposed study is not, unless agreed otherwise in

advance, d isc losed to any third party without the

pr ior wr i t ten permiss ion of the c l ient. InfoTrends

reta ins the r ight to re-use any non-propr ietary

information as part of i ts ongoing analys is of the


About InfoTrends

InfoTrends is the leading worldwide market research

and strategic consult ing f i rm for the digita l imaging

and document solut ions industry. We provide research,

analys is , forecasts , and advice to help c l ients understand

market trends, ident i fy opportunit ies, and develop

strategies to grow their bus inesses.



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Leveraging Big Data to Deliver Personalized Customer Experiences

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Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of a research study that wi l l provide you with ins ights on

enterpr ise marketer’s techniques and best pract ices for dr iv ing re levant, engaging, and personal ized

customer exper ience.

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