lohs key club newsletter july 2015

Los Osos High School July Newsletter

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Los Osos High SchoolJuly Newsletter

Page 2: Lohs key club newsletter july 2015

Table of Contents

Editor's MessagePg. 2

Pg. 3-4 Region Picnic

Pg. 5-6 Officer Training Conference

Pg. 7 Upland 4th of July

Pg. 8 Upland Rehab


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Message From the Editor...Hello LOHS Key Clubbers! First, I would like to say that I am very proud to see our club's active participation at club, division, and even region events. Just because school is over, that doesn't mean Key Club is. It is truly amazing to see many of you are still volunteering and helping out the community. It is great to see how our club is improving and how success is no more than a footstep away. Anyways, please continue to achieve greatness and I hope you all have a great summer!

Your Editior, Adam Adri

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Region 13 Picnic

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Region picnic this year was great. Consisting of spirit battles, a scavenger hunt and amazing chances for club fundraising. Arriving at the area was somewhat tricky, but reaching it was completely worth it. Setting up our table and stand, Los Osos key club sold giraffe ears and our club's buttons. These sold quite well with a total profit of $60. Other than  fundraising there was a lot of our members who showed up to participate in games, ice breakers, and pieing. This was especially great because I personally saw a lot of interaction amongst people from different divisions who had just met. This shows the inclusive power of Region  picnic. By the end of the day, we had concluded with the spirit  battle. Our cheers stunningly were able to allow us to conquer the spirit stick and bring glory once again to our LTG and division. Region picnic this year was an absolutely amazing experience this year, just due to the sheer amount of joy conveyed among a relatively small group of people.

Malik Mok

Millie TruongRegion 13 Picnic is a really special event since it is hosted once each

year and is with your Lionfish family. It’s an event where you can get

together with your new and old friends to cheer, do activities, sell

merchandise and of course, spirit battle each division to see who is

going to win the Spirit Stick. This years Region 13 Picnic was an extra

special experience since D15 Giraffes actually won the spirit stick.

Being on the spirit committee along with many other amazing

people, made it even cooler. I strongly recommend you go to this

event in the future to get out of your comfort zone and just try and

socialize with others. It’s also an amazing opportunity to sell cool

things your club has to offer to make some cash either for your

home club, or to donate to PTP and MNT. Region 13 Picnic always

raises a lot of money for PTP and MNT by your entrance fee, so it’s

amazing to know that just by being there and having fun, you’re

helping others.

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Grace YangOne of the most anticipated events in the summer is Officer Training Conference because it’s the time to learn about being an officer, while meeting new people and having fun at the same time. This time, we shared the conference with D36W, and both divisions had their DCMs right before because if was more convenient with everyone together. We started late, and everyone was tired and hot from the burning sun outside, but once we all gathered inside to begin the first general session, everyone was pumped up and eager to start. The first general session was very informative, and a great way to kick off the conference. We learned all the basics of Key Club, from when and where it was founded (1925 in Sacramento, California), to the role of each and every board member.  We met some Kiwanians, some newly-elected, some who have served their term, and were informed of all our preferred charities and organizations which who we are proud to serve. To wrap the general session up, we all did a quick character-building activity in which I met some very friendly Key Clubbers. After the general session, we all went to workshops held by our fellow Key Clubbers, to learn more information about officer positions and their roles on the board. It was amazing to watch my fellow peers, people who I talk to on a day-to-day basis, give a formal presentation and be so professional to the point where it was simply inspiring. Even though we were on a tight schedule and had to shorten all the presentations, the presenters stayed calm, and carried on.After the first workshop session, we had the second general meeting, where we learned tips on public speaking, dealing with stress, and organization—all things relevant to anyone, whether old or young, officer or member. We had a few fun activities in which I got to meet more people, in my division and outside my division. Because our lunch (pizza) hasn’t come yet, we just went ahead and started an alternate version of the third general session, which consisted of icebreakers and team building activities. After, we had lunch, and then proceeded to our last thing of the day, which was a final workshop session. These workshops revolved around the topic of duties of officers, and applied to all officers and members. Because it was getting late, the conference ended after the session, and everyone said their goodbyes and headed on home.As this being my first Officer Training Conference, as an officer, the thing that I really liked about OTC was the valuable information that I learned about officer duties, positions and Key Club in general. It’s a great event to go to because despite the name Officer Training Conference, anyone can go and everyone is encouraged to go. As an officer, I was able to share ideas and learn new ones that will benefit me in my role on the officer board as Fundraising Chair. I really enjoyed my first OTC, and I sure am looking forward to next year!

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Upland 4th of JulyKeelan AponteMy name is Keelan Aponte, and this 4th of July I volunteered at

Upland High School for their fireworks show. I really enjoyed

volunteering here last year, so I decided to go again this year. I

know I made the right choice coming as soon as I got there.

My first job was to make sure cars weren’t coming in the wrong

way, so I had a pretty easy job at first. I was later assigned to

nachos duty. That’s actually harder than it sounds. I had to make

sure the customers were getting a good amount of chips and

cheese, and with about 8 people in a tiny snack bar and a bunch

of customers, things got a little hectic.

Although it got crazy, I without a doubt had fun at this event and I

got to meet other fellow Key Clubbers. For anyone thinking about

going to this event next year, I would definitely recommend it.

Roy GarciaOn July third, I spent the majority of my morning the same as usual:

figuring out a new way to eat leftovers from the night before while

trying to improve my life. I was attempting to brainstorm an idea on

how to improve service hours for the club that I serve when, out of

nowhere; I received a text from a member asking me if Osos Key

Club would be participating in a neighboring Kiwanis annual Fourth

of July event like last year. Naturally, this caught me off guard as

the event from last year had actually been a last minute interclub

as a favor to the President of the respective Key Club at that time.

However, before I could answer the original text, and before I

could figure out another way of eating cold beans, I received

another text asking me the same question. Suddenly, it was like my

phone was being blessed by the endless messages of those wishing

to volunteer, which is a slight exaggeration of course.

Anyways, that night, the sky was filled with miraculous light caused

by the service of those who wishes to lend a hand. Oh yeah, and

there were fireworks too! It truly is a beautiful sensation and honor

to help the community with such a large event. As well, it taught

me a valuable lesson. When trying to serve others, what better way

is there to serve then to listen directly to what they are asking for.

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Upland Rehab

One of Los Osos Key Club's most prominent events is volunteering at the Upland Rehabilitation Center for seniors. Every Wednesday, for Game Night, Key Clubbers meet at the center to play board games such as Yahtzee, Bingo, and Apples to Apples with the seniors. When volunteers arrive to set up, seniors are usually waiting for them, eager to participate in the weekly activity. They always thank the volunteers after each game night, saying that it brightens up their day. Although the short two hours with the seniors may seem insignificant, it means the world to some of them, and this always makes me feel and realize the true values of a Key Clubber. Volunteering my time to make others happy also brings me joy, and I believe that it is for this reason Game Night has been an on going event for Los Osos for such a long time. 

Lena Kim

Skye GrantAt the beginning of the year I would faithfully go to the Upland Rehabilitation Center every Wednesday night. Spending two hours a week playing Yatzhee and Bingo taught me patience, the joy of seeing the world through the perspective of a senior citizens eyes, and kindness. While I loved going to Upland Rehab, eventually I slacked off and my visits were few and far between. This Wednesday myself and three fellow officers went to upland rehab again and it made me question why I had ever stopped going.There are many ways to have an impact of someone's life, spending time with senior citizens is just one of them. I never fully realized the significance of our visits to upland rehab until that Wednesday evening. The way the senior's faces would light up when you would ask about how they spent their day, or how their Fourth of July went was priceless. The two hours we spend interacting with them, while seemingly pretty insignificant to us, was something that they looked forward to and treasured all week. If you don't have the opportunity to ever volunteer at a senior citizens home, sit down with a grandparent and ask them to tell you a story, you may believe that there's no way to bridge the age gap when finding a way to relate to them, but you'll be surprised at the connection that can be formed from just asking a simple question.

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