missing piece workshop

Cognitive Behavioral Weight loss Training The missing piece to weight loss strategies.

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The Missing Piece Workshop presentation offers a general cognitive behavioral training addressing the mental aspect of weight loss. Addressing the mental aspect of weight loss is the Missing Piece in most weight loss programs.


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Cognitive Behavioral Weight loss Training

The missing piece to weight loss strategies.

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Common Sense Skills for Weight Loss & Weight Management

Cognitive behavioral training is a significant aspect of successful weight loss. Modifying food and exercise regimens are only part of the weight loss formula. Changing thoughts, beliefs and attitudes are necessary for lifelong change.

This is the missing piece...Life is Mental!

Presented by Kelly Stallings, MS, LPC

© Kelly Stallings 2008, www.LifeIsMental.com

Page 3: Missing Piece Workshop

Workshop Objectives

• Identify cognitive behavioral techniques for weight release

• Identify and modify self defeating thoughts and behaviors that impede weight release

• Assist clients in increasing daily self motivation

© Kelly Stallings 2008, www.LifeIsMental.com

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Cognitive Techniques for Weight Release

• Written rehearsal• Visual rehearsal• Mental rehearsal

© Kelly Stallings 2008, www.LifeIsMental.com

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Cognitive Techniques for Weight Release

Written rehearsal

1.Write goals using ‘I am’ statements as if goal has been achieved

2. Include long and short term goals

3.Copy top 3-5 goals small card to keep in wallet

4.Read goals card immediately before each meal

5.Keep goals private

© Kelly Stallings 2008, www.LifeIsMental.com

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Cognitive Techniques for Weight Release

Visual rehearsal

1.Create a Vision Board.

2.Hang and maintain it in a private area.

3.Modify pictures and text representing aggressive goals that do not feel believable to make you smile when you see it.

© Kelly Stallings 2008, www.LifeIsMental.com

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Cognitive Techniques for Weight Release

Mental rehearsal

1.Develop vivid visualization of self at perfect body size.

2.Utilize deep breathing to initiate visualization practice.

3.Practice visualization for 5-10 minutes every night just before falling asleep.

4.Moodiness is normal.

© Kelly Stallings 2008, www.LifeIsMental.com

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Behavioral Techniques for Weight Release

• Conscious Eating• Spontaneous exercise

© Kelly Stallings 2008, www.LifeIsMental.com

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Eliminate Food Deprivation

© Kelly Stallings 2008, www.LifeIsMental.com

Ineffective Thinking leadsto Weight Gain

Effective Thinking leads to Weight loss & easy Weight Management

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Behavioral Techniques for Weight Release

Conscious Eating

1.Sit down to eat EVERYTHING.

2.Focus on the food and your body.

3.Place utensils down and release them between bites.

4.Chew each bite15-20 times.

5.Stop when you think you feel full.

© Kelly Stallings 2008, www.LifeIsMental.com

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Behavioral Techniques for Weight Release

Spontaneous exercise

1.Spontaneous vs. planned

2.Every step counts.

3.Use a pedometer daily.

4.2,000 steps roughly equals 1 mile.

© Kelly Stallings 2008, www.LifeIsMental.com

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Workshop Take Away

1. Written, visual and mental rehearsal increase self love, self

image and goal achievement

2. Conscious eating

reduce calories and feel full

3. Spontaneous exercise

increase daily physical activity without resistance

© Kelly Stallings 2008, www.LifeIsMental.com

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Special Workshop Pricing

Use the Life is Mental Set with your clients!

Life is Mental: Think Thin to Live Thin Book and Guided Visualization CD

© Kelly Stallings 2008

$35.00 $25.00

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Contact Kelly

[email protected]

www.LifeIsMental.com www.Facebook.com/kelly.stallings


© Kelly Stallings 2008

Workshop Special Pricing for Bulk Ordershttp://www.lifeismental.com/bulkorder.html