noble dwarves

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  • 8/3/2019 Noble Dwarves


    Races of Undalia

    Noble Dwarves

    AKA: Barv Dwarves, Family Dwarves, Cartel Dwarves, Kral Cceler

    Noble Dwarves have all the racial benefits of Hill Dwarves, with the following exceptions

    -2 DEX, +2 CON. Noble Dwarves are more apt in social graces then their kin, but lack some ofthe agility of other races. This replaces the Hill Dwarfs ability modifiers

    +1 Racial bonus on attack and damage rolls against Aberrations and Chaotic Outsiders. Barvsproximity to the Pandemian Region means that young dwarves train more to combat itsinhabitants than Orcs or Goblins. This replaces the normal dwarfs bonus against orcs andgoblinoids.

    Noble Dwarves gain no dodge bonus to AC against giants.+2 bonus on Craft checks related to chemicals, plants or foods. Noble Dwarves spend more time

    creating potions, drugs and stimulants than engravings or tunnels. This replaces the HillDwarfs racial bonus on Craft checks.

    Noble Dwarves racial bonus on saves against poison is increased to +6. Noble Dwarves spendlots of time using and experimenting with drugs and other chemicals.

    Noble Dwarfs Darkvision is reduced to 20 ft. Noble Dwarves live closer to the surface than their

    cousins, and use their racial ability to see in the dark less.No StonecunningNoble Dwarves may add a Luck Bonus equal to 1/4 their character level (minimum 1) to any d20

    roll once per day. Unlike other luck bonuses, this counts as the die rolling higher, so a Natural1 may still pass a save, and a weapon may get a critical hit. The player must declare he isusing the luck bonus before the die is rolled.

    Noble Dwarves gain Diligent as a Bonus Feat at level 1, and Skill Focus with any skill they aretrained in at levels 4, 7, 10, 13, 16 and 19. Noble Dwarves are mores skilled than other

    Dwarves, and pick up skills during their life at a surprising rate.Automatic Languages: Common and Dwarven. Bonus Languages: Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc,Terran, and Undercommon.

    Favored Class: Alchemist.

    Native to Barv, the Dwarven Kingdom, Noble Dwarves are a somewhat secluded cast ofthe short-folk who live on the surface and spend less time underground. Noble Dwarves arebiologically identical to Hill or Mountain Dwarves, but they are raised differently. Noble Dwarvesusually trim their beards till they are about chin-sized, as to show they are above their warrior kin.Other than that, and usually lacking oversized iron armor, they are identical to dwarves. Thechildren of Dwarf Nobility are raised to be loyal to their family, including extended family, to death.The code by which they follow this is called Onurlandirmak, Dwarven for honor. Noble Dwarvesare educated in a traditional sense; they learn to do what their fathers before them did, anddeviating from this appointed role is taboo among them. Due to their long lifespan and memories,this means that for the past 300 years, almost all Noble Dwarves have been Alchemists,Potion-brewers, Salesmen of the above goods, or servants of those who make them. TheDwarven tendency to organize has led to these like-bred dwarves to form an syndicate thatproduces, markets and sells the highest quality potions, drugs and alchemical substances aroundthe continent. Barv today is run by whichever family can earn enough gold. Kings are selected

    every 50 years from the eldest of each familysAthairs, fathers, and whichever can produce the

    most gold at the ceremony inherits the crown. Thurim Granitegallow has held the current crownfor 150 years, and has more than enough capital to ensure his sons hold it too. Nobody daressteal or harm his family, else his younger brother Dolaim Granitegallow [Noble Dwarf Rouge

  • 8/3/2019 Noble Dwarves


    5/Assassin 10/Fighter 2/Deepwarden 7] fails to save them from anunfortunate accident.

    Noble Dwarves are also the heart of an interesting phenomenon, perhaps one unique to theDwarven race. Not only as they age do Noble Dwarves acquire an alarming number of talents,but as they grow older, fortune seems to bulge and twist to favor them. Some Dwarven scholarshypothesis this is but a rumor, and that Noble Dwarves are simply better at everything. Other

    races scoff at this, and the main theory for Noble Dwarves uncanny luck is a inherent need toexploit every opportunity, which is usually unnoticeable, but in brief flashes of greed, some NobleDwarves manage to make the best of a possible situation. But that is just a theory.

    Noble Dwarves are often Lawful Neutral or Lawful Evil. Most Worship Valkauna the Runecarver,Dwarven god of Oaths, Death and Birth. She is Lawful Neutral and grants the Death, Law, Water,Rune and Family Domains. Many also worship Lyris, goddess of fate or Naderiach, god of Luck(both are from Complete Warrior).

    Thurim Granitegallow, Glanthic Krotega, Preist of NaderiachAthair of the Barv Kingdom

    But that doesnt mean their all bad.

  • 8/3/2019 Noble Dwarves


    FAMILY DOMAIN(From Spell Compendium)Granted Power (Su): Once per day as a free action, you canprotect a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier(minimum one creature) with a +4 dodge bonus to AC. Thisability lasts 1 round per level. An affected creature loses thisprotection if it moves more than 10 feet from you. You can affectyourself with this ability.Family Domain Spells1 Bless: Allies gain +1 on attack rolls and saves against fear.

    2 Shield Other: You take half of subjects damage.

    3 Helping Hand: Ghostly hand leads subject to you.4 Imbue with Spell Ability: Transfer spells to subject.

    5 Rarys Telepathic Bond: Link lets allies communicate.

    6 Heroes Feast: Food for one creature/level cures andgrants combat bonuses.7 Refuge: Alters item to transport its possessor to you.8 Protection from Spells: Confers +8 resistance bonus.9 Prismatic Sphere: As prismatic wall, but surrounds on allSides

    RUNE DOMAIN(Spell Compendium)Granted Power: You gain Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat.Rune Domain Spells1 Erase: Mundane or magical writing vanishes.2 Secret Page: Changes one page to hide its real content.3 Glyph of Warding: Inscription harms those who pass it.4 Explosive Runes: Deals 6d6 damage when read.5 Planar Binding, Lesser: Traps extraplanar creature of6 HD or less until it performs a task.6 Glyph of Warding, Greater: As glyph of warding, but up to10d8 damage or 6th-level spell.

    7 Drawmijs Instant Summons: Prepared object appears

    in your hand.8 Symbol of Death: Triggered rune slays nearby creatures.9 Teleportation Circle: Circle teleports any creatureinside to designated spot.