norhazlinda azmi_la lesson plan.doc

Focus: Language Arts Theme : World of Stories Topic : Goldilocks and the three bears Content Standard : 4.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to plan, organize and produce creative works for enjoyment. Learning Standard : 4.3.2 Able to produce simple creative works based on: (c) stories Objective By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to retell the story by arranging the pictures and story line in the correct sequence according to the story learnt. Time : 60 minutes for intermediate proficiency Teaching Aids : 1. Pictures 2. Jumbled up words that form a sentence (story script) 3. A printed mask for pupils to colour – Papa Bear , Mama Bear , Baby Bear and Goldilocks . 4. Story script 5. A4 coloured paper to make card from Goldilocks to the Bear family. Activi ty Teaching & Learning Strateg Notes 1. Recall the story Using “Wh” questions. - Reinforcement (about 5 minutes) Planning - What is the girl’s name? -What did the girl do? etc 2. Explain to the pupils that they are going to make their own play about Goldilocks and the three bears in order to retell the story. - Problem solving Pupils need to rearrange jumbled up words to form a correct sentence. When joint together, the sentences would form the story - Jumbled up words in an envelope (pupils to work in pairs) -Pupils would rearrange the words to form the sentence and paste it onto a manila card with pictures

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Language Arts Lesson Plan


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Focus: Language Arts

Theme : World of Stories

Topic : Goldilocks and the three bears

ContentStandard :

4.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to plan, organize and produce creative works for enjoyment.

LearningStandard :

4.3.2 Able to produce simple creative works based on:(c) stories

Objective By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to retell the story by arranging the pictures and story line in the correct sequence according to the story learnt.

Time : 60 minutes for intermediate proficiency

Teaching Aids :

1. Pictures2. Jumbled up words that form a sentence (story script)3. A printed mask for pupils to colour – Papa Bear , Mama Bear , Baby Bear and Goldilocks .4. Story script5. A4 coloured paper to make card from Goldilocks to the Bear family.


Teaching & LearningStrateg



1. Recall the story Using “Wh” questions.

- Reinforcement (about 5 minutes)


- What is the girl’s name?

-What did the girl do?etc

2. Explain to the pupils that they are going to make their own play about Goldilocks and the three bears in order to retell the story.

- Problem solvingPupils need to rearrange jumbled up words to form a correct sentence.

When joint together, the sentences would form the story script.(about 10 minutes)

- Jumbled up words in an envelope (pupils to work in pairs)-Pupils would rearrange the words to form the sentence and paste it onto a manila card with pictures to help them remember the sequence.

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3. Distribute the maskand ask pupils to colour them.

- The masks of the characters.

(about 10 minutes)


- Give suitable time

- can be done in groups.

4. Assign each group with different scenes from the play. Ask them to organise and decide on the correct sequence according to the story. Ideally they should be in a group of 4 so everyone can get a go in the play.

- Role play

- The pupils decide how they would dramatize the script.(about 10 minutes)Organising

- Distribute the sentence strips to each group and ask them to practice saying their script

6. Pupils put on their masks and act out the play (each group would act out only their part of the scene.

Story play(around 10 minutes)


7. Pupils create a ‘greeting card’ from Goldilocks to the Bear family to say I am sorry.

Production - Neatness, tidiness and creativity.

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ww w .b rit is hc ou nc il .or g/ lea r ne n gl is hk i ds

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Goldilocks Story

Look at the pictures and write the correct caption. Choose from the box.

Goldilocks was walking in the forest. The bears came home.Goldilocks ate all the porridge.

Goldilocks slept in the small bed. There were three bowls on the table. Goldilocks ran into the forest.

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ww w . b r i t i s h c o u n c il . o r g / l ea r n e n g l i s h k i ds

© The British Council, 2009

The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. A registered charity : 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland).

Goldilocks and the Three Bears – A play


Here is the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. You can use this to act the story out with your friends! You will need 4 people: Goldilocks, Daddy Bear, Mummy Bear and Baby Bear.You can draw or print masks for you and your friends.You can also draw or make things for the play, for example, flowers and trees for the forest, or bowls of porridge. You’ll also need a chair, and something to use as a bed – perhaps the sofa or a table.

The Play

Goldilocks enters. She walks through the forest singing. She sees a house.

Goldilocks: Oh, what a sweet little house!(She knocks on the door.)

Goldilocks: Who’s there?(Nobody answers. She opens the door and goes in There are three bowls of porridge on a table.)

Goldilocks: I’m hungry! What’s this?(Goldilocks tastes the first bowl of porridge.)

Goldilocks: Ugh! This is too hot!(Goldilocks tastes the second bowl of porridge.)

Goldilocks: Ugh! This is too cold!(Goldilocks tastes the third bowl of porridge.)

Goldilocks: Mmmmm! This is just right!(Goldilocks eats all the porridge. Goldilocks yawns. She’s tired. There are three chairs around the table. She sits in one of the chairs.)

Goldilocks: This chair is too big!(She sits in the second chair.)

Goldilocks: This chair is too big!(She sits in the third chair.)

Goldilocks: This chair is just right!(The chair breaks! Goldilocks goes to the bedroom. There are three beds. She lies on one of the beds.)

Goldilocks: This bed is too hard!(She lies on the second bed.)

Goldilocks: This bed is too soft!(She lies on the third bed.)

Goldilocks: This bed is just right!(Goldilocks goes to sleep. The three bears come in the house. They see the bowls and look at them.)

Daddy Bear: Someone’s been eating my porridge!

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Mummy Bear: Someone’s been eating my porridge!

Baby Bear: Someone’s been eating my porridge and it’s all gone!

(The three bears see the chairs.)

Daddy Bear: Someone’s been sitting in my chair! Mummy Bear:

Someone’s been sitting in my chair!

Baby Bear: Someone’s been sitting in my chair – and it’s broken!

(The three bears go into the bedroom and see the beds.) Daddy

Bear: Someone’s been sleeping in my bed!

Mummy Bear: Someone’s been sleeping in my bed!

Baby Bear: Someone’s been sleeping in my bed – and she’s still there!

(Goldilocks wakes up, looks at the bears and screams.)

Goldilocks: Help!

(Goldilocks runs out of the house.)

Daddy Bear )Mummy Bear ) What a horrible girl! Baby Bear )

Contributed by Sue Clarke

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