nutritional sciences 1034 exam 2 notes

Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) 19/09/2007 15:00:00 Ch2 DRIs Replace and expand on the Recommended Dietary Aowance Intended to prevent nutritional deficiencies as well as reduce the risk of chronic diseases Specific for gender, age (infants to 70+ years), and pregnancy/lactation Consists of several types of reference intakes RDA – Recommended Dietary Allowance AI – Adequate Intake UL – Tolerable Upper Intake Level EER – Estimated Energy Requirement DV – Daily Value, for food labels (Not the same as the rest, RDA for worst case scenerio) RDA Average daily dietary intake level that is sufficient to meet the nutrient requirement of nearly all (97 – 98 percent) healthy individuals in a particular life stage and gender group o Not the minimum requrement o You can be below RDA and not have deficiency Developed to prevent nutrient deficiency diseases Age and gender specific Deficiency: intakes below 70% of RDA over and extended period o 2/3 of RDA is ok for a few days 1

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Page 1: Nutritional Sciences 1034 Exam 2 Notes

Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) 9/19/07 10:00 AM

← Ch2

←← DRIs

Replace and expand on the Recommended Dietary Aowance

Intended to prevent nutritional deficiencies as well as reduce the

risk of chronic diseases

Specific for gender, age (infants to 70+ years), and


Consists of several types of reference intakes

RDA – Recommended Dietary Allowance

AI – Adequate Intake

UL – Tolerable Upper Intake Level

EER – Estimated Energy Requirement

DV – Daily Value, for food labels (Not the same as the rest, RDA for

worst case scenerio)


Average daily dietary intake level that is sufficient to meet the

nutrient requirement of nearly all (97 – 98 percent) healthy

individuals in a particular life stage and gender group

o Not the minimum requrement

o You can be below RDA and not have deficiency

Developed to prevent nutrient deficiency diseases

Age and gender specific

Deficiency: intakes below 70% of RDA over and extended period

o 2/3 of RDA is ok for a few days


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Toxicity: intakes above 3 times RDA

Adequate Intake (AI)

Recommended intake value based on observed or experimentally

determined approximations or estimates of nutrient intake by a

group of healthy people

Used when an RDA cannot be determined

o Not as definitive as RDA; more research needed

← Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)

The highest level of daily nutrient intake that is likely to pose no

risk of adverse health effects for almost all individuals in the

general population. As intake increases above the UL, the potential

risk of adverse effects increases.

o Adverse effects over a long time of eating bad

← Estimated Energy Requirement (EER)

An estimate of the calorie needs of the average person based on

gender, age, height, weight, and physical activity level

o Energy = calories

← Range of Intake

Upper Level (UL) met or exceeded

RDA/AI/EER (good)

Deficient State

← Daily Value (DV)

Used on food labels (%DV)

Based on 2,000 kcal diet

Rough guide for comparing food nutrient content to requirements


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Vitamins: Fat Soluble (A, D, E, K) 9/19/07 10:00 AM

← What are Vitamins?

Essential organic compounds

o Essential – important to proper growth

o Organic - carbon

Needed in very small amounts

Do not provide energy

Function as coenzymes: B vitamins and vitamin K

o Work with enzymes

Fat soluble: vitamins A, D, E, and K

o Soluble in non polar things

Water soluble: B vitamins and vitamin C

o Soluble in polar things

← Why are they essential?

Vitamins either cannot be synthesized in the body or are not

synthesized in adequate amounts

o We are one of the few animals that do not make vitamin C

o We didn’t make some vitamins we needed as infants

Must be supplied in the diet

Exceptions: vitamins D, K, niacin, and biotin

Produce deficiency symptoms when missing from the diet

← Function of vitamins

Participate in energy-yielding reactions


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Contribute to blood formation, clotting, bone health, protein

metabolism, antioxidant defense

← Sources and storage

Plant and animal foods in diet


Fat-soluble vitamins (except vitamin K) are stored in body – not

readily excreted

o Hard to get deficiency

Water-soluble vitamins (except vitamins B6 and B12) are not stored –

readily excreted via urine

← Deficiency and toxicity

Deficiency: vitamin is lacking in the diet and the body stores are

depleted, loss of function

o Not often seen in our country

Toxicity: excessive intake can cause damage to the body

o Upper limit – line at where toxicity begins

← Toxicity

Fat-soluble vitamins accumulate in the body most readily and can

cause toxic effects (3x RDA for vitamin A-most extreme and easy to


Water-soluble vitamins are toxic only in very large amounts (15-

100x RDA)

Toxicity most likely from supplementation

← Preservation of vitamins

Eat foods soon after harvesting

Tore properly (avoid heat, light, air)

o Cold/dark

Avoid excessive cooking


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o Boiling in water causes vitamins to go into water

Frozen frouts and vegetables are as nutritious as fresh

← Absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K)

Absorbed along with dietary fat

o Some drugs block absorption

Transported with fat through the bloodstream inside lipoproteins

Usually 40-90% of fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed

Fat malabsorption (diseases or weight loss during orlistat) may

cause deficiency

← Vitamin A

Found in several forms of foods

o carrots

Retinoids in foods of animal origin

Carotenoids (pigments) in vegetables, can be converted into

vitamin A

o Pre- or pro- vitamin A

Vitamin A Functions

o Promotes vision

Night blindness

o Promote growth, development, reproduction

o Prevents drying of the skin and eyes

Xerophthalmia (dry eye)

Need to maintain skin


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o Promotes immune function and infection resistance

o Cardiovascular disease prevention

o Cancer prevention

o Acne medication (vitamin a derivatives)

Vitamin A recommendations

o Measured in Retinol Activity Equivalents (RAE) = vitamin A +

carotenoids (beta-carotene)

o RDA is 900 ug RAE for men, 700 ug RAE for women

o DV is 1000 ug RAE

o Average intakes in the us meet the RDA

o Much of vitamin A is stored in the liver

Vitamin A Deficiency

o Leading cause of preventable blindness in children

o Night blindness

o Xerophthalmia

o Dry skin

o Poor growth

Vitamin A Toxicity

o Highly toxic

o Enlarged liver

o Fetal malformations and spontaneous abortions (why

Accutane is not prescribed during pregnancy)

o Bone/muscle pain, fractures


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o Headaches

o Hair loss

o Skin changes

o Eating polar bear liver – toxicity, makes person blind.

Vitamin A sources

o Yellow-orange vegetables (beta-carotene), dark green leafy

vegetables (lutein and zeaxanthin) and tomatoes (lycopene)

o Liver

o Fish oils

o Eggs

o Fortified milk and yogurt

← Vitamin D

Prohormone: activated by enzymes in the liver and kidneys

Derived from cholesterol (like a hormone

Synthesized from sunlight

80-100% of vitamin D needs can be provided by sunlight

Deficiency causes bone diseases


o Calcium metabolism and bone health

o Regulates absorption of calcium and phosperos from intake

o Regulates deposition of cacium in bones

o Influences cell development


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o Immune function and cancer prevention

o Immune system modulator


o 5 ug/day for adults under 51

o Sun


o Rickets, deficiency in children

Bowed legs

Rib “beads” at sternum

Slow growth

Bowed spine

o Osteonalacia – deficiency in adults

“soft bones”

bones lose minerals and become pourous


o Toxic in high amounts, especially for infants and children

o Over-absorption of calcium, calcium deposits in organs

o Weakness, appetite loss, diahrea, vomiting, mental

confustion, increased urine


o Fortified milk/milk products

o Fortified breakfast cereals


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o Fish oils

o Sardines

o Salmon

o Sunlight

← Vitamin E

The fat soluble antioxidant vitamin

Protects unsaturated fats from oxidization

Donates electron to electron seeking compounds, “free radicals”

Found mostly in cell membranes

Improves vitamin A absorption


o 15 mg/day for adults

o many adults get recommended

Deficiency and toxicity

o Deficiency

Breakdown of cell membranes

Hemolytic anemia

Nerve degeneration

o Toxicity (not likely)

Muscle weakness



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Inhibition of vitamin K metabolism


o Plant oils and products made from plant oils

o Green leafy vegetables

o Some fruits

o Nuts and seeds

o Fortified breakfast foods

← Vitamin K

Supplied by diet as well as intestinal bacteria

Synthesized by bacteria in the colon, 10% of Vitamin K needs


o Coenzyme with major role in coagulation process (blood


o Activates proteins invoved in bone metabolism


o Hemorrhage

o Fractures

o Most at risk: patient with long standing fat malabsorption,

person taking antibiotics fro long periods, infants


o Unknown


o Green leafy vegetables

o Liver

o Broccoli

o Peas

o Green beans

o Fresh oils

o Meats


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Water Soluble Vitamins 9/19/07 10:00 AM

← Water-Soluble Vitamins


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Dissolve in water

Very little is stored in body

Excreted from body if consumed in excessive amounts

Include all essential B vitamins, Vitamin C, and choline (vitamin-like


Large amounts can be lost during cooking

← B Vitamin Functions

Coenzymes in energy metabolism

o Pathways used by carbohydrates (CHO), amino acids, and fats

Red Blood Cell formation and functions

Neurological function

Nearly 50-100% of B vitamins in the diet are absorbed

← Thiamin (B1)

Coenzyme form used in CHO metabolsm

Nerve function


o 1.1 to 1.2 mg/day

o most diets exceed RDA

Thiamin Deficiecy and Toxicity

o Deficiency



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Sinhalese: “I cannot, I cannot”

Dry: wasting, peralisys

Wet: edema, heart failure

Seen in areas where white rice is a staple

o Non-Toxic

Thiamin Sources

o Lean pork products

o Organ meats

o Whole and enriched grain products

o Dried beans

o Seeds

o Peanuts

o Peas

← Riboflavin

Coenzyme form participate in energy-yielding metabolic pathways

(aerobic energy)


o 1.1 to 1.3 mg/day

o nutrient-poor diets are usually low in riboflavin, i.e. alcoholics

Riboflavin deficiency and toxicity

o Deficiency

Cheilosis (cracking on outside of lips), angular stomaitis

(cracks or sores at corners of mouth, inflimation of

mouth and tounge, and dermatitis)


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o Non-toxic


o Milk and milk products

Destroyed by light

o Enriched and whole grains

o Meat, liver, eggs, spinach, oysters

← Niacin

Coenzyme forms in energy metabolism


o 14 mg/day for women

o 16 mg/day for men

Deficiency and Toxicity

o Deficiency

Pellagra – 4 D’s





o Toxicity with intakes >100 mg/day

Vasodilation, itching, headaches, flushing



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o Poultry, beef, tuna, and other fish (high protein foods)

o Enrichd prducts

o Wheat bran

o Asparagus

o Peanuts

o Can be synthesized from tryptophan (essential amino acid)

← Vitamin B6

Coenzyme form

o Activates enzymes needed for metabolism of CHO, fat, and


o Synthesizes non-essential amino acids

o Synthesizes neurotransmitters

o Synthesizes hemoglobin & WBC

o Role in homocysteine metabolism



o Avg daily intake is more than RDA

o Alcoholics at risk for deficiency

B6 Deficiency and Toxicity

o Deficiency

Irritability, nervousness, depression/moodiness,

vomiting, skin disorders, and impaired immune


o Toxicity >200 mg/day can lead to irreversible nerve damage


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Risk with using megadoses to reduce the symptoms of



o Animal products

o Dairy products

o Bananas

o Potatoes

o Widely available

← Folate

Coenzymes help form DNA and metabolize various amino acids

Red blood cell formation and maturation


o 400 ug/day adults

o 600 ug/day pregnant women

Deficiency and Toxicity

o Deficiency

Results in neural tube defects in fetus

Results in megaloblastic anemia in adults (large

immature RBC in the blood, fewer mature RBC,

decreased ability to carry O2)

o Toxicity

Excess can mask B12 deficiency


o Foliage


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o Liver

o OJ

o Enriched products

o Grains, legumes

Heat and microwave can destroy some forms

← Vitamin B12

Coenzyme form

Role in folate metabolism

Maintaining myelin sheaths

o Transfer electrical pulse

RBC formation


o 2.4 mg/day for adults

o stored in liver


o Requires a protein from salivary gland

o Requires stomach acid

o Requires intrinsic factor

Protein-like compund produced by the stomach that

enables B12 absorption

o Absorbed in the last part of small intestine

About 50% absorbed


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Deficiency and Toxicity

o Deficiency

Pernicious anemia : (“deadly, fatal”) duue to lack of

intrinsic factor inability to absorb B12

Megaloblastic anemia

Nerve degerneration & peralysis

o Non-toxic


o ONLY in foods from ANIMAL SOURCES

o Animal products

o Organ meats

o Seafood

o Eggs, milk

o Hot dogs

o Synthesized by bacteria, fungi, and lower organism

← Pantothenic Acid

Coenzyme form essential for metabolism of CHO, fat, and protein


o 5 mg/day


o Rare, however usually in combination with other deficiencies

Toxicity unknown


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o Found everywhere

o Wheat, milk, veggies, sunflower seeds, mushrooms, peanuts,


← Biotin

Coenzyme form aids in fat and CHO metabolism

Helps break down certain amino acids


o 30 ug/day


o Rare. Scaly/inflamed skin, changes in tounge and lips,

decreased appetite, nausea/vomiting



o Caluflower

o Egg yolk

o Peanuts, cheese

o Intestinal bacteria can synthesize and supply some biotin

o More than a dozen raw egg whites a day can cause absorption

to be inhibited

Vitamin C

Synthesis of callogen

o Makes up connective tissue

Iron absorption


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Immune function



o More for smokers

Deficiency of Vitamin C

o Scurvy: bleeding gums, pin-point hemorrhaging, poor wound

healing, wakness


o Stomach inflammation and diarrhea


o Citrus fruits

o Potatoes

o Green peppers

o Cauliflower

o Broccoli

o Strawberries

o Lettuce

o spinach

← Choline 8-3

Essential nutrient, however it is not considered a vitamin

All tissues contain choline

Precursor for acetylcholine (neurotransmitter)


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Precursor for phospholipids

o Good for tying things together


o 425-550 mg/day for adults

← Choline Deficiency (never the right answer)


o Rare


o In high doses: associated with fishy body odor, vomiting,

salivation, sweating, hypotension, GI effects

← Choline Sources

Widely distributed in foods





Lecithin added to foods


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Major/Macro Minerals 9/19/07 10:00 AM

← Minerals

Various functions in the body

Do not provide energy

Major/macro minerals

Micro/trace minerals

Bioavailability depends on interactions with fiber, vitamins, and

other minerals

o Sometimes 10% absorbed

o Fiber keeps some from being absorbed

o Compete for absorption

Toxic in excessive amounts, especially trace minerals

← Major/Macro Minerals

Calcium (Ca)

Magnesium (Mg)

Sodium (Na)

Sodium (Na)

Chloride (Cl)

Potassium (K)

Phosphorus (P)

Sulfur (S)

← Calcium

99% in bones and teeth


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makes up 40% of all the minerals present in the body


o Forming and maintaining bones

o Blood, nerve, muscles, and cells


o 1000 to 1200 mg/day for adults

o 1300 mg/day for children

o Avg intake is NOT enough

Absorption of calcium

o Normally 25% absorbed from food

o Vitamin D and acidic gut help absorption

o Absorbed in upper part of small intestine

o Absorption increased to 60% in time of need, i.e. pregnancy,


Decreased Absorption of Calcium

o High fiber intake

o Excess phosphorus


o Vitamin D deficiency

o Polyphenols (tannins) in tea

o Diarrhea

o Aging


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Calcium Deficiency

o Deficiency

Osteoporosis: loss of bone mass

Most at risk

Post-menopausal women

Slender, inactive women who smoke


Build peak bone mass when young with

adequate calcium and vitamin D intake

Weight-bearing physical activity

o Calcium Toxicity

Not common

Risk of kidney stones and other problems

o Sources

Dairy products

Canned fish

Ca-fortified orange juice


← Magnesium

60% is found/stored in the bones


o Bone formation


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o Enzyme function

o Nerve and heart function


o 310-320 mg/day for women

o 400 to 420 mg/day for men


o Unlikely unless diurectic use or alcoholism

o Weakness, muscle pain, poor heart function


o Overuse of antacids, laxatives, or supplements

o Causes diarrhea and weakness in patients with kidney failure


o Whole grains

o Nuts, beans, green vegetables


Major positive ion in extracellular fluid

Blood Na levels controlled by the kidneys


o Water balance

o Nerve and muscle function


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o 1500 mg/day age 19-50

o 1300 mg/day age 51-70

o 1200 mg/day age 71 years and older


o Hyponatremia

Rare, only with persistent vomiting, diarrhea, or

excessive perspiration (losing 2-3% body weight-

marathon runners)

Muscle cramps, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, shock,



o Contributes to hypertension in susceptible

Increases Ca loss in the urine

Sodium Sources

o Table salt (40% Na)

o Processed foods

o Condiments

o Chips

o Added to flavor foods

← Chloride

Major negative ion for extracellular fluid


o Hydrochloric acid in stomach


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o Nerve function

o Water balance


o 2300 mg/day


o Rare, convulsions in infants


o Unlikely, linked to hypertension in susceptible people when

combined with Na


o Table salt (60% Cl)

o Some vegetables

o Processed foods

← Potassium

Major positive ion in intracellular fluid


o Water balance

o Nerve and muscle function


o 4700 mg/day



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o Rare, only with persistent vomiting or prolonged diuretic


o Irregular heart beat, muscle cramps


o Unlikely, seen only in kidney failure


o Fruits, vegetables, milk, grains, meats, dried beans

o Bananas

o Orange juice

← Phosphorus

Major negative ion of intracellular fluid

Bone and tooth component

Component of cell membranes, DNA

Acid/base balance


o 700 mg/day for adults

o 1250 mg/day for children

o Average intake exceeds RDA


o Unlikely, possible bone loss



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o Impairs bone health in people with kidney failure or low Ca



o Wide variety of foods

o Dairy products

o Breads and cereals

o Meats and fish

o Soft drinks

←← Sulfur

Dietary proteins supply all we need


o Part of amino acids and vitamins

o Drug detoxification

No deficiency if protein is adequate

No toxicity


o Protein foods


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Minerals: Micro/Trace 9/19/07 10:00 AM

← Micro/Trace Minerals

Needed in much smaller amounts than macro minerals

Essential for health

Difficult to study

o Only trace amounts in the body

Animal sources of mineral are generally better absorbed

← Minerals

Iron (Fe)

Iodine (I)

Zinc (Zn)

Copper (Cu)

Chromium (Cr)

Fluoride (F)

Selenium (Se)

←← Iron

~ 18% is absorbed, determined by body’s need

Heme iron vs. nonheme iron (heme as in hemoglobin which iron is

part of)

o Heme iron found in animal products, better absorbed that

nonheme iron

No hemoglobin in plants

Redder the better


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o Meat protein factor my aid in nonheme absorption

Vitamin C enhances absorption of nonheme iron


o Component of hemoglobin in RBC transport of oxygen and

carbon dioxide

o Energy metabolism

o Immune function

Need iron to fight off disease

o Cognitive development (brain)


o 8 mg/day men

o 18 mg/day women

o Average intakes for men exceed the recommendation, most

women’s intakes are low


o Microcytic hypochromic anemia, low levels of hemoglobin

and hematocrit, insufficient intake and stores

o At risk: infants, toddlers, chronic blood loss, vgans, runners,

and women of childbearing years

o Signs: paleness, brittle nails, fatigue, poor temperature

control, poor growth


o Fairly rare (1/250 have both hemochromatosis genes)

o Liver and heart damage (extreme cases of Fe overload)

o GI upset with Fe supplements

o Infants/children at risk of Fe poisoning


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Vitamins and mineral supplements can poison children

Iron Sources

o Med (redder the better)

o Seafood

o Broccoli

o Peas

o Whole and enriched grains

← Iodine

70-80% of Iodine in the body is found in the thyroid gland


o Supports thyroid hormone synthesis

o Regulates metabolic rate, growth, and development


o 150 ug/day


o Goiter: thyroid gland enlarges

Mountainous areas

o Cretinism: stunting of fetal growth and mental development

as a result of low iodine in maternal diet


o Thyroid hormone synthesis is inhibited

o Looks like iodine deficiency, swelling of thyroid gland


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o Consumption of seaweed poses risk


o Iodized salt

o White bread

o Saltwater fish

o Dairy products

← Zinc

Involved in many areas of metabolism

40% of Zn in absorbed, competes with copper and iron for



o Required for nearly 200 enzymes

o Normal growth and sexual development

o Immune function

o Protein and nucleic acid metabolism

o Wound healing


o 8mg/day for women

o 11 mg/day for men


o Dwarfism

Groth retardation and poor sexual development


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Decreased appetite and taste sensation

Poor wound healing

o Toxicity

Excessive intakes reduce copper absorption


Depressed immune function

Zinc Sources

o Seafood

o Meats

o milk

o legumes

o Whole grains

← Copper


o Aids in Fe metabolism

o Hemoglobin formation and Fe transport

o Elastin and collagen synthesis

Proteins that hold everything together

o Antioxidant enzymes

o Immune function



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o 900 ug/day

Deficiency and Toxicity

o Deficiency


Low WBC count

Poor growth

Bone loss

Some forms of cardiovascular disease

o Toxicity


Wilson’s Disease: A genetic deficit that causes an

accumulation of Cu in the brain or liver brain

damage, liver failure, death

Copper sources

o Organ meats

o Whole grains

o Legumes

o Nuts


Recently discovered essential trace element (1959)


o Maintenance of glucose uptake into cells

o Aiding insulin function


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o 25 to 35 ug/day

Chromium Deficiency and Toxicity

o Deficiency

Impaired glucose control

Diabetes like symptoms

Elevated blood cholesterol and triglycerides

o Toxicity

Caused by industrial contamination, not by food sources

Liver damage and lung cancer

Chromium Sources

o Egg yolks

o Whole grains

o Pork

o Nuts

o Mushrooms

o Beer

← Fluoride


o Strengthens tooth enamel

o Decreases the risk of dental caries


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o Inhibits tooth demineralization and enhances tooth



o 3.1 mg/day for women

o 3.8 mg/day for men

Fluoride Deficiency and Toxicity

o Deficiency

Increased risk for dental caries

o Toxicity

Fluorosis: mottling (staining) of teeth during tooth


Bone pain

Stomach upset


o Fluoridated water

o Toothpaste

o Tea

← Selenium


o Antioxidant enzymes (glutathione peroxidase)

o May help prevent cancer


o 55 ug/day

Selenium Deficiency and Toxicity

o Deficiency

Muscle pain and weakness

In China a while back

Form of heart disease

o Toxicity

Hair loss, nausea/vomiting, weakness, rashes, cirrhosis

of the liver

Selenium Sources

o Meats

o Eggs

o Fish

o Seafood


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Review 9/19/07 10:00 AM

← Functions of B-Vitamins


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Fat, CHO, and Energy metabolism

o Thiamin

o Riboflavin

o Niacin

o Pantothenic Acid

o Biotin

Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism

o Vitamin B6

Red Blood Cell formation

o Folate,

o Vitamin B12 (& Vitamin B6)

Functional Roles


o B-Vitamins

o Vitamin K


o Vitamin E

o Vitamin C

o Selenium

Bone Health


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o Vitamin D

o Vitamin K

o Calcium

o Phosphorus

o Magnesium

Red Blood Cells

o Folate

o Vitamin B12

o Iron

o Copper (& Vitamin B6)

← Water Balance Minerals

H2O Balance

o Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Chloride (Cl), Phosphorus (P) as


Extra cellular: Na (+) Cl (-) (Salt)

In tracellular: K (+) P(-)

Notable Deficiencies


o Vitamin A


o Vitamin D



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o Thiamin


o Riboflavin


o Niacin


o Vitamin C


o Iodine


o Zinc

Night Blindness

o Vitamin A


o Vitamin D

Neural tube defect

o Folate


o Calcium

Weakness, muscle pain

o Magnesium


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o Iodine

High Blood Glucose

o Chromium

Dental Caries

o Fluoride

← Deficiency Anemias

Megaloblastic Anemia

o Folate

Pernicious Anemia

o Vitamin B12

Microcytic, Hypochromic Anemia

o Iron (Copper)

← Deficiency and Toxicity

Most likely to be deficient in US diet

o Vitamins

Vitamin E


o Minerals

Calcium, Iron

High potential for toxicity


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o Vitamins

Vitamin A

o Minerals



← Enriched/Fortified Foods

Flour and other refined grains

o Thiamin

o Riboflavin

o Niacin

o Folate

o Iron

Milk and dairy products

o Vitamin A

o Vitamin D


o Iodine

Water and toothpaste

o flouride