nyborg gymnasium: boarding school. rules and practical information

NYBORG GYMNASIUM THE BOARDING SCHOOL Rules and practical information

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Rules and Practical Information


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Page 2: Nyborg Gymnasium: Boarding School. Rules and Practical Information

Welcome You have chosen to live in a place with many people. It is fun to live with other young people, but living in a boarding school also means care, consid-eration, and helpfulness.

The purpose of the boarding school is to house Gymnasium, HF and IB pupils who have chosen to live at a boarding school during their course. This means that the school work is a prerequisite for living at the boarding school and that it must have the full priority of the pupil.

As a boarding school pupil you must show due consideration to your fellow boarders, carry out the duties involved in living here, and, in general, share the responsibility for a problem-free daily routine.

Besides your fellow pupils, there are also other people in the building. In the daytime during school hours, those with practical tasks, such as the clean-ers and the kitchen supervisors, are at the boarding school. In the afternoon, evening, and night hours the boarding school teachers are on duty. They are there to help you with matters great and small: home work, practical advice, and personal problems.

This booklet tells you about life at the boarding school and includes practical information and rules and regulations.

Your signature on the application form is intended to confirm that you are conversant with and accept these rules and regulations, and that you are aware that your parents and the boarding school will continue to stay in contact – also after your 18th birthday.

New pupils will be made acquainted with the rules and regulations at the start of the new school year.

Hanne JosephsenHead TeacherJanuary 2010

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ContactsOn boarding school fees, registration etc:Secretary Susanne Møller NielsenSchool telephone number: +45 65310217

Boarding school teacher on duty may be contacted daily from 2 p. m. and during weekends on telephone number: + 45 30701839

Boarding school teacher Betina Hyldgaard ChristensenTelephone number: + 45 30701807

Boarding school teacher Thomas BrodersenTelephone number: +45 30701857

Head Teacher Hanne JosephsenSchool telephone number: + 45 65310217

Deputy Head Teacher Per Juul LarsenSchool telephone number: +45 65310217

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The values and pedagogical aims of The boarding school 6

The values of the boarding school 6The pedagogical aim is a boarding school in which 6

RUleS 7

The rules of the boarding school are few and clear 7Besides the above the boarding school has a number of absolute rules 7Infringement of the boarding school rules 7


Doors 8Fire precautions 8Computers and the Internet 9Bicycles 9Notification of errors 9Television 11Civil registration 11Pets 11Doctor and dentist 11Keys 11Laundry 11


Rooms 12Bath and toilet 12Corridor kitchens 12Common rooms and amenities 12Refrigerator and deep freezer 12


Moving in 13Things you need to bring for your stay at the boarding school 13Moving out 13

dUTIeS 14

The pupils’ rooms 14The common rooms 14Corridor duty 14House duty 14Practical assistants 14


Lectio 16Notice boards 16

pAReNTS 16


Leisure time activities 17Private get-togethers 17Corridor get-togethers 17Parties at the gymnasium 18Pupils’ cafe 18

QUIeT 19

Quiet 19Homework and quiet 19Late – night quiet 19

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AlcOHOl 20


dRUGS 20

WeekeNdS, GUeSTS ANd HOlIdAYS 22

Weekends /the weekend list 22Weekend meals 22Travel Form 22Guests 22Holidays 23

ABSeNce ANd IllNeSS 24

Absence from the boarding school 24Absence from school in the case of illness 24Unauthorised absence from the school 24Need of medical consultation 24Out – of – hours medical service 25Diseases 25Transportation of patients* 25Urgent need for medical attention 25Non-prescription drugs 25Dentist 25


Pupils’ meetings 26Corridor meetings 26The Activities’ Committee 27The Welfare Committee 27The Joint Committee 27



The kitchen staff 30The house assistants 30Nutritional agenda 30Organic food 30Meals 31


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The rules of the boarding school are grounded in the following values and pedagogical aims: THe vAlUeS OF THe BOARdING ScHOOl• community: The boarding school cannot replace

a traditional family but is a mutually binding community in which everybody is included and no one is left behind.

• Joint influence: Opportunities and duties: the boarding school has a formally democratic struc-ture. The boarding school pupil participates in corridor meetings, joint committees, and pupils’ meetings.

• An open and tolerant environment: the boarding school has room for differences when it comes to nationality, religion, and cultural background.

• Mutual respect: At the boarding school we respect each other’s different opinions and beliefs. We find that the individual pupil must be respected and that mutual respect is important among the pupils and between the pupils and the staff.

• Tradition: The boarding school has activities which support and enhance the feeling of community. All pupils are expected to participate in the activities.

• experiences: The boarding school opens up the opportunity for experiences for the individual pupil, for groups of pupils, and for the entire boar-ding school.

• An active daily life: The boarding school gives the individual pupil a number of opportunities for self-expression and development, and everyone is

expected to participate in and contribute to the multifaceted life of the boarding school.

• peace and quiet: The boarding school is an active environment full of life but it also gives room for privacy and the opportunity to concentrate and focus on one’s studies.

• The house: The boarding school common areas and the pupils’ rooms constitute a functional and aesthetic setting for the everyday life of the boarders and staff.

• The food: The boarding school finds that it is of great importance that we serve appetizing, tasty, nutritionally balanced, and healthy food for everybody. We are also ready to provide good nutritional advice and guidance.

THe pedAGOGIcAl AIM IS A BOARdING ScHOOl IN WHIcH• the pupils have good habits and the punctuality

that the school work requires. • the pupils join the mutually binding community

and thereby develop their social skills.• the pupils take an active part in the democracy

of the boarding school, make their influence felt, and take a responsibility.

• the pupils, alone and together, live an active life in and outside the boarding school.

• the pupils see a structure in their everyday life.• the pupils experience appreciative relationships

and are given the capability to take the responsi-bility for their own life and development.

The values and pedagogical aims of the boarding school

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The rules of The boarding school are few and clear• All scheduled activities and meetings at the boar-

ding school are obligatory.• You must be well-prepared for school.• You must participate in the house duties at the

boarding school.• You are to behave in a friendly, considerate, and

respectful manner towards others.• You must contribute constructively to the social

life of the boarding school.

Transgression of these social rules equals withdra-wal from the community and thereby one reduces one’s chances of a good boarding school stay and successful results at school.

besides The above The boarding school has a number of absoluTe rules• Attending school is a prerequisite for living at the

boarding school. A poor attendance record with unjustified absence means that you cannot stay at the boarding school.

• Pupils who possess and use drugs – cannabis included – will be immediately expelled from the boarding school.

• It is forbidden to drink alcohol during schooldays and in the examination periods. Only on Fridays and Saturdays after 7 p.m., the boarding school teacher on duty can give permission to drink beer, wine, and mixers (such as Bacardi Breezers). Several transgressions of these rules can result in expulsion from the boarding school. Boarding school pupils are also expected to have a sensible and responsible attitude to alcohol outside the boarding school.

• The rules on smoking must be observed. Smoking is only permitted outside in the area behind Old Building.

• Bullying, violence, and threats are unacceptable forms of behaviour and can result in expulsion from the boarding school.

infringemenT of The boarding school rulesInfringement of the boarding school rules and fai-lure to fulfil duties can, depending on the degree, result in the following sanctions:• A reprimand by the boarding school teacher on

duty.• A written warning by the Head Teacher as

recommended by the boarding school teacher on duty.

• Temporary or permanent expulsion.


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doorsAt 10 p.m. all the outer doors lock automatically. They unlock in the morning at 7 a.m. If you come home later than 10 p.m., you must use the front entrance of the boarding school. The door can be opened with your key piece. When you have entered, you are responsible for the door locking after you. You must always remember to lock the door when you leave your room.

fire precauTionsIt is strictly forbidden to tamper with the fire-figh-ting equipment which is there to help save lives. Damaging the equipment may result in immediate expulsion from the boarding school.

In your room you can use only tealight candles placed in containers or sticks. Other candles and incense sticks are forbidden.

Due to fire precautions and the cleaning of the school, you cannot place personal belongings, boxes etc in the corridors.

Important things to remember

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You will be instructed what to do in the case of fire. Fire drills will be held. In the event of a fire, you must go to the canteen of the gymnasium immediately. Here all the pupils will be counted and registered.

compuTers and The inTerneTThe boarding school has a computer room. The computers are connected to the school’s educatio-nal network. Therefore pupils who need to use a computer for school-related purposes have priority of access. The rules for using the computers at the gymnasium also cover the use of the computers of the boarding school. These rules can be found on the notice board in the room.The computer room is opened at 7 a.m. and locked again at 11 p.m.

All pupils have free access to the Internet from their room via the boarding school’s Internet con-nection. You connect to the Internet via your own cable.

All pupils are expected to behave responsibly and refrain from engaging in any form of downloa-ding and distribution of patented material such as music, movies, programs, and games. Nor must your computer be used to spread virus, spam, or for hacking. Your computer must be switched off when you are not in your room.

If it transpires that a pupil’s computer has been used in an illegal manner, the matter will be reported to the police and the computer will be disconnected from the Internet. The pupil invol-ved will be liable for any economic consequences arising from the misuse of the computer.If the rules on the use of computers are violated,

a written warning will be given and the pupil’s computer will be disconnected from the Internet for a period. All traffic on the Internet is tracked. The school’s data inspectors have access to the information stored.

bicyclesBicycles are useful to have when living at the boarding school. They must be placed in the base-ment space allotted to them and equipped with a tag containing your name and room number. The name tags can be obtained from the boarding school teachers at the beginning of the school year.The pupils are not allowed to place their bicycles by the entrance, on the pavement, or under the pent roof which is for guests’ bikes.Mopeds, motor bikes, and cars are to be parked in the parking ground at the end of Skolebakken.

noTificaTion of errorsYou will regularly observe things that are not functioning: a drain that is blocked, a window that cannot be closed, a lamp that does not work. In situations like these you need to report the error on the school’s web page. In the event of big or urgent damages you must contact the boarding school teacher on duty or other staff members.

The notification of errors must be made via the following web page:http://www.nyborg-gym.dk/fejlmeld/lokaleover-sigt.aspxContact the teacher on duty if you cannot find the web page

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TelevisionThere are televisions in three of the common rooms. In all of the pupils’ rooms there is access to television. If you have your own television set in your room, are 18 years old or more, and registered as living at the boarding school, you are obliged to pay licence fees.

civil regisTraTionIf you are a resident in a Danish municipality, your registration address at home is still valid – since, according to the regulations on civil registration, residence at a boarding school is defined as tem-porary absence from parents, as pupils spend their weekends and holidays at home with their parents.If you are a resident abroad, including Greenland, Iceland, or the Faroe Islands, you must register at the municipal offices in Nyborg. The boarding school teachers can help you do this.

peTsPupils are not allowed to have pets in their rooms.

docTor and denTisTPupils who are normally residents in Denmark must keep the doctor they have in their home area. If you get unwell or ill and need to see a doctor, one of the doctors in Nyborg can be consulted. Remem-ber to have your Health Insurance Card with you.

Pupils who keep their registration address at home are expected to see their dentists during holidays. Acute treatments can be given in Nyborg. See absence and illness for further information.

keYSWhen moving in, you receive two keys: a key piece and a system key. The key piece is for the front doors, your own room, the corridor kitchen, and

for the room in the basement that can be used for drying your washing. The system key is for your personal cupboard in the corridor kitchen.

Do not lend your keys to anyone.

If you lose any of your keys, you are to pay 250 kroner for a new key.When the holidays start and the boarding school closes, you must always leave your keys with the boarding school teacher on duty or put them in the mail box by the staircase in Old Building.

laundryThere are washing machines, tumblers, and rooms for drying one’s laundry available for the pupils in the basement of the boarding school. The wash-ing machines have automatic soap containers and are operated by a card of the price of 50 or 100 kroner. The cards can be purchased from the house assistant or the boarding school teachers. The first time a card is bought, a deposit of 15 kroner must be paid.

The soap used is allergy-tested.

Clothes must not be dried on radiators, or in your room.

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roomsAll the rooms are single rooms, equipped with a bed and a bed pad, a writing desk, a chair, a desk lamp, shelves, a cupboard, and a laundry basket. All items are marked with the room number. The furniture may not be removed from the room throughout the year. In special cases and only with the permission of the boarding school teachers, your own furniture can be used. Only the notice boards may be used for pictures, posters etc. Drawing pins can be obtained from the boarding school teachers.

The room is your private domain but in special cases the staff may have to enter the room with-out your permission or knowledge. You are at all times responsible for your room and for the things that go on in your room.

baTh and ToileTThere are baths and toilets on each corridor, each unit shared by two or three pupils.

corridor kiTchensThere is a kitchen on each corridor which may be used for snacks, tea or coffee, and for baking a cake. Main meals should not be prepared in them. All main meals must be consumed in the dining hall. The corridor kitchens are locked every night at 10.30.

common rooms and ameniTiesEach corridor has a kitchen and a study room. On the ground floor there are the communal dining hall and three common rooms with television sets; one of them has a billiard table. End to end with the common rooms you find the computer room, the sewing room, the room with table football, and the piano room. The music room is located in the building across Old Building. In the basement you will find an exercise room, a room equipped for weight training, and facilities for washing, drying, and ironing clothes.If you have things you need to store, ask the teach-ers to let you use one of the storerooms in the basement.

As a boarder, you, of course, share the responsibility of the common rooms of the boarding school and the items in them. The furniture may not be moved and the common rooms must always look clean and tidy.

refrigeraTor and deep freezerPupils may use the refrigerators in the corridor kitchens. There is a deep freezer in the basement which may be used for storing ice cream etc.

The boarding school does not take the responsibil-ity of items stored in the refrigerators and the deep freezer.


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moving inWhen moving into the boarding school, you are to sign an inventory list. It is important that you make sure that the items listed correspond to the contents of your room. In the summer holiday all the rooms are given a thorough cleaning and maintenance. Pupils must therefore remove all their possessions and take them home. If it is difficult for you to take your possessions home, you can store them in one of the storerooms in the basement. This, however, is at your own risk, as the boarding school cannot insure your things or cover costs of damage or theft.

The pupils who return to the boarding school after the summer holiday can apply for a specific room for the following year. The boarding school teach-ers will inform the pupils about this when time is due.

Things you need To bring for your sTay aT The boarding schoolYour own duvet, pillow, bed linen, towels, hangers for your clothes, and a mug.

moving ouTWhether you return after the summer holiday or leave the boarding school for good, you must empty your room, check the inventory list together with a teacher and hand in your keys.

If you move out of the boarding school earlier than expected, you must inform the boarding school by filling in a form that can be obtained from school secretary Suanne Møller Nielsen at the school’s office. There is a month’s notice running from the first day of the month.

Moving in and out

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The pupils’ roomsYou must keep your room tidy and clean. In con-nection with the holidays, the rooms must be left in a proper state: the room must be cleaned, the wastepaper basket emptied, the window closed, and the light must be off when you leave. If your room is not kept at a certain standard, it will be checked regularly by the boarding school teachers.

The common roomsAlways remember to clean up after you have used the common rooms. Show consideration for your fellow boarders.

corridor duTy In pairs, pupils will have corridor duty for a week at a time. You can expect to have corridor duty 2 – 3 times throughout the year. When on corridor duty you must stay at the boarding school throughout the week, including the weekends. On a daily basis, the pupils on corridor duty see to it that

• the study room is clean and tidy.• the corridor is clean and tidy.• the corridor kitchen is clean and tidy by 10.30 p.m.• the dish washer is started.• the garbage is taken to the garbage containers by

Old Building.• the floor in the kitchen is washed.• the refrigerator and oven etc. are cleaned.

The corridor kitchen will be inspected by the boarding school teacher on duty at 10.30 p.m. and locked. It is opened in the morning at 7 a.m.Neglect of corridor duty will lead to sanctions. In

the worst case, the kitchen will be locked for an unlimited period of time.

The corridor representatives draw up the roster of duty orderlies and pin it on the notice board in the corridor kitchen.

house duTyTwo pupils, a week at a time, have house duty. The teachers draw up the roster of the house duty orderlies and pin it on the notice board in the din-ing hall.

The pupils on house duty have an important role during the week and in the weekend and cannot leave the boarding school to go home etc. They will see to it that supper is served during the week and that brunch and dinner are served in the week-ends. Furthermore, they are responsible for the dining hall and other common rooms looking clean and tidyFailure to carry out one’s duty will lead to discipli-nary action.

pracTical assisTanTs Every year a number of second – or third – year pupils are employed as practical assistants.

They help the teacher on duty when it comes to overseeing and helping with the serving of supper throughout the week, brunch and dinner in the weekends, and the late evening snacks at 10 p.m., and they help in the case the teacher has to leave the school due to a meeting, an excursion with pupils, or if he/she has to take a pupil to see a doc-tor.


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A roster of the practical assistants is made. When on duty as a practical assistant you must be at the boarding school to help the teacher on duty from 4 p.m. until 7 a.m. on the following day.

The practical assistants are paid 750 kroner as B-income and given a reference for their CV.

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lecTio We expect you to check Lectio every day as it is an essential means of communication between the gymnasium, the boarding school, and the pupils. Changes and important information on your daily schedule as well as assignments, attendance record, the schedule of the boarding school teach-ers, and messages from teachers and boarding school teachers can be found on Lectio.

noTice boardsThe notice board in the dining hall is meant for important information and messages from the boarding school and the gymnasium and you need to check this notice board regularly.

The notice board in the vestibule has information on activities and parties at the boarding school as well as information on arrangements and spare time activities in Nyborg. Keep an eye on this notice board!

We emphasise the contact between the boarding school and the home of the pupil. Depending on the need, we work closely together with the pupil’s family and share information and practical matters with the family.Parents are always welcome to contact the Head Teacher, Hanne Josephsen, or the boarding school teachers.

We will regularly publish information on the daily life of the boarding school on our web page and mail to parents invitations and programs for parents’ days and other arrangements and activi-ties. The latest news can be found on the boarding school web page: www.nyborg-gym.dk/kostweb


Important means of communication

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In the course of the year there are a number of events for the boarding school pupils and person-nel: Introductory Party, Martinmas Eve, Christmas, Aeroe Night, and Goodbye Party etc. The parties represent a tradition and are important for good fellowship at the boarding school and you are expected to take part in them.

Every year at Martinmas we also arrange a Parents’ Day and there is an annual Graduation Dinner for graduating pupils and their parents. The dates for these events appear on the boarding school calendar which can be found on the web page of the boarding school.

In addition to the above, we arrange trips to the theatre, sporting and music events, study groups, and activities for the members of each corridor. leisure Time acTiviTiesIn their leisure time the pupils have access to the boarding school’s exercise rooms, the school’s sports facilities and the boarding school’s music room which is fully equipped with sound systems etc. Before using the music room you need instruc-tions in the use of the sound system etc.

Pupils who have chosen visual arts as a B-level-course can use the school’s art room. Also, the boarding school has a number of board games, table football, and a billiard table.

The teacher on duty will lend you the keys to the

amenities (the music room, the art room, and the sports facilities). The key must be returned to the teacher no later than 10 p.m.

The school’s extra-curricular courses after normal school hours in art, drama, sport, music, and choir practise are also good ways of spending leisure time. The many sports and cultural amenities for young people offered by the Municipality of Nyborg are also open to you. Information on these can be had from the boarding school teachers.

privaTe geT-TogeThersOn Fridays and Saturdays after 7 p.m. the teacher on duty can give a few pupils permission to drink beer, wine or mixers (such as Bacardi Breez-ers) in moderate quantities in one of the rooms. The pupils must make a list of the names of the persons involved and put down the number of the room in which they are. The teacher on duty decides how many people can participate in the get-together and the amount of alcohol which can be drunk. By 10.45 p.m. the room must be cleaned and there must be quiet. Bottles and other pack-ing are to be removed no later than 10 a.m. on the following day.

corridor geT-TogeThersIf pupils wish to have a social gathering or a dinner for their corridor on Fridays or Saturdays, permis-sion must be required from the teacher on duty, and thereafter the kitchen must be informed whether or not the pupils involved will be taking

Activities, get-togethers and special events

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the normal meals. After the festivity the pupils must clean and tidy up by 10.45 p.m. at the latest. There must be quiet at 11 p.m.

parTies aT The gymnasiumThe boarding school is not the place to “pre-party” before parties at the gymnasium. In other words: alcohol cannot be consumed at the boarding school when a party is arranged at the gymna-sium.

If you are going to a party at the gymnasium, you must leave the boarding school by 9 p.m. on the evening in question. On these occasions the board-ing school front doors will be locked at 9 p.m.

pupils’ cafeOn Fridays and Saturdays, the boarding school pupils may borrow the small living room at the boarding school for small parties or ’cafés’ if per-mission is required from the teacher on duty.

The rules concerning the loan of the living room for ‘cafés’ are:• Two pupils must be responsible for the ‘café’. They

have the following tasks: 1) They must remind the others about the finish-

ing time of the café half an hour in advance, allowing the participants time to leave before the teacher closes the café.

2) They must make sure that the room has been cleaned before 10 a.m. on the following day.

3) They must see to it that the café passes off sensibly.

• The café can take place nowhere else but in the small living room.

• The boarding school teacher on duty must give his/her permission before the café can take place.

• The teacher on duty will decide when to end the café.

• A list of all the participants must be given to the teacher on duty by dinner time at the latest.

• No more than 15 participants are allowed.• Guests must be reported as overnight guests at

the boarding school to participate in the café.• The rules of smoking must be respected – smok-

ing is only permitted outside behind Old Building.• No cafés are allowed on days where there are

social events or parties at the boarding school or the gymnasium.

• Only one café can be held per weekend.• No loud music is allowed after 10.45 p.m. • The doors to Grønnegården must be closed at all


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quieTWhen listening to music or watching television, you must not disturb those living next to, above, and under you. Music, radio, and television must be turned off after 10.45 p.m. If you return to the boarding school after 10.45 p.m. you must avoid making noise.

Acoustic and electronic instruments cannot be played in the rooms of pupils but must be taken to the boarding school’s music room.

As a general rule: Refrain from being noisy when you are in the corridors, in pupils’ rooms and in the common areas. Show consideration for your fellow boarders. homework and quieTBetween 3.30 and 5.30 p.m., when pupils are study-

ing, there must be absolute quiet in the boarding school. In examination periods or when pupils are engaged in writing major assignments, there must be quiet throughout the day.

The rooms of the football table and the piano are locked in the study hours mentioned above. In examination periods and periods of major assign-ments the rooms are open from 6 till 10 p.m.

Music cannot be played in your room in the study hours. Homework is most effective if you study alone in your room or in a group in the study room or the dining hall.

laTe – nighT quieTOn all weekdays there must be quiet for the night at 11 p.m.


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Both at the boarding school and outside the board-ing school pupils are expected to have a sensible and responsible approach to alcohol.

On the day before a school day (and in examina-tion periods) it is forbidden to consume alcohol.

On Fridays and Saturdays after 7 p.m. the teacher on duty can give a few pupils permission to drink beer, wine or mixers (such as Bacardi Breezers) in moderate quantities. Other alcoholic beverages are

forbidden. Storing wine, beer, and spirits is strictly forbidden, as is the sale of any such items.

Drinks bought for a party must be deposited beforehand with the boarding school teacher on duty. The depositing of drinks can last no longer than one week. Storage of empty bottles in the room is not allowed. After a room-get-together on Fridays or Saturdays, empty bottles and other packaging must be removed by 10 a.m. on the fol-lowing morning.

Smoking is only allowed outside in the area by the carport behind Old Building.

Pupils using drugs will be immediately expelled from the boarding school. In the case of well-founded suspicion of drug abuse the boarding school teachers can, after talking to the pupil under suspicion and his/her parents, make use of tests to trace the drugs.




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In order to uphold the well-being and welfare of the boarding school pupils, it is important for us to know that everybody is safe and sound. Therefore you need to inform the teachers if- you do not stay overnight at the boarding school.- you have guests staying overnight.

weekends /The weekend lisTEvery week you need to fill in the electronic weekend list on Lectio, no later than Wednes-day evening. The list must be filled in no matter whether you stay at the boarding school in the weekend or leave to stay with your parents or someone else. If you go somewhere else but your parents’, it is important that you write the address and the telephone number of the person you are visiting on the weekend list.

In case you change your mind during the weekend and leave the boarding school, you must fill in a travel form and notify the teacher on duty.

You must be back at the boarding school on Sun-day evening. If you cannot be back by Sunday, it is important that you inform the teacher on duty.

If you wish to stay the night at an address other than your parents’, you must have your parents’ permission to do so.

weekend mealsOn Wednesday evening at the latest, you sign up for the weekend meals via the weekend list on Lectio. Have you signed up for the meal, you will, of course, participate in it. Are you prevented from participating, you need to tell the teacher on duty.

Travel formIf you have to travel home or elsewhere during the week or if you have corrections to your weekend list, you need to fill in a travel form which can be found in the bureau by the teachers’ table in the dining hall. You place the completed travel form in the holder by the bureau.

guesTsYour guests may only be in the boarding school if you yourself are present and may not borrow your keys. Guests must leave the boarding school by 10.45 p.m. at the latest.Your parents are always welcome.

You may invite guests and your parents to meals and to stay overnight in the weekends. You cannot have guests staying overnight during the week. If you wish to have a guest staying overnight in the weekend, you must fill in a guest form no later than Wednesday evening. The form can be obtained from the teacher on duty to whom you also pay for your guest’s meals when you return the completed form.

The prices are given on the guest form. No more than 15 guests may stay overnight at the boarding school.

Overnight guests must bring their own bed linen.The boarding school has a limited number of mat-tresses that may be borrowed.

Weekends, guests and holidays

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No guests are allowed during the first 14 days of the school year when the primary object is for the pupils to get to know one another.

Guests may not participate in the boarding school parties.

holidaysThe boarding school is closed during the autumn holiday, the Christmas holiday, the winter holiday, the Easter holiday, and the summer holiday. The boarding school closes at 4 p.m. on the last school day before the holidays and opens again at 4 p.m. the day before the first school day. If you do not go

home in the holiday, the boarding school must be informed and you need to fill in a travel form carry-ing the address of your whereabouts.

When you leave for the holidays, you must always leave your keys with the teacher on duty or put them in the mail box by the staircase in Old Build-ing.

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absence from The boarding schoolIf you have to travel home or elsewhere, you must complete a travel form (see Travel Form) and give it to the teacher on duty.If you are unable to return within the agreed period you must always inform the teacher on duty, and, likewise, when you return to the board-ing school you must inform the teacher that you are back.

If you wish to stay the night away from the board-ing school, you need your parents’ permission.

absence from school in The case of illnessIf you wake up ill, you must inform the house assistant or the boarding school teacher on duty before 7.15 a.m. Likewise, if you become ill through-out the day, you need to tell the house assistant or the teacher on duty. This is also the case if you have to leave school due to illness.

It is important that you address the house assist-ant or teacher in person.

If you are ill more than one day, you must show up in the morning on each of the days and inform the house assistant or teacher on duty.

The house assistant and the teacher will keep an eye on you during your illness. You need to account for your absence from school via Lectio.

When ill, we expect you to stay in your room, take good care of yourself, and reduce the risk of infect-ing your fellow boarders.

unauThorised absence from The schoolPupils frequently absent without permission will be put on an ”absence list” and are required to report, fully dressed, to the teacher on duty every morning no later than 7.15 a.m. in the dining room. During school hours these pupils are only allowed to be at the boarding school in the lunch break. They can stay only at the gymnasium and may not come back to the boarding school before 2 p.m. Regular attendance at school is a prerequisite for living at the boarding school. Pupils who continue to be absent without grounds will in effect ensure their expulsion from both the boarding school and the school.

need of medical consulTaTionIf you are in need of consulting a doctor, you can:

contact your own doctor if your address is at the boarding school. Most doctors can be contacted on the phone on weekdays between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m.orsee your doctor at your parents’ place if you have kept the doctor in your home area or consult the doctors the boarding school normally addresses.

Absence and illness

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OUT – OF – HOURS MedIcAl SeRvIceThe out-of-hours medical service is to be contacted by phone when the doctor’s clinic is closed. The out-of-hours medical service is open on week-days from 4 p.m. until 8 a.m. and all day and night on Saturdays and Sundays. Remember that you will need your Health Insurance Card when you call the out-of-hours medical service.

The phone number of the out-of-hours medical service in Southern Denmark is: 70110707

diseasesIf you have some sort of disease or medical condi-tion (e.g. allergy, epilepsy, asthma, diabetes etc) for which you, for instance, take medicine, we would like to know.If you suffer from food allergy and cannot eat certain products, it is important that you bring a doctor’s note.

TransporTaTion of paTienTs*As a principle, you see to your own transportation if you need to go to the doctor’s. But if you are incapable of getting to the doctor, the boarding school will arrange the necessary transportation. This must be arranged with the boarding school teacher on duty or the house assistant.

* This covers transportation of patients to the emer-gency room, hospital, or doctor’s and back.

urgenT need for medical aTTenTionIf you have an accident or fall ill suddenly during normal school hours, you must contact the school’s office. Outside school hours the boarding school teacher on duty will help you. The boarding school has a Falck subscription which can be made use of in acute situations.

non-prescripTion drugsThe boarding school has the basic first-aid items – such as pain killers, band aid, sports tape, ice bags, bandage, thermometer etc. Prescription drugs and other things beside the above you need to buy yourself.

denTisTNyborg’s Municipal Dental Service gives free pre-ventive and acute treatment to persons under the age of 18. Persons under the age of 18 who move to Nyborg and District and are registered there will automatically be contacted by the dental service. Persons from abroad, including Greenland, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands, are also included in this service. For more information: see the web page of Nyborg Municipality and/or contact the boarding school teachers.

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The boarding school values a democratic structure of pupils’ committees. We find that it is important that the pupils have influence on the decisions which are made and which influence the daily life of the boarding school.

Every year we appoint committees of pupils and teachers whose focus is the daily well-being of the pupils, the introduction of new pupils, IT, parties, leisure time activities, and special arrangements. Meetings are held regularly in these committees as are meetings for all boarding school pupils and corridor meetings.

pupils’ meeTingsIn the pupils’ meetings all pupils participate. They are convened at least once every three months by the boarding school teachers when they need to impart information to all pupils. The pupils’ meet-ings are held in the dining hall

Attendance is obligatory!

corridor meeTingsThe pupils on each of the boarding school’s four corridors (yellow, blue, red, and Old Building) hold a meeting with the teacher attached to the corridor

Meetings and committees

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at least once a month. The teacher will convene the meeting. At the meeting questions will be discussed and decisions taken with regard to the social life of the pupils of the corridor. Likewise, matters for further discussion in the Welfare Com-mittee are taken up.

The pupils’ representatives take the minutes of the meeting and present them in the Welfare Commit-tee.

Attendance is obligatory!

The acTiviTies’ commiTTeeThe Activities’ Committee consists of one board-ing school teacher and the pupils interested in the activities of the boarding school. The teacher con-venes the meetings and chairs them. If decisions of more principal matters are to be made, they are to be brought up in the Welfare Committee and, thereafter, in the Joint Committee.

The purposes of the committee are to- fuel the activities of the boarding school through-

out the week and in the weekends.- strengthen the community of the 118 young

boarding school pupils.- arrange the annual cultural excursion.- create an activities’ calendar.

The members of the committee meet once a month.

Attendance is obligatory!

The welfare commiTTeeThe Welfare Committee consists of the two pupils’ representatives of each corridor and a boarding school teacher. The object of the Welfare Commit-tee is to discuss matters of common interest of all boarding school pupils and decide whether mat-ters of more principle nature should be taken up in the Joint Committee.

The teacher will convene the meeting and presides over it. The agenda is to discuss the subjects pro-duced at the corridor meetings.A pupil writes the minutes and the teacher puts them on Lectio. The members of the committee meet approximately once a month.

Attendance is obligatory!

The JoinT commiTTeeThe Joint committee consists of one pupils’ representative of each corridor, at the minimum, a boarding school teacher and the Head Teacher. The objective of the Joint Committee is to discuss issues of more principle matters.

The Head Teacher will convene the meeting when it is needed. A pupil writes the minutes and puts them on Lectio, so that all boarders and staff can follow the work of the Joint Committee.

Attendance is obligatory!

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Two things are essential for the life and work at the boarding school: One is respect for your studies at the gymnasium as your studies are the prereq-uisite for living at the boarding school. The other thing is the mutual tolerance and respect for your fellow boarders which is required for 118 young people to live beneath the same roof and feel good and at home. The individual pupil must feel safe and, at the same time, be secured good opportuni-ties for personal development. These are things we believe in and wish to encourage. Freedom with responsibility might be considered an empty phrase by some, but at the boarding school we give meaning to the phrase.

In the values described above and in the rules of the boarding school the work of the four boarding school teachers is founded.

Every weekday from 2 p.m. until 7.45 in the morn-ing on the following day, one of the boarding school teachers is on duty. In the weekends and in the holidays where the boarding school is open, the teachers are on duty all day and night. One of the teachers lives permanently at the boarding school with her family while the others stay in the teacher’s flat when on duty.

The work schedule of the teachers can be found on the web page of the boarding school and on the notice board in the dining hall. The teacher on duty supervises the pupils when it comes to house rules, meals, and absence from school. Moreover, the boarding school teachers

help with homework, personal issues, and other practical and social issues. Together with the pupils they plan activities at the school during the week and weekends and in connection with the tradi-tions of the boarding school.

From the teacher on duty you can borrow keys for the different facilities of the boarding school as well as board games and sports gear.

Thus, you can address the teachers on small and big issues: homework, practical matters, and per-sonal problems.

Each teacher is attached to one of the four cor-ridors, which means that they hold monthly meet-ings with the pupils of the corridor.

The boarding school teachers

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Good basic ingredients, organic food, a wide-rang-ing menu, Danish traditions as well as inspiration from the whole world are only a few of the basic components of the meals of the boarding school pupils.

The kiTchen sTaffThe boarding school kitchen employs four nutri-tional assistants and two cooks of whom one is the kitchen’s manager. They are all educated within the field of nutrition and catering and cook appetizing and healthy food for the boarding school pupils.

The house assisTanTsThe boarding school has three house assistants, two of whom are occupied with cleaning. The latter of the three has a special task of supervising the pupils in the period during the day where there are no teachers on duty. She assists pupils who are ill etc. Besides that she helps the serving of meals in the dining rooms.

nuTriTional agendaNyborg Gymnasium has a canteen and a boarding school kitchen which daily cooks the meals for the pupils and the teachers of the school as well as for the boarding school pupils. Therefore we feel greatly responsible for offering healthy food.The school has formed a committee on nutrition and health comprising both pupils and members of staff. In cooperation with the kitchen staff this committee has come up with an agenda which takes as its point of departure the eight nutri-

tional guidelines and the government’s objects of healthy canteen catering.

The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries has formulated eight nutritional guidelines on how to create a healthy daily balance between food and physical activity:

• Eat fruits and vegetables – six a day.• Eat fish several times a week.• Eat potatoes, rice, or pasta and whole-grain

bread– every day.• Cut down on sugar.• Cut down on fat.• Drink water.• Be physically active – at least 30 minutes a day.

Moreover, the kitchen is a member of the Canteen Diploma which works to develop and secure the quality of food in canteens in accordance with the recommendations of the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration. This is done, for instance, by ensuring that there is always a healthy alternative at every meal. At times, the courses are labelled so that the pupils and the staff are aware what is healthy and what is less healthy.

organic foodBesides setting standards of healthy food, we also aim to fully implement organic food in our menus. Throughout 2009 we will replace a great amount of our traditional basic ingredients with organic alternatives. Our aim is that 50 to 75 percent of our

The boarding school kitchen; food and nutritional policy

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basic ingredients are organic … and we are well on our way…

meals All meals are to be eaten in the dining hall.

During the weekdays, from Monday until Friday:Breakfast: 7.15 - 8 a.m.Lunch: 11.15 - 11.45 a.m.: warm meal.

Evening: 6 - 6.30 p.m.: buffet.Afternoon: 3 - 5 p.m.: bread, coffee and tea in the dining hall Late evening: coffee, tea, and crispbread in the din-ing hall.

In the weekends:Brunch between 9 a.m. and 12 a.m.

As we at the boarding school find that it is impor-tant to show responsibility towards the environ-ment, we urge you to do the following: • switch off the light, switch off your computer. • save water, fill up the washing machine and, if

possible, do you laundry together with a friend.

• save on the use of the tumbler and line dry your clothes instead.

• use the boxes for recycling paper. • use the red box that can be found by the garbage

containers for used batteries.

The environment

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NYBORG GYMNASIUMNyborg Gymnasium Skolebakken 13 DK-5800 Nyborg

The Boarding School at Nyborg Gymnasium Skolebakken 19 DK-5800 Nyborg

Telephone number: +45 65 31 02 17 Fax: +45 63 25 52 19

Boarding school teacher on duty: +45 30701839

Head of Teachers Hanne Josephsen, private number: +45 65 31 42 31 Deputy Head of Teachers Per Juul Larsen, private number: +45 65 31 68 45

E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.nyborg-gym.dk