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  • 7/28/2019 Powerpoint of Parapsych






    In Partial Fulfillment

    of the Requirements for the Degree


  • 7/28/2019 Powerpoint of Parapsych



    Hafalla, Gladys

    Oliveros, Juan Miguel U.

    Orilla, Rovelyn

    Ortal, Jackylyn Pasco, John Carlo J.

    Ramirez, Danilyn

    Reyes, Kenneth Joanne

    Reyes, Kim Precious

  • 7/28/2019 Powerpoint of Parapsych




    Food is an essential determinant of for a well being

    of a person. Eating pattern can also be a

    determinant of a good nutrition. Currently, the

    country suffers from nutritional inadequacy. Many

    Filipinos experienced inadequate nutritional intakeof the necessary food supplements, as a result of

    the deprivation of the economic standards of the

    country, below minimum labor fees, and ignorance

    to nutrition education.

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    In Abraham Maslows hierarchy of needs, the

    physiologic factors are at the base part of the

    triangle and the food is included here, hence it canaffect an individual greatly

    Children with inadequate nutrition possess body

    weakness which will hinder their activities of dailyliving, poor eyesight or poor vision, stunted growth,

    decrease in weight and immune-suppression.

    Nutritional inadequacy can result to a poor mental

    health which causes poor memory.

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    In addition, the researchers wanted to determine if

    a relationship between eating pattern and academic

    performance really exists from selected pupils inthe elementary department (AU Legarda Campus)

    enrolled in the school year 2012-2013. As other

    studies have been developed, does nutritional

    status especially eating pattern takes part on the

    achievement of a good academic performance in

    the new generation.

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    The school nutrition program is not only importantin nourishing the children but also in nurturing them.

    Todays parents have a hard time in planning the

    right kind of food due to escalating food prices in

    the market. Similarly, they failed to remind their children about

    the need to eat the right kind of food. As a

    consequence, their children often eat what their

    peer group eats, and sometimes they developfondness of food products seen in TV commercials

    and an appetite for food favorites of their movie


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    One way of teaching the children good eating

    habits is to let them feel responsible for their well-

    being and make them accountable for their diet.

    Another way is for their parents to be with their

    children during meal time and parents should free

    themselves from any other activity during week-

    ends to enjoy eating with their children.

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    Malnutrition has recognized as one of the reasons

    for the dullness of the mind, as insufficiency of diet

    tends to impair the intellectual faculties of anindividual. It can be caused by over nutrition or

    excess nutrient intake, in other case, under

    nutrition. Malnutrition results when the cells do not

    receive an adequate supply of the essential

    nutrients because of poor diet or poor utilization offood. Sometimes, it occurs because people cannot

    eat enough of the food that provides the essential

    nutrients to satisfy body needs. In some instances,

    people may eat well-balanced diet but suffer fromdiseases that prevent normal usage of nutrients.

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    Children may often eat but at unusual hours. Sometimes

    they miss regularly scheduled meals, they become

    hungry and they almost satisfy their hunger with food

    with have low nutrient density. Food items that providelow nutrient density like soda, cakes, candy and potato

    chips give abundant calories. The nutrients that can be

    found in these food items are mainly carbohydrates, and

    fats and little proteins, vitamins and minerals.

    Children are subject to peer pressure (i.e. they are

    usually influenced by the opinions of their friends). If

    their friends favor food with low nutrient density, it is

    difficult for them to be different from their friends. It

    usually results to the occurrence of malnutrition becausethe nutrients needed by the body are eliminated

    because of the diet and type of foods eaten are severely


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    All these issues prompted the researcher to pursue

    this investigation with the hope that the researcher

    will be able to determine the relationship of eatingpattern and academic performance of Grade VI

    pupils of Arellano University Legarda Manila and

    hopefully clarify dimensions to the problem.

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    Theoretical framework

    The study found its theoretical basis on Maslows

    on hierarchy of needs. According to Maslow(1970:196), people have certain needs which are

    unchanging, psychological and hierarchical in

    nature. This hierarchical nature of individual needs

    accounts for their progression from lower-order

    needs such as physiological needs or the needs for

    air, food, water, and sex and safety needs to higher-

    order needs such as love and belongingness need,

    esteem needs and need for self-actualization,

    which is the ultimate objective of every humanbeing..

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    As applied to education, students set goals for

    themselves. At the outset, students enter

    educational institution to learn. Later, they aim to

    make newly-gained knowledge and information

    purposeful and meaningful so that they may be

    retained and used throughout their lives. As such,

    administrators and teacher must consider students

    needs and their hierarchical order in order tomaximize learning. For example, if a student has

    not had his before he comes to school; he will not

    be concentrating on his learning but will be pre-

    occupied with the need for food.

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    Grade 6 ElementaryPupils




    Eating Pattern

    Food Intake

    Food Preference

    Food Preparation

    Meal Pattern



    Academic Performance 4th

    grading period average last

    school year and 1st grading

    period average this school year

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    1. What is the demographic profile of the

    respondents in terms of:

    Age and Gender

    2. What is the eating pattern of the respondents in

    terms of:

    Food Preference

    Food Preparation

    Food Intake

    Fluid intake

    Meal Pattern

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    3. What is the academic performance of the grade

    6 pupils (AU-Legarda Campus) in terms of:

    4th grading period average last school year and 1st

    Grading Period Average this year

    4. Is there any significant relationship between eating

    pattern and the academic performance of the


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    The averages of 4th grading period SY 2011-

    2012 and 1st grading period SY 2012-2013 are

    used to determine the academic performance of the


    What the pupil eat everyday and the food

    preference, meal pattern, food intake, fluid intake

    and food preparation are the indicators of eatingpattern of the student.

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    At the 0.05 level of significance the null hypothesisis being tested. There is no significant relationship

    between the eating pattern and the academic

    performance of the respondents.

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    Significance of the Study

    Grade 6 Pupils.

    Nursing Students.


    Parents, Family.

    Future Researchers.

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    The researchers focus on the determinants

    affecting the eating patterns (including the food

    preference, food preparation, food and water intake

    and meal pattern) of Grade 6 pupils (AU-Legarda

    Campus) in relation to their academic performancewhich includes their grades in 4th grading last

    school year and 1st grading period this school year.

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    The researchers can only obtain the grades 4th

    grading period last school year and 1st grading

    periods this school year from the respondents

    because this study will run only for this 1st semesterof SY 2012-2013.

    This study is limited only to the assessment and

    evaluation of the eating pattern to the academic

    performance of the respondents. The researcherswill utilize only the data to be gathered from Grade

    6 Pupils (AU-Legarda Campus). This study will run

    from the 1st semester of SY 2012-2013 only.

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    Definition of Terms

    4th grading last year and 1st grading period this year

    SY 2012-2013 Concept of measure/grades indicating the academic

    performance of the student within that grading period.

    Academic Performance

    Concept of measure that assesses an individual in matters of

    academics which includes the 4th grading period average lastschool year and 1st grading period average of all the subject

    areas such as English, math, science, makabayan, Filipino

    and computer.

    Categorized Nutritional Guideline

    It is a classified meal plan for male and female that will helpthe pupils to decide for their food intake and may help them to

    obtain normal weight appropriate for their age

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    Is the customary amount and kind of food and drink

    taken by the respondents from day to day; more

    narrowly, a diet planned to meet specific

    requirements of the individual, including or

    excluding certain foods

    Fluid Intake

    A quantitative approach on which fluids are consumed

    frequently by the respondents in a daily basis

    Food Intake

    A quantitative approach on which foods are consumedby the respondents in a daily basis.

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    Food Exchange

    Is one of the basic tools in applied nutrition and diet

    therapy. It is used in meal planning, diet instruction and

    in estimating the energy and macronutrient content ofnormal and therapeutic diets.

    Food Preference

    Is a qualitative approach with regards to the kind of

    foods desired or chosen by the respondents indicating a

    healthy or unhealthy food intake.

    Food Preparation

    It is the act of preparing food stuffs for consumption.

    Many types of food preparation involve heating the food

    ingredients; however, other types of preparation involve

    chemical, biological, or mechanical means.

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    The instance of eating, specifically one that takes place ata specific time and includes specific prepared food.

    Meal Pattern A meal pattern is a menu-planning tool used to develop

    menus for a specific age group. Meal patterns should includefood from each of four food groups- meat/meat alternate,vegetable/fruit, bread/bread alternate, and milk/milk alternate.

    Patterns can incorporate standards including: low sodium, lowfat, low saturated fat, and low cholesterol.

    Nutrition Is the study of essential nutrients and the ways they are used

    by the body. It is interpreted as the study of the organicprocess by which an organism assimilates and uses food andliquids for normal functioning, growth and maintenance and tomaintain the balance between health and disease. Alsoincluded is the idea of an optimal balance of nutrients andwhole foods, to enable the optimal performance of the body.

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    Is the concept of the researcher of the direct affectation

    of one variable to another variable by means of their

    influence or analogy with each other.

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    Local Literature

    Unhealthful eating pattern can be a burden for

    children achieving their dreams. A research made by

    Alcala, states that a well balanced diet is an important

    part of childs performance in school. [Study has foundthat poor overall school performance in Sariaya East

    Central Elementary School children may be, in part,

    explained by their unhealthful eating patterns,

    reinforcing the importance of a balanced diet. This study

    indicates that a balanced diet is crucial not only inmaintaining physical health, but also in promoting

    emotional well-being and psychosocial functioning.]

    (Alcala, 2007)

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    In contrary to what is mentioned above, Lapiz

    stated that food is just part of the physiologic needs

    of a person and its the study habits greatly affects

    performance. In a study made in different school inPayatas, Quezon. [Although there is a correlation

    between eating habits and the students

    performance, it is the study habit that mainly affects

    the performance. Among 153 respondents, 46%have their average grade below 80% and study

    habits has more significant relationship than eating

    habits.] (Lapiz, 2009)

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    In the research made by Pamatmat (2009),

    [There is a significant association between eating

    pattern of grade 1 pupils and their schoolperformance. These variables includes eating

    breakfast on time and their preference of food.

    Other variables like eating lunch and dinner on time

    doesnt have correlation.]

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    Foreign Literature

    [The characteristics of the three stages of

    adolescence particularly changes in life style, emotional

    and social influences; their search for identity and bodyimage; desire to be more assertive and independent, all

    affect the food habits and nutrient intake of adolescents]

    (Grodner 2010). These factors are some of the feeding

    problems encountered during adolescence. [An

    unhealthy diet is composed of foods which are energy-dense and nutrient-poor foods high in saturated fat,

    trans-fat, refined carbohydrates, and salt. An unhealthy

    diet is also low in consumption of fruits and vegetables

    or low in fiber that affects mostly childhood and

    adolescence](Rash 2010).

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    Adolescence is a time of rapid physical growth asmuscle mass, weight, and height increase. [Thesephysical changes mean increased requirements

    related to nutritional requirements related tonutritional needs, especially calories, proteins, andminerals (calcium, zinc, and iron)] (Beard, 2008). Inrelation to above study, [Adolescents always seemhungry but often do not eat appropriate, well-

    balanced meals. Instead, they prefer snack foodsthat are easy to prepare, faddish, and often full ofempty calories. Adolescent foods habits areinfluenced by concerns of their body image, peerpressure, emotional problems, bony schedules, or

    unsupervised meal preparation purchase. It is notuncommon for teenagers to also often skip mealsbreakfast being the most common, eat fast foods,or frequently snack] (Bogden, 2009).

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    Erickson (2006) pointed out five key components,

    based on research, required to keep the brain

    functioning correctly. [The substances, all found in

    food, are important to brain development andfunction. Proteins are found in foods such as meat,

    fish, milk, and cheese. They are used to make most

    of the bodys tissues, including neurotransmitters,

    earlier identified as chemical messengers that carryinformation from brain cells to other brain cells. A

    lack of protein, also known as Protein Energy

    Malnutrition, led to poor school performance by

    children and caused young children to be lethargic,

    withdrawn, and passive, all of which help affect

    social and emotional development.]

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    Erickson also noted that fat makes up more than

    60% of the brain and acts as a messenger in partial

    control of aspects such as mood. Omega-3 fatty

    acids are very important to the optimumperformance of the brain and a lack of these fats

    can lead to depression, poor memory, low IQ,

    learning disabilities, dyslexia, and ADD. Important

    foods to consume to ensure an Omega-3 fatty aciddiet are certain fish and nuts.

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    In the work of Rampersaud et al. (2005) theydetermined the association of breakfastconsumption with the academic performance of the

    students based on their average grades. Breakfastskipping is highly prevalent in the United States andEurope (10% to 30%) depending on age, group andpopulation. Breakfast eaters generally consumemore daily calories yet less likely to be overweight.

    Evidence also suggest that breakfast consumptionmay improve cognitive function related to memory,test grade and school attendance. Breakfast as apart of healthful diet and lifestyle can positiveimpact childrens average grades, health and well-

    being. Parents for their children or help explore theavailability of school breakfast program.

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    There are lots of varieties of foods occurring

    nowadays which perfectly fits to our youths taste

    nowadays which has great impact to their health.

    [What a person eats greatly determines their growthand development, the integrity of their immune

    system, their bodys ability to ward off infections

    and diseases, and their morbidity and longevity.

    The other essential factors are their daily physical

    activities, abstinence from harmful substances, like

    tobacco and illegal drugs, and disciplined intake of

    alcoholic beverages. While genetics play a role in

    all this, it has been proven that a healthy lifestyle

    can significantly benefit even those individuals withsome of the so-called bad genetic trait]. (Chua,


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    Junk food link to academic result in a comparable study madeby the World Lee (2007), [Researchers have found that pupilsthat consume junk food do not do as well academically thosepupils that stick to healthier diets. [The researchers found a

    direct correlation between the amount of sugar and high fatfoods that they students stated they consumes and their (lackof) performance on the tests. Students who said that they atejunk food 4 to 6 times each week scored an average of 6.96points lower in reading, while the pupils who stated that theyate junk food daily were 16.07 points below average. Test

    subjects who ate fast food for every meal were even worse:19.34 points below average. For the mathematics tests,students who consumed fast food 4 to 6 times each week hadscores 6.55 points below average. Daily consumptionequated to a drop of 14.82 points, while the three-junk food-meals-a-day students scored 18.48 points below average. The

    research supports the opinions of food experts that a healthierdiet can improve a childs various aspects that can affect achilds education, such as concentration, attention span,learning ability, brain function and even behavior].

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    [Junk foods have harmful effects in our body. Hesummed up that junk foods adversely disturb ourbody functions. These include the following, lack ofenergy, poor concentration, and heart and liverdiseases. We will lack of energy because junkfoods do not contain any nutrients that arebeneficial to the human body. In most cases, thesefoods are filled with harmful carbohydrates, fats and

    cholesterol that do not provide any useful energy.As a result, somebody consuming junk food hasreduced level of essential nutrients thereby causingweakness in the body. We will experience poorconcentration. One disadvantage of consuming

    junk food is that it contains high amount of oil andfat. As a result, human body finds this food difficultto digest and needs to spend high amount of bloodand enzymes](Lee, 2007).

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    On the contrary,[Banning junk food in school does

    not improve classroom performance [It revealed

    that pupils who perform poorly in school tests are

    more likely to have been affected by the food theyconsumed in their early years than the content of

    their daily lunches] (Clark, 2008).

    In addition to Clarks study [youngsters who ate a

    junk food diet at age three made less progress atschool, according to the landmark 'Children of the

    90s' study at Bristol University. The study says

    pupils who perform poorly in tests are more likely to

    have been affected by junk food eaten in their early

    years. They were 10 per cent less likely to achieve

    the expected levels of improvement between the

    ages of seven and 11 compared with other


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    But school meals served up in the pre-Jamie Oliver

    era did not appear to be linked to poor academic

    performance. [The researchers also failed to find a

    negative link between exam results and packedlunches - more likely to be laden with junk food than

    school dinners. The authors did not find evidence

    that eating packed lunches or eating school meals

    affected children's attainment, once the impact ofjunk food dietary patterns at age three was

    accounted for the said study] (Clark, 2008).

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    Irregular eating affects the nutrition, [Probably, the

    most common problem of this category is omitting

    breakfast. When eaten later in school or at work,

    school cafeterias, street foods and fast foods arehandy places for a quick breakfast, which usually

    turns out to be a snack. One solution to this

    problem is to guide them with time management]

    (Kim, 2002). If the problem for missing a meal is

    waking up late and rushing to school or work

    without eating or bringing a lunch bag , parents or

    nutrition educators can teach them the night before,

    their brown bag or lunch kit.

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    Local Studies

    There are lots of varieties of foods occurring

    nowadays which perfectly fits to our youths taste

    nowadays which has great impact to their health.[What a person eats greatly determines their growth

    and development, the integrity of their immune

    system, their bodys ability to ward off infections

    and diseases, and their morbidity and longevity.

    The other essential factors are their daily physical

    activities, abstinence from harmful substances, like

    tobacco and illegal drugs, and disciplined intake of

    alcoholic beverages. While genetics play a role in

    all this, it has been proven that a healthy lifestylecan significantly benefit even those individuals with

    some of the so-called bad genetic trait]. (Chua,


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    In the article of Osano (2006) entitled CagayumanElementary school Feeding Program, she cited that oneof the children cried when he asked his teacher to gohome for lunch. It was used as a basis to make a

    decision regarding the feeding program. The teacherswere alarmed at an incident of a Grade IV pupil whowas trembling and crying because he ate only boiledbananas for supper, breakfast and lunch. The boytogether his brother and sister in the lower grades do

    not have rice to eat because the source of income oftheir parents in selling charcoal and bananas at Pototanmarket. In the view of the said event, Mr. Ronald Daquilexpressed their concern over the incident and urgedeverybody to help whatever they can. After two months,the teachers of the said pupils have notice their perfectattendance and also become attentive and alert. As aconsequence, their academic performance improvedbased on the result of the mid-year evaluation.

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    Sarmiento (2007), commented in her article entitled

    Developing Childrens Eating Habits in School, the

    nutritional management of the school children and

    factors that affect the needs of the body must beconsidered.

    The school children because of their self-

    confidence are now in a position when they can

    express their food choices. They often eat what

    they peer group eat anytime and anywhere, no

    matter what in some cases the child becomes

    fanatic of what their idols eat in T.V. commercial

    mass media therefore has the responsibility of

    educating the child towards better food habits. If thechildren will properly guided, children can learn how

    to select for themselves considering the balanced


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    Among the eating styles practiced by 10-12 years

    old students, Bacos enumerated three styles which

    received much attention from health and nutrition

    experts as markedly observable from adolescentswhich leads to higher probability of snacking during

    the day and snacking includes eating nutritious

    foods such as fruits and vegetables as well as junk

    foods which are containing high amounts of fat,sugar and sodium;.

    I i il t d th t i ll b t th t ib ti f

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    In a similar study that is all about the contribution ofmajor food items on caloric and protein intake ofFilipinos, [there are major food items on caloric andprotein intake of Filipinos that contribute in their healthand wellness. The caloric and protein content of a dietwhen compared with requirements, is a useful indicatorof the nutritional value of the diet in terms of bothquantity and quality. The caloric content is an indicatorofquantityof the diet, because dietary energy is derivedfrom all three major nutrients - carbohydrates, proteinand fat - any or all of which are found in all foods ofimportance. Thus if a diet is lacking in calories, it meansthat the totality of carbohydrate, protein and fat isinadequate, indicating that the total diet is inadequate inamount. On the other hand, the protein content,particularly the animal protein content, is an indicator of

    the qualitybecause protein-rich foods are not onlysources of amino acid building blocks of all bodytissues, enzymes and most hormones, but animalprotein foods are also sources of fat as well as vitaminsand minerals](Chua, 2009).

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    Cabrillas (2002), in his writing entitled The Role of

    Motivation in Academic Success, said that

    performance is a behavior that can be observe and

    recorded which is used to judge what a person haslearned. He added that performance is not the

    perfect measure of learning for there may be major

    discrepancies at times between learning and

    performance. Differences may be attributed to

    fatigue, anger, lack of motivation, or inability to

    concentrate. He said that one must be careful when

    he looks at students performance to see what has

    or has not been learned.

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    Despite the possible differences between learning

    and performance, performance is the best index of

    what an individual has learned. For this reason,

    teaching should encourage students not only tolearn but also to perform at their optimum level.

    The work of Cabrillas on the academic success of

    one individual is the same as the present because it

    focuses on the performance of the Grade VI pupilswhich is the variable that will be possibly affected

    by the independent factors.

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    Breakfast is often missed or hurriedly eaten by

    school children. The reasons could be one of thefollowing fear of being late, late risers, they have no

    food available in the kitchen. A god breakfast must

    contain fruits like papaya, oatmeal, banana, fried

    fish and milk. Even lunch become a dietary

    problem, many children take their lunch away from

    home. As such, they do not have the chance to eat

    the foods that are needed by the body. (Nestle

    Club, 2003).

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    Foreign Studies

    In the Wolpert and Wheeler article, Gomez-Pinilla

    suggested that diets high in trans fats and saturatedfats negatively affect cognition. These trans fats are

    found in common fast food and most junk foods.

    Through these trans fats, junk food affects the brain

    synapses as well as many molecules that aid in

    learning and memory. A diet low in trans fats and

    high in Omega-3 fatty acids can strengthen

    synapses and provide cognitive benefits (Wolpert &

    Wheeler, 2008).

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    Healthy Mind Healthy Body is what they say, inconnection with the study of Feuerbach (2007) [pointed

    out that we are what we eat is a true dictum. Food ismedicine. Thus eating the right food at the right time isimportant for our health. Unfortunately, many of mypatients don't eat breakfast and have barely enoughtime to eat lunch. Thus they rely on their dinner for most

    of their nourishment and fill their whole day with highcalorie drinks, snacks and junk food. When this happensthey perform poorly at work because the brain needsfood to be able to function well. It also has impact ontheir health as their unhealthy eating habits take their tollon them eventually. The following is an article culledfrom the New Scientist about the importance of healthyeating.] It happens to be that the products of ouractivities are however affected by what we eat priordoing the specific activity.

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    Eating Pattern

    [Knowing the recommended dietary intake makes

    nutrition seem simple. Just eat enough of the

    recommended dietary intake nutrients and good

    health seem assures. However, we dont eatnutrients; we eat foods. For an eating pattern to be

    considered adequate, the foods we eat must

    provide all the essential nutrients plus fiber and

    energy. An adequate eating pattern takes intoaccount assortment, balance, and nutrient

    density](Hinton, 2004).

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    Research confirms that ones academic

    performance can be affected by nutritional intake.

    The Journal of the Muenning (2007) said that

    [students who pay attention to their daily nutrient

    needs perform academically better in school]. The

    researchers explain that [inadequate nutrition

    negatively influences intelligence and academicperformance adding that low intake of protein and

    iron reveal poor performance in school going


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    In addition to their study that [those with poor

    nutrition scored lower on tests of vocabulary,

    reading comprehension, arithmetic, and generalknowledge, the researchers point out, adding that

    [those students who dont take breakfast are likely

    to score lower in tests of speed and accuracy in

    problem - solving].

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    Food Intake

    [Continuous low nutritional intake affects factorssuch as motivation and attentiveness, which canhave a negative effect on developmental processessuch as learning. Chronically undernourishedchildren and adolescents are more prone to

    irritability and lack of concentration. Consequently,they attain lower scores on standardizedachievement tests. Furthermore, when children areundernourished, they have more difficulty resistinginfection. Thus, they are more likely to get sick,

    miss school and fall behind in class. Because oftheir lack in adequate nutrients, they are low inenergy, which can limit their physical activity, andthis, in turn, affects cognitive functioning] (Meyes(2010).

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    Breakfast is the meal that is taken in the morning

    after waking up from bed and before getting to

    school. Breakfast is very important to take asskipping breakfast will lead to hunger and poor

    school performance in the morning and those who

    skip breakfast tend to eat more at lunch. Breakfast

    consumption is considered to be an importantpredictor to overweight and obesity in children.

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    [Many studies have shown that skipping breakfast

    reduces people's performance at school and at

    work since the brain needs a steady supply of

    glucose. According to research published in 1993,

    children eating breakfast made up of fizzy drinks

    and sugary snacks performed at the level of an

    average 70-year-old in tests of memory andattention] provided that it is necessary for an

    individual to take his/her breakfast before doing

    such activities for the brain to function well]

    (Feuerbach, 2007).

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    What your children have for lunch can influenceacademic performance. A healthy lunch can

    improve focus and decrease fatigue in the

    afternoon. (McCain, 2006)

    Coffee Caffeine stimulates the mind and increases

    alertness --- but this effect is temporary, and

    caffeine may interfere with sleep and lead to

    drowsiness and headaches the next day. Sourcesof sugar and caffeine for children and teens often

    include energy drinks, caffeinated soft drinks and

    blended coffee drinks. (McCain, 2006)

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    Numerous studies like Cawley(2007) demonstrate

    that [malnutrition, even with no clinical signs, affectsintelligence and academic performance. Students

    with the lowest amount of protein in their diet had

    the lowest achievement scores, and those with iron

    deficiency demonstrated shortened attention span,

    irritability, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating. Evenmoderate undernutrition (inadequate or suboptimal

    nutrient intakes) can have lasting effects and

    compromise cognitive development and school


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    Research Design

    The researchers will use descriptive co-relational

    type of research.

    Research Locale

    The researchers will conduct the study at the

    elementary department of Arellano University

    Legarda Campus, Manila.

    Field Testing

    The researchers will first conduct their field

    testing on 10 grade six pupils. These pupils will be

    chosen at random and they will not be part of the

    research sample

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    Sample and Sampling Technique

    The researchers will utilize 100% of the population

    of the respondents with the exception of 10students that will be used for field testing.


    All data were gathered through the use ofquestionnaires which are researcher-made

    composed of the demographic profile of the

    respondents (age, gender) It is also subdivided into

    two parts; namely, Part I reflecting the demographicprofile, Part II reflecting their food or eating pattern.

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    Data will be obtained in two ways:

    Eating pattern/Questionnaire

    Academic performance

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    Eating Pattern/Questionnaire

    A 2 part questionnaire comprising of 27 questions will be

    used to explore demographic profile and eating pattern

    of the respondents. Under these questionnaires

    includes number of meals per day, food preference ofthe respondents, how their foods are prepared, their

    food intake and fluid intake.

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    Data Gathering Procedure

    The researchers will secure permit and legal papersfrom the Dean of the College of Nursing and the

    Elementary principal at Arellano University

    Legarda Campus and with their approval, the

    researchers will be able to visit classes and conduct

    the survey with the selected present grade 6 pupilsregarding to their eating pattern and academic

    performance during their 4th grading period last

    school year and 1stgrading period this school year


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    The respondents were grade six elementary pupils.The objective of this data gathering is to assess

    and co-relate the eating pattern with regards to their

    academic performance. The data and information

    gathered and obtained from the respondents will beconsidered as confidential documents.

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    The researchers will secure a verbal or writtenconsent from the respondents. Hence, the

    researchers will be responsible for the

    confidentiality and any form of weakness that might

    occur on the said matter.

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    Statistical Treatment

    The works of the researchers were lessened due tothe creation of high-technology software. With theuse of Microsoft Excel 2010, the amount of timeallotted for computing the percentages and enteringdata and other vital equation and results wasgreatly reduced. Yet, the researchers were able to

    keep the task of interpreting and analyzing the dataand results of each. The following statisticaltreatment were used for the interpretation andanalysis of data, the computation of the percentagewas used to compare the proportion of frequencies

    of responses to the total number of respondents, asthis would also describe the profile of therespondents:

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    For the researchers to identify, summarize and

    analyze more the data collected on the food and

    eating pattern of the respondents, the concept ofmean and Spearman Rho Rank-Order Correlation

    Coefficient was used as this would also provide the

    researchers the exact description of the values

    illustrated in the frequency distribution.

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    Spearman Correlation

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    To correlate the academic performance and eating

    pattern of the respondents, the average grades ofthe pupils were divided into five classes which

    includes poor, fair, good, very good and excellent.

    The arbitrary table is as follow:

    80 below Poor

    81-83 Fair

    84-86 Good

    87-89 Very good

    90 above Excellent

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    The table below is to be used as reference for the

    interpretation of the relationship: (at 0.5 level of

    significance with sample size of 5)0 - 0.89 No correlation

    0.9 Little positive/negative correlation

    1 Strong correlation

    If it is negative, there is a inverse relationship

    between the two variable

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    Gender Frequency Percent

    Male 24 51

    Female 23 49

    Total 47 100.0

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    Gender Frequency Percent

    Male 24 51

    Female 23 49

    Total 47 100.0


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    No. of Meals Frequency Percent

    < 3 3 6.38

    3 14 29.8

    4-5 23 48.9

    >5 7 14.9

    Total 47 100.0

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    Table 4. Frequency and Percentage Distribution

    of Vegetable Intake of the Respondents

    Frequency Percent

    Always 12 25.5

    Often 11 23.4

    Sometimes 20 42.55

    Rarely 3 6.4

    Never 1 2.1

    Total 47 100

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    Table 5. Frequency and Percentage Distributionof Fruit Intake Of the Respondents

    Fruits Frequency Percent

    Always 24 51

    Often 16 34

    Sometimes 7 14.9

    Rarely 0 0

    Never 0 0

    Total 47 100

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    Table 6. Frequency and Percentage Distributionof Meat Intake

    of the Respondents

    Frequency Percent

    Always 18 38.3

    Often 6 12.8

    Sometimes 9 19.1

    Rarely 3 6.4

    Never 1 2.1

    Total 47 100

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    Table 7. Frequency and Percentage Distribution

    of Fish Intake

    of the RespondentsFrequency Percent

    Always 26 55.32

    Often 12 25.53

    Sometimes 6 12.77

    Rarely 2 4.26

    Never 1 2.1

    Total 47 100

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    Table 8. Frequency and Percentage Distribution


    Intake of Chicken of the Respondents

    Frequency Percent

    Always 26 55.32

    Often 12 25.53

    Sometimes 6 12.77

    Rarely 2 4.26

    Never 1 2.1

    Total 47 100

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    Table 9. Frequency and Percentage Distributionof Rice

    Consumption of the Respondents

    Frequency Percent

    Always 43 91.5

    Often 3 6.4

    Sometimes 1 2.1

    Rarely 0 0

    Never 0 0

    Total 47 100

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    Table 10. Frequency and Percentage

    Distribution of Consumption of

    Processed Foods of the Respondents

    Frequency Percent

    Always 15 31.9

    Often 11 23.4

    Sometimes 15 31.9

    Rarely 6 12.8

    Never 0 0

    Total 47 100

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    Table 11. Frequency and Percentage

    Distribution of Consumption

    Of Junk Foods of the Respondents

    Frequency Percent

    Always 13 27.7

    Often 10 21.3

    Sometimes 15 31.9

    Rarely 9 19.1

    Never 0 0

    Total 47 100

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    Table 12. Frequency and Percentage

    Distribution of Bread and

    Pastries Consumption by the Respondents.

    Frequency Percent

    Always 26 55.3

    Often 9 19

    Sometimes 8 17

    Rarely 4 8.5

    Never 0 0

    Total 47 100

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    Table 13. Frequency and PercentageDistribution of Sweets

    Consumption of the Respondents` Frequency Percentage

    Always 15 31.9

    Often 13 27.7

    Sometimes 9 19

    Rarely 9 19

    Never 1 2.1

    Total 47 100

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    Table 14. Frequency and Percentage

    Distribution of Street Foods

    Consumption of the RespondentsFrequency Percent

    Always 9 19

    Often 10 21.3

    Sometimes 14 29.8

    Rarely 12 25.5

    Never 2 2.1

    Total 47 100

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    Table 15. Frequency and Percentage

    Distribution of Food Preparation by Means of Boiling orNilaga

    Frequency Percent




    Often 10 21.3

    Sometimes 11 23.4

    Rarely 5 10.6

    Never 1 2.1

    Total 47 100

    Table 15. Frequency and Percent Distribution of Food Preparation byMeans of Grilling or Inihaw

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    Table 16. Frequency and Percent Distribution ofFood Preparation by

    Means of Grilling orInihaw

    Frequency Percent

    Always 8 17

    Often 16 34

    Sometimes 14 29.8

    Rarely 6 12.7

    Never 3 6.4

    Total 47 100

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    Table 16. Frequency and Percentage

    Distribution of Foods

    Prepared by Means of Frying orPagpritoFrequency Percent

    Always 21 46.8

    Often 14 27.66

    Sometimes 8 19.15

    Rarely 3 4.26

    Never 1 2.1

    Total 47 100

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    Table 17. Frequency and Percentage

    Distribution of Food

    Preparation by Means of Steaming orPinasingawan

    Frequency Percent

    Always 9 46.8

    Often 13 27.66

    Sometimes 10 19.15

    Rarely 13 4.26

    Never 2 2.1

    Total 47 100

    Table 18. Frequency and Percentage

    Distribution of

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    Distribution of

    Breakfast Pattern of the Respondents.

    Frequency Percent

    Always 33 70




    Sometimes 3 19.15

    Rarely 1 4.26

    Never 2 2.1

    Total 47 100

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    Table 19. Frequency and Percentage

    Distribution of AM Snack Pattern of the Respondents.

    Frequency Percent

    Always 21 44.7

    Often 8 17

    Sometimes 14 29.8

    Rarely 3 6.3

    Never 1 2.1

    Total 47 100

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    Table 20. Frequency and PercentageDistribution of

    Lunch Pattern of the Respondents.Frequency Percent

    Always 40 85

    Often 6 12.8

    Sometimes 0 0




    Never 1 2.1

    Total 47 100

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    Table 21. Frequency and Percentage

    Distribution of

    PM Snack Pattern of the Respondents.

    Frequency Percent

    Always 24 51

    Often 10 21.3

    Sometimes 6 12.7

    Rarely 0 0

    Never 2 4.2

    Total 47 100

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    Table 22. Frequency and Percentage

    Distribution of

    Dinner Pattern of the Respondents.

    Frequency Percent

    Always 36 46.8

    Often 5 27.66

    Sometimes 3 19.15

    Rarely 0 4.26




    Total 47 100

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    Table 23. Frequency and Percentage

    Distribution of

    Midnight Snack Pattern of the Respondents.

    Frequency Percent

    Always 18 46.8

    Often 5 27.66

    Sometimes 11 19.15

    Rarely 7 4.26

    Never 6 2.1

    Total 47 100

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    Table 24. Frequency and Percentage

    Distribution of

    Bringing of Packed Lunch of the Respondents.

    Frequency Percent

    Always 23 46.8

    Sometimes 20 19.15

    Never 4 2.1

    Total 47 100

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    Table 25: Frequency and Percentage

    Distribution of

    Eating at the Canteen of the Respondents

    Frequency Percent

    Always 14 46.8

    Sometimes 28 19.15

    Never 5 2.1

    Total 47 100

    Table 26 Frequency and Percentage

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    Table 26. Frequency and Percentage

    Distribution of

    Preference between Bringing of packed lunchand Eating

    at the School Canteen of the Respondents.

    Frequency Percent

    Baon 22 46.8

    Canteen 25 27.66

    Total 47 100

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    Table 27: Frequency and Percentage

    Distribution of

    Water Intake of the Respondents.

    Frequency Percent

    More than

    10 glasses

    24 46.8



    12 27.66

    Less than

    10 glasses

    11 19.15

    Total 47 100

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    TABLE 28: Frequency Distribution of Fluid

    Intake of the Respondents

    Every neal Thrice a day Twice a day Once a day Never

    Juice 5 3 12 21 6

    Coffee 2 2 5 15 23

    Soda 3 5 10 23 6

    Milk 12 6 6 16 7

    Chocolate 13 5 6 14 9

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    TABLE 29: Frequency and Percentage

    Distribution of the

    Average Grades of the Respondents

    Frequency Percent

    90 above 7 15

    87-89 8 17

    84-86 12 25.5

    80-82 13 19.15

    77-79 8 27.6

    Total 47 100

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    TABLE 30: Distribution of average grades of the


    84.5 83.1 94.9 90.5 86.6 85 90.5

    88.4 77.7 80.7 82.2 87.2 83.1 84.4

    85.8 79.8 85.9 77.3 84 78.5 85

    87.8 88.3 86.5 76.8 79.1 89.9 79.9

    90.2 83.4 85 85.4 84.3 89.55 82.8

    77.1 81.5 88.8 85.3 85.1 81

    83.1 85.8 86.1 81.8 91.7 79



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    Summary of the FindingsDemographic Profile

    On age, most of the respondents are in the average

    range of 11 to 12 years old, which is ideally the

    average age for a grade six level. On gender, there is a proportionate ratio between

    the male and female respondents.

    On the number of meals taken by the respondents

    everyday, most of the respondents eat 4-5 mealseach day which is the ideal

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    Eating pattern

    On number of meals of the respondents, most of

    the respondents eat 4 to 5 times a day which is theideal number of meals per day with measurableamounts of foods per meal. The second highestnumber of meals the respondents consume is 3meals per day.

    On the vegetable diet of the respondents, only8.6% of the respondent rarely and never eatvegetable and therefore almost 90% of therespondents eat vegetables. In correlation with theacademic performance, there is a negativecorrelation with the two of them.

    On the fruit intake of the respondents, all of therespondents eat fruits and most of them always eatfruits.

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    S l l t f l t il li

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    Several elements of elementary pupils lives

    are related to pupils academic performance. A

    hypothesis was tested concerning interrelationshipsof academic performance and eating pattern of the

    respondent. To test the hypothesis, 47 pupils from

    grade six aging from 11-12 years old, filled a 2 part

    survey questionnaire measuring their eating


    Some of the variables of eating pattern have a

    substantially markedly positive and negative

    correlation with the academic performance.

    Therefore, the researchers concluded that at 0.5level of significance, the null hypothesis that there

    is no relationship between eating pattern and

    academic performance is rejected.

    R d ti

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    In the light of the findings and conclusions, the

    following recommendations are as follows:

    Pupils should consume a healthful diet at home or

    in school, on a daily basis and not exceeding

    energy requirements and with proper exercise.Pupils should be more aware of the Recommended

    Daily Allowance or RDA, because it will be a guide

    for their diet to ensure proper nutritional intake

    enough for their age.

    Since our study found out that there are just little

    correlation between academic performance with

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    correlation between academic performance with

    few of the variables. We recommend that the

    parents should be aware of the study habits that thepupils have. Food alone cant be a solution to good

    excellence in education.

    Offering more health teaching about the proper

    nutrition by the school can also give more guide to

    the pupils.

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    For BSN students, include health teachings about

    the proper nutrition whenever they handle pediatric

    patients. The researchers recommend that the nutritionist

    plan a appropriate meal pattern for the specific

    subject of the study

    The researchers recommend that the futureresearcher conducts a study that further evaluate

    and monitor the nutritional status of the students

    with regards to their academic performance with a

    specific span of time.

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