preview of qir3 2014

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  • 8/10/2019 Preview of QIR3 2014



  • 8/10/2019 Preview of QIR3 2014



    Editor's Note

    Section 1 | Q3 2014 Forex Market Overview

    Forex Market Quarterly Overview

    Institutional FX Volumes' ReviewRetail Forex Volumes

    Retail Forex Volumes By Accounts

    Retail Forex Volumes By MT4 Usage

    Exchanges Update

    Regulations Update

    Section 2 | Articles

    The End of the Federal Reserves Tapering: A Revival for FX Volatility

    Forex Brokers Go Global with Web TV

    FX Blue: Apping the Trade Game

    FX Options: Making Headways in Electronic Trading

    Leaving Recession Behind: Dubai the Unstoppable

    FX Funds: A Road Less Travelled or No Respite?

    Forex Futures Markets: Catalysts for Emerging EU Economies

    Reconstructing the U.S. Forex Industry: The Aftermath of Liquidity Constraints

    Singapore: Creating Asia-Pacifics Financial Epicenter

    CurrentBusiness: Streamlining and Automating a Brokerage

    Nigeria: Africas New Economic Colossus

    Third World Payments: Get Paid in BRICS

    Meet the Experts: An Exclusive QIR Project

    Section 3 | Detailed Broker Information

    The Forex Industry's Biggest M&A and Investments

    Section 4 | Major News For Q3 2014

    Infographics Index



























  • 8/10/2019 Preview of QIR3 2014



    M A R K E T

    O V E R V I E W



    Forex Market Quarterly Overview

    Institutional FX Volumes Review Retail

    Forex Volumes Retail Forex Volumes by

    Account Retail Forex Volumes by MT4Usage Exchanges Update

    Regulations Update

  • 8/10/2019 Preview of QIR3 2014




    As we turn yet another quar-

    ter and near the conclusion

    of the year, the last month

    of 2014s summer quarter marked

    a newly juiced-up forex market.

    Let The Roller Coaster Ride Begin

    - FX Volatility Is Back

    After a long delay, the Euro-

    pean Central Bank (ECB) put its

    money where its mouth is, and

    in September, announced the

    intention to flood the EuropeanAsset Backed Securities market

    with newly printed cash, which

    combined with the approach-

    ing end of the Federal Reserves

    tapering program, triggered a

    long awaited bout of FX vola-

    tility in the euro. In addition,

    the British pound and Japanese

    yen saw activity soar thanks to

    speculations made ahead of the

    Scottish Independence Refer-endum and renewed inflation-

    stimulating activity from the

    Bank of Japan.

    While the month of July was

    subdued, market activity started

    picking up materially in August

    and accelerated in September,

    when on the day of the biggest

    volatility event of the month,

    ECB Presidents Mario Draghi's

    press conference, several li-

    quidity providers and foreign

    exchange brokers marked their

    highest trading volumes for

    2014. More importantly, market

    activity remained strong, whichwas in contrast to the quick fiz-

    zling volatility bouts earlier in

    the year.

    Emerging Markets Worries

    Emerging markets have had

    their feathers ruffled again, this

    time by a slew of factors im-

    pacting volatility. The Russian

    ruble set a multitude of all-time

    lows; ongoing geopolitical ten-

    sions in the Ukraine resulted

    in further sanctions being im-

    posed by the U.S. and EU. The

    Chinese economy has shown

    resilience, but just how longthe current growth trend will

    persist is anyone's guess. The

    abundance of speculations that

    the country could suffer from

    a material downturn were ill-

    timed, just as the first wave of

    serious pro-democracy protests

    started in Hong Kong. Geopo-

    litical turmoil could well be with


    QUARTERLY OVERVIEWus throughout the final quarter

    of the year.

    For retail brokers, emerging

    markets have been constituting

    a growth area for the last three

    years with many firms opening

    new offices to court local cus-tomers. Russia, for example,

    outperformed during the sec-

    ond half of 2013 while most re-

    gions experienced a reduction

    in trading. But consequential to

    this years regional upheaval, it

    trailed behind with brokers see-

    ing a sharp decline in overall

    domestic traded volumes. In

    China and the Southeast Asia

    (both recent growth drivers formany brokers), 2014 volumes

    have remained strong to date

    However, if the 1997-8 Asian fi-

    nancial crisis is anything to go

    by, an economic growth slow-

    down could quickly trigger a

    removal of foreign investment

    which could potentially cripple

    volumes in the region.

    FXCM Introduces Raw Spreads

    After IBFX Accounts Acquisition

    September was a big month for

  • 8/10/2019 Preview of QIR3 2014



    M&A activity. FXCM took center

    stage, drawing market attention

    with several key announce-

    ments. Early on in the month,

    the company publicized its ac-

    quisition of the U.S. and Austra-lian MT4 retail IBFX customer

    base. This was followed by the

    broker introducing a new pric-

    ing model offering raw spreads,

    which reduced trading costs for

    its U.S. customers by an aver-

    age of 50% on the top 14 cur-

    rency pairs via tighter spreads

    and commission-based pricing.

    As such, the spread reduction is

    expected to allow FXCM greater

    flexibility when competing on

    cost with other U.S. brokers.

    Arguably, this business model

    shift could evolve into a whole

    new trend for the industry, with

    brokers starting to offer normal-

    ized spreads and turning into

    a commission-based model.

    As market volatility increases,

    some brokers can still take ad-

    vantage of the ongoing marketwave, but in the long run many

    more can enter the ball game

    too, which would expose them

    to a very different type of com-

    petition, and on a whole new

    level. Technological differences

    will become a major factor, es-

    pecially with the ever growing

    trend of mobile trading.

    Both publicly listed U.S. forexbrokerages, FXCM and GAIN

    Capital, reported dwindling rev-

    enues in the second quarter,

    after the lowest FX volatility in

    21 years have tangibly affected

    both companies revenues. Their

    individual shares hit multi-

    month lows before stabilizing,

    amid signs of volatility being

    re-introduced to the market.

    Mergers & Acquisitions

    The multi-decade low in FX vol-

    atility led to a whole new world

    of M&A market activity. During

    the quarter, Boston Technolo-

    gies were officially acquired by

    Forexware, a move widely an-

    ticipated across the market since

    Forex Magnates broke the storyin May. The deal was sealed de-

    spite alleged ownership irregu-

    larities in the corporate structure

    of BT Prime and Boston Prime.

    Meanwhile, Charles Henry-

    Sabbet and GLIO Holdings

    made a financing proposal to

    LCG Capital, which the com-

    pany accepted before part-

    ing ways with CEO KevinAshby, making Charles Henri-

    Sabet Executive Chairman as

    part of the financing agreement.

    Another M&A deal was completed

    this summer with UK-based CFD

    brokerage, ETX Capital, acquir-

    ing Ariel Communications. The

    deal was based on close coop-

    eration as before the acquisition,

    ETX Capital was believed to have

    been Ariels largest customer. The

    brokerage set foot into the tech-

    nology space, with a focus on de-

    livering superior client services.

    Ariels multi-asset trading plat-

    form sits in well with ETX Capitals

    global spread betting, leveraged

    FX and CFD trading business.

    This next bout of FX volatil-

    ity should serve many brokerages

    which haven't yet embarked on

    diversification strategies by transi-

    tioning into the multi-asset arena

    In a move which marked its

    first technology acquisition,

    the FxPro Group, announced its

    purchase of spot FX aggrega-

    tor Quotix. In addition to im-

    proved pricing for its clients,

    the deal has enabled the firm to

    expand its services to a broader

    range, including the provision

    of prime-of-prime services.

    Meanwhile, after its foray into

    the Japanese market, Traden-

    cy entered into a strategic al-

    liance with Japanese Broker

    Invast with the latter acquiring

    15% of the company. The Mir-

    ror Trader platform developer

    and Invast Securities are aim-

    ing to elevate the cooperation

    between the companies for the

    deployment of Mirror Trader

    While with the proceeds ob-tained from the equity deal,

    Tradency stated that it will

    strengthen and extend its prod-

    uct line and business activities

  • 8/10/2019 Preview of QIR3 2014




    The End of the FeDs Tapering: ARevival for FX Volatility ForexBrokers Go Global with Web TVFX Blue: Apping the Trade GameFX Options: Making Headwaysin Electronic Trading Dubai theUnstoppable FX Funds ForexFutures Markets Reconstructingthe U.S. Forex Industry: TheAftermath of Liquidity ConstraintsSingapore: Creating Asia-PacifcsFinancial Epicenter CurrentBusinessNigeria: Africas New Economic

    Colossus Third World Payments:Get Paid in BRICS Meet theExperts: An Exclusive QIR Project



  • 8/10/2019 Preview of QIR3 2014


  • 8/10/2019 Preview of QIR3 2014



    Source: Department of Statisticsof Singapore

    Singapore's Estimated Shareof Assets Traded

    Fig 27.


    Indices &






    Fig 29.

    Number of Retail FXTraders in Singapore



    Number of RegulatedFX Brokerages

    Source: Department of Statistics of Singapore


    Retail Brokersin Singapore

    City Index Asia | CMC MarketsSingapore | GFT Global Markets(GAIN Capital) | IG Asia

    OANDA Asia Pacifc | Saxo CapitalMarkets

    Fig 28.

    Source: Department of Statisticsof Singapore

    Singapore GDP, Billions of $USFig 26.


























    Source: Department of Statistics of Singapore



















    Singapore's Unemployment Rate (%)Fig 30.

    Source: Singapore Ministry of Manpower

  • 8/10/2019 Preview of QIR3 2014




    In the realm of forex, brokerage

    firms utilize a number of tactics

    and strategies to collectively

    market their product, report rele-

    vant news and advertise their brand

    name. In recent years, the inbuilt

    dynamic nature of the forex indus-try, coupled with the ever-shifting

    interests of traders has coalesced

    into a new form of marketing and

    exposure for brokers Web TV.

    At its core, Web TV is simply a vi-

    sual conduit for facilitating infor-

    mation, whether it be via a desktop

    computer, tablet, or smartphone.

    Web TV is not an entirely new or

    novel concept; much of the fi-nancial industry has been domi-

    nated by household names such

    as CNBC, Reuters and Bloomberg.

    However, many large brokers have

    opted to circumvent these tradi-

    tional news outlets and publicize

    their own niche reports, which are

    often focused on forex trading and

    the industry at large.

    As the trading community is nowtruly global, forex brokers are

    prompted to follow suit with more

    universal means of reaching their

    clientele. Web TV in the forex indus-

    try is largely dominated by players

    such as Dukascopy Bank (Dukasco-

    py TV), FXCM (DirectFX), and Saxo

    Bank (Saxo TV), although there are

    myriad others as the popularity


    GLOBAL WITH WEB TVfor videos and these outlets grow

    The Impetus Behind Web TV

    Videos have been a staple for fi-

    nancial viewers since the advent ofthe smartphone in the late 2000s

    With improvements in technology

    and the mounting use of mobile

    devices and tablets, many traders

    now exclusively rely on these as

    a means for trading, staying in-

    formed, and ultimately learning.

    There are several rationales that

    support the use of Web TV, which

    correspond to brokers and tradersalike. In its most basic form, a vid-

    eo can help publicize or perme-

    ate exposure of a specific brand,

    which coupled with social shar-

    ing outlets such as Twitter, You-

    Tube, and Facebook, can reach

    millions of viewers in a short win-

    dow of time. In addition to brand

    exposure and marketing, Web TV

    can also be used as an outlet for

    learning and education, specif-ic points of emphases for many

    forex brokers. Finally, Web TV

    has proven itself as a viable me-

    dium for the reporting of news,

    whether it is restricted to forex

    or any other financial institution

    According to Luis Sanchez, First

    Vice President and Head of Institu-

    Web TV has opened

    up new marketing and

    brand-building horizons

    for the forex industry,

    providing real time con-tent and services.

    Forex Magnates takes a

    deeper look into how-

    some of the biggest

    players integrate Web TV

    into their product, ex-

    ploring its effectiveness,

    costs and future.

    By Jeffery Patterson

  • 8/10/2019 Preview of QIR3 2014


  • 8/10/2019 Preview of QIR3 2014




    The introduction of Forex

    derivative products in 2013

    by two leading derivatives

    powerhouses, Eurex and CME, was

    going to mark a turning point for

    the regulated European forex mar-

    ket. Both, however, got off to an un-

    lucky start: Eurex initially planned

    to introduce its forex futures and

    options product line in October

    2013, but did so only in July, 2014.

    The delay resulted from the third

    party bank providing access to the

    CLS (Continuous Linked Settle-

    ment) system required to reinforce

    the banks controls. CME Europe,

    which put down roots in London,

    had originally planned to intro-

    duce its forex derivatives product

    line in September 2013, but failed

    to apply for approval with the Bankof England. As a result, the FCA was

    unable to greenlight the project.

    New Prospects for Europe

    Despite these early hitches, the

    establishment of two new trad-

    ing venues for forex derivatives



    is significant. The premise for

    CMEs European market plan

    which was revealed back in 2012

    was that the larger share of the

    global forex volume is generated

    during European trading hours

    In a press release dated August 20

    2012, Terry Duffy, CME Group Ex-

    ecutive Chairman and President

    said: "We continue to see an in-crease in business coming from

    our diverse set of customers in Eu-

    rope, with more than 20 percent of

    our volume now originating from

    the region." Meanwhile, Peter Re-

    itz, member of the Eurex Executive

    Board, explained the logic behind

    the launch in an official statement

    With this step, we are again con-

    tributing to increasing the trans-

    parency and safety of financialmarkets. The large majority of forex

    derivatives is currently traded off-

    exchange. With our listed contracts

    we are offering an alternative in

    which we bring the advantages of

    exchange trading, including clear-

    ing, to a market that has so far been

    organized bilaterally for the greater

    part. According to a Bank for Inter-

    Despite an early run of

    bad luck, derivatives

    powerhouses Eurex

    and CME are setting off

    emerging EU FX futures

    markets full throttle.

    Moscow has also come

    into play with a surge inforex sales.

    Forex Magnates looks

    into what makes these

    smaller European-reg-

    ulated FX markets tick,

    focusing on smart policy

    challenges and the in-

    tegrity that singles themout.

    By Sylwester Majewski

  • 8/10/2019 Preview of QIR3 2014



    cial crisis in response to systemic

    risks in Over-the-Counter (OTC)

    derivatives markets.

    Regulations such as the Dodd-

    Frank Act in the U.S. and the Eu-ropean Market Infrastructure

    Regulation (EMIR) compelled OTC

    derivative trading to shift to cen-

    tralized clearing systems, creating

    a situation in which exchanges

    had to monetize this specific area

    of the forex market. As for the OTC

    derivatives market, the BIS report

    for 2014 listed forex derivatives as

    constituting 10% of the total OTC

    market, and the notional amount of

    foreign exchange contracts totalled

    USD 71 trillion by the end of 2013.

    Complementing the Big Players

    The objective of the European

    Union FX futures markets is to ful-

    fill specific market needs created

    by local determinants rather than

    battle it out for the leading position.

    Understanding the importance

    of these somewhat out-of-view

    exchanges, Forex Magnates con-

    ducted a research study of 32 main

    exchanges in 30 countries. The

    study revealed that exchange FX

    derivatives trading was taking placein only 8 countries and in 6 ex-

    changes, as Belgium, France, Neth-

    erlands and Portugal form a single

    market the Euronext exchange.

    So as to highlight these smaller-

    scale markets, the biggest Euro-

    pean derivatives markets EUREX

    and Euronext were excluded

    from the research. That leaves four

    exchanges in three EU countries

    Hungary, Poland and Romania.

    The Moscow Exchange has also

    been checked off the list, due to

    its geographical (non-EU) posi-tion and its being a home to one of

    the most heavily traded FX futures

    in the world, the USD/RUB, with

    373 MN contracts traded in 2013.

    Although some of these markets

    have historic roots in the 19th cen-

    tury, Europes emerging economy

    exchanges are relatively new, hav-

    ing been established after the Iron

    national Settlements' (BIS) statisti-

    cal report published in April 2013

    (updated in December), the daily

    average global forex market turn-

    over totalled USD 5.13 trillion. The

    BIS conducts the survey every threeyears and the 2010 survey found

    daily turnover was about $4 trillion.

    As the forex market grew, a relative

    market share of major currency

    pairs decreased, while other pairs

    such as the Chinese CNY and Rus-

    sian RUB began taking the stage.

    Their market share, especially that

    of the CNY, is expanding and will

    be continuing in this pattern. This

    opened the way to a whole new

    ballgame: The introduction of six

    new Asian currency-based forexfutures by the Singapore Exchange

    (SGX) last year comes across as a

    smart decision, as it positions the

    exchange as a future key gateway

    to Asia. The growing interest of

    large-scale exchanges in forex de-

    rivatives came on the heels of the

    global regulatory changes intro-

    duced after the 2008 world finan-

    Source: BIS, April 2013

    Global Foreign Exchange Market Turnover, Participation by Currency PairFig 20.




    1.5%USD / RUB

    26.8%USD / EUR

    27.7%USD / EUR

    24.1%USD / EUR

    13.2%USD / JPY

    14.3%USD / JPY 18.3%

    USD / JPY

    11.6%USD / GBP

    9.1%USD / GBP

    8.8%USD / GBP

    5.6%USD / AUD

    6.3%USD / AUD

    6.8%USD / AUD

    3.8%USD / CAD 4.6%

    USD / CAD3.7%USD / CAD

    4.5%USD / CHF

    0.8%USD / CNY

    2.1%USD / CNF

    4.2%USD / CHF 3.4%

    USD / CHF

    2007 2010 2013

  • 8/10/2019 Preview of QIR3 2014




    INFORMATIONLargest Brokers in

    Terms of Volume

    FXCM Saxo Bank Alpari OANDA IG GroupGAIN Capital CMC FxPro FXOpen

    GMO Click Securities



  • 8/10/2019 Preview of QIR3 2014




    Shareholders and Funding: Publicly owned, list of shareholdershere

    Investments and M&As: data at the end of the report

    Reported Net Income in 2012: $9.0 million

    Reported Net Income in 2013: $14.8million

    Reported Net Income in Q2 2014: $3,078 million

    Market Cap: $1.26 billion (as of June 18th, 2014)

    Reported monthly retail volume: $272.3 billion (Average for June, July, and August)

    Reported monthly institutional volume: $248.3 billion (Average for June, July, and August)

    Number of active clients: 178,818 (As of August 2014)

    Regulation: NFA/CFTC, UK FCA, HK SFC, ASIC, JFSA

    Company Name:

    FXCMStatus:Public (NYSE:FXCM)

    News for the Past Quarter:

    Year Established:1999

    FXCM August Metrics Show Retail Volumes up 14% Read More Here

    FXCM Acquires IBFXs US and Australian Retail MT4 Accounts Read More Here

    FXCM Reduces Credit Facility to $150 Million, Cites Strong Balance Sheet Read More Here

    FXCM Revenues down 30% YoY as Q2 Figures Reported Read More Here

    FXCM Institutional Volumes at $262B in July, Nearly Equals Retail Read More Here

    With FXDD Account Purchase, FXCM Retakes Total Account Lead in the US Read More Here

    FXCM Faces $200,000 Fine for NFA Breaches Read More Here

    FXCM Retail Volumes Dip 3% in June but Institutional Rises 23% Read More Here
  • 8/10/2019 Preview of QIR3 2014



    Fig 40. FXCMs share price for the past three months ($)

    Fig 41. FXCM: Retail vs. Institutional Volume ($bln)

    Source: NYSE








    7/12 8/12 9/12 10/12 11/12 12/12 1/13 2/13 3/13 4/13 5/13 6/13 7/13 8/13 9/13 10/13 11/13 12/13 1/14 2/14 3/14 4/14 5/14 6/14 7/14 8/14

    Retail Institutional Total Source: Forex Magnates

    Jul 14 Sep 14Aug 14





  • 8/10/2019 Preview of QIR3 2014




    Q3 2014July




  • 8/10/2019 Preview of QIR3 2014





    During June, the CLS Bank, reported that average daily trades submittedfor settlement at the group totaled $5.46 trillion. The figures were 13% aboveMays results, and second only to the CLS Banks all-time high of $5.58 tril-

    lion achieved in June 2013. Providing reporting of trade settlements, CLSBank plays a central part in connecting parties within the decentralized FXindustry. CLS volumes are primarily composed of FX spot and swap tradessent to organizations by dealers to monitor cash settlement of transactionsWhile major centralized ECNs such as Thomson Reuters and EBS have re-ported declines in their volumes, CLS Bank volumes have stayed more orless consistent with 2013s activity. As most of CLS Banks trades are fromnon-ECN sources, it represents that direct trading with primary dealingbanks has remained strong despite the launch of numerous liquidity pro-viders which aggregate pricing from numerous sources in one central feed

    Read the entire article

    CLS Bank June Volumes

    Reported Near All-Time


    With its share price in a multi-year decline and revenues contracting, Lon-

    don Capital Group (LCG) has found itself a takeover target since the begin-

    ning of 2013, when it was announced that numerous firms were doing

    due diligence. Ultimately, each firm dropped its intentions of making a

    formal bid. However, with volatility and volumes falling again in 2014, it

    has triggered consolidation talk again within the industry. In LCGs case

    the broker once again found itself the target of M&A, having announced it

    received an offer from GLIO Holdings of 17.1M in financing. This was fol-lowed up by revelations that privately held Spreadex had made an all cash

    bid for the company. Shunning the acquisition, LCG shareholders voted

    to accept the financing deal, despite it being dilutive and leading shares to

    new lows for the year.

    Read the entire article

    London Capital Group

    Shuns Buyout from

    Spreadex, Takes Financ-

    ing from GLIO Holdings

    Multi-Asset Brokers and

    Venues Survive Q2 Forex


    Q2 was a period most brokers were happy to put in their rear view mir-

    rors as historically low volatility dampened trader volumes. With several

    firms reporting their Q2 results during July, one key trend was the ability

    of brokers with multi-asset offerings to weather the storm. In the UK, CFD

    and Forex brokers, IG Group and Plus500, both reported weakness in Q2

    Specifically, forex trading was notably lower as traders were less active due

    to falling volatility. Nonetheless, neither firms bottom line results failed

    to meet expectations. In IGs case, they noted that trading of their non-FX

    products remained ahead of last year. Similarly, Plus500s diverse product

    base allowed them to achieve lower acquisition costs during the period. In

    addition to brokers, the CME Group also attributed its line of multiple as-sets among its exchanges to sustain consistent trading, even with volatil-

    ity and volumes decline in FX trading.

    Read the entire article
  • 8/10/2019 Preview of QIR3 2014


    IG and OANDA launch open API FIX Trading AddsFX Support on Its Trading Enablement Standard Ini-tiative (TESI) Forexware Completed its Purchaseof Boston Technologies BinaryStation Certified bythe Financial Commission FXCM and GAIN CapitalBoth Report Declining Retail Volumes But Rising In-stitutional Trading during June

    The second quarter was notably quiet in terms of trading and volatility, bu

    didnt seem to bother retail traders. During the quarter, 39.5% of US retai

    forex customer accounts were profitable. The figure was a multi-year high

    and a 1.9% increase from Q1. Also during the period, no brokers reported

    declines in customer profitability, representing an overall advantageous

    environment for retail forex traders to be involved in. Leading the way in

    profitability was OANDA, with 45.5% of its US customers being in the black

    during Q2, overtaking the top spot from InteractiveBrokers.

    During the quarter, total active account in the US dropped by 2,164 to

    92,718. The decline mostly represented the exit of ILQ and FXDD from the

    US market. Among individual brokers, FXCM reclaimed the lead of activeUS traders after acquiring FXDDs retail customer book, of which most

    continued to trade.

    Read the entire article

    Exclusive: Q2 2014 US

    Profitability Report,

    OANDA and FXCM

    Knock off IB

    Q2 2014 Change from Q1 2014

    % Proft % Loss Total AccountsProft %


    Accounts %chg

    Interactive Brokers 44.1 55.9 25,056 1.0 1,021 4.2

    OANDA 45.5 54.9 20,325 3.3 -16 -0.1Gain Capital 38.0 62.0 10,463 4.6 -356 -3.3

    IBFX/TradeStation 37.5 62.5 7,531 2.9 -461 -5.8

    FXCM 33.0 67.0 25,660 0.0 3434 -15.5

    CitiFX 39.0 61.0 631 1.0 -14 -2.2

    MB Trading 28.0 72.0 3,052 0.6 -222 -6.8

    Total 37.9 92,718 (2.164) -2.3

    US Broker Proftability Report

    Source: Forex Magnates

    Fig 50.

    Catch up on more im-

    portant stories from the

    Forex Magnates news-


    Average proftability change 37.9%Change from Q1 2.4%Weighted profitability change 39.5%Change from Q1 1.9%Total number of accounts in the US 92,718

    Change from Q1 2,164