project description todas las sangres allerlei herzblut · todas las sangres -allerlei herzblut...

Llipin Yahuar-Todas las Sangres Allerlei Herzblut - Lifeblood Todas las Sangres Allerlei Herzblut MISEREOR Alipio Pinto Sila Karin Schmidt Pax Bank Jr. Yupanqui No 252 Fischbacher Str. 28 BIC: GENODED1PAX Urubamba – Cusco – Peru D-61350 Bad Homburg IBAN: DE75 3706 0193 0000 1010 10 Tel: +51 958 273471 Tel: +49 6172 662847 “W30933 Todas las Sangres, Peru“ E-Mail: [email protected] Project Description Todas las Sangres – Allerlei Herzblut

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Llipin Yahuar-Todas las Sangres

Allerlei Herzblut - Lifeblood

Todas las Sangres Allerlei Herzblut MISEREOR Alipio Pinto Sila Karin Schmidt Pax Bank Jr. Yupanqui No 252 Fischbacher Str. 28 BIC: GENODED1PAX Urubamba – Cusco – Peru D-61350 Bad Homburg IBAN: DE75 3706 0193 0000 1010 10 Tel: +51 958 273471 Tel: +49 6172 662847 “W30933 Todas las Sangres, Peru“ E-Mail: [email protected]

Project Description

Todas las Sangres – Allerlei Herzblut

Todas las Sangres -Allerlei Herzblut

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Content Overview................................................................................................................................................. 3

Detailled Project Description ............................................................................................................... 6

Location and Life Situation .................................................................................................................. 6

Project Goals ....................................................................................................................................... 7

Working Methods of the Project Team ............................................................................................... 8

Control and Evaluation ...................................................................................................................... 10

Organizational Structure .................................................................................................................... 11

Budget Plan .......................................................................................................................................... 11

Todas las Sangres -Allerlei Herzblut

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The name of the project and the corresponding organization in Peru resp. Germany is:

Quechua Llipin Yahuar

Spanish Todas las Sangres (organization)

German Allerlei Herzblut (organization)

English Lifeblood

The project is based on my experience working with a relatively big NGO as well as

conversations with Germans and Peruvians. The same critics and ideas were given in all of

them how useful development aid should look like. For several things an understanding can

develop only after living in the country for a couple of months.

The goal of the project is to improve the life situation of people who live in the two

communities Chaullaccocha and Chupani on 4.200m. Other NGOs hardly work there they are

rarely supported by governmental institutions because they are relatively far away and can’t

be reached that easily. The people in these communities live in absolute poverty and are

marked by malnutrition and its consequences.

The project distinguishes itself by the fact that the lifestyle, which is called “good” by

“gringos”, is not forced upon them but that they can keep their basic way of life and are not

forced from it. When asked why they continue living there they answer in most cases: “It is

the land of my forefathers and should be the one of my children.”

The project is going to run for ten years. It consists of the following components:

We do work directly with the components in dark green while for the school we handle the

buying, distribution and control only.

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The component “hygiene / homes” is a project in itself and consists of five steps. Hygiene is

the prerequisite for each family to get from one improvement to the next. For each one the

families must contribute something. The first families reached step three, the improvements

in breeding guinea-pigs, by the end of 2016. The goal is that as many families as possible

will have achieved the improvements of the rooms by 2023 latest.

MISEREOR supports us so that we can run the donations via their account and there are no

costs for us. In addition MISEREOR provides the tax notifications for Germany. This is

already an honor!

In two communities the life situation should improve significantly during the next seven

years (June 2013 – July 2020) based on knowledge transfer especially to women and

children with the focus on health, nutrition, handiwork, agriculture and livestock breeding as

well as fair trade. The improvement should especially affect their living conditions and the

malnutrition. Regular controls and comparisons will document the achievements.

The project team consists of three people and the two Peruvians receive a fair salary

including all legally required additional costs (e.g. health and retirement insurance). In

addition they work based on a contract, both things which can’t be always taken for granted

in Peru. The team members are:

➢ Alipio Pinto Sila

“Licensed in health service”, which means he has finished five years university study

(theory and practice) followed by one year of practical work in a hospital and one more

year in the countryside as country doctor. This education corresponds to a “general

physician” in Germany. In addition he has quite some knowledge in agriculture, livestock

breeding and vehicle maintenance due to his family background.

He worked in such a kind of project in the past already but he had to quit because the

working hours could not be combined with the family requirements of a father as the

distances (12 – 13 hours walking) were too large. He was kept away for weeks in a row.

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During the last 1.5 years he already worked in the first two communities (Chaullaccocha

and Chupani) of the project and correspondingly is well known and respected.

His main areas in the project are: hygiene, healthcare, selling of the products and


➢ Juan Huanca Apaza

He is farmer with additional training in the area of weaving from Ocongate. During the

week he lives in the project house in Chaullaccocha and on the weekends he takes care

of his farming.

During the year 2014 he did all courses of the whole cycle: from the selection of alpacas

until the finalization of the products with the sewing machine. From 2015 onwards in

addition to the required add-on trainings in handicraft he will take care of the actual work

with improving the houses and the green-houses.

➢ Karin Schmidt

She should be known to most of the readers of this project description.

She started the project as she worked quite a long time close with Alipio Pinto Sila. A lot

of trust has been built based on this experience so that the project continues running

smoothly after her return to Germany (beginning of November 2013).

In Germany she works with the control (budget and progress), the corresponding

administration information distribution and donation collection in her free time.

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Detailled Project Description

Location and Life Situation

The project is started in the communities Chaullaccocha and Chupani, district of Urubamba,

province Cusco. Both communities are at an altitude of approx. 4.200m in an Andean valley,

55 resp. 60km from Urubamba and 25 resp. 30km from Ollantaytambo.

None of the two villages has really defined boundaries and the

houses are spread out and far from each other. The “center” of

the village is the school and the health care station, which is

under construction and currently not supported. The new one was

required because the old one broke down during the rainy season

and now there is no sufficient money for the termination.

The people live in extreme poverty, are marked by the lack of all basics and are excluded

from economic, political and cultural development. They live from agriculture (potatoes and

their resulting products), livestock breeding (alpacas, lamas, sheep, chicken and guinea pigs)

and the handicraft to meet their own requirements. The consequence is an extreme

malnutrition (important: not under nutrition!) of 92% for the kids, heavy respiratory

diseases, diarrhea and extremely low self-confidence as well.

In both communities live in total 312 persons (150 women, 162

men) in 86 families which are directly profiting from the project.

In areas further away 374 persons (173 women, 201 men) in

102 families will profit indirectly e.g. due to the health station.

All of them kept their traditional life style.

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The families, which are going to profit from this project, are well aware of the need to

improve their life circumstances as well all personal skills. The lack of knowledge in the latest

developments regarding agriculture and livestock breeding to improve productivity and with

this the family income is an example for this. Nevertheless the required measures have to be

based on the currently available resources to ensure a long-term success.

Project Goals

Within five years the following goals should be implemented sustainably:

➢ Healthier living space

• Floor, walls and roof free of cracks and holes

• Usage of the daylight by implementing skylights

• Small domestic animals (chicken, guinea pigs, etc.) which are transferring illnesses

are no longer supposed to be kept in the living room but in a fitful and clean add-on

or at least separated correspondingly

• Free of excrements (from small children as well as animals)

• Free of smoke which is caused by the kitchen fire and is mainly responsible for the

respiratory and eye-diseases

• Cleanliness, especially in the areas where food is handled

• Common area where the family can meet and children can study. This area has to be

lightened appropriately and should contain a table as well as chairs or benches

➢ Willingness to take over the cost of the daily school lunch in both schools to tone down

the malnutrition. At the moment this support is paid by another NGO.

➢ Increase of the salary of the two pre-school teachers by EUR 70,- because for EUR 100,-

they refuse to work under these conditions. Due to the difficult situation for the kids this

training and support is extremely important.

➢ Development of a consciousness for hygiene and healthy nutrition which goes hand in

hand with the change towards a healthy living space

➢ Improvements in agriculture and livestock breeding to increase lastingly the yield

➢ Active participation of the families in different social and political processes which

influence and steer their future development

➢ Organization of groups especially of women in committees typical for Peru. Usage of the

corresponding protocol-books which will then show the development as well

➢ Training and improvement of the handicrafts not only for to cover their own needs but to

produce for sale as well

➢ Regular usage of the health station which will be used for training and result control in

the different areas as well

To achieve these goals the people should use the currently existing resources as far as

possible and improve the different techniques. In the past NGOs e.g. installed special stoves

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in other villages to get rid of the smoke. After the installation the helpers left the project-

area. It took a while but then some of the stoves broke down and could neither be repaired

nor replaced by the people. Exactly this problem should be avoided due to our planned

working methods (see next chapter) in the project.

Working Methods of the Project Team

The main points of the activities are:

➢ Health and nutrition the school lunch in both schools in a similar manner as in the past.

In the health station there is the restriction that he handles emergencies only to ensure

that he has enough room to work on the additional tasks according to the plan which

was developed together with both communities.

➢ Qualification

Training in new findings in the corresponding areas with the goal to update and

specialize the people. The successful participation in the areas handicraft, agriculture and

livestock breeding should result in added value as well as improved living space and

nutritional habits which then should result in less illnesses. The way of the training

(workshop, presentation, demonstration, etc.) as well as the level depends on the topic

and the participants.

➢ Consultancy

Support in the solution of dedicated problems with the help of especially trained and

experienced specialists in the different areas of social development. In addition to the

theoretical approach the practical realization is extremely important. With this help the

people should take over the responsibility of their personal development as well as that

of their family and community.

➢ Experiments

Their main goal is to improve the methods in the cultivation as well as the processing of

the products. Special fields will be dedicated to demonstration purposes. In addition

market studies, business plans and a systematic result control belong to this area.

Beyond that the participations in practical trainings as well as agricultural fares should be

made available.

After each training measure the continuous support during the implementation of the new

methods is extremely important because it ensures that the expected results will be reached.

This work requires a lot of time and therefore the project time frame has been estimated

with five years to ensure a sustainable and lasting change respectively improvement in the

quality of life.

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Due to these goals it is necessary to introduce new technical features which will be budgeted

in special campaigns.

➢ Heating of the houses

With the usage of solar energy as well the possibility of heating up the walls the room

climate in the houses should improve significantly.

➢ Green houses

Due to their special micro climate greenhouses protect plants which are harmed by cold

and rain. With this the diversity of the planted vegetables and pulses can be enhanced

significantly because at the moment the people basically live on potatoes. Beyond that

the warm air can be transferred into the houses with a corresponding construction and

support the heating.

➢ Improved stoves

These are special thermal implementations which optimize the usage of combustible

biomass and reduce the smoke emission significantly. It is easy to route it out of the


Another possibility is again the usage of solar energy. With special parabolic-mirrors the

stoves can reach a temperature of 350°C (in comparison to 180°C of standard ones) and

they are completely smoke free.

With these two types of stoves the project moves away from its principle of using local

resources. But due to the constant presence of the team members during a long period it

is considered to be acceptable.

➢ Solar-showers

These thermal implements allow heating approx. 70 liters of water up to 30°C – 50°C

daily the whole year through. At the moment the people do have cold water only for

personal hygiene, cleaning and washing. The consequences of this are obvious and will

not be described in further detail. In addition to the direct positive health effects, the

self-esteem is significantly improved by a clean appearance.

➢ Skylights

Currently the door is the only source of the daylight in the houses. With the

implementation of skylights not only the lightness itself but the room temperature will be

increased as well.

➢ Ecological cooling devices

These are special cooling devices (no fridges!) which can keep food fresh for a week.

There the cold of the night, which exists basically the whole year long, is used.

The order in which the different measures are carried out will be decided by the project

team together with the representatives of the two communities. Regular meetings during the

whole project period are used to verify the results and plan the next steps. With this the

people are involved directly from the start in the decision making.

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Control and Evaluation

At the moment the project plans an own-evaluation which is held at least once a year. The

monitoring and evaluation are part of the work of the project team and the following

methods, depending on the topic, will be used:

➢ Health, nutrition and living situation

• Statistics of the health station regarding the number of patients and their illnesses

• Regular screenings

• Standardized questionnaires regarding the living situation, nutrition habits, time the

kids can use for homework and studying, etc.

➢ Organization within the communities

• Usage of the community protocol books respectively introducing them for the groups

which are going to be set up (e.g. women) according to the Peruvian customs

• Statistics about the number of participants, decisions made, etc.

➢ Handicraft, agriculture and livestock breeding

• Statistics about the resulting products and their income

• Standardized questionnaires regarding the financial situation of the different families

Pictures are going to further illustrate the development.

Probably the data will be first collected and analyzed in Excel and later replaced by an Access


Beyond that the project team writes weekly reports which will be summarized on monthly

bases and published on our homepage. A weekly conference call via Skype ensures the

required close contact within the core project team. The collaboration will be made easier by

the usage of a web-space which can be compared to a hard disk in the internet.

The financial monitoring will be based on scanned invoices and Excel sheets. Due to the

smallness of the project and the correspondingly tight budget potential inconsistencies will

be notices soon. The actual control will be done by Karin Schmidt and the storage of the

corresponding documentation on the web-space enables their usage independent of time

and location.

There will be a complete annual report covering the functional as well as monetary side of

the project.

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Organizational Structure

One of the most important things in this project is avoiding the impression that only the

gringa knows everything better and makes all decisions and guidelines without considering

the Peruvians. These people do know very well what will help and what will harm them

respectively what they want and don’t want. Of course there are trained people who can

judge things based on their knowledge of the country.

Alipio Pinto Sila works closely together with the representatives of both communities and

discuss the results regularly with Karin. Once a month there is a meeting with all of the

families with whom we work together closely to discuss the current situation and the next

steps. Of course Karin Schmidt is informed about the results.

Budget Plan

See our annual report.