question 3 – what have you learnt from

Question 3 – What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

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Post on 24-May-2015




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Page 1: Question 3 – what have you learnt from

Question 3 – What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

Page 2: Question 3 – what have you learnt from

As part of question 3 , I thought the best way to answer the question was to carry out an audience questionnaire. Using a questionnaire enabled me to get specific answers as I wrote specific questions in regards my media texts. The answers below is feedback I received from the questionnaire. From this feedback I will be able to say what I have learnt from the audience.

Page 3: Question 3 – what have you learnt from

What do you think about the colour scheme of the ancillary texts?

-All the colours used throughout your ancillary texts remained consistent. I was able to tell that all the products were advertising the same artist.

-I don't think that the colour scheme really matched the genre of your music. I would associate brighter colours such as greens and yellows as more Pop and Indie colours as apposed to blacks and dark reds. It reminded me of RnB.

-The colours were a bit dark but it contrasted well with the writing which made the writing stand out.

-Even though the colours did not match the conventional colours of your genre . I think they worked well together as they made the products stand out and look unique.

-I think the colours were typical. Majority of music albums these days use basic primary colours. I think you could have changed the colours to make your products stand out more and to make it unique.

Page 4: Question 3 – what have you learnt from

What do you think about the typography of the ancillary texts?

-I think the font looked good because it blended in well with background and images also because the backgrounds were quite dark using that font and the colour of the font made the writing stand out.

-I think the font was a bit to over the top , it made the album cover and magazine advert looked like there was to much going on and a bit to cramped. Maybe using a simple font like Arial would of made it more simplistic and less in your face.

-I think because of the size and colour of the font it gave the impression that the album cover and magazine advert had a bit too much information on it . For me it was a bit overwhelming.

-I think the typography looked good, it fitted in well with the rest of the album and magazine advert, because you used the colour white it contrasted well with the rest of the products making it stand out.

-I think the font was quite quirky . It made the whole thing look contemporary and modern.

Page 5: Question 3 – what have you learnt from

What do you think about the images used in the ancillary text?

- The images were quite large on the album cover and the magazine advert. This was effective because it stood out.

-I liked the effects you used on the images like the outer shadows and glows it made the images stand out.

-The fact that on the back album cover and the magazine advert you used the same image and it was close up shots of the artists was effective because I was able to see who the artists were clearly.

-I think the image on the front cover was a bit to small because it was hard to tell who the artists were. I think if you used a bigger canvas as the background and enlarged the image of the artists as well as me other audiences would be able to see the artists more clearly.

-I think the effects you used on the images weren't that effective as they made the images really dark. This didn't really tie in with the genre of the music as it gave the images a dark and mysterious look which would perhaps be associated with like RnB or Rock music.

Page 6: Question 3 – what have you learnt from

What do you think about the overall layout of the ancillary text?

-I think the magazine advert was a bit cramped looking because the writing took the emphasis off the main image.

-The layout of the front cover was nice because it was simplistic. I was able to see what was what and overall it looked quite professional. The back cover of the album and the magazine advert was a bit over crowded. Maybe you could have taken away some of the text and enlarged the image.

-I think as a whole the layout and positioning of the text and images was good. It looked bold and everything was clearly visible.

-I think the front and back cover of the album was effective as the colour schemes and image layout tied in well with each other. Although I think using less text in the magazine cover would have been a bit more effective.

-I think the layout was good all the ancillary texts had similar layouts so they tied in well with each other.

Page 7: Question 3 – what have you learnt from

Do you think the ancillary texts reflect mainstream products?

-I think the album looks like a mainstream product as it has most of the typical conventions that you expect to see in mainstream music albums. I don't think the magazine advert looks that mainstream because the layout is a bit over crowded. Most magazine adverts are simplistic.

-I think the ancillary texts do reflect mainstream products as they all follow typical conventions that I expect to see in other products that are already out there for example a main image of the artist, clear album name and artist name.

-Some features adhere to mainstream products like the image and album name and artist name , however things like some of the typography do not.

-The colours that you used in your ancillary text are really dark , because of this reason I think the products appeal to a more niche audience as apposed to a mainstream audience.

-Overall I think that the products do reflect mainstream products as they have the typical layout as other real media products as well as the promotion icons such as Facebook and Twitter.

Page 8: Question 3 – what have you learnt from

What do you think we could have done to improve the ancillary texts?

-I think that you could of used images that were less serious and more energetic . I felt that for a Pop/Indie genre the images used were a bit to serious.

-I think you need to improve the colour scheme of the ancillary texts as they were dark and did not reflect the genre of the music or the personality of the artists. You could do this by maybe using brighter happier colours such as yellow and blue.

-I think you could maybe simplify the text for example using a basic fonts. This will make it more clear to other audiences. I also think you could have used less text again making it simplistic. Therefore much clearer to audiences. Also use lighter colours . I found the images very dark.

-I think as a whole the ancillary text was quite effective , I also think you could of used a better colour scheme.

-Change the colour scheme and maybe use a different image for the magazine advert so that it shows the artists in different environments of which audiences can relate to.

Page 9: Question 3 – what have you learnt from

What did you like and not like about the music video?

-I like the narrative of the video , I felt that I could relate to the storyline. At times I felt that parts of the video were blurry and I couldn't really see what was happening. Maybe you could of sharpened the quality of the video.

-I like the fact that there was a comical element to the video even though the strory line expressed themes that teenagers go through. However I felt at times the transitions of scenes were quite jumpy perhaps they could of been a little smoother.

-I liked the story line , it was funny and easy to follow. I think however the chorus could have been better as it was fairly simplistic in that it was just clips of people singing. I think you could have been a bit more creative for example using everyday objects such as bins and tables to imitate the instruments being played in the music combined with people singing.

-The use of different locations that teenagers associate with in the video was effective, as being a teen myself was able to relate to them. I thought the different camera angles was also effective as they showed the characters thoughts and feelings through their eyes. I felt that however that the quality of the video was off at some points, perhaps using a better camera might have improved the quality.