retire to the life you design


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Beyond Golf and Travel, 10 Best Retirement Tips.


Page 1: Retire to the life you design

Retire to the life you design

Beyond Golf: 10 Best Retirement Tips – Nell Smith.

There's more to retirement than golf and travel, the two most common interests of past retirees. Today, pre-boomers and boomers are in the process of re-inventing retirement in which anything is possible.

Retirement is a lot like choosing a new career.  Considering we could live for another 30 or so years, often as long as we have been in the workforce already, this is not such a strange analogy.

Here, whittled down from over seven decades of experience, research, and the experiences of family, friends and all those inspiring people who have participated in my career and retirement planning workshops, are the ten best tips for retiring to a life you design, one that is fulfilling and unique to you.

1. Phase your retirement.  Instead of going cold turkey from full time work to full time leisure, continue to work part time, start a new career, start your own business, or take on a project that interests you.

2. Know yourself, what is important and what you love.  Stay true to who you are.  Retire from the inside, out.

3. Continue to learn something - a new skill or new knowledge.  Learning keeps you mentally alert, interested in the present and future, and interesting to others.  Have you always wanted to play the guitar? If not now, then when?  Give it a try.

4. Volunteer for a cause you believe in, formally or informally, locally or globally.  Contribute your skill and wisdom for the greater good of your family, community, or society.  Think from "me" to "we" to create new meaning and purpose in your life.

5. Join a group - the easiest way to stay socially connected. Fear of social isolation is a common concern for retirees.  Could a service or book club be in your future?

6. Nurture the family relationships and friendships you want to keep; rekindle friendships that have lapsed; prune friendships that no longer serve you.

7. Adopt an attitude of gratefulness and compassion to others.  Seek opportunities to express these daily to those whose paths you cross.

8. Keep physically active.  Go for a daily walk, even without a dog.  Cycle, swim, try line dancing, walk to a local coffee shop.  Include non-exercise physical activities too.  Remember to move more, sit less!

9. Be creative.  Yes you can.  We are all creative in our own way.  Explore in what ways you want to express your creativity:  could it be art, music, inventing, quilting, scrap-booking, gardening, photography, writing, designing, crafts, woodworking, renovating…the possibilities are endless. Explore - give it a try.  There's nothing to lose and who knows what you'll gain?

10. Tap into your spiritual self:  meditate, journal, read spiritual books, be in nature, do yoga, tai chi, listen to music…all great ways to de-stress and just be. Follow the advice on a bench in Fish reek Park that says:

Take the time to sit and ponder; let your mind and spirit wander.Enjoy the view; embrace the day; remember to take the time to play.

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